Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20151217 : vimar

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20151217

marshals case. but they did say the county has no protocol in housing a high level terrorist, despite a maximum security facility that holds about 600 inmates, including about 200 suspected murderers. he required isolation and extra precautions during his stay. >> he has two deputies with him at a time and a sergeant. and all movement is stopped. we did extra monitoring of the exterior to insure that there was no attempts to get this person out of custody. >> reporter: as county president says he pointed out state law allows them to keep terrorist interaction private for the community's safety. >> very seldom is anybody operating in a terrorist environment alone. >> reporter: and iagain, county officials say that while there's no official protocol for terrorists, they felt their maximum security mex measures pd sufficient and they've pleaded not guilty. live in san jose. new at 6:00, tonight, a high school water polo player is in hot water accused of attacking another player during the match. and he could be in trouble with the law as well. nbc's hernandez is with us in lafayette. and a lot of people questioning whether that should be brought into the court room. >> reporter: this has really shaken folks here and people in the water polo community after the actions of a student during a water polo game has led to criminal charges. >> the most important thing is to play fair and have fun and show good sportsmanship whether you win or lose. >> that's what most parents of children who play sports tell their children to do. many are shaking their heads after learning things got completely out of control during a high school polo game earlier this fall. a high school player grabbed another player and pulled him down in the water, while kneeing him in the face. >> you get heated and yeah, sometimes it can get taken far but it's never -- it should never lead to actual violence and injury to another player. >> reporter: a friend of the victim's family says he suffered serious injuries to the face and has undergone several surgeries. he confirms the district attorney's office has filed criminal assault charges against the student. >> there is a grey area. >> reporter: st. mary's socialology and psychology professor says actions are vufrpally unheard of. while the charges may be warranted, he thinks it is a slippery slope. >> it's supposed to be played between the line and if athletes are worried about litigation after they're done playing the game that could impede their overall performance. >> reporter: a letter writing campaign is taking place as those in the community encourage others to write to the d.a. over what they call outrageous charges. but many parents say they're torn. putting themselves in the shoes of both the teen age victim and the accused. now, parents tell me they are really conflicted over this one. the victim, we're told just underwent yet another surgery because he was having trouble breathing from the injuries to his nosenose. a midair flight between passengers on a san francisco bound flight is head eded to federal court. the complaint says on a flight on southwest airlines, he struck another passenger in the head with his fist, causing a concussion. cell phone video captured the aftermath' witnesses say this is the man seen right here who fought with a woman after she reclined her seat. if convicted, he faceds up to 10 years in federal prison. and what happens to the hundreds of other unruly passengers? they usually walk away with no punishment. and the popular swagway hover bord is now the target of a class action lawsuit. a man claims swagway failed to warn consumers that could burst into flames and blames them for causing the fire that damaged his home. and a fed investigation has been prompteds which includes the bay area. and a family says theirs burst into flames scorching a wall. tonight, parents are speaking out after a kindergarten visit with santa was called off. the principal made the move when one of the moms voiced concerns. nbc bay area's michelle roberts. religious and cultural issues at play. >> reporter: it is. and some of the parents who were in favor, say they plan to rally and even walk out on friday. meanwhile, the mother of the jewish student says she's hoping for positive change out of all of this. ern esto says he looks forward to hosting the christmas party at his san jose coffee shop every year. >> the children can put the toy underneath the tree. >> reporter: dozens of kids meet santa and write letters to the north poll. >> it wasn't all about santa, it was about giving. >> reporter: the superintendent said she's taking steps to address the issue after a parent of a jewish kid made a statement. >> this isn't about taking away anything. this is about adding. >> reporter: she calls the allegation that she's waging a war on christmas misguided. >> this is not a jewish issue, or an antichristmas issue. this is an inclusion issue. >> reporter: she's asking them to include a variety of faiths in the curriculum. >> but you're not. >>clu including everybody. if our kids want to celebrate santa, they should be able to. >> reporter: they plan to send school administrators a message and to enjoy the christmas event by walking out. >> we've all been ripped apart from each other and that's what what we're trying to do. >> reporter: they said they want to create an inclusive environment for everyone and tomorrow night, there is a school board meeting and some who with are in favor plan to rally at that meeting. michelle roberts. well, no heat and struggling to keep warm. maintenance problems at east palo alto elementary school forced clazs to be canceled. they're making a fix to the underground gas. the school is located just off university avenue. there's no danger to students or staff because of the gas leak but they say dangerous to be in the classrooms that are so cold with no heat. they tried using space heaters but it over loaded the system. so, classes have been canceled for the rest of the week as we go to the holiday break. an art dealer was sentenced to prison for trying to sell black rhino horns on the black market. the species is critically endangered. the buyer was an undercover federal agent. the horns can go for thousands of dollars on the black market. they're used in some asian medicines to cure fivever or ev cancer. allegedly he took them with the help of his partner who's from mill valley. lavine will face his own trial next year. and to learn more about it rare and endangered animals, go to nbc bay you can look at our investigation into trophy hunting. a search for the killer of a 90-year-old woman. i'm chuck copalla. the person at charge, the woman's daughter. and coming up, we'll speak to a family with a child with autism. and i'm meteorologist jeff reneary, we're tracking the rain and potential sierra snow and that's in my microclime lt forecast. area woman is the target of a nationwide search. =vo= this woman - alicia obi a developing story. a bay area woman is the target of a nation wide search. this woman is accused of killing her 90-year-old mother. her mother's body was found hidden in the trash bin in a house they shared. and here outside that house and the woman just vanished? >> reporter: that's right. and right now, the police have yet to go through a number of motivations but among the things they're looking for is bank records, insurance policies, any potentially financial motivation, but so far, there's frankly nothing to explain why the body of 90-year-old woman was found in a trash barrel in her garage with multiple gun shot wounds and the prime suspect at large, her adoptive care giver daughter. neighbors can't believe one of the leading participants in neighborhood watch program is now a fugitive. >> she'd call the police if something looked suspicious and we were all very grateful for that. >> reporter: they say they need the public's help in finding eleashau, 5'8" and heavy set. she took care of her widowed adoptive mother where they lived for decades. >> i believe a few months back i saw her and i say hi, because we're neighbors and she said if you need any help. she gave me a phone number but somehow i couldn't reach her. >> reporter: neighbors thought they moved away, at least temporary. >> there was no way to suspect anything, we heard that she went to arizona to find a job and assumed that her mother went with her. >> reporter: they say mary's body had been in the garage for at least three to four months. alisa may be armed and dangerous. >> something for people to think about if they think they may have come across her is to consider what type of car she may be driving. >> reporter: no one had seen beyond the over grown yard had heard gone shots or an argument. the investigation didn't even start until the day after thanksgiving when relatives from out of state told police they couldn't reach the victim by phone. reporting live, i'm chuck coppola. retrofits are underway for at least 50 muny buses in san francisco, that's after a pair spontaneously caught fire within a couple of days within each other. it's a small piece that connects the pole on top of the bus to the power lines and last week, those over heated on two separate buses and caught fire. thankfully none of the passengers were heard but they pulled nearly 300 buses from service for inspections. 50 needed to new parts. and a case that's torn apart a sunny dale neighborhood. some are fighting to have a child with autism declared a public nuisance. and just 40 min lthsutes ago, t families walked out of their meeting with the judge. >> reporter: no settlement today. the families had been in the court room on the fourth floor all day trying to reach a deal and they'll have to meet again next week to set a court date. but earlier today, a protest outside the court house steps that protest in support of the child with autism. we have video of that protest for you. they arrived before the court room opened, rallied behind the parents of the child with autism and inside those parents were trying to hammer out a comp are amize with their former neighbors. they sued the family saying their negligence to address the violence posed a public nuisance. and they claim he bit a woman in an instant and the child with autism was out of control and the family insists they did get their son help, hiringe ing ing giver and giving him special medications. we spoke to all sides, including the father of the child with autism. >> we're really disappointed that the case did not settle. we came in very good faith to negotiate and to settle this case and to put this behind us. put this matter behind us. and we're very disappointed that we were not met with the same good faith from the other side and hence, could not settle. >> reporter: now, we did have an interview with that other side, unfortunately, we had technical difficulties but they said they're still trying to hammer out a compromise without taking it to court. just say it's a lack of communication between all sides and hope a settlement happens too. and they do not want to consider the child himself a public nuisance and say the alleged negligence of the parents to address the autism pose as public nuisance. live outside superior court in san jose. it certainly is a nuance case. speaking of chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. >> and that new storm system is lining up. and we have timing changes with that storm system and i want to get out of the way the cold temperatures we've been dealing with. the chilliest weather will be off to the south in the central valley and that's where we'll have areas of 20s and low 30s. and we should not see any 20s for tomorrow. so, how cold will it get? let's look at that morning forecast. 38 in the south bay, peninse p 39. and increased cloud cover, high clouds for the south bay peninsula and trivalley. and for the north bay, we likely will have mostly cloudy skies and 57 degrees. again, that's out ahead of our storm system. i want to take you next to the time line. we have seen intensity changing. this is now speeding up by about eight hours. so, this now puts rain on our doorstep by 3:30 on friday up into the north bay and will likely see areas of rainfall by 8:30 in the evening on friday and to san jose anytime around 11:00 and 1:30 on saturday. and this will mean sierra snow on friday, saturday, and sunday. we're looking at totals that could approach nine inches. we're tracking a storm on frooitd afriday and another one on sunday. the new restrictions the dmv is imposing for those driverless cars. and for the first time in nearly a decade, the federal reserve is hiking interest rates. what this means for your wallet the federal reserve raised interest rates for the first time in almost a decade. investors and stockbrokers -- . well, no surprise, the federal reserve raised interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade. junel wang joins us now. this usually impacts how we buy cars and houses. >> the dow up 224 points. the nasdaq up 75. after months of speculation, the fed raised the interest rate today a quarter of 1% thanks to an improving economy. >> this marks the end of a 7 year period during which the reserve rate was held at zero to support the econnie from the worst fine aenancial crisis sine great depression. >> some people look at it as a gift to the gods. >> and economist says it's good news for your saveings account and they'll offer slightly higher interest for your deposits. the down side, it will cost you a little more to borrow money for a car or home. credit card interest rates will likely increase too and that could cost people hundreds, even thousands more a year to carry the same balance. >> people will still come and eat but not as frequent. >> reporter: and he's still paying off his loans to pay off his new restaurant and even a small rate increase could mean an extra $1 thousand a month. >> it puts you on edge. >> reporter: some economists say it's a gentle balance. many expect the fed will raise it at least a few more times. we have more ways the hike could impact your wallet on our website, nbc bay and a related note, people following interest rates closely are people shopping for new homes and they're finding homes carry a higher assessed value. this is the fifth consecutive year in state wide gains in property values. some are seeing them climb as high as 7%, which is good after so many years of declining values. and it also means many property owners can expect to pay higher taxes a year from now. coming up, rowdy and unruly passengers disrespecting flights. >> too men ea times on a international flight the passenger is disruptive. >> next, we investigate the disruption in the skies, possibly putting your safety at risk. after the fatal police shooting of mario woods in san francisco, the police officer's association is renewing calls to equip officers with stun guns. i'm christy smith. ialver that should san francisco police officers have stun guns? tonight, new support for the non . san francisco police officers, should they have stun guns? tonight, new support for the nonlethal weapons. there's a call from san francisco police officers. they want to be able to use stun guns when confronting violent people on the streets. and another agency also pushing. >> reporter: that's right, certainly the labor counsel has voiced an opinion and the chief has brought up the use of stun guns and so have police chiefs before him. it's been debated but difficult to get approved. >> our proposed solution has been twice rejected. >> reporter: they're renewing calls to equip officers with stun guns following the fatal police shooting of mario woods. >> i think there could have been a completely different outcome. >> reporter: they're working with the mayor and police commission to craft a pilot program for stun guns. police have said woods was arm would a knife, wouldn't drop it and they tried bean bag rounds and pepper spray first. >> i think it's too simplistic to say everything that's happening with the san francisco police department will be resolved by having taser. >> reporter: but some argue they can be dangerous or abused and meanwhile, a bulletin was issued to make a force report when they have to use one. and the chief is concerned because they didn't meet and confer on it. >> the bulletin doesn't cover some of the specifics as to what the officers are to do out on the street, how they do it and when they actually report it. >> reporter: now, the use of force issue is being looked at by the union, the police chief and the police commission. we're told they'll all get together next week and discuss it. reporting live in san francisco. autopsies are underway on the bodies of those two small children found in the storage unit up in redding. the redding police department is still trying to piece together this troubling crime. this is surveillance video of tammy and her teen age boyfriend, the couple has been arrested on charges of felony child abuse, torture and mayhem. a 3-year-old girl and 6-year-old boy were in the couple's custody when they travelled from celine s to redding. and authorities found an abused 9-year-old girl at a house last week, which eventually led to the discovery of those two small children. a rowdy passenger sitting close to you a flight. so, what is the punishment and who's in charge? senior investigative reporter is here with us and we'll hear and see cell phone video. causing chaos on a flight is actually a federal crime. we've comb through thousands of unruly passenger complaints over the eryoyears from smoking in t restroom to charging the cockpit and the numbers of these complaints have gone up over the years but enforcement of the rules remains stagnant, allowing some to walk free. >> declaring a groud emergency. >> reporter: airline passengers out of control. >> stop it. >> reporter: according to the airline industry, it's a growing problem nation wide. including here in the bay area. >> you could smell the alcohol just kind of wafting up. that was very strong. >> she still remembers the fear last october when her pilot diverted a flight from san jose to dallas after a drunken passenger threatened their safety. >> he had to be restrained. the whole way. >> reporter: the crew restrained the rowdy man with the help another passenger before landing in phoenix. >> the pilot said someone on the plane is being unruly pch they would rather spend the night in the phoenix jail. >> reporter: and they spent the night in a hotel. all because american airlines declined to press charges. that passenger was then free to fly the next day. we asked why they released the passeng passenger. a spokes person said they do not comment on legal matters. >> i was surprised. it kind of sends out this message, he's going to tell his friends, hey, i did this and nothing happens. >> reporter: as it turns out, stories like these appear to be more common than you'd expect. federal law bans interfering with a flight crew but they're not required to report rowdy passengers. and nasa does maintain a data base where crew members can n s unanimously report incidents not reported to the faa that's where we found reports of smoke sl cigarettes, attacking flight attendants and the numbers of the faa show a decrease in enforcement. >> it's a growing problem. >> reporter: harry flint with the air transportation association says they have seen an increase in unruly passenger complaints around the world and often they happen but have no repercussio repercussions. >> right now, too many times on an international flight a passenger is disruptive, the passenger walks away. >> reporter: he blame as loophole that allows some to walk free when disrespecting flights to other countries. they want to encourage nations to adopt new standards that would give authorities more enforcement power. >> to make sure they understand that unruly behavior will wind up being brought before a court. >> reporter: from 2001 to 14, only 11% of the cases referred to the faa warrant prosecution. >> it's kind of an exciting experience. >> reporter: phil owns the mile high club, a website that allows travellers to brag bout their inflight sexual exploits. we want to know why a growing number of pasmsengers -- >> i think it ads to the mystique because of the potential for being arrests. >> reporter: they can face up to $25,000 in fines and potential jail time. a penalty she would like to see more widely enforced. >> an airline, you think you don't mess around. it's not a place to mez around. sfwlr >> reporter: we talked to commercial pilots and flight attendants and while they did not want to go on camera because of fear for their jobs, they did confirm the numbers are going up and that the disturbances we're seeing has increased over the last few years in particular. especially as more and more people fly commercial and as they try to cram more and more p passengers into planes to increase the bottom line. okay, thank you. now, if you have a tip for investigative unit or steven, give us a call or send us an email. just ahead, national security was front and center during last night's republican debate. a lot of talk, so what's fact and what's fiction? our reality check is next. and the reason a popular cooking school is closing down its kitchen. students at a well-known culinary school, will soon be serving up their last dish. new at 6:00, students at a well known culinary school will soon be serving up their last dish. le cordon bleu is gradually closing their u.s. schools. expenses have been sky rocketing with food costs and keeping up the commercial kitchens. the school is not accepting any new students after january. it will completely close by september of 2017. self driving cars may not drive themselves afterall, at least not yet. the dmv releasing new rules about the cars of the future. each must have a steering wheel and a licensed driver behind it, at least until they're proven the cars are safe. and at this point, none have said when they're ready to sell the cars to public. but some manufactures say a model may be ready in just a few years. getting an uber may be convenient but not social. and it's moving with the social network, specifically the facebook messenger service. if you're a messenger and you need a ride, you and your friend can get rides by clicking on a link and pay and rate your experience through messenger as long as you're in an area that's uber ready. >> messengers there's 700 plus million users making plans, how to meet their loved ones and we want uber to play a part in bringing those people together. >> facebook did not say that they will be the only ride service on messenger. so there may be more offerings in the future. soon the partnership will expand to other countries as well. >> if we have them, we should have blankets because we're all chilly. >> the heater, i don't think it's caught up with the cold air. >> my hands are freezing. you can see from san bernardino mountain looking towards san francisco, clear kies. we'll let you know how low it will go and two different storms and how much rain. come on in pop pop. happy birthday. i just had a heart attack... and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin more than 100 mg. as it affects how well it works. it's such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. brilinta worked better than plavix. and even reduced the chances of dying from another one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all medicines you take. i will take brilinta today. tomorrow. and every day for as long as my doctor tells me. don't miss a day of brilinta. security was a hot tic last night, the bold claims, tonight the facts. national security was a hot topic during that republican debate. >> so, who was telling the truth? here with tonight's reality check. >> reporter: the last republican debate of 2015 zeros in squarely on national security. from attacks on our buildings, to breaches of our boarders. >> we can't afford to be so nice, folks. >> reporter: the candidates fired a flurry. carly fiorina stepping up the tech world's roll. >> should a sillicon valley be forced to cooperate. >> they don't need to be forced, they need to be asked to bring the best and brightest, the most recent technology to the table. >> reporter: the reality is the question has been asked and answered. ceo's like apple's tim cook have rejected back door access to precious data. >> when you open a door it can swing both ways that, yes, the government or law enforcement agencies may have access and so also might malicious actors have access. >> reporter: other candidates like florida's marco rubio fear the government's hands are tied when it comes to skouring through social media and the patriot act is gone. but we have this in place. the freedom act signed the to law by president obama last year. and that ends the nsa's bulk collection of phone records. it needs to look at them still, it just needs to prove a reasonable suspicion of terrorism and those courts aren't always closed off to the public anymore. >> and marco has opposed at every point increased security for those who come into our country. >> reporter: that accusation simply fails the truth test. he helped lead a gang of 8 who passed immigration legislation that set aside $40 billion to beef up border security including 10s of thousands of boarder patrol agents. >> sam, thank you. let's turn things over to meteorologist, jeff ranieri and when do you expect the rain to come in? >> we think by friday's forecast. still clear skies across the bay area. currently some of our coldest averages with 48 degrees. puninse lu, 52. and east bay dropping to 43 under the clear skies and the north bay at 50. for tomorrow, we're expectingch. it doesn't look at cold. and that should help us stay out of the twent20s for the north bt 45 in san francisco. and for the south bay, we'll start off with 38. let's get to the microclimate forecast and the largest change will be increased cloud cover across the region. it's the clouds ahead of our storm system that will make it lot different for us. south bay, 58 degrees. and still managing in morgan hill, sunny skies. and 56 in pacifica and palo alto, 58. a chilly day in the purenau with 55 degrees. north bay, east bay and trivalley, cloudiest locations with napa and santa rosa. 59 in oakland and for the trivalley, we'll have sga a'll . this area of high pressure tomorrow is moving out a little bit sooner and that's going to allow the cold front to drop down faster, we think by friday's forecast at this point. we may also get some embedded thunderstorms with it. i want to zoom in on the time line and you're going to see friday, we've seen this speed up by about eight hours. so, likely heavier pockets developing and by 8:30 in the evening on friday, we'll have this heavier rain and then eventually from 9:00 through about 11:00 at night, moving through san jose. so, by saturday morning, the way things look, just a few spotty showers, dry through most of saturday and once we hit sunday, a second system arrives. if you have any plans at the 49ers or raiders games, those are played outside, you will have to watch out for the possibility of rain. how much rain are we talking with both systems coming our way? at least a half inch for the south bay and the peninsula. we could likely see 9/10 of an inch in santa rosa. so, a decent punch of wet weather coming our way. as far as the weekend forecast goes, we're looking at spotty showers on saturday's forecast and sunday evening, the other chance of rain occurs. at this point, two different systems lining up out here from monday through about next wednesday. don't look as strong for us. so i think from friday through next tuesday, rainfall totals will average a half inch to 1 1/2 inch. >> thanck you, jeff. a nice honor for raiders' star culeal mack. we'll check in with the warriors nex pt. the warriors aren't just setting records on the court, they're doing it off the court as well. well, the war yarz are setting records off the court as well. the nba's league pass, the digital streaming service is seeing record numbers, thanks mostly to the champs. this marks the first time people can pay 7 bucks to order any game on a mobile device. the warriors have played in seven of the top 10 most watched games on the league pass this season. ♪ >> good evening, gerard monterey in the sports net studios. and the dubs for the first time this season take the floor for the first time since the loss. and this will be the second match up of the year between the dubs and suns. the champs won easily 135-116 on november 27th. the warriors overall consecutive game win streak may be finished but now they can focus on their other streak in play. 28 straight victories in oracle, one of the longest streekz in nba history. they have caught their breath and are very happy to now see the home hard wood. >> i think the two days was nice not to have a game right away. guys and staff were pretty foggy getting back from this road trip. but we looked sharp by the end of practice yesterday. we got a good sweat in, competed in drills and had a good shoot around today. but our guys love doing too much. they like putoting on a show an we're happy to be back home playing again. >> steve kerr will not be on the sidelines and sean livingston said quote, he's our leader, we all understand we're going to need him to get back to where we want to go. and raiders' rusher khalil mack named the leading defensive player of the week. in the silver and black's stunning win in denver. >> hard work, hard work, hard work pays off. you go out and work on your craft every day and every week. when you see it working on the stat sheet, it's pretty cool to see. >> you had a career day, one of the best days this franchise has ever seen and i said it all along, i think he's one of best players in the league and he showed it. >> and the 49ers back to the practice field, still trying to find consistency and direction for the remaining three game oz of the season. and up next, the match up with the better team from ohio, the cincinnati bengals. >> it's my job to provide that spark and that's something i'm going to do this week. the guys are eager and i take it upon myself to provide the spark for this team and make plays and put points on the board. >> all right, we'll see what the 49ers can do. it will be a.j. playing quarterback for the bengals. dalton out with that fractured thumb for cincinnati. >> we were talking about steve kerr, nice to see him back at practice. obviously, still in pain there. >> what a struggle. hope he gets better soon. let's turn it over it over to je jeff. it's dry tomorrow and clear to start, 33 in the north bay and the south bay at 38. as we head through tomorrow's forecast, cloud cover increases and this will bring upper 50s to 60 degrees for most of the bay area. and 57. so, what's on tap for us? we've had a lot of different changes over the last few days. we know friday evening, the storm system arrives, lingers through saturday morning, then sunday through tuesday, two more storm systems coming our way. they don't look as strong as yesterday. so, from saturday through next tuesday about a half inch to 1 1/2 inches. at least no flooding concerns. >> thanks for joining us at 6:00. have a great evening. gwen and blake's late night hookup at "the voice" afterparty. >> new pics and video now on "extra." ♪ extra, extra extra gossip from inside the supersized "voice" finale. gwen literally falling into blake's arms. their up all night party and adam declares victory over shelton. >> i get to tear blake apart for the next six months. plus, she's back. christina aguilera already bringing her a-game for next season. >> fingers crossed. donald trump versus the world in the gop royal rumble. >> he's a chaos candidate. >> we're tracking trump's funny faces as his wife, melania, defends him.

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