Days cooling trade. And the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at the rubric dot com. And now abc world news. This is bbc world news america reporting from washington im john obrien. President trump announces his strategy for afghanistan making a u. Turn and promising a stepped up military campaign. And yemens ongoing war both sides are accused of abuses the millions its a daily fight for survival when even making it to hospital holds no guarantees. Now the electricity is. All the machines are off. Will the incubators are off. Full of oxygen. Has stopped. And this happens all the time. Both smartphones a social media have many of us hooked but one will foot tells us why they could be changing teenagers lives for the works. Welcome to world news America President trump has announced his long awaited stray g. For the war in afghanistan. First new u. S. Forces will arrive there in days or weeks according to the Top Commander in the middle eas. Its an about face from mr trump who campaigned on a minute treat with troll but as he admitted in his speech minds change. And both the president and secretary of state warned pakistan that it needs to crack down on safe havens for terrorist groups. The bbcs north america editor jon sopel starts our coverage. The look from for his way today to a rally in phoenix arizona. With a tricky sales job on his hands. The man who likes to be a crowd pleaser into throughout the campaign delighted audiences with his promise to pull us forces out of afghanistan. A gigantic waste of money and american blood he said. But last night as the band played hail to the chief. He was preparing to hit the reverse thrust button on that policy my original ins. Was to pull out. And historically. I like following my instincts. But all my life ive heard that decisions are much different when you sit behind the des. In the oval office but what this flip flop means in practical terms is hard to assess. The president wouldnt say how many additional troops hed send no commit to how long theyd be there. The mission will be judged by results not time lines. And though kabul may be a long way from charlottesville recent events in virginia were clearly on his mind when he said this. Loyalty to our nation demands loyalty to one another. Love for america requires love. For all. Of its people. When we open our hearts patriotism. There is no room for prejudice no place for bigotry. And no tolerance for hate. And some of his harshest words were aimed at the pakistani government could be accused of harboring terrorists while taking billions of dollars in us aid money. He called his new policy strategic realism. And some did up this way we are not nation building again. We are killing terrorists so i say you i say in phoenix long lines of planned ahead of the president s rally this. To what his supporters make it. Font. New info. Im reluctantly. Going to follow his lead hes been listening and he knows things they what he needs to do now and so thats why im for his decision. I dont like. Wincing in afghanistan but out in a reserve judgement until. I see the fruits of whats actually to come out of this but the fruits right now are. My moneys being wasted. Were trading more terrorism going over there and i dont like it. The donald trump has tried to dress this speech shoppers mocking a significant shift in policy. The most striking thing about it is the sense of continuity with the above the white house. And one other thing. Now that this major policy announcement has come. This is the old. War in afghanistan. Nope erica bombers. Not the generals. He now has ownership of something. He never wanted to buy. Jon sopel bbc news washington. And a brief time ago i discussed the strategy President Trump laid out with Lieutenant General david barno. Who phony commanded combined forces in afghanistan . General bonnet thank you very much for coming in up now the administration wont go into numbers it went given the idea about how long this commitment might lost but in your experience. How many troops is it going to take to turn this . Bush may be two different questions i think the actual number theyre considering is probably the range of about four thousand or five thousand two. Adding on top of maybe eighty eight hundred americans that are there now doing both advisory work with the Afghan Military and also Counter Terrorist forces are special operator. Show its probably about a fifty percent increase if they put in for five thousand more whether thats gonna be enough to actually quote unquote win this decisively or achieve victory or even. Be able to. For style a a taliban victories on now section to the sunset but. The model that was being used in syria and iraq was very successful in not could perhaps be. Adopted an adopted in afghanistan is that its not a good idea i think thats an interesting kind. Strange which they were doing different a predecessor. When i presume mama surgeon at thirty to forty thousand additional troops to head a hundred thousand americans in afghanistan High Water Mark for us. In two thousand nine and two thousand ten the majority those those troops were put in to fight the taliban you know face to face they were in there and direct kinetic operations the military would say. This new force i think its going to be designed primarily to advise Afghan Forces to train them to make them more effective. I was probably one of the mistakes we made in the. Nine ten time frame is the americans came in they muscle that the afghans who reports out of the way and they took over the war. For two or three years and then they came out on on on a major timeline which. No President Trump criticized i think accurately last night. This you can be a different approach thats what weve been doing in in iraq and syria with some success but its not the same war in afghanistan is and isnt sure iraq. How long is that training going to take the realistically because that clearly not up to capacity right now is everybody pretty much grace . I think were talking months if not years i mean the afghan army is been in the fight the taliban they took six thousand. Killed in action last year according to numbers and i saw which is a huge number. There if theyre taking the large numbers of casualties every single day in afghanistan. And theyre having to to train themselves improve and become more cable in the midst actually fighting the enemy. So infusion of us advisors down to lower levels where they can actually get hands on with those fighting forces and the afghan. National army i think would be useful but its gonna take some time for the for the traction on this to take on we dont know what the the end result is going to be we dont know the afghan army. Can actually turn this corner to become dominant over the taliban on the battlefield they havent shown that yet. General bonnet thank you very much indeed for coming in thank you. Well for more on the diplomatic moves this new strategy could in thailand joined now by funny nasa who formerly served as a Senior Adviser in the u. S. State department for afghanistan and pakistan. Hes no dean of the Johns Hopkins school of International Studies thank you for coming and think. That the president really went off to pakistan. Accusing it of of being a safe take safe haven for terrorists just how critical is pakistan to success in afghanistan. Its tremendously important and not only because he said this it has been a safe haven for the taliban buddies also theres no way to fight a war in afghanistan without. Pakistani military supporting. At u. S. Separate im providing you with access ways into afghanistan. I think the problem is that what the president said about pakistan last night was very vague on what the Obama Administration tried to do what pakistan including a shooting match. On the border that killed twenty four pakistani. Soldiers and that eventually the United States found itself in a position of having to negotiate a an apology. In order to open the door so. If present can threaten pakistan on pox on can say were just going to shut down the port of karachi. And you can find the water in afghanistan on your own so then the question for trump. It would become does he want to go to war with a country a hundred and eighty million. People. But can pakistan actually do anything about this or is the situation under control. Yeah he can do a lot and it has been doing a fair amount as well. And it has been cooperating maybe not a hundred percent but he has been doing a lot but he could do even less than what it is doing. But all in there is a sense that parker sonny just the Silver Bullet to this problem. And and thats not the case so there are other elements of this including shoring up the Afghan Government including coming up with a regional. As strategy that would get iran russia pakistan on the same page including also if either is really serious about diplomacy putting a political. Road map on the table what should i do and also talks with the taliban will read seem to be leading to that how realistic is fussing that they failed last time they didnt fail we didnt do it. And because the taliban no because the u. S. Military would not do it because obama and and in fact. Trombay see both with the same strategy on the table. Which is a military only strategy that this war is going to be one on the battlefield my old boss at the state Department Richard holbrooke. Fought tooth and nail. Put the United States to consider at least trying at a political path. And he wouldnt even get a listening from the white house because he was blocked by the pentagon and i think trump. Has found himself in the same place he eased his strategy is verbatim obama strategy with minor tweaks which is basically de pretend i the pentagon. Well enough say it youve been studying this war thats been going on for sixteen years now. If this plan doesnt work what cost is the failure not just afghanistan but the entire region. What is the cost the President Trump because last night he talked about absolute victory which is not going to get with four thousand troops and now hes going to . Put himself put himself in a place where the military is going to come back to every six months and a year and say. Well youre gonna youre gonna political damage unless you give us more troop so he now owns the warranties on a slippery slope. To it expanding it. But that if honest on it if we end up in a scenario where the taliban take took kabul the way isis took over mosul. Were going to look at a repetition of that sort of a cycle its gonna be very destabilizing to the entire region. Funny now so thank you very much for joining me thank you. Now both sides in yemens war have been accused of violating International Law was according to to leak u. N. Reports obtained by the bbc. They say that both parties a killing and maiming children and that the Saudi Led Coalition is blocking the delivery of food and medicine. Yemen is now in its third year of war which has created the worlds worst humanitarian crisis. The b. B. C. s now al mug but mojave reports and warning you may find some of the images disturbing. Many of yemens children have only ever known war. And who did the Central Hospital is full of them. Victims of a conflict that has left the country batons broken and stuff and i thought mash does have a limit on it. I first met dr optimism haiti a year ago. He tells me things are now much wes i have on. Hunch of how thats what we have to talk to to see so many more cases of malnutrition. No its not only the poor bring their children here. Were seeing cases of severely malnourished children from middle class families to. Filing. It takes me to meet allah. Three years old his immune system is failing. He needs intensive care but there are no beds available. His family stayed by his side. Which had benefits have. That little black. The model what i was. Defense and. Well invite mischief than. Yeah. Sure would have been a very good im not. Next up on the. As we talk to interrupt so. And that has been freed and the highlight is rush to intensive care. This is one of the areas lost functioning hospitals. But its on the brink. Nmsiis have spent all the money they have. To get the. Now the electricity is. All the machines are off. Or the incubators are off. All the oxygen. Has stopped. And this happens all the time. The war between the saudi backed government and with the rebels is now in its third year. The regions richest nation. Bombing its poorest. Its killed thousands and left millions homeless. We had to cross town. Wherever you go displaced people lined the streets. With global disclose. Theres no escape. Even the refugee camp offered no protection from mohammed and his family. As as a good thing. I thought about. It the more i thought about my. I didnt care. Not a lot. I dont know how but i better go ahead. I would have been had i. But i dont understand that. When does it really cost of what. What about it at all . Yeah it. Later that day. Who data is yemens and the . And blocked the replacement. In food should not be a weapon of war food should be a weapon of peace is ninety five percent of all the foo. That we need to feed the innocent people. Comes through this poor if this port is bombed and completely made. Useless. Literally hundreds of thousands of children will die in millions of the who will die along with. But just look to starvation that the war is causing. Yemen now faces the west corner outbreak the world has seen in decades. Thirteen year olds yeah yeah quoted along with eighteen members of his family. Bonobos. Yes i have. I would put it on and it was not the living denpasar. And now you see the world but when they shop close. And it has on the day images and as an s. At home and i gave him that he gave a shout of gave. I dont miss out. In the intensive care units. We get a desperate cool from unless mom. Hes taken the time for the west. We arrive but its too late. I. Mean whats the main looked up at him and they dont make us a lot. So instrumentalists appears to what i mean the women the children of the bombing. We forget we discovered that she. As his father says goodbye. The family also us to carry on filming. Show the world these heartbreaking images. A three year old boy. Stuffed and broken. Another child. Born into a war. That has not taken his life. No one in my copy bbc news. Yemen. A reminder that riff how children a bearing the brunt of yemens ongoing trial. Quick but of all the news and a suspected islamist facing prosecution over last week that. In and around barcelona has told a court that the terrorist cell had been planning a much larger result. Including reportedly blowing up the famous Sagrada Familia church a closed Court Hearing in mid trade one of the four surviving suspect said the groups plans was scaled back. When the house packed with bomb making equipment blew up. Watching bbc world news america still to come on tonights program from commander in chief to campaigner in chief. Donald trump heads west to arizona for prime time rally and the push for Border Security. Rescue workers on the italian island of sks say theyve pulled three children including a seven month old baby from the rubble of the home. Often earthquakes last night. It hit the Holiday Island off the coast of naples killing two people and injuring forty. Richard lista is that with more. Minutes after the earthquake dazed survivors picked their way through a ruined house. In the town of cassie michio that. Around them in a blizzard of dust buried because and rubble strewn streets. The neighbors are escaping to. As the Emergency Services moving. But say scrabble what i. Terrible she said i was terrified ischia was a trap and other crap but i ischia. Several buildings collapsed. Under the wreckage rescue was worked frantically to get to those buried on a mammoth off. This site rescuers hear the faint sounds of a baby crying. Enough to some careful digging a minor miracle. Seven months old pascali with tearful but safe. Work continued at the house to reach his two brothers. Daylight revealed the extent of the damage the earthquake struck as people were sitting down for the evening meal. Some houses were almost untouched others may have to be demolished. At least one of the dead was killed by falling masonry it remained a threat as the Emergency Services brought in more resources. To continue their search and rescue operations. Because the work continued some good news both of little plus goalies brothers were found alive. His family survived others though counting the cost of a terrifying night. Richard lester b. B. C. News. Nnova. Thats weve heard President Trump has traveled to arizona today when hes taking a chance to stress of Border Security before going to a prime time rally. The b. B. C. s james cookies that force in phoenix and he joins me now. James the president s support has been slipping nationally but youve been talking to to some of his core supporters that today. How popular is he in arizona . Well he is here as the sl swindler divisive figure on the people who support them our lives and loyal and the people who oppose them our. Lives and that the opposite is who you know so hes hes a divisive figure here. But many people have turned out to support mc a couple of people here winning that ac. Stars and stripes on their the kind that make America Great again hops if it. A classic now or or notorious depending on your political point of view this theme a little bits of shouting here so far between the two sides this theres the people queuing for the for the rally to get into the. Truck rally on the other side of the road. Run is going to be held this evening dipping some opponents of come ive been out numbered by that some supporters who generally are pretty jovial mood. I was talking to them at this morning up fives afghanistan and that the president s change of policy very chasing interested to get a sense of what. People think about that and i think i would sum up the