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On the roadways. Friday light at the bay bridge. So no delays there as you work your way into San Francisco. Dont forget there is a closure for bart. No transbay Service Throughout the weekend through monday. So well keep you updated on that and get you some alternates later on. [ sirens ] that right there, High Speed Pursuit overnight in the north bay started in santa rosa with a crash between a sheriffs patrol car and black suv. The driver of the suv sped south on 101 and police set spikes at two locations. The suv finally crashed two miles south of the marinsonoma border. Come out with your hands up. As you can see, the woman allegedly refused to get out of the vehicle at first. She finally emerged then followed commands to turn away, get on her knees and she was arrested. Three santa clara [ coughing ] excuse me. Sorry about that, folks. Three santa clara Correctional Officers are behind bars this morning accused of killing an inmate. Kiet do joins us live in san jose this morning with more. Kiet. Reporter good morning. The fallout has begun in this historic case. Later today watchdog groups plan to march around the jail demanding inmate safety and protesting guard abuse. That is scheduled to happen at noon here at the main jail in downtown san jose. Yesterday, the sheriff held an Emotional Press Conference condemning what she called a vicious violent cowardly act by three correctional deputies. Matthew farris, jereh lubrin and Rafael Rodriguez were all arrested yesterday on suspicion of murdering Michael James tyree in his jail cell. They were supposed to do a simple search of clothing and belongings but the coroner found tyree had lacerations to the liver and spleen causing massive internal bleeding. Sources say Video Evidence shows the three deputies entering his cell where they are accused of beating him to death reportedly over his refusal to take medicine. Each accused murderer was booked, fingerprinted and photographed at the Santa Clara County main jail, the very same james where they are accused of killing the the very same jail where they are accused of killing the inmate. Reporter tyree was accused of petty theft and he was supposed to go to a Mental Health to silt but there was no room. The three men are in custody in Alameda County in protective custody without bail and all pleaded the fifth. Kiet do, kpix 5. We expect to find out today as Kate Steinles killer will be tried for murder. Juan francisco lopezsanchez appeared in San Francisco yesterday. A judge is deciding if there is enough evidence for trial. The undocumented immigrant admits he killed her on pier 14 on july 1 but says the gun fired by accident. Oakland Police Department often ridiculed is now getting encouragement from the feds. Ronald davis is a former oakland cop and an East Palo Alto police chief. He now runs a policing task force for the u. S. Department of justice. Oakland is among 30 cities making reforms including Building Trust in the community and equipping officers with body cameras. Davis says oakland is right on track. The past theyre on, the programs they are implementing are consistent with the recommendations of the president s task force and are good examples for other agencies to follow. Last night the public asked police chief sean whent pointed questions about possible racial bias and officerinvolved shootings. Whent promised to hold officers accountable and acknowledged that trust building does take time. Opponents of rent control in richmond stopped it for nowsch the city Council Passed an ordinance that was supposed to go into effect today to set up a rent control board and put a cap on annual rent hikes. But yesterday, a group called the California Apartment Association filed a petition to block it. Now it needs a new round of signatures to actually put a referendum before voters. Governor jerry brown has a new plan to fix our crumbling roads and he wants drivers to pay for it. Yesterday the governor pitching a new plan to fix local and state roads like these. Drivers would pay a yearly 65 user fee which would generate 2 billion a year. Brown also wants to raise the gas tax by 6 cents. The fix our roads Coalition Supports the plan. We pay for it while sitting and waiting for the car to be repaired or we can pay much less and make sure our roads get fixed. Governors 3. 6 billion plan is a tough sell. It needs a twothirds majority vote in the state legislature because of new taxes. The weekend is almost here. Hooray for that. We have another 2. 5 hours of the show before i got a phone call from our assistant news director lisa white yesterday, would you like to have friday off . I go, no, because its marias last day with us. No i had to be here just for you. Were going to miss you. Out the door on this friday, a lot of people are getting away from tahoe for tahoe. Ill have that forecast coming up in 10 minutes. But right now its a big difference, the cooler air mass of the its 48 degrees in santa rosa. Its 47 degrees in napa, 57 degrees in san jose. These are the coolest temperatures in months. Todays highs in the 60s and 70s, west wind 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour. This is the coolest day of the workweek. We have had the labor day forecast coming up. Right now well get you on the roads with gianna. Youre in luck this morning no accidents to report right now. Things are looking good through the east bay through the peninsula this morning. One thing you want to keep in mind throughout the weekend there will be no transbay service for bart and that begins at the end of Service Tonight through monday end of day. Bus bridges will be in place again as you work your way between oakland and San Francisco. Now, also keep in mind it will be modified service at west oakland that will allow direct access on two lines between pittsburgbay point and dublin pleasanton. So plan for that throughout the weekend. Right now, though 22 trains are running on time for bart. The rest of mass transit is good. Ferries is a good choice this weekend as an alternate. We are expecting big delays at the bay bridge because of this bart closure. Right now traffic is friday light. Its sad when someone breaks into your home but in fremont a couple of crooks went after the family dog, too. This is home surveillance video. You can see one of the two men casing the house peeking inside then opening the screen. Now, police say they smashed the glass door to get in and then scattered cookies on the glass shards to distract the dog. The dog then ate the food and the glass. They found the pet bleeding from the mouth when the homeowners returned. The dog will be okay. Today deputies county clerks in kentucky plan to begin issuing marriage licenses again. Thats despite continued defiance from their boss. Cbs has more on the case that landed that clerk in jail. Reporter Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis remains in jail this morning. A federal judge found davis in contempt of Court Thursday for defying multiple court orders to issue marriage licenses to samesex couples. [ chanting ] reporter the judge has given davis two chances to cooperate. He wouldnt let her out of jail if she agreed not to interfere with the clerks work but she refused. April miller and her partner Karen Roberts have been waiting for this day. As a couple it will be a very important day in our lives. Reporter there is no telling how many couples will show up at the clerks office. Five deputy clerks told a judge they will start issuing marriage licenses today. We believe that they were sincere when they told the judge that they were going to start complying with the order. You are an enemy of god reporter in the heart of the bible belt the ruling came as a surprise to many. A number of conservative christians are opposed to same sex marriage. My grandfather and grandmother, my dad and mom and all would turn over in their graves if they knew what was going on here. Reporter during davis testimony, the bornagain christian cried saying she believes gods moral law is higher than the courts. She is not above the law. She is not a martyr. Reporter the judge ruled davis will remain in jail until she complies with the ruling. Cbs news, moorhead, kentucky. The clerk is citing religious beliefs. Congresswoman nancy pelosi says davis is being hypocritical. My understand is she has been married four times. But she said issuing a license for gay marriage was against her principles . Um, well, um, it just didnt seem to be consistent with, um, a religious objection if you have been married four times to say somebody else cant be married. All the deputy clerks except her son say they will start issuing licenses today. The force is alive for hundreds of devoted star wars fans in San Francisco this morning. This is a look outside the disney store in union square last night. Fans lined up for hours waiting for the store to open in stores at the stroke of midnight. Disney unveiled a series of new star wars figures and merchandise relating to the new film star wars the force awakens. Dont want to be too specific. Going to see whats in there. Probably going to walk out and spend all my money on it but its okay, you know, its okay. Its worth it. That new star wars movie opens in theaters december 18. Fans will be converging on san jose for the citys first ever wizard world comiccon and thats going on over the week. The event starts today at 3 00 and goes through sunday and goes on over the weekend. Some celebrities include Bruce Campbell of the evil dead and billy boy from the lord of the rings trilogy. Check it out. 4 41 on a friday morning. Slashed with a box cutter while tackling a gunman on a train. This morning a hero back in northern california. We mingle with the crowd as he is welcomed home. Whats cool about your school . Email your nomination to us at coolschools kpix. Com. We may come and feature your school on the show. Well be right back. The sacramento airman who helped take down a gunman on a train received a heroes homecoming. Spencer stone landed at Travis Air Force base last night. Steve large was there. Whoo reporter hello, Spencer Stone to the cheers of those waiting below, airman stone gave a quick wave and smile as he stepped off the air force refueling plane that served as his ride home to the u. S. And northern california. [ applause ] reporter to the rock and roll tunes of aerosmith stone came back a rock star in his own right. Whoo i love him reporter people came out to Travis Air Force base just to get a glimpse. We wanted to celebrate and welcome him home after such a courageous act. [ music ] and to be there to see somebody who defended our country. Reporter stones left hand is still in a brace. It was slashed open with a box cutter when he stopped the alleged terrorist gunman on board his train bound for paris. Stone, who trained as a medic here at Travis Air Force base pediatric clinic, also saved the life of a gunshot victim on the train who otherwise would have bled to death. Now stone will be a patient at the very air force Medical Center where he once helped treat patients. Airman Spencer Stone, now seeing his u. S. Superhero status firsthand. At Travis Air Force base, steve large, kpix 5. And the city the sacramento will hold a parade a week from today in honor of spokespersons and his two friends, who all helped stop the gunman. Vice President Joe Biden says he is still weighing whether he has the energy to run for the white house. Hillary clinton of course leading the democrats in the polls. But her numbers have dropped in recent weeks because of the private email account controversy. At a synagogue in atlanta yesterday biden made his first Public Comments on whether he plans to run for president. Can my family undertake what is an arduous commitment that would be proud to be undertake under ordinary sir . The honest to god answer is i just dont know. Democrats think mr. Biden will decide soon. All 17 republican candidates have signed a pledge to sport eventual republican nominee. A social media dustup between Stephen Colbert and jeb bush. Colbert released a video explaining how bushs raffling off tickets to the late show premiere. Bush, who will be his guest, is asking supporters to donate 3 to his campaign for a chance to win. Well, two can play at this contest, sir. So whenever youre watching this im launching my own jeb bush on the Stephen Colbert late show raffle. The lucky winner will also be invited to the premiere of the late show plus they will get to submit one nonobscene question. Okay. So colberts tickets are also 3. Proceeds go to the Yellow Ribbon fund, which aids injured Service Members and their families. The late show premieres on tuesday night by the way right here on kpix 5. A former Oakland Police chief coming out of retirement to help train the citys next generation of prospective officers. Today Howard Jordan and the mayor libby schaaf will announce a new Police Training program at merrick college. He will teach a course in administration of justice. Its designed to give handson training to those interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. Tom brady will be on the field for opening day next week. A federal judge lifted his four game suspension over deflate gate. The nfl accused brady and members of the patriots of knowingly deflating footballs below league limits during last years afc championship game. The judge ruled the league should have notified brady in advance he was subject to such a penalty and denying brady the chance to see the report and examine witnesses was, quote, fundamentally unfair. The ruling yesterday doesnt mean brady is innocent but, rather, he was treated unfairly. Well, it was a packed house at levis stadium last night for the 49ers preseason finale game. The matchup between the 9ers and the chargers was the stadiums first big weekday traffic test. The streets and freeways around santa clara were jammed as you might imagine. Fans started streaming in hours before the game to tailgate. The 49ers won the game. And they kick off a week from sunday against the vikings. And the raiders lost, right, against seattle . Yes, by a touchdown. Bummer. [ laughter ] preseason. No big deal. Im looking forward to as game on sunday. I got my pink jersey ready to go. Out the door, you may want a sweater or light jacket. We have some of the coolest temperatures so far this season as you head on out the door. We have some clear skies as we take a birdseye view out towards the bay bridge. Check out santa rosa. 48 degrees. 24 hours ago we were in the 60s in livermore and in San Francisco. We are now in the 50s. Its 59 degrees in oakland. Winds have been pretty blustery throughout the past 48 hours. Right now they are calm in the hayward area. Fourmileperhour winds in redwood city. 13 in concord and 16 in fairfield. Today the winds will blow out of the southwest 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour. So it will be a breezy afternoon with that cool start as you head out the door. Gradual warming this weekend as High Pressure builds in. As you notice right now, we have the coast pretty much in the clear side, only a little bit of low clouds next to the immediate coast. The green on the screen is condensation associated with the deep marine layer. Meanwhile, this area of low pressure continues to pull down that cooler air mass from canada. But as it ejects to the east, High Pressure will build in from the west and the end result will be as today is the coolest day, well have warmer conditions for your saturday with the warmest day coming up on sunday and monday on labor day. So lets play out your numbers like this today. 83 in sacramento. 6 7 in the high sierra. Everybody and their brother is, everything is going to tahoe, we have a red flag warning in effect throughout the weekend. Extremely dry conditions there. Upper 60s in the monterey bay area. 60s and 70s across the board today. Wow typically we should be at 87 degrees in livermore. But instead, today 77. Under 80 degrees inland. Warmer saturday. The warmest days are sunday and monday. Millbrae Wine Festival good fun 78 degrees over the weekend. Enjoy. Gianna . I will be there on sunday at the art and Wine Festival in millbrae. Should be really fun. All right. Checking the roadways right now it is a getaway friday so you want to hit the roads early this morning if you plan to get out of town. Maybe your aheaded to lake tahoe this morning. Right now things are Holding Steady no delays at the bay bridge toll plaza. Good off the eastshore freeway as well, no metering lights, youre clear into San Francisco. Of course there are changes throughout the weekend for bart no transbay service from the end of Service Tonight. That extends through monday night through labor day evening. Again, no service between oakland and San Francisco. Bus bridges will be in place. You can use ferries as an alternate but you will see some delays on the bay bridge so expect busy conditions there later on this weekend. Also bart right now 22 trains on time no delays caltrain and ace looking good, as well. Now, you can expect delays also throughout the weekend at 4th and king. That intersection will be closed for maintenance. Well a billy joel concert on saturday at at t. There is limited service for some of the muni lines through there but they will be running extra service after the concert to help everyone get out of that traffic mess there. This closure at 4th and king a busy intersection. Hi, roberta a very busy intersection. [ laughter ] that will keep you busy throughout the weekend. So do plan for those delays. Roberta making the best cameos this morning. Checking the san mateo bridge this morning, both directions looking good and well send it back to you, maria. I need to get in on that, too. All right. Thank you. So this was the big story of the day a couple of days ago. But now the chicken who fouled up the morning commute at the bay bridge toll plaza is at the center of a custody battle. Got to find a home, right . Three people have come forward to claim ownership of the bird. The chicken has been staying at the oakland Animal Shelter since it stopped traffic at the toll plaza for three or four hours on wednesday morning. Proven ownership is tough since the chicken wasnt microchipped. Can you believe that . [ laughter ] time now 4 51. Its the biggest commercial jet ever and its becoming a reality. How big . We are going to par,,,,,,, good morning. These are the averages, 76 degrees today in concord. Down from the average high in the 80s. 60s at the beaches today. 70s common around the peninsula to the upper 70s around the santa clara valley. East of the bay, a pretty blustery southwest wind up to 20 Miles Per Hour late day as we soar to 79 degrees in brentwood. Again that is 10 degrees below average. North bay numbers stacking up in the 60s at the beaches with breezy conditions to the 70s. It will be in the high 70s for the most part in throughout sonoma and 78 degrees today in rohnert park. The roads are quiet so far. No accidents to report according to chp. Later on it is a getaway friday for the holiday weekend. Youre going to see extra busy conditions on the eastbound side of the eastshore freeway along 580 to the altamont pass, as well. Well keep you updated. Sounds good. Thanks, gianna. A man who attacked several people with a machete near the university of arkansas is behind bars. Police responded to reports of a stabbing in a wooded area near campus yesterday. They found three victims with multiple cuts. Witnesses say they saw a man running in the street asking for help. We saw a guy in the middle of the road and the lady behind him look like had a towel or her own shirt and tied it around his neck because he was gushing out blood from it from his neck so i mean, from what i saw, he was stabbed or sliced at the neck. According to police, four people were taken to the hospital including the suspect, who was later arrested. Prosecutors in South Carolina will seek the Death Penalty for the Charlestown Church shooter. In a statement yesterday prosecutor scarlet wilson said the ultimate crime called for the ultimate punishment. 21yearold dylann roof has admitted killing nine black church members. Authorities say it was a racially motivated attack. Roof faces 9 state counts of murder plus federal hate crime charges. He will be back in court in october. Boeing is preparing to build a plane with the widest wingspan its ever produced. The 777 nine x shown in artists rendering also have a span of more than 235 feet, wider than four 53foot semi truck trailers parked end to end. The wings will give the plane extra lift enabling it to save fuel. Six airlines have already placed orders. If you know a millennial thats selfabsorbed, they might agree with you. According to a new pew research poll, millennials have negative views of their generation. More than half of those age 18 to 34 describe themselves as greedy and wasteful. Other generations viewed themselves as more hard working. One good thing though. Millennials can boast about that they are environmentally conscious. Im not greedy at all. Okay. It is now 4 57. People all cross the state taking matters into their own hands in the fight against flames. Whats now being sold in stores that could save your home from fire. Reporter and here we go again the transbay tube is about to be shut down. Coming up next well tell you what you need to know to get good morning. Were going to start off with a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. Lots of cars already hitting the road and the weekend is that much closer. The holiday weekend. Thats right. Yeah. Good morning, im maria medina. Hi, everyone. Im frank mallicoat. Happy friday, everyone. It is almost 5 00. Its a highspeed pursuit overnight in the north bay that started up in santa rosa with a crash between a sheriffs patrol car and a black suv. The driver of that suv sped southbound on 101 and police set up spikes at two locations. The suv crashed two miles south of the marinsonoma border. Come out with your hands up. The woman allegedly refused to get out of the vehicle first. She finally emerged, then followed commands to turn away and get to her knees. She was arrested. The Labor Day Weekend could be rough for bay area drivers because bart is shutting down the transbay tube halting service between San Francisco

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