Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20151218 : vimarsan

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20151218

freeway tonight. as investigators search >> live, from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. >> an suv shot at on a bay area freeway tonight. as investigators search for evidence, a waitress jumps into action to stop the victim's bleeding. >> that shooting happened on the westbound side of i-80 near san pablo dam road. kpix5's da lin is there right now with some new information about tonight's shooting. da? >> reporter: yeah ken, veronica, after the man was shot on the freeway there, he ran a block this way to this denny's restaurant and a waitress stepped in to help out. she points to where the victim was shot. cynthia lopez says the man came in with a gunshot wound to his arm. >> i got a cloth and put it on his wound. >> reporter: the man was in pain. and losing a lot of blood. >> just trying to be there for him. because, if it happened to any one of us, you would want someone to be there for you in those moments. >> reporter: paramedics came in and took the 30-year-old richmond man to a nearby hospital. it happened in the westbound direction of i-80 at the san pablo dam exit. the sedan pulled up to the 2016 ford escape and someone started shooting blowing out at least one window. investigators say there was a second person in the suv with the victim. but that person ran away. the chp at one point shut down the entire westbound direction during the evening commute to look for bullet casings. >> we do know with relative certainty these are not random shootings. that these people are being specifically targeted. >> reporter: no motive and not sure if it is connected to three other shootings in november along the same stretch of i-80. one person died and three were wounded. in fact, this is the second freeway shooting at san pablo dam road. police don't have any information about the suspect or the car. the victim will make a full are coverer. as for the friend who took off running, they have no information on that either. da lin, kpix5. a young man is accused of trying to join a terrorist group in syria. he was planning to get there by way of turkey but only made it as far as sfo. christin ayers lays out the evidence tonight from the unusual exercise regimen to the phone call about spilling blood. >> i was shocked. i had no idea what was going on. >> reporter: neighbors are stunned at the allegations that their 22-year-old neighbor adam chauncey had been radicalized. they say adam seemed like a normal young man. he went to mission san jose school. >> great family. they just don't socialize very much. >> reporter: back in summer 2014, adam traveled with his family from san francisco to cairo egypt to visit relatives. adam then vanished on a trip to turkey. he texted a relative he had gone to protect muslims. adam's father called the u.s. embassy saying he was afraid that adam had been recruited by by the end of the summer, adam returned with his family to the bay area. rick smith is a former fbi agent. he says it appears that is when the feds started watching adam closely. >> the surveillance revealed he had possibly some training in par military operations. >> reporter: he led his brothers in para military style training. by 2015, adam was planning to join a terrorist organization in turkey. investigators say adam told a friend i really wanted to kill some people who were supporting america or american soldiers. and i just hope allah doesn't take my soul until i have a couple of gallons of blood i spilled for him. june 30, investigators stopped adam at the san francisco international airport about to board a flight to turkey. he was questioned and arrested a few days later. christin ayers, kpix5. >> fbi agents questioned him after his trip to turkey last year. he told them he went to istanbul because he wanted to try to help syrian refugees. take a live look outside. it has been cold. that is what it looks like from our roof. paul is going to make a mess of a busy commute tomorrow. >> it will be get away day tomorrow. the last friday, the last weekend before christmas. sloppy. there is the rain. still in the far northern california. buff quick progress that it will make overnight tonight and 9:00 tomorrow morning. sonoma county, napa county, marin county, steady rainfall making its way south throughout the day. the impact of this particular system will be a decent dose of mountain snowfall. we are noted expecting flooding. but, that commute, a huge impact on the evening commute tomorrow. if you want to make it wherever you are going on time, plan on leaving 15 to 30 minutes early. a winter storm watch and a winter storm advisory has been issued for the sierra. we could get a foot of snowfall over the next 36 hours. wonderful news for our snow pack. emily turner was in middletown where the rain has already begun. i'm in middle town where it is cold and wet. >> reporter: it was gray all through the afternoon and the fog just as it went through the afternoon got lower and lower until this, which you are looking at right now, just as the sun went down, it started to sprinkle and has begun to get heavier as the night goes on. in middle town, emily turner, kpix5. >> you can get up to the minute forecast and live radar for your neighborhood any time you want. just download the cbssf bay weather app. the man who bought the assault rifle his friend used in the san bernardino attack is under arrest. and we are learning new details about another plot against a college and a freeway four years ago. 24-year-old enrique marquez entered the courthouse in this unmarked car. he is charged with unlawful purchase of assault rifles used in the san bernardino massacre and providing material support for terrorism. in a 37 page criminal complaint, investigators say he had no knowledge of syed farook's plan to attack. they allege he purchased the two ar-15 style rifles for syed farook because "his appearance was caucasian while syed farook looked middle eastern." he also purchased the smokeless powder used in the pipe bombs at the scene of the attack and in syed farook's home. marquez admitted he and farook planned an attack at the river side community college in 2011. in an effort to inflict maximum casualties, they planned to throw pipe bombs from an elevated position and shoot people as they fled. the complaint also said they plotted a freeway shooting in 2012. they chose a stretch with no exits to increase the number of targets. marquez is also charged with defrauding u.s. immigration services by participating in a sham marriage. if he is convicted of all three charges, he faces up to 35 years in prison. also tonightings the fbi is looking into threatening e-mail that prompted a district wide security sweep of san francisco public schools. parents got multiple alerts this morning after the message sent out to five district employees, the superintendent wouldn't show us that e-mail. but he said it was similar to the threat that shut down la unified schools earlier this week. >> someone claiming to have been a student in the district, that was bullied. and, how they have turned to religion. and because of that, they are going to come and shoot up the schools. in the district, and not specifying any particular school. >> well, fbi came in. school workers did a sweep of each campus. they found nothing suspicious. and, the school day went on as scheduled. the kindergarten class at one san jose elementary school goes on a special field trip every year, but not this year. tonight, mark sayre says a lot of moms gave the school board a piece of their mind eight the decision to cancel santa. mark? >> reporter: that's right veronica, not one single parent spoke out in favor of this decision to cancel this long standing school tradition. >> bring back the field trip. now in the spirit of inclusion. >> oh. >> reporter: a field trip to a local cafe to see santa has become a decade long tradition. but one mother who was jewish complained to the school board. >> we need to teach about all the holidays. we live in a global society. >> reporter: she says she has been bullied by other parents and told she ruined santa. >> i had some parents that called me a communist. you know. said that i didn't want any holidays. >> reporter: the superintendent says policies are now under review. >> our imperative is inclusion. the conversation we are having right now, is very vital and important. >> last time i looked at my church, it was jesus on a cross. not santa. >> reporter: but parents say their harshest criticism is for the district itself saying all parents should have been included in the discussion rather than letting one person decide for everyone. >> this approach by our district of asking for forriveness after decision, affecting so many of our kid is unacceptable and parents have a right to be angry. >> you guys make a decision off one person instead of representing all of us or talking or asking for feed back from the community. >> reporter: now, despite all the complaints, the school board says it could not take any action tonight because this item was not officially listed in advance on the agenda. earlier today, some parents told us that would either keep their kids home tomorrow or possibly even stage a walkout at about 10:00 a.m. but tonight, no parents addressed that with the school board here. reporting live in san jose, i'm mark sayre, kpix5. well, he became the poster boy for skyrocketing drug prices. and tonight, this bay area ceo is under arrest for running a ponzi scene. >> first there was no crab. things are getting worse. the new concerns over other popular fish. >> and finally, the wait is over. tonight, we are asking star wars fans, does it live up to the hype? ♪ (vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. tonight. this is the >> well, the guy known as the most hated ceo in america is out on bail tonight. this is the investor who jacked up the cost of a life-saving drug and then bragged about it. cate caugurian tells us he was indicted on criminal charges, but not for price gouging. >> reporter: in handcuffs and a hoody, martin shkreli arrested at his new york apartment. >> he ran his company like a scheme. he used each suns went company to pay off defrauded investors from the previous company. >> reporter: he boasted his hedge fund returned nearly 43% in just two years. in fact, the sec says shkreli's funds suffered $7 million in trading losses and had virtually no assets. a second hedge fund, msnb healthcare also allegedly deceived investors. shkreli then used retrofin, a pharmiseudical company he started to pay off the mounting losses in his funds. >> they describe securities and wire fraud trifecta of wire fraud, deceit, and greet. >> reporter: in september, shkreli raised the price of a drug that fights a rare parasitic infection from 13.50 a pill to $750. >> i'm a capitalist. i'm trying to create a big drug company, a successful drug company. >> reporter: he became a symbol of drug industry greed, spent $2 million to buy the only copy of an album by the rap group wu tang clan. they joked we didn't seize the wu tang album. he left the courthouse after posting $5 million bail. cate caugurian, kpix5. last month, shkreli bought a major stake in bay area drug maker kalobias. they are in clinical trials for drugs to help leukemia. the living donor program has been suspended for kidney transplants when one donor died. the transplant was successful for the recipient, but the donor died a short time after the operation. it is still unclear why. in a statement tonight, ucsf health said the safety and well being of our patient is our top priority and every effort is being made to understand what has happened. we are deeply saddened by this tragic event. the united network requested if program suspension until the investigation is complete. that is common in cases like these. no other transplant programs have been affected. the toxic algae that shut down the crab scene is digging deeper. scientists have been taking daily readings of the algae levels off the coast. they say the toxic acid is now turning up in salmon and anchovies. it. salmon is still safe to eat, but anchovy may not be. >> seeing toxin above the limit, so they say decapitate it, gut it and you are fine. that is not true. >> we called the health department to ask about that comment. they insist anchovies are still safe to eat. star wars fans, the wait is over tonight. the force awakens opened in theaters about four hours ago. >> kylo ren was awesome. the new villain. it is the best i have seen all year. ly see it two or three more times. by the end of the weekend, i will have seen it four times at least. [ laughter ] >> andria borba, live for us tonight at the metrion in san francisco. all right, what is going on? what have you heard? >> reporter: well, you can take a look right here. there are people lined up. they are waiting for the 12:30 showing. there have been people out here since yesterday night waiting to see this movie and the reviews are in. and people are very, very excited about the new movie. there have been teasers and trailers but the moment is finery here for star wars fans. the force awaken is no longer jedi myth but reality. >> i have been waiting like this for i feel like five, ten years. >> on a scale of 1 to 10, probably in the 20s. >> reporter: the first showing was at 7:00 p.m., but plot points have been leaking online for days forcing some into social media hibernation. >> i turned off facebook. yeah. i just have been away from the internet. >> i have a friend that worked for disney who saw it a couple of weeks ago and i haven't talked to him since he saw it. [ laughter ] our friendship is basically over. >> reporter: as the star wars universe expands, there are new things the be nervous about. like a new villain. >> ly finish. >> reporter: and a new director takeing the reigns from the bay area's own george lucas. >> he is great. jj abrams is great. did great stuff with star trek, super 8 is really good. >> reporter: with this seventh chapter of light sabers and storm troopers, childhood traditions are getting reignited. >> i think you showed me jedi first. >> her lips now move ahead of the dialogue. >> reporter: even if the force awakens draws more hatred than jarrett jack binks, one thing is certain, the box office is making more than an exploding death star. take a look behind me. this is the line still waiting to see everything. it stretches almost an entire city block. people trying to get into see this movie. ken, veronica, if you want to see hit weekend, it might be a little easier tonight. i don't think anyone is getting in without a ticket. >> i saw some trekkies there. they are supposed to be somewhere no one has gone before. not in a galaxy far, far away. the force is strong with this one. that is how facebook ceo mark zuckerberg captured this photo of his baby girl max decked out in star wars gear. pretty cute. paul, i know you are going to leave and head right over to the theater to catch the 1:00 a.m. show? >> yeah. >> you got your ticket? >> no. no. >> nice. >> if i did i would sell it for $500. just kidding. just kiddingful that's not fair. [ laughter ] all right, here we go. we have our radar, kind of like light sabers. just imagine, go with me. there are four of them there. we found some rainfall up toward eureka. we love the rainfall and more is coming. with that blanket of cloud cover, not as chilly. vallejo 42. redwood city, 40. and also 40 degrees for your low in san jose. rain, snow, still mainly to the north. it has been a deluge for the past couple of weeks in the pacific northwest. but, the jet stream right now is aimed there. we want it aimed here. that will happen over time. but specifically for this one rain event, it will happen for us tomorrow. let's go hour by hour. some steady rainfall moving into marin county, sonoma county. napa county. right through the evening commute. 4:00 to 7:00 tomorrow, that is then the steadiest rainfall moves right through. south bay, you are getting some rain, 9:00, 10:00. weekend, saturday, looking good. get outside, not only does the rain move out, may get it mainly sunny. we are adding up all five days from tomorrow all the way through the middle of next week. san jose looking good. an inch of rainfall not bad for you. perhaps two inches of rainfall for the north bay. ukiah, five or six inches of rain, five or six times as much rainfall as san jose over the next week. so really it is the north bay once again getting the heavily stuff. a couple of sprinkles in the north bay. cloudy tomorrow. rain moving north to south. next rain chance saturday. rain, santa clara. 60 degrees. union city, 59. vallejo, 57. san francisco tomorrow, rain in the evening. 59 degrees and 54 tomorrow for cloverdale. as i mentioned we dry out saturday. next round of rain, late sunday into monday. a third round of rainfall for christmas eve, but the heaviest stuff is what gets here tomorrow. >> all right. >> very cool. >> very nice. >> may the force be with this forecast. >> exactly. it is absolutely impossible to get star wars tickets but adele tickets sold out faster than you can say hello. find out how much they are the going for on stub hub tonight. >> and coming up on the late show with stephen colbert, michael moore, samantha power, and michael c. hall. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ just you and i ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ and oh the best it could be ♪ just you and i ♪ took to twitter.. after tic to ♪hello. it's me. ♪ >> it is more like hello heartbreak. frustrated fans took to twitter today after tickets to adele's shows sold out in mere minutes. the tickets to the singer's north american tour went on sale to the public this morning and they were quickly snapped up on and put on secondary sites like stub hub for up to $10,000 apiece. you tried this morning right? >> no. no. >> no? [ laughter ] >> not me. ever get the late night munchies? >> well steph curry does. someone snapped this photo of he and his wife and rapper drake at an in and out in alameda. how cool is this? so cool. this is all happening after the dubs beat the suns last night. what do you think they ordered? >> probably a double double. >> get with the terminology man. it is animal style. i'm dennis o'donnell. this might have been the final game in saint louis, nfl style. kickoff next. ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, then boom. what happened? stress, fun, bad habits, kids. now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. enter the sleep number bed with sleepiq® technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleepiq® tells you. give the gift of amazing sleep. find our best buy rated c2 queen mattress with sleepiq. only at a sleep number store. starting rotation...johnny cueto... >> six days after introducing jeff, the giants have now introduced johnny cuedo. >> here is johnny. >> and he is introduced today after officially signing a six year deal. >> there were many teams after you. and you were a little nervous or drinking in a little coconut water? >> i didn't worry. i knew i was going to eventually sign with a team. and that's the same thing i told my agent. i told price, just take it easy. relax. [ laughter ] >> reporter: and pete and the sharks looking a little win away from san jose. sharks trail toronto 4-2 in the third period. then matt nieto scores. a slap shot. gives the sharks a 5-4 come back win. you know they are now 12-5-1 on the road this season. third quarter, rams hosting the bucks. tevaughn austin. 28-6 at that point, saint louis hung onto win their home finale. most games now must wins. at the pva world championship. gary faulkner jr. just the sec african-american to win a pva event in the tour's history. he wins 216-178 in the final. reno, nevada. that is known as the national bowling stadium. we'll be back in a moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, announcer: through sunday at sleep train, get up to 48 months interest-free financing on tempur-pedic, save $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic, or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train. >> colbert is next. goodnight! ( band playing intro music ) ( cheers and applause ) captioning sponsored by cbs ♪ ♪ ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> stephen: yeah. whooo! welcome to the late show, everybody. whooo! whooo! whooo! thank you so much. >> stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen! >> stephen: that is grit! that is nice! thank you, ladies and gentlemen. thank you so much. welcome to the late show! (cheers and applause) >> stephen: oh, that is good. you guys, i don

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