Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20160417 : vimar

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20160417

>> reporter: one shopkeeper told me she noticed a strong smell in the area monday that grew stronger during the week. sheriff's deputies have been here all afternoon, but so far, they're not saying much. the medical examiner has been called, but the body is still here. so far, no reports of any 911 calls or shots fired at this location earlier. reporting live in saratoga, i'm chuck coppola, "nbc bay area news." >> chuck, thank you very much. and a scare for an east bay community this morning after a tanker crash caused a hazmat situation. the alameda county fire department says a tanker hit a fire hydrant in newark, causing gasoline to spill on to the road. this happened just before 4:00 this morning at the intersection of newark and cedar boulevards. the crash also caused water from the hydrant to shoot 80 feet into the air. crews were on the scene most of the morning cleaning it up. the golden state warriors had an easy victory this afternoon at oracle arena. it was no problem for them to beat the houston rockets, the score 104-78. they took game one in the series now, but not everybody holding their breath about steph curry. that's because he had an injury during the game. we do have team coverage of the game. let's begin with fallon smith in our comcast sportsnet studio. fallon, i guess the big question is what do we know now about steph? >> reporter: well, i'll tell you what we do know about the team. it's hard to enjoy the victory when your mvp goes down, peggy. but that's exactly what happened to steph curry, who is now listed as questionable for monday's game two. let's show you how it happened. second quarter, steph appears to tweak his ankle right here. it's his right ankle. when he landed a bit awkwardly after his shot. he did, however, return very briefly at the beginning of the third quarter, but with minutes left in the third, he left the game for good. for more on the injury, here's the mvp himself. >> it's not right and at risk of further injury or what not. that's the only thing that i think we have to worry about. pain tolerance and all that stuff is -- i kind of know what i can deal with on the court, but you don't want anything more serious to happen, you know, favoring an ankle or what not. so, that's what we'll kind of pay attention to the next two days. >> reporter: something tells me he's going to play game two on monday, but i guess we'll see. now, there was a ton of physical play from both sides today. several technicals were handed out, but steph curry and draymond green both agreed that the rockets were not playing dirty. they said, it's the playoffs, it's supposed to be physical. i agree. guys? >> all right, fallon. thanks very much. continuing our warriors playoff coverage, nbc bay area's pete suratos live inside oracle arena. he's been hitting threes all afternoon. fans understandably nervous about steph curry here. >> reporter: yes, terry. they are happy about this win, the warriors taking care of business, beating the rockets by 30, but they were a little nervous when steph curry limped off the court, but according to fans, it sounds like winning championships is the new status quo. the pregame shoot-around at oracle arena drew a crowd for, guess who. who's your favorite player? >> stephen curry. >> reporter: 6-year-old angelee is a big steph curry fan, and today's warriors/rockets game was her first ever basketball game. >> she's very excited, and she's going to brag it. [ applause ] >> reporter: the warriors opened up the nba playoffs in blowout fashion, beating the houston rockets, 104-78. >> warriors playing good defense, good offense. >> it was awesome. they really got into it. >> reporter: but some fans were a bit concerned afterwards, especially after curry left the game with an ankle injury. >> i am a little worried about that, i am, definitely. >> reporter: so, a little bit worried? >> he never came back in. >> reporter: yeah. do you think it was good that they rested him? >> i don't know, you know? if he was okay, he'd come back in. >> that's what happened to my warriors drawback jersey. >> reporter: deon goldsby is a lifelong fan who was here for last year's playoff run and has cheered for the team through thick and thin. >> don nelson, i was coming to the game back then. >> reporter: while yesterday's championship run was great, she expects them to bring the same this year. >> just the thought of winning back-to-back titles, man, that's electric. >> reporter: the warriors are now up 1-0 on the rockets in this best-of-seven series. game two against the rockets will take place here monday night at oracle arena. live in oracle arena, pete suratos, "nbc bay area news." >> pete, thanks very much. for more coverage of the warriors and their playoff run, head to our website, there you can find photos and videos and story updates on the team's historic, remarkable season. the san jose sharks continue their postseason run tonight as well. the team will look to make a two-game lead -- or take a two-game lead in the stanley cup playoffs against the l.a. kings. the puck drops tonight at 7:30 down in l.a. at the staples center. well, talk about a leap of faith. a suspected burglar running from rooftop to rooftop trying to get away from police finally jumped off the roof altogether and fell several stories and survived this morning. this happened after two burglaries in san francisco's knob hill neighborhood. nbc bay area's christie smith is outside of the building that the man jumped off of with the story. i'm sure residents woke up wondering what was going on. >> reporter: absolutely. i spoke with one neighbor who says she heard a commotion, a loud thud outside, so she came out thinking it was probably a car accident, but she says what she saw was broken branches in that tree there and a crushed car and a man who had apparently hit it, and she says he was down on the sidewalk and police and then paramedics came very quickly to help, he had come down about three stories. but believe it or not, he is expected to survive. police say this started before 9:00 on pacific, a report of a burglary was how it started. they found stolen luggage on the roof. then they say a second burglary call came in nearby. this time, a victim was briefly held at gunpoint. they say the suspect ran. police located him, and he actually pointed the gun at police, who ordered him to drop it. he didn't. he took off again, and no shots were fired, but the foot chase went from roof to roof. he drops the gun, and it was quite a wild morning. >> he ran to the back stairs and up on our roof and then four buildings over to the corner building. >> reporter: and then how did he come off the roof? >> he just leapt off and tried to jump into the tree, and he grabbed a small branch. >> reporter: now, police say with that jump, he fell through the tree and on to that parked car. he was taken to sf general with nonlife-threatening injuries. once he is released from the hospital, police say he will be booked on multiple charges. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "nbc bay area news." >> amazing story. christie, thanks very much. turning now to the weather, a picture-perfect day across the bay area. there is a picture-perfect picture. >> beautiful. >> is that correct, picture-perfect picture? >> well said, terry. >> it looks fantastic, and you can see the flag blowing, so they've got some breeze there. meteorologist rob mayeda has latest on a weekend warm-up. >> we're seeing temperatures overall about 10 to 15 degrees warmer than they should be. here's another view from the north looking south to san francisco from belvedere, 79 degrees right now. average highs should be in the low 60s. instead, we're seeing mid-to-upper 70s around downtown san francisco. and out to the west, clear skies, no sign of fog there, just some high clouds on approach around ocean, temperatures in the low 70s. in dublin right now, 79 degrees. east bay hills as warm as the mid-80s earlier. you see caster valley. and look at the sinking warm air towards alameda, upper 80s right now where the temperatures, actually, the air is pressed downward and it compresses, dries out and warms up and you can see that in the valleys of the east bay and south bay. numbers will up even more tomorrow, still close to almost 80 in san jose right now. you see hazy skies there. winds have been offshore. that's the reason why the temperatures even out to half moon bay still 70 right now. overall, 24-hour temperature change, 10 to 14 degrees warmer than yesterday around this time in oakland and san francisco, as winds are out of the north right now. again during the afternoon tomorrow, they will shift offshore. this is the lack of ocean air conditioning. we'll see temperatures here in the 70s and 80s out the beaches, and for many spots a nice start to the morning. but as early as 10:00 and 11:00 through the morning, zeroing in on 80 degrees around lunchtime and some spots could get very close to 90 degrees for tomorrow. we're tracking that, plus two chances of rain ahead in the next seven days. a look at our forecast coming up. >> rob, sounds great, thank you. coming up next at 5:00, bernie sanders and the pope. how both are reacting after today's meeting at the vatican. also, helping to get guns off the street and also out of homes. the personal effort behind a gun buyback program in san francisco. well, as we get closer here to the race for the white house, the new york primary is looming large. candidates right now are spread out across the country looking for votes. >> not just the country, one candidate making headlines overseas. bernie sanders managed to get a brief meeting with the pope. nbc's chris pollone reports. ♪ >> reporter: while campaigning in upstate new york, republican front-runner donald trump continued his assault on the republican party. >> the national committee, they'd better get going, because i'll tell you what, you're going to have a rough july at that convention. >> reporter: trump hasn't matched rival ted cruz's ground effort in states like colorado and wyoming. cruz is poised to pick up a dozen more delegates in the cowboy state. >> if you don't want to see donald trump as the nominee, if you don't want to hand the general election to hillary clinton, which is what a trump nomination does, then i ask you to please support the men and women on this sleeve. >> reporter: trump instead is focusing on tuesday's new york primary and its big haul of delegates. >> and i'm going to be very loyal to new york, state. i'm going to be loyal, because this is my place. >> reporter: the latest polls show john kasich taking cruz for second place in the empire state. on the democratic side, senator bernie sanders took 24 hours off the campaign trail to attend a conference at the vatican. invited by pope francis, sanders briefly met with the pontiff before returning to the campaign. >> and in terms of economic justice, we need to combat climate change, nobody in the world has been more profound and articulate than the pope. >> reporter: front-runner hillary clinton is attending fund-raisers and campaigning in los angeles, but new york is clearly on her mind. >> let's take california values and new york values and put them to work for american values! >> reporter: clinton returns to new york sunday trying to secure a huge victory against sanders in the state she now calls home. chris pollone, nbc news, new york. coming up, a notable change this year involving the 110th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake and fire. it will be a little bittersweet not having any of them around this year. >> what will be missing at this year's event and why it has some questioning whether or not they go ahead marking the verse. on monday, san francisco will mark the 110th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake and fire. >> at 5:12:00 a.m., people will at the fountain to mark the moment of the quake. joe rosato jr. shows us what will notably be missing. >> reporter: san francisco was filled with things that survive. >> building is a survivor. >> reporter: many buildings rode out the devastating earthquake and fire of 1904. phoenix, right, rises of the ashes. >> reporter: in the years since the devastation, people gathered at lotus fountain every april 18th to remember. >> up in the hills watching the fire. >> reporter: they have had voices fill in the details of that dark day. >> carried me out. >> reporter: but as the city gathers this coming monday for the first time since 1906, there are no longer living survivors. >> well, we lost our last two earthquake survivors this year. >> reporter: this year, bill del monte died at 109, marking the end of the last witness to that fateful day. >> we knew the day would come when we didn't have a survivor. >> reporter: although the last survivors were too young to remember much of the actual quake, they remember vividly what came next. >> the thing is, they were alive then, and more importantly, they rebuilt the. >> and right here in this row we have two veterans of the 1906 fire. >> reporter: inside the san francisco fire department museum, reminders of the battle against the earthquake's wrath -- >> they needed water. >> reporter: the department will use this monday's 1906 gathering to kick off a year-long celebration of its 150th anniversary. >> it was on december 3rd, 1866, that we officially became a paid professional department. >> reporter: to fire chief joanne hayes' wife, the death of the last survivor is another page-turning in the city's history. >> it will be a little bittersweet not having any of them around this year. >> but in a sense, you know, we're all kind of survivors, because we inherited the city from those people. >> reporter: san francisco "chronicle" reporter carl nolte says despite the end of those first-person accounts, it's important to continue to gather and remember. >> it's like the fourth of july. we don't have any signers of the declaration of independence anymore, do we? but we still celebrate it. >> joe rosato jr., "nbc bay area news." >> it was always fun to see them at the celebrations, people shaking their hands. >> living history is how we always looked at it. >> for sure. meteorologist rob mayeda is standing by with the weekend forecast. i understand it's going to get hotter tomorrow. >> in fact, the tri-valley could see a few spots closing in on 90. right now, 70s and 80s, high clouds on approach. san jose downtown a toasty 80 degrees. mid-80s south of downtown san jose, dubl lynn 79 degrees. here's what's interesting, thanks to the offshore wind pattern, you don't have to change what you're from dublin to san francisco, 77 degrees. a light jacket later on this evening and look at the sunny skies around mt. tam to point. clear skies, no sign of fog, and really, the ocean air conditioning is going away. as you can see, even in the late afternoon, still upper 70s around san francisco, winds mostly out of the north right now. and as we head through the day tomorrow, again, they're going to turn offshore, which should set the stage for a warm day. clear skies across the west, high pressure located right there providing some offshore, dry and gusty winds at times around the hills. meantime, the system that brought little bit of rain to the bay area now causing a big mess. if you have friends and family around boulder or denver, colorado, right now, they're looking at a lot of snow and severe weather outbreak there across the southern portion of the u.s. around texas and oklahoma. so, that's where the active weather is now with high pressure in place. no sign of really any act weather around the bay area, just the question is how quickly will those temperatures warm up for your sunday. you'll notice going from the around the morning, still some jacket weather early, then closing in close to 80 degrees by noon in the warmest spots. in san jose, average high should be in the upper 60s tomorrow. looks like mid-80s in the forecast. areas south of downtown will have a chance of going into the upper 80s. notice in the peninsula over to san francisco, again, upper 70s to near 80 degrees, which means if you're going to head out to the cherry blossom festival, mike and robert out there from nbc bay area, temperatures in the upper 70s. so, maybe a little warm in some of the kimonos tomorrow around san francisco with the warm to hot temperatures from the north bay into the tri-valley. oakland seeing temperatures in the mid-80s for the baseball game out there. gorgeous conditions. the ball will probably carry pretty well with those low humidity and warm temperatures out there out at the ballpark tomorrow, numbers in the mid-80s. so, the warmest temperatures we'll see over the next seven days, as you can see on the bottom of the screen, will be thanks to high pressure holding on probably until about monday afternoon. then as we head towards tuesday, the first of two systems we're tracking will begin to at least toss a slight chance of showers on wednesday. the main effect of that system, though, bringing down those temperatures going from near 80 degrees in the north bay on monday, 60s pretty much bay area wide as we approach the middle part of the week, except in san jose. still some low 70s by wednesday. then the more intense of the two systems dropping in as we go into thursday and friday. adds a little more moisture to work with and should dive a little bit further to the south. so, starting as early as late thursday into the north bay into friday, here comes our best chance for seeing some rain, and it should be cold for snow levels perhaps as low as 6,000 feet. so, the sierra could get a little bit of snow, again, mainly towards friday. so, we're jumping way ahead. almost to the end of the seven-day forecast. our best chance of rain showing up, in case you're making plans for next weekend. right now it looks like most of the rain should move on late friday, saturday and sunday. more sunshine with clearing skies for next weekend, only 60s to low 70s for highs. now, that's what we should normally see this time of year. instead for tomorrow, kind of like you're seeing right now, numbers climbing on up, mid-to-upper 80s around the douth bay and also close to 80 again around san francisco for your sunday afternoon. back to you. >> rob, thanks very much. and coming up, president obama and steph curry teaming up. the message behind this video just released from the white house today. plus, a new south bay library opens today, finally! but could the event prove to be a world record? we'll explain when we come back. and we are following breaking news right now in san francisco. firefighters confirm they are searching for two teenagers missing in the water at ocean beach. let's take you there live right now. we do have a crew on the way. update this story as we get more information. but as you can see out there, a warm day. a lot of people at the beach. it's a very, very dangerous beach just because of the geography there with the rip currents. so, right we are waiting to hear more information, and also, once our crews get on scene, find out what they discovered. but two teenagers missing in the water at ocean beach. getting guns off the streets, no questions asked. there are several dozen fewer firearms in san francisco tonight after a gun buyback event. the police department teamed up with the mayor's office and the non-profit gun buy gun to host the buyback. the co-founder of gun buy gun says the issue is very personal to him. >> i lost my father to gun violence when i was young and that's why we started gunbygun. basically, we wanted to create a way that people could do something about gun violence and have a very tangible impact. >> people turning in weapons were given $100 for a handgun, $200 for an assault weapon, and again, no questions asked. well, it's a year and a half in the making. today people in the south bay gathered for the opening of san jo jose's newest library. the ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in east san jose's evergreen village square, but the library opening was not the only attraction. people also came together in an attempt to set the guinness book of world record for the most languages read aloud from a children's book, the same children's book. >> we have a very diverse city, and this is something that we thought a lot of our community would appreciate and would love to participate in. we have some very unique languages that are to be read. >> still waiting to see if they break the record. we will keep you posted. good endeavor there. >> yeah. well, it's no surprise that president obama and steph curry are friends. >> they're both basketball fiphh nados, very good basketball players. >> very good. >> and teaming up on this video, the message behind the public service announcement. well, president obama and steph curry teaming up for a psa about the importance of mentorship. it's aired about 15 minutes before the tip-off of the warriors playoff game against the rockets. how the two teamed up for this video, a couple anecdotes here, including the president teaching curry how to shoot basketball. probably not three-pointers. >> no. boxing is next by more "nbc bay area news." primetime boxing brings us to new york city and the borough of brooklyn where thisvening we'll get a good look at one of the fastest rising stars in the sport, errol spence jr. dynamic and undefeated but anticipating the toughest test of his young career as he gets set to square off against long island native and local favorite chris algieri. and welcome inside barclays sensor. welcome to premier boxing champions on nbc. good evening, everyone, i'm liam mchugh. big-time boxing is back in brooklyn. tonight, errol spence

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