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In north korea. Uncle Peter Kim Jong un is executed for what pyongyang calls acts of treachery us and south korea condemn them. Clear and convincing evidence. Un inspectors from its report confirming the use of chemical weapons in several locations in syria. And i am in is set to be the first eurozone country to pull out of the bailout plan. Our Business Editor Stephen Carroll is in dublin. He examines the countrys economic downfall. Thanks for joining us now false thank anna molly home. First he was removed from power earlier this week and now north korea has announced the execution of the uncle of leader kim jong un. Qian ying branding the veteran politician a traitor for all ages. James suntec was a portly put to death on thursday immediately following a special military trial. U s and south korea have both voiced concern that the accounting sudden move hawkins reports. And shakes it to the nation according to north koreas state news agency. And some tackles and he tipped off ten minutes each time you had a bike in town and found him guilty of trying to ccp in thailand note anyone speak in terms of who he was also a scene is the second least powerful man in the secretive state. Tom jones song takes execution was carried out very swiftly it is seen as a strategic decision to wrap the case within the cia in order to show off the team joining scented regime at the beginning of next year and to accelerate Economic Development included. Jang was accused in the court of criminal acts including corruption womanizing and alcohol abuse. In the rain it is uncool for the countrys economic ways. The sixty seven year old caused by scanning of the powerful National Defense commission with the clock and in egypt a kindly uncle dieting can consolidate to thailand eighteen he said a bill in any physical signs of a rift with jack walking behind him a sign that said please link back. The countrys own spending a penny and south to me and says it is seeking consent by the offense and its been a handful of satanic deeds. And isnt as Opposition Leader has been executed in bangladesh. Kabir mall i was hanged for war crimes committed in nineteen seventy one the move is likely to spark more tension in the country just a few weeks ahead of elections across perth explains im going to dhamma was executed after a dramatic week. He won a reprieve on tuesday hours before news to be sent to the cow was Supreme Court then reject his application for a review of these deaths. Because of that part they accuse the day i q of the dead among the top of that has faln for the debut edition o a particular ve of flying. And that has been dismiss by the auditor blew up the good stored up about with this stupid rule. Was this just to say kitty general of the gym at these times hes the first person to be hanged for crimes in baghdad. He was found guilty of atrocities committed during the nations war of independence against pakistan in nineteen seventy one. When this family visited him in dhaka central jail for a final meeting of the plane they believed he had some days before a final judgment eleven he was executed shortly afterwards ambulances took his body away. Hundreds of people gathered to celebrate news of his execution. Well time to dash his war crimes tribunals support critics say its being used as a Political Tool by the confidential government as a way of weakening the opposition ahead of elections next month a new report by un inspectors has confirmed the locations of several chemical weapons attacks and syria. This comes as the skin regime has vowed to abandon its chemical stockpile and steps have already been taken towards that goal because of an accord to Study Reports now on the findings. Clear and convincing. Thats how un investigators described evidence pointing to chemical weapons use and syria the investigation focused on seven attacks that took place between march and august two thousand thirteen. According to the final report chemical weapons were likely used and find the incidence and then married since aaron was involved almost every time the use of chemical weapons is a grave partition of intentional. We need to remain vigilant to show that hes all for reference. I mean it is not born in syria but every day. Investigators based their findings mostly on samples and information collected by other sources as they were only able to visit two of the sites. The inquiry did not however put an end to the blame game. It was only looking into whether chemical weapons were used not to use them. The Syrian Government and the opposition have been pointing fingers at each other for months. It was the august attack on the attack near damascus that led to threats of us air strikes. Syrian president Bashar Al Assad to meet a deal brokered by the us in russia. Assad admitted to having chemical weapons and agreed to destroy its arsenal by mid two thousand fourteen ewing chief ban ki moon will brief the General Assembly in the report on friday in the Security Council next week. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has protected us is the latest peace proposal. The plan calls for israel to keep troops in a future palestinian state along its strategic border with jordan. Following thursdays talks with abbas us secretary of state john kerry in friday of this in israel this friday. This has meets with Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. This mysterious piece of shuttle diplomacy in a foster cats gallagher panic is in jerusalem he can cross to him and now for the latest counter what exactly is the us is proposal walk through the details. Well they could do what the us that the cricket they dont care you put on the table and keep doing it. With the Cardinal John allen over gentle and kind of dirty coal creek might be on the issue of the cherokee. And that they could be looking at fifteen. Apparently the moment remember that we have actually been the kooky scale of one being that the haul included stuart because the verve pipe. A media blackout imposed by the un but they would fuel to propel it maintaining them to leave military presence in the Jordan Valley down at the western part of the way they play the palate the wine i cant. And like to be. Who would think of like a complete report. Jordan that would completely rejected by the pallet in the milk of the palate the improvement of law without bought the book a week and he told the inner temple and dealt with it when i look in the america i will take the picture you can tell that they can go there to the Jordan Valley took a lot because it will be there kobe got him thinking i really dont reprint the topic completely unacceptable to the palestinians and dont care you think you mentioned back in the regent was perhaps one of them wielding they can change that can help with the proposal in order to render it more acceptable to the party. Gallagher. Kenneth christening which is right mr this friday and of course besides that this proposal another important topic of course to be discussed and that is iran. That we remember that there were a really fun than that the inning with a new word that the only openly to the point of not being there till the new trade deal that would not reach for the ppl i put one nation and can run over to Nuclear Program in the buggy and kidnapping americans didnt really work that they can clinch lankan port in the bedroom will be up having to let all you want Nuclear Program remember that the hilly part of the palm ensuring that the liquid that are defined in geneva a historical day. I dont think you take out the center. Now from jerusalem. Frances defence ministers and that the Central African republic this friday. Sean even to the unfair for talks with the countrys interim leaders some sixteen hundred french troops are currently deployed in the region. Part of the un mandate to restore order after recent sectarian fighting has left hundreds dead. Lets listen now to this african republics Prime Minister as he talks about the humanitarian efforts of the french troops. A more human. From seeds intervention has a humanitarian to mention that it is my highlight of the program back in may when i addressed the un Security Council. It was important that this is that i underlined the need for urgent intervention. You end the violence against the civil population has to do something. Didnt do too sinclair reiterated its request to the General Assembly of United Nations in september. The typical says that for the french trees to ofcom. In support of the African Union peacekeepers are here at the request of the Central African or thirteenth designed by the head of state of transition and myself shouldnt the vocals of mormon. Foster cats rescued about sitting down there with the Central African republic and esther. This friday is the third and final day Nelson Mandelas body will lie in state in south africa for the past two days thousands have waited in line at the unions buildings in the capital pretoria to pay their respects to the anti apartheid icon on Early Saturday Morning mandelas casket will be flown from pretoria to mandelas childhood town of corn in a ceremony will then be held there on sunday followed by mandelas funeral which will be a private affair for family and friends on. Standoff goes on in ukraine protesters the capitals can help re build barricades torn down earlier by police. Weeks now the country is gripped by pro eu demonstrations and a possible political you turn the government says it will sign the European Association deal that it earlier snobs many protesters though dont believe president of the chemical which will sign on the dotted line. A prospect that side of a crag is in the Capital Region costing him and now for the latest over first the president says yes then not now possibly yes again to an Eu Association packed a lot of confusion around the president s moves. Its that the president s position has really changed since the twenty first of november when the Ukrainian Government decided to suspend preparations for signing this Association Agreement with the European Union the ole said it was just a postponement and that they didnt want to continue to see ukraine on the coast towards european integration in the long time. The problem is they havent been able to make mini cakes for that they havent been able to say when they think that this process from ross said that they blame for not being able to cite the association agree with you right now with Leather Seats and it seems that they are trying to negotiate better terms from the European Union which has repeatedly said that it isnt perfect to renegotiate said this agreement and mixed messages as well because at the same time as that making noises to the effect of the still interested in european integration that the entertainment is planning to meet with his russian counterpart but then it gets in on tuesday to sign a number of agreements that we dont know what exactly does agreement off the dictator in etf is said that to make it to the provincial side not to have the commitment and trust in scene in which Russia Ukraine and batteries. Now it will stay here on the domestic front the gym admitted to sending mixed messages because hes holding to what hes going the roundtable that in order to unite to ukraine at the stuff today with the countrys best president in any craft show but so far we have had confirmation from any Opposition Leaders that they will attend. Not least because the sum of additional my cousins that they proceed to Court Summonses and we fed the use of a special forces meeting in from the east of the country to it yet. And oliver had reporting there from x yes thank you for that update. This sunday our island will become the first eurozone country to exit its bailout program. As the country prepares to gain its financial sovereignty our Business Editor Stephen Carroll in looking back at how the country went from boom to bust. Ace was once the envy of your trip to escape from the mid nineties the Irish Economy was growing to race more than twice the eu average. It was a room built on property and cheekbones and the credit crunch came on and spanks work his heart. Rice prices collapsed some nice enough to have the fear of the new during the run ofhe bikes in september t nineteen today stove until he completes the dentist and the issuing of blanket guarantee for old to help or irish dancers the government hadnt been told the full story. The finances were seen swamps by the banks bad debts. In november twenty ten art and cost of borrowing on the bonds markets the words under pressure from tv to see if the id the crisis with spreads the Irish Government agreed to an International Player eyes of sixty seven point five the new items. We have reached agreement on a program for the provision of Significant International tonight to support for hire the austerity measures began to fight the bikes remains the Biggest School in art and Balance Sheets. Chief among them until i reach that ought to be liquidated at a cost of thirty pm you are to the taxpayer. Every single bank in arlington for tt failed or been close to failing us. If the state of the stepped in. While those with no trace left of Anglo Irish Bank it based its former headquarters in dublin the debts the bike left behind would take decades for the taxpayers to repay three Senior Executives of anglo irish are facing trial on fraud charges. Those hearings set to begin next year thats it from a submission to state and frosting. Well welcome to the Business Interview on walkers colson this week will be the show from a mumbai indias Financial Center we hit to gauge the mood of business in ages that dont stick on to me the steel sector is often seen as a bellwether of where an economy is heading in to talk more about the steel sector in india. Im joined by the tenant old but jens w steel which is indias largest private steel may get some giant intel. Thank you for speaking to us and welcome to the program seeing that said steele was often seen as a girl miss toh obrien economies had been less about your business once the artist. Of note for the last oh i would stay since the beginning of this fiscal year of each be stocking it. Of the month for steel has the no subdued normally india of india is of the steam clueless though one point one time so the gdp growth. But this year i think the green who listened that because of. Leak on me is kind of school and new products have not happening New Buildings of up not coming up. So did this all the fun of a morgue in india at the moment beaches little bit of subdue and investments of our forthcoming. What does that mean for you what business are you holding back when it comes to investments are you in it a bit of a wait and see mode. So of of you know there has been a lot of a foot from the government to to the stock to kick start the fun new beach has still gone over the last couple of years. And a intricate but in our business the other us little fun at the moment in any known to trish and baby are consolidating our investments what it would be having this to dhoby be missed in the one loss to the five sexiest molly will update the polls and the bukit timah kids who can be on the me and of them so did our Balance Sheet and then take the next step. So at the moment the north via the e on investment spree then extrapolate youll situation on to the Indian Economy. Instead its more about how you think the Indian Economy is doing its moments and there are no concerns about slowing growth and high infection. Its very unfortunate that of no country like india which needs to grow at the new monkey nine percent a year of of the growing at about five to send us to begin with five percent this year. Some pundits are saying that he could be some just does snorkel four percent. So its its pretty sad that the o god doing it thats cool piece of of of my view is that windfall would be a newbie in india has Great Potential and the beam is that an eagle. But you get the Wider Perspective and the beatings that happening the gist of this team. I would say its all been in sunny been viewing human no worse than what it does what it is just to talk to slip a bit more about the challenges at what needs to be done in order to get its growth back on track. I think though the Decision Making the policy Decision Making at the foot eleven and the government limited testing pool of today unfortunately because of so many things thats happened in india ivanovic won it got up from there they called it though. Or if the band activism will flow in a beta so of what hes like the cd you are the cbi a large addition. The of all these things put together has made the people of the video reluctant to Big Decisions specially the broker ceo of the country is so two days of being extremely dead held up by a visa of oddities and the vietnam right now not teaching positions. And though i did because you see there is no low penalty for not taking position. But the fifty decision and if its wrong then did a huge fan of him. Everybody then starts pointing thing goes with it for now at the moment the court system is so in spite of up up up up and called it in a coma. And in oct month taking decisions so thats thats what is keeping up putting the loan industry a move of growth in the group of the club. There is an Election Year coming up in the in twenty fourteen t think that guy is contributing to the sense of on site to see you. People dont really know who was going to wind the call was posse local bjp as i say does not contribute to a sense of on site and see. I dont think thats really a big factor to davao. The election of the uncertainty about the news was going to form the next government. Because every five years we have elections enviable seen this kind of still dont know or knew it id spend the next was one of the quantum. This tentative because of these external led the agencys these though. Oh you know who are taking no active participation and in the indian ink on the beaches could be. The coolness of the industry sector in india total gdp of this country you have clients like Construction Companies and manufacturers and seeing that you already have the finger roll on the pulse of the Indian Economy. He spoke before about the need to to bring indias growth rate to nine or ten percent. Where was a few years back how long do you think it will take before india shows those kind of growth rates again. Pretty hot too low to predict the mend and this would happen but all of you know those that die in vain in uni Automobile Industry for it for the metro was going at thirty percent thirty five percent rate of growth. And today the utter a little bit in the steepest decline industries and legally. So all of you know all the low wages from the wounds are now in india every cupboard a factor but it is a french film won the japanese of the army medic and only in india. And um you know on foot to the node is no proof so of but i think probably knew you are studying the time im though i feel that he should be back on on the road to victory because it affected him on in my view and of sunday. This is going to open up then and of the beam. It was the victim on coming off second. So once those wheels actually stopped timing belt stopped timing fatty rapidly. This is what i believe this book by a guy i feel the buzz because it is said that the huge requirement in india for everything and of the zonal flow. Of expedition the mood of feeding and viola the young generation dollar of. You know i wanted to do that and invective. Therefore though. I think month showed that the pizza man to die in the forty monks. I was hoping that a bit about the entire global steel market in europe for instance the focus is very much wants to make is downsizing the story isnt it a bit different in that in asia. What then do you make all of the global students then at the moment in india nights its only the bit to as the sets of view of the close of Business Structure and change thats happening in the indian Steel Industry. India produces a bomb and consumes about seventy five seventy six Million Tonnes of steel at the moment. Ill go back above one per twenty five million guns is still being produced by sticking to do so schooling was so. Of a small moon no facilities in the den of iniquity. Once this and stuff but thats a bit of the moment theyre getting votes of the capacity is gradually shrinking. And you win you need to produce owes me big plus bonuses and the capacities of coming in of the conviction of the project shown by the Steel Industry and government of india is that by twenty twenty five of you should be coming close to two hundred and fifty Million Tonnes of production knowledge that is a very ambitious target from seventy five Million Tonnes the token was more than three times studying in ten years time uh but we feel that your top of the no beach as those seen the video of good days so in the last entry in the eighties and nineties european Steel Industry was expected to be. The un already the eo reducing their production because the cost of production as you know in europe is very high and dove so in all of the end and it is a big debate though move to reduce production and. And to produce a high quantity in a higher value added products in the european Steel Industry. And the base stealer the basic steel is being produced but tying up which has become the all fifty percent of the word noblest to do so. Um and now india is the duty of increasing capacity or period of time. And the euro. As for my can of thinking the betraying the capacity in steam thats inevitable thats the club of north america during mass in north america the other north american subsidiary. How is north American Union powers that business go. I think and know the north american industry because of the oven in the soap in a situation that u s is getting into for companies to guess. Because of that be the best film of industries are biting in north america. And of i think for the next thirty forty years even the Steel Industry the writing is a big deal im coming up in the make up for four to Steel Products and stuff either. And of a novel or rubber business or subsidy in the know texas is also now reviving and its been doing far better than what they did last year toyota before last because the deadline for steel is a speaking up in in the us. So i think the United States with two fit of aliens as christine is concern the woman next to the next few years. And debbie that all good in the Steel Industry that of the us could become the beeb a competing though economy in the wooded full steam. So this is very very interesting case of times and all it has been advised to speak to thank you very much indeed for students with special. Without rules can be wrapping up this Program Thanks for watching cos i kept insisting with this the group. On the road meets the button holes is on the suburban streets. This is the keystone speaking speaking community. Our reefs house once a month to waste and has quit tripled in value since people to ten days ago for the murder the family the more. If i were looking for them is a sense of security. But having your own house. The bangalore after a good too. For you later today Political Team on this the entrances to the town to the temple in slow mo but i wanted to carefully guards streaks the close circuit cameras watch every inch an intent to prevent crime in this community. A lifestyle thats a big role in the country riddled with problems like for composite is one Good Standing the main thing is that the low setting. Will. There dozing in bed though. And the headlights guardian that role. Our inner be found still on its limit and a circular with a population who break the one hundred thousand strong. The key to peanuts he is still expanding you dont need to be very wealthy to tickle spots here and then as the developers of many targets in pakistans middle classes. They dont have human and in petas of standard to follow the unknown to anybody a standard four. And it right the magic beaches beaches at work and it wasnt that into a bowl. Just outside the walls of the compounds the bustling streets of provo ut provide a stark contrast to the people and it came a month away from crime and frequent electricity blackouts is a world away the design was a studio that its not like the sound is like a new country it seems safe to get everything in its very Clean Environment the new country offering escapism complete with its own wildlife. And even some sights from further afield the eye. Mom and i look lovely. Does. It is. You know you. As you. Chia seeds of kazakhstan citizens would be merged into a single fund before people first of next year. He was reported by the deputy chairman of the national bank. The singer lee ji ah calls from the recession of the senate related been planned to complete this work by the end of two thousand thirteen according to touch the ark of the rescheduling is connected with the audit which is now being conducted and pension funds. The transfer of the crude assets will be completed after the spotted at the end of the First Quarter of two thousand

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