Transcripts for KFAX 1100 AM [AM 1100 K-F-A-X] KFAX 1100 AM

KFAX 1100 AM [AM 1100 K-F-A-X] KFAX 1100 AM [AM 1100 K-F-A-X] August 5, 2019 150000

That'll rush their revolver and wondered if it would really work or not I said this to him I said Young man if you can show me and demonstrate to me that you will solve your problem whatever it is by taking a lie I'll go get you a good on that's a better looking gun and mad so you can do a good job of it but I said you won't solve your problem I don't care what the problem is all you're going to do is just intensify it and make it lots worse because I said you might leave this world but you haven't a skate from God You'll have to deal with him and I want to tell you that that young man sat up noticed and he didn't ask for a better gun he found out there was a better way to solve problems and take their own lives now let me just left out certain excerpts from this latter synonomous I won't even give the place it's coming from at all because this now is typical of letters where getting when I 1st began on the radio if I recall accurately I don't think I ever received the latter of anyone contemplating suicide Well that's all changed great many folks write that way now let me very briefly left out certain acts share and answer them not only for the benefit of best party but because this part is bent and said but also for the benefit of any of that's that are in the same position and in many just like this today and here it is it says please and you are my last hope here's my question Can one be born again to time. Now the answer to that of course is no you can't be born twice neck and Amos's right you can enter your mother's womb and be born the 2nd time basically and you can't make born again the 2nd time it's once for each word now this party explains why the question was asked I have to write a little something else so you'll know what I mean you see I was truly born again at approximately 15 years ago I was happy and secure and cries I can't say what really made me backslide I can't put my finger on anyone's claim I guess it didn't happen all at once San sure they craft am and I went a downward path remarriages adult lives drinking etc So I want you to know I did indeed commit sin I didn't just wander off a little way from the Flow My worry is this that I commit the unpardonable Sam and I am so that you have not committed the unpardonable sin now this part is says I shutter to tell you why I think I could have the Bible says if you speak a word against the Holy Spirit it would not be forgiven now are ever that by the way could only take place when Christ was here on this earth Christ died for all and he didn't die for all land but one and he died for all I don't care what you have done if that day you turn to God he will accept your god loves even just sailing and on his deathbed God what a sight of him if he turned to him I wouldn't have but God will well that's part of says well I did say something bad about the Holy Ghost once but my so. Can harass but I said that I thought that some people when they speak in tongues that they were being used by the devil not all but some that I blast same and the answer is no because if you did I guess maybe I have because I have had that feeling recently about some of this movement today not all of it some very wonderful people are connected with it today but not all you have not blasphemed against the Holy Spirit not committed the unpardonable sin now it says yet I'm afraid to die too I've become depressed and have come close to suicide trying to decide the bass why to do it if there's even a hope for me why doesn't God come close to me now I say to you God doesn't move you're a number and the story of the prodigal son that the father didn't go after the ball and the ball I had to come home now the problem is God never has moved close to you all the time the problem is you are the one moving you in away from him not come back to him and believe in God take me back again he says that we can fast and that's Christians to invest our sayings faithful and just give us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness and then this partner says I want to feel you are again what is life without him I'm waiting for your answer and you have a right to carry it and don't be afraid to hear it for the grass simple reason that you do not need to depend on your feelings but leave God he loves you he will rest you come to him and regardless of how you feel but leave gone. That's important that one of the Father may that be helpful to some fellow today who desperately need you in Jesus name a man now here through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee Now last time we saw the citation here called Put down and we called attention to the fact that they cite your patient is different from an event that written for that is there are none that you find back in the other person's quiet life and you're going to find through this test and these pastoral vessels per 2nd Timothy and Titus expressions that Paul does not use anywhere else he obviously tall young preachers and those that were intimate with him in a way in which probably he did not always speak publicly but you know love to bend Timothy to travel with Paul have this great apostle openness mind and his heart. Talked to him such an intimate way well he's talking to you in May that is Paulson on his lawn but the Spirit of God is here and Sakshi God didn't talk until this day through this a personal it Paul wrote to a young preacher Now last time we got through this brief salutation I had to hurry at the end where it sat as grace mercy and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord now he says that Timothy Here is his own son in but you but God is our father Paul's father and he's him and his father and he's your father if you receive Cripes he's my father because I have received arrives and I've been brought into the family of God and now a lot of privilege it is and you must remember Paul it's been a Pharisee and in Judaism he never had the privilege of calling God his Father and Jesus Christ our Lord now that is something we may bypass that is something that as we said last time is so need well today that anyone in the church in a function you have in the church anything that you do in the local church you are to do it not only in the name of Christ but you're to do it at his command remember he is the head of the church is the law and he made the statement he said You call me Lord Lord you don't do the thing that I say you don't obey me I want to be might not say that the many of us the day wait just don't call in the law he says many and they're going to say log log didn't we do this that and the other thing we were business termites for. And he's going to say well I don't even know you I didn't know you were doing that my name you certainly didn't go about it that way you didn't see my will you didn't see the by me of this is very personal you see now we come down beginning here at Burress warning against unsound doctrine and doctrines very important we said in this pestle creed and Conda and you creed must be right for your conduct and be right you can't find wrong and I ride almost an impossibility I sometimes get back at the driver and related forgive me for saying this but my aunt said to me well a long time ago he said to me that when a woman who's driving puts out her hand at a crossing what does that mean well I said I don't know well he says it just means one sign the windows down that's all you don't know because sometimes she said no she's going to turn left and she turns a ride and the other way and they understand thing is that man do the same sign when you do that you're thinking in your act and will cause a great deal of difficulty but you cannot keep on in this life thanking wrong and I ride so now he says here in verse 3 as I base out the need to abide stale it as a source when I went into Macedonia that found my discharge something that they teach no other doctrine now teach no other doctrine actually should be that they do not teach a different doctrine and as Paul said to go licensure amount for he said that there is actually no other gospel these Judaizing preaching another gospel but he says Actually there's no other gospel there is only one and doctrine is the same. Why now I assume that doctrine here and the word By the way means the teaching of the church and what is the teaching of the local church what should be where it should be what it was at the very beginning and the day of Pentecost it says they continued in the apostles doctrine the fact there were 4 things that characterize that church that Parcells doctrine and invalid Shepton prayers and in breaking of bread a large supper those who are the 4 banger prince of the vessel will sure and I think they are today a church is not a church if its doctrine is not the Apostles doctrine now our interpretation I recognise of many of us disagree but as a very fine outstanding Pentecostal preacher here in Southern California said to me and he is an outstanding man I have had lunch with him we've talked over gree on and what we disagree on and it's not as severe as some of the same the saying what he said to May He says Dr McGee We have agree on so much and we agree on not but just basic therefore we are not to fall out on things that actually are not the essential thing and I agree with that by the way my feeling is that they are that I'm sorry that they are but it doesn't believe like I don't but they say there are certain basic truths and that would be the Apostles dot their understanding of the Word of God they taught plein air is verbal inspiration of the Scripture they integrity then Aaron say of the Word of God They thought the Deity of Christ and by the way we're going to see that Paul in this of personal here as an exalted view of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as those that say he never talked the Deity of Christ well of wealth fame that's the one thing that blows this player on as the noonday sun he's clear on the deity of the largest And what do you think he meant when he said and grace mercy and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord certainly and putting him right along by the side of God our Father and he's making him glad that we'll see that again and again in this a pistol in these pastoral the best of those now he's saying here and he's talking to this young man temp they says I've left you in f.s.s. Emphasis was a very important center all spent more time there than any other place had its greatest ministry there and he said I want you young Timothy just stay there and have a sis and I'll be in Macedonia and they sure need to straighten out a plan that I might charge some that they teach not a different doctrine that was the important thing the teaching of the church must be right if it's not right then this is not a church and I don't care how many deacons and Ellison ministers and some leaders and wives and Sunday school you know how but the doctrine is not black it's not a church that they teach no doctrine that's different now that's the thing that he's saying it now he says neither give heed to Bible and actually do not give heed to mess and in f.s.s. It was their heartland of the mystery religions of that day in that great center by you fine temples that a grand Trajan that great Temple of Diana they had me Jeames all of that center then episodes and the mystery religions that with. Paul says they built on May ups the money but like James the Greek says we need to give heed to the mayor and analysts genealogies Now that's a very interesting expression that he uses that and that could refer either to be a loss of Bailo Bi-Lo was outstanding really and it's really a lie. The Old Testament and spiritualize that he attempted to introduce the myth viewpoint and we have that the day in the average the nomination all of the old line denominational seminaries today they tell you that run since the book of Genesis is a mirror that is all a style or is there a mailbox that nice man didn't lay on and that sort of say there's been such an accumulation today of archaeology and all of these other things that I'm not is that actually not being emphasize as it was back in my day but nevertheless there are those that believe that yes analysts genealogies say just deal with this type of thing and they might be church just the continuation of Judaism that suggests one genealogy after another and not different dispensation since so it could refer to that and also the Greeks were teaching what is known as the demi urge the Iranians if you please and actually that was in the 1st heresy of the church Gnosticism For instance I was certain emanations that came from a divine center and be a original created creature and a creature created another creature that was below him and not and below him and below him and below him and on down the line and in that line you can put Jesus as one of them and I. It was the way that they were attempting to go and now Paul tells Sam neither give heed to these methods are these analysts genealogists which manage their questions rather than Godly edifying which isn't why so do in other words all of that type of lying won't build you up then failure and if you'll notice that liberal churches I think we've seen a great deal of the day on believe that's been in the church it's produced hard core group of almost heartless individuals they lack by Absolutely they reject the Word of God and some of the things that are happening today and liberalism is absolutely unbelievable and also it goes on the site now the end of the commandment is to love out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith I'm fine now if one is taught in the church does not produce love out of a pure heart these are freshens that Paul could use intimately with this young preacher you see and you never use this in writing as a personal to churches and share what is a pure heart well it's in contrast to their own nature that we've got it means person that's been made righteous and now can manifest the fruit of the Spirit which is love and the 2 things that are for that should be manifest in the church is find a bias in God face and the word go on by us and we each other and in many churches the day is difficult to trust certain individuals I can tell you stories that make your hair curl Rahm's about some churches thank God we've got some wonderful churches but there's some. You better be careful of them and I won't go into detail because I tell you it seems unbelievable and that I should be right and I should be love now love is just not something you mile all the time especially something that's mild continually in the pulpit love today is a concern for others and concern for others it means you won't gossip about them mean you're not going to hurt them it's not going to harm and I know one church that attempted to wreck the Ministry of a pastor they have done everything they can and that one thing they haven't been able to do is say he didn't take the word of God Well he did teach the Word of God and yet there tempting to do that then they talk about a lot of my friends how have book Critical I can be you see this is not something you talk about this is something you manifest but it should be left out and love should be left out now it's in that organization that you're to have deacons and have an organization and whether you've got an of testable form of government or congregation of Presbyterian what difference does that make. If these slangs are lacking faith and love well you just well make it a lodge well make it a religious club but if these things are managed Yes Actually your form of church government isn't really too important and I think that's the thing that Paul is going to emphasize here now he goes on to say that the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith one fine 3 things share love of good conscience and faith unfeigned I do not believe that conscience is a guide even for a believer today but of the lever ought to have a good gunships when you lie down at night Bill you feel badly about something you said or done many sensitive Christians like that I had a call the other day from a party that was weeping and said I said something and I hope you'll forgive me well I don't know they've said it by the way but apparently they hadn't been able to sleep that night that a great sense of conscience now somehow conscience that's been served with a hot iron but these 3 wonderful graces love a good conscience and faith they are the things that are to be manifested in the local church from which some having swerved have turned aside on the vine jangling and that means yes empty chatter solve all beautiful words flowery language that butter you up that patch on the back vein jangly and empty chatter means nothing for 7 desiring to be teachers of the law understanding needle what they say are that about which they are firm and polish laying it on the line here I would say just making it very clear that they teach error and they do it with assurance they. I know it can't you were to God but they are teaching era with great deal of a sure this is a very important section you see and when we begin to dig down underneath and listen to this great apostle Paul can kill his young son in the night he talks in a way that maybe hasn't taught but the Lord it's well for us to listen am today for it's for us too in this night in which we live now I'm going to evolve right back moving rather slow and now we have gained momentum as we generally do in every book and so until next time by the large richly bless you my beloved thanks for joining us today if we can serve you please call us at 1865 bible or e-mail us at Bible bus at t t v dot org or write to us at Box 7100 Pasadena California 91109 or in Canada Vox 25325 London Ontario and 6 c 61 I hope that you'll join us every weekday this week as the Bible bus continues along in our study of 1st Timothy I'm Steve swats and I'll be here saving a seat just for. You. See you. Say. We're so grateful for the big only generous support through the Bible's partners who are being used by God to take the whole word to the whole world. This report is sponsored by a Walgreens signal that remains in effect in Oakland East maybe before Edwards an overturned r.v. The 3 left lane still should down until further notice with emergency crews are on the scene traffic is backed up to McArthur High and West $580.00 very slow going from s to Dillon to around seminary Bay Bridge toll plaza metering lights run but it's only backed up to the 80 over crossing and some having us on the upper deck just after the tunnel on to the skyway past 3 months worth one to one heavy into San Francisco from 0 point Parkway up to hospital curve north to 80 slows from San Jose Ave and south to 80 heavy from East more down to 380 that's traffic I'm Paul next well this week at Walgreens get great deals on the everyday essentials you need now select varieties of Arm and Hammer logic detergent only $0.98 with coupon and card Walgreens trusted since $1001.00 loss applies last restrictions exclusions apply still for details. 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