Transcripts For KOAA News 5 At 6PM 20160127 :

KOAA News 5 At 6PM January 27, 2016

I just saw the firefhters going pu the breaking th ows and the oke coming out fromhe rafters. Looked ke istarted on the second lev and moved to the 3rd. Rst crews saw thic blk oke co from ows. Then flames. The coplex so large they calle for he with a secondlarm. Theyust kept showi up, and showing up and sng up. Sce. Only look clring this interview. A fire truck leavg with sirens blaring. The destiation acroos town to flames shooting into the air at 18th st just wes colora avenue. I looked beten the building and i saw a lot of smoke. Smoke billowhe air. From a decades old structur old rracks type buidling moved here yea ago from fort carson. Andonnectednta row of apartments. Old stctures the Fire Department can only dump water on from thtside because of safety concerns. Nd of los like the whole buildings going to be destroyed from what i uld see. Two major fire clouts happeni acrossown. Wiin aut 30 minutes. It dsntappen th often, buit does happ. Fi crews have plans in place this time flames quickly knocked do athe first fi aowed for reposiong of crews t the second fire. The chief priorites the task that nd to be done at the first fire that were at and releases anybody ee that he ca t togeth to geto the other side of town. Athis firehereas one m jured who had toe trsferred to a denver hospital becausef burns. From both cations ere are 10 2 units where people can no longestay. Thcross his helping anyone th no place to tempory housing. In colorado springbill folsom news 5 lettake a le look outside in pueblghlots sunshine tod leadorecaster mike danielstracking a warm ufor the week. Outside now, clear skies and chilly temperatures. Sunny tomorrow with a cold stt. Tempatures warnilyy afternoon. Xteather maker. Gh pressure ll bring dry skie anmuch warmer air tomorrow and ursday. Wevleard the name of a ma killed in a hit ann cident in colado springs er the weekend. Investigators say 53yearold franz is man fatally hit by a car saturday night near circle and platte. And tonight. Tharch continuesorhe spect who left the scene. Policeays e suspect was driving a suv that looks le this one. Its described as midlate 2000s ford plorer with da, mellicolor. It most likely has dage to the frt the vehicle. New foation tonight multipleederal agents, including the fbi and e rs raided t lazy lion on east bijou street in coloradoprings today. s a marijuana smoke club that news five was the fit to tell you abt after we uncovered their unique business model. ,that many call a loophole in e law. The zy lion calls themselves a smoke club. But the sa of recreational mariana is iegn lorado spring. Hienameras were e only ones to show you how this business opeted. Under a unique membership d imrsement business model. Therefore, they sano buying or seing is involved. Many members stoedy today shocked tointhe lazy lion shut down. Ive never seen athing bad in there. They dont like any terms like buying or selling soheyll make sure imburse, but it a great place to come and just hang out. Ths. Attorneys office no arrests ve been ma. Well contin digging into why th but r now. The la llosed indefinite. Supe o 17yearolds have been arrested in nnecti wh a string of quor store robberies. D Colorado Springs pice say th are sllooki for sevel more suspes. All the robberiehappened thin two weeks of eachther. Several stolen guns ve been recovered. And poli say they think e teens are usg nsaken during bglies d using them inhe robberies. Seargent dale fox says they are likely gro of fries commtingheserimes. And th they are denitely daerous. Theyre very aggresive, they foe peopleo the fl put guns ttheir hes, threaten to ll them. If they counter a custer ile inhetore, if customer walks in, they rob the customer as well. Then they run off and get in a car and driv away. At least three or four other suspects are under investigation righnow. Seargent fox asks that if yo see somethg. Say something. Good news focolodo sprin utlities customersrates are going down. Approvthe dr for both electric a gas rates starting february first. On average, homeowners wilsee a decrease of 4 andahalf rcent. Or about 9 dlars a month. Indurial customers, d a half percent,. And commericial customs, nearly percent. As we first told you last nightthe utility has collted mo than million dos from eric and natural gas customers since l ices started dropping. Since its a notforpfit ilityeesrevenue must be returned customers. Xxxx also hapning at city council today mbers voted approve a proposed chae to the citys traffic ordinance. The change will make it mandatory for drivers to give all city trait buses the right of way. And were told police will start enforcing the laby the end of xx business igood. Pa. Landmark tourist attion ew in nearly 350 thousand visitors last year. And the park magement compan ma record lee payment to dollars. Youve been looking over the numbers. For more on what thimeans for movingorward. Thrk sawt ernt incrse ithnumber o visitorsast year. When comd to 2012. 2013. Word is out. The royal gorge a must see attraction in colo. I said, ivbeen really wanting go to thiplace in canon ci oby canon cy, its callethe royal gorge, showed thea picture and theyre like yea jessa erre liv in the springs. She brght some friends who were visiting from texas tcome see the park. I though it was beaul, was amazing it was spectacular surprise. Went know wt to eect. I bght e season pass today. 1im totally coming back to do the zipe and i want to do the sky swi thing. At curiosity and is what sal and marketing officialte us one of the biesdraws. Ju aboutverything is new here from the gondolas to the ziplines and the visitors nter and last year nearly50 thousand peoe came to se we thoh, i see that tren increasing. Mayor eston troutm wants to work with high school and llege students in the community to take survs of guests and generate some better market research. I think maybe aood one would be like in the summer time, whos coming here, why are they re and are thereat customers, things ke that. Anthe extra revenue will hel expanddvertising bgets this year. Which could brg in even re sitors i think what we need to dis lo at promotion our area, and hothat comes abo im n sure. The park is ning a numr of special events the popular holy smo barbecue and boat the brge will bk. Theyre adding a special valentines day dinner next month. And a special 8 day adventure fest in september. Andy koen news 5 happening right no the ty of Colorado Springs is iling its preferred be b on top of pikes peak. Weve been tracking this pct for mohsand shown y t different designs that he en put forward. The cityrking with a mber of partners to replace the 50yearold summit complex atop americas mouain. E Public Meeting start at 30 tonight at the penrose house. The city is listeng to feedback about the design. Wel da yous learn mo. valso beetrkinghe mmit house plans at koaa co u caheadhereo read about it and see ae potential designs. The super bowl less th two ekayhow manyroncos fans will be in the stands ll take look icket sales, coming up. The big dig continues. Later in thehowwell update blzard cleanup on the east im mi daniels. , today. Thonly exciting part about filing taxes. Is getting a refund. But thieves are already on the prowl. Workg to sal your money. ll tell you how to otect a look from meras across ghs today in the 30s and 40s. Current temperatures all over southern colorado. Satelle pictures, clear over colorado. Our east. The maintorm tck will be north ofolorado for the , rest of the week. Hour by hourclear d cold tomoow morning, temperures warm nicely during the late morning into the afternoohours. Skies will be sunny to mostly sunny all day. 20s. Highs torrow in the 40s and 50s mo areas. 7 day foca f the springs, high tomorrow 54, sunny and 50;s ursday windy andm friday. Saturd will be the wmest day of the weekend. Snow possible late sunday in monday. Eblo high tomorrow 60. Dry and warm thursday into turday. Lder nweek wh a chance of moiurte sunday into tuesday. Canon city and woodland park, days. Windy on friy. Snow possible sunday into our tuesys child segments, are all out fostering and adopting in colorado. And tonight, news 5 anchor shelleneockrell explains what it takes to become certifed. Pause for en the first step in thprocess is to decide if foster parenting or adopti is for yo its a person decision d reques yoto tnk aut a lot of aspects of your life. Including youriving situatn, your personality and your comiment to being a pant. Kevin1 you gta dedicate a lot of your te for this. You really gotta dedicate your fe, your sou everything to help out. Next making sure you meet the sic qualications yore at least 21 years old are single, marrd, divced or widod own or rt your home have adequate financial resourceto maintian the me physical, meal and Character Development cg kevin and christina juengst foster parents i think every child deserves a loving family. You know, they get put positis its normally not eir fault, so were just trying to do our part. Then comes the ctification press, which is pretty straight forward. Cg crystal erickson decto of fosr care plus the whole goal of foster care is tbe 100 percent chd focuseand being there for what they need. Anso we want to make se the parents are healy and rey to do that. You can contact the foster Care Coordinator in your county departmentf man or sociaservicesor contact private child placement agency. The ocess then generally includes attending a ster care orientation completi an indth alication process attendin27hours of foster rent Training Classes and participatg in comprehensive family home study. Crystal the goal behind that again, is to realljust look at health and stability in a variety of areas. All thenterviews take pla in the home and then theres afality checkomnent of the home study where they wi actually walk through the home and verify evethg is stored apprriately and safe and is ready for ildren. Chpan from i think its because ey want to make sure thathehildren are going to homes that areoing to fit their needs. Yre ki aut i. Mo foster parentsayou shld look into it. Go and visit onef the placement agcies and see what your hea tel you. Christina oue doing it for a reason. Not for yourself. Youre doing it for the kids. If youd like more informati, goo fostoloro kids d foesdays il im shellene cockrell, new5. Whdozens of convicd murderers in our state could have their sentences reducednext at six. And broncos or pantherswell tell you which team s e most ,,,,,,,, covering colorado tonightnew information on a tragictory out of parke send teen passed away. Aft being plefrom an icy pond in parker jaary th. This means two boyhave n ed. A d vered. All of the teet toegend xxx dozens of inmates in o state serving life sentencor crimhey committed as forea. Ruling. The gh court ruled this week th its constionalo sentence minors whove been automatic life ter without the posslity of parole. Is means 48 inmates in colorado sentenced between 1991 an2006 c have eir sentenceviewedand could have thereduced be considered for parole. Across the nation this affects more than onethousand inmes. 10 peoe inudg a substutute teher. Haveeen arrestedaccuse trying to have x with underage rls. The arres arin adams county. An ucover operion was rried out last wk. Ading to the arrests. But inveigorsay they cant release specific f inveigative reasons. E men arrested. Face charg of attempted trafficking of minor f sexual servitu and attpted solicitation of a ild r prostition. 3 of the suscts are Illegal Immigrants from mexico and face deportation. Xxxxx onon now under arrest after stealing a house key from a running car and later using it to break into a home in denver. The keys wertaken last week fromehicle in the ea of yalend sheridan boulevardthe owner says he started it early back inside the house. The thiefs then cameack tohe house this morning to try to bularize the home. One of theuspects was able to run away and hasnt been caught. Wel like be seeing a whole loof orae in the stands at the super bowl. As of early this morning. There are way more brcos fans. Makinglans tget the big ga, than panthers fa the Online Travel company orbitz says denver has 146percent more fans. Than carolina, whove booked flight the bay area for super bowl weekend. But,s not cheap air fares from dia to San Francisco have reportedly shot xxxx wee eculated for mon. But could this really beeyton mannings last re wihe oncos . . Grant has the answers coming up at 630 and ngp next at 6 30 fedeagen raid a rijuana club in thsprings this morning, but it y not be about l break it a down for yo,,,,,,, r top story nit at 60. Federal agents swarmg the lazy on east bijou street in colorado springday. Its a mijuana smoke club that news five was the first to tell you about after we uncovered their unique business model. That expits a loophole in th law. Our Kelsey Kennedy is juk from the scene tight, kelsey what have you lear toda raid will come as no surprise to news5 viers. We took yoside this controversial businessvea year a and which may be why the feds were called in. Ght now we know the fbi and irs haveeen executing a sear warrant since is morng. Thu. S. Attorneys offe says it part of an ongoing investigation. But with the i in the mix, you know tyre focused on the money d taxes. The lazy lion calls themselves a smoke club. But as you know the sale of retial marijua is l in colorado ris. We wt in wh hidd cer to show you how they set up a system of prive membersh contracts and reimbursemt toclaim one wuying or selling pot. The city let icontue and members are loyal. So basically, what at mns is is your marijuana, an employeeold r hien camera. Is your extracts. Ust grow it and ke it for yo sie itlready bongs to you, weusow it,he term we use rmburse. You are givingour money ck fogring yo b whi kes it a reimbsent. Does that makeense . I ha spokewithhe laz lions attorney since airg our original investigation. Hold up in court. But again, wdont beleive its being chalnged with thisaid toda ltiple customers stopped by day. Shocked to find the zy lion sh dn. Right now its csed indefinitely. Well keep you updateds soon as wlearn more. Rob lisa two teens unr arrestn coloradoprings tonight in connection to multiple liquor store robberies. Seral stolen guns have also en recover. D policeay they thinthe teens stole the guns from homesto use them in the robberies. Springs policel us the teens are likely a group of friends commting the crimes. And that theare definitely dangous. Ateasthreer fo other suspectsre uernvesti ght now. Youavandion infoatn atoup e li ithinstigio youresko vehe call developing tonightfire crews all over town today with three blazes sparking througho the day. The latestproduced a huge plume of thick black ske visible across town. Its from a fire that started in store unit near bijou and academy. It broke out just bere five, an have everything under control. They say it was contained to one or two uts. Its believed to havbeen accintallytart, possibly by someone living inside one of e units. When we learn more well uate you. Busy start to e day for firefighters in colorados prgs. Ere were two major apartment fireacross the city within an ur of each other. Tonightseral people are displaced d at leastne person is in the hospital recovering from burn iurs. This is a better look at where the fires arked. E first stard just after 1030 at the tanglewood apartmentsnear ausn bluffs paway and north acemy boevard. And within an hourecond fireroke out on 18th seet nearld colci, on the westide. The first fire happened around 105 this morni at the nglewortnts. Smoke and flames coming fr an apartment. Because of the sof the complex,. 21 trucks resed. And th jafter 11 this morngthe flames spotted on 18th str old barracks type structures from fort carson. Moved to the westide decades back and they also eded mor crews. So firefighters were moveagain. The chief prioritizes the task that need to bdone at the first fire that were at and releasesnybody else that he t togeer to get he other de otown. Rit w, both ree still under investigation. One person w ten to the hospit with appare burns from the 18th street fire. No other injies reports. The ig outfrom the massive weekend blizzard continues acro theidatlantic regi. Cars remain buried undermountains of snoand many streets arent plow. And it could stath w for a ile. Mark barger report e blizza that dumped massive amounts of snow ross tid atlaic andorthea over e weekend is still creating problems. In queens, new yorsnow pws have not been able to treat ma of the side roads. Leaving residents to fend for themselves. Sot mike inglise ueen new york 15 19 rht nowust trying to dig out little by littget it here. A tuation that could be dangerous. Sot t thomasian queens, new york22 25 f yoed aambunce ho are theyoing to get through. D forbid you have a fi. Re than two feet of snow fel in wngn, d. C whe the federal gornme is still down while publ trartion is geing ck uand nning. In nstown,ennsvania cars remaed burie anen if you can dig out theres where to go. Sis fearhey wont be able to get out for days. Nat the regions airports are sll struggling as we. Hundreds of canceled flights. Weary travelers are being rced to make e most of it. Sot colin brogan line passger 53 7 aporttake a while to gt backn track, so you just hav livwith it. Two etf sn, its a lot of snow. While officials in numerous east coast cities grple th wt to do with a the. Chiren, it ses, ve il red t. Nats mark barger, nbc news. Our election watch coverag just 6s to go unl the iowa caucus and polls show rain both parti close tcall. s gotten an ement that coultip things ihis favor. Om chris conservative leader jerry falll. It a bloto tmps bigst competitioted uz, os aigning as a christian nservati on the democratic side, Bernie Sanders and llary cln are almost tied. Thats even considering sanders cent admission his Healthcare Plan will be expensive. E willaise taxes yee will however. He ss if theiddle class comes out toaucu. Hell cure theominatio clintois preparingor mony by runng an ad. Where she says shes spent a lifetime fighting for famies. With all the atttionvor tuout inowa is sti only expected to be around 16 percent. News five your srcfor all the issues that ll affecyou this election yearjust head to koaadotcom forore of r compoverage. Good news for Colorado Springs utlities custorsrates are going. Council voted y to approve the drop foroth electric and feua first. And garates will drop avage of four and a half percent,. Or t nine dollars a month. Indual custome, ana halfercent,. And commericial customers,ea11 percent its on top of a rate cuthat kicked in at the begin of th year. As we first told youast ghtthe utility has collected more than 28milli dollars from electric and natural s customs since oil prices started dropping. Sincits aotor profit utilityexcess renu ste turned to cuomer alsoapni aty council toymemrs votedo appre prosedhae to theitys traffic ordinance. Thange will ket ndatory for drivers toive l city trans buses the rig ofay. You should knopolice will starenrcinthe law by the end of february. Busine

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