Transcripts for KRCC 2 [BBC World Service] KRCC 2 [BBC World

KRCC 2 [BBC World Service] KRCC 2 [BBC World Service] December 18, 2019 190000

Food and Agriculture Organization said the insects to divide tens of thousands of hectares of crops and grazing land threatening food supplies in Spain thousands of cattle and separatists are demonstrating outside Barcelona Football Club stadium they gathered ahead of the clash with fierce rivals Real Madrid has gathered the match is known as El Classico outside the stadium the Catalan pro independence groups are normally Democratic has organized a mass demonstration at each corner of the ground the group which is classed as a criminal organization by Spanish officials claims more than $25000.00 people are taking part and many have blue banners with the word Spain sit down and talk protestors are also planning a visible protest inside the stadium during a televised game world news from the b.b.c. The un human rights chief Michel about to lead has warned that extra judicial killings by Venezuelan security forces are continuing in her latest report in The Crisis Ms Bachelet said although the Venezuelan government had arrested some officers were abuses it had made no effort to dissolve a special police unit responsible for many of the killings she said there had been no letup in antigovernment protests. Congregational prayers have been offered at the principal mosque of Internet ministered Kashmir for the 1st time since early August there had been no worship at the ancient Masjid in stone a god since Delhi imposed a security clampdown and scrapped the autonomy of Kashmir Charles Havilland reports a local man said that when he heard the call to prayer his happiness knew no bounds and he ran to the mosque residence had refused to worship there until the security presence around it was lightened this has now happened but given that the germy mustard is a traditional center of pro separatist anti India sentiment it's not clear whether Friday prayers will be allowed Kashmir is still under extensive lockdown those still in detention include 3 former chief ministers none of whom espouses separatism one is held under an act that allows detention without trial for 2 years Lebanon's prime minister's saddle Hariri has said he will not seek to stay in power ahead of a much delayed process to appoint a new leader it's been 50 days since mass demonstrations against Lebanon's political elite forced Mr Hariri to resign unusually high temperatures in Moscow have left the Russian capital with rain rather than the customary winter snow with many residents reminiscing about what they called real winters thanks to an atmospheric front from the Atlantic the temperature earned Wednesday night is expected to reach 6 degrees Celsius the warmest recorded on this night since 886 b.b.c. News. You're listening to the newsroom from the b.b.c. World Service with me Alex Ritson after weeks of investigation and testimony in Washington it all comes down to this the u.s. Congress will decide whether Donald Trump should face an impeachment trial will make his will vote in the coming hours on 2 articles of impeachment which lay out the allegations against the president with Mr Trump's opponents the Democrats holding the majority in Congress the outcome of the vote is almost guaranteed not to go the president's way but Congress is nevertheless engaged in a heated debate and Jerry not love the Democrats who chairs the Congressional judiciary committee presented his party's case the 1st article charges that the president used his public office to coerce a foreign government into attacking his political rival the 2nd article charges that the president took extreme an unprecedented steps to obstruct our investigation into his kind of taken together the 2 articles charge that President Trump placed his private political interests above our national security above our elections and up above our system of checks and balances in response to senior Republican Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner said the Articles of Impeachment were phony in no time is there any evidence that indicates that Donald j. Trump violated any criminal statute of the United States we're here because the Democratic Caucus has been hijacked by the radical left they have wanted to reverse the course of the 2016 election ever since Donald j. Trump won that election correspondent in Washington and phonies has been watching the proceedings he joins me live Anthony does this feel like an historical moment well you know that it's difficult to say because yes this is only the. The 3rd time in u.s. History that something like this is happened a presidential impeachment vote and when you talk about it that way then it does seem like a historic moment and send some thoughts in your state but you know but you know because we knew how this is going to turn out or at least we have a very very good idea how this is going to turn out it feels a little more routine and because the parted partisan lines in this country are so entrenched and minds have not been changed up over the 80 something days of this impeachment investigation we kind of knew where this was heading from the very start it's almost a bit anticlimactic Yeah as you sort of indicate that both the Democrats and the Republicans view this process from very different tribal perspectives is there any chance that this debate tonight will change anyone's mind also not going to change anyone's minds in Congress clearly they they pretty much everyone except down to are just a very small handful of announced how they're going to vote these speeches that were seen on the floor of the House of Representatives have been going on since about 10 o'clock this morning they're clearly devised to try to win over that little small slice of the public that doesn't have a firm opinion on impeachment I think to keep in mind is that if you like Donald Trump you're going to be against impeaching him removing him from office if you don't like Donald Trump by a large you are forgetting about of office whether it's through impeachment or voting him out in November 2020 sell people are pretty well dog in on this and there has a bed a whole lot of movement from people who are keeping an open mind if you think Donald Trump should be impeached you probably don't like him and you haven't liked him from the very get go yes so the outcome of tonight's On the one which will most inevitably follow in the Senate operates a bill and the Democrats know this so why are they doing this what's the point well there are a couple of explanations one if you listen to them talking to the list. And to them the way they've been explaining this today they feel obligated to do it Nancy Pelosi the speaker of the House has said she feels no joy in these proceedings she was she didn't have to do it but Donald Trump was attempting to use the powers of his office for personal political and abusing the powers of the presidency in order to help him with the 2020 election and that they feel that if they didn't put a marker down now that he would keep on doing that and perhaps do even worse there's also the fact that the Democratic base the loyalists of the party have been clamoring for impeachment for quite some time and if the Democrats ignored this I've listened to it all year and even stretching back into last year if they ignored the base they could either face primary challenges of selves or they would have woefully low turnout when they look to be reelected in November of 2020 so there's a political concern obviously at factor here but also they're they're trying to phrase this as a moral obligation last question when is 0 out when is this vote actually going to happen in hours from now well it's about a little after 2 o'clock here in Washington d.c. Right now according to the script with 6 hours of total debate it could be anytime between $630.73 tonight about the time the Donald Trump is going to be appearing at a rally in Michigan so that's a little over 4 hours from now exactly we appreciate it thank you Anthony in Washington I am magine we will speak to you again on that later. And he reporters found the u.n. Peacekeepers in Haiti fathered hundreds of babies then abandoned their young mothers to raise their children alone and in poverty the report cites instances of coast as young as 11 being forced by circumstance to trade sex for food or Loose Change the allegations come 2 years off to the British charity Oxfam was accused of covering up sexual acts. Taishan by staff in the wake of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti has out across a correspondent Karen Hawley the u.n. Peacekeeping mission in Haiti began in 2014 to deal with political instability and expanded after the earthquake which killed a quarter of a 1000000 people in 2010 it was one of the UN's longest running operations and it was already controversial a deadly outbreak of cholera in the wake of the earthquake was traced back to sewage seeping from a u.n. Camp the new research now puts the peacekeeping mission at the center of fresh criticism the report found evidence of troops offering food in small change in exchange for sex sometimes with girls too young to consent it says so many children were born as a result that there's an official term for them in Haiti the blue helmet babies in reference to the official color of the u.n. The children are being raised it says in extreme poverty after their fathers many of them said to have been from brazil and you regret I was sent home professor being Lee of Birmingham University let the research in particular if there are instances of exploitation and abuse they Repub so that in a way removes them from the jurisdiction of whether I could be helped to account for their actions. The local women then have no recourse to support and justice this is by no means the 1st time that un peacekeepers have been accused of sexual exploitation a spokesperson said combating sexual abuse and exploitation was a priority for the un and that it was committed to supporting victims and their families Caroline Hawley epilepsy is one of the world's most common neurological disorders would suffer as a prone to seizures and the Epilepsy Foundation a charity in the us has said it was the victim of a cyber attack it's Twitter handle included in schools of posts featuring videos which could trigger seizures for some people with epilepsy this is just the latest example of those with the condition being targeted by so-called Internet trolls Claire Pelham the chief executive of the epilepsy society here in Britain told me more about these attacks one and a half 1000000 people in the world have photosensitive that they see have seizures that are triggered by flashing lights and or fast paced video or animation that might include colored background images that change quickly or patterns that dance up and down what Or just thought it's profoundly distressing it meaning that somebody falls over there and hits their head or hurts themselves or they're carrying hot drink that might school themselves it's it's not a small thing so so what happens they get an email and what do they see on the screen so there are 2 sorts of causes of triggering it a sense to epilepsy the 1st thought is we call the innocence sort it's where friends might share something on Instagram or on Twitter and it pops up in somebody's social media feed and causes a seizure and the other and much much more pleasant sort is and sadly this is this is an increasing phenomenon is where very very own kind people deliberately set out to Target. People with epilepsy by tagging in epilepsy keywords in their social media posts and deliberately include material that they know will prompt a seizure we at the epilepsy society I'm afraid to say hardly a week goes by without the charity receiving post in kind and it often comes with rather hate filled messages why would someone do this I I can only imagine that there are people who are struggling with their own mental health it's so unkind and so full of hate we describe it as an assault some people call it cyber bullying but we think it's best to call it what it is it's a deliberate pre-planned premeditated assault. And I can see why you'd say that but in legal terms is it an assault Well I personally think that it does fall within the chip definition of assault in the criminal law but one of the things that we've called upon the British government to do is to issue prosecute guidelines that clarify this but I think the issue is not so much that there's been problems in the courts from failure to get convictions it's rather that the social media companies are not cooperating when complaints are made to them so many people with epilepsy of raise these issues with Facebook and Instagram and they tend to get either no reply or I'm afraid rather a brush off Claire Pelham the head of the epilepsy society you're listening to the b.b.c. World Service Still to come on The Newsroom a profile of Elim Totty the winner of this year's sacker of prize for freedom of thought 1st Sue has the headlines the u.s. House of Representatives is due to vote on 2 impeachment charges against President Trump the United Nations says Somalia is facing its worst locust plague in 25 years with dire consequences for its food security and cattle and separatists have taken to the streets of Barcelona to highlight their cause ahead of the match between Spain's 2 top football clubs yes security is tight and as the teams take their place one of the biggest fixtures in world football Barcelona versus rail Madrid gets underway fans have been getting in the mood for the match all afternoon with some supporters calling for Catalan independence. We showed your game at the Nou Camp had been due to be played in October but it was perspire own and following massive protests after 9 Catalan separatist leaders would. Ailed for sedition there should have been some exercises on the pitch to both teams being tied on points at the top of the league Gavin Lee joins us now from Barcelona Gavin you've been outside the ground what's the atmosphere been like ahead of the game. 5 hours of protest so far thousands of supporters of protesters I should say Catalan separatist protests is probably here intermittent always of 2 police helicopters and 5 or 6 drones were ahead of us in the stadium and around the stadium at the moment the match is on the way has you say one of the biggest games in not just Spanish football but world football it's also one of the biggest police operations ever in Spanish football certainly for a league game of the 3000 police officers security officers because of this threat of what's the fairly secretive except this protest group tsunami Democratica represents you know this is the same group that go back in October after the jailing of cattle and separatist leaders they organize a mass protest outside of Boston Airport more than $100.00 flights were canceled and we saw some violence between police and protesters so the police don't take any chances tonight what I've seen here so far largely peaceful and just witnessed some brief fighting between what we call the ultra element of both Real Madrid and Barcelona fans or some bloody noses and police intercepting but I can having watched football around the world nothing that would distinguish this from a different kind of game everywhere else the 4 corners of the stadium where the protests are happening there are still thousands of people hard to count the numbers police will give us a figure in about a half an hour or so and why was the game actually we shared. Because after the trouble of Boston airport there. Is the Spanish football authorities thought the risk of a pitch invasion for their Classico match last time around was too high that they could be a threat to the. Health of the players as well and that was something that was put to both sides this time that they want to play given the heightened feelings of separatist supporters and given that it's more than about football for a lot of you know a lot of protesters here will say that this represents Barcelona beating the Spanish nation you're that for many here the Real Madrid represents the nationalist popular club of Spain versus the club for cash for Catalonia at the moment as I say it is continent the protesters are also saying that will be a surprise inside the stadium on live in front of 650000000 people watching on television we're yet to see what that is to say the police will be pretty happy with the operations of all I gave and you have the the privilege of being outside the stadium which means I guess you're not quite getting the action but can you report on what is happening inside what's going on in the game yes I mean so far as up until we were speaking it's still nil nearly inside in one of the difficulties for journalists and this is a 1st time it's happened in sport as well briefly is that if you are inside the ground for the 1st of the they are not allowing any cameras to newcomers that is to record any of the fans in case it incites fans to start throwing things in case it tempt people to try to run onto the pitch so very new kind of standards here given the sensitivity of this game Gavin thank you for making time for us Gavin Lee outside the New Camp stadium in Barcelona. To China now where more we go human rights where the human rights activist Ylem tarty has won this year's Sachar off prize the award is presented to those who've made an outstanding contribution to the defense of human rights previous winners include Pakistani women's rights activists Mullard side and Nelson Mandela Elim Totty is serving a life sentence in China on separatism related charges his daughter do her collected the prize on his behalf she thanked the European Parliament for awarding the prize to her father to be honest with you I don't know where my father is 2017 was the last time my family received word about him for him the problem was clear where you guys were being denied basic rights their right to believe what we believe the right to worship the way we want to worship. The right to think we want what we want to think Asia Pacific editor c.d.i. Hatton told me a little more about this year's winner ill how totie was a very well known academic and intellectual in China for quite a few years before he was given a life sentence in 2014 the Chinese court said he was guilty of separatism inciting hatred in China. Is a Muslim we are at some member of the Muslim weaker minority in China he grew up in scenes young in China's far west he was very very bright boy he grew up at a very poor family and at 15 went to university he became an economist and he started looking at these Chinese government policies that were applied to his home territory to seen John and he said that he thought it was unfair the way they were applied he was critical of the fact that he thought most of the economic benefits from Seem John which is really rich in resources were really benefiting the Communist Party the Chinese Han majority and not benefiting Wieder is and so he tried to act as a moderate voice and that's really what he became known for he started a website that was supposed to be promoting dialogue between we Hun Chinese and other people in China and he was really trying to hope that by promoting dialogue he could really bring down some of the prejudices held against weekers So now his daughter has accepted this human rights prize this prize dates back to the Cold War has quite a history in itself but as she accepted she said she she doesn't know if he's still alive yet was quite shocking when she said this although really it's not that surprising so ill I'm told he was taken away in 2014 locked up for life and she said she hasn't heard any word of him since 27000 says it really that unusual among high. Profiled prisoners in China the Chinese prison system really doesn't do very much to try to promote any communication between prisoners and the outside world so it's not tha

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