A tsa man was confronted after the man went through the boarding line. He slash eded the agent and then cut a woman on the arm. Then the man was sprayed before an officer shot the man several times. The man was taken to the hospital, but he is said to be unresponsive. The bystander was grazed by a bullet, and others got scrapes from furniture, but they dont know if the man was actually traveling somewhere. It is an attack that moved san jose into the spotlight, and at tack at a pg e substation, but the kwquestion is if it is vulnerable to a terrorist attack. And now, this Investigative Unit exposed several potential failures in the security of the company . Well, jessica it comes two years after the sniper attacked that substation and it is years after potential security up agrade and a lot of money and a long time in the works. It is the sight and sound of change, and a move to make the high Voltage Electric substation more resistant to the attack. No question it was a big deal. Reporter he is the former chair of the regulatory commission, and this is Security Camera footage of the 19 minute attack of the damage to the transformers causing 19 million of damage and concern if it was the act of terrorism or po potential trial run on the assault of the nations grid. It was a call to attention no question about it. Reporter there were no suspects found, and no group or organization has claimed responsibility. Pg e has promised upgrades there at the metcalf facilities and throughout the state. Has pg e done enough to protect the metcalf station from attacks . We are doing everything that we can, tony. Reporter but, from what they are saying and what we discovered between northern and central california. Is metcalf still vulnerable to the attacks . It is vuler inable from a different angle. Would it take more time . Prob probably. Reporter he asked to protect his identity, because he has two decades of training. He visits and analyzes the security at critical stations including metcalf. The guys are trained like you shgs, and what could be done, and how long would it take . Metcalf could be repeated across all of the sites that i was shown in less than 15 minutes. Reporter and that vulnerability became apparent last august. Less than two years of the attacks, vandals repeated the attacks cutting through perimeter fencing, and stealing Construction Equipment all unde undetected by what pg e described high level security. And nouw, seven months later the construction crews and the heavy equipment is proving that pg e is spending money to improve security at the metcalf facility. Does p gshgs andg e deserve credit . No question for moving on it. Reporter it sin creased onsite security, and better Security Cameras and more lighting and transformers that are responsible for providing lighting for Silicon Valley and they are responsible by state and federal regulators. They are getting ahead of the requirements and putting things in place to protect the facilities. Now, pg e declined the request to tauklk about the security upgrades in front of the cameras, but instead they released a statement that included the safety and security of our facilities is always our top priority, and we will continue to be vigilant in reviewing our facilities for any risks and threats. Pg e says that it is also upgrading security at other substations, and today, we learned that the concrete barriers around the facilities are now in place, and complete. So it took two year, and it is a significant improvement to security. Right and the pressure, and we will continue to stay on it. And continue to ask questions. Thank you, tony. If you have a tip for itony or anyone at the Investigative Unit give us a call at 1888996tips. While there may with be more than just red flags into the investigation of the San Francisco Police Officers in the homophobic texts, as investigate investigators are looking into the records of more Police Officers to see if it is systemic or isolated to a few rogue officers. We have jean elle who is looking into the case. That is right, jessica. Hundreds of people came to the castro theeter to hear a hiphop star talk about racism, and social justice. It is a topic that is top of the mind as the sfpd investigates racism in the ranks. Reporter hiphop artist and activist wiz kahalifa talks racism. It is obvious that black lives matter and until black lives matter, all lives dont matter. Reporter he says that the music of racism is a reflexion of what happens on the streets. What happened in San Francisco drew a crowd of hundreds at a time when the Police Department in San Francisco is at a crisis with the community and racist Text Messages sent between convicted Police Sergeant and four other officers. The fbi uncovered the rant and that officer is behind bars and now one officer has resigned and two the others are behind desk duty and now the investigation includes zen more officers. I am saddened by it, but not surprised. Reporter and they say that the Police Officers are now showing how they treat others. If they have racist views, how do you think they are behaving out there in the community treating people with color, and i can tell you that it is not very well. Reporter it is likely that the officers will be fired. Kor del says it is time for all of the officers to be wearing body cameras. While she is fighting from the inside, quelley says that there needs to be a community forum. If we want to see the community more, we have to be more active in the forum. Reporter as for the Text Messages the sfpd says that internal affairs has more phone records to review. Jean elle, bay area news. Thank you. A fighting inle el cerrito neighborhood after a shooting at a el cerrito high school. Police rap out to find an adult man who had been shot twice. The victim not associated with the school refused help and instead went with the family to the hospital. The police putt the neighborhood on lockdown and searched for four men believed to be involved. And students were released to the parents at 4 00 in the afternoon. And now, Water District is recommended to recommend a conservation goal of 30 . And also on the docket is improving the epg nearing project for recycling project, and restricting the outdoor wa watering to two days a week. And this week, the state resources water control board called for tougher restrictions, and the governor announced a emergency plan to curb the e effects of the drought. The finishing touches on the earthquake resistant home, and the earthquake placed an a at the stadium. The earthquakes official game is there sunday. The team doesnt have much time to get ready for the 18,000 fans e screaming for a goal. Nbc bay areas reporter is there, and are they ready for the real thing after a run through . Oh absolutely they say. Nin the pregame, the earthquakes said they could manage the crowd better and drive better with the traffic driving there, and they said that only 10 of the fans took the public transit. Lastminute inspection, and the boxes that need unloading, and the workers at the Concession Stands are doing the inventory, and all of the monitors are being programmed. Oh, and yes the sign finally went up, and telling one and all that in is the brand new stateoftheart avaya stadium. There is knotnothing that would impact the fan experience. Reporter learning from the soft launch when the traffic was bad. It took me 20 minutes to get three blocks. Reporter there is going to be better signs on coleman avenue the give the drivers better directions of where to park. Clear no Stadium Parking is available down new hall drive so that the game traffic wont interfere with the shoppers headed to the strip mall next door. And there is also more publicity about the bus transportation from downtown san jose start thing at first street and santa clara running every 15 minutes two hours with before the game and one hour after. It ends up to be a convenient way to get to the stadium or any big event, because you dont have to worry about the parking or the driving. Reporter and after bouncing between college venues the earthquakes are excited to have a permanent home and worthy of a Major League Soccer team. And seats at field level, and redwood reclaimed from moffitt field, and pictures of past and prez sant present, and a picture that the earthquakes are here to stay. It is going to cement them in the sports environment. Sfwlr the inaugural game starts 4 00 sunday afternoon and it is sold out, and the team says it will will learn more about crowd management that day, and make more adjustments throughout the season. Live in san jose nanette miranda, nbc bay area news. Next at 11 00, a bizarre death on a south bay campus. What clues were found at a Swimming Pool that is raising suspicions. And also it took me 20 minutes to find a parking spot. Business is booming, but neighbors are seething. And what can be done to solve them. And slowing the memory loss and a potential breakthrough in alzheimers treatment. Im jeff ranieri, and we are tracking a storm that is going near the coastline, and when we talk about the rain prospects in the weekend in a moment. The discovery of a body at the bottom of a San Jose High School pool is raising suspicions tonight. Students at piedmont high made the discovery this morning getting ready for swim class. Police officers will only officially say that the person was an adult male, but sources say that the man was weight eded ghoun the pool, and that the pool had a cover. We know that the pool was covered after swim practice at approximately 6 30 and uncovered at 8 00 a. M. And the pool has a 15foot fence and barbed wire surrounding it and what is more, the alarm leading from the gym to the pool was never triggered. We want to take you outside for another live look at San Francisco if you have gone hunting for parking lately, you know it is difficult, and likely met with a lot of frustration. Parking is always a challenge in San Francisco, but now some people are concerned that all of the new construction is only adding to the problem. Nbc bay areas Christie Smith is look agent how the city is looking at ways to the ease your parking pain. Reporter in San Francisco construction is booming from new towers to home renovations, but with the progress comes pain as Michael Robinson found out. It took me 20 minutes yesterday to find a parking spot which is four blocks from the house. Reporter the problem is construction crews taking over the already scarce street parking. And you will see a lot of construction and a lot of limited parking signs. I do think that it is an issue. Reporter supervisor mark farrells district has the most construction permits in town, and he is asking the board of super vivisors to ease the parking pinch. To ask the nearby garages to open up more spots, and ask them why they are using them. Reporter he says if it is not used by 4 00 p. M. , they become public. And we talked to the head of the builders association, and he said it could challenge the builders. It is the layers and the layers of the red tape, and without permits no, work, and without the work, you cannot provide for the family, and you will continue to see the exodus of the Blue Collar Workers in the area. Reporter the proposal as to work through the legislative process meaning that the pinch wont end for a few months. Christie smith for the bay aerrea news. She won olympic gold in london before heading to berkeley to attend cal, and now franklin is turning gold and she could have turned pro but she decided to go to cal. And now she has to leave her teammates behind as she attempts to become the most decorated olympian in history. If i get it, great, and if not, i will try to have the biggest blast doing it. You will cry. I have made the most incredible friends here. And she has won four at the olympic, four gold and a bronze. She is cheerful, isnt she . Chief meteorologist jeff rainier, what will we see . Well, it is not going to be be as sunny as we had in the last couple of days. You will see the storm system moving in from the west coast and a lot of rain falling up to the west. It is a lot of high cloud cover here and as you can see from the doppler, the possibility of showers coming our way. We have only seen the trace amounts from 0. 01 and up to santa rosa and you can see hit and miss and this is a great indication of what we could see as we head through the weekend. Out to the skycamera network, this is a beautiful night in san jose where it is 63 degree, and the east bay 55 and the cloud cover is hoping to insulate the heating so it is not nearly as cold as we start off tomorrow morn g morning. Lookinging at the forecast, some differences, and mainly cloudy here for the south bay peninsula and the east bay, but some chance of the spotty showers in San Francisco and also for the north bay. Taking you into the microclimate forecast throughout saturday, and we will have mild and above average temperatures in san jose, and not fullon sunny skies. 72 expected for daytime high and 75 in los gatos, and 79 in pacifica. And San Francisco is the one spot with the best chance of isolated showers in downtown where it is 67 degrees. And in the north bay, and the east bay, and the tri valley the best chance of any showers would be up here in napa, and santa rosa and anselmo. And for the tri valley, if you have any big events planned tomorrow, 72 and partly sunny and we are expecting the dry weather at this point, but again, not nearly as sunny as what we had on wednesday and thursday. Future cast, you will see the cloud cover again, and partly sunny sky. As we head into the sunday forecast, the forecast models are trying the bring us isolated showers, but it is not looking great for this to happen. So i expect mainly cloudy skies here through the good part of sunday ax and the sunday and the best chance of accumulateing rainfall is look ging at sunday with the trace amounts and not a big storm system. In the extend eded forecast, 72 in san jose tomorrow, and cooling off the most by monday, and then check it out by next wednesday, more recordsetting temperatures. Maybe the first day of spring, jessica, but Mother Nature is way confused. Yes, she has e her own plans, it seems. Yes. Thank you, jeff. Why b. A. R. T. Is taking a brewery to court. And we have jimmy. Hey, guys, jeremy piven is here. And plus fun with arianna grandy, and thank you notes. You have to watch. Hmm. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that parker. Well. Did you know auctioneers make bad Grocery Store clerks . Thatll be 23. 50. Now. 75, 23. 75, hold em. Hey now do i hear 23. 75 . 24 hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter now half, 24 and a half and. 75 25 now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter sold to the man in the khaki jacket geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. A new experimental drug could help people in the early stages of alzheimers. Drug maker biojen released the findings today and a small study, but it indicates that the experimental drug slowed memory loss when the disease is in a mild stage and reduces the plaque in the brain that is associated with alzheimers. Headaches and brain swelling is some of the side effects. Doctors say that a much larger study is needed to confirm the effects. And b. A. R. T. Is being sued over a beer. They are suing this 5050 brewer brewery for bart, and it is barrel aged really tasty and it is also an acronym for Bay Area Rapid transit. They want to sell bart beer in other states, but b. A. R. T. Says that even if it is beer, it is a violation of the trademark law. Up next, we will have ahmed fareed in sports. Ahmed fareed here from the Comcast Sports studio. The warriors winning streak up to 11 games, and the latest victim is a team they could play in the first round of the playoffs. The pelicans and the warriors and Anthony Davis was out with a right sprained ankle, and that helped the warriors. And speights for three, and we almost never say that. The third triple of the year, and the warriors up four, and steph curry gets his teammate open for this one, drawing the triple team and leaving Harrison Barnes for the open bucket and one. Harrison barnes with a game high 2 22 point, and the warriors win again 11296. How about the women tournament action. Four seed cal hosting wichita state. Early, pac12 player of the year there, up but then the lead is just seven. They knock down the corner three, and she had 14 point, and then gray again, with the hoop and the left hand andone, and she had 22 point, and cal rolls. They will play texas sunday. How about baseball spring training, the reds and the giant a , and the second batter of the game, joey votto off of tim hudson a. That is the only run that hudson would give up. Goes 3 2 3, and four ks and bust buster posey getting the swing in midseason and zach cozart and the giants take the lead. Then brandon belt, and that one is going to be finding some grass, and joe panik scores, and the giants, they do lose, 65, but the spring training, and who cares, because it is not going the matter. And the as, facing the dodgers, and Clayton Kershaw on the mound, and this comebacker hits kershaw right in the jaw. Even though it is a spring training game, he stays in the game, and he chips the tooth in the process. And 32, the final score there. And the other game is the rockies and the as. Rbi triple, and 20, as, and now this ball is hit softly, and the throw is going to hit fuld in the jaw. What is going on there . The c. T. Scan is negative for fuld, and the as win in that one 32. The grand opening sunday, the earthquakes showing off the new avaya stadium before their first game. The chicago fire is going to play the earthquakes in the inaugural game at 4 00. The 18,000seat stadium is sold out. My favorite part is the adrenaline, and everything is new for everyone. So that the newness is there and everyone had a ton of adrenaline, and it makes for an exciting game. By all accounts that stadium is awesome. Im ahmed fareed, and that is going to do it for sports. You can find a new frontier. Theres nothing stopping you and a lot helping you. Technology thats with you always. This is our promise. Its never been better to wander because wherever you go, youll find us doing everything we can, so you can. Check it out. Unusual site for people across europe with the partial Solar Eclipse to be be seen in several countries. Locals and tourists alike are watching from some of the most popular europe landmarks and observatories, and it took two hours for the shadow to move from one side of the sun to others and there was people using pin things to look through. And that guy had a welding mask to look directly at it. Very cool. And check your eyes. It was really cool. Yes. And the weather forecast. Lit be get cooler tomorrow and mild in san jose with 72, and dry with a slight chaps of showers in San Francisco off to the north bay. Sunday, we drop down a few degree, and monday, the best chance early on in the morning for maybe some rainfall. Let us worry about that, and enjoy the weekend. Have a great weekend and be safe. Byebye. Steve from studio 6b in Rockefeller Center in the heart of new york city, its the tonight show starring jimmy fallon. Tonight, join jimmy and his guests Jeremy Piven Ariana grande

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