Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20130122 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20130122

with tons of sugar in it, lots of extra fat, not just coffee. those calories add up over time. those are the doctor's orders, thanks for being with us! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] ♪ >> (male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news said 4 start now. >> good morning it is tuesday january 22nd we're taking a live look outside from our roof camera here on van ness ave. >> i will be checking in with erica in just a few minutes. first thank you for joining us i am anny hopng and i am james fletcher. >> we want to began with news out of oakland that is where police have arrested one person but are still searching for two others after an officer shot in the arm during a confrontation last night. >> according to investigators, it happen in the 1700 block of seminary avenue in oakland. this is google art map of the area where happen. >> police shut down the surrounding blocks last night. >> the area is still shut down this morning as the manhunt continues. >> oakland police say their undercover officer was in his car following up on a shooting that happen sunday when someone shot him in the arm. >> so far, the police have given very little inflation. >> we have activated our swat team and some of our other neighboring agencies. we also asked by with patrol for their support. we want to ask the community to continue to be vigilant spirit. please contact the oakland police if you have informations. >> neighbors who live in the area of seminary avenue say that the pilot needs to end. >> the officials need to take heed to what is happening in our city. it is like a war zone. >> officer is being treated for non life-threatening injuries. he will make a full recovery. >> we are also tracking your weather on this tuesday morning. more sunshine suspected but changes are coming. here's erica with your forecast. >> good morning to you it anny. >> we have the changes to talk about. today is the last date in a string of springlike conditions. is a cold start to the morning. we have areas of dense fog. drive with extra caution. into the afternoon the fog will burn off. it will be sunny with a slightly cooler conditions. warmer spots in the south bay. we will see an increase in cloud cover letter. temperatures will drop into the '40's. waking up tomorrow morning the rain will return to the bay area. before we get there here's a look at current conditions. above the freezing mark in napa. 51 in richmond. low for is for oakland and hayward. 37 in san mateo. futurecast 4 takes a look at the numbers drop the day. by 8:00 a.m. mainly some fifties, forties. holding on to the '30's along the delta. by lunch, we will see a wide range of 60s for the south bay. lows 60s in the north bay. 50s are around some of our inland areas. >> again, temperatures will be warmer than the seasonal average but not as one registered a. here's a complete breakdown of your afternoon highs. 61 for richmond downtown san francisco. 62 in hayward. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast highlights lane on the way. as of now it is looking like a 60 percent chance. i have observed the models and pretty much everyone will contend with some light rain. it will not be a huge rain maker. temperatures will be warmer and we are back to sunshine on thursday. >> friday a slight chance for friday'showers and partly cloudy skies. a rainy weekend and a potential to continue to the next work week. >> meantime, quiet in the traffic center. areas of thick fog. drive with extra caution. a live look outside at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza problem free out of oakland into the city. >> the san mateo bridge, traffic exceptionally light in the west bound direction towards of the city. >> south bound 101 a great ride out of marin county in to san francisco this morning. anny. >> thank you erica. >> more cancellations for all of nippon airways from tokyo to mineta san jose international airport. >> the japan faced airlines cancelled flights to early next week into the south bay airport to comply with faa order grounding boeing's 787 streamliner aircraft. the airline has been rebuilding its san jose flights to its larger boeing 777 planes that takeoff from tokyo to s f zero. >> so far, no word yet on when the ddreamliner plant will resume service. a in a has canceled a total of 320 flights including 51 international flights. >> after a celebration, president obama will wake up with many challenges to face in his second term if. >> story done and has a book--look at the past few days and what's next tory unnan. >> president obama took the oath of office not once because the inauguration fell on a sunday. >> the president and first lady walked upright rows along pennsylvania avenue and getting out of the car more than once. >> michelle obama wore a long red gown to the an inaugural ball. >> ♪ she chose the same designer w designero whojason woo. >> we must act knowing that our work will be on perfect. we must act knowing today's victories will be only partial. >> at least for one day some hope that his second term will be different for those of you who feel disappointed for the first term. >> debate on capitol hill continues over the national debt crisis. and what to do about national gun-control laws. >> we will see how that plays out. >> we will take a quick break. it is 4:07. >> a look at the san mateo bridge. restructuring, pension and super storm sent the cost hit the company hard. we will see what happens when the opening bell rings at 6:30 a.m.. we will have a check of the market. we are back. access 4:09. >> three americans were killed in last week's hostage standoff in algeria. the three men were all killed. seven other americans did make it out safely. >> more american teaens are graduated from high school. the graduation rate is highest since 1976. >> the steady rise of students completing their education is a reflection of the struggling economy and greater competition for new jobs. >> the job right for male students was about 3.8%, four females that was lower than that just under 3%. >> but drop out rate was higher among teen boys in every state. >> apartment in new york city are about to get a lot smaller. >> expectations that population and rents will keep climbing are challenging architects to design boeing is no larger than a one car crotch. >> the city plans to construct an apartment building a so-called micro unit in manhattan next year. >> they're expected to average about 325 square feet. >> if successful, it could possibly overturn a requirement that new apartment be a least 400 square feet feet. >> today marks the 40th anniversary of the landmark supreme court ruling of a rolwe vs. wade. >> the ruling legalized in the u.s.. >> in 1973, the highest lawmaking body in the country voted that woman has the right to abort her pregnancy. it prompted a nationwide debate about a mother's rights, which continues today. >> that is the spirit! san francisco and elsewhere around the bay is buzzing with excitement as the niners prepare to head to the superbowl. we will have more reaction from fans coming up on the kron 4 morning news continues. >> at lot of people heading back to work after the holiday spirit we will have more on your commute and forecast coming up. >> we are back at 4:1. 4 erica is keeping an eye on traffic. today may be one of the last friday's we will enjoy in least until monday. >> that is right. we will see rain tomorrow james. it will be sunny and dry by thursday. by friday wet weather is back to the forecast. it is a cold start for some of you. 34 in concord. 49 in downtown san francisco. we have areas of patchy, dense fog. livermore for miles of visibility. six and concord. allow yourself extra time on the roadways. as we head into the afternoon the fog will burn off we will see plenty of sunshine. we are seeing a good mixing of 60s in the south bay. 634 milpitas. 64 expected in mountain view. it could stay in the fifties for fairfield 58. pittsburgh 60 degrees para >> navato reaching 59 degrees. 52 for santa rosa. 61 in downtown san francisco. 62 in berkeley. >> satellite and radar picture shows later today high clouds will starts to thicken up ahead of the stock headed our way. high pressure will break down the easterly winds--ahead of the storm headed our way. >> temperatures will cool earlier. tomorrow we will wake up to wet weather. future cast 4 shows by 6:00 a.m. light rain around the golden gate bridge crossing the bay bridge. light rate for east bay interior valleys. also in the north bay. clouds associated with the systems as we progress closer to lunchtime. >> the rain will continue south. for most of the east bay, the peninsula at places like antioch and fairfield. beating a light green indicates the light rain. >> we could see moderate to heavy rain. that depends on where you are located. it is not a huge rain maker not anticipating that much rain. a few hundredths of an inch for most of us. maybe a quarter of events for our north bay hills. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows the return to sunshine and temperatures above normal by thursday. >> friday mostly cloudy skies with potential for showers. >> wet weather returns for saturday and sunday. >> potentially monday as well. a gradual cooling trend as we transition into the weekend. >> over at the traffic desk not monitored in hotspot a quiet ride. >> no accidents to report good to let the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. >> traffic is flowing from all the approaches. the meter lights are not active and probably will not be until 6:30 a.m.. no delays up the incline and across the upper deck. >> a san mateo bridge is hazy in our camera shot however, i do not see any dense fog reported. an easy ride past the toll plaza as you work your way toward the high rise. >> south bound 101 a clear route across the golden gate. the drive 22 minutes out of it to san francisco. >> out of navato. >> north bound 101 moves well out of the coyote valley. north bound 85 is problem free without any accidents to report. guys. >> thank you erica. >> the time is 4:19. the san francisco 49ers are going to the superbowl after sunday's thrilling come-from-behind win over the lance the falcons. >> after the victory, things did get a bit out of hand in the mission district. >> san francisco police tell us they took a dozen people into custody many of which were charged with public intoxication. >> one person was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. one arrested for outstanding warrants. and another was arrested for driving under the influence. >> police say what extra patrols on hand during superbowl sunday. >> meanwhile, fateful 49-- 49er fans are flocking to stores grabbing team gear. they wanted anything that said nfc champions on it. >> the an f l store at fisherman's wharf was filled with people buying red and gold here. kron 4 talked with superbowl champions who used to play for the raiders about how the 49ers can quench the quest for six. >> for a football player myself, i am a line bay packers. i ran a 4540. if that guy runs a for to. it is hard to catch him. one reason why the 49ers are doing well because of college kaepernick. if colin kaepernick can do well and gore can run the ball they will do wonderful and that great defense they have. >> getting support from even raiders players. thousands of 49er fans will be heading to the north next week. >> but getting there could be a challenge. >> kron fours trawls clifford has details. >>c->harles clifford . >> roundtrip flights from as f o on borland's for those states are running around $1,275 including multiple stops along the way. up to $1,887 for a direct flight these are round trips. there are variations on the flight if you are willing to leave earlier in the week or come back later. >> maybe you are the adventurous sort and making a road trip. it is 2,272 mi. from san francisco to new orleans. if you consider the average car gets 20 mi. to the gallon gas is running about $3.30 a gallon. a round trip would cost you $750 not to bad compared to a flight. >> another option, you could take an amtrak train. get a ticket to the bay area from --to or from the bay area is a 78 hour trip he would spend three days on a train. >> there is always the was the cost 200-$300 round trip. if you leave at 10:00 a.m. on friday february 1st you will arrive in new orleans on sunday afternoon. >> in the news room traw harcharls clifford. >> yesterday's was a day paying tribute to dr. martin luther king. americans around the bay area and across the nation. >> yesterday's was a national holiday honoring dr. king and the significant role he played in advancing human rights through nonviolence and severacivil disobedience in the '60s. he was assassinated in 1968. here in the bay area thousands of people gathered at the yerba buena gardens in san francisco to honor the man and his leglegacy. >> an interfaith ceremony was held at yerba buena gardens and including the singing of we shall overcome, and reading of king sam is i have a dream speech. >> this year marks the 50th . >> still ahead and meet the man behind the art on colin kaepernick arm. we will meet the artist who spent a lot of time with the star quarterback. on the >>4:25 is the time. hot while a lot of focus in on 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick passes. >> it is what on capricorn that is also drawing attention. >> bin briscoe has the story. >> there's a buzz around kaepernick tattoos. >> i did not expected to be this big. >> this artist has worked with the 49ers quarterback since 2008 when he attended the university of reno. >> you can hear him describe the pain of getting his markings. >> that heard when you did the outline. >> his tattoos made national headlines bringing critics and supporters. >> it is a walking story of someone that is making good money and living his dream. >> i guess you can call me a fair weather fan opting for something temporary. >> some people are coming to get kaepernick tattooed on their body. >> this man says that this is the american dream he hoped for after growing up in the philippines as a teenager. i >> that love of country may explain why he is a diehard patriot fans. >> although this time is the front 49ers and colin kaepernick passing it to the big game. >> unlike his tattoos. this guy's nose his newfound fame will not last forever. he is letting it sink in while he can. >> he is pretty talented. >> here are some photographs you sent us of 49er fever. >> said in your photos on the kron 4 facebook fan page or e-mail them to us at breaking news at >> i have a 49er t-shirt i was wearing that on sunday. keep your from there is coming they are fantastic. we keepow on our broadcast and website. >> my dog needs beating >> the timing is 4:47. we will be back >> welcome back at 4:30. >> stories we are following this morning a police officer is recovering this morning after being shot in the arm in oakland. now the search for the suspect is on. >> and the second marin county gun buyback program proves to be a success bringing in more than 800 guns from bay area residents. >> and president obama began to second term and not for a star-studded event in washington, d.c.. >> first let us get the forecast with erica. and word of possible wet weather. >> hey erica. >> hey there james. >> today it will be a few degrees cooler than yesterday's we will still see the sun shine most of us will see 60s in to the afternoon. a sunny and mild a day into tomorrow we will see an increase in cloud cover. walking up to rain. it will be light rain not expecting too much out of the system. we will be dry by thursday. wet weather returns to the bay area as we transition into the weekend. >> at the freezing mark in napa santa rosa. 39 in nava to . 41 in oakland. we have areas of local dense fog. drive with extra caution. it will start to burn off into the afternoon. we will see sunshine. upper 50s for east bay interior valleys. fairfield antioch 59 in concord. in the mid-60s with the south bay. san jose 64. we will lose a couple of degrees for downtown san francisco 61. 63 for oakland. 63 in redwood city. >> high pressure will start to break down the storm system will start to approach. not a lot of moisture associated with it. a high clouds today will start to pick it up. tomorrow morning light rain coming from the north bay it will continue to spread throughout the course of the day. expecting maybe a quarter of an inch or north bay hills. a few hundreds of intent for the rest of the bay area. >> futurecast 4 shows rain mainly north of san francisco. by lunchtime it will start to fill in for east bay shoreline, livermore valley, those of you and the south bay. again, a cloudy or rainy day tomorrow that will last into the evening hours. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows we will be dry by thursday. we could squeeze out one last nice day. finally cloudy conditions friday and a chance of showers. the wet weather will stick around as we head into saturday and sunday. and the traffic center no hot spots. we did pick up an accident in san leandro. north bound to 38. an injury accident involving one vehicle and a guard rail. i do not think it is it struck in the traffic lanes. it is sitting on the shoulder. >> the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza is doing fine along the approaches. the traffic from the toll plaza is coming from the east shore freeway. a quiet ride for those of you using the nearest approach. >> the san mateo bridge equal for this time of morning your drive 10 minutes across the span with no issues at the 1 1/92 interchange. >> a live look at the golden gate bridge a lot of space between cars. no major delays for those of you coming out of the north bay. anny . >> thank you erica. >> we are following a developing story. police have arrested one person but are still searching for two others after an officer was shot in the arm during a confrontation last night. according to investigators, it happen in the 1700 block of seminary avenue in oakland. >> this is google art map of where it happened. >> police shut down the surrounding blocks the last night. the area is still shut down this morning as the manhunt continues. oakland police say one of their undercover officers was in his car following up on a shooting that happen sunday but someone shot him in the arm. so far, the police have given out very little information. >> these are armed and dangerous individuals. but an officer was shot during a confrontation and we are conducting a thorough search to find this person. we have activated our swat team with the help of some of our neighboring agencies. we also have the highway patrol's assistance with their support. we want as the community to be vigilant. contact the oakland police department. >> neighbors who live in the area say the violence needs to in. >> it is time now for the officers to really take heed to what is happening in our city. it is like a war zone. >> the officer who was shot is being treated for non life-threatening injuries. he should make a full recovery. we will follow the story all morning long. >> on to national news. it was a jam packed inauguration day in the nation's capital yesterday with speeches, parades, music, and dancing all to celebrate the president obamas second term. renee marsh has the highlights. >> jennifer munson, red paisley were a few-a- jennifer hudson brad paisley. >> i barack hussain obama do solemnly swear. >> it was a day of symbolism. america's first black president inaugurated again on the day that commemorates dr. marlon the king's birthday. >>--dr. martin luther king. the president was sworn in using his bible. >> our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. >> the speech sandwiched between poetry and music. >> the grand finale beyonce singing the national anthem ♪ then, on to the parade route. the president and the first lady greeted the crowds. the vice president biden during the same. >> the official commander in chief walls punctuated the evening. the question what with the lady where. >> mrs. obama out the for a long, red jaon woo dress. >>jaso won woo. >> now congress will focus on the debt ceiling and immigration reform. >> the first family will attend a prayer service at the national cathedral along with the vice-president. congress returns to work. reporting in washington d.c. i'm renee marsh. >> one of the issues will be dealing with a rock. 17 people have been killed and others wounded in iraq in northern bad debt. seven people were killed and six were wounded-a-in northern bad and babaghdad. >> erica will have a complete check on your forecast in minutes. >> we are back. taking a quick look at the market this morning. >> wall street was closed yesterday in honor of martin luther king jr. day. but futures trading shows both the dowel and the nasdaq in the negative while the s&p five what is in positive territory this morning. will be watching the stock market all morning long here on the kron 4 morning news. >> this week investors will be focused on the technology sector. a number of tech giants are set to report earnings today including google , ibm and verizon. >> a report on existing home sales is also expected today. apple is expected to release its earnings report tomorrow. and ya hoo and facebook are set to release their quarter for earnings next week. >> twitter says it is working on fixing issue which is causing a service outage for millions of users. people here on the west coast began reporting problems logging on to twitter yesterday's. as is usually the case, the problems are in to meant it and do not affect all users. people on the east coast are apparently not having any problems. the twitter app on mobile devices is up and running normally with no issues. twitter has not identify the exact problem. >> in blockbuster is reportedly closing 300 of its u.s. stores soon. according to the l.a. times, the move will leave some 3000 workers searching for new jobs. satellite tv provider dish acquired blockbuster in 2011. dish says many of the closing stores have reached the end of their leases. poor sales are blamed for the decision to put other stored on the chopping block. >> video game maker aaari filing for bankruptcy. >> the company along with three other of its affiliates filed for bankruptcy protection in a new york court. atari was a trailblazer in developing video games and the '70s and '80s. they are now focusing on smart phone apps @ internet based game spirit through bankruptcy. atarai hopes to separate itself from its french parent company in finding buyers go private in the next several months. >> sirus x in radio and comedy central are teaming up to create a new comedy channel on the satellite radio service. it will showcase the television networks stable a stand-up comics. the companies said today they hoped at the channel this spring. so far, big-name comedy central host john stored and stephen colbert are not part of the effort. >> still ahead some intense moment for a surfer in san francisco which caused him to get stuck near rocks coming up . it is 4:45. erica is keeping an eye on the forecast. we want to get to that. >> temperatures in the '60s for most of and sunny skies. it will be a bit cooler than yesterday' from our mount tam cam it is clear from this point. we have areas of local, dense fog. it is cold. we are at the freezing mark and napa, santa rosa. 41 in oakland. 34 in concord. your visibility shachart is not to bad spiri of 4 mi... . >> 60s in the south bay. the almond in valley at 66 at evergreen. 60 in santa clara. the east bay interior bowers may say in the '50s. 58 in fairfield. 16 degrees in danville. >> a pleasant day cooler compared to yesterday. the high clouds will thicken up throughout the afternoonthickennavato at 59. 61 for downtown san afternoon. >> we will get breezes from the ocean. temperatures will cool down and wet weather is on the way. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast highlights how light rain on tap for the middle of this week. we are dry and sunny by thursday. friday partly cloudy conditions the potential for showers. >> wet weather on saturday and sunday. >> big changes in the extended forecast. >> during the last traffic report i mentioned in accident north down to 38. that has been cleared from the traffic lanes is a quiet ride-- 398238. >> westbound 580 a quiet ride for those of using the 880 approach. the meter lights are off. no accidents to report. the drive under eight minutes from the foot of the major towards fremont street. >> in the san mateo bridge traffic conditions are doing fine if you're heading out towards foster city. >> the golden gate bridge ride the volume is increasing south bound 101. top speeds for those of you heading to san francisco theory the traffic maps, interstate 28 looks good. green on the censors for those of you coming out of marin county. >> ac transit, bart, a strain is good to go. no reports of any delays. >> thank you erica. >> the time is 4:48. >> there is good news for renters, bay area rents are leavinleveling out. according to a new survey of a parking complexes by real facts, rent in the east bay, peninsula and san francisco were almost unchanged in the fourth quarter of 2012 and declined slightly in the south bay. >> during the first half of last year, are to the bay area seen an increase of a% of four. experts say the rent flat income because by some renters deciding to buy a home cent interest rates are low. >> residents in piedmont are on alert this morning after a string of home invasion robbery. >> it all began to suspect attempt to break into a hall of the core of the state's drive but were scared away by a dog. >> police say the suspects then ran down the street in kick in the door of another home. >> inside, they threatened and hurl elderly couple with a shotgun or rifle. their arrive and then ran second in the home and made off with the computer monitor in a jewelry box. >> a few hours later on arroyo avenue and other home was broken into the front door also kicked in. this time, to suspect threatened the homeless with a handgun and a shotgun or rifle. one victim managed to escape and called police. the suspect fled in a new are gray or white as you did. police have yet to confirm whether the break-in is related to the other two. >> the san rafael police department is asking for the public's help, in identifying a man who finally was a north bay business this past weekend. this surveillance video of the attack. police say around seven saturday evening, a man robbed a cellular phone store and a check cashing business in san raphael. he used a gun during the robbery and police say he fired at least one shot at storm ploys. there were three employees and the store at the time, the suspect points the gun at them and apparently starts demanding money. employes actually retreated into a back on that as a door with a bullet proof glass. the suspect then flees the store. >> marin county lead ahead with its fire arms surrender of that. despite having run out of money. >> this time it was a voluntary surrender some no money was handed out. 29 guns were given over to law enforcement, a collection site in mill valley including an ar-15 assault rifle. more than 800 weapons were handed over from both of cents. they are expected to be destroyed. we asked some of those giving up their guns why they were doing it. and here's what they had to say. we have way too much violence in our society. we are the most violent society on earth. we need to do something about that. >> the district attorney says the marin community foundation has pledged to give his office $15,000 to help him reach and burst the $60,000 in vouchers given out last week. private citizens also mailed in the estimated $2,000 in checks to donate to the calls. >> on a day on the water went wrong for one man he was surfing and somehow got stranded on a rock. this is video of our helicopter partnership with abc seven news near the cliff house restaurant in san francisco. rescue boats could not quite reach him so he had to jump. two u.s. coast guard to limit for standing by they helped him onto a police boat he was then taken to shore he did not appear to be heard. >> redwood city not bad 41 degrees. it should warm up to low to mid 60's again this afternoon. we will be right back. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have the wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. at&t. >> 4:55 is the time. >> here is your 7 day around they forecast. the possibility of rain. when state light rain a chance for midweek. --wednesday. >> now temperatures are around 65 this afternoon. between now and the week end we will get to the upper 50s showers into next week. beating when you do not have many mountains nearby to climb you have to get creative and that is what a group in iowa is doing. >> a group of climbers braved the cold temperatures to scale a frozen silo. >> some climbers did it for class credi at the university of northern oiowa . >> two of the young is climbers were there for the fun of it. >> i think it is a new experience and people should be open to trying it. >> safety ropes were used to keep the climbers said. >> sasha obamas stole the spotlight from her dead yesterday after she was caught yawning during the big speech. >> now the video is going viral. the young came after obama cause during his speech and the camera cuts to sasha , her sister and the first lady. it is not the first time she has the on while listening to her father speak in 2008, she on during the democratic national commission with her dad on her mom's lap-- with her head on her mom's lap she knows how to make news. on sunday when the president was officially sworn in, she congratulated him by saying " good job that, you didn't mess up. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news police are searching for suspects who souhot at a police officer yesterday. we will have an update from oakland coming up. and niners merchandise flying off the shelves at stores around the bay area as a niners prepare to face off against the ravens on superbowl sunday. + we are watching your weather and traffic this morning will be checking in with erica and georgian just a few minutes. we will be right back here on the kron 4 morning news --and george koi??çóñk?wç >> (male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news at 5:00 a.m. start now. >> the top stories we're following. police are searching for two people who shot an undercover, oakland police. we will have a live report. >> we're following the latest in to the investigation of the dreamliner. >> one airline cancelled all flights through san jose mineta. >> is back to work for president obama after his inauguration. will have more on his itinerary today. first let us get updated on the forecast. >> good morning james a pleasant day in store. plenty of sunshine. temperatures will be a bit cooler than yesterday's. the afternoon will provide 60 spirit into tonight we will see an increase in cloud cover. another cold start. napa and santa rosa 39. 37 in san mateo. again, and nice afternoon today. we have changes as we head into tomorrow. >> we will talk about the impending rain in our forecast. >> it is time for traffic with george. >> no hot spots. here's your quick project from the bay bridge toll plaza. interstate 580 and highway 4. south bay, peninsula, north bay ride ripretty like right now. >> police searching for to men who shot an undercover police officer. it happened around 6:00 in the 1700 block of seminary ave. in our video helicopter partnership with a b seven news you can see. they have managed to attain one person in connection with the soothing possibly. the officer who was shot suffered non-life threatening injuries. officers are still on the scene this morning and so is kron fours will tran who has the latest on the search. >> good morning darya. the police have seminary avenue blocked off at the 1700 block. there is also a swat vehicle. that is where the officer was shot. after being shot the suspect fled the scene. according to the police department one of the suspect dropped a gun. and that is why they are here 11 hours later. >> one of said he does not know how much longer he will continue to be in the neighborhood. it has become a large gathering as people wake up to watch what is going on. they are not releasing a neighbor at this point. we do know the police was in the area during a stakeout pertaining to a shooting on sunday. a fellow officer responding noticed what happened and call for help. officers raced to the send including the chief of the oakland police department howard jordan. >> due to the course of this follow-up he was confronted by three armed and dangerous individuals. there was a confrontation the officer was shot and we are conducting a very thorough and comprehensive search to find this person. we have activated our swat team with the help of some of our neighboring agencies pickete. also the highway patr's assistance. >> we will ask people to continue to be vigilant. if you hear of any information contact the police department. >> now you can see the officers taking photographs and swaps of the ground. anything they can do that will lead them to the other suspects. as far as the person detained no information on this person or whether or not the person has any connection directly to the shooting. >> or if a person is connected to the sunday shooting. the officers are here to collect evidence as far as actively searching for the other two the sergeant said that is not their responsibility. >> hopefully we will get more informationpublic informatr at the if there are other officer still conducting the search. >> will, because he was an undercover cop. did the people who shot him know he was a police officer? >> if he is under cover we can presume no. he was parked in his car when the shots were fired. it looks as if he was parked right in front. it does not look as if he was wearing a uniform. the oakland police department is tight-lipped as to what his name is. we want you to know he was shot in the arm. fortunately he is alive and should recover. hopefully we will get more information as the morning progresses. we know that the public information officer stayed well into the night. >> she may be back later and by then we will get more information. >> very good. thank you will. >> mark. >> new this morning all nippon airways had canceled flights from tokyo through mineta san jose international airport for early next week to comply with faa ordered that grounds of boeing's 787 dramliner plane. and boeing has announced that they are halting all new deliveries of the new plan. the national transportation safety board says that will perform tests on the plane at a special facility in arizona. the in the sb says tests in washington showed a lithium battery that caught fire on an empty dream minor in boston earlier this month was not overcharged. >> suspicions about the batteries and a possible fire risk led the u.s. and other countries to ground all 50 dreamliner worldwide last week. a spokesman for g s yuasa, the battery manufacturers as investigators visit the company headquarters in kyoto , japan, on monday and was cooperating with the probe. >> alicia kuys singing here. president obama in the long they of formal inaugural events with lighter festivities. he danced with the first lady three times at the official ball at the washington convention center. with a inauguration celebrations over, it is back to work for president obama and vice president biden, a new budget battle looms in congress. the focus shifts to presepressing issues including the debt ceiling, gun control and immigration reform. however, today both the president and first lady along with a bite and will attend a national prayer service at the national cathedral. the white house will hold its press briefing today as well just as congress returns to work. >> we will be back with more on the kron 4 morning news thisth cold olasonasnasana ngesngon won't s'tw mew own.ow i madema the chear caric i'm gettgeg clg itinitleai nasal sacongesngon konp mep waya not sit nce i e de dethe thear eaoiceoi 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gettietng cas cbackban whn ? ?ose osave avd had cutcu fan f for tor cei cng. ngu'u' goa coa off ohat haooouoodd!dd tonigonht you yottaotet yetr c ck, ck new nlackla cutcu use fre fedom oomluncluwithwia! gechase asfreedoeeh .. >> welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. new this morning. more than one-fifth of u.s. students failed to get a high-school diploma in four years. a new study from the u.s. department of education 5 that the national high school graduation rate is highest since the 1976. pet >> the study finds the dropout rate for male student was 3%. for females, it was just under 3%. researchers say the dropout rate was higher among males in every state. officials say the steady rise of students completing their education as a reflection of struggling economy and greater competition for new jobs. >> in national moves, mcdonald's and one of its franchise owners agree to pay $700,000 to members of the moslem community to settle allegations of a detroit area restaurant falsely advertises food is being prepared according to islamic dietary law. >> the lawsuit alleges that the dearborn residents bought a chicken sandwich in september 2011 but found it wasn't halal meaning it did not meet islamic requirements for preparing food. >> the locations advertise a day's close of the sale halal chicken nugget and mcteague and sandwiches. >> today marks the 40th anniversary of the roe vs. wade supreme court decision. and a new poll finds the majority of americans for the first five believe should be legal and all or most cases. >> 7 in 10 people are peopleroe vs. wade be overturned, which is the highest percentage since 1989. >> according to the poll, 54 percent of adults say that should be legal in the always or most of the time. meanwhile 44 percentage to be illegal either with or without exception. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news good news for bay area renters this morning. more on the recent trend in rent prices next. and we're watching bay area weather this morning a full check of your tuesday >> good morning. welcome back. the time is 55. >:15. >> the studio was warmer this morning. that is why it is not cold for a spirit is not as cold as yesterday. santa rosa, novato were in the upper twenties. we are at the freezing mark. we are some degrees warmer than yesterday. >> downtown san francisco, a close to 50. mid '40's and oakland. above freezing in concord. 41 in san carlos. areas of local, dense fog. livermore, file miles of visibility six in concord--5 mi. of visibility. the fog will burn off into the afternoon and we will see sunshine. >> the highs are a couple of degrees cooler than yesterday's. we will see plenty of sunshine. san mateo 62. aside for haywood. 61 and pleasanton. lows 60s for napa and santa rosa. upper 50s for fairfield and antioch. >> satellite and radar of the key. high clouds will see later today will thicken up. high pressure will start to break down. we have enjoyed easterly winds some of the off shore flow keeping temperatures warmer however, it will turn to a southerly wind coming off the ocean at temperatures will start to cool. will introduce rain to the forecast. out of the north bay expect light rain. >> most of the rain sticks north of san francisco in the early hours. as we put the clock into motion by lunchtime light rain for the east bay shoreline, livermore valley, and the communities along the delta. >> for a lot of cloud cover associated with the system it grows widespread into the 4:00 hour. we could contend with light rain for your evening ride home. >> a couple of hundred of an inch to a quarter of an inch for some of our north bay hills. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows we return to dry weather by thursday. partly cloudy skies and maybe the return of rain as we head into your friday. >> you will need your umbrella for saturday and sunday. temperatures will start to gradually cool as we start the next work weeks. >> 5:17 a.m. that is your forecast. on to traffic with george. >> thank you erica. no hot spots. a look at the bay bridge westbound traffic is light and problem free through the maze and on the upper deck. >> the san mateo bridge ride equally good with no problems here with an 11 minute drive time. >> the ride to the golden gate light traffic. southbound you may see some crews on the span they are setting up the bridge for the morning commute. for lane south. 2 lanes north. >> drive times on interstate 80 west bound a 12-40 minute commute. that has not begun to build up. >> 16-18 minutes to the san ramon valley on 680 southbound. >> south bay for you is look good a potential problem could become a hot spot a stalled bus on the connector ramp from 101 north bound to 680 north bound. >> is on the connecting route but could have an impact sometimes a stalled was can take a long time to clear. >> in the north bay completely clear on 101 southbound. an easy ride from navaot to the golden gate bridge. >> wall street returns from a three day holiday weekend. >> the dow gained 54 points to end friday at 13,650. >> the s poors 500 index rose five points to 1486, while the nasdaq composite fell 1.23135. dish network corp. says it plans to close about 300 blockbuster stores across the country, losing about 3000 employes. >> the closures will leave about 500 blockbuster locations in the u.s.. dish network last year also shuddered about 500 underperforming blockbuster locations. bishop says the 3000 employes were informed about the latest closures on friday. the store locations have not been announced. >> also watching google that will released their fourth quarter earnings. >> the founder of the world economic forum says the world is not yet escape the risk of a collapse in the global economy despite some renewed confidence heading into 2013. swiss economist at klaus schwav called for the business and government leaders headed their to focus on caution realism and recover public trust to avoid another major financial crisis. >> during the first half of last year part of the bay area had an increase of 4% experts say the rent flattening could be caused by some renters deciding to buy instead sends interest rates are so low. >> twitter said it is working on fixing issue which is causing a service out for millions of users. people here on the west coast began reporting problems logging on to twitter yesterday's. >> as is unusual the case, the problems are in to midnight do not affect all users. people on the east coast are reporting no problems at all. >> the twitter app for mobile devices is also up and running with no issues. twitter has not yet identified the exact problem. i just checked my twitter account there are no problems maybe it is fixed. >> siruis xm radio in a comedy central are teaming up to create a new comedy channel on the satellite neradio service. it will showcase the television networks stable of stand-up comics. the company say today they hope that the channel to the spring. so far, big-name comedy central host john stewart and stevens colbert are not part of effort. >> fremont wholefoods groundbreaking is scheduled for friday. >> the 39,000 sq. ft. building look at the corner of peso pot for parkway and mallory avenue. >> another 13,000 square feet is being set aside for other retail. the fremont store will be the sixth door in the east bay. it is not released and when the store will be opened. >> an update to the story we've been following on the kron 4 morning news u.s. officials say three americans were killed in last week's hostage standoff in algeria. the state department says victor wynne lovelay and frederick buttacio and gordon lee rowan were killed. seven others made it out safely. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news you might not see those tea as a body scanners at the airport for see those tea as a body scanners at look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible. >> welcome back. >> southwest airlines will now allow people to pay if they want to be among the first to board a plane. >> the airline will charge $40 for early boarding. >> passengers will be able to pay at the gate started 45 minutes before a flight leaves. >> facing higher fuel and other cause, airlines sought to boost revenue and a variety of ways. including charging extra to check a bag or sit next to a loved one. >> we will see if people for over $40 to be in the a group. >> next there were charges to use the bathroom i think. >> the ttsa says it is getting rid of the airport body scanner that produced a naked image of travelers. >> right now the tsa uses two types of scanners, one makes a generic image showing where agents to look for on the on the travelers body. the scanners are staying. the other kind of scanner uses x-rays. they raise privacy concerns because they show metal object on the travelers body along with every other detail, too. congress has mandated that those objects that-scanners be changed or removed by june. tsa says the x-ray scanners will be gone by june. it says the company that makes them was not able to come up with a software fix to make the scanners' comply with the congressional mandate. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news we're watching bay area weather this morning. erica what a check of your tuesday forecast in two minutes. plus new research on a the h-p and diagnoses in children. we will break down the numbers at 5:40 a.m.. and it is a the yawn that is gone viral. more on sasha obama yawn during her dad's inauguration speech that was caught on i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side. an intense burning sensation like somebody had set it on fire. and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a little girl... i said, yes, i did. i don't think anybody ever thinks they're going to get shingles. but it happened to me. for more of the inside story, >> good morning. thank you for waking up with kron 4 morning news. the time is 5 with 9:00 a.m.. the temperatures in richmond 51. that is a nice morning. we are looking at a beautiful sunshine afternoon with 61 for the high enrichment. let us get a better look. a deeper look. a more expert look at weather and traffic. hi erica. >> good morning darya. it looks clear what we do have areas of local dense fog the interior east bay valley spirit yesterday the fog was in the north bay. we have some fog to contend with that will burn off in the afternoon. it was the sunshine and high clouds. temperatures in the '60s but if you degrees cooler than yesterday. >> changes for tomorrow at increase in cloud cover for just about everyone. it will not be a huge rain maker but just a bit of a few hundreds of an inch of rain for most of us maybe a quarter of an inch for some of our north bay hills. >> into the week in cool conditions and wet weather. here is a look at satellite and radar picture high- pressure breaking down at the storm system on the way. >> futurecast 4 coming up in my next report. >> at 5:31 a.m. lead us take a look at the morning commute with george. >> thank you erica. a quick commute check from the bay bridge toll plaza a light ride. the only slow traffic is in the east bay on interstate 580. it has not begun to slow for high way 4 for antioch and the west bound direction. >> south dade the stalled bus has not backed up the traffic on the connector from 101 north bound to northbound 680. >> peninsula and no. they are problem free. james. >> thank you george. >> police are continuing to search this morning for two suspects who shot an undercover oakland police officer in the arm during a confrontation. >> it happen in the 1700 block of seminary avenue around 630 last night. kron fours will tran joins us from the scene were the police have the errors recorded off. >> you can see the yellow tape-- corted 0ff. >> you cannot cross the scene as they continue to collect evidence. >> there is a swap vehicle where the police were shot he was sitting in his car. after shots were fired three people fled from the scene. officers say one person dropped his gun. at this point they're not worried about the search for the suspect. the officers at this location they are concerned with collecting evidence. they did not know how long they will be there. i want to do a thorough job. >> after the reports of shots fired officers responded and were assisted by the chp. helicopters were in the air. they are still searching for to men this morning as far as we know. back to you james. >> at some point this morning the people live there will have to get up and go to work. they have not said how long they will be there the officers. >> you can see over my left shoulder a gentleman here is upset he has been asking the officer what is going on. can he get through. more people at this location are hovering around. a lot of people have been inconvenienced. the officers are not making any apologies and saying they have to do their job as far as collecting evidence. they can possibly track down the suspect. >> thank you will for the update. >> new this morning following up with caltrans will began making repairs to day on the bay bridge fenders that were damaged when an oil tanker struck a bridge earlier this month. >> to get you more news faster we turn to solo reporter jackie sissel joins us from treasure island. >> good morning marc as you said some 15 days after the 750 ft. oversees reymes slammed into the fender on the bay bridge they are working to repair the fender. it is the most eastern side of the tower of the western span of the bay bridge. it struck the fender of the bay bridge itself did not sustain any damage. the fender did. today caltrans will start a four and one- half month project replacing and repairing the fender. this may cost somewhere between 2-$3 million to repair. the fender itself is made out of plastic and steel. they say it acted exactly the way they wanted it to. obviously, after the ship struck it they will have to repair it. it could take up to four and one-half months. caltran is footing the bill now. the hope is that they will recuperate the money from the shipping agency that owned the ship that slammed into the fender. >> we will watch the work to get underway later today. >> it is 5:35 a.m.. >> in bay area news, for teenagers were injured in a drive-by shooting in brentwood. police said the shooting was reported around 6 last night near burton drive. the four victims were found at the same, each with a gunshot wound. the 14th, whose ages range from 13-16 years old had been standing on the sidewalk when a vehicle with three or four suspects passed them an open fire. >> the suspects were driving a white or light-colored late model four-door sedan. police have not released a motive at this time. >> the san rafael police department is asking for your help this morning it identified a man violently robbed a north bay business this past weekend. the surveillance video of the attack. police say around seven saturday evening, a man with a gun route is self on the check cashing business in san raphael. >> investigators say fired at least one shot at storm will is a radical by kron with a bullet proof door at that point the suspect ran off. >> still ahead on kron 4 morning news a new study shows a drop in child as much taxed. how smoking laws could be a factor. koi??çóñk?wç >> welcome back. new research finds that more children are being diagnosed with attention deficit hypehyper activity at this order compared to a decade ago. it is a 25% increase from 2001 to 2010. the proportion of 5 to 11 year olds are diagnosed with a-d- h-d increased to 3.1% in 2010. researchers say that better awareness of the condition among parents and doctorsroved access to health care may be behind the trend. increases were significant among whites, blacks, and hispanics, but did not changed significantly among asians, pacific islanders, and other racial groups over 18 year. a drop-in child asthma attacks could be linked to a smoke-free laws. according to a study done in england, there was a 12.3 percent fall in hospital admissions for childhood asthma in the first year after laws against smoking in enclosed public places and work places came into effect in july of 2007. similar anti- smoking legislation and the united states where it has also been linked to a reduction in child ask what emergencies. asthma affects more than 300 million people worldwide and is the world's most common children's chronic illness. >> it saves a growing number of callers are not getting their recommended vaccines on time. a new study found that a more than 300,000 u.s. kids born between 2004 and 2008, almost half were " under vaccinated " or their second birthday. in some cases parents chose to forgo shots recommended by the centers for disease control and prevention. researchers said that the trend is the cause for children because is not enough kids skipping their vaccines, whole schools or communities may be at a higher risk for preventable infections such as whooping cough and measles. >> coming up on kron 4 morning nils. >> iphone rumors are swirling this morning! more on what apple could be planning for 2013 next. >> the search for evidence of life on mars continues! we will tell you what new research reveals. ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. >> while comeback the time is 5:45 a.m.. the top stories we are following at this hour. >> police have arrested one person but are still searching for two others after an undercover officer was shot in the arm during a confrontation last night. investigators say it happens in the seven teen hundred block of seminary avenue in oakland. the injured officer is being treated for non- life threatening injuries. he is expected to make a full recovery. >> caltran plans to begin making repairs today to the bay bridge standard that was damaged when an oil tanker struck the bridge earlier this month. the overseas reymar hit the eastern most power of the bridge weston's ban on january the seventh. there was no oil spill, and no one on board the tanker was injured. the damage to the fender system is estimated at between two and $3 million. >> it is back to work today for president obama and vice-president. the president's and the first lady will attend a national prayer service at the national cathedral with the guidance today. the white house will hold its press briefing today as well, just as congress returns to work. >> i spoke with caltran just a few moments ago and it is stated that they will be activating the metering lights before 6:00 a.m.. this will be 20 minutes above schedule. we may have backups due to this. currently we are not looking at any backups at any other bridges. it looks good at the san mateo bridge and the golden gate bridge. it is still a good ride for 1 01 southbound perry ed we are starting to pick up a little bit of slowing through antioch on highway 4. it is still a good ride thr580 our cog is due to a stalled bus that is on the connecting ramp for 680. it has not started to back up 101 at the northbound direction. >> we are waking up to mainly clear skies around the bay area. howertain areas te dense fog. you should certainly dry with extra caution and you may want to give yourself extra time. the temperatures are not as cold as it was yesterday. some locations are still above freezing mark. redwood city is coming in at 63 degrees. it will be mid 60's for campbell perry ed the east bay will not be as warm as the south bay in fact some of our spots will just be in the upper 50s. it will be low 60's for union city and hayward. our east bay shoreline should expect low 60's. it will be 61 on degrees for vallejo and downtown san francisco. >> high pressure will start to break down and the eastern the wins that we have been enjoying will turn suddenly. if they will come off the ocean so this will bring a lot of cool air. we have rain on the way as early as tomorrow morning. by 6:00 a.m. the commute will have started and most of the rain was that north of the golden gate bridge. by 12:00 p.m. lunch time we may still have light rain. you will note that most of this is pretty light in nature. there is a potential for some moderate downfalls in the fairfield area. we will get back to dry weather by thursday perry ed we do have potential for rain on friday. saturday and sunday may also be wet. you should keep your umbrellas handy. >> it is all about the super bowl for the 49ers! they are going to the super bowl after sunday's a thrilling come-from-behind win over the atlanta falcons. after the victory, things did not did get a bit out of hand in the mission district. san francisco police tells us that they took dozens of people into custody, many of which were charged with public intoxication. one person was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. one was arrested for an outstanding warrant. a another person was arrested for driving under the influence. police say that they will have extra patrols on hand on super bowl sunday. >> apple iphone rumors are nothing new, but a new report suggests that apple has at least 3 iphone is up its sleeve for 2013. reports say that apple were released a 4 in. iphone 5 ask as well as in iphone best features a 4.8 in. screen and 88 mega pixel cameras. the third mystery iphone, with a 12th mega pixel cameras, is rumored to hit the market by year's end. the last two iphone, the iphone 4 s and iphone 5 had october launches. apple needs a shot in the arm, as the stocks have dropped from 705 a share in september, opening today at just $500. >> a new set study suggest that there may have one study e may have once been walter on mars. analysts of a deep marcian crater shows signs of it once have been held and agent late. the 57 mi. wide crater is about one- and-a-half miles deep. scientists believe that the plan that was held in a war that it could have supported life. nasa is a curiosity rover, which landed august last year, is on a mission to search for areas that may have been suitable to support life. >> although industry officials are drafting recommendations to prevent car seat heaters from burning people. this after a 30 year-old texas paraplegic was burned last month in a chevy pickup. the national highway traffic safety administration was automakers to determine the top temperatures seat heaters could reach, considering that automatic shut off features and deciding whether indicator lights should be in standard locations and bills. there has been nine seat heater recall since 1984. >> first it was san francisco, now new york is following suit. apartments are about to get a lot smaller. expectations of the population and rent will keep climbing are challenging architects to design dwelling's no larger than one car garages. the city plans to construct an apartment building full of " micro units " in manhattan next year. those units are expected to average about 325 square feet. currently it is required that new part as the least 400 square feet. >> we will be right back. >> early activation of the metering lights have been added to the stalled that has been reported on the incline section. there may also be a another accident. we may be looking at a another developing high spot for your westbound ride. >> sasha obama stole the spotlight from dead yester day after she was caught yawning during the big speech. now the video is a boeing by road. the yom came after obama paused during his speech and the camera cut to sasha , her sister and the first lady. it is not the first time that she and john while listening to our father speak. in 2008, she gone up during the democratic national convention with her head on her mom's lap. >> we're also working on several developing stories down here in the nose room. police continue to search this morning for two people after an undercover oakland police officer was shot in arm. we will have a live report from the scene. >> the former san francisco police crime technician who was charged with stealing drug evidence will be back in court today. the latest on debra matins retrial coming up. >> plus, an overnight fire at beale

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