Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20140204 : vimarsan

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20140204

suspect who is now being treated at kaiser in vacaville. just outside dixon, nick james, kpix5. >> that freeway is expected to fully reopen within the hour. tonight the feds accuse a california prison inmate of masterminding a heist so elaborate it sounds like the plot of a movie. kpix5's kristen ayers on the caper completely behind bars. >> reporter: the fbi saying that inmate was flying people here to oakland airport and having his henchman rob them run being the entire show from his cell block -- running the entire show from his cell block. >> they had percussion grenades going off. it was kind of like the fbi. it's crazy. >> robbing people at gunpoint, that's just a shame anybody having to go through that and especially getting scammed into it and having their money stolen. >> reporter: fbi agents say anthony martin was part of an online robbery ring that was run from this san luis obispo prison. a federal complaint says an unnamed inmate was using a smuggled smartphone to surf craigslist for people selling rolexs, diamonds and other fine jewelry and called the sellers and offered to fly them to tokeland to make the sale. authorities say martin's accomplices on the outside would use stolen credit card to buy the plane ticket and pick the person up in a limo. once the seller was in the limo, a band of thieves would pick up the limo and steal the jewelry. now martin and three other suspected robbers are behind bars. >> we don't know how many victims there are, but it could be in the dozens. google just got an eviction notice. this is a look at the four- story building docked at treasure island. google plans to turn it into a floating marketing center for google glass, but a state investigation discovered neither google nor the treasure island development agency ever applied for the proper permits. that means construction cannot resume until they do or google will have to move the barge to a location that does allow construction on the water. the little girl named kayl the napa county coroner performed an autopsy today on a little girl named calely slusher. andria borba says this story has a lot of people asking how can this happen? >> reporter: outside tonight apartment 7 there are candles and teddy bears in honor of the 3-year-old, a growing memorial and another vigil out here tonight as community and officers try to figure out what happened here. \ 41.17.20 she was sweet, she would beautiful, lon late this afternoon napa crime scene investigators swept the wilkins avenue apartment for evidence with pictures of calely flusher on the wall. detectives were called to this apartment 14 times since 2012 for a laundry list of issues involving calely's mother sara krueger and her live-in boyfriend ryan scott warner. in fact, officers were there just last week. family friends don't understand how officers missed problems in the home. >> if they saw trouble, you know, i would have thought they would have came sooner and got her. >> reporter: veronica murillo's daughters both played with calely. 11-year-old monique swam with her this summer. >> she was sweet. she would always laugh and wave her beautiful long blonde hair and she would run everywhere like a little baby that she was. >> reporter: kruger and warner were captured by b.a.r.t. police at the el cerrito del norte station near hours after calely's body was found in her bed with blunt force trauma and sexual abuse. >> i look at her. i look at my baby and i'm like how could somebody do that to an innocent angel? they're only 3. they've only been here three years in this world. to take them out like that, it's not fair and for a mother to do it, it's wrong. >> reporter: in napa andria borba, kpix5. >> the little girl's autopsy results are expected tomorrow or wednesday. take shelter from yesterda' check out this rescue, a homeless woman who went down into a storm drain in san rafael to try to take shelter from yesterday's downpour. she got caught up in the surge of water and had to be pulled to safety. she has a worker at the nearby car wash to thank for the rescue. he called for help after hearing her screaming. onal ite th >> our concern was that she was going to get swept into another part of the drain and then we'd lose sight of her. >> the woman had extra clothing down there, personal items and a dog. both she and her dog are going to be okay. we should know initial results tomorrow of the autopsy on philip seymour hoffman. police are investigating the actor's death as an overdose. hoffman was found in his new york city apartment this weekend with a needle in his arm and empty packets surrounding him. some of the packets did test positive for heroin and were labeled ace of spades or ace of hearts, a street name for the drug. investigators also found syringes and five prescription medications including muscle relaxers, blood pressure medication and a drug used by addicts to fight addiction. the 46-year-old actor admitted he was a drug addict by the age of 22 but had been clean for 23 years until relapsing last year. extra we don't know what kind of heroin hoffman was apparently using, but maria medina says there is a new extra potent kind on the streets. >> we're actually in a horn epidemic. >> reporter: the drug once -- heroin epidemic. >> reporter: the drug once associated in the inner city is now a drug of choice for kids and it's showing up in upscale neighborhoods. >> i've sold heroin and needles, also, to 13, 14-year- old, you know, junior high, high school kids. i mean it's that bad. >> the way this often starts is with prescription pills that come out of mom and dad's medicine cabinet. so it quickly becomes a $200 a day habit and somebody taps you on the shoulder and says look, heroin is the same drug. it's only $10. >> reporter: the heroin death toll is the highest it's ever been in new york's long island and one reason for the surge in overdoses, a deadly mixture of heroin and the prescription drug fentanyl that's claimed 22 lives in just two weeks. >> i haven't heard of it being a presence here yet, but, of course, there's that real threat. >> reporter: drug experts warn the heroin epidemic is nowhere near its peak here. >> it's not going away. >> reporter: the worse may be yet to come. >> the heroin use is just in its infancy stages in terms of rising. this has a lot of long legs and will play out at least the next five years, probably longer. >> the number of heroin users in the u.s. jumped nearly 80% between 2007 and 2012. quite the first day for janet yellen, the first woman ever to lead the feds. the former cal professor was sworn in today in a private ceremony at the federal reserve. while ms. yellen's hand was up stocks went down. the dow fell more than 326 points, s&p 500 gave back 40, but analysts say hey, no biggy. >> it definitely is a healthy thing. we can't have the markets always moving up in one direction. there has to be a two steps forward, one step back approach to our market. >> today was the dow's worst day in more than seven months. so far this year the dow is down more than 7%. s&p is down nearly 6. a $4 million super bowl spot is paying off for one oakland toy company. ♪ come on get your toys girls get your toys ♪ . >> goldly locks beat out fiscal cliff -- goldilocks beat out 15,000 other small businesses. it's meant to inspire the next generation of female engineers. girls swarm the streets with their pink toys and send them to outer space. tonight a warning about yogurt. it has nothing to do with a recall. >> betty yu tells us it has to do with wildlife. >> reporter: he might be looking for a meal in an old yoplait cup, but this skunk is poking his head into a real death trap. >> i want them to get rid of this design once and for all. >> reporter: rebecca demetrick runs the small wildlife service. she had to cut the rim of the cup to free the skunk. >> the head of the animal is getting stuck on this. >> reporter: she believes hundreds of animals literally get stuck in the unique shape of yoplait cups seen here in several youtube videos. >> the luckier ones get found. the luckier ones get rescued by people who can remove the thing from its head. others just die. >> reporter: it's why rebecca started a petition two weeks ago on to get general mills to change its iconic design. she already has the support of more than 20,000 people across the country. everyone that signed the petition pledged not to buy any yoplait yogurt in its standard containers. they hope general mills will sell more of these which we're told are only sold at costco. >> we currently don't have plans to change the shape of the cup, but we know animals will try to eat leftovers from any container. so it's very important to recycle responsibly, which is why we urge everyone to crush the cup. >> reporter: the online response on its website isn't good enough for rebecca. neither is the fine print on the back of every yogurt cup. >> they're worried about sales being hurt if they change it. we need to show them sales are going to hurt if they don't change it. hate your boss? or maybe >> wildlife emergency service says the goal someone hundred thousand signatures. >> you hate your boss or maybe your ex? only on 5 how one bay area man promises to make your enemies' lives a living hell with a click of a button. >> how the feds made our drought even worse. >> plus what it took to pull off the super bowl ad everyone is still talking about. ,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. to speak my language. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. quiero que me hagas sentir segura. i want you to be awesome. that's the doctor i want. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. thinks predators are using app to stalk kids. dennis herrera accuses "mee dot com" of unlawfully san francisco city attorney thinks predators are using an app to stalk kids. dennis herrera is accusing of unlawfully publishing personal information like profiles, photos and locations and wants it shut down. he says that information lets sexual predators target children as young as 13. hasn't commented about the lawsuit. about nefarious-jobs a new website based in san francisco is helping people get even. joe vazquez tells us about in a story you'll only see on kpix5. joe? >> he doesn't the woman his face on tv, but i sat down -- want his face on tv, but i sat down with the ceo who goes by john winters. he's a former cop and private investigators and has hired other p.i.'s from his company along with hackers from around the world to help him dig up dirt. >> anyone who has been wronged, hurt, abused, stabbed in the back can come to us and we will do our very, very best to make the life for that person who has wronged you completely miserable. >> reporter: it's revenge. >> yes, it is. >> reporter: among the services offered revenge against an ex, the reputation shredder, indecent exposure. what are some of those? what's indecent exposure? >> we had more than a few cases of businessmen running overseas to say thailand and places like that. we would hire a private investigator in that country run around taking pictures and post a website offshore ununtraceable about their activities. >> reporter: the most expensive service is total annihilation costing $10,000. winters says the most popular is the boss breaker. >> we can send a bunch of faxes over to everyone in the office with the person flipping the bird smiling saying i quit, fu, sob. the company is mad and the ceo is embarrassed. >> reporter: how is this legal? is it stalking? >> we don't stalk. we don't follow people. >> reporter: private investigators. >> hey, they're legally empowered to do that work. >> being a private investigator does not defend you from being either criminally or civilly liable. >> reporter: kpix5 legal analyst paul henderson says the company's activities could fall under recently passed california cyber bullying laws. >> if your intent is to harass, embarrass or frighten someone online, you may face criminal liability for cyber bullying or possibly stalking. >> john winters insists they never do anything physical. they've actually received requests to murder people, but he says they turn them down flat. it's all digital and he says a couple thousand bucks a pop. >> curious why he doesn't want to use his real name if it's all on the up and up and everything is okay. who are you really, john winters? >> he said he's a private investigators and in that realm they need their anonymity. the current drought in california is the worst in centuries. in 2/3 of the state it's either extreme or exceptional. a lot of cities are talking about mandatory rationing if they haven't started already. tonight a story that will make you think what were they thinking? allen martin shows us uncle sam actually made our water supply worse. he lake ... to the wat >> reporter: for mike martinez it's a long, dry walk. >> charter 77, 76, this is as low as i've ever seen the lake. it's scary. when i think about it in the big context of our water and the water table in general, yeah, it's scary because we take it for granted. >> reporter: lake mendocino which feeds the russian river is managed by the army corps of engineers for flood control purples and the sonoma county -- purposes and the sonoma county water agency for water supply, but at 36% of capacity there's certainly no risk of flood and a fast dwindling supply. here's a great example of what should be under water. these branches look like somebody placed them here for a bonfire. they were actually put her by a local fish -- here by a local fishing club as fish habitat for bass and blue gill. over a year ago land mendocino held plenty of water, but in a routine move the army corps of engineers followed what many say is an antiquated manual dating back to the '50s and released 1/3 of the water in the lake just in case. >> unfortunately it didn't rain after december. >> reporter: mike dilabah with the army corps says it's not that his agency wanted to release the water. it had to just in case forecasters were wrong. >> the last thing we want to do is jeopardize the 250,000 residents downstream because we poorly operated the dam. >> can't make rain, but you can certainly manage the resources you get more efficiently. >> reporter: critics including sean white with the russian river flood control district say the corps is being more than overly cautious. >> there was never any rain in the forecast or on the horizon and if it had the flexibility to still look outside, that water would be in the lake and we'd have twice the supply today. >> reporter: the sonoma county water agency partnered with noaa to come up with a better way forecasting when storms are coming and maybe more importantly when they aren't. the corps of engineers' response so far, they'll look into it. >> whatever happened to raising the height of the dam? >> that was part of the original design. it called for another 32 feet on top of the dam back in the '80s. they were going to do that, never done because of money. the army corps said the original dam cost $8 million to build 60 years ago. a phase two addition now would cost $250 million, couldn't do it. >> thank you. check out mount diablo. that is snow. you can barely see it, but it got a light dusting yesterday all the way down to 2,000 feet. i saw it from my house. i tweeted you a photo of it. >> yes. >> we were both like dancing out in the yard after that. >> the rain is here. >> great news. it was cold, wet. some spots got 1/2 to 3/4-inch of rainfall and that's just the beginning. we have a little pattern change here, not a guarantee it lasts through the rainy season, but for the next week we're back to normal. peek outside, clear skies after a chilly day, didn't make it to 60 degrees since the new year. we'll get chilly tonight. a lot of you will wake up below freezing. that includes you in santa rosa down to 30 tonight, fairfield 30, livermore and napa 32, san francisco 43 degrees. how much did the rain over the weekend help? we got a little more than 1/4- inch of rainfall in san francisco. that shaved 2.4% off our rainfall deficit. so it's good news, but it didn't do a terribly big change in our drought, in our deficit. we need more. guess what? the pattern is set up so we can get more rainfall because the high pressure dome moved 700 miles to our south and west. it's right over top of us providing that wall where not one single storm for four straight months could make it here, the ridge is still here, but it's moved and now the storms will have a chance to make it to the bay area. thursday is our next front. it will move over the ridge into the bay. we'll get some rainfall. the next front will arrive thursday. then over the weekend as ken celebrates we're talking about more rain coming in with a tropical keck. that means more rich moisture -- connection. that means more rich moisture. good news all around, two more solid chances of rainfall, clear, chilly tonight, shower chances and the big soaker sunday and monday. san francisco 54, san jose 57, 57 in danville and concord and 54 degrees with partly sunny skies in san francisco tomorrow. extended forecast the wednesday dry, thursday showers move in. chilly day friday, low 50s for highs and there it is. we've got a two-day soaker sunday and monday. that is your kpix5 forecast. rpt from show well, it was elizabeth's favorite super bowl and she had it pegged a week ago. wait till you hear what it took to pull that one off. , and here's exactly how you'll get there. you'll work hard, and you'll fall hard. you'll lose sometimes when you really should have won. you'll win sometimes when no one thought you had a shot. and you'll never, ever stop. we know this. because you're one of us. at citi, we believe in everyone's potential, which is why citi and evan are giving back to community sports programs to help future athletes every step of the way. ♪ told ya you could do it. (dad vo) i want her to be safe. so, i taught her what i could and got her a subaru. (girl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. honor folk singer, pete see bay area performers put on the show called "good night, and salvage a sing along tribute tonight to honor folk singer pete seeger. bay area performers put on the show called good night pete. among the performers wave gravy. the show sold out quickly, so hundreds of people who couldn't get inside stood outside and sang. pete seeger was 94 years old. this has to be one of the best super bowl ads of all time. i just love it. i can watch it forever. it's wonderful. >> now we learned it really was a labor of love. take a listen. about a dog's determinationo hang out with his friend, t clydesdale horse. it took 3 months budweiser's puppy love, it's got a name, is about a dog's determination to hang out with his friend, the clydesdale horse. it took three months to shoot this on a southern california farm. eight puppies, all 10 months old, remember used to get the desired shots -- were used to get the desired shots. one of the biggest challenges was making sure the horse was comfortable nuzzle noses. >> and they have these beautiful little faces and they look so sad. it breaks your heart. >> it looks like taco. >> it does look like taco. >> i like the richard sherman headphones one. >> i also liked the david beckham commercial. that was a close second. >> i knew you would. richard sherman has a positive message for the 49ers fans out there. >> and the flyers beat the sharks for the first time since the turn of the century. we'll drop the puck next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for philadelphia around the parts....the last time theyt the sharks was december of 2000.. antti niemi hasn't stopped a goal since 200 either.. shas up 2-1..but then...matt read l hasn't been much brotherly love for philadelphia in these parts. last time they beat the sharks was in 2000. sharks up 2-1, but then matt reed read that one all right. game tied 2-2. a minute 14 seconds later michael raffle buries it and it's 3-2. claude giroux ends the night with a wrister. flyers lose 5-2. e matt nieto this is the exclusive dorsal fin digest, can't blame it all on the emmys. the sharks scored just four goals in the last five games. the rookie matt vietto scored twice in the loss. after a three year hiatus the lpga coming back, the swinging skirt tournament in april. legend julie ingster will be in the field. half of the tour's top 10 golfers last year were from south korea. >> probably the down side is recognition, knowing who is who. when you have 10 kim's, it's hard to know which kim is which. i know of one of them and they all have different personalities. they all speak english. they all are really supportive of the lpga and they want the lpga to succeed, so they're doing their best to make it happen. will this make you warm up to richard sherman, you guys? the newest super bowl champion blogged that he thought the nfc championship was the super bowl. the 49ers were the second best team in the nfl and man, i can't wait till september. kung fu panda made it 6.3 seconds and the bull went after him. down goes frazier. no. 4, take me back to the cow palace. the fool's name was body bag. i darn near broke my nose and i did the 11:00 news with a bandage across my face. no. 3, garrett williams of the kings, want to get a we? luckily his team was up until -- away? luckily his team was up almost 32 points over chicago when he pulled that number. no. 2, penguins bully marc-andre fleury flashing the leather. pens hold off the senators 2-1 and no. 1, a 16-year-old junior in santa fe is averaging almost 20 points a game with just one arm. he is the team's starting point guard. his coach said he's good enough to play college ball and d.i. wouldn't be the first. a georgia high schooler also had only one arm and he's playing for florida next year. you remember jimmable got, the pitcher, threw -- jim abbott, the pitcher, threw a no hitter for the yankees with one arm. be right back. ,,,,,,,,,, or how to find big savingsdeals on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. you'll find huge club card deals perfect for the big game. pizza's a football favorite. digiorno pizza is $3.99. get your snack on. wheat thins and other nabisco crackers are just $1.50 a box. and dreyer's ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. our next newscast is tomorr letterman is next with seattle seahawks quarterback russell wilson. >> i thought he was in disneyland. >> after. >> he's around the world. >> that is smith who was the mvp. >> very good. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, chock full of chicken wings, david letterman! (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs

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New York , United States , Country Run , Florida , Russian River , California , Oakland , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Vacaville , Georgia , San Francisco , Thailand , Danville , Sonoma County , Sacramento , Napa County , Mount Diablo , South Korea , Chicago , Illinois , Matt Reed , Subaru A , Andria Borba , Paul Henderson , Anthony Martin , Jim Abbott , Philip Seymour Hoffman , Veronica Murillo , Paul Shaffer , Garrett Williams , Maria Medina , Kristen Ayers , Richard Sherman , Sara Krueger , Allen Martin , Janet Yellen , Russell Wilson , David Letterman , Ryan Scott Warner , Napa Andria Borba , Claude Giroux , Joe Vazquez , Matt Nieto , Dennis Herrera , Nick James , Pete Seeger , Betty Yu , El Cerrito , Luis Obispo , Kaiser Permanente , Antti Niemi , David Beckham ,

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