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Turkeys president erdogan accused dutch troops of allowing srebrenica the srebrenica massacre to take place in the bosnian war in 1995. And, it is off to prison for members of a neonazi group in germany. They had planned to attack a home a for asylumseekers. Anchor i am brent, it is good to have you with us. Polling stations across the netherlands have now closed. Voter turnout in the countrys National Election has been high in an election that could signal a change in the course of the entire continent of europe. The election is seen as a test of a rightwing populism in europe, i head of National Votes in france and germany later this year. The latest opinion polls ahead of todays vote have given the edge to the dutch Prime Minister, mark rutte, and his centerright party. It is aint neck and neck race. Of the man who might beat rutte is a populist, Geert Wilders, and his freedom party. It is a far right party, antiimmigrant and eurosceptic. It has been leading in opinion polls until just recently. Our oliver is outside mark rutte s election quarters in the hague. Election polls have closed. What do we know . That is right, the polling stations and the first exit polls came in a couple seconds ago. They came up with a big surprise, i have to say. The liberals on first place, the second place would be the pvda, the social democrats, the partner of the coalition now. That is quite a big surprise because polls saw them as very small and they are now second strongest following these exit polls. The wilders poll would come in second place with quite a gap of the first two parties. This is quite a surprise if we look at recent polls. That said, these are just exit polls and we will have to wait to what the first calculations will bring later tonight. Anchor these exit polls are not completely surprising considering the polls over the last 2448 hours. We see the Geert Wilders party in a distant third place. That in itself is not what we have been expecting. Lets talk about what this race has been about, oliver. It has been dominated by refugees, immigration, the economy. And can we say, two mens very different views on those topics . Reporter in parts we can say that, of course, the views of Prime Minister rutte and wilders are different. They have different views on migration. He has a very antiislam stands. His party grow graham sits on one page. He wants to leave the European Union, close the borders, ban the car on koran, and ban muslims from coming into the country. Rutte has a different stance on these issues and all the parties have a different stance, as well. This is just one aspect. There are several other parties, this is a fragmented party system with 28 parties running. Many, many other parties or just behind the two leading parties here, the vvd and the right wing. This is not just about two politicians, but a whole, fragmented political system. Many important issues, pedestrian topics like the pension age, topics that do not have to do with migration at all. Brent we just want to let our viewers know, we have the first exit poll numbers coming in and they do show the party of the Prime Minister, mark rutte, and his coalition earners. Both of those parties coming in first and second, respectively. A distant third place is the party of Geert Wilders, the populist candidate, who many will say dominated the agenda of this campaign. Another part of the agenda has been the final week and the diplomatic route with turkey. How did that play into the voters decisions today . Reporter in the beginning it looked like it did not play a big role but then a couple days later when the polls of started to reflect the stance of Prime Minister rutte, it became clear this played into his cards. He was actually able to prove to be a strong statesman and be decisive and have actions. He had a great advantage to wilders, who was based on twitter and his words. He could not prohibit the foreign minister to land in rotterdam to campaign here. That reflects in the polls, as we see it today and right now. Brent our correspondent oliver sell it sallet there. The Prime Minister, according to exit polls, is in first place according to the dutch National Election. Oliver, thank you very much. We will be coming back to you perhaps on the show and on the day, as well. One factor in the dutch election has been turkeys president erdogan and the route over turkey turkish ministers addressing political rallies in the country. Erdogan repeated his accusation that the netherlands was responsible srebrenica for the srebrenica massacre in the bosnian war in 1995. For the record, that massacre was carried out by serbian forces. It was one of the darkest moments in recent european history. The 1995 massacre of srebrenica during the balkan war. They killed 8000 muslim boys and men. Peacekeepers on the ground were unable to stop the bloodbath. 8000 deaths, the turkish president erdogan now blames the netherlands. He repeated the accusation on wednesday at a Campaign Rally in central anatolia. The dutch have nothing to do with the civilized world. They have nothing to do with the modern world. They are the one that massacred more than 8000 Bosnian Muslims in srebrenica in bosnia herzegovina. Reporter in strasburg, the latest communication from turkey had solidarity for the netherlands from e. U. Officials. Today i want to say that europe is the netherlands. A place of freedom and democracy. And for sure, rotterdam. The city brutally destroyed by the nazis. If anyone sees fascism in rotterdam, they are out of touch with reality. Reporter that you commissioned president questioned them as a candidate. This is unacceptable, taking distance from europe. Not trying to enter the European Union. The European Union is not joining turkey, turkey is joining the European Union. Reporter some countries have asked for talks of secession. A german court has sentenced members of a neonazi group for planning attacks on a home for asylumseekers. It is one of several trials involving extremist groups here in germany. Many of those groups arose as thousands of refugees arrived in the country last year. They met through the internet and communicated online the a facebook, the selfproclaimed Oldschool Society. Three men and one woman planned attacks on refugees, planning online the possible victims. Judges ruled that had formed a terrorist organization and their plans are concrete. The group had bought large amounts of illegal fireworks to make explosives. The courts convinced about the online chat record shows how concrete the groups plans were. They had taken the specific measures to carry out these plans. Reporter in 2016 there were 3000 attacks against refugees and asylumseekers in germany. Authorities are calling it right wing terrorism, as in the case of rightwing extremist standing trial. They are suspected of having carried out at least five obama tax on refugee shelters and one politician. Increasingly noticeable is the scene that includes Conspiracy Theory neonazis a believe in the continued existence of the german reich. Those groups have become more extreme and more willing to use violence. Last october 1 man killed a Police Officer during a raid to confiscate his hunting weapons. Todays verdict against the Oldschool Society has been applauded by germanys interior minister. It showed the state is determined and vigilant in the fight against rightwing extremists of extremism. Brent we want to pull in a political scientist. He is an expert in germany on right wing political parties. Good evening to you. How do you rate this judgment, is it excessive or . Too little no, it is fair. They did not do an attack, but they planned it, as a terrorist group. This decision is fair. Brent is the german interior minister correct when he says this ruling and judgment will have a deterrent effect on other extremist groups . Yes, to a degree. The more of that kind of census, the better. Brent what about this Oldschool Society . It was one of many ultraright groups. How big would you say the violent, neonazi scene in germany is right now . They are very widespread. Especially in some eastern states. For example in saxony. They have groupings and individuals, around 20,000 enabled to think rightwing extremists or do something. That has to do with resentment unleashing hatred, hatred speeches, and acts of hatred. Since 2015, including 2016, and still in these months. Once it was unleashed, it is relatively stable. And this is the danger. Brent what would you say about the connections here . Lets connect to the dots. Do these extremist act independently or are there links to rightwing populist parties and movements such as the alternative for germany . Guest as i indicated, it is an indirect link. We have the end of 2014, october, the gita movement. A clearcut crisis. And the afd overtook that grouping and said that is our neighbor. We have this unleashing of resentment. And around the corner, the ode to neonazi effort, and saying it is the time to act violent. It is the intersection of unleashing these debates. Brent i am afraid i have to interrupt you we are about to run out of time. As always, we appreciate your insights. Thank you very much. We will take a short break. When we come back, we will have Business News and more world news. Stick around. Brent welcome back with dw news, live from berlin. Polling stations have closed in the dutch general election. First exit polls suggest the party of the Prime Minister, mark rutte, will be the Biggest Party. And that the far right populist Geert Wilders is trailing well behind, tied in second with two other parties. The u. S. Government has announced charges against two russian intelligence agents and two alleged hackers under over a cyber attack that affected 500 million users of the yahoo website. Yahoo disclose the breach last september. User accounts were compromised as far back as 2014. Prosecutors say it attacked u. S. Officials and diplomats. It is the first case the u. S. Has had against russian officials for cyber crimes. The department of justice says these are not connected to allegations that russia was involved in hacking the Democratic Party during the president ial Campaign Last year. A lot to sort through there. Lets go to washington with our correspondent on the story for us. Good evening to you. The hackers are said to have targeted the User Accounts of u. S. And russian diplomats. And then what did they do . Reporter according to the u. S. Department of justice, the massive attack on yahoo was for governing information, some of which has intelligence value. The russian government used information obtained by hackers to focus on individuals among them. You have diplomats, military personnel, but also russian government officials, journalists, and business owners. Additionally, the federal prosecutors said of the hackers used this attack to send spam and steel credit cards steal credit cards to line their own pockets. Brent we understand that three of those indicted were in russia. At the russian government is denying knowledge of the hacking. So you have to wonder, is there any chance of these individuals being extradited to the u. S. . Alexandra i do not think it is going to happen. The United States does not have an extradition treaty with russia. I doubt the russian government would like to see its intelligence agents appearing before a u. S. Court. One of the hackers has Canadian Citizenship and he was already arrested yesterday. In the end, he could be the only one to appear before a u. S. Court. U. S. Authorities said it was right and very important to take such measures, such fast charges, to show the u. S. Government is determined to hold foreign governments accountable for criminal acts in cyberspace. Brent in cyberspace it could be an advantage to have a russian passport and not a canadian passport. Our correspondent on the story for us in there he snowy washington. Thank you very much. And our next surprises from the u. S. Said. We have more increases to come as well. The u. S. Federal reserve raising its based Interest Rates by 1 4 of 1 , 0. 7521 percent. The federal open Market Committee met, and took into account the promising state of the u. S. Economy. Many americans like taking their picture at the right bowl in front of the new york stock exchange. Stocks have been rising in recent months as Companies Post profits and hire new staff. In february, they added 235,000 jobs. The Unemployment Rate stands at 4. 7 . With the economy in such good shape, the fed sees no reason to keep Interest Rates low. They lifted the rate for the second time in three months. The economy continues to expand at a moderate pace, relatively high levels of Consumer Sentiment and wealth have supported Household Spending growth. Reporter fed chair janet yellen is confident that economy will grow and signaled the possibility of three more hikes this year. President trump opposes so many increases. Higher Interest Rates would entice investors to shift to the u. S. , driving up the value of the dollar. That is not good for u. S. Companies that depend on foreign markets because their products become more expensive abroad. Janet yellen was picked by barack obama. Many analysts do not expect donald trump to extend her term, which and next february. We have been saidwatching and stockwatching from wall street. Lets bring in our guest. I have peter here, a floor trader for 30 years. He you have seen much higher Interest Rates than right now. Absolutely, but i think we are in a new rule mode. It finished a solid, up 20 points. The reaction to the fed was much different than people expected. What was your main take away . Any big surprises . The market was not selling off for the last few weeks. It was curious. For the first time, it seems people are accepting the fact she is raising the rate for the right reasons, that the economy is doing better, so it is a datadriven Interest Rate raise and the market reacted in a positive way. One side effect might be if the rates are going to increase further, the debt might be more expensive. Could that be bad for the u. S. Consumer and economy in the long term . Interest rates are at 50 basis points. Not 2 , 3 , 4 , like in the old days. We are still trading in a negative range, relatively. It is positive growth, people are buying into the trump trade, selling into strength. I did not think it is a factor. Looking further ahead to the stock market, what will be more important, the monetary or fiscal policies . Janet yellen or donald trump who will be more important Going Forward . It is important to see what she did as far as raise rates, and listen to her guidance. She said they are looking at a three Interest Rate raise in 2017, not four. While it is data driven it is not aggressive. It makes sense. She said looking through a gnp of 2. 1 while he predicts one that is 3 or 4 . She says i do not know what his tax cuts or regulations will be yet because they have not been ironed out. She is making her decisions on the said with the information she has. We do not know yet. We have a market that is being catalyzed by the trump trade, people buying into progrowth and that stuff. Her decisionmaking is done by her pool of information. Peter, thank you so much. Great to hear from you both. Now, a quarter of a century of fraud. Investigators allege that renaults entire Investigative Team was involved in diesel results. Shares have tumbled following the publication of parts of the report in the newspaper. Frances economy says it traced fraudulent practices as far back as 1990. The company denied the accusations. Brent the European Court of human rights has rolled hungary unlawfully kept two migrants in the transit zone on the frontier with serbia. It could affect hungarys plans to detain people in border camps. The situation of migrants stunk stuck in the migrant zone. One boy from afghanistan is coping by making portraits which have won him quite a reputation. The work of an artist in the making. At the refugee camp in serbia, all are convinced. He has real talent. They call him little picasso. I love painting, i must be a painter. I must be a painter. The 10yearold is from afghanistan. His specialty is portraits but he likes also drawing fairytale castles and nature. Among his many works [no audio] if america can do something, it would be good. They left their home in afghanistan a year ago. They would like to go to switzerland or the United States. But for now, their home is a damp room with one bed. The kids in the refugee camp are trying to make the best of it. They are still having fun. And like him, they still have their dreams. Brent here is a reminder of the top story were following for you and the dutch general election. The first exit polls suggest the party of Prime Minister mark rutte will be the Biggest Party in parliament. The far right populist Geert Wilders is trailing well behind, tying second with two other parties. After a short break i will take you through the day. We will have extensive coverage of the dutch election. Stay with us. Shenzhen located in guangdong province. The city that beat out hong kong in chinas 2015 top comprehensive ecoc

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