Kind of clear you can see it out there it's just it's just right and right here in the water on I guess I would say that's exactly right but they refuse to talk about it because they don't want that to be the discussion at the dinner table they want these are races. Chris Plante returned to say right after you talk to him 30 k. If they want Farmington Fayetteville. Says the budget deadline nears I may have a painting maybe the idea of funding government should increment isn't a good idea but right now we have to make sure the government remains open New York Republican Congressman Dan Donovan says a short term budget extension may be the G.O.P.'s best bet for avoiding a government shutdown so Republicans have been pushing a 4 week extension that keeps the Children's Health Insurance Program but does not include DACA if we get this passed today in the Senate pass it tomorrow chip is funded for the next 6 years we won't have to deal with it when we deal with the other issues that are in the budget that are what controversial but this morning's tweets by President Trump have thrown the g.o.p. Plan off track correspondent soon so far he reports the president is tweeting chip should be part of a long term solution not a short term extension to have a lot of people up here on Capitol Hill wondering is this the president not just understanding the plan that Republican leaders put forward on the policy of it was this is still very poorly worded tweet or if he actually really undermining the Republican strategy going forward to try to get this sort term spending bill through well Trump is also reportedly furious with White House chief of staff John Kelly's comment that the president's views on immigration are evolving the president directly pushing back on that saying his views on the wall have not changed he still wants a wall he still wants Mexico to pay for it Correspondent Caitlin Collins The latest winter storm system to hit the south is being blamed for at least 10 deaths half a foot of snow has been dumped on North Carolina's largest cities Mississippi roads are iced Amazon has released what it calls a short list of cities it's considering for its 2nd headquarters is Correspondent Scott Carr the 20 cities Amazon has whittled its choices down to include Atlanta Austin Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Indianapolis Nashville Newark New York City northern Virginia Philadelphia Pittsburgh Raleigh Toronto and Washington d.c. And groundbreaking for new homes felt 8.2 percent last month maybe that'll change with his new Amazon list I'm having hanging. Unites. To winter will be. Sorry. To see the every single. Thing. Go. And see the world at its base. Like a. Way. To get to the Winter Olympics coming February be on n.b.c. I met someone you cared a lot for people on match because more people have met their Someone on match than any other dating app everyone wants to find that meaningful connection and match is not only number one in 1st but 2nd dates to now here's a free offer for our listeners go to Match dot com slash try for 7 days free That's 7 days completely free to search few photos and connect this free offers found at Match dot com slash try that's Match dot com slash try Match dot com slash try in Harrisburg Pennsylvania a u.s. Marshal is dead a 2nd officer was shot when they tried to serve an arrest warrant this morning California leaders are accusing the trumpet ministration of retaliating against the state by planning a massive illegal immigration sweep the sweep is targeting more than 1500 illegal immigrants many such as Senator Dianne Feinstein say California is being targeted she wrote in a statement immigration families in California must not be targeted in raids solely because they're Californians the administration she says is carrying out its enforcement actions to make a political point and not based on the security of the country and she's not wrong really the newspaper reports says its source told it that the raids would send a message that immigration policy will be enforced in a sanctuary state I'm Jim Roope though 13 siblings found chained to their beds in Paris California have been hospitalized for malnutrition parents David and Louise Turpin face torture and child endangerment charges. 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Much greater than the normal bread of it is you. Just see the cover of The New York Post. Because it was in New York it's a tabloid newspaper but it's not anti-American generally speaking. And the headline is present in a rocket ship with $26000.00 written on the side and I bowl in the front seat of the rocket ship wearing goggles goes it's like an open cockpit biplane of a rocket ship the stars of the field of stars from the American flag on the on the tail structures cut down at. Says cut down our stocks hit another record on the heels of tax bill $26000.00 it's in the late city final edition and that's where it is but not at c.n.n. Not in the Washington Post not from the fake mainstream news media and speaking of the fake mainstream news media have a number of articles in a number of audiophile actualities that I'd like to get to in this hour if I might and let me start by returning to Mo when Jiko the pigeon sisters on d.n.c. T.v. . They're in gauge right and gauge to be wed to each other I think which is nice because that way they take each other off the market and that's a public service now yesterday I talked at some length about the medical examination that President Trump was subjected to and President Trump insisted that he also be given by his physician Navy admiral who was Barack Obama's physician also that he be given a cognitive tests to test his mental acuity and I talked about yesterday there dots and lines with A's and ones and and you've got 2 letters and numbers you've got to connect the dots in a certain order you have to reproduce a drawing of a cube you have to draw a clock with the time sat at 10 past 11 didn't say whether it had to be digital or analog but I guess you then there animals you have to name 3 animals and their drawings of 3 animals there you may remember yesterday part of the thing what were the words Mike face velvet church Daisy and Red Sea Mike has done very well on our cognitive tests that's a very impressive there are 3 animals and then there are other questions on the tests name words beginning with f. . F. You don't definitely don't want Kristen Gillibrand or Camelot Harris taking this test because we know what word they'd yours letters. Must be at least 11 words beginning with f. And you must do it in under a minute so that's part of the thing. And a number of questions on language attention span and things like that it's that fun stuff well apparently Joe and Mika looked at the cognitive tests the cognitive test has a maximum score of 30 President Trump scored 30 that means he didn't miss anything on the test then come back to you 5 minutes later and ask you to repeat those words over again face velvet church Daisy and red and President Trump successfully did that now. Joe and make out we're sitting there this morning and they were mocking President truth for the test that he took saying any school child can pass that test and they were mocking the test Now I mentioned that there are 3 animals that have the outlines or drawings of 3 animals here the 3 animals are a lion a male African lion a rhinoceros and camel those are the 3 animals shown on the test and they're large visually they're about the largest part of the test now when President Trump answered the questions the lion the rhino and the camel he said the 1st one is Lion Ted 2nd one is Lindsey Graham and the 3rd one is that Senator from California it's a camel they got camel arest sense of I was trying to slip up when I'm saying camel life I know so Joe and Mika looked at the Montreal cognitive assessment test that President Trump aced and they were mocking him and ridiculing him as an idiot. After getting a perfect score on this cognitive test and they referenced the 3 animals the lion the rhino and the camel because they had obviously looked at or perhaps even taken the tests themselves and here's what Joe and Mika said in summing up this portion of the Montreal cognitive assessment tests aged the cognitive tests during his visit play by the way this cognitive test actually showed him a picture of a lion a rhinoceros and a giraffe a little pinky and a little pinky and apparently he got a guy thinking about the little pig it kid had that's really good so yes so yeah he's he's the smartest president ever because he can do what a 5 year old could do this great you catch that now there is let's go to 6 a thing because this again the test is a lion a rhinoceros and a camel and by the way this cognitive test actually showed him a picture of a lion a rhinoceros and a giraffe a little pinky 1st of all sure he has the brain of a 4 year old who's been locked in a closet for 3 and a half years there's no Piggy and I guess they think the camel is a giraffe is that what's happening here they think the camel is a giraffe so I guess they failed the cognitive test that any 5 year old could pass by the way this cognitive test actually showed him a picture of a lion a rhinoceros and a giraffe Ok. Yeah. Every day's an i.q. Test and you failed again now I don't expect that dim stick over there with the inflatable parts I mean I know that she barely knows her name and I think if you asked her what name was 100 driver's license I think it would stump earth. But there they are and they're and they're too stupid and there's a table full of people there and nobody said a camel I mean you said giraffe it's a camel and there's no piggy but above the the camel there is a spot where you're supposed to draw a clock on the time supposed to be 10 past 11 so maybe some idiot drew a picture of a clock 10 past 11 and they thought it was a pig maybe Mika is too stupid to know that the face of a clock at 10 minutes past 11 is not a pig out and that's that's the only thing I can figure out when it comes to the piggy but you know look they got I guess they got half square on that they got the Lion Lion Ted and the rhino Lindsey Graham and the but then that camel confuse them they thought it was a giraffe and then they thought that was also a pig so I think you just get as you're Oh I think you get sent back to the insane asylum after that these people are not the brightest people in the world and and again with the cognitive test when they ask you to the words or face veil that church Daisy read you're supposed to repeat them back right away then 5 minutes later they come back to you and ask you to repeat the 5 words back to them again so these guys looked at these pictures and it's their visuals and men are generally pretty good at this sort of thing but not Mo Mo says lie and rhinoceros and I and a giraffe when it's actually a camel and then both the idiots agree that there's a piggy in there somewhere because they have this infantilized half wit sitting at the table by the way this cognitive test actually showed him a picture of a lion Yeah a rhinoceros and a giraffe Yeah they're Ok There you go little pinky. All right so then they were done with failing the cognitive tests and they're they're mocking they're mocking Trump forth mocking Him thing you know any 5 year old could pass it while they flunk it. They're trying to diminish the value of the Montreal cognitive assessment test because it's Trump Rob and the doctor who gave him a clean bill of health and said good things about the state of his health in the state of his cognitive abilities I talked about it yesterday and they had started in on the doctor yesterday and they continued today attacking the doctor because they wanted to hear bad things about Trump So these broads that pose as journalists they pose as honest people they pose as adults they pose as serious people but they're none of these things none of them they are however award winning n.b.c. Journalists that's just the state of the filthy industry here's my Yarbrough the doctor in question is now the villain of the lefty left and he must be assailed most Yarbrough this morning on d.n.c. T.v. You know the White House doctor and this isn't good when they call it the girth or is it is it girth or isn't even Psycho Talk to us yet I say Ok Obama staffers folkloric late I'm really spoke about a probability of a person I will say that but it's just I just read some of the Dana Milbank column because the doctor certainly has taken on yeah the. Life Form of other life forms inside the Trump White House life for him he sounded like a sycophant he didn't sound like a doctor this is a Navy rear admiral by the name of Ronnie l. Jackson who was President Obama's personal physician as well and because he gave a positive report on President Trump's physical he must be smeared slandered slime just like General Michael Flynn they hate military people unless they're kissing their asses and you know who they love what military people they love they love Bradley Manning. That's the debt he's running she I don't know whether he's got a penis or a vagina at this point but Bradley Chelsea Elizabeth Manning is a Democrat running for the United States Senate in the state of Maryland now why isn't the media all over that laughing up their sleeves about that while they can't laugh up their sleeves and be politically incorrect so yes he's a he's a sycophant and a political hack that's what the admiral was just called because he didn't give the negative report that they wanted Mo Yarbrough hates this doctor you won't find a reputable doctor in the early on that will tell you getting 4 hours as is good for you they wrote they're all agreeing think it for I was asleep and I over time your cognitive abilities started to generate not a single respectable doctor in America would say what he said So are we question his integrity no we're not I'm just questioning his motivations I mean this maybe he likes eating at the White House Mess what I don't know why but but his own words yeah are not the words of a physician they're the words of a political hack see. They're filth the man is filled he's scum he's a scumbag he's complete scum he's just he is is to call him pond scum would actually be hurtful to pond scum which is doing its work and doing a nice thing see because the report says that President Trump sleeps 4 to 5 hours a night so Dr Scarboro has assessed that if you sleep only he takes the lower end 4 hours of night then your cognitive abilities begin to degenerate that's what Dr Scarborough has concluded I really did they did generate while he was building all those skyscrapers on an empire worldwide and the most successful television show on n.b.c. For 10 years today the generators that are these are his cognitive abilities degenerating as I want to know what happened to Hillary's cognitive abilities because and by the way what's what is Hillary's body mass index What's your height to weight ratio because she's a we both She's a weeble that does fall down she's a weeble that wobbles and then falls down she's a unique we both but she has the physique of all we have all you know those inflatable clowns with the red nose on it that uses punching bags they have sand in the bottom and 7 in the nose squeaks when you punch and that is an excellent physique compared to Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton is a ball of creosote she was along and she and she wears those Chairman Mao things with the extra wide on the on the pants and and and she's the model of health she spent the whole campaign hacking up a lung firing Luby's on people in the front row the audience and occasionally collapsing like a bag of potatoes as they dragged her into her black ambulance. They had a medical facility in the back of there with I.V.'s hanging from the ceiling paddles doctors nurses It was very crowded in the back of that and it was a really I think it might have been an ambulance so then they went to Jonathan Jonathan Lemaire types on behalf of the Democratic Party but is paid by the Associated Press they've assigned him to cover the White House in order to advance the cause on the agenda of the Democratic Party and while posing as a journalist he was on this awful. Show this morning on television and he decided hey we're all attacking the doctor for giving trump a clean bill of health let me jump in on this I want a little piece of this action but he did admit that you know with Trump's physical very physical we got this exhaustive 55 minute briefing by the doctor and with Obama really came out and then in the press didn't have any questions I just said doctor is he wonderful and he said yes he's wonderful and they said God bless you doctor well they said Dog Bless you because they don't subscribe to notions of got Jonathan Lemaire the a.b.c. A.p. Rather White House reporter this morning on d.n.c. T.v. It was fairly unprecedented to get in some ways that much level of unprecedented he was up on state on the at the podium for nearly an hour which is far more than the briefings we would get after say President Obama's physical but yes there I think there are moments where because he was up there for so long it almost felt like he was just sort of filibustering and I think that maybe that led to some of the excess see there was a lot of excess he was filibustering because he was up there for so long so you know you know what this is you can't win for losing the doctor came out took every question until the press corps was exhausted 55 minutes answered every question about dentures about bone spurs. About whether tweeting is a health risk. About eating McDonald's. And then they accused him of being up there for too long and suggest that at least it led to access. These excesses were because he was up there for too long accommodating the whims of the press thank you very much and then they stab you in the back for it and end it and it's unprecedented the amount of access the openness the transparency but none of that ever came into the convers