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Then states like our somber begin and it had been the people from Bangladesh who had already living there and that will change the demography and the new people will take over the land and jobs China's foreign ministry has said that the English Premier League football player Mesut Ozil had been deceived by fake news when he criticised Beijing's policy of detaining Muslims in the north western region of Injun as ill as a Turkish German Arsenal player raised this year on social media leading Chinese state television to pull a live match featuring his team here's Our Beijing correspondent Stephen McDonell some will see this as them playing it down rather than coming out tacking Arsenal star midfielder saying you know criticizing directly what he said or abusing him attacking him they're saying he's just misled that he's been infected by fake news . That in their invited him to visit shin Jiang and Arsenal be hoping that this goes away quickly because they don't want to be locked out or even sort of impacted in this very lucrative Chinese market the Chinese president Xi Jinping has expressed strong support for the Hong Kong police following 7 months of clashes between police and pro-democracy protesters Mr she made the comments at a meeting with Hong Kong's Leader Kerry Lamb who's visiting Beijing the Chinese premier league told Ms Lam that she must end what he described as the violence and chaos caused by the protests. In Britain more than 100 newly elected conservative M.P.'s many from northern England have been arriving in London at the start of a busy week following Boris Johnson's emphatic election victory assistant political editor Norman Smith says Mr Johnson will focus on representing the voters who switched to support his party the message is basically we're going to do things differently that is entirely new sort of Tory Party in part because they just have so many on Tory Tory M.P.'s M.P.'s representing northern working class communities who they've never had before that changes the complection of the Conservative Party of Westminster but by instinct too I think Mr Johnson sees him self as leading a very different sort of conservative party where there is going to be a much greater attempt to try and address the concerns of communities who frankly feel left behind Norman Smith reporting world news from the b.b.c. Fresh talks have resumed on how to restore devolved government in Northern Ireland almost 3 years since the last power sharing administrator collapsed the British government's minister for Northern Ireland is meeting political leaders separately before they hold roundtable discussions later in the week it will include the 2 main parties that fell out in early 2017 the Democratic Unionists who favor remaining part of the United Kingdom and Shin Fein which wants a united Ireland. The authorities in Rwanda are demolishing homes in the capital Kigali deemed to be at risk from what they describe as climate dangers more than 40 people have been killed by heavy rainfall in Rwanda over the past 3 months Africa editor Mary Harper reports families are standing outside with their possessions watching their homes being destroyed they say they've received no office of compensation despite living in the area for decades and paying land taxes the government says they will eventually be recompensed some men are living in classrooms others with friends and relatives the authorities say hundreds of houses built on or near wetlands have to be knocked down this they say is to protect. People from landslides flooding and other dangers caused by and usually heavy rains police in the German capital Berlin are trying to find out who opened the unmarked grave of former s.s. Officer Rinehart hydrate a top Nazi killed by Czech partisans in 1902 an employee at the invalid Sarah cemetery in central Berlin found that the grave had been opened police say no bones were removed was a key organizer of Nazi Germany's mass murder of European Jews thieves in Britain have reportedly got away with jewelry worth an estimated $66000000.00 after breaking into the home of the daughter of the former head of Formula One motor racing Tamara Ecclestone is said to be angry and shaken after the burglary in an exclusive area of central London she is believed to have been on holiday at the time of the burglary at the latest b.b.c. World Service news. Hello I'm Gerri fridge and I and this is Outlook the home of personal stories on the b.b.c. World Service today Gresson Michel on life with NASA and Mandela and Chinese folk musician and Guru dodgy on why he sings in the language of the most a people fast let's talk about love and football if you are a follower of English football in the 1000 eighties nineties you couldn't have missed Mark Bright's he was a star striker for a number of clubs but his heyday was at Crystal Palace where he teamed up with another famous player and right they want the 1st black players to shake up the sports but they were a really big deal at a time when racism was rife I said this was a story about love it's also a story about lack of love in some ways Mark was 2 years old when his parents split up and he and his older brother went into foster care he came into the outlook studio and we spoke about how that early disruption affected his relationships especially with his parents one of whom came from Africa the other from the English West Midlands my dad was from the Gambia West Africa and came across in the late fifty's mom was born and bred in Stoke on Trent so mixed relationship at a time when it will be very tough because obviously we're told when she was used to walk down the street my dad used to spit at them and call him names and throw things it was the 1st wave wasn't of people of color come into the country so I was it was easy for my mum at that stage did they ever talk about. The impact that has on the evolution ship and because they space out when you are very young but was not wholly because of the racism that they experienced no I don't think so we were very young when we lived with their mum and dad and then they split up and so there was 3 of us Marie Philip or myself and a year between us all we were staying with our mom she asked our dad can you look after the kids I'm going to a wedding he said yes and she dropped us off and then on the Sunday she didn't come pick us up so he took us back to her house and on the door was an open then he just said my turn I've had enough I'm off so that was the start really how we ended up in care but once we ended up in care I think our sister to care back just as she was living just your sister yeah and left my brother me and then that's how we ended up being fostered any idea why she has to not put in but what impact did it have an you as a boy growing up this question of why your mum had not taken you to live none of them think about you didn't think I just dealt with the situation that was me my brother's little bit different Did anyone ever replace her as a mother and your wife Yeah we had 3 foster parents. Who tried to she lived down the road from my mum so she tried to get the family back together by taking the 2 boys too much for her so back in the home then fostered out a lady called Nana Parton so she lived in a totally different area when we got to Bush just so none of Parton went back to her and then we went to the daily seas stayed there for over 10 years and that's where like 6 to 1618 sort of like that but surely a grand day vase I consider my mum that's my mum really you could have gran gran because they were in the fifty's or when I look back on it just say a can of love journey more than a few of my real mom we didn't have the love as a whole the whole the whole key every day and kissing on the cheek and on the forehead and go off to go to school bought the love was there obviously was it how we were treated was it spoken. No never said I love you anything so you never mom so so no the 1st person after members saying they love me was a girl when I was 18 so when she said I love you. Not to say back. It was just strange when she said to me I love you and I was like oh that's awkward so you don't feel the lack is a child of this kind of love you Love you think no no no no where near what we are like now with our kids you know my son which I found with the phones me he will never found out by always and if he if I drop him off somewhere by Sometimes he holds me if is if any mates are there not he doesn't know much of stuff bought when I see him and then before he goes anyway or sale of you especially for giving money . Is that something is that something that you you know that you were very keen on that when you had a child he was an imbecile my brother 1st with his kids how he was always small the . You know it in my mouth this side and in hope to follow. The ground a very giving because obviously we didn't receive any so you know it's parenting and that's what the parents should be doing and you nurturing and teaching your kids go back to your foster parents now a partner and they the Davis is there they were all white Yes and there's obviously a lot of discussion about whether or not this is a good idea if I hear a better not me yeah family mine is that my view is a lot of if the parents give love doesn't matter what color they are did we miss out we missed out on yeah a little bit of culture no background etc Granted granted they just went very educated and they're from Lancashire white working class couple couldn't teach us anything about our origins that count that comes later so you know that people see . Should only put black kids or black families now to personally someone who's grown up with in white families only sort of like I would disagree with that because I think the child needs love later in life what we did my brother made was sent to the social services to get off files it's your history it's everything there when they come visit you the social services had written in before and in there he's actually got a record of your hard to defend yeah and one example when you talk about a white family fostering black kids it said the Davis was not embarrassed to walk down the street with pickaninnies In fact they're quite proud of them it's sad to see a new city have this is what pulls Yeah yeah so when I saw it I had googled it and then obviously if I even like a racial slur and you have to google the term because you never actually know you never have lasted that's when as late as a minute no one ever said that's yeah you know back then people downstream call names disclosure is Ok because you know you'd be walking down the street and say a group of older guys would be the other side and just start you know calling you all the n word and also what you do you just look straight ahead don't look at them don't engage because you don't want to come over the over the road you're a person of color on a in an area where there's no it's a white working class a state it's a mine in the States my my my foster grand it was a minus so you know you just have to survive really and not get yourself into any trouble sport broke everything down for me because once you're good at football people want you on their team so when you're picking teams yeah we want him yet get over here get over here so did you always think I'm good enough to be a professional when I was a primary school which is a picture of me and I'm the captain of the football team I'm in the middle with the ball between my legs were all sitting with folded arms and I think Evan was just amazing how good it dribbling I was and everything when we played at least it was there wasn't any cause so that you know we're in history all the time so he was play a game called lamppost where all of you protect dribbling against each other and trying to hit a lamppost and once you move through to the next round it's straightforward case football it's whatever you want to call it and that's how it. I think everyone used to say how really good is really good and then when we moved to senior school I played in my brother's year ahead which is a sign that we do it now at the football club if the young want to go to play op against the older boys one time I was I was down to play for my brothers year and at the end of school you go straight to the gates the minibus is that off you go to play another team and the teacher said to me you're in detention. You're in detention so you have to go to detention and just sat down in century after school was one of my friends and I said to him I'll be out of in 2 minutes he said really it said here Mr Hayes the game's teacher came to the attention look for the window open the door. On the minibus and the teacher Mr Heath I'll take care of this but as I walked past him it just hit me in the back of the head I can get through the do which we don't negotiate with you sir to get in on the minibus and you're always good to get out of detention because the team if you didn't. Brag about it. Yes I knew I was good then so were so many other people but I never played for the county and so if you don't play for the county that tendency is you probably not going to get professional club by use that as a sort of like right if you didn't pick me I'll show ya show you now I'll show you how good I am you clearly were one of the best because you did get picked up by a professional team a. Fan and yet that led I think was a bit of a difficult time good 1st year strange 2nd year because Gary Lineker left I moved into Gary Lineker position and you know I wasn't as good as Gary Lineker. At that stage nobody was as good a couple goals in the opening game and then it deteriorated only scored 6 goals for that season fans are impatient and they they were prepared to be patient with me I understand or understand I know is when I got on the pitch on the Saturday was terrible booing from the fans a little bit of racial abuse from my own fans a little bit here I'm not saying it's everybody because people from west to apologize when I said when I said you know what Mark I read what you said about the Less Than I don't remember it which. Really strange the manager pulled me in and he said there's a couple things you can do we have we can get on with it score goals win them over which is what people do or you can go to the press and do an article and I'll bring it on worse because at that stage if you say this affects me people who me and Jamie and you know if you complain about being racially be everywhere do so huge step back for me didn't draw more attention to yourself by saying how offensive it is and now if I know you and affects you how does it affect you can sleep couldn't sleep went see the doctor asking for some sleeping tablets which he refused to give me a dot to explain to him what happened what was happening at the football club he was understood and he got a little chart out his drawer and he said to me and to that question and answer that and it flipped over the last one it said you suffered from depression which I obviously challenge setups you Doc I'm not from depression I just can't sleep he said it's the start at that stage when I look back I think it was when Steve Coppell from Casa passed came and wanted to sign me and I went to meet him and then over a matter of like a week or so 2 weeks and then ended up moving to Palace and I think the weight room was removed off me a new starts moving out the area different ground different clothes different fans and the fans cheered me when I walked on the pitch and clapped the new signing and I think that that back to my to my career around to my life around as well as I have to say that challenge in a life yeah the weight lifted I enjoy going out in London and you know buying an 8 is that the hair and then takes around the city driving my car up park in jumping on the cheap to discovery where Exeter is then where my family come down I can show them around and it was all new and all fresh and I enjoyed it and and a much more multi-racial environment yes yes because the couple said listen when you came out in the reserves to play on the pitch and the they mentioned your name they read your name out schoolboys in the scouts in the School Board invited to watch the game booed. And he said he thought that wasn't right that can't be right he said if you come to London he said as I've got quite a few black plays in my team nobody gets booed like that nobody you'll be fine and I believed him then when I got to London and lay my roots in South London and kind of stayed there and moved I was in St John's Wort for a little bit and I lived out of a flat in Knightsbridge just behind Harrods has passed Yeah you must contain a well let me to partner with he never used to go shopping at Harry's come back don't be in my place and ask me bring it to training the next day that was the pinnacle for me I treated myself to myself is a beautiful place 3 bedroom 3 bathroom street called Walton Street which is really well known street in London and my granted to come down to stay with Mitch came down one time it snowed and about 2 weeks I couldn't get couldn't get it back it's too bad is this your foster Davis. Out of all those fake fires like a gas fire use you know like the coals and that's what we were used to because that's what we grew up with we're not in the central heating in our house there was just a fire so she just put that on for she's the love a big sash windows and she wasn't your only family fan this is when your dad got in touch with he did for the 1st time in many many years and he wrote a letter to me which I opened at the training ground one morning and was just sat me down just wow just one of the players he said she dad marks dad you know she'd write back to him What did it say this letter on them you Dad can't tell you how proud I am of you and I photocopied a letter sent it to my sisters and my brother and I was fuming you know you know why you can't touch why why didn't even touch before you know whatever where I was sitting at Indian and I said Do you ever wonder what he looks like and I said yes. He can and I said you know I know where he lives or Camembert address and I just told the address after I had a said want to go she goes what now it's 67 o'clock as I'm nearly dinner with so we jumped in the car drove to Bentley went to play station they gave me a map knocked on the door said the permit to be at that stage. And the answer the door and he said Hello said Eddie said Mark is that you oh my goodness burst out crying invite us in His wife was there sat him down he's very tearful and she said always a 7 day event with Marcus prayed for this day this is this is everything he's asked for we wanted you to come and seeing in this is it and it's all Mark who's this beautiful lady over the is it your wife as we said and she said I just looked at it she goes I'm your oldest daughter Marie tears again blah blah blah so nice pipes and he said stop it I'm talking to Mike I told my children don't interrupt go get the biscuit 10 so in the old days photos in the biscuit tin if you remember and she brought down this biscuit and he opened it and this one of those memories used to be a little plastic so cheap and you look at it towards the light and he's got a picture in the end there with this coat on matching hat and coat and and it was just a dead ringer for and you know how he could say that he was it I don't know and he had all these pictures of us in this biscuit tent and then we said could you just ask you for questions and then he said oh please don't don't upset him because he's been isn't very well and he's off work and editor so when we started asking questions just blame them all for just plain jane and everything my sister was the only so she understood more knew and she she defended our mom but what what we should have done is just you know what a mess though I absolutely messed up 100 percent I said how can we aren't to fail how we haven't to Marie or Sharon or and and it just happen and I know what's going on I said What does fail to for a living what does Marie. Marie to what does Sharon do what is morning to you don't know any don't know we only cannot make them in the public eye we have this not no argument that's not the right word we we wanted to ask you know why did you not come back and see us not upon said to me one time your dad come to take you out Saturday so set in what is coming at 10 o'clock to take you out and so anyway she dressed the soap we sat in the window 2 chairs each side the table looking out the window waiting for him and it was an amount she said to me that. 10 o'clock 11 o'clock 12 o'clock came she said her heart sank because she just knew he wasn't coming and she said go get change to go out and play and we said no because if messy and she said no go and get changed so we sat and she's crying telling me the story because she just said he just let you down market just never it never came and and so when you we were before I felt obligated to ask him some questions and we said Ok so you can blame him for those things what about once you left the area get in touch with us right into us sending us a birthday card send in a scrimmage card and it was just a whole load of you know defending himself and so I said to my sister I'm ready you said is that here so he said are you going I said yeah yeah I satisfy my curiosity said we stay in touch please can I write or what I said no no that's fine he got to the door said Son Will you please come back and see the neighbors or something like that and I went down and. I learned more coming to the Gambia to find family in 96 think it was and hide these 2 guys just said Rocky someone if you can find out where my uncle is blah blah blah he came back and couple hours later I found him 2nd down to see him and going back and seeing where it all began with our dad and that and find that that is what the black sheep of the family is mom and dad died he didn't come back for funerals he changed his number all the time. He left our mom went to Manchester had kids there left Manchester went to Burnley kids there and then Michael just said to me less and he knows as much I love him and you know he was a great. Country. Or a brother did you see him again I know now know my my question from the Gambia if only because it's expensive so you know I saw the number plus you have 3 to 3 years whatever it is now and hello Mark Yeah it's Tom from The Gambia I tell you Ok yes Mark quickly your dad die my dad told you to tell after go after go but it was the phone call honestly it was like 10 seconds it was expensive as you remember it and you know. And that's how I found out did you go oh oh. What about your mom what kind yes shit did you develop with her it was like You're like a stranger so it was that it was all sisters mom but that's how I viewed her and when used to go and see our sisters used to say hi and it's really strange that you don't feel like saying hi mom you know or anything like that because you just it's not they can't come out and just say hi how are you yeah go to how you house for all your God that's it that's virtually it then you see assisted off you go you go out all go out together whatever so when my son was born I said to his mom you know I just think that 2 wrongs don't make a right it be wrong for me just to say you can't see him you can't see him you know she she's got regrets she said that so I took her to K.-Mart and obviously as you got a little bit older I still leaving than go and see on calls and mates or something and go pick him up a couple hours later he had the opportunity to you know his grand kind of like he didn't make us closer he didn't like living with a neighbor or something. Really matters here on an emotional level that your son got yeah thought I thought it was right but I mean yeah because you're not I would be spiteful I'd be spiteful if I said No no she could why should she deserve to because we all make mistakes definitely as we move forward which I learn from them and we all make them and we all say things we don't mean we all do things and when I sat with her when she was called Come to the end and were in the conservatory their house and she was a city national manager just goes market made mistakes and I said I. Said that real and she goes no hoper really have got lots regrets but that was the moment that was the moment where I think she was obviously trying to say to me reach out and just say you know what account. Whatever And that was it when she after she'd say that I have regrets you know I've made mistakes Mark you know and we all laugh I do have mistakes all the time now I know what you say now. You know what else I know Musharraf's you can say about it strikes me that there's somebody who didn't hear the words I love you until you're 18 there's been there's a lot of love in me he added I've heard it a lot since. Just you know when you see total strangers or say football fans and they say to me I was the best in my life Mark. And you said to give kids yeah how can you were kids 2nd to somebody the goal I mean had I always say exact on believe it was the greatest day my life was seen my son born I can't think of anything in my life what can be for that moment special moment should be for everybody and then. To give that child away 2 years later to somebody else a total stranger to to to to raise doesn't register with me at all. It's very difficult for me to understand. How old his eyes are now. If he is a good footballer. He talks a good game to us again he's really he's a good boy Mark Wright on love and family he's now of a director of under $23.00 development at Crystal Palace and has just published his autobiography Mark write my story from foster care to football at it with outlook on the b.b.c. World Service you can reach us by email out at b.b.c. Dot com and on Facebook where one of our guests from last week has been getting a lot of love especially from South Sudanese listeners who are clearly hugely proud of what he's achieved his name is well my own his parents fled the war in Sudan and while I was born on route to a refugee camp in Uganda there wasn't much entertainment in the camp so he invented games and as soon as he discovered computer games many of them shoot em ups he asked himself a question are going to great video game that can be able to teach people empathy peace and conflict resolution. Something they can entertain themselves but which doesn't involve killing. The game he created was called. A pace and has been so successful that while now runs a gaming company in the United States but he's never forgotten his home and his mom who saved for years to get him his fast laptop and his feet in the game the main character yeah as a woman like to get to know from a war torn country. The story is all about what does she think that. Tell her now tell her. So much. Like this is really something that I never thought of. Or the decision I'm really excited yeah. As my own and his mom you can hear the whole interview and b.b.c. . Sash applique distribution of the b.b.c. World Service of the u.s. Has made possible by American Public Media producer and distributor of award winning public radio content a.p.m. American Public Media with support from for that what he investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth more and more at fidelity dot com slash wealth fidelity brokerage services l l c. Next an outlook falling in love as an older couple Grasso Michelle tells us about meeting her future husband Nelson Mandela when she was 53 and he was 80 this difference in there have way you are already a mature person here don't meet your mouth demands it said hey I'm way you appreciate and you value this small cap his life fast the nice. B.b.c. News with Jonathan Izod the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi has appealed for calm as protests over a controversial new citizenship law spread across the country in a series of tweets Mr Modi accused vested interest groups of stoking the unrest China's foreign ministry says the English Premier League football player Mesut Ozil had been deceived by fake news when he criticised Beijing's policy of detaining Muslims in the north western region of Shin Jang a Turkish German Arsenal player raised the issue on social media leading Chinese state television to pull a live match featuring his team the Chinese president Xi Jinping has expressed strong support for the Hong Kong police following 7 months of clashes with pro-democracy protesters Mr she made the comment at a meeting with Hong Kong Leader Kerry Lamb who's in Beijing China's premier Li Chang told Muslims she must end what he described as the violence and chaos caused by the protests. Fresh talks are resumed on how to restore devolved government in Northern Ireland almost 3 years since the last power sharing of ministration collapsed Britain's Northern Ireland minister is meeting political leaders separately before they hold round table discussions later in the week. In Britain more than 100 newly elected conservative M.P.'s many from working class communities in northern England have been arriving in London following Boris Johnson's emphatic election victory the influx has changed the complexion of the Conservative Party in Westminster. The authorities in Rwanda are demolishing hundreds of homes in the capital Kigali deemed to be at risk from what they describe as climate changes the authorities say they need to protect people from flooding and landslides following unusually heavy rains. Police in the German capital Berlin are trying to find out who opened the unmarked grave of former s.s. Officer Reinhardt Heidrich a top Nazi killed by Czech partisans in 1902 at the end of the 2nd World War Our occupation forces decreed the graves of prominent Nazis should be left unmarked to prevent sympathizers turning them into shrines b.b.c. News. Hello I'm Gerri and you're listening to Outlook can you believe it's 6 years this month since the passing of Nelson Mandela former president of South Africa and the man many South Africans affectionately cooled Tata father he didn't actually get much chance to be a father to his own children because he spent 27 years in prison under apartheid but he did get to spend more time with his grandchildren and have a porter in South Africa and a cache has been speaking to the woman who knew him best in those final years his 3rd wife Cresson Michel he'd previously been married to Evelyn mass and Winnie Mandela Grasset had also been married before to some more I'm Michelle president of Mozambique who died in a plane crash in 1906 she told him about her life with Nelson Mandela. Beginning with one of the favorite anecdotes we were preparing to visit in the u.s. State visit it was during isn't leading to dying. So I started to pre-payment to say you know I am going to be in state house and. My husband was a very simple person is he would call himself a country boy when example he liked it she would bore. And using his own which was fine and home and I said to him look at state house it's not going to look good for you to eat using your hands so please promise to use a knife and fork for cheek because the White House had also doubted the homework they knew that he wanted should get. A leg with bone so they really prepared very nice d.n.a. . To the knife and fork and very diligently is that. Sadly Bill Clinton drops his cutlery and he picks up the chicken eat with his hand so. Sits me as a saying what was different about you prevented me of injuring. With a hit my hands and a look at what Bill Clinton is doing so I didn't hit him. To say let's keep what we have agreed and then when we finish to meet we laughed and they said to him. You know this people who wanted to show that you know I can is you use my hands but effective that's you with a knife and fork you said no no no I'm a country boy but I can be in any stage in any level in the world had merit Nelson Mandela in 1988 on his 80th birthday when she was 53 but despite being 27 years younger than him she says they always had a great deal in common I was. Met in the fact that from different reasons we were both. And. Both of had experienced. In tens of losing someone you love. And that time he was divorced from me and there had been no we do it 10 years already. The rest is history how did he introduce you to the family well let. Let you know was living alone and there he was being taken care of by police. Gloria. Killed him and he had brought all redye to his grandchildren. And so all I mean introduction was no formal introduction to do it just see me coming in go no no it said and learn to call me and. Only. Came to call me mom in that presses gradually I give you the opportunity to bring all his children grow. And greet grandchildren and that this same roof. Provides him with importunity or becoming defiant that of his family and that is something I gave a lot of Jai he had to reconsolidate didn't nation but he need to reconsider his family as well. As to be a strict disciplinarian when it came to his children and grandchildren I asked if that was true absolutely like that you have 2 main minds that deal was deprived of the opportunity to bring his children for the 1st family his still had some time perhaps with their 3 children from. But it from. The girls he left them when the way toward let's end the he comes back they were married families so the opportunity hands to bring up children was with his grand tour. And so there was a huge gap between him and his grandchildren his message of it's a scene. It was exactly to be very strict. So the grandchildren felt a little bit like perhaps a grandpa is becoming too much and there was in the middle trying to help him to be a little bit more moderate but it seemed to help with. The stand that you have to remember this is a man of 18 so sometimes there was a clash but it does was he's way of giving the best he could to take to kind of part he'll want to be and also for him it was like a compensating opportunity he missed of bringing his own children and the grass a sense that it was the time he spent with his children and grandchildren after he stepped down as head of state that was the happiest time in his life does that is where you could see that big smile and he's. Because he had let me see it required to be. A human being and he could really I mean enjoying that place yet of waking up in the you know all you have someone the sign you know that your family I think this is what enjoy it very very very much the other thing contribute for this is that both were grown ups and you know this is a difference in have where you are already a mature person huge on me demands on the side. Much more paid to Keith. Terry in way you appreciate and you value this small patches of life. I remember when all the ditch. Saying I had never seen by fiber just. The way. You remember also that we always walked hand in hand it became natural if 1st thing my dinner would do when he comes out of the car he would display that she is looking for mine and I will also hold his hand and we walked together to it or is that kind of affection which. Manifested in small things which some. People I know Harry. Harry could take even to short affection to each of them publicly I know we laughed at liked and it was great so I look back and say he. A loon Olson Mandela's wife Winnie was a controversial figure. Was said to have a good relationship with her she told me why. I wanted to get 28 to bring all these children and grandchildren in mind Speights and of course I became very concerned that there. Would be divided whenever we'd have Christmas time who would have to have our Christmas day around to 20 stick. To it so that the children we have to come back to to be with my 24th and 20 feet and then he said why these children have all the time to be divided between the 2 parents Pepcid is a way off of the 2 parents to be to get that despite the fact of the. And why age but if they have children together and this should read to girls but. Who grew up without having that possibility to understand because they were too young when the father went to prison he comes out to do parents to breed after that so for me it was important that his children should also have the parents sharing the same space talking to each other normally without attention to all of us we also realize that. I mean the past is nothing to do with me and do there's one principle in my life is it at all respects women in the life of the men I get involved with simply as a principle for me you want people to respect you you have to respect them as well . Former 1st lady of South Africa speaking to. This is Outlook touring the world through extraordinary personal stories next stop Jong a small farming village on the shores of Luger lake in southwest China where popular folk musician. Is on a mission he's part of a minority group the most are who are fighting for their language now are and their culture surrounded as they are by Han Chinese language and culture more and more young people are switching to Mandarin and Gurra dodgy is trying to make sure their language doesn't die out by using it in his songs he spoke to Alex Christina. Or the. Human my memory my clan my family every day they had to labor in the fields. But every night. When they cam home they wouldn't greet me with a hug but in songs. I can still hear the sounds that these sounds. When I was a kid in my home my uncles were always playing cassette tapes and I can still hear the sound of the click of that cassette player everybody in my family loved listening to music and I remember feeling the love and the warmth of this big family when grow Dorji tourney team he started singing in all these local bars in the John city and just so you know lead young is home to a huge most odious para but it's also some 200 kilometers away from his village and there's going to tell you down to about 200 and who's all at that time. There were very few singers like me I had grown my hair long and everyone thought I was quite novel they had never seen a man with a long hair before his lyrics were these soulful dedications to his people and to look like he blood elements of folk and pop together as songwriting and melodies and his songs his songs many people want to move want to smile want to cry they also imagine a lot of his listeners many of whom have moved to leave of home. Is a complicated place. When he was 8 his mother died so for many many years he lived in an orphanage. While living outside of my village and the big city other people's perception of me was this often this child without his mother and father Slough they thought it is sad and pitiful how are. Never when I returned to my village to the embrase if I were large and extended most o. Households I didn't have this feeling at all my uncles were like fathers to me and my grandmother was just like my 1st mother when Gurode o.-g. Finally returned to his village as a teen he rediscovered something he felt he had lost his language Naru and the important thing to know about Naruto is that it has no writing system you'll see a boss which was who she was who I love to when I was 8 years old and can back when I was 16 when I can buy a car I only understood about half with most of the language and a large part of it I really didn't understand my grandma would ask me to grab something and I would bring her the wrong item a very funny item and she will let Howard have a big laugh so I would seek every opportunity to learn the language go out to the fields where I could learn from the old folks tending to the animals as normal started coming back to him he noticed that there were even younger people who had lost touch with their most so roots so girl dodgy knew that when he started work on his 1st album most the language and culture had to be at the center of it he couldn't afford to lose connection to his people or to naru again. Those early days weren't easy after releasing this 1st album he was still pretty broke and he was sleeping around China trying to promote his music and muscle culture but his career started to pick up. His album cook. A phrase that roughly translates to well wishes and good luck. To you. But it also means so. Much more than that he had the idea for the album after noticing a lot of his most appears using the Tibetan greeting Joshua Billie instead of their traditional narrow one. Of the. Language we use the phrase were Jacka this is so much better at expressing their most people's deep and heart failed well wishers. I mean. All of the most beautiful things in the world wishing you good fortune in all of your doings he says a lot of his listeners have made the switch now. Here's a lot more who are. More than ever before and he considers that a huge win but that's just part of the battle you see there and wife is not more so she is hard which is the largest ethnic group not only in China but in the world. With. My wife choose from Shanghai and now we have a son and I am teaching him our mother tongue in the future he will learn Mandarin he needs man during for school by the language of our people here we're learning school he will only learn through his family and then he will in turn transmitted to future generations. Speaking to Alex Christina I am late to Jessa now witness history and today we're going back to the moment that black soldiers were asked to volunteer for combat roles in the u.s. To defect that would go on to have on race relations in the USA John Abell has been speaking to one of those G.I.'s Reverend Matthew Brown his combat story starts on December the 16th 1000. When Hitler launched an unexpected counterattack against the Allies in Belgium starting what would become known as the back of the. American presence whatever on the job was pushed a great bowed into the Allied. No point in minimizing the power behind the unexpected about whether to Defra happen of the order based remain Tracy. So many American troops were protests of action join the battle of the boat that the Us Army cooled on its African-American support So just to take home fighting rose up until then although hundreds of thousands of black troops were involved in the war efforts around the world apart from a home full of exceptions they weren't allowed to fight. The Brown a black g.i. Remembers. All of reality to what we call the National Widger all their trucks. And cook their food what we saw in the. Jefferson Wiccans was just 19 No although he did later reach the rank of lieutenant as a black g.i. In 1944 he was stuck in a support row the United States had to Maryse they had a white army and they had a black army. The river to the white fools surprise and the task that had to be done to support the white combat troops we did in the live in war was over here back for here the whites had a mess hall I blacked out an asshole all of their ranking officers were all white up until $944.00 any attempts to loosen the strict segregation within the Us Army had been resisted by the Army's top brass but off to the battle of the boat the commander of the allied forces in western Europe Dwight Eisenhower cool. Black troops to volunteer for combat Rose Matisse other Brown was one of the 2221 men selected out of thousands move on until now they add in how well command they sent. Down to all back troops if you want to join the infantry side. Stacking gasoline. In Serious father right troops up front and knowing their home. Was the volunteers were kept in separate segregated platoons and they were still commanded by white offices some had to give up rank say to quiet in the known combat units so they sent us up to the front and give us some crash training if I was a sodger I had to get out the bus down to a private they did not want somebody who looked like me given orders to somebody who looked like after his training Matisse all the Brown was quickly sent into action the minute Iraq or Torah things were said about us that we have the will to fight and we wouldn't die we went up there and to say the least we fought and fought well I saw a lot of things happen that black soldiers did but never got reported I was assigned a patrol to go up on a mountain and put a young man machine gun out of commotion and he started up to heal the German machine gun you know. When we had all this to talk or to heal one of the soldiers kill himself and lend it John Lennon's saw him through the hands up in the hollow slots slots on. Some of those out of the never seen the light so we captured that machine in the net without flattering a shot. We for whale. Caught it the best kept secret war a war to when America's conquering Harry's went home the g.i. Bill which had been passed in 1944 was supposed to reward those who had served their country with low interest loans college courses and helped to get good jobs but most of the black soldiers got nothing for that paints Jefferson Wickens was shocked to find that despite his war SEVIS even Gemini prisoners were treated better than him when he got back to the USA He told c.p.p. And Media Lab about one particular incident in an interview he gave before his death one of the most disgusting things. Happened to me on the probably the 1st 2 or 3 weeks. Still in uniform and a city bus. And the bus was about a 3rd loaded and what I didn't know all of the people who were loaded on his bus were German prisoners. Got on the bus. Driver came back with no you're not there you're supposed back of a bus Advent time I didn't want to get arrested so I went to the back of the bus. And I began to think myself here you got about 15 or 20. Per of the war they could sit in the front of a bus but you steal the back of a bus what kind of America is this most of the 2221 black combat soldier has also suffered more humiliation when they were issued with discharge papers from their original known combat units as if they had never fired a shot although thanks to a lucky mistake my. The Browns papers did state his combat unit when the war was over and. 96 the company. Down not fighting. But out of the units left to cold again I don't know how mine slipped through Did it make a difference to have thoughts on your discharge Q It did when I got out of the. Union. People. According to the military I am supposed. To what I had minute or so I did not except that war would. Back to school. I knew that God had a calling on my life that cooling So Matthew so the eventually becoming an old saying minister and as a community leader in his hometown of Savannah he threw his energy into the civil rights struggle that he says the war had opened his eyes to injustices he previously excepted. Living in a segregated society but when I got back to bathroom it didn't make sense to me to water fountains was absurd to me so. On now the battle not the battle of the Bulge but the battle of segregation with Martin Luther King Jr Reverend Matisse other Brown was finally would hit the metals he should have received off to the wall at a ceremony in March 2900. He was also guest of honor celebrations in the Netherlands to mark 75 years since the country was liberated by allied forces Janet ball reporting looks back same time tomorrow from each I fiction and rest of the team thanks for listening. I'm Liam Moriarty news director here at Jefferson Public Radio like you I listen to j p r I tune in because I hear programs that capture my interest in my imagination programs that help me learn something I didn't know programs that keep me informed about my community and my world programs that help me empathise with people and issues I want to understand as we approach the end of the year when many people contribute to worthwhile community organizations I hope you'll take a moment to support g p r so that we can continue to create new compelling programs for you in the year ahead please take a moment to contribute as I g p r dot org or reach us by phone and 885526191 from all of us here at j p r thanks so much for your support this is the news and information service of southern Oregon University's Jefferson Public Radio 12 30 am k s j k talent at 9 30 am k g I Grants Pass also heard in the road Valley at one o 2.3 f.m. News of the region the nation and the world. B.b.c. World Service it's 13 hours g.m.t. This is all of a Conway with a news room the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi appeals for calm as violent demonstrations continue over a controversial new citizenship law we're protesting here I know you put this issue against the benefits the government is possible which is discriminate people of one particular community it's against the Muslims we have from our correspondent in Delhi also in the newsroom and we'll hear why you would hear a series of. Suits always on Mr Hill is more than welcome to visit she going to take a look China accuses the Arsenal football a message of being deceived by fake news after he criticizes the treatment of Muslim we get his talks begin today to try to restore power sharing in Northern Ireland that the moment we have a situation where we don't have governments are not as bad for everybody and we look back at the career of a legendary news man who is hanging up his microphone for the last time 1st of all that with our top stories Jonathan All eyes are not. This is the b.b.c. News Hello I'm Jonathan Izod the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi has appealed for calm as protests over a controversial new citizenship law spread across the country in a series of tweets Mr Modi said that no Indian had anything to worry about and he accused vested interest groups of stoking the unrest at the Rajan is in Delhi there have been protests across the several universities in India from the north south and the northeastern part and these are protests have called this government completely unaware what these protesters are saying is that the new citizenship law which was passed by parliament last week is discriminately and there are some people who believe that if the law is passed then states like our samba begin then dated with people from Bangladesh who are already living there and that will change their demography and the new people will take over their land and jobs China's foreign ministry says the English Premier League football player Mesut Ozil was deceived by fake news when he criticised Beijing's policy of detaining Muslims in the north western region of Shin Jiang the un says there is credible evidence that approximately 1000000 ethnic Muslim we have been held in reeducation camps Stephen McDonell reports from Beijing instead of a full blown attack on Mesut Ozil the Chinese government has described him as ill informed the foreign ministry spokesman said the Arsenal midfielder had been deceived by fake news on Friday the German footballer who is of Turkish origin criticize the silence of fellow Muslims after China set up a mass reeducation camps in turning hundreds of thousands of ethnic wiggers yesterday in retaliation China's state run television pulled alive Premier League match involving arsenal the Chinese president Xi Jinping has expressed strong support for the Hong Kong police following 7 months of clashes between police and pro-democracy protesters Mr she was meeting her.

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