Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140812 : vi

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140812

some of his neighbors spoke with kpix 5's andria borba. >> reporter: in tiburon the flowers aren't for the comedian the actor, but for robin williams, the father, husband, neighbor. >> so distraught, thought of his family. he was such a great guy. it's a loss to the whole community. he was such an icon and inspiration. >> and he really, really tried to be not a celebrity. he tried to be just a human being. >> reporter: 911 was called to his home just before noon. >> medics en route. >> apparent suicide attempt by hanging. >> reporter: the 63-year-old academy award winner was pronounced dead in his home at 12:02 p.m. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: the publicist said he had been battling severe depression as of late. on his street he wasn't a superstar but just a neighbor walking his dog, the dad helping his kids. >> he is one of the most sincere friendly people i have met. i remember sometimes i'd be hanging out with casey and he would always be offering to help us. just sincere, honest and friendly. >> i feel really horrible for his kids especially and his family. >> reporter: robin's wife susan said this of her husband's death: i lost my husband and my best friend. while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings. i am utterly heartbroken. on behalf of robin's family, we are asking for privacy during our time of profound grief. as he is remembered, it is our hope the focus will not be on robin's death but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions" > he was loved by everybody. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix 5. >> the world fell in love with mrs. doubtfire one of williams' biggest movies. it was filmed here in san francisco. christin ayers with more on the comedian's bay area roots and some early signs that he had some demons to conquer. >> rest in peace. >> reporter: the bay area raised a glass to robin williams. >> loved mrs. doubtfire which is why we like coming here. we always think of him. >> reporter: here at bridges restaurant in danville where some of the famous scenes were thought. >> that's where he jumps over and says -- >> help is on the way, dear! >> reporter: the bay area was where a young robin williams got his start in comedy fresh out of juilliard. journalist and broadcaster ben torres profiled williams in this 1980 article for parade magazine, one season into mork and mindy he remember his energy as boundless. >> unstoppable talent. you couldn't control the guy. he couldn't control himself. >> reporter: but fong-torres says even with his star rising, williams was struggling with a dark side. >> he was already saying at age 29 that he was looking at himself 30 years from now in about 2010, being a derelict washed up drunk in a bar trying to buy a drink for an older lady by trying to remind her that he was in mork and mindy. you know, he had a sad vision of his future even then. he scares me. that's a genuine fire that the fire goes out. mork and mindy could end this year, the next year, i don't know how long it can go. >> reporter: christin ayers, kpix 5. >> and this is robin williams' final instagram post. it was posted 12 days ago. it's a photo of himself with his daughter zeldas as a baby. >> he also we had to this for his daughter. a quarter century old today but always my baby girl, happy birthday, love you. comedian paul rodriguez fought back tears as he credited williams with giving him his big break. >> man, it's like somebody punched you in the stomach. i think everybody in america tonight is going to experience crying for someone you never met. but you felt you knew him. if you were fortunate enough to have gotten to -- [ pause ] >> -- to meet him, you know, then, ahem, then it's just really sad. you want to call your friends, text them and find out, who would make up such a story? [ crying ] >> but you know, uhm, i just revere him. >> fans have been leaving flowers and mementos on robin williams's star at the hollywood walk of the fame. at the red star premier for the expendables last night stars teared up. >> i'm a dad. anytime a father -- [ pause ] >> -- loses kids or kids lose their father, it's hard. but there's something about being able to have the kind of life that he had and the kind of energy that he put out and everything he did that we have to take that because that's what some people leave behind. >> just arrived a few hours ago from europe. the first thing i saw on television was shocking, sad. yesterday we had a superstar. today, unfortunately, we have a legend. our condolences to his family. >> he was a great familiar and also a friend and i admired him. and, you know, he's a legend. it's unbelievable. >> one of the greatest we were all blessed to have that experience and those of us who had a chance to work with him are even more blessed. if anything else, i learned how wonderful it is to be an artist by watching him, how wonderful it is. rest in peace, my brother. >> and reaction continues to come in on the death of robin williams. we're tracking his career at and you can leave your tributes to williams on our facebook page. >> i'm still in shock over this. >> i know. >> he was such a genius and aside from all his work he did in the movies and on tv, he also did a lot of charitable work, as well. just seemed like a very good man. >> he almost seemed like a piece of us. you hear about people dying and say that's too bad. he is a local guy. we all knew his work. he saw him back in the light '70s. who is this guy in robin williams stole the show long before mork and mindy. i had no clue he was. i thought, this guy's a talent. >> definite true legend. your favorite robin williams movie? >> good morning vietnam. >> love that movie. >> there are so many. there's so many neat moments throughout his entire career that you can just remember certain things and it just makes you chuckle. >> the griego family movie rv. >> rv. >> you were talking about that the other day. >> my kids know bob monroe. >> sorry to see him go, that's for sure. we are going to see some patchy fog around the bay area to start the day. it looks like the threat of thunderstorms, that's sliding up into the sierra nevada. things going to calm down but the temperatures going to stay fairly mild. we have a weak cold front headed toward the bay area. see it just off the coastline bringing us more clouds today and that area of low pressure that we were worried about bringing the thunderstorms is weakening, falling apart and sliding east. out the door we have some partly cloudy skies with patchy fog. temperatures as warm as 64 degrees in oakland. 63 in san francisco. and 59 degrees in livermore. by the afternoon, we have some 80s for the valleys. a lot of 70s inside the bay today and some 60s toward the coastline. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. and we'll go back out to the altamont pass. this accident is still there. any activity though is definitely off to the right- hand shoulder. fortunately it's only about 52 miles per hour right now as you pass the accident scene it's not going to slow you down much so it shouldn't delay you by more than a minute or two. here's a live look also in the east bay northbound and southbound southbound. we got your usual roadwork up and down the nimitz freeway. this morning it is southbound 880 between jackson and embarcadero that should wrap up in the next 20 minutes. same thing on the approach to the richmond/san rafael bridge, westbound 580 approaching castro street traffic down to one lane. at the toll plaza traffic is still light. again there are some delays. they have been doing that work overnight. and in the east bay the roadwork continues again in our usual spots eastbound 24 counter commute on the approach to the caldecott tunnel. that is scheduled until 6:00. sometimes caltrans picks that up ahead of schedule. and the roadwork continues into the macarthur maze westbound 80 closed to eastbound 580. that is your "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. >> thank you. still no sign of a shooter opening fire at a bay fair mall in san leandro. two men were arguing inside the mall yesterday. they ended up outside and one pulled out a gun and shot the other in the leg. police are now asking for witnesses to come forward. new this morning, the men accused of having a bomb -- the man accused of having a bottom in his san francisco apartment may face a charge in connection with a lethal toxin. ryan chamberlain is charged with possessing explosive material and having a handgun missing a serial number. yesterday a prosecutor said high ranking officials at the department of justice are now deciding whether to add that toxin charge. it was police gunfire that killed the hostage in the wild bank robbery and shootout in stockton. 33 officers fired about 600 rounds in the gun battle that ended a wild chase last month. two suspects were killed along with 41-year-old misty holt singh a married mother of two. and we now know she was shot 10 times by police. >> every member of our department is deeply saddened that this event ended with the tragic death of an innocent victim and to every one of us wishes this tragedy had ended differently. >> police say the soul surviving suspect 19-year-old jaime ramos health holt singh as a human shield -- held holt singh as a human shield. he is in custody. 44 people are arrested after a second night of riots in missouri following a weekend that police shot and killed a black teen. police say there was no looting of businesses unlike what happened sunday night in ferguson but officers were in riot gear, did have to fire tear gas into a crowd of protestors last night. parents of the man who died 18- year-old michael brown are pleading for people now to calm down. >> i don't want no violence. we don't want no violence. >> michael wouldn't want no violence. >> yesterday the fbi opened an investigation into the death of mr. brown who authorities say was shot several times. witnesses say brown had his hands up when he was shot. happening today, hundreds of san francisco unified school district workers are up for a raise. more than 800 employees mostly lunch monitors and student aides are paid below the city's $10.74 required minimum wage. the district is a state agency and not required to match local minimum wage requirements. there is money now to pay those employees more. the board of education will vote on that tonight. 4:42. bay area commuters may be stranded again. a look at the potential for another transit strike and the ripple effect that could leave commuters with few options. >> what's cool about your school or your summer camp? email your nominations to we may come and feature your school on the show. we'll be right back. ng men walked in to a mcdonald's and discovered an extraordinary burger with heaps of jalapeños... ...for only two dollars. within minutes, they had also discovered the phenomenon of "economnomnomics" nomnom... nom? nom nom the jalapeño double, try it now for just $2 on mcdonald's dollar menu and more. it's economnomnomcial. who was evacuated from libea after contracting the ebola virsu has died in mad new this morning a spanish priest evacuated from liberia after contracting ebola has died in madrid and in west africa more than 1,000 people have died now from the virus. world health organization says the total number of cases is approaching 2,000 now. the u.s. government has approved sample doses of the experimental ebola drug z map to be sent to liberia. the political power struggle deepens in baghdad. iraq's president chose another prime minister. president obama says that's a promising step forward. the current prime minister nouri al-maliki says it's unlimited. another 72-hour cease-fire is holding in gaza brokered by egypt. they met for nine hours yesterday. progress was made on several issues during the negotiations. a palestinian teacher keeping the world inform of her experiences. a teen is using social media to tell firsthand accounts between hamas and israel. she lives near gaza city and has been posted pictures and individual of explosions near her home. it's 4:45. let's check weather. >> mild weather, patchy fog into the afternoon though. the skies going to clear out. we'll see some sunshine and mild temperatures for this time of year maybe slightly below average. we have systems heading through. one area of low pressure that's weakening and falling apart brought more thunderstorms to the sierra nevada. then you have that front that's off the coastline that's going to pull through later today and bring more clouds in our direction. looks like though toward the afternoon should be mostly sunny with passing clouds and cooler. a little breezy, too. then more sunshine on the way with some slow warming into the latter part of the week. an interesting setup. you can see the low that brought thunderstorms to the as a matter of fact every sierra nevada yesterday. didn't touch off any here. the next one drops through through the day today and tomorrow helping to keep the temperature down a bit in the northern parts of the state. 59 degrees in eureka. about 100 and hot in fresno. 87 in sacramento. 76 slight chance of a few more thunderstorms into lake tahoe. computer models picking up on the low clouds and fog surging along the coastline and then moving back onshore overnight tonight and into early tomorrow morning. so more of a typical pattern setting up. temperatures 79 into san jose. 76 in palo alto. 67 degrees in pacifica. some 80s still in some of the interior valleys. inside the bay 71 in oakland. 68 in san francisco. and 78 degrees in sonoma. next couple of days slowly warming up back into the 90s in the warmest spots toward the weekend. 60s and patchy fog toward the beaches. time now for traffic. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. the bay bridge toll plaza, a live look this is what it looks like now. slight delays in the cash lanes, probably will get better before it gets worse before they turn the metering lights in about an hour. right now pretty clear coming into san francisco especially if you have fastrak. westbound 580 at north flynn, an accident there, delays are building also 205 out of tracy through the altamont pass. once you get past north flynn, everything clears out. that was quickly cleared to the right-hand shoulder so no lanes are blocked. it's just the looky-loo traffic slowing down the commute a bit early morning. here's a live look at the nimitz, 880. as you come through downtown once again you may still hit that overnight roadwork jackson to embarcadero until 5:00 but once you get past the oakland coliseum, hayward, you're just cruising farther south. and here's a live look. you can see those sensors 22 miles per hour. we put one up approaching canal so obviously there are delays westbound 580 on the approach to the richmond/san rafael bridge. traffic has been down to just one lane overnight. that is scheduled to wrap up by 5:00, as well. here's a live look once again approaching the richmond/san rafael bridge toll plaza. traffic is very quiet at this hour. in the east bay once again the overnight roadwork continues eastbound 24 helding to the caldecott. a little bit of slowing now between oakland and orinda. and the macarthur maze roadwork also has that connector shut down until 5:00 westbound 80 to eastbound 580. that's the latest from here in the "kcbs traffic" center. frank, michelle, back to you guys. >> right, liz. we'll keep that traffic thing going. lanes closed for more than a year on a stretch of warren avenue down in fremont. they are open again. it was all because of a grade separation project part of the bart extension that will bring the train system down to san jose. the vta which is overseeing the project says the grade separation puts barring tracks, freight train tracks and the street on different levels. >> this is a significant congestion relief and safety in the city of fremont. what this project does is it separates the current freight railroad traffic and the future bart system from automobile and pedestrian traffic. >> the new warm springs bart station in south fremont expected to open late next year. stations in milpitas and north san jose's berryessa district are slated to open up in the end of 2017. another transit strike could hit parts of the bay area. as fill phil reports, this time it involves workers -- as phil matier reports, this time it involves workers with the golden gate transportation district. >> right now i'm saying there is a real possibility there will be another strike. >> reporter: if there is a strike, it will likely start with the golden gate bridge district's ferry operators just as it did in 2012. >> we hope to avoid a strike. we think it's creditably detrimental to our customers and so we're working with them to reach a settlement. >> reporter: only this time, it could be a lot worse. you see, the district's buses would be expected to pick up the slack during a strike but thanks to a wave of retirements, vacations and absenteeism, the bus service is having a hard time even meeting its current schedule. even if they had enough drivers on paper there's a good chance that the bus drivers would stay off the job, as well. so this time there could be a total shutdown of ferries and buses. >> yes, it's possible that we would go on strike and the entire system would be shut down. >> reporter: that could affect bus riders from santa rosa all the down to san francisco. >> the traffic would be a mess so something we don't want to see happen. >> reporter: ferry boat captains make $85,000 a year, deck hands $50,000, plus benefits. bridge management is offering a 3% a year raise but wants the workers to kick in 2% more for their healthcare something the union calls a shell game. >> so a 3% raise turns out not to be that at all even though that's what they're telling the public. >> reporter: the union wants a 3.75% raise and is willing to make a .5% hike in its healthcare contributions for one year, something the district says it can't afford. >> we have financial limits and it's not fair to our ratepayers to indiscriminately to go along with any desire people have. >> reporter: phil matier, kpix 5. >> time now 4:52. finding the money for college, where to find the online gold mine coming up. >> and we want to invite all you pet lovers, sends your questions about their health and well-being. email or on our facebook page, search kpix/cbs, and we'll have our pet expert give you an answer every friday right here at noon. two men walked in to a mcdonald's and discovered an extraordinary burger with heaps of jalapeños... for just two dollars. they also discovered the phenomenon of "economnomnomics" nomnom... nom? mcdonald's dollar menu and more. load malware. more than 10- thousand people reportey a warming to facebook users. don't click on that fake app. it's a virus that will load malware. more than 10,000 people have been duped when users click on the fake app. it sends them to a website that asks them to watch a tutorial video on changing the color of their profile page. by agreeing to it, users give hackers access to their profiles, letting the app spam their friends. a new startup website is matching students who need college money with people willing to give money for the cause. >> don ford tells us more. >> it's a wonderful thing. >> reporter: high school student martin and her mother are starting to confront the huge cost of college but with the help of the startup website raiseme, she is getting scholarship money she didn't know existed. >> micro-scholarships does the application for you. >> reporter: students are eligible for scholarship money based on good grades, sports awards and even volunteer work. here's how it, would. martin submitted her a in algebra 2 and -- >> wow you just got another thousand dollars. >> reporter: doesn't mean she is getting a check in the mail, though. >> when she is in the 12th grade, she can go ahead and apply to the colleges she wants to and if she is admitted to em this they will include her scholarship earnings from raiseme in her financial aide package. >> reporter: many of these micro-scholarships went unclaimed. now they are easier to find. the website is still in the startup phase. but it has funding. there are 30 colleges signed up and 20 more in the process of joining. there are other benefits, too. >> i don't think she would have really been looking seriously at colleges yet if it hadn't been for raise me putting it on her radar. >> the colleges give you different amounts of money for their college but it doesn't translate over to the other colleges. if you come to us, you know have this money waiting for you. >> by the time they get to 12th grade they will have accumulated tens of thousands of dollars in scholarship money. >> reporter: don ford, kpix 5. >> the money adds up in a harry. students can earn $75 an hour for volunteer work and $1,000 a year for taking an honors course. >> reporter: i'm mark kelly live in tiburon where people are remembering robin williams' life and legacy. coming up, what neighbors say about his comedic talents. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, he was a superstar. today he's a legend. it's a big loss. >> fans and colleagues are mourning the loss of robin williams. the 63-year-old was found dead in his home in tiburon yesterday. williams' publicist says he was battling severe depression. >> we don't want no violence. >> michael wouldn't want that. >> another night of unrest in ferguson, missouri. witnesses say the teen who was killed by police had his hands raised when he was shot. tier gas was used to break up the crowd again. >> there may be another strike. >> workers with the golden gate transportation district could soon

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