Transcripts for KMEC 105.1 FM [KMEC 105.1] KMEC 105.1 FM [KM

KMEC 105.1 FM [KMEC 105.1] KMEC 105.1 FM [KMEC 105.1] October 11, 2018 030000

Yeah that was long that was the Billie Joe Armstrong and Norah Jones rendition of Barbara Allen and if you're getting sick of the song good news there's only one more to go this is a spoof. Spy team Duyvil I don't really know how to pronounce that but yeah. There's. Going to. Lose my son to visit. The Town. Change. Of. Clothes. From the players and. Take. Her. To. The Red. That was a 2015 rendition. Barbara Allen by Spuyten Duyvil I looked it up that's how you say it Spuyten Duyvil s p u y i t m d u y l Spuyten Duyvil interesting anyway you're listening to k. Me c.l.p. 151 f.m. Mendocino environmental center streaming on the web came back radio dot org Our studio number is 707-234-3248 My name is Jake in the name of the show is sound craft coming up we have dinks song. Or in this 1942 rendition by Josh White and the Libby Holeman untitled fairly well. For. The. Who are. Are. Now out. For. The. Earth. Ah. Plug. Audio. For. Heard you were will move. On. Earth. Mother. There. Are our own we. Heard. Her. So that was Dick's song by Josh White's actually that version was called Fare thee well and that was from 1942 this was actually a pretty interesting one because it. The 1st ever known recording was by Alan Lomax excuse me by John Lomax when he was in the field doing those ethnomusicology recordings for the Library of Congress. And. The story goes 1004 when he was out doing his recordings he was traveling around by the levees and southern Louisiana and some people pointed him in. Way of direction of a woman named Dean who was a lovely worker and he found her sitting on the front porch and she refused to cooperate until he bought her a bottle of liquor and then. Yeah and then she finally started to open up and he recorded her the that recording was done on an Edison cylinder that has long since gone. But John's son Allen recorded a version of that song in the thirty's which is only available at the Library of Congress there is no other copy of it's so the version you just heard is the earliest version of a song publicly available that's in 1902 recording by Josh White featuring Libby Holeman and then 3 years actually the same year Josh White recorded a solo version but that's not very interesting it sounds exactly the same 3 years later however in 1905 he recorded a remakes of it entitled dinks blues so let's listen to that. If I have been going. Like you know what I was. Just. On. The river. To the one. We have you way. Oh oh. All. The way. I had a listen. To what my. Mom a sin had to. Be at home. In them by. The big. Hole. In. The me where. One morning I remember. That it was a dream to slim the ring. And the hour. I fell into. Oh. The. The. Hot. Had I guess. And she was logged on. And. She moved. The bulk. Of the way. Home. To. Be with. One of these days. And that ball would be. You're going to call. It and. Be gone. For a. Whole. He would. So that rendition was called dinks Blues by Josh White's and it is from 1945 jumping ahead a little bit 195957 this rendition is titled fare thee well oh honey by Burl Ives. If it were. Like. I had for lawyer up the river. To the girl. They were. Treated. Like a cannon boat. They were. Married. There were. No These men were. Called. To be go. They were. There they were. All remember one. There were. Hard through. To. Moreno's barrel I was 1957. And jumping ahead to 965 this rendition going back to the original title song by Catherine MacKinnon not to be confused with the feminist scholar Catherine MacKinnon this is a different person Yeah 165 years ago. Off. Each. Week off. 1965 That was Catherine MacKinnon again not the feminist scholar an academic a different person and here again is Pete Seeger from the same album. From the same album of his recording of Barbara Allen. This album was released in 2009 but this recording took place sometime in the sixty's again I don't know exactly when maybe around 1057 but probably in the sixty's so there's dinks song by Pete Seeger. If I had wings like Norm's dawn. Odd fly up the river. To the want on. The. Move home he. Alone. She is along then Tong. She moves her body. Cannonball. To Holly. Or one of these days either then it won't be long. Comma name. And begone. Or the. Moon. He. Is naive to was a lingering. All around my cause it was an aching pain. In the leg. O'Looney. If I had wings. Are those dollars odd. The. Oh no Holly. And that was the Pete Seeger recording of that song. The song is pretty interesting you can tell it's a traditional folk song because the structure is so unique. It doesn't have verses in a chorus it just as 2 lines on the hook for each verse just 2 lines in the hook. So that's pretty weird and also the the hook itself has a 4 octave from Fare thee well which is really difficult to perform. But yeah so here is Dave Van Ronk of the song My personal favorite from 1967. Was. Was. Was. Or. Was. Again that was Dave Van Ronk recording of the song from 1967 that's my personal favorite rendition. Yeah. Then Rock himself actually said that he considers the tune quote probably the best piece of singing as such I've ever done on record going on to explain I had a nasty flu we cut this one and my voice had gone pretty learned to tick this had the effect of opening up an octave valve I didn't even know I had the next day I couldn't talk let alone sing and then yes I mean Van Ronk himself as a really charismatic quality to his voice that lets the emotion really shine through. But going in a much different direction here is a Bob Dylan recording of the same song. Very unique spend very Dylanesque this recording is can actually tell one of us from he was performing the song as early as the sixty's. This recording might have been done in 2005 but it's in the same style that he had been recording it that he'd been performing it for 50 some odd years so here's Bob Dylan with song. The. Clothing though is. Not a river. So they. Are going to have a way to. Pay them a. Good long and so. Real bonding. Like a cannonball. To. The earth eat anything. 3 through him a warning. First does not ring. For the king. 3. Let. Me give you. Only through I don't. Think is there from it she's. Confessed though I. Wish you knew about. The cake you had a bloody. Former. She. Made . Me anything. To. Train. She grew. Grave with. Hakim's. That rose Bob Dylan with is either 60 years or 7 news or maybe 2005 rendition of Dick's song anyway the Meccan came are supported by Leonard Lake reserve and honor of late Henry back in an avid supporter of the Mendocino environmental center Leonard Lake reserve welcomes paying guests for overnight weeklong visits you can make reservations by appointment at 707-489-1388 that's literally reserved give me a call at 707-489-1388 here is in 1971 recording by Harry Belafonte this one titled fare thee well. If I had we. Like those. I had to fly up the river. Just to see the woman that I live That was Harry Belafonte from 1971 and then jumping ahead we have Jeff Buckley This is from the same a live recording. That he performed Rosie or your husband earlier from 1903 live action in New York this remissions a little self-indulgent clocking in at about 11 minutes so. Yeah if you get sick of it and want to switch the next song give me a call at 707-234-3248 but at any rate here is Jeff Buckley with dinks song. Good. Luck. To you. Folks who. He. Had it. As you were born. And wore yellow 1 kid we get it Jeff you can sing. So that version was from 1903 there were some interesting creative choices in terms of lyrical changes but we don't have time to get into that because I have to announce the art from Ashes series. This Friday October 12th at the Redwood a valley Grange is going to be a mosaic mural unveiling called art from the ashes located at $8650.00 East Road. Reception is from $5.00 to 9 30 pm there's going to be an exhibit music improvisational story dance again this Friday October 12th as part of the art for Ashes series. Redwood Valley Grange and then this Saturday at the same location 8650 East Road Redwood Valley Grange. Is Ellen weeds 1st person plural a tapestry of fire survivor stories starting at 7 pm that's the Saturday. It's got 2 more for you when I'm out of here. Here is a mercifully shorter rendition by Gabriel Rios from 2007. Got me. She's long into. She moves him Bunny me can. If there isn't one. There isn't a way. If I don't a. Fire hit the way. To seem. Again that was Gabrielle Rios from 2007 very very different take on the song and then finally we have the 2013 rendition by Oscar Isaac and Marcus Mumford. And yes that's the Oscar Isaac the actor from you may know him from X.-Men or Star Wars and this is off of the Inside Llewyn Davis soundtrack if you haven't seen it it is a terrible movie really really just plain bad but it's Lucille loosely inspired by the life of Dave Van rock. Dave Enron had an album called Inside Dave and wrongness movies and so on Llewyn Davis. And then also this version of the song draws heavily from the Dave Van Ronk rendition of it probably the objectively best version of the song so let's listen. If I had. Nowhere. To go on. My.

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