Transcripts For KQED Charlie Rose 20170606 :

Transcripts For KQED Charlie Rose 20170606

Anne barnard from the ny times. Qatar is always punting above its weight in the region in a way that really wrangled with saudi arabia which thinks of itself as the leader and doesnt want to have rivals for regional influence. Qatar is always trying to play all sides of every issue. Thats one of the ways that it sort of increased its infliens and survival skills as a small country. Rose also this evening a conversation with Patrick Collison, the c. E. O. And cofounder of stripe. We wanted you to be able to come to a website, enter basic details like you would in signing up for any other service and start charging customers from all around the world some revenue and money and go get paid. That process at that time took weeks in some cases, even months and was very restrictive in terms of the kind of Business Models you could implement. And we con crude with gerard araud, the former french ambassador to the United States. In a sense the message of Emmanuel Macron is to say i am really pro but at the same time it would be dangerous or counterproductive to say that everything is perfect in the kingdom of the european union. And especially in the euro gloarng the eurozone as we say in french, we are in the middle of the stream. Because on one side you have the monetary union. On the other side you dont have the instruments of a federal government of europe, an economic government of europe. Rose give white, John Micklethwait anne barnard and gerard a araud when we continue. And by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. Rose we begin this evening with a look at terror in london. On saturday night a van crossing London Bridge veered into a crowd of pedestrians. The vans occupants then exited the vehicle and began stabbing patrons at nearby bars an restaurants. Seven people including the three assailants killed by police were also killed and dozens more were injured. 12 people have been arrested in connection with the attack. They have subsequently been released. It is britains third terror incident since march. Late today officials named kharou butt and rachidredouane as two of the people that carried out the attack. Today londoners were struggling to take in the kreelt and madness of saturdays attack. Eight minutes after it began t was over the the three terrorists wearing fake suicide belts shot dead by place. But in their wake, they left mayhem an a trail of victims maimed in their stabbing spree. You keep going, you keep going. Other victims were crushed by the attackers van on London Bridge. Imagine the shock and the terror of people walking across this bridge on saturday night when they realized the van was hurtling toward them at 50 miles an hour. The driver determined to hurt or kill as many people as he could. Brad meyers on vacation from florida in a narrow escape, after taking a selfie on the bridge he walked away and then heard the varn mount the sidewalk. Here is the photo he took afterwards, bodies strewn across the road. I do think that Everyone Needs to see, you know, what is going on. And what were up against. Reporter all those who gathered at a vigil today know theyre probably up against even more terrorists with london in their sights. But lead by the citys muslim mayor sadiq khan they stand determined to face them down. I want to send a clear message to the sick and evil extremists who commit these hideous crimes. We will defeat you. You will not win. Today the British Police named two of the three attackers and anna werner went to their neighborhood in east london. 30 year old rachidredauane complaim claimed to be more octoberan an libyan and was not known to police but the police knew the other man, khuram butt, a naturalized british citizen born in pakistan. He was even seen in this 2016 documentary that to us canned on home groan jihadism here praying with an isis style flag. On sunday police raided this apartment complex on londons east side arresting a dozen people. Some residents told us they recognized butt. They knew him by the nik naim ib. The neighbor said she reported him to police for recruiting children. He say to me, because the kids to keep them safe, safe from what, what this world, this world of what . On saturday neighbor ken chigbo said he approached him asking about a renting moving van he was using. Asked questions, how much, this that and the other. Yeah, but it wasnt until now that i is sinking in, really. And Michael Mimbo said after the attack he realized the possible significants of a white van he had seen speeding away from their apartment complex on saturday. Was it upsetting, distshing, troubling. Yeah, especially if it is someone that you knew, someone that, you know, you commonly said hello to, it was really hard to believe. But then all the evidence are there. Rose joining me from london give white from the Washington Post and in jork John Micklethwait. From bloomberg news, what happened today. We had the disclosure the two names of at sail ants. So we know for a fact now that these were locals, these were people who lived in london. They lived in the east london neighborhood of barking, about a half hour journey by either tube or by car from where the attack took place. One is a pakistani origin, the other is of arab origin. He was either from morocco or libya. He told people different things. One of the assailants was someone who was known to security forces. He was someone who had been on their radar for a few years. He was someone who was known in the neighborhood as an extremist and people locally had reported him to authorities. But he had dropped off the authorities radar screen just in the last year. They concluded after investigating him that he was not planning an attack. And so they decided to stop investigating him. That is really become a major issue today with this whole question of police having so many people to keep track of so many people who are on their radar screens, and yet again we have an attack carried out by one of the people who was on Security Services radar but had been dropped off, had dropped off. Rose one of the interesting things when you talk to Security Officials they all say part of key to being able to resist these kinds of terror attacks is more intelligence about what is going on. And thats putting a huge demand on the resources of all security forces, correct . It is. So this has become a major issue in the british Parliamentary Campaign which of course we have an election coming up just in three days time on thursday. And so there was a brief pause, a very brief pause in the campaigning yesterday as everyone declared a truce and said it was time to pay respects to the dead that didnt last long. As of last evening, as of today, you have both sides coming out, Jeremy Corbin the challenger and theresa may the Prime Minister are coming out and really, essentially going after each other on the security front. Theresa may saying that there needs to be less tolerance for extremism, words that are clearly directed at a corbin who she hit out at as someone that is too sim pathetic to antiwestern militants. She also said that the police and authorities in general need to have more powers than they do at the moment. And she argues that corbin has blocked government stability to give police and Security Services those powers. On the other side of the debate you have corbin saying may has been a top official in government for the past seven years, now the Prime Minister of course for the past year. And she has overseen an Austerity Program that has resulted in pretty deep cuts for police and for Security Services. And minister corbin saying that the services need to be funded again, that there needs to be money that is put back into place from Security Services so that they can deal with this very serious threat that seems to be growing in scale and in tempo. Corbins numbers have been rising in this election. They have. There is now a third party in the campaign which is one surprise over here which is donald trump. Trump initially sent tweeted against sadiq chan, the muslim mayor of london who is generating popular and liked in britain and he originally criticized a message khan put out saying that there would be more police on the streets, telling people not to worry. Trump criticized that, sayt stayed calm. Rose chump trump said this is crazy without really reading properly what khan said. He then reentered having been condemned by lots of people yesterday. He reentered it today. The reason why this matters is because may have been put in an incredibly awkward position. And eventually she came out and defended khan saying khan is doing a good job. Why is anyone attacking him. The way it looked is that she has been reluctant to criticize donald trump and that comes on top of both the Climate Change thing where she was reluctant to criticize trump and the rather weird hand holding thing in washington. And all those things are giving if not corbin, they are giving surrogates of him some room to attack. Rose because they like corbin or because they simply are unhappy with her . I think it is more people, it goes to that bit that she sold herself to the british people and said lets have an election because i want to you become me as this strong woman, this determined woman. She embraced the idea that somebody called her a bloody difficult woman. She said that is me, i will be somebody that will be able to go to brexit and deliver the best deal. She is now under fire on sort of several couldnts. One is doing this thing to do with the dementia attack as it is known where she seems to say to old people to begin with, if you get ill over a long period of time, then you will have to spend all your money until you have 100,000 pounds left, and then the government will step in. And then that and she went back on that, so she didnt look either strong or willful. And on this particular thing about not seeming to sort of stand up to trump on behalf of the British Security forces, that is also causing her, i think, some degree of deficit. And corbin has proved despite a fairly lunatic left wing past, he looked completely unelectable. He proved very popular with young people. Rose what about the other 12 people, back to what happened in the attacks. They have also arrested or have under questioning 12 other people. What do we know about them, give. We dont know much but we do know that they have actually just in the last few minutes been released. So police are not holding any additional suspects. The police unlike with the Manchester Bombing two weeks ago where they said initially there was a concern that it was, that the attacker was part of a much Broader Network and that he had had a lot of help in that, they ended up saying ultimately that they thought he acted largely alone. But in this case, from the beginning, they have said, they have been very clear in saying they think these three individuals acted pretty much alone. They were concerned that perhaps there was some kind of help from accomplices or some who might have known more about the attack before it was carried out. But they dont have enough to charge the people this they took in custody. So those people have now been released. But up until this morning, you saw the police were continuing to carry outed raids. They were going into peoples homes and barking in another area of east london and rounding people up. And obviously wanting to be as thorough as possible to make sure that there isnt a followup attack being planned. There seems to be two deficits for the intelligence community. One has always been that you follow, you have say 10,000 people, you think could be show involved. To follow each one of those all the way around the day, that requires, depending how you pressure measure it, 100,000, more than that agents trying to follow people properly throughout the day. So you have to zero in on some. The deficit with these sort of people is they go hot and cold very quickly. That seems to be some evidence that some people can rapidly go from being on the fringe of that to being someone who will go and let their lives be taken for that. That has always been one problem and sometimes they get it right, sometimes they get it wrong. The other thing is the fact that before syria, people had a pretty good hold on who they thought, at least in britain, who they thought were radicals. And a lot of people left to go to syria. So there seems to be a new group of people who are much wider, much more dispercented who it is much harder to identify. They are already there. Exactly. They went there, they took spliet to turkey. They werent part of existing networks. Before then trk was a bit like dealing with the ira. They thought they knew where people were roughly, at least. The question also is why is isis claiming credit for this if, in fact, it seems that they acted alone . Well, i think that the isis claim is very suspect. The group came out on sunday and said yes, we did this, these were our guys. But there was no spessity in that specificity in that announce. In the past when they claimed an a attack and it has been an isis attack, they provided details about the attacker or about the plot that only people involved in the plot could have known. That wasnt the case with this claim. And in fact they actually even got the date wrong of the attack. They put the wrong date in their announcement. Isis has been claiming a lot of things lately. They used to be fairly reliable in terms of only claiming attacks that they actually had something to do with. That is not the case any more. They seem to be claiming any kind of attack that is out there. What is fairly clear is that these individuals were likely inspired by isis. And so that is something that i think even more than collaboration with isis or direction by isis, i think that that is very much on the mind of British Security forces, that there are a lot of people out there who are being inspired by the islamic state. The same question arises in america and they look to some of the companies insecurities. That they talk to that leff in Silicon Valley and say we have a prb here and how do we cooperate to find an answer to it, it is online, where the danger is being done. You are already seeing a bit of that in britain. You are seeing may talking about it, being unacceptable, that so much stuff is being hit en. You might see a tougher at ud from the british, perhaps more similar to am is of the things people have begun to talk here about, being able to break into peoples inches phones, having back channels into big sites, may already is slightly authoritarian figure, seems to have jinked that as well. I suspect there will be, two verges of it. One will be going to Silicon Valley on the quiet, and there will probably also be some degree of a kind of public reckoning between that line, between privacy and security that always comes up every single time when every one of these things happens. What are we looking for next, griff. We done know still the name of the third attacker. The police have not, they said they are still trying to confirm that name. They havent released the name yet. We expect that that will happen sometime perhaps later tonight or tomorrow. But really the question is one of the Big Questions at this point is how does this play politically that is very uncertain. We have very small amount of time left before the election. Brits go to the poles on thursday so you have impeckically two days left in which corbin and may can make their cases. Obviously a campaign that has been overtaken by security concerned, security issues. You had this campaign interrupted now twice, first by the Manchester Bombing, now by the london attacks. And what we really dont know is what did voters think of all this . Are they taken in by the arguments of corbin that police cuts are a major problem, people are seeing fewer police out on the beat, and theyre concerned by that and secretary of austerity and want to try Something Else or are they per intaided by theresa may that it would be two risky to elect jun like corbin when the country is being attacked in this way and you need a strong, as john says, some what authoritarian leader. You see someone who can give police and Security Services the powers that they ned. Just that line which seems so convincing in the first when they look very resolute and together and she seemed, is at this time, because of some of the stuff she doesnt look quite so resolute and clear. That would worry me from that point of view, and the truth is the polls are all over the place. The some showed the tourist poll tories one, ta lead, when you start applying that to how seats get divided. S one thing that is pretty clear, whereas three, four weeks ago, we all thought of this is just how much was she increase the majority, it now looks as if even if everything works out well for her, she will have people who will come back to her and say you know, this Election Campaign was not a success. You should have done better. It is possible that Jeremy Corbin who people, most people expected him to be sacked after the the campaign, that he may hang on to the labor body. Grif, thank you very much for joining us. I know its late there, we thank you for joining us. We lack forward to seeing you later this weak. Thanks, charlie. Thanks, charlie. Well be right back. Stay with us. Arab nations severed ties on qatar, saudi arabia and egypt were among the first to suspend diplomatic relations in a move orchestrated to isolate and pressure qatar. The small gulf nation has been criticized for maintaining relations with ira

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