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Victory New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady sits down with A.B.C.'s Good Morning America to discuss football and his life and how he's trying to put into words winning on Sunday you know for me I don't know what to think you know. I'm just glad I know that I'll get him back for the rest of my life you know this is a play in the n.f.l. You know it has so much respect for the players the way the Rams play I mean they play so good on the fans and so proud of our guys who are fighting this crowd to come away with a Super Bowl win Brady also says he's not the biggest fan of compliments I guess I take compliments worse than I take I wish he would say you're trash or through a slow you can get it done no more and I would say thank you very much if you'd already write about Chris and the more than you're driven by success Yeah absolutely for USA Radio News I'm Timberg for USA Radio News I'm Robyn a landscape. This is Lee Habib our next hour American story the man who defined American fans the story of Ralph Lauren also the story of a song and it doesn't get better than this folks Paul Simon on his song Graceland our American stories tonight at 10 on Calle z $560.00 I we teaching our kids to be tough these no we're not scientists are by no are determined to be a bunch of worse is yeah let's go to a safe space I'm dead serious serious Let's have a pillow with a credit economy both of you feel stressed but rush to raise it with John Rush weekdays from 3 to 7 k. L.z. This is Scott wildly tune in every Saturday afternoon at one 1st sportsman of Colorado right here on Calle z 560 if you like the outdoors you'll love sportsman of Colorado Joe Walsh right no. 560. Swept him into office. He took on the white. He took on the Democrats he took on the Republicans came and took on and as a p.c. Against good taking people on some of those people decided to take him out they recruit district and spend millions of dollars to defeat it now the revolution has been precluded and he's a leading piece of junk and this is the cure radio. Deal with the Wall former Congressman Joe Walsh state of the Union night we're live baby I want to hear from you 855-642-5600 Look here's the thrill got about an hour left its time its time it's your time we've heard from the president we heard from the Democrats in response to the question before us right now is what you think of the president's speech if you want to weigh in on Stacy Abrams respond she can but most importantly what did you think of this state of the Union speech don't give me any bull give me what you honestly thought 855-642-5600 this final hour is you 855-642-5600 Let me quickly go to David from Houston Hey David Mann thank you for hanging on. Your bed I thought it was a great speech made me feel great to be an American again like listening to Ronald Reagan to be legless story to 1819 year old to d. Day yeah and back to demise when it was the story of a concentration camp rescue by the Americans when I recognize you know the Americans proud you David you would say that you are proud damn proud listening to it. Absolutely I mean and that's what we need I mean it's it's it's a great country and I think you know he can help make a greater. Yes well that's good I mean it was just you know I got Reagan and I love listening Reagan a list of all of you I mean a 1000000 saying thank you oh yeah and you know it just it just resonated the same way David appreciate your thoughts my man thank you for listening 855-642-5600 there were I don't know he pointed President Trump pointed up to gosh how many Gaston inspirational people up in the gallery the police officer who ran in to the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh one of the surviving victims of that shooting a young girl who's beaten cancer there were a number of wonderful inspirational success stories up in the gallery that President Trump referred to tonight 855-642-5600 if you listen right now we're live and I want to know what you thought I want to know what you thought of the speech The Good The Bad and the ugly it was about an hour and 20 some minutes they're all long I think these speeches are too long it's all political theater but all of that aside how do you think this president did 855-642-5600 I want to hear from you let me go to another David this time in the state of California Hey David. You know her address I'm good I frankly disagreed with him 100 percent I think he owes us an apology for shutting down government and I would have liked his Find out how since it's the state of the Union I like to know the state of all of America's equipment the state of America's infrastructure after shutting it down for nearly 40 days. No you make a really good point man and correct me if I'm wrong I don't think he mentioned the shutdown did he he didn't and by God it's it's Ignalina that America's economy got damaged 800000 workers had their credit rating damaged He's a billionaire it was acknowledged that we lost at minimum $3000000000.00 Well why doesn't he get out of his out of his pocket $3000000000.00 and make whole the people that he damaged personally he can't be just playing with the levers of government we've got hydroelectric dams that need management we need to double check the nuclear power plants we have roads and bridges that have to be attacked we can't have bridges collapsing and this guy shuts down government for 40 days and then pretends that everything is normal what is David not here mention not to mention that we're what are we 10 days away from another potential shutdown Well that's right and you know I'm actually more concerned about a an ugly experiment that happened 100 years ago during World War One the currency speculators who intentionally would praise government and then curse it praise it and curse it in order to to bounce the currency and then they would personally profiteer from bouncing currencies Yes it's bad enough for farmers when when the Board of Trade you know the commodities market place where the price of corn right when you start doing that to a whole nations we ended up with World War One And frankly we probably ended up with World War 2 because of it and it's this idea of allowing currency speculators to to play havoc with with the world is I frankly think that he's in league with them Hey David I really appreciate your thoughts man thank you for checking in Sir thank you David appreciate your thoughts look it's a bit. The 1st country everybody went into this speech if you paid attention with a different viewpoint would love to know what you all thought coming out of 885-564-2560 extension 0 Joe Walsh here this is your time now anough with Trump anough with Stacy Abrams what Ju think of the speech or the speeches let me go to Pete in Dallas Shilpi you're on the chill Walsh. Joe are you doing that how are you brother I'm great and you want to know something shorter something minutes where the speech came down going to last 3 minutes boom boom and that was the greatest thing I heard out of Trump's mouth in the last 6 months it was a hell of a finish what next one it oh yeah you've got Nancy Pelosi in our white robes with her little. I'm sorry about that I don't know what they even think about that what do you say. It sure made for a contrast when you watch on t.v. Right yet all white on one side all the men in the black suits on the Republican side pretty interesting. Part of same is totally a lie but what I'm saying is Trump really in my opinion. America together I think in that last statement. He pointed out the gallery and he had a lot to say about me and the guy in Pittsburgh Yeah gentleman that for the wars I mean I have the most respect for these people. Hey you know no you have people other Thank you man Pete from Dallas appreciate it look you know me I'm I'm a I'm a dark Irishman and he was a good couple of minutes there at the end he had a pretty rousing conclusion but I think man that the country's divided we ain't United and I don't think my friend Pete from Dallas that 2 minutes at the end of a speech. The end of the state of the unions going to do 885-564-2560 extension 0 Joe Walsh I want to hear from you give me a call want to hear from you what did you think of this speech let me go to James who is in Pittsburgh Hey James. I really enjoy your show spank you. Know last week you talked about putting your face above any president Amen amen which is really good advice I mean Trump presents faults. Like any president I think yeah beach was great because. I'm a veteran as well and I live in Pittsburgh and I'd like defect to be brought up the officer to put himself in yeah way to say yeah people yeah and the other thing is I'm converting to Judaism and power like defectively capitalize on Israel being the capital of. Jerusalem capital of Israel which it is and it is a divided nation Yeah unfortunately but the things that he spoke of in the speech and the people that he brought out to make America great a.j. Westerns I'm just curious I'm just curious my friend because I'm a Catholic boy I marry do Jewish woman tell me why you're converting. We're in a part of Judaism that still believes in issue I don't know if Yeah yeah yeah yeah . Because my mother is from Jewish heritage and yes and the thing about. The whole speech and he brought up you know Holocaust survivor Yeah I think if you look at the people who sacrificed for this nation Yeah it saved Jews in the Holocaust My father was a veteran was over in Germany in the Korean War and he worked through the camps and he was changed as a man when he saw the horror of a man a man a Marine talked about socialism we're not a socialist country oh I'm James Love You Man thank you 556425600 Joe Walsh here if you're on the line stay there doggone it because I want to hear from you what you think of the speech stay there give me a call. Honest . On the same radio network. 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Offer 809963406 elder beach dot com. Hey Joe Walsh I'm back with you glad you're with me. You and I got nothing to do better to do on a Tuesday night than to talk with each other What do you think of the speech 856-4256 honor I mean get to right now. Give me a call. Look I'm not a fan of State of the Union speeches I'm an old world kind of a guy I wish we did what we did back in the day the president just like wrote a letter to Congress I'm tired of speeches I want stuff done I want the wall built I'm tired of people talking about including the president talking about building a wall I want the dang wall built I will say this for President Trump who usually does not deliver a very good speech he usually does not read a good speech I think he did a pretty decent job tonight and I don't know by you but look it ain't fair whichever party is out of power you've got the State of the Union right in that big hall with all those people and then you've got the opposition response right is so it's just not a fair picture it's an unfair contrast but I thought Stacy Abrams Democrat from Georgia don't throw anything at me I thought she gave a pretty good response who knows 855-642-5600 here's what I think tomorrow none of this will make a difference but I want to hear from you Hey Melissa you're on which a Walsh. You are here tonight how are you doing my dear. I just wanted to comment when they see a very talking about how truck drivers are forced. By their own truck Yeah what do you think of that would explain that money. I'm a truck driver actually on the road right now and. While. You know we're not forced to buy our own truck that is an option we have because we live in a great nation we can our own turn on and if we can't afford the maintenance and upkeep right you're driving one of the most regulated industry and Hayden industry and yeah yeah and so for her to throw that out there you know I got a good chuckle out of would you think a trump speech Melissa I'm sure I thought it was on point Ok You know I wanted to hear him talk about the abortion thing that. He may I have children and can't imagine having an abortion right and the child was born you know that you know horrible or yeah but I really thought he did a good job addressing the point. You know trying to not be. Combative Hey Melissa do me a favor and stay safe on the road and get home to those kids years thank you very much you got a thank you for checking in Melissa I appreciate 885-564-2560 extension 0 What did you think of Trump's speech what do you think of the Democrats' response this final hour is all you want to know what you think 855-642-5600 Give me a call we're live tonight can't wait to hear from you 855-642-5600 Let me go to Carol Hey Carol you're on with Joe Walsh. Hi there I really thought that the positive point he made was just a good thing for the nation to hear because I think you can't build on negatives you can only build on looking forward positives and you've got to find those positives I've built a hotel distribution here in the woods a picture north of Houston and I did it so went from 2 managers to the top recognition for the year and I did it in just to use your ears and you do it by building people we don't build our nation by being how negative everything is and I thought the responses were were not good because all it was was real negative there was real conflict tip off firm from the other side of saying which we can do as a whole nation Yeah yeah man nation has search go where it's been from positive reinforcement from the people who believe it and I think prompts them to believe that I agree it's not the. World Yeah but he brought out the people and he showed Can you go who are positive policy Akashdeep. We've got to follow the right path so we're not at the nation's gun Helmer. Yeah really Hey Carol thank you very well said it was it was a positive speech and he did his best to sound positive throughout 855-642-5600 again he's the home team I remember when I was in Congress Obama was president and he'd give the State of the Union and he'd try to be like positive in the Democrats would love what he said and as a Republican in the opposition I had to make sure that I didn't come across as too negative it's always difficult when you're in the opposition 855-642-5600 what do you think of Trump's speech 855-642-5600 Let me go to Brian Brian you're on with Joe Walsh change of enter take my call Man that's one I want to touch on as a fortune and I don't know yet even with our Xander Cortez's fight I think she highlighted having no innocent there she couldn't get an accuser because they've called him to but he had to get a protester So I think that helps but as far as the abortion what I'd like to hear him say is that specially with the whole north from thing going on now yeah Democrats want to appear to choose their gender or if they don't want to give them a choice whether or not they have to get before they men Amen I don't hear I hear that strong you know that strong emphasis on what it is I mean if you look at the people that are protesting less as the national language but doing it English and type you know glitch on Twitter and not Spanish an issue that contrasts with everything I think I think hit hard on those points where we can and I think will make a more impact but people are going to spend it however they want no matter what he says on the other hand I think well that's a Brian that's a really good point man you're right look people are going to spin this speech tonight however they want to do not look I don't want to. I don't want to bust anybody's bubble I'm sure plenty of you thought it was a good speech I guess my take on these things is it might have been but I just don't know that any of it matters in these times in which we live 855-642-5600 Let me go to Greg in Louisville Hey Greg you're on man. Hey Joe let me show Man I don't usually call talk shows but let's I'm glad you did . Yeah 1st time actually a I led the speech. Of us on Facebook but when it 1st started I said it would be a wonderful thing if the everyone in that chamber could come together and put the country. And the citizens 1st amen and I think I think Trump they don't want to job President Trump but I got to go Jim something you said tomorrow is going to make any difference the bottom line yes we have to start someplace good parent looks down on the earth and he says. Well I am to be a vital servant and that's to serve each other in and manage a while I feel good about I feel bad I did bad a country. A good word for here Greg thank you brother good words to hear I like the way you express that hey 855-642-5600 Give me a call what you think of the speech 855-642-5600 Call Me Now let me know what you thought. patriot Mobile dot com forward slash Q Are you hiring do you know where to post your job to find the best candidates most of your job in one place isn't enough to find quality candidates if you want to find the perfect tire you need to post your job on all the top job sites and now you can with Zip recruiter dot com You can post your job to $100.00 plus job sites including social media now. 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Congress that's a quote from Ronald Reagan he showed us through his life his faith and with his words that Judeo Christian values and principles matter you can help spread the legacy of Ronald Reagan and you can do it by getting a Reagan email address. Right now if you have a g. Mail a.o.l. Yahoo or other big tech company e-mail address you help them market their service with every email you send the in return they scan your emails and target you with on wanted advertising Thanks to our sponsor reg and privacy dot com You can instead share the Reagan name with every email you send and they won't scan your emails they will leave you alone get an e-mail address she'll be proud to own that Reagan privacy dot com Your very own personal private e-mail address is available to you at Reagan privacy dot com Go get your e-mail address right now at Reagan privacy dot com. Hey Joe Walsh is with you on a Tuesday night God bless you all. And if you're listening and you're on the road somewhere I want you listening but doggone to be safe out on the road former Congressman Joe Walsh here you know I've sat in that hall I think when I was in Congress I think I sat in on to Obama's State of the Union addresses and I didn't like sitting in there I got to be hast with you I didn't like it it was just all a bunch of theater but what did you think of this speech tonight 8556425608556425600 your thoughts on Trump's speech maybe you want to weigh in on the Democrat response from Stacy Abrams might my 22nd take I don't like State of the Union speeches. I think there are way too long I don't think they're serious I think the audience of these elected Congress people they act like teenagers. But it was a good speech he gave a good speech I thought the Democrat was sprouts was good as well but I don't think any of it will matter in 24 hours because we are a divided nation at each other's throats and I don't think that's change in 855-642-5600 Give me a call your thoughts on the speech let me go to Armando in Philly Hey Armando you're a man. Are you going to I just want to weigh in and say. Come on Harrison Stacy Abrams I'm African-American and I changed my sort of Republican Party like 9 years ago after I read something online called the democratic free plantation owners Well yeah once I read that there was no way I could be a Democrat after that because it really let me know where the Democratic Party and what its whole history stood for concerning my people now you know just want to inject this real quick come out here and Stacy runs does not speak for all the African-American people in this country you know no let me ask let me ask you a question my friend I'm glad you called as a black American Dang I wish most black Americans thought like you do but they don't do that no they don't I mean you know I mean you made a very good valid point that when he was running for president he said look at your school look at your neighborhood Democrats been running some of those here forever . Things nothing's changed I mean we have we have we have the worst schools that you could possibly think of we had. A Armando What's it going to take to get blacks to vote Republican. You know when you know the shock and awe of everything that's happened to our people still haven't resonated with them but they're going to find out that you know as the old saying goes you know it's on our head makes a soft backside but they're going to find. A brother thinking it's probably going to be the hard way yeah yeah yeah Mondale thank you for checking in man appreciate your thoughts 855-642-5600 your thoughts on the president's speech 855-642-5600 I want to hear from you and right now we're going to hear from Bob somewhere in the state of Ohio. Hi Bob You're on with Joe Walsh. Oh hey Joe just wanted to say that actually I agree with your opinion as far as having no effect at least towards Congress Yeah but it might sway actually for the president other than tweeting to get in opinion now yeah mainstream media is so very by this particular. Yeah we got that against us don't we Bob. Very much so yeah it's really the more you listen if you flip from c.n.n. To far it's like you're listening about 2 different things it's like you're living in 2 different countries. Absolutely it really is Bob what you would you think of the speech did you listen yes or actually he was trying to be diplomatic obviously Yeah and not try to offend anybody but he's trying to get his point through yeah but once again like you said tomorrow is far slang anybody in Congress I really don't see it at. Thank you man thank you my friend 855-642-5600 we've got time guys if you want to weigh in I want to hear from you 855-642-5600 you got Joe Walsh tonight we're talking about the state of the Union speech and it's simple it's pretty clear cut tonight Ma'am what did you think of the speech look. We're in the middle of a of a war here. I think we're 8910 years into the 3rd American Revolution. This country's divided I know a lot of Trump supporters are all gagged because you think he delivered a good speech tonight maybe he did I just don't think it matters we are at war in this country. But I want to know what you think of the speech so if you're on the line stay there everybody else call me everybody 855-642-5600 you may call and you know it's think. It's your. Civil disobedience this is the job program on the same. Buy this is read Rasmussen of the best hot grill dot com You've heard about our solar infrared grills at best. 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Your life your family your god everything about it is more important than politics always remember that but we fight what you think of the speech 855-642-5600 we're going to wrap up and finish up this hour hearing from you I want to know what you thought of the president's speech maybe you want to weigh in on the Democrat response my number 855-642-5600 Let me go to Jerry in Philadelphia Hey Jerry. You got me my friend yes your ah. Well God bless you I don't I can't believe I said Philadelphia that is an insult. To think. When I run across a river from. Well Ok shooting script yeah. I disagree. Again as well. As community yeah the presence of. Other stuff I start to. Yeah I mean oh boy ever. That's the same practices or the price of. Meat on a person I'm not such a fantastic Jerry thank you my friend I am glad you enjoyed the speech that was a moving moment when he. Pointed out to the police officer in Pittsburgh who rushed into the tree a life synagogue during the shooting and stopped the shooting a hero a real hero and there were a number of heroes up in the gallery that weren't they weren't there I tell you what that's a highlight of these speeches 855-642-5600 I want to hear from you what did you think of the president's speech 855-642-5600 Let me go to Carol in Louisville a carol I kill your I would show Walsh I am a Democrat and I think you did a great job if you could believe that. That's a good pointed net a carol you there. Yes I know that's a good that's a good point you you just brought up it was a good speech if you can believe a lot of what he said right you got it right well what do you what do you think it can you can you believe it I don't know. When he brought it. Yeah yeah that was thank you my friend that was an interesting moment President Trump talked about how well we're doing how well the Academy is going. And employment taxes regulations down. American energy a revolution in American energy we are a net exporter of energy the state of our union is strong the president said in their need pivoted and said you know the only thing that can stop all this great stuff we're doing is politics and investigations no investigations Well again that's that's the 2nd to happen. Investigations are going to continue and look we can walk in chew gum at the same time in we always want our government to investigate potential wrongdoing 855-642-5600 what do you think of the speech 855-642-5600 What did you think of the president's speech let me go to made. A made are you on there yes I am and I want to do tell you that I thought is speech was great especially when he took an honored so many people with it oh yeah it brought tears to my eyes but I was just as specially impressed when he mansion. When he was talking about the abortion issue yeah the bees are made in the image and likeness of God and that awesome Ada Yes it was awesome Yeah yeah it was good to hear a president say that one that it was 100 year a president say that in 2 admitted and. He said it in a way that it came from his heart yeah yeah well I agree and with what's been going on the last couple weeks on that issue it was wonderful to hear wasn't it. It was very wonderful. The rest of his speech was good I liked the part about. School choice yeah because he did you have the areas that have rotten schools I chanced to send their children to a good school a man made us so well said thank you my dear beautifully said by you 855-642-5600. Your thoughts on the speech change in I don't look I'm I'm a dark Irishman I don't want to be a Debbie downer though I just it's like a sugar rush. All you out there in your in your You're like you're like this president you support this president and you're high right now because you think he delivered a good speech in I don't mean to rain on anybody's parade for State of the Union speech it was a good speech but look we got we're looking at another government shutdown on February 10th we still have not built the wall Nancy Pelosi is saying no to the wall no to any dollar for the Wall we got investigations we got I mean we got a lot of stuff going on in this is a momentary high maybe. But 855-642-5600 we're in a battle right now. The country's divided we're in a battle for the heart in the soul of this country and one state of the Union speech really won't mean a hill of beans. It's a fight. If you're on the line stay there I want to hear from you 855-642-5600. This is the program for this job Congressman you know what got me in the midst of the same. 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I'm glad you listened. To that a good day. State of the Union speech tonight all I really care about at this point is what did you think so I'm going to go right to you by the way our number 855-642-5600 Let me go to Jason in Portland Oregon Hey Jason you're on my friend. Thanks for taking my call Thank you my favorite part of that speech tonight you're asking about that was just 1. 100 our World War 2 Euro's and oh yeah I actually got goosebumps right after that when unplugged all concluded the president that was that was really great and I'm glad to see Congress take. Politics to stand up and acknowledge them what neck cool and Jason you're right that might have been the best part of the speech was the heroes that were up in that gallery exactly Yeah good stuff Jason thank you man I agree 855-642-5600 Look this is politics it's theater and some people may think that was really savvy and corny but you know what the American people a lot of us like that kind of thing let me go to Dan in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Hey Dan. Hi Joe Hi Man I just want to comment I think it was a great speech and I'd like to comment on something you said I'm sure it was divided and that we're in a war and I'm thinking you know years down the road it may take that long for the courts. Bernie Sanders not able to take over the country I think we could get a lesson from the Spanish Civil War we might be headed for something like that Hey Dan I think you're exactly right I think that's where we're going don't you. Yeah I'm afraid the left out so will stifle the latest in our love for you comes that's going to happen like the Spanish Civil War Well then so will will have to happen because we will do whatever we have to do to defend our freedoms node node no doubt about it and look the left is on the move in this country we gotta do what we can to stop it because as President Trump said tonight were alarmed by these new calls to adopt socialism in our country America was founded on liberty and independence not government coersion domination and control we are born free and will. Let me go to David in Denver Colorado Hey David. You know I think. Of an excellent speech but he he did mention the fact that. The Democrats are not honoring their constitution as it's written yet if they think they can allow illegal to remain in the country without deporting them they are committing treason out of article for section for the constitution they have a duty to protect the citizens. Born of domestic enemy and they're not doing that so I don't trump it I did buy them and have them removed from office David thank you thank you everybody. Wake up tomorrow get a good night's sleep tonight and we wake up tomorrow we go back at it because we are at war in this country. I want to live in a country of free men and free women don't you. Think you ready grow up be free this is the Joe Walsh program Congressman Joe Walsh public. Radio. Is using to use Express to kill the 560 or those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect those who profit broadcasting station management employees associates or advertisers kills the 560. Crawford broadcasting garden country station next it's our American stories on Calle z 560 What are the key points of Trump's state of the Union Address 2 years after taking office to months in with the ex here unpack the highlights and the lowlights plus Jason McBride presidential Wealth Management joins me regarding taxes and tax rates important stuff that's Wednesday 6 to 7 am And again 130 to 2 30 pm right here on Calle z 560 . Every day 21 veterans commit suicide last year active duty suicide surpassed the number of combat deaths you can help by donating to Freedom Service Dogs they rescue dogs from local shelters and train them to be service dogs for these heroes today at Freedom Service Dogs dot org calles e.a.m. H.t. Denver am 568100 point 7 f.m. 560 the source dot com. USA radio with. Now Republicans and Democrats has joined forces again to confront and urgent national crisis during his State of the Union speech on Capitol Hill President Trump calling the situation at our southern border a crisis the president calling on Republicans and Democrats to work together to come up with a compromise plan to fund finishing the border wall Congress has 10 days left to pass a bill that will fund our government protect our homeland and secure our very dangerous southern border now is the time for Congress to show the world that America is committed to ending illegal immigration and putting the roofless coyote's cartels drug dealers and human traffickers out. Of business. 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Continuing now with our state of the Union coverage one of the people President Trump inviting to attend the address on Capitol Hill a boy bullied over his last name Joshua Trump harassed by classmates at his school in Delaware his parents telling local t.v. Stations their son cursed at an addition to being called an idiot and stupid now also invited to the State of the Union a 9 year old girl who has survived brain cancer and relatives of a couple killed in their Reno Nevada home by an illegal alien The president also inviting a Holocaust survivor who survives the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue where 11 people shot and killed while praying a Pittsburgh police officer and swat team member who was shot multiple times while corresponding to the deadly October $2800.00 massacre also invited to the State of the Union taking a look now at your money out of Wall Street the Dow up 172 points the Nasdaq up 54 and the s. And p. 500 up almost 13 this is us a radio news with the recession ending if you've been putting off building your business now is the time to act general steel will meet or beat any price on a pre-engineered still building of the same size and specifications act now before steel prices go up so call us today for free information call 896512980965129809651290 retailers expecting a banner year Here's USA radio's Chris Barnes from Washington d.c. The National Retail Federation is the nation's largest retail trade group and its forecasting retail sales could grow between 3.8 percent and 4 point forward to more than $3.00 trillion dollars this year as it says shoppers remain in a mood to spend at a strong economy still the Federation does acknowledge and ongoing trade.

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