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Phil welcome to the show. Fresh raids in connection with twuesdays suicide bombings. The report says one of those arrested today was carrying a bad fall of explosives. Reporter parts of the capital on lockdown. Police arrested two suspects linked to the brussels attacks. Officers surrounded once of them at this station. A witness told reporters what happened. You are sitting at the bus stop. And then after that two cars, two special cars from the police are coming and they told him to stop. You try to do something boom, boom. Two shots. Reporter amateur video shows him lying on the ground as a Remote Control robot checks his backpack. He is then moved to the suspect video vehicle. This is linked to the arrest of a man in paris suspected of plotting new attacks. French president Francois Hollande says that it shows that authorities are winning the war against cells responsible for recent attacks, but warned that europe must not let down its guard. Even though the network that carried out the attacks in brussels and paris is being wiped out in many of its members arrested, there is still a threat looming. Reporter on friday, u. S. Secretary of state john kerry traveled to brussels in a show of solidarity. He said that the United States sounds stands shoulder to shoulder with europe. And he do parallels to the 9 11 attacks. Secretary kerry voices all across europe declared [speaking french] reporter the belgian capital in morning, but also defiant. Beethovens ode to joy was played in a musical tribute to those who lost their lives. Phil lets take you to brussels in our correspondent barbara. We have had several arrests over the last 24 hours. What are the links . Reporter we see two groups of people. One Group Arrested last night are connected, so the police says, to be brussels bombings on tuesday. These people are identified, but we do not know how they are related to these bombings. They may be perpetrators, may be direct participants, may be logistics people or planning. And we have these people as we saw with two others who were picked up in brussels who were linked to this plot in paris, a new plot last night, which was foiled by the French Police as they could arrest to be keen meant. We have two sets of people. They are linked. They are part of one network that president hollande spoke about and it is much larger than anything they saw in europe with regard to a jihadi cell. Phil all of the arrests the Belgian Police are making, police seem to have stepped up activity. Is that to do with intelligence or political pressure . Reporter both, i guess. A parliamentary measure went underway today. If you look at it, you will see mistakes filing up. They have missed so many good opportunities to pick these people up earlier. It is quite hairraising. There are 11 agents in brussels helping, interpol, french antiterror agents giving a hand. The belgians finally received the help that they probably would have needed much earlier. Phil people must be furious that the Security Apparatus has failed so spectacularly. Reporter anger is mounting. I suppose as the investigation in parliament goes forward and more and more details come to light, hard questions will be put, particularly by the belgian media. Also imagine that youre one of the family members of the victims and you have to see over and over again this probably could have been prevented, that the Belgian Police and antiterror agents could have acted earlier and in unison. Finally we see a push. We see that they cooperate across europe, but this could have been done earlier. Phil thank you. The casualties for the brussels attacks, 31 dead, around 300 injured. One man texted after the airport last to say he was safe, and then died in the metro bombing. Many still do not know if their loved ones are alive or dead. Reporter coming to the metro is in emotional experience. It was here a bomb exploded on tuesday, possibly killing his best friend. Like many of the missing, he has not yet been officially identified as one of the dead. As long as we do not have an official death certificate, for us, he is still alive. We will keep fighting to believe i that and continue to send him positive energy. For us, it is a question of survival. Reporter the fight for survival continues for several victims at the university hospital. It was one of the in major arrival points for the wounded tuesday, but identifying them has been difficult. Many are badly disfigured. Everybody knows it could be your family, your friends. These are terrifying wounds we have never seen before. Its not like a car accident. This is really everywhere metal, skin, and bone. Horrible wounds. Reporter he is hoping for a miracle and that they can come back with his best friend to their favorite restaurant where they used to have dinner together for the last 20 years, but he knows the chances are thin. If people tell me in the next few hours he is dead, i will have to live with that. I live the moment. I have shared many good memories with him and we have gone through some anything things together. No one can take that away from me. Reporter but it could take several weeks before he knows for sure. Like him, many relatives are hoping their loved ones are among survivors. Phil two terror suspects are reported to have been arrested in germany in connection with the brussels attacks. The german news magazine there speigel der speigel announced that they were arrested after sending messages. One of the messages had to do with the man who blew himself up at the malbec metro station. Another reads the end. America says it has killed the second in command of the socalled Islamic State. Defense secretary ash carter said they killed the man in charge of the haji imam groups finances. Carter called him haji imam, but he is carter called himhaji iman, but he is also known as alqaduli and abu alaa alafari reporter he is dead, alqaduli, the second most important man in the United States. The u. S. Forces say they killed him, but they will not say when or where and they warned that more are ready to take his leaders can be replaced. However, these leaders have been around for a long time. They are senior. They are experienced. And so, a lemonade in them is an important objective and achieves an important result eliminating them is important objective and achieves an important result. I would say its necessary. Its not sufficient, but its important. Reporter this continues after operations in the belgian capital continue apace after the latest attacks in europe. Like paris, brussels is a strong reminder why we need to hasten the defeat of isil wherever it exists in the world. The United States is as committed as ever to our european friends and allies. Our enemies are one in the same, and together, we continue to do more and more to bring the full weight of our vast military capabilities to bear in accelerating the defeat of isil. Reporter in syria, russia is acting Government Forces with airstrikes as they try to push i. S. Forces out of palmyra. They have taken over the sit it out. Palmyra is consider the strategic jam. Whoever holds it also controls the desert, stretching from central syria to the iraqi border. There, too, i. S. Is under pressure. It iraqi forces have launched another offensive in the north. Here, the u. S. Is offering airstrike support. The aim is to prepare an assault on mosul, the biggest city under i. S. Control. But progress is slow and the devastation profound. Phil lets get more on this from our washington correspondent richard walker. Richard, did secretary carter offer any proof they kill this man . In the past they have made the sorts of claims which the Islamic State has disputed. Richard well, no, he did not offer proof, and actually he did not express 100 castiron certainty that this man was dead it all. The way that he put it was we believe that haji iman has been killed. He would not say whether it was a drone strike or a manned aircraft. No specifics on how this happened. Phil lets presume it is true. If these claims are true, how likely damaging is this to be for i. S. . Richard as weve heard, the u. S. Has been describing him as the second in command of the Islamic State, and ash carter saying this would hurt their ability to pay and recruit people, but being careful to stress that this could not be any kind of fatal blow. Leaders can be replaced. But they are stressing the wider context and really quite an upbeat assessment, saying the momentum is on our side, even as we see the momentum may be coming from successes from the assad regime with support for russian forces. That is very much the sign of a state of play in syria since that ceasefire came into effect between the assad regime and the rebels, who are closer to the United States. Phil the Islamic State claiming a victory tuesday in brussels bombing. As an unflattering image emerges of brussels securities services, are there concerns in the u. S. That European Security services cannot cope . Richard yeah, definitely there are very powerful concerns. One characterization europe is increasingly seen as the soft underbelly of the west and belgium as the soft underbelly of europe and concern that as Islamic State comes under more pressure in iraq and syria, the incentive to strike in the west, particularly europe, will only increase. Phil richard walker, thank you. You are watching dw news. Still to come pope francis has joined christians around the world marking the beginning of easter. These are live pictures from rome and we will have live coverage of one of the holiest days on the christian calendar in just a moment. In fact we will have that and business in moments. Phil this is dw news, live from berlin. Our top story, the European Campaign to take out the network behind brussels has ramped up. Two turkish journalists have gone trial behind closed doors on charges of espionage. One of them is the editorinchief of one of the countrys biggest opposition newspapers. He and his colleague face charges for a story they published last year about turkeys role in the syrian conflict. They spent 90 days in jail before the Constitutional Court ruled that it was not constitutional. What have they done to anchor erdogan anger erdogan . What came out of todays proceedings . Reporter it was very controversial, despite the Constitutional Court ruling that this case violates media freedoms, they are carrying on with this case. The courts have decided all future proceedings will be held in secret and there will be a ban on media reporting of this. Following that ruling, there was absolute mayhem. The members of parliament attending the case refused to leave. There were boos and whistle. This caused the court to adjourn until april. This underlines how controversial the case has become, and it is putting the president on trial and his handling of media as much as hes two defendants. Phil tell us about these journalists. What do they claim to have discovered . Reporter they claim to reveal that lorries that were reportedly taking aid to syria, but when they stop to these trucks, inside it was found to be full of munitions. Including heavy mortar shells, large amounts of arms and machine guns, and according to the people investigating the case, they were being delivered to islamic jihadists fighting in syria. This turned out to be extremely embarrassing for the government and the president , who has made it a personal campaign to imprison these journalists. Phil dorian jones and his temple. Thank you. Now to business news. Dorian jones ins. Now to business news. Reporter flights and Train Services were canceled across the continent as europeans scrambled to come to terms with the violence. Stock markets are normally quite sensitive to events like this, but strangely, this time, investors seemed unfazed. Outside the Brussels Stock Exchange people gather here days after the attacks to mourn and pay homage to victims. Inside the building, however, businesses usual. Belgian stocks did not budge following the attacks just a few kilometers away. Similar reaction at the london Stock Exchange after the bombings in 2005. The ftse even managed to gain slightly in the days wallowing the attacks. That was not always the case. Market reaction was strong after 9 11. Markets worldwide plummeted after the attacks in 2001. In new york, the Stock Exchange was closed for days. When it real can, the dow jones index plunged, but was able to recover soon. So there was a strong reaction after 9 11, but since then it seems that stock markets have found a way to shield themselves. With me in the studio, our correspondent. You have covered stock markets a long time, especially wall street. How do you explain this cool reaction to terror threats . It is a long list of factors that influence the market. Technology has changed a few things up here. What influenced me markets today more than anything is highfrequency trading, hedge fund management. They look at algorithms, the markets p early from a mathematical perspective. Its really far down on the list of influences on the market when you find all good fundamentals. Phil so so, ill go with him to bombs . They certainly are not. It is a development for investors. They used to be able to invest in markets based on their knowledge of economies are corporations, and now they are not really competitive anymore because, of course, they cannot compete with these algorithms. Terror may not be a big factor for the markets, but it is a factor, isnt it . It is a huge factor economically. If you look at tourism, but also a number of smaller companies. The local level. Your restaurants, your movie theaters, where people obviously do not go after a terrorist attack because they do not feel like going out. Can you put a figure to that . How dangerous can it be . It depends very much on the country. Some small countries depend massively on tourism and for them, a terrorist attack can be disastrous in a financial, economic away. For Larger Companies if you look at france, the United States, britain, tourism is a smaller factor in a way larger economy and there are studies that show a terrorist attack only lowers gdp by 0. 05 . Purely from an economical standpoint, a terrorist attack is not that important tool in the countrys financials. Thank you very much. Five years ago, and massive earthquake and tsunami off the coast of japan triggered one of the worlds worst nuclear accidentsry. But japan holds on to nuclear power, despite concern. Some say that japan does not have alternative options. Now there is a Training Center set up to deal with the potential for any fukushimalike emergency. Reporter it looks just like the real thing, but this is not the control room of a nuclear reactor. This is a simulator. They are confronted by an array of disaster scenarios, such as an earthquake that triggers a breakdown in the react or. Temperatures are rocketing. Temperatures are dangerously high. Power plant employees have not had many chances to use a facility. Now we can help them improve their skills. The Japanese Atomic Energy Agency has dug deep for the funds for this Training Center. It cost 13 million. While this can help workers prepare for the worst, it cannot completely prevent another devastating nuclear disaster. And finally, it could be the end of an era. The Playboy Company is considering a selloff. It is best known for its iconic mens magazine, but is struggling to keep up with free pornography online. It made headlines last year when it decided to stop featuring naked women. The company could be worth around 500 million. That is all of your business news. Phil i have nothing to say about that at all. Thank you. Three days after barack obama wrapped up his cuban trip, the country is set to welcome the rolling stones. The band arrived in havana. The historic show will be free of hundreds of thousands are expected to attend. They will play at a Sports Complex in havana and fans started queuing hours before the gates opened. They will be the first major western rock n roll band to play in cuba since the 1959 revolution. From cuba to rome, lets go there live where pope francis is taking part in one of the most important ceremonies of the christian religious year. Going to leave you with these live pictures from rome, maybe talk you through some of them and see you at the top of the next hour. [speaking latin] phil these are the stocks that jesus christ was said to have made on the way to his execution 2000 years ago in jerusalem. [speaking foreign language] phil this is one of the holiest festivals for christians. It commemorates the crucifixion of jesus, who christians believe died for their sins. They believe that jesus was resurrected three days later on easter sunday. [speaking foreign language] phil according to tradition, this nighttime precession takes place on the road to the coliseum. Antiterrorism measures are in place for vacation and Italian Police have deployed sniffer dogs and metal detect yours. Detectors. [speaking foreign language] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] this program is brought to you in part by ciu tours international. For over ailgty years feature lg inclusive tours and go as you please value vacations throughout ireland and britain. Hello, and welcome. Im patricia oriley and im delighted you could join us for

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