Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 530 20140831 : vim

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 530 20140831

trussles all passed inspection. drones, computer sensors and video cameras are being used to measure the napa earthquake and lots of aftershocks felt since. nbc bay area's scott budman shows us how all this technology is being put to use. >> reporter: it's a new age for tracking earthquakes, using drones to assess damage after the quake -- >> you're actually seeing the early warning in action. >> reporter: and at the usgs using an early warning system to find out an aftershock is on the way. in fact, we caught the warning for one of those aftershocks as it happened, in this case, we had about six seconds of warning. >> the farther away you are, the more lead time you get. the closer you are, the shorter the time you have. >> reporter: they're also looking at data coming in from above. >> what's helps so far with the drones and helicopter reconnaissance is to figure out the areas where we do see surface defamation. >> reporter: also getting attention, reports of lights in the sky during or just after the napa quakes. it's been documented before. these were spotted in peru and posted on youtube. some napa residents say they saw the same thing sunday. this nasa researcher calls the phenomenon earthquake lights. >> when the wave hits a rock, compresses it so fast, we activate so many -- that our theory predicts the rocks become a solid state mass. >> reporter: that's how you see the light? >> that's the only possibility how, from a physics perspective, we can explain the appearance of these light flashes. >> reporter: tough to explain, like earthquakes are tough to predict. but technology is helping. scott budman, nbc bay area news. >> several scientists told nbc bay area that they are skeptical about the earthquake lights. because there are only a handful of reports. expect to hear more about the earthquake lights in the future maybe one way or the other. let's get back to christie smith who's up in napa talking about coming back from the earthquake and some help from the southland. christie? >> reporter: good evening. hope you can hear us now. coming back and really coming back in a big way. we're at the westin in napa. hard to believe this is one of the buildings that was yellow-tagged right after the quake. but they are open now, actually had sort of a caution tape soft reopening yesterday. but the reason all these folks are here right now is because they've actually got the stanley cup right there at the end of the line here in the lobby, the nhl's top prize. it's turned into a fund-raiser, the -- they're asking for a minimum $5 donation to go ahead and take your picture with the cup. this is angel. you live here. how does it feel to have these people supporting your city? >> it's reyes. it's an honor to be here in the presence of the cup. it's the greatest trophy in all of sports. i heard about this three days ago and i had to come down here and see it because it was so close. >> reporter: all these people are making a donation to help napa recover. how does that feel? it's your city? >> makes me feel really proud that the whole community is coming together and supporting the earthquake relief. >> reporter: you did okay in the quake? >> my house wasn't too damaged from it actually. just a couple of things fell over. >> reporter: glad you're here. thanks for talking with us. the gm says that most of the damage was pretty minor. a little bit of water damage. but, again, he said they're functioning right now and welcoming people in. what's happening is the cup is going to be here from 5:00 till 8:00 tonight. and then what happens with the donations that the los angeles kings are set to match whatever donations are made here. so the line right now is out the door. a lot of folks out here just very happy to see the cup and also to support the city recovery. wanted to mention, though, that one of the city leaders did say that 95% of the restaurants are open. there's damage but not necessarily in all the areas where tourists would go. so the message they are saying is napa is back. reporting live in napa, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> thank you so much. thank you, los angeles kings. sharks fans, don't yell at me. you understand. our coverage of the south napa earthquake continues online at we'll be posting the latest updates throughout the weekend. you can also watch an interview with the mondavi families about the damage to local wineries. it's been called the most significant attack on the national grid. there was an insistent at an pg&e substation. here's tony kovaleski. >> this is a serious attack. this was a debacle. it was compromised from the start. >> reporter: they are two of the first responders to the attack on the metcalf substation last april. are you putting your career at risk by talking to us? >> absolutely. >> reporter: they asked us to disguise their identities and change their voices. they fear retaliation. why are you doing it, then? >> this is important. >> reporter: it started shortly before 2:00 a.m. a 911 call of shots fired. this security camera video shows what happened. t flashes of light, bullets from a high-powered rifle exploding through 17 giant transformers. the attack lasted just 19 minutes and caused more than $15 million in damage. a major incident that could have created a significant blackout in the bay area. >> it was a big deal and the sheriff's office refused to recognize that. until about 8:30, 9:00 the next morning. we decided to wait until daylight. it's embarrassing. it's an embarrassment and a disservice to the citizens of santa clara county. >> reporter: their frustration centers on what they have described as a lack of resources after deputies and the incident commander on scene asked for more help when the shots were confirmed. >> when we have field supervisors who tell administration that we have a problem and the administration decides you really don't have a problem, you're overreacting and then do not send anybody to help, that is a travesty. >> reporter: they accused the command staff of downplaying the situation. they questioned why it took more than five hours before additional support arrived. they believe those delays contributed to a crime that remains unresolved 16 months later. >> the support wasn't there. deputies worked their heart out. the sergeant on scene was frustrated. it's so disingenuous. it's written to make this incident look like the sheriff's office was on top of it, handled it perfectly when nothing could be farther from the truth. >> reporter: he's talking about this letter requested by a congresswoman. the metcalf substation is in her district, written by the undersheriff in march of this year, a letter that included, the administration immediately arranged for additional sheriff's office resources assigned to this send it. a letter to a congresswoman about a pretty critical incident, filled with truth? >> filled with myth. it's filled with credit where credit is not due. >> reporter: the letter from the undersheriff also included, over 1,600 hours of overtime and over $100,000 in overtime were expended to investigate this incident. >> we spent 1,600 hours of overtime and $100,000 well after everything is over. what does that mean? it means you sent bodies and you spent money because the media got there. >> reporter: and they're not the only sheriff's office employees questioned what happened at metcalf. nbc bay area obtained this internal e-mail written to the undersheriff by sergeant gabriel gonzalez, the first supervisor on site that morning. it talks about insufficient staffing on scene and includes, it was pretty demoralizing for my deputies and we felt left out to dry that morning. undersheriff, do you have a moment? the undersheriff originally declined our request to address the concerns raised by some of his first responders. but recently, he did agree to answer our questions outside the county administration building. including questions about that memo sent by his sergeant. he said he asked for additional staffing. it wasn't granted. >> he has his interpretation of how this call should have been handled. i'm not going to second-guess that sergeant out on the field. but what i did do is i looked over the facts and i believe that case or that call was handled appropriately. >> reporter: the undersheriff also stands by the accuracy of his letter to the congresswoman. did you mislead the congresswoman with this letter? >> no. >> reporter: why would three members of your staff say you've done that? >> i don't know why. >> reporter: although a sergeant and two deputies question the letter, the undersheriff pointed to these e-mails from three supervisors also involved in the metcalf response. they found no problems with the letter to the congresswoman. what should the people of santa clara county take away from this issue? >> the fact is that we responded. i think we did a great job. >> reporter: are you surprised the person or people responsible for this are not behind bars? >> no. no. because he didn't investigate it in a timely manner. >> reporter: could the sheriff's department have done a better job of responding to what happened. >> they should always do a better job, tony. >> tony kovaleski reporting there. following that interview, the undersheriff says he plans to call for a complete debriefing of what happened the morning of the metcalf attack. we talked to the congresswoman and she declined to comment saying she didn't want to get in the middle of issues in the sheriff's office. if you have a tip for our investigative unit, give us a call or send us an e-mail. coming up, here's an interesting question, what happens when electronic dance music meets thai hot sauce? we're going to show you the results of an unusual mash-up in downtown san jose today. plus -- >> i think it's absolutely deceiving. it was always deceiving. >> they're hiding in your favorite foods even though the labels don't tell you about them. an important warning for shoppers about some misleading nutritional facts. seeing a lot of sunshine around the bay area right now. san jose, temperatures in the 80s. 74 right now closer to oakland and emeryville. but in and around pleasanton, 88 degrees with more 90s and the rest of your labor day weekend forecast when we come back. when you shop, do you look for fat-free products? the package might say one thing but the ingredients tell you another story about what's inside. here's nbc bay area's ian cole. >> reporter: when you head to the grocery store looking for something healthy, an option that says trans fat-free looks promising. but researchers checked more than 4,000 food products, nearly 400 of them contained trans fat and most of those claimed to be trans fat-free. >> if the fda allows that -- >> reporter: marjorie is an associate professor of nutrition and food science at san jose state. she says the ingredients will show if there's trans fat in the food. >> the label lists the trans fats here. the consumer certainly has been fooled by just looking at the zero trans fat. >> reporter: she says she's more concerned when people sit down and eat half a box of cookies, even if those are fat-free. >> it's not the trans fats they're getting in the cookies. it's all the calories or not surprisingly, she thinks people should eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains but some of your desserts is okay. >> it's fine to have some processed foods. >> reporter: and she applauds the industry for efforts to cut trans fats out of food. >> ten years ago, thousands of foods contained it. so the industry has really made great progress. >> reporter: so the best advice for the consumer, be sure to read the labels to really know what you're eating. ian cole, nbc bay area news. coming up next, a truly bizarre story. the slice of wedding cake that sold for more than $1,300 today. the price wasn't because of the ingredients but who ate the rest of that cake. i think you know now who did it 33 years ago. we'll explain. you have to see this to believe this. this 33-year-old slice of cake from the wedding of prince charles and princess diana has sold at auction. the winning bid was more than $1,300. the los angeles auction house had the cake in that silver presentation box with a card stating, with best wishes from their royal highnesses, the prince and princess of wales. the buyer is a private collector. it was a dedicated group of royal cake collectors. and some have bid on cakes that date back to the days of queen victoria. mixed electronic dance music and a love for sriracha hot sauce and what do you get? an electronic sriracha festival, of course. take a look at san jose's first sriracha electronic festival in st. james park. it is topped with the thai chili sauce. it was the brainchild of ryan sebastian who organized san jose's bacon and taco festivals. this one wraps up about 8:00 tonight. still time to go down. meteorologist rob mayeda, i don't know if he made it over to that festival today. but it was a good weather, whatever you were doing. >> san jose, not too bad. mid-80s today. but as you head down towards morgan hill, the numbers got closer to 90 this afternoon. right now, still 83 degrees in san jose. mostly sunny skies. and you probably are enjoying less humidity. the tropical clouds came in last night, made for a gorgeous sunset. they've moved on. sunshine in san francisco. heading are towards the ball game, about 68 degrees. the starting here just minutes away on nbc bay area. looks picture-perfect right now. the breeze will pick up a little bit. up to 15 miles per hour around the fourth or fifth inning. mostly clear. not much in the way of fog. little trough of low pressure is moving in towards our north. high pressure to the west. you see the arching taking place in those clouds. that's going to keep our temperatures at least for now fairly warm. talking highs in the valleys into the 90s and again with that trough off to the north, we'll see warming through labor day monday and then the pattern begins to change. as we head towards tuesday and wednesday, the high will get moved off towards the east. stronger trough drops down bringing us breezy conditions. temperatures dropping almost 15 degrees cooler by wednesday. no worries about your labor day plans for now. temperatures may seem a little hot by the time we get to monday. temperatures warming up a few more degrees as we head towards monday including out around the russian river valley. numbers near 90 degrees heading towards monday. if you're heading over to the redwood national park, that's a place to escape the heat with temperatures nice and comfortable there. mt. shasta, temperatures climbing into the upper 80s as we head towards monday. around the bay area tomorrow, 85 degrees. close to the high temperature we saw today in san jose. closer to 90 in morgan hill. san francisco, upper 60s to low 70s. for the north bay, about 85 degrees. pleasanton will see temperatures starting to warm up. again, 90 degrees for tomorrow. closer to 93, i think, by the time we get towards labor day, monday. and then into the low to mid-80s as we head towards the middle part of the week. livermore, close to 91 degrees. we'll see our temperatures beginning to drop off. san jose from 87 on monday down to close to 80 on thursday with some low clouds, breezy conditions heading towards the middle part of the week. san francisco, quite nice. 73 degrees for monday. and cooling off into the upper 60s as we head towards wednesday and thursday. for the north bay, same trend. temperatures middle part of the week, mid to upper 80s down to the upper 70s by thursday. even the tri-valley seeing temperatures dip below average as we approach wednesday and thursday. coming up, the giants' game is just minutes away and buster posey is making history. comcast sportsnet up next. welcome back, everybody. looking out at at&t park right now. the giants and the brewers coming up live right here on nbc bay area in about five minutes and nine seconds. let's check in with comcast sports' mindi bach. >> buster posey made giants history and becomes the first catcher on the team to have two five-hit games. as amy gutierrez reports, his accomplishment comes in the middle of a stretch where he's once again putting up mvp-type numbers. >> reporter: last night, buster posey became the first catcher in giants franchise history to have two career five-hit games in the midst of this playoff race, he could not get hot at the plate at a better time. hitting .500 on this homestand. 11 for 22. >> you have a really good hitter, which he is. and a lead hitter. and they get in a groove, in a zone, as we say, they get on a roll. those guys are capable of carrying you. >> he's getting a pitch to hit and he's letting it go. it's fun to see him on a roll like this. back in 2012, he was definitely on a roll like this in the second half. and coming into the month of september here, you need the big boys to step up and he is definitely our big boy. >> it's fun to watch the best players in the world and watch them do good. we've got a lot of talent here and a lot of guys that know how to win. >> reporter: buster posey joins an elite list of active major league catchers. he's one of only four to have multiple five-hit games. the others being joe mayor, victor martinez and a.j. pierzynski. >> it's another beautiful night at at&t park. a twilight start, the giants and the brewers ready to play ball. the giants for the first time in a long while come into a game here at home feeling good about themselves at home where they've started to put together some wins. >> they should feel pretty good about this. last night, four guys in the lineup with three hits or more. the 13-run outing, we didn't see it coming. but it's supported an incredibly consistent rotation since the giants have come back to san francisco. they look to continue tonight with jake peavy, lifetime e.r.a. against the brewers in the 2.00s. i like what i'm seeing. >> peavy for the giants, mike myers who's been red hot for the brewers after he came out for the injured matt garza. he has a 1.54 e.r.a. that's the story from the ballpark. back to you. the 49ers pare their rosters down to the required 53 players. coming up at 11:00 tonight, we'll look at who's in and who's not. and there are some surprises. >> mindi, rob's here. >> out at the ballpark, we're going to see temperatures in the upper 60s around first-pitch time. breeze picking up. nothing but sunshine over mccovey cove right now. >> thank you, rob. giants take on the brewers at at&t right now. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. time for a holiday get together. fresh sweet corn is 5 for just $1.00. grill up rancher's reserve ribeye steaks for only $7.99 a pound. and nabisco snack crackers are just $1.89. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. last night against the central division, the offense got in on the act with 19 hits and 13 runs, as san francisco rolled in game one of the series. now, game two, giants/brewers, coming up next. welcome to the corner of 3rd and king streets, willie mays plaza, which has been

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