Transcripts For KPIX Sunday Morning 20161127 :

KPIX Sunday Morning November 27, 2016

Morning cover story. Fidel castro, it seemed as if he loved Nothing Better than to poke us in the eye. Thanks to him, for more than half a century, cuba, a tiny island, has been the tail wagging the dog where u. S. Politics and policy are concerned. Ahead the death of fidel castro, the provocateur is gone but for the United States the legacy remains. Pauley back is business as usual, show business, a lady who rocks. Lady gaga by name. Will be talking to lee cowan. Shes reinvented herself so many times. Hold them like they do it in texas seems like. Youre more lady now than gaga. Does that make sense . Sewed. What about tomorrow . Her latest in carnation. Ahead on sunday morning. Pauley a one man Fringe Movement has been making his mark. So much so that its caught the eye of faith saily. If i were to tell you that ben venom makes understated and ocean going art quilt id be lying. Do you picture your quilts like wrapped around something . Yeah, if hell were to freeze over then maybe they would need a quilt i could provide that. Quilt, is that rock later on sunday morning. Pauley all kinds of questions and answers for casey of a fleck, the tracy smith does the honors. You cant talk about the oscars this year without mentioning casey of a fleck. But he doesnt want to hear it. Making too big a feel is a mistake. Do you let yourself hear the oscar buzz thats going on now . No, i dont. I never listen to it. A conversation with the other of a fleck. Pauley from seth doane we have a postcard from tokyo from the train station to be precise. A glimpse of secret life of american muslims. Say our goodbye to Florence Henderson. First, the headlines for this sunday morning the 27th of november, 2016. Cuba is mourning its revolutionary leader fidel castro. Flags are flying at half mast as the nation marks nine days of official mourning. We have two reports beginning with havana. The usually vibrant neighborhoods of cubas capital are i would net morning. We brief along the citys historic waterfront last night. While its usually bustling the crowds were small sore a saturday night. There has been 240 official confirmation, Fidel Castros remains were set to have been cremated according to his wish wishes. At the University Students held a remembrance for their leader. It was quite a different scene in little ha anna where people celebrated the ruthless dictator. Here on the island nation a first opportunity to publicly pay their respects starting tomorrow with the largest gathering expect on tuesday as the revolution scare the scene of some of his most fiery and most important speeches. His remains will be held down a route retracing in reverse the victory march he took with the revolutionary army in 1959. His funeral will be held next sunday insanity yak goa known as the cradle of his revolution. In havana. In mob doning recommend rating a dick for who has been called a hero and skies nor. His mixed legacy is condemned or celebrated. In russia president Vladimir Putin a symbol of air, close ties dating back to the revolution. His people have lost a close comrade. And in mexico, he promoted respect and dialogue. And his unwaivering support of the knicks antiapartheid movement. In madrid, some saw political asylum had a more sobering. A reference to his firing squad fa targeted descenters. And more measured, he represented his hope. And pope francis who met with him kept his condolences, sold his brother and raul he was grieving. In a statement president obama did not praise castro but offer sympathy to his family and declared now is the time to extend a hand of friendship to the cuban people. But president elect donald trump denounced castro as, quote, a brutal dictator. Hillary clinton team hill take part in the vote recount. Green Party Candidate jill stein requested and wisconsin election port approved it. Early Holiday Shopping figures, like this one. Adobe which tracks Online Retail transactions reports that people spent a record 5. 27 billion online on thanksgiving day and friday. That is more than 17 jump over 2015. From hollywood, news of the passing of ron glass, the character actor perhaps best known for detective ron harris in the long running tv series Barney Miller he was 71. Reported cause, respiratory failure. Now the weather much of the west will be wet. A big storm will blanket the cascades and rockies and snow while soaking the plains with rain. Dry across the east. In the week ahead its going to be tough to escape scattered showers but california southern compost is looking good. Ahead, fidel castro, a look back. ,,,,,,,,, pauley fidel castro, dead at the age of 90. We imagine that many of those who have opposed the cuban dictator all their lives barely allow themselves to believe the news is true. After all, hes been a dominating figure on the world scene for as long as most of us can remember. Our cover story is reported by martha teichner. On cubas southern coast. The year of jungle fighters the rebels of at first he charmed us. Its hard to believe now, more than 50 years after tore the fact. Fidel castro here our former technician, students, towns people and simple up in the hills with his rebels, fidel castro looked and sounded like a freedom fighter. A romantic hero, not the bogeyman he became to so many. In the you can be sure. But there was no battle. On new years day, 1959, cuban dictator, general fulgencio batista, the bloated, corrupt embodiment of cubas problems fled the country. Fidel castro was born in 1926. One of five children. His family was prosperous and owned a sugar plantation in eastern cuba. Educated by the jesuits he became a lawyer. The poverty castro saw around him, the inequality turned him into a revolutionary. Fidel castro at the age of 32 you now have great deal of power and responsibility. A month after taking power interviewed on cbs by edward r. Mr. Row castro said exactly what americans want to hear. Are you concerned about the communist influence in cuba . I am not worried because really there is not a threat. Its still not clear whether he changed or whether he lied. But when castro began executing opponents, when castro started nationalizing industries and appropriating u. S. Property in cuba, it didnt matter. The u. S. Response, sanctions. The economic embargo that exists to this day. Since the early 1960s, more than a million cubans have left. Most landed in miami with nothing but their lives. And the fierce determination to bring fidel castro down one way or another. In april of 1961, an army of cuban exiles backed by the cia tried to slip into the bay of pigs and liberate the island. The invasion was a disastrous and embarrassing failure. With a jubilant castro playing david to the u. S. Goliath, a role he fine tuned for the rest of his life, with help from the soviet union. With cbs fusion extra the following year in 1962, u. S. Spy planes spotted the russians installing Nuclear Missiles in cuba. Russian manned ballistic missiles. Our cold war. Udly cuba seemed railroad is, very important. I have directed the armed forces to prepare for the eventuality. Castro did not blink. Appealed to him to play this role. But he would harbor these missiles that could threaten the Great Imperial that he could do this. Jay taylor represented u. S. Interests in cuba in the 1980s. The world teetered on the edge. Of a america war. Were talking about the world, millions. Shall be the polyof this nation in regard to any Nuclear Missile launch fred cuba to any nation in the western hemisphere by the oaf yet union. Requiring a full response. For a couple of terrifying weeks, president i dont know f. Kennedy and soviet leader nikita played chicken until kru,hcner backed down and the missiles were removed. But that wasnt the end of soviet revolvement in cuba. The russians pumped Something Like 5 billion a year into the cuban economy. Propping it up while the United States kept tightening the screws, toughening the sanction, that one day casio would fall. With the ica repeatedly tried to kill him. But till he hung on, jailing dissidents, neutralizing political rivals. Speaking for hours on end before vast crowds bussed in to hear him. Which brings us to 1980. The mariel boat lift that year was a huge repudiation of castros claim that cubans were happy and content. Told they were free to go, 125,000 did, risking their lives, piling on to small boats and makeshift rafts for the 90 mile crossing to florida. It did hurt his image but in the end, the fact that the United States then had to stop this flow having said we would not turn our backs on them. Suddenly we did, we said, turn them back and top the boats. That castro then, i think felt that he had emerged from from that. Especially when it became clear that 1015 thousand of the ref pew fees were insane or criminals, turned loose from prisons and asylums. If life in cuba was bad then, it got worse when the oaf yet union collapsed in 1991. Suddenly all that oaf yet money was gone. Along with the oil cuba received in exchange for sugar. Cubans were literally starving. Anticastro interests in the United States thought the end was in sight. But in 1993, fidel castro, the crafty survivor, did something startling to prop up the cuban economy. He legalized the u. S. Dollar. Which meant that if your relatives in miami sent you money, you could afford to eat. Today, those payments bring in 3 billion a year. Castro also invited foreign investment, suddenly cuba looked like one big construction site. You name the country, canada, france, spain, mexico, the netherlands, israel. Everybody but the United States was there building massive resort hotels and condos for the two million tourists who now visit cuba every year. In 1998 when fidel castro welcomed Pope John Paul ii and let the pictures do the talking, the world saw cuba surviving in spite of the u. S. Trade embargo. It was political theater on a grand scale. The kind castro loved. Remember the custody showdown over elian gonzaalez, the small boy rescued at sea after his mother drowned trying to escape. Castro won, the boy was returned to his father in cuba. He milked it in every way to make the Cuban Community in miami look bad and the Cuban Community in miami frankly felt right into the trap. Is a sociology professor at Florida International university. The revolution was simply claiming a son for his father. The revolution does have its supporters who give castro credit for raising the Literacy Rate in cuba to nearly 100 . And for providing Free Health Care to all. Cuba turns out highly skilled doctors, respected throughout latin america. In february 2008, after a long illness, fidel castro officially transferred cubas presidency to his younger brewer, raul. Today the United States of america is changing its relationship with the people of cuba. It was raul who agreed in 2014 to restoration of diplomatic relations with the United States. It was raul who welcomed president obama to cuba in march of this year. Less than a month late every, a frail, faded fidel castro, appeared at a communist party congress. Soon i will be 90 years old, he said. In what seemed like a farewell address. Stating, everyones turn comes, but the ideas of cuban communists will remain. He turned 90 on august 13, the day of his last public appearance. But even in death, he remains a bogeyman to some. Astro will always be remembered as the cuban, latin American Revolutionary who stood up to the United States and won. Won in terms of his health brought him down, not anything that the United States ever did. The man the United States tried so hard to topple tormented 11 american presiden president s. And died on his own terms. Pauley ahead. The cold facts. When heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums you can pick up cold flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours . Its like having a sick Family Member that you didnt even know was there. And we all know what happens when one Family Member gets sick. But lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99. 9 of germs including 8 common cold flu viruses to help protect your home. This cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. Pauley and now a page from our sundae morning am ma knack, november 2, 1701. 315 years ago today. The birthday of the swedish scientist, Anders Celsius. Celsius is best known for the temperature scale that bears his name. Unlike his predecessor, Daniel Gabriel fahrenheit, whose scale had water freezing at 32 degrees and boiling at 212, Anders Celsius separated boiling and freezing by exactly 100 degrees. However, for some reason he marked the degrees on his original thermometer upside down with zero as the boiling point and 100 as the freezing point. Go figure. The celsius scale was soon flipped right side up with zero for freezing and 100 for boiling. And generations of American School kids have been figuring out how to convert fahrenheit and celsius and vice versa ever since. Today the United States stands alone among the Major Industrial nations in still using fahrenheit. And based on the apparent degree of resistance across the land to a switch to celsius, it seems unlikely well be warming to the idea any time soon. Ahead, quilts of heavy metal. Theres a right way and wrong way to do it. My way. Pauley how will history judge fidel castro. Is there good to weigh against the bad. According to the cias latest fact book cubas infant mortality rate is 4. 5 per 1,000 births. That is lower than the 5. 8 reported here in the United States. Average life expectant he see is 78. 7. Cuba has 72 doctors per 1,000 people. More than double the numbers per thousand in our country. Weighed against these pluses are the negatives of decades of political oppression. Though theres no hard number, political executions by firing squad totaled just over 3100 according to the nonprofit think thank cuba archive. Human rights watch reports 6200 arbitrary detentions during the first eight months of last year. Theres that nod of cuban ref few tease to the u. S. To consider. More than 1. 1 million cuban immigrants now live in the United States. Thats roughly onetenth of cubas population. Jane this is not your grandmothers quilt. A music loving artists works on the fringe of the quilting craft. Faith salie gets right to the point. I liken it to shooting machine guns when its at full throttle. Sit down with ben venom in his studio in san franciscos Haight Ashbury. A right way and wrong way and way that i decided to do it. My way. And it doesnt take long to realize he isnt quite like other quilters. Ill listen to music or watch movies, but ultimately the noise of the machine drowns a the lo out because my head is right in it. Pretty much my world is right around here. His world is filled with arresting images like these. His quilts sell for thousands of dollars. Have been exhibited around the world and have names like aces high and iron fist. Refers to a motorhead song. Then i have these allseeing eyes kind of the third eye keeping watch. Then the drops of blood. A quilt . Yes. Whats a quilt. I bleed. It hurts. Your blood is in a quilt or two . On one of them, one or two of them you can see it. Thats my signature there. Ben venoms other signature . Using everything from donated womens jeans and leather jackets to old rock tshirts in his quilts. This is iron maiden. And this is toxic holocaust. Here i have bandannas, goat skin. Can i touch it . Yeah. Really . It looks like snake skin. Bleached denim right here. Tshirts. Waterproof camouflage. Where did the as it washed jeans come from . Some are donated. Some ill buy big piece of denim ill do it myself. I live in Haight Ashbury with the year of tiedye but its the years of the 80s acid watch. The self caught artist grew up listening to punk rock and heavy metal. His life was changed forever when he went to see exhibition of quilts. I saw the cheese bang quilt show in 2006 here in san francisco. I was blown away by their work. These quilts women have made. They usary cycled fabrics. That show in tired him to take a pair of scissors into his closet to make his f sirs and still to this day favorite quilt. That quilt has a tshirt on it that is band testament. I wore the testament t shirt for probably close to 15 years. I wore it so much it was so threadbare you could see through it. At that point i was like, not too metal to wear out in public now. I cut it up put into it that first quilt that i made in 2008 called listen to heavy metal while you sleep . Are there mistakes . Im not going to point them out. Sometimes i dont know how to how this should be folded i just do it, make my own way. But the fact that its hand made allows for mistakes to come through. We dont make mistakes we have happy accidents. A happy accident. A metaphor for life. I grew up watching bob ross on tv, the big afro, the dark studio that he had. Always playing with the brushes. Happy little tree. Thats my upbringing. Some kind of whimsy. Do you put humor . Absolutely. Totally understand the level of absurd de. It is absurd that i do these quilts that this strong aggressive imagery but its the end result is like functional piece of fabric, right . It is a little absurd. When ben venom gives an art talk, it sounds like this. This band, hazzards cure, donated shirts for him to quilt with, so he in turn invited them t

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