Wardens own stepdaughter. And pay jar storms hitting the east coast at this hour. Good evening. Great to have you with us on a friday night. Another major bomb shell out of washington. Tonight the shakeup at the white house. The chief of staff, Reince Priebus seen getting on to air force with the president today, but by the end of the day, he would no longer have his job. In the pouring rain, the president answering questions. About the retired general about to arrive in the west wing. Abcs chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl leading us off. Reporter tonight, standing in the pouring rain, President Trump announced Reince Priebus, his chief of staff is out. Replaced by Homeland Security secretary, general john kelly. Reince is a good man. John kelly will do a fantastic job. General kelly has been a star. Done an incredible job thus far. Respected by everybody. A great, great american. Reince priebus is a good man. Reporter priebus was on air force one with the president today, and so was his nemesis, the new Communications Director anthony scaramucci. Scaramucci is the winner in their bitter feud, which exploded into public view this week. I dont know if this is reparable or not, that will be up to the president. Reporter it was scaramucci who threw down the gauntlet, phoning a reporter with the new yorker and ripping into priebus, calling the white house chief of staff, a bleeping paranoid schizophrenic, accusing him of leaking and adding priebus will be asked to resign very shortly. Scaramuccis expletivelaced tirade also ripped into the president s chief strategist. Im not steve bannon, he said, launching into a profane attack that we cant repeat on television. Im not trying to build my own brand. But today, bannon is still in the white house, so is scaramucci, but priebus is out. Reince is a superstar. Reporter priebus lasted barely six months in a white house that has seen more early turmoil than any other, the National Security adviser, gone. The press secretary, gone. And now gone too, the chief of staff, who had been desperately trying to hang on. On behalf of the entire senior staff around you, mr. President , we thank you for the opportunity and the blessing that youve given us to serve your agenda and the American People. Reporter but priebus and trump never really clicked and the former rnc chairman struggled to manage all the competing factions in the west wing. Now, the president is turning to a military man to impose order on his chaotic white house. The president offered a hint earlier today of what was to come. John kelly, who has done an incredible job of secretary of Homeland Security. Incredible. One of our real stars. Truly one of our stars. Jon karl with us here in new york. Just dizzying on this front, whos gone and twos coming. First, Reince Priebus, were just hearing from him tonight. Tensions had been simmering for some time. This was in the works before this beak if. The president made it clear that this change was coming. In terms of that statement from Reince Priebus on the new chief of staff, john kelly, he said i cant think of a better person than john kelly to succeed him. Youll see a purge of rnc veterans in the white house. The people that priebus had brought in will be leaving. Leaving very soon. Many of them today. Check this out, under consideration is jeff sessions, the attorney general, the embattled attorney general to go over to become secretary of home land security. Thats at least under consideration. Jon karl, thank you. Were also following breaking developments involving north korea, tonight, they have launched an icbm and tonight x experts now saying this missile went higher and further than before. Could this missile reach cities on the east coast . Possibly new york or d. C. Martha raddatz tonight. Reporter the missile icbm airborne for close to 45 minutes before splashing down in the sea of japan. It looks like this thing could go about 10,000 kilometers, that mean from north korea they could hit most of the united states. Reporter meaning not just hawaii where they are already putting out safety warnings but seattle, los angeles and possibly, even washington, d. C. , and new york. Like the missile launched on july 4th, this icbm was blasted straight into space. But they can angle it for distance instead of altitude. This miss sill went higher and flew farther than the july 4th test. Getting close is all thats needed. Reporter the u. S. And south korea responded tonight by conducting their own missile exercises, something they did after the july 4th test to little effect. Martha with us live again. The amount of time this missile was in the air, the distance that you put out, really concern those watching closely. We still know that north koreas main goal here is trying to get a Nuclear Weapon on top of one of those missile and thats right, david, while a thought that technology would be years away, its reported that u. S. Officials have concluded if a confidential assessment that north korea could have a nuclearcapable icbm by next year. President trump said he would not let that happen. Martha, thank you. Meantime to the dramatic collapse of the health care effort. After seven years of promises to repeal and replace obamacare. It came down to just one vote. John mccains. Tonight, we take you inside the drama. The Vice President trying to convince him and reports of President Trump calling mccain right before his vote. Abcs mary bruce back up on the hill tonight. Reporter senator john mccain walked out of the capitol today, just hours after delivering the final blow to his partys top priority. The drama, playing out overnight. How do you improve healthcare in american when you throw 16 Million People off the healthcare they currently have . Reporter lawmakers were voting on what they called a skinny repeal, to roll back just parts of obamacare. With two republicans, Lisa Murkowski of alaska and Susan Collins of maine expected to vote no, the Vice President arrives, prepared to cast a tiebreaking vote. The vp makes a beeline for mxcain to convince him. They reportedly huddle for 21 minutes. But then, mccain goes over to chat with democrats. And when the vote begins, he reportedly takes a call from the president , one last attempt to close the deal. When mccain walks back in, the room wakes up. Democrats on their feet. Bernie sanders nudging his neighbor. With all eyes on mccain, he casts his vote with a thumbs down. Republican leader Mitch Mcconnell stone faced. His arms crossed in defeat. Yes, this is a disappointment. A disappointment indeed. Why did you vote no . I felt it was the right vote. Reporter today the senator tweeting, i urge my colleagues to trust each other, stop political games and put health needs of American People first. But from President Trump, frustration. Boy, oh boy. Theyve been working on that one for seven years. Can you believe that . The swamp. But well get it done. Mary bruce with us live tonight from capitol hill. Mitch mcconnell tweeting today, time to move on. Does this mean to effort to repeal and replace obamacare is over. Most i have talked with, this is going to be a very tall order and to get anything done they will maybe have to work with democrats. But for now, leadership is moving on. Today, they were headed out of town. We spotted republicans given new talking points on tax reform. David. Mary, thank you. New tensions with russia tonight. The kremlin seizing two u. S. Diplomatic compounds in russia and ordering the American Embassy to cut hundreds of staff. The move comes as retaliation after Congress Approved new sanctions on russia for meddling in the u. S. Election. That bill tonight, now sits on the president s desk. President trump cant dial back those sanctions without congressional approval. He has ten days to sign it into law. We turn next at this hour, severe storms hitting at this hour. Americans under flash flood watches. More than 2,000 flights delayed here at airports in the east. Planes at washingtons reagan airport taking off from very wet runways. Meteorologist rob marciano. Hey, rob. David the same areas that got hit with heavy rain earlier this week are getting hit again. This system, flood watches down to mississippi. Severe thunderstorms across the carolinas. The heaviest rain is in virginia, d. C. And baltimore, where the flood watch is out. Overnight, southern pennsylvania and new jersey gets it. Even new york and philadelphia, but that rain ends pretty quickly. The problem is, 3 to 4 inches of rain over saturated flooding. The next 18 hours will be dicey there. David. All right, rob, well be watching it this weekend. We turn next to the death of a Police Officer, the first on a scene of a car crash. Rushing to help the people trapped inside the car when one of them then allegedly shot and killed him. Lieutenant aaron allan, a sixyear veteran of the force, a husband and a devoted father. Tonight, this question, why did they turn on the officer who was trying to help them survive . Heres abcs gio benitez. Reporter tonight, a growing mystery and tragedy in a small indiana town. A 38yearold Police Officer trying to help people in a car accident, shot and killed. Suspect is still out and about. Reporter Southport Police lieutenant aaron allan responding to this rollover crash thursday when, police say, one man trapped inside the car started shooting. We need to find out whats going on so nobody else gets hurt. Reporter backup officers arriving to chaos. Shooting at the car. Officers trying to defend themselves and arms flailing in the car. Reporter 28yearold jason brown was rushed to the hospital and arrested on suspicious of murder. The cars passenger interviewed and released. Reporter lieutenant allan was a husband and father, named the departments officer of the year in 2015. He was killed doing what he loved. He responded to a crash with urgency to preserve life. Tragically, his was lost. Reporter and david, we still dont know why the suspect fired at lieutenant allan or what caused that car accident. But we know that hes the 27th officer shot and killed in the line of duty this year. We turn next to an abc investigation tonight, that newly released government video seen exclusively right here. Taking us inside an encounter between u. S. Border officers and a teenager from mexico. A short time later, that teen was dead. And the video appears to contradict what those officers testified happened. Heres abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross tonight. Reporter this video obtained by abc news sheds new light tonight on the death of a 16year old Mexican High School student, in the white sweatshirt, after being caught by border officers as smuggling drugs from mexico, hidden in two bottles in his shoulder bag. It comes as President Trump today told Border Agents in new york not to worry about being too rough in carrying out arrests. I said, please dont be too nice. Like when you guys put somebody in the car and youre protecting their head, i said you can take the hand away, okay. Reporter in the case of the teenage smuggler, well before trump took office, things go bad for him almost immediately, as these two customs officers start to examine the two bottles. Whats in them . Highly concentrated methamphetamine dissolved in liquid. If they truly suspected there was a controlled substance in the bottle, they shouldve conducted a field test. Reporter instead, the two officers encourage, or at least permit, the young man to drink it. Cruz now points at the bottle, and shes saying, okay, drink it. And she makes the gesture that we associate with to drink. Now, watch the male agent. He says, drink another one. You see them exchanging glances and smiles. Reporter then it happens again. Two more sips. Reporter four drinks in all. Within a half hour the drugs take effect. The teenager can barely stand. A massive overdose. With symptoms like a heart attack. I never asked him to drink. He volunteered to and i believe i gestured to go ahead. You told him to go ahead and drink on more than one occasion, did you not. No. Reporter the video suggests otherwise. Both officers remain on the job. No punishment. Brian ross with us tonight. Brian will have much more coming up tonight, including how long the call for medical help. His 20 20 investigation is tonight. In the meantime tonight from london this evening, Little Charlie gard has passed away. He died at a hospice. His case attracting worldwide attention. Tonight, pope francis leading the tributes, tweeting, i entrust Little Charlie to the father. Theres still much more ahead on world news tonight this friday the escape from prison in this country. The young woman stabbed to death. The inmate breaking out, accused of kidnapping and killing the wardens own stepdaughter. The charter bus up in flames. Dozen of passengers scrambling to escape. Then, the accident on the hudson river late today. Dozens injured. Emergency crews are on the scene. Lot more ahead. Its looking up, not down. Its being in motion. In body, in spirit, in the now. Boost® high protein its intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For when you need a little extra. Boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. 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You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Take the zantac it challenge pill works fast . Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. When heartburn strikes, take zantac for faster relief than nexium or your money back. Take the zantac it challenge. Next tonight here the deadly prison escape in louisiana. The inmate allegedly kidnapping and killing the wardens own stepdaughter, during his getaway. She was just 19. Abcs kayna whitworth. Reporter tonight, a louisiana family in shock. 19yearold Amanda Carney stabbed to death. Authorities say an inmate abducting the stepdaughter of a warden on the prison grounds. Where the entire family lived. The kidnapping setting off a tense gunfight, a heavily armed s. W. A. T. Team responding to the emergency. Fatally shooting the escaped prisoner. The inmate, 39yearold deltra henderson, a prisoner with special privileges assigned to work outside the wardens home which was located on the prison property. When authorities believe he kidnapped carney and allegedly stole her car. Tonight, investigators trying to determine whether the inmate was properly supervised when he allegedly snapped. Carney had just graduated from high school, and was planning on going to college for nursing. A candlelight vigil is planned in her honor. David. All right, kayna, thank you. When we come back on friday night the water accident here on the hudson in new york city. The ferry hitting a pier, dozens injured. Also the charter bus burst into flames on an american highway. And new developments in the death of a Young American woman in mexico. The family blaming tainted alcohol at a resort for their daughters death and the Mexican Government is now responding tonight. What theyre now saying. I kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. 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Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe pain in your stomach, or symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin, increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. Onceweekly trulicity may help me reach my blood sugar goals. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Her long day as anne. Hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when. Hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol . Give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol . No thanks. For me. Its aleve. To the index. The ferry crash here in new york city on the hudson. At least 30 people were hurt when a water taxi made a hard landing. Some of the injuries are serious. Not believed to be lifethreatening, though. The accident is under investigation. The charter bus up in flames in houston. The bus consumed by smoke and flames. Passengers escaping to safety. The bus was on its way to mexico. A rear tire locked up causes the fire. Remarkably no injuries reported. Tonight the government of mexico is now cracking down on tainted alcohol, they say. American abby conner died after she and her brother were founden conscious at a mexican resort earlier this year. Her family believing that tainted alcohol was the likely cause. Mexican officials now promising to improve inspection at all resort. When we come back here tonight the wife. Looking to honor her husband of 34 years at a special way. Suddenly, stranded, six days alone. What happens next explains our person of the week. 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Finally tonight here, the story of a devoted wife, after 34 years of marriage, losing her husband but determined to honor him. But it would lead to a harrowing ordeal. Who would save her . Our persons of the week. She was headed into the woods, on a mission to honor her late husband who passed away not long ago, after 34 years of marriage. Im not going to walk too far. A place with flowers and things, and scatter the ashes. Reporter in Olympic National park in washington. When it was time to return, she could not find her way. I got disoriented. I couldnt find the road and i could not find the road. Reporter dusk set in and she and her dog would spend the night in the woods. The next day was no better. The only way to get out there was to be rescued. Reporter look at what she built, her own shelter out of branches. She tried to find a high point in the woods hoping to be seen. Six days in, she heard the sound of those helicopter and i was so excited. Reporter 19 search and rescue volunteers on the ground. Coast guard in the air. We talked with them today. She didnt seem nervous. I think it was more relief. Reporter the pilot on his first live rescue mission at the controls. It makes you want to continue serving. You could be the last line of defense between life saved and life lost. Reporter thank you to komo in seattle now were hearing from that mans family. Good afternoon. Thanks for joining us. The uncle of the 22yearold man who isnt particularly religious and prides himself on helping others. Laura anthony joining us live in federal court. Reporter this uncle would not address the specific allegations in that federal indictment. He maintains his nephew isnt even close to being a terrorist. It doesnt add up. Reporter the uncle says federal terrorism charges against the 22yearold Berkeley High School Graduate do with the young man he knows. Not aggressive. Very cooperative. Reporter a federal indictment paint a different picture of the young man trying to create social media accounts to benefit isis and plotting Violent Attacks in the bay area including a suicide bombing. Allegations laid out by a federal prosecutor last full during a detention hearing. He reiterated his plan was to have car bomb in San Francisco and lay backpacking bombs in the east bay. Reporter he spoke about plans to start fires, sell cocaine laced with rat poison and he downloaded a bomb making manual on his computer and sent an fbi informant photos of guns he obtained. This was something that we

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