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Late today, we learned their names and saw their faces, the nine gunned down yesterday at Umpqua Community college in oregon. Some were fresh out of high school, new to college. Others were returning to education to make a new start in life. President obama this evening has ordered flags across the nation at halfstaff. Nine others were wounded, including chris mintz, a hero amid the horror. He was shot several times as he tried to stop the gunman. John blackstone is in roseburg, oregon, and begins our coverage. Reporter the Smiling Faces of the victims are now known, ranging in age from 18 to 67. They include three 18yearolds, recent High School Graduates rebekah carnes, lucas eibel, and quinn cooper. Carrie boyd spoke for coopers family. Quinn was funny, sweet, compassionate and such a wonderful, loving person. He always stood up for people. Reporter 19yearold Lucero Alcaraz hoped to be a pediatric nurse. And 20yearold Treven Anspach was the son of a fire fighter. Douglas county fire chief greg marlar delivered a message from trevens family. Treven was larger than life and brought out the best in those around him. In justin and kims words, treven was a perfect son. Reporter there was also 34 yearold jason johnson, whose family said he finally found his path. Sarena dawn moore. 59yearold kim dietz, and the english professor, 67 year old lawrence levine. Another student in that classroom was chris mintz, whos now being called a hero. The 30yearold army veteran ran toward the gunman in an effort to stop him. He was shot seven times but survived. 18yearold anna boylan had a bullet hit near her spine. As he lay wounded, she called her brother, telling him the gunman asked about their religion. He would stand them up, and if they said they were christian, he said something along the lines of youll be with god soon. Reporter anna survived by pretending to be dead. What it would take to lay on the ground with a gunshot, thinking that you were going to die not if you are going to die; you are going to die. The strength it takes to be so still in a situation of such worry and treachery is just brave. Its bravery. Late this afternoon we learned the gunman 26yearold Chris Harper Mercer was a student where the mass shooting took place. The decision has been made that this Community College will remain closed all of next week. Pelley John Blackstone for us tonight. John, thank you. The 26yearold gunman died in a shootout with police. He had several extra magazines of ammunition. He lived near roseberg in an apartment with his mother. Seven guns were found in that apartment, and six more guns were found at the crime scene at the college. It appears he has been a troubled man for a very long time. Heres justice correspondent jeff pegues. Reporter investigators say Chris Harper Mercers arsenal of more than a dozen weapons included a smith wesson, taurus 40caliber pistol, glock 19, and a rifle. All were purchased legally. He also had the type of steel plated body armor worn by police. Investigators have discovered what they are calling a manifesto. The sources say the multipage rant was philosophical, at times racist, and authored by someone who was mad at the world. The writer lamented not having a girlfriend and talked about going out in a blaze of glory. Mercer, who family says was born in the united kingdom, moved to the u. S. As a young boy. He lived in torrence, california, with his mother before moving to an apartment less than 10 minutes away from the Community College. A neighbor says his mother told others he was depressed. The mother mentioned how he just stays on his computer behind his closed door in his room all the time. Reporter in 2008, mercer enlisted in the army, but he was discharged after a month for failing to meet army standards. Some of his social media accounts glorified the Irish Republican Army and criticized organized religion. In august, he commented on the killer of two roanoke, virginia, journalists. Guns are certainly an issue. Mental health is an issue. Reporter Mary Ellen Otoole is a former f. B. I. Profiler. They do paint a picture of someone that has equal opportunity hatred. Reporter what does that mean . That means he hates everybody. Its not just women, its not just christians. These kinds of individuals have a hatred for the world. Reporter Law Enforcement sources say a receipt was found at the shooting scene indicating that mercer had recently made a purchase at a campus store. Scott, his status at the School Remains unclear, but he may have been taking a course. Pelley jeff, is there any reason to believe that mercer had been in trouble with the law before . Reporter well, right now, all of the research that we are doing and what we are seeing is that he does not have a criminal past with Law Enforcement. But as you know, today, they announced that all of the guns, the guns that they found not only at the scene but at his home, were purchased legally. Pelley and why did he wash out of the army in just a month . Did the army say anything more about that . Reporter well, they did not give too many details about that. That is also still unclear. But he lasted only a short time, as you know. Pelley jeff pegues reporting for us in the washington newsroom tonight. Jeff, thanks very much. In another important story tonight, 28 americans are missing, along with five polish sailors, all of them aboard a cargo ship that has been caught in hurricane joaquin. David begnaud is following this. Reporter tonight, the United States coast guard is flying into the eye of the hurricane, trying to locate the el faro cargo ship. Yesterday, a satellite distress alert was sent at approximately 7 00 a. M. Eastern time, indicating that the ship was taking on water and was without power. Since then, silence. That last known position was right next to the eye of hurricane joaquin. Reporter captain mark fedor is with the u. S. Coast guard. That puts them in a very vulnerable position and thats why were trying to get an asset out there as soon as we can to at least confirm their status. Reporter the coast guard sent two aircraft and a cutter, but theyre battling 140mile perhour winds and 30foot waves. The vessel is without propulsion. That means they have no way to operate their engine, so theyre just sitting in the water, and theyre susceptible to the full fury of that hurricane. Reporter last night, the coast guard succeeded in rescuing 12 crew members on another cargo ship. This one was stranded in waters near haiti. Weve just heard from the United States dos guard that they have suspended their search for the missing cargo ship. They usually search at night but due to the hurricane, they say it is just not safe enough. Scott, the search will resume tomorrow morning at dawn with three c130 aircraft in the air. Pelley coast guard goes out when other ships are sinking. David begnaud, thanks very much. Today, u. S. Astronaut scott kelly sent this picture of joaquin from the space station. The hurricane has been thrashing the bahamas for two days. Its expected to track north over the weekend, and turn away from the u. S. Coast. The east coast is already flooding from a separate noreaster, and kris van cleave has that. Reporter the problem is too much water, punishing waves in new jersey, coastal flooding in ocean city, maryland, and streets underwater in charleston, South Carolina. Outside new york city, crews are working to keep the water from this slowmoving noreaster away. In virginia beach, nearly nine inches of rain since wednesday has the ground saturated. Drew langford from the citys public works. You cant assume because it hasnt flooded before its not going to flood now. Thats a wrong assumption to make in this kind of storm. Reporter this storm actually has city crews more concerned than the hurricane because it has parked itself on top of virginia beach. Its bringing a lot of rains and strong winds. The strong winds whip up the tides, so there are extra high tides. The real concern here flooding. We are concerned, yes. Reporter josie is standing in what should be the parking lot of her restaurant. Bubbas has to be dry and ready for business in just hours. We have some parties tonight. We cannot cancel anything like that. We have to honor that. Reporter north and South Carolina are expected to get hammered with rain this weekend. Already, several counties there are under flood warnings. Scott, here, emergency crews have not ruled out the possibility of some evacuations in lowlying areas because of flooding concerns. They say those concerns could stretch into next week. Pelley kris van cleave, thanks. So, where is the hurricane headed now . Lonnie quinn is the chief weather caster of wcbs. I will give you the latest from the National Hurricane center and here it is. It has weakened a little bit, still a category three, major hurricane, winds at 125 miles per hour. The official track from the National Hurricane center still keeps it offshore. No one on the eastern seaboard even in the cone of concern, but weve got to talk about the Water Associated with this storm. I know weve got the two different systems one around the southeast and joaquin. Take a look. You can see the tail of that rain coming from the carolinas right down to joaquin. So even if joaquin continues to push further east like we think it will, it still supplies a lot of rain to our area. Pelley lonnie quinn, wcbs, thanks. 11 americans are dead in afghanistan after the crash of a u. S. Air force transport plane. The c130 was on takeoff. It appears to be an accident, not enemy fire. 2,370 americans have been killed in the 14yearold war in afghanistan. President obama said today russias entry into the syrian war is a recipe for disaster. Mr. Obama called out Vladimir Putin for bombing rebels that the u. S. Supports in order to rescue the syrian dictator bashar alassad. At a white house News Conference, the president also said hed be willing to negotiate with russia and iran about syria as long as it involved assads exit. Holly williams reports that today, russian pilots added the isis terrorist group to their targets. Reporter russia said its air strikes destroyed an isis command center and a Training Camp near the groups stronghold of raqqa. But russian air strikes have also targeted socalled moderate rebels, some of them backed by the u. S. This video seems to show the aftermath of a russian air strike just outside the syrian capital of damascus. Syrias civil war has already cost more than a quarter of a million lives, many of them taken by the syrian regimes bombing of civilian areas. Russia supports the regime with weapons and money, but now its also giving Syrian Government forces an even more critical advantage. Russian aviation is helping us a lot, said this commander in the syrian army. But for those syrians who oppose the regime, russian air strikes will only strengthen Government Forces and worsen their agony. In the suburbs of damascus today, emergency workers rescued children from the aftermath of a bombing, though its not known whether it was the work of russian or regime forces. And then. Another blast, and another blow to any hope of peace in syria. The u. S. And its Coalition Partners in europe and the middle east accused russia today of causing civilian casualties in syria. And, scott, they called on russia to stop attacking the Syrian Opposition and instead to target isis. To pelley Holly Williams reporting tonight. Holly, thank you. An explosion has rocked a luxury high rise near miami. And what americans are saying about how to stop gun violence when the cbs evening news continues. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth and fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tumtumtumtumtums smoothies, only from tums. Its our song. Yeah, there you go. Wait oh, no there are thousands of ways into the complex health care system. And unitedhealthcare has ways to make the system simpler. Like virtual doctor visits. What happened here . I came in too hot. Pelley the College Shooting in oregon has restarted the National Conversation about violence, and we have asked several people to give us their views. Its part of a new series that were starting here tonight called voices against violence. Im calvin butts, pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in the city of new york. Gun violence in america is an epidemic that is exploding all over our nation in our churches, on our college campuses, in our movie theaters. This is a threat to our national security. There must be severe legislation that addresses the manufacturing and the sale and the interstate trafficking of guns. We can no longer sit by and watch mothers and fathers and husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors, crying at the loss of life. Right now, weve got to draw attention to this problem by doing something that may seem a little strict. But it has to be done or else these killings will, as we have seen, continue. Im Milwaukee County sheriff david clarke. Any time we have a horrific incident like a mass shooting, these things have a tendency to become politicized. One of the things i would do to reduce were not going to be able to eliminate these entirely but reduce the likelihood of mass carnage is to get rid of these gunfree zones. These gunfree zones theaters, churches, college campuses, Elementary Schools are chosen by the perpetrator for a reason. He knows nobody is going to be able to interrupt him until mass carnage occurs. And we ought to give people the individual freedom, the individual right to, under certain circumstances like a conceal carry license, to go armed in these venue in case Something Like this happens for their own protection and to have a chance. Look at chicago, illinois. Look at washington, d. C. , the federal district. If gun control really worked, those would be two of the safest areas in the United States. In fact, theyre two of the most violent. Im dr. Kelly posner, the founder of a Suicide Center at columbia university. 90 of School Shooters have welldocumented suicidal issues. 30 of shooters actually say that suicide is their motive. So if we screen, meaning ask a few questions, we may be able to find people and get the help they need before things like this happen. The questions about suicidal thoughts are quite simple. You start with, have you wished you were dead or wished you could go to sleep and not wake up . Or have you actually had thoughts of killing yourself . If thats no, you move on. However, if thats yes, then its tiered so we can, in a very feasible way, figure out who is really at risk and who really needs help. Imagine that an employee of a gun store, or when somebody goes to get a gun license, all of these places they could be trained to ask these questions, and maybe somebody who is suffering in silence will be identified before its too late. Pelley president obama talked about the shooting today. He said, lets not forget, this is happening every single day in forgotten neighborhoods. Police in cleveland say that just yesterday, a fivemonthold girl was killed in a driveby shooting. Its the third time in a month that a child has been killed in a driveby in that city. And in chicago, at least five people have been wounded since yesterday. The victims include a 15year old boy shot while standing on a porch. About a biologic, this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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The bosticks, who live in the same 11acre woods they grew up in, spend thousands of dollars a year just feeding the wildlife here. You name them, coons, possum. Beaver. No, we dont. Oh, yeah, the beaver does eat corn and bread. Sure does. See the ducks over there . Reporter they dont miss so much as a mallard. If youre wondering why they have this insatiable need to feed, the answer is simple childhood guilt. When we first moved here, we killed them all. The rule of the day anything that moved, we shot. Reporter but now, these repentant hunters are making amends in any way they can think of, which brings us back to the train. Over the years, a lot of stray dogs have wandered onto the property. Of course, theyre cared for, but that wasnt enough for the bostick boys who thought the mutts might like some movement as well. It makes you feel good to see them loaded up and how happy they are. Reporter the train departs once a week for an hour of pure joy. The mangy misfits now the envy of the neighborhood. The dogs no one wanted now like celebrities on a catwalk. Their giant chewchew toy takes the dogs mostly through the local warehouse district. But for the brothers, each trip takes them one step closer to redemption. They say all dogs go to heaven, and if thats true, theres got to be room for those who engineer their happiness. Steve hartman on the road in fort worth, texas. Pelley dog training. Thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott pelley, and ill you sunday on 60 minutes. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgb silicon valleys minimum wage workers wont be getting a raise next year thanks to cheap gas prices. How a rule passed by voters is backfiring. Smart solutions to some of the worst bay area traffic. A sneak peek at the train that is could soon put bart to shame. You can even get a beer on board. And we have even more on the Smart Solutions to some of that worst bay area traffic. Well tell you more about those trains coming up. But first breaking news. Two more guards have been arrested at the Santa Clara County jail. And we have just learned that one of them has been accused of having ties to the hells angels motorcycle gang. Len ramirez is at the jail where a News Conference just wrapped up. Len . Reporter well, when you have these two arrests like we did today add the other ones you have the makings of a crisis with the Santa Clara County main jail. This would bring to five the total number of correctional deputies that have been placed under arrest in the past month add to that another three that have been placed on administrative leave for other purposes. The two arrests today the most serious was ryan sanders. He is accused of illegally accessing a criminal database. Sources tell me that mr. Saunders does have ties to a criminal street gang the hells angels although theres no evidence, stress that at this point, no evidence that he was accessing this information and turning it over to the hells angels. Heres what the Sheriffs Department had to say on that today. Its a criminal database with personal and information concerning arrests, um, our investigation led us to believe that correctional deputy ryan

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