Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20161208 : vima

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20161208

moderate rain. i'm going to take you closer into sonoma. you see some yellows there. we're seeing pockets of moderate rain. heading into fairfield air base parkway, vacville, you're seeing some wet roadways right now. we go to the east bay and from san pablo dam road, there are some heavier returns. the rainfall is picking up in in tense -- intensity, though still pretty light. a steady rain in san mateo, pacifica, and we're tracking lighter showers in allen rock, you'll notice there, 680. we'll see widespread rain 11:00 p.m. 2:00 a.m., some rain. ponding on the roadways at 5:00 a.m., so if you're taking those kids off to school, you're heading to work, this is what you need to look out for. minor urban flooding is possible with light to moderate rain and breezy conditions, so hang onto the steering wheel. this is just the first of several storms. i'll be back with a detailed look at the other ones coming up. >> sand,y, thank you. now to the oakland fire, it started on the ground floor of the building, trapping people on the second floor. >> the only escape route for victims was through smoke and flames. two other victims were identified today. >> they included jason mccarty of oakland. he worked at prestige music group. also identified, wolfgang ren ard. he lived in oakland. >> 29 of those names have been made public. cornell bernard is live in oakland with more. cornell? >> reporter: the rain really starting to pour down here. still no cause for this tragic fire now being called the nation's worst blaze in 13 years. the atf says the lower floors of this -- of the ghost ship warehouse were likely fully engulfed before the people upstairs knew what was happening. the mayor of oakland vowing changes with building inspections today. in fact, the director of the building department made a stunning announcement. the building hadn't been inspected in three decades. >> we will learn from this tragedy to make oakland safer. >> reporter: in the wake of a fire which claimed 36 lives, the mayor announced a task force with officials to help oakland develop new regulations for the safety of its buildings. >> enhanced building safety, event safety and complaint procedures. >> reporter: before the fire, there was several complaints about light and garbage outside the ghost ship warehouse. building inspectors visited as recently as last month but never went inside. in fact, oakland's interim director planning of building made this stunning announcement. >> our records didn't show that an inspector had been inside the building in the last 30 years. >> reporter: those changes will be made. >> in terms of how we could have done it differently, that's something we'll be looking at now. >> reporter: still looking for a cause of the inferno, and the ghost ship had no smoke alarms or sprinklers. >> a refrigerator is still being examined but has not been determined to be the cause of the fire. >> the sheriff's department says every detail of what happened here will not be overlooked. >> the families want answers. they need answers. they want to know where their loved one was when they perished. >> in the meantime, a memorial continues to grow. the atf will stay here and assist the fire department for how long it takes, and we're told that could take a matter of weeks. international boulevard near the fire scene reopened to traffic just hours ago. we're live in oakland tonight, cornell bernard, abc 7 news. today there was a clash between a long-time oakland restaurant owner and oakland artist over code enforcement. >> abc brinkley has that story. >> reporter: put on by this long-time restaurant owner, dorothy king, a long known homeless advocate. after the fire sher, she decide speak out. >> i think the community is angry, and i can understand that. they're grieving. >> reporter: she went to the salt lick collective on the second floor. she doesn't want it to become another ghost ship and says she intends to push the city for more affordable housing. >> and i told you that this meeting was about standing with y you. >> you did it wrong. >> tell me what i did right or wrong, okay? >> my friends died. i can tell you whatever i want. >> and i sympathize with that. i sympathize with that. >> maybe your sympathy is weightless to me. because you are hurting us. this is hurting us. >> well, i'm sorry. >> reporter: the artists fear they will be evicted. they pointed to a fire escape, but that fire escape just leads to the edge of a roof. a ladder is strapped to it. the big question is whether the building meets city codes. >> all we're after, and i love the artist community, but the property owner is, at the end of the day, responsible to make sure all those individuals enjoy themselves living there, are safe and the property owner has to be responsible for all the codes necessary. p>> reporter: in the end, both sides agreed to meet at the restaurant again, this time with city officials to hammer out a solution. in oakland, i'm leslie brinkley, abc 7 news. meanwhile, in oakland, a memorial grows. people are bringing flowers, lighting candles and leaving notes. >> of the 36 people who died in the fire, five of those victims had ties to uc berkeley. >> alyssa harrington went to the campus today to hear their stories. >> reporter: these are four people linked to uc berkeley who were killed in the deadly warehouse fire in oakland. a fifth, known by her stage name cheruchi, also died. she volunteered at the campus radio station. >> our effort today and for this week and the coming weeks would be to kind of make sure there is support for the campus community. >> reporter: this includes counseling and trauma services. undergrad juniors jennifer plotkin and morris were roommates. morris, from foster city, was majoring in medieval studies. jennifer was a bright and thoughtful young women who came to uc berkeley cal because of a passion of understanding around her. david klein of oakland graduated in 2015. he majored in computer science and cognitive science. griffin madden also graduated last year with degrees in philosophy and slavic language. >> griffin madden was so passionate about the arts that he started working here when he was just a freshman. classmates are grieving for his death. >> we want to honor the lives of those who perished. >> reporter: in a statement chancellor nicolas dirk said, we send our con dolel condolences t to the families of these victims. >> they will hold a vigil at noon to honor the victims. they'll also distribute free tickets to a performance this weekend of handel's messiah who will be given in honor of griffin madden. why was a man running out onto the field while planes were taxiing at the airport? >> how police finally made some arrests. arrests. we're i did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. from now until the end of the year, shopping at small businesses could be even more rewarding. because, when you shop small with your eligible american express card, you could get two times the rewards. so support the businesses that make your town a community. the people who make your community, home those insiders, with the inside knowledge, those friends with a welcome smile. and you could get twice the rewards. learn more and enroll online today at get out... get together and shop small. we are learning tonight a house that exploded yesterday afternoon in nevada was illegally producing honey oil. that's a res in extracted from marijuana. marin county officials say they're still investigating what caused the explosion. the fire destroyed the garage and the back of the house. a man breached security today at san francisco international airport and ran onto the airfield. take a look at video. the man out on the tarmac trying to elude capture. airport police finally caught him and took him into the hospital for a mental evaluation. abc 7 news reporter vick lee has more. >> this guy was running like a running back. he was fast. >> reporter: paramedic firefighter rafael gordon responded to a call on his bike. someone was lying unconscious at the southwest ticket counter. >> he was breathing. i ended up reaching over to start taking his vital signs. he popped up and just bolted. >> reporter: he ran down the terminal and out the door, chased by about four or five officers. >> jumped over an embankment about 20 feet down, made it onto the airfield. >> reporter: now take a look at the chase on the tarmac from the cell phone video. police in airport vehicles began chasing him, trying to block his route. but the intruder weaved in and out of their path. paramedic gordon says the man seemed to have boundless energy, perhaps high on something. after zigzagging around the airfield, gordon said the man simply got tired. when he slowed down, officers caught him. tree nguyen shot the cell phone video. >> he was handcuffed and put into a black suv. >> reporter: the breach raises the question of airport security. they've already made many improvements. >> we've already hardened over 10,000 feet of fencing, we added new an lanalytics. >> reporter: despite all that, the man was able to jump over a 16-foot-high fence. this picture shows the escort leading robby chon from a hospital where he was discharged today to a rehabilitation center. on thanksgivingday, he was chasing a suspect that hit him in the head with a skateboard. chon had critical injuries. that suspect is facing charges including murder. someone who robbed an apple store might have made similar crimes. they captured him in truckee after last night's robbery. police are looking for a man who may have rammed his suv into an apple store. suspects trying to get away from sheriff's deputies in cherry hill. that teenager was injured and taken to a medical center. that car had plates that were likely stolen and the 15-year-old driver saw he was being followed. that's when he started racing through a neighborhood in an attempt to get away, hitting a cyclone fence and crashing into a home on grover street. no one was in the home at the time. we're also told that the teenager already has 11 previous felony arrests. now to other news and a topic that's a huge issue in the bay area, the cost of housing. there is a rent ordinance in place but the city is having trouble enforcing it. robin rivera explains why. >> reporter: finding an affordable place to rent is almost impossible in silicon valley. >> the rent is ridiculous. the rent goes up and the pay doesn't. i pay over $2500 a month. >> reporter: like many people, tiffany holder lives check to check to make ends meet. >> luckily my rent won't be increasing until july if it does, but nobody can afford it. people are having to move. >> reporter: in april, tenants and landlords packed a san jose council meeting. the council reduced its rent control hike from 8% to a 5% increase per year. but a city auditor says enforcement is challenging. >> we have not had the resources necessary to be effective in communicating with tenants and landlords what are their rights and responsibilities under the ordinance? >> the auditor highlights lack of oversight. there are 44,000 rent control departments in san jose, but only one administrator to enforce the ordinance. the new ordinance also included a rent registry requiring landlords to document rental charges and anti-retaliation protection for tenants who raise maintenance concerns. matthew reed meets families who come to sacred heart service for assistan assistance. he says rent prices need to come down to make a difference. >> if we lower to that level it would be more to protect people from super high rents that are causing real suffering. >> reporter: a council committee will review the audit. the plan is to hire more staff to force the rent control ordinance by july of 2017. in san jose, lonnie rivera, abc 7 news. let's talk about the series of storms coming up. >> sandia patel is tracking them all. >> live doppler 7 is lit up right now in greens and yellows, yellows indicating some moderate rain. let's close in here and i'll take you to street level. we'll start first where the most intense rain is and that's in east bay. concord boulevard getting some brief downpours. out towards the delta, bay point, pittsburgh, antioch, we're getting some light to moderate rain. it's starting to head in your direction and it's a lot lighter around livermore, dublin, 580, you'll notice. as we head into the san francisco area, the showers have lightened up and are spotty. on the peninsula, they're steady. san mateo to carlos. we take you to the south bay, santa clara. we are getting some wet weather there, but it's light now, and even in the santa cruz mountains, we're getting some rainfall. a few hundred drths of an inch san francisco. chains are required right now to lake tahoe because of the snow. the snow level will be very low. it's already coming down. we're looking at light snow down to 2,500 feet, so travel issues certainly a concern. 3 to 6 inches above 5,000. make sure you have your chains if you are heading up. here's our view from our kgo roof camera. rain is is dotting the lens. temperatures upper 40s to the low 50s. it is going to be milder tomorrow morning with the cloud cover and the milder air moving in with this system. exploratory camera a very murky view from pier 16 and this is what you'll have to deal with for your morning commute. a rainy scene from our golden gate bridge camera. wet and breezy overnight tonight. we're looking at scattered showers friday with another storm arriving on sunday. the storm coming in for tomorrow is moderate in intensity. it's a 2, so we're looking at light to moderate rain. tomorrow urban rain is expected. when you look at the wind gusts, you will notice what i'm talking about. at midnight, wind will be picking up on the coast out of the south-southeast. it continues to remain breezy in the overnight hours, and for your morning commute, gusts 20 to 25 miles an hour. that wind will make it a little tough driving through the wet weather, so allow that extra time for your morning commute. here's your hour by hour forecast. at 11:00, widespread rain. hopefully you're not a light sleeper because the rain might wake you up. 4:00 a.m., pockets of light to moderate rain. 7:00 a.m., still widespread rain. 8:00 in the morning as well. around 10:00 a.m., the rain begins to ease up but it's still going around noon, and then the rainfall intensity will start to lessen as we head to the afternoon and evening commute with showers going into your evening before that winds down and another round of showers comes through. rainfall estimates taking you from tonight to friday night. you can always download the abc 7 news app to help you keep track of the rain. tomorrow morning upper 30s to upper 40s. don't leaf home without your umbrella. you'll need it even in the afternoon. l high 50s to low 60s. a few more showers saturday, and i think you can get your holiday shopping done if you need to, still. next system is sunday. it's light. monday is also light, and tuesday it looks like the storm track will be shifting north, so a light system. coming up, the countdown is on. on. we're just days awa on. we're just days awa ♪ ♪ when you find something worth waiting for, we'll help you invest to protect it for the future. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase, so you can. the coliseum land deal needed to keep the raiders in oakland could be due next week. they need to review the latest term sheet headed by the group and ronnie lott. they tell abc 7 news that the votes are there to pass it when it's officially voted on next tuesday. the plan will also need approval by four of the five alameda police officers. they've closed one of their most popular locations. the sign said the bakery closed on saturday. the bakery was usually packed. in a statement they said the bakery couldn't be made into an expanded menu. facebook has been named one of the best tech companies to work for in an annual list from mill valley based glassdoor. last year's number one company, air b&b jumped to number 5. other bay area companies include google, fourth, linkedin was 8th, sales force ranked 17th, and intuit ranked 20th. coming up, the recovery is done. we'll look at the next phase in the negotiation of the ghost ship warehouse fire. then -- today our campus is in mourning. >> we're going to take you to the campus of cu berkeley who is grieving the loss of five members of its community in that fire. fire. time magazine am i actually pushing these guys who ran out of gas fire. time magazine six miles on a lonely highway? or is this a metaphor for how i'm constantly pushing myself to make a tastier sandwich? like my new pepper jack ranch spicy chicken sandwich with spicy pepper jack cheese, spicy ranch, and spicy all-white-meat chicken. but judging from the third-degree sunburn, and the fact that i can't feel my legs, i'd say i'm actually pushing this car. there's gotta be a better way to get new customers. the pepper jack ranch spicy chicken sandwich. taste it before it's gone. yep, i'm lost. live where you live, this is abc 7 news. today the recovery effort came to an end after the deadly fire at the ghost ship warehouse in oakland last week. >> the final toll, 36 people lost their lives, and now city officials are talking about the next steps to keep a tragedy like this from happening again, with greater oversight and improving conditions. >> reporter: this fire has beha devastating tragedy. but it would be another tragedy if we did not learn lessons. >> reporter: five days after a fire got into an oakland waree, libby schaaf is creating a task force. >> i'm creating a task force with help from the national fire protection association as well as u.s. fire administrator ernie mitchell. >> reporter: the interim head of oakland's building and planning department said while inspectors did respond to various complaints in recent years, primarily involving the vacant lot next door, none went into the warehouse itself. >> our records didn't show that an inspector had been inside the building in the last 30 years. >> this fire is the highest number of fire fatalities in the country in the last 13 years. >> reporter: and despite an announcement from the alameda county sheriff's department that the atf was looking at a refrigerator as a possible cause, a spokesperson for the atf said, not so fast. >> there's been misinformation circling that a refrigerator is the cause of the fire. this is inaccurate. please, stop saying it. the refrigerator is still being examined but has not been determined to be the cause of the fire. >> reporter: the examination, the investigation into what happened or didn't happen leading up to this fire will continue. and evidence from the scene taken to an undisclosed location. >> it's being preserved because every piece of the structure is relevant to what happened. not only do we want to find the point of origin, but we want to figure out why did it collapse, where did it collapse? were certain victims stand lg, maybe, when it collapsed. >> sheriffs told us at some point in this investigation, they're hoping to create a 3-d rekregs of this fire from beginning to end. in. we'll be on the scene for at least a couple more days. the victims are what really matter. we're getting to know their stories through family, friends and coworkers. melanie woodrow shows that many who died are talented artists. >> whatever i do, i kind of think it's small. i always think big. >> she was an instructor and they were engaged in the only couple mikaela gregory also spent their final moments together. >> they loved each other very much. it's so tragic and having been taken from us so soon, it really hits close to home. >> vega made quite the impression on his school wellness counselor who said he was a. you just don't forget. sonia -- she sent an. she got to has grown so much personally, professionally and artistically in the five. artists in their prime whose lives ended too soon. ber mee in southern california is sharing vet. that may have been part of the reason his daughter was at the warehouse. >> what i've learned from other transgender people, they can't just go into any bar or restaurant and stay safe. the sonia grew up in oakland about a year ago. >> each hairbags. when new information breaks, we're keep sending out alerts through the. the president-elect is making more digsz to his including the man who spent the last few years. . he's known as appear ally to the oil industry. >> i'm just trying to pick what kind of, including linda mcmann to. and mr. trump is. the transition team announced oklahoma scott prugh so the transition team says the president-elect is likely to settle more. we're in the process of butting. former rival. along with the other visitors to trump tall. he hopes that undocumented students will be protected by the new admission. . meanwhile the president-elect was named time mag sfwleen's purchase of the year. especially me joining up. the president-elect will be traveling to iowa tomorrow. he has announced he will be tapping their longstanding card to china. li lisa. lisa. the cold i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib well, it's gotten very chilly and this colder weather is a reminder how difficult life is for most homeless people. some of them did get some help. abc 7 is joining some media outlets in taking a look at the homeless crisis in san francisco. >> reporter: coats and warm jackets were greatly appreciated by the homeless and people living in poverty. at the event called project homeless connect, throws were also distributed. they were knitted by volunteers of the texas-based nonprofit warm up america. >> we want to make sure we keep everyone as safe and warm as we can. >> close to 50 people stood in line to get needed services at the bill graham civic auditorium. >> you wouldn't be able to get them, and if you did, you would have to go to about eight different places. >> project homeless connect puts on five of these per year. the nonprofit also joins us. >> it means a lot to know people care and be able to come and get what you need without hassle. without breathing, if i don't have a enough money, i can't afford it. >> we're trying to get them to take advantage of our other opportunities, with cal stamps, which is food stamps. >> i live on a disability check, and here in san francisco, that's not real easy to do. so anything, food -- whatever they gives you helps. >> pets forced to live on the streets with their owners were also given medical attention and a chance to stay healthy. in san francisco, lee ann melendez, abc 7 news. >> it's always this tough but certainly. she's going to update the forecast next. >> also, we look back to this day 75 years ago and the intent in. you're looking at one man putting the finishing touches on his personal tribute to mark today's 75th anniversary of the pearl harbor attack. bill lewis often expresses his creativity using sand at the beachwalk for his canvas. he uses his message to get people to appreciate history so the world can avoid future conflicts. while many of the service members survived the attack on pearl harbor flew to hawaii for today's anniversary, others look back on that day that will live on in infamy in the bay area. >> december 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy. >> president roosevelt's haunting speech was played as those who remember that day gather around the stage. >> suddenly a plane flew over and i could see the pilot's face, it was so low. >> he was a child in oahu. the news came over the radio. >> the news broke in and said pearl harbor has been bombed. >> now 97 years old, david perlman was the new guy right then, and they sent him with a telephone. >> the long cord ran into the newsroom, and my job was to count the planes that were flying over. >> he saw one that turned out to be a planet, but his next assignment was a town. he had a loss of an uncle. zakai had to fight for his own citizenship before the validity of the group. >> also in the crowd, a group much younger. high school students, who had a different kind of english class. >> with things to show for it like the message inside this bomber jacket in case a pilot went down. >> and a fierce, lasting patriotism. >> the united states united states is a great country on that. alameda, jonathan bloom. you can share it on your page for support. you'll find it on nbc bayarea di dint. >> doppler 7 showing you a wet scene and we have several more storms coming. let's talk about where it's raining right now. all wait to allen rock, you'll notice 680 east foothill area. as we head into. light sa shadows. discover day bethel island. it is right to mark. light but steady rain. you've picked up the rain and me understand keyno reports of some reports of snow, but that pink is starting to mix in, so now it's rain mixed in with snow. about 1/100 in san jose. livermore i'll have a few more clouds looking at different situations. here's an hour by hour look at your commute. it's going to be your problem fsn. set your events ak on him still continuing to a morning and evening commute. >> so more rain coming, but mr. on dan and mama. >> a bring -- god every week, right? . the highly anticipated playing will fear if he fears of god, number 7. >> that's what i want to take to work. >> i think the warriors brought they're star fighters to the memorial tonight. the clips felt like they were 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didn't like the effort from his team, thought they had kind of given up. it's more great passing. all warriors pretty much all night long running away with it. 102-85. they're in the fourth quarter. >> the cal bears playing seton hall at pearl harbor, once again a wild sequence here. that is desi rodriguez of the pirates with a rusty jam. bird and the servicemen were loving it. crazy finish, cal down three. they hold on 60-57. after three years, christian mccalf frkaccaffrey officially his intention to run for the draft. really no reason to come back for his senior year from injury, nothing to prove. he appears to be a first round late draft pick. >> i've had some success in my college career, but after talking to coach shaw, talk to go my dad, other mentors in my life, i thought, i'm ready to go. >> trust me, there are a lot of teams licking their chops at a guy who is a swiss army knife of a human being. >> it really does make sense. the sharks, they had a rare weekend off. in fact, they had four days of rest before they took the ice tonight at home against ottawa. sharks fans getting into the holiday spirit there. 1-0 senators early. martin jones with a savior but eric carson comes up with a rebound and he fires it home. logan cuts the lead in half. third period, skating four on four, brent burns waiting for his opening. that tied at that time two on burns, 11th of the season. right now that's where we are, 2-2 in the third period. this should have happened years ago, but the legendary baseball and football and basketball announcer bill king is finally in the baseball hall of fame, winner of the ford frick award for broadcasting. >> way back! center field! that one is gone! and that is gone! holy toledo! >> the voice of the a's spent 20 years in fantastic broadcasting. he passed away in 2005, truly one of the legends of broadcasting and he gets a long overdue honor. chris heston traded to the majors. the giants don't really have a spot tore him in the rotation, so chris heston goes to seattle. so this warriors game -- now, 1 006-89. there was a lot of hype and the warriors were going to bring it. they're just getting rolled, and they kind of gave up in the mil middle of the game and they brought in a bunch of subs. this will be a nice way to start once it goes final. coming up tonight on abc 7 news at 11:00, hundreds show up to say their farewell to the families who lost their lives in the fire. >> plus the veiled criticism about niners quarterback colin kaepernick that led to cheers and a standing ovation at pearl harbor. join us for abc 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. that's all for now. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm sandia patel. thank you so much for watching. make time for us again in one hour. over on the big 7, look at the embarcadero lit up for the holidays. and the rain announcer: this program contains material that may be disturbing to some audience members. viewer discretion is advised. today on "corrupt crimes," from entitled rich kid to vicious murderer-- how one young man, known as the likely killer of american teenager natalee holloway, ducks the law until he finds

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