Men slipped through the cracks because they were common street thugs before they became terrorists. Is this the new face of terrorism, this hybrid between jihad and petty criminals . One day, they drink beer, the next day, they smoke pot, the third day they are in a mosque so. They are human bombs. Very few actors ever have a year like the one Bradley Cooper is having. Bradley, hi. Mr. Cooper. In hollywood there is all the hoopla for his third oscar nomination in as many years for his performance in american sniper. Shes got a grenade, shes got r. K. G. , russian grenade. Across the continent in new york, he is the toast of broadway in the elephant man, where life is a little simpler. No paparazzi . No, they get me on the way from where i live to the subway station but for some reason they dont want to spend the 2. 50 and ride the subway with me. So i lose them in the subway. I am steve kroft. I am lesley stahl. I am morley safer. I am bill whitaker. I am scott pelley. Those stories, as well as some reflections on the tragic loss of bob simon, tonight on 60 minutes. Cbs money watch update correspondents rd by lincoln financial. Calling all chief life officers. Good evening. The f. A. A. Wants commercial drones to fly only during Daylight Hours and below 500 feet. Midnight is the deadline to sign up for Health Insurance ender obamacare. And the russian Cyber Security firm says one hacker group has stolen up to 1 billion from banks around the world. Im jeff glor, cbs news. People with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. 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But all it took was a few ebola patients in the United States to show how unprepared we were here, particularly because there werent any approved vaccines or drugs available to fight the disease. Now, more than a year after the epidemic hit, Clinical Trials are at last underway in west africa. One of the drugs to be tested is called zmapp and it was used last year to treat nine patients. Only nine because thats all the zmapp there was at the time, hardly enough to make a dent in the epidemic. So the question now is, will we be prepared for the next one . Now, bob simon. Simon this is the front line in the war against ebola canadas National Microbiology lab on the desolate prairie in manitoba. Its a good place to experiment with viruses because inside are some of the most dangerous in the world, which is why dr. Gary kobinger, who has spent a decade here trying to find the cure for ebola, has to seal himself inside layers of protection before getting to work. One pair of gloves isnt enough. Kobingers suit has to be hooked up to oxygen. He could be an astronaut. The door to the lab is sealed as if it were in a submarine, and the air is changed 15 times an hour. It takes up to a year of training before anyone is allowed inside, so we had to interview kobinger behind bulletproof glass. What are you working on today . Gary kobinger im going to do some infection with ebola because were trying to improve the treatment we have developed. Simon the treatment he helped develop here is zmapp widely believed to be the most promising drug candidate to combat the ebola virus, which is stored in this tank at minus320 degrees. Kobinger so this is how it looks and what it is. Simon it doesnt look like much, but the virus in that vial could kill thousands. Of all the viruses you have in here, is ebola number one . Is it the most dangerous . Kobinger yeah. It is. It is one of the most aggressive, if not the most aggressive. Simon thats because of how quickly it takes over the body as dr. Kent brantly learned last summer. A medical missionary who was treating ebola patients in liberia, he was the First American to come down with the disease. And there was very little that could be done to help him. Did you know at the time that there were any ebola drugs being experimented with . Kent brantly personally, i didnt know anything about what was being done in the world of research in ebola. I figured it was a forgotten disease that Drug Companies werent interested in working on. Simon he had never heard of zmapp, and didnt know that Gary Kobinger had brought a small amount to the neighboring country of sierra leone to see if it could withstand heat and travel. Kobinger never expected to put it to use, until word got to him that brantly wanted the drug. Zmapp had cured monkeys, but no human had ever taken it. You knew it was experimental. You knew it had never been tested on a human being. Did you have any hesitation, or did you figure its the only shot ive got . Brantly i was dying. I was actively dying. So we thought this drug is possibly going to help. Simon you were both a patient and a guinea pig. Brantly i have gone from being physician to patient to lab rat. Simon after you took the zmapp, did you start feeling better very quickly . Brantly actually, my body began to shake and shiver violently, and my breathing got worse. Simon and you remember that . Brantly i remember the people around me praying over me. But after that first hour, my breathing improved, the shaking stopped. After two or three hours of receiving the drug, i actually was able to get up and walk to the bathroom, something i had not done in more than a day and a half. Simon its impossible to say what role zmapp played in brantlys recovery, because he had also received an experimental blood transfusion and firstrate medical care in the United States. Still, after his story got out there was a mad scramble for the eight antidotes that remained of what was being called a miracle drug. So putting things in the simplest possible terms, you have invented a cure for ebola . Kobinger ah, we hope. Simon but you. Youve done experiments. Kobinger i know it works. I am. I dont need to convince. Simon you know it works . Know it works. Kobinger guarantee that it works. I will take it in a flash myself if i get ebola, but to really make this a real scientific fact, it needs what is called a randomized trial. Simon but before any kind of trial could begin, supplies of zmapp ran out. Now, more than a year after the outbreak hit, just enough is finally being produced for a small Clinical Trial in liberia that could start as soon as next week. If west african lives are to be saved, salvation may well come from western kentucky, from these nondescript greenhouses in owensboro. Their product . A plant usually more associated with destroying lives than with saving them tobacco. This is where the science is turned into a product, where zmapp is manufactured, in row after row of this oddlooking variety of tobacco. Can i smoke it . Can i chew it . Hugh haydon i wouldnt recommend that. Simon but its different . Haydon its very different. Simon hugh haydon is the president of kentucky bioprocessing, which was recently bought by cigarette giant reynolds american. When you say tobacco to most people today, it suggests cancer and emphysema, Heart Failure death. Haydon no question theres a bit of irony. Simon tobacco is known in our culture as a killer . Haydon theres clearly a bit of irony there. But again, the. There are good things that can be done with it, and thats. Thats our objective here. Simon but zmapp isnt easy to produce. It takes six weeks. The tobacco plants first have to be grown for 24 days. Then, theyre immersed in a liquid containing a gene that tells them to make special antibodies, which help the immune system fight viruses in this case, ebola. As the plants grow, they copy those antibodies over and over again. A xerox machine for antibodies . Haydon thats essentially what it does. It makes it over and over and over again. Simon the leaves are then ground up into a liquid which looks like a juice youd buy at a health food store. Since zmapp is made up of three different antibodies, the process has to be repeated three times, using 6,000 pounds of new tobacco plants. And the yield . How much zmapp will you get out of three tables like this . How many people can you cure of ebola if it works . Haydon it would be dozens, best case. Simon dozens . Haydon dozens. Simon which is not very much. Not very much . Dozens of cures, when 9,000 people died in this epidemic . Sounds like using a bottle of water to put out a forest fire. Haydon lots of work to do in terms of scaling this process, if, in fact, this does become a verified treatment for ebola. Simon but the question now is, why did we have so little of the drug when the epidemic broke out and so little of it today . Thats when it helps to go back 12 years to when the basic idea for zmapp came about at this miniscule company in san diego. Mapp biopharmaceutical has a work force of nine. Its founders, Larry Zeitlin and kevin whaley, who recently teamed up with canadian virologist Gary Kobinger, could only ever interest one investor in their drug, the u. S. Government, which has been funding them ever since. Youve sort of been a Science Company on the dole. Larry zeitlin for the most part, yes. Kevin whaley you can say that. Simon mapp bio started out with very modest grants, but managed to hobble along. Then, in 2011, the pentagon expressed interest, but didnt give the company any cash or contract for another two years. The minute youre working with the government, youre dealing with bureaucracy, youre dealing with time lags, youre dealing with rigidity, youre dealing with a slow pace. Why didnt you go the Venture Capital route . Whaley these are the kind of projects that Venture Capitalists are not enthusiastic about because they dont have a near return on investment. Simon so we really needed the government on this one . Whaley we certainly did. Simon the government started Funding Companies like mapp bio long before the Ebola Outbreak. After 9 11 and the anthrax attacks, president george w. Bush set aside billions of dollars for the acquisition of medical countermeasures against roughly a dozen radiological nuclear, chemical, and biological threats, including ebola. The soviets and a japanese cult had tried to weaponize it. And in 2006, it became the job of a little known Government Agency to develop the most promising of those antidotes, of which zmapp is one. Its called the Biomedical Advanced Research and development authority, or barda. And it is, in effect, the governments very own emergency pharmaceutical company. Robin robinson thats a kit that actually First Responders take out. Simon dr. Robin robinson heads barda. This is the emergency medical cabinet. Robinson thats correct. Simon his cabinet is an exhibit of the dangers which have already been conquered, among them vaccines for smallpox and anthrax, drugs for botulism, radiation sickness. You still have room in the cabinet. What would you like to see in here that is not here yet . Robinson oh, i hope that we actually have ebola vaccines and therapeutics like zmapp on the shelf. Simon how soon do you think well see them there . Robinson i hope theyre there in the next year. Simon but that might be optimistic. Drug Development Takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money, and barda has already spent 25 million trying to fasttrack zmapp. And to increase production, it has called on governmentfunded Manufacturing Centers that were established to make drugs and vaccines quickly in case of an emergency, like the ebola epidemic. But months have gone by and they havent produced a single dose of zmapp. Arent these facilities supposed to be quick, flexible, and nimble at the same time . Robinson they are supposed to be nimble and quick in what they do, but any bureaucracy has its challenges. And certainly we can always improve on that, and we always look to do that, in fact. Simon barda is now looking for other ways to make zmapp. Dr. Robert kadlec, president bushs point man on biodefense, says no matter who you blame, it should never have come to this rushing to get ready when an epidemic is in full swing. Ebola has been on the radar since 76. Drugs and vaccines are still in development. None are in the market. So why havent they been developed . Robert kadlec well. And thats the issue, is whether were spending enough resources to bring these forward and in a way that is commensurate with the perceived risk. Simon kadlec, who helped write the legislation creating barda, argues it never got the budget for Drug Development it needed to adequately prepare the country for ebola, or for many of the other agents the government says threaten us. Are we prepared for anthrax . Kadlec do we have medical countermeasures for anthrax . Yes. Simon smallpox . Kadlec yes. Simon marburg virus . Kadlec no. Simon plague. Kadlec not quite ready for primetime. Simon the fallout from a radiological or Nuclear Attack . Kadlec Something Like fukushima, if it were to happen today, i. I think wed be scrambling. Simon chemical attack . Kadlec no. In some ways, we were prepared and id say less so today than we were then. Simon in terms of the accumulation of your responses it doesnt sound very good, does it . Kadlec its not very promising. And again, i think the ebola crisis offers the opportunity to highlight to the American Public and to policymakers, both in congress and the white house that we can do better on this. We must do better on this. And if theres any other requirement for a reminder ebola has served that purpose. Pelley more about bob simon later in the broadcast, and well have a special edition of 60 minutes presents all about bob next sunday. To watch more of bob simons stories from his 47year career, go to 60minutesovertime. Com. My doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. He also prescribed lyrica®. For some patients, lyrica® sign ificantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. With less pain i feel better. Lyrica® may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. 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