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Victims a message of hope. George as nigerias christians suffer more attacks, the International Community seeks more tools to fight islamic terrorist. Hello, everyone, im george thomas. Wendy and im we wendy griffith. Twin car bombings on a military base in nigeria killed at least 15 people. It happened in the muslim north. Officials say a bus packed with explosives rammed into st. Andrew military Protestant Church right after sundays services. About 10 minutes later, a car just outside the church exploded, as people fled from the first attack. Boko haram is expected in the attack. Boko haram is blamed for killing more than 760 nigerians this year alone. George staggering numbers. He is executive director of a group that defends religious rights. Ann, the International Criminal court has released a court that boko haram has, in fact, committed crimes against humanity. What does that mean for nigeria and its christians . The christians in nigeria have made an effort in recent years to request that the International Criminal court find that the boko haram has been responsible for these acts of violence. And what this means is that they are going to receive justice. Hopefully the International Criminal court will now take this to the next step, will take their investigative process to the point of actual indictments. The next step is to actually call up specific individuals as terrorists and designate them as terrorists. In fact, the United States earlier this summer, the United States department of state did designate three leaders of the boko haram as terrorists. Unfortunately, the state department has not designated the boko haram as an organization as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. We believe that still has to happen, and we are encouraging people to sign up with a petition to the white house, requesting that the boko haram be put on the Foreign Terrorist Organization list. This is an organization responsible, in our count, this year alone, 1,317 civilians in nigeria have been killed by boko haram. No other country in the world has had that death toll of civilians, not even afghanistan. George ann, let me jump in the few seconds we have remaining, why do you think the Nigerian Government has been unable so far to stop boko haram. Is it a lack of will or is it Something Else . Quickly, please. I believe it is an inability to effectively prosecute those responsible. I also believe there is pressure from outside, including from the United States, to actually negotiate with these terrorists. And thats something that needs to change and stop. Prosecutions need to take place, impunity needs to stop. George and there appears to be a new Extremist Group that has surfaced and is claiming credit for a recent attack in baja. And is stopping boko haram the answer or is there a deeper problem . It is a first step. As we know, for many countries where terrorist organizations are active, they mutate. One terrorist organization gets too much attention, and perhaps their funds are cut off, a new one pops up. It is still the same people behind it. The root causes have not changed. The Nigerian Government needs to get to the root cause. George terrific. Great to have you back on the broadcast. Thank you very much. Good to be here. Wendy the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelming to recognize the Palestinian Authority as a nonmember state. Some say the vote could put even more obstacles between israel and the p. A. And hinder further peace talks. Here is Chris Mitchell from jerusalem. Reporter the historic vote passed overwhelming, 138 in favor, and 48 abtentions and nine against. They said they would accept nothing less than an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital. This time were determined to go. Nothing is going to shake us. The train has left the station. There is no way we be can deterred. We can be frightened, we can be pushed around i think this determination has become greater now. Reporter palestinians in the west bank celebrated the vote. And palestinians also celebrated in hamascontrolled gaza. It is a wonderful feeling, it is amazing. God willing, unity fatah and hamas will happen very soon in the near future. We will be brothers, and together we will destroy the israeli entity. God willing, we are going to victory, victory, victory. Reporter the vote was largely symbolic, but abbas called the vote a birth certifcate for the state of palestine. The palestinians say the u. N. Backing will strengthen their hand, but israel says it will make talks every tougher. The truth is when the party is over and the people wake up tomorrow morning, theyll see nothing has changed. Reality on the ground remains as is. The only way forward is not meaningless theatre at the United Nations, the only way forward is to have meaningful peace talks. Reporter both israel and the u. S. Suffered a huge blow diplomatically. A treaty that fulfills the aspirations of the Palestinian People is through jerusalem and ramallah, not new york. We made it very clear to the palestinian leadership you know i met with president abbas last week that we oppose palestinian efforts to upgrade their status at the u. N. , outside of the framework of negotiations to achieve a twostate solution. Reporter for now, nothing has really changed, but it could give palestinians some clout, if they take israelis to the International Criminal court. It could also force the question of the fate of jerusalem, or the fate of hundreds of thousands of israelis, who live in their biblical homeland of judea and somaria. Chris mitchell, cbn news. George and protests rocked egypt as morsi moved to expand his power. He issued a decree giving him control of all branches of government. Wendy and he backed the Constitutional Assembly two months early without the input of christians or other minorities. Now some are calling morsi a new pharaoh. Once again, highe here is Chris Mitchell. They want morsi either to step down or rescind his decrees. The position is obvious, there is no negotiation. And the political powers will not meet with president Mohammed Morsi until he has cancelled the constitution of declaration. Reporter morsis decree stated no one can change or reverse any of his decisions. It puts him in charge of executive, legislative, and judicial. He claims it is only temporary, but many disagree, like mohammed albaradi. We have a doubt. We thought we had moved from the pharaohtype to the 21st century, and now were back to having a new pharaoh. The country, in short, is falling apart. Reporter egypts stock market lost 10 of its value over the political instability, while many promorsi demonstrators defended his actions. Also last week, christian leaders withdrew from the assembly drafting a new constitution. They objected to the majority islamists who are redefining what sharia law means. Here in jerusalem, some are concerned about what morsis actions mean between israel, egypt, and the rest of the middle east, morsi gained International Prestige by helping to pro broker a ceasefire between israel and hamas, but morsis latest actions like like he is trying to establish an iranianstyle religious state. Chris mitchell, cbn news, jerusalem. Wendy coming up, he is only one of a handful of christians who survived the killing fields. How this man is still reaching out with gods love tois h wendy welcome back. The 2012 Film Festival recently honored more than 20 films for their redeeming film lines, including the pink room. It chronicles girls trapped in the sex trafficking. But its message is one of hope. Reporter the pink room lets the viewers in on the pain of young trafficked girls in the village of swipock. The main economy here, child prostitution. Tragically pedophiles from around the world arrive daily to take advantage. But what are you going to do when youre done with your coffee . Reporter but the pink room is showing how Agape International is helping girls who are rescued. They wanted to tell their stories. We focused on hope, and we focused on restoration. Its not about just talking about how bad the problem is and everything, but it really sets itself apart because it is about solutions and it is about hope. People are crying tears of joy, rather than tears of depression and frustration. Reporter the pink room shows how the agape administration rebuilds young lives. After watching her brothers and sisters go hungry, she decided at age 14 to enter a brothel. She quickly found herself trapped in torture and bondage, but when she arrived at the agape home, she found a new world, beginning with a princess ceremony. They hear from their costumers, i love you, and theyre like, yeah, ive heard that before. But then they start believing it, and living it, and it is an honor to be a part of it. Reporter they are editing the document for pbs, and it is changing the church, as it begins to learn how to help people who suffered unspeakable torture. They say weve seen many documentaries on sex trafficking, but this made me feel good and i was happy and hopeful. George from 1975 to 1979, paul potts killed nearly two million cambodians. His mom is only one of 200 christians to survive the killing fields. He has written a book called church behind the wire. Recently i spoke with him about his experience. You were actually sent to a prison camp. How did you survive . I was the only christian in the camp. I learned to restore my hope, you know, by speaking twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, and also to learn to worship god with only a few hymns i could memorize well, especially how great thou are. And my life was spared because of the miracle of god. So for me life was a miracle day after day. When some of my friends were interrogated and they missed the mark and they got killed, i was so fearful i would be killed, the psalm even though i walk in the valleys of death, i shall fear no evil for the lord is with me. That was a source of hope for me. George eventually you were released and you became a church planter. Can you give us a view of how strong is the church in cambodia today . After the killing field, only 200 christians out of 10,000 that survived the four years of the reign of terror that was known as the killing fields. And then the church went underground for another 10 years. Only by 1993, that the church in cambodia, the church of the survivors, was granted the freedom of worship. But now from 1993, to date, now there are about half a million christians all over cambodia now. There is expedential growth. George are people free to leave, buddhism, for example, and im brac embrasioembrace christian . Or is there a price to pay. In asia, there is a price to pay. But the sincererity of our commitment to our faith when i accepted the lord i got rejected by my uncle. And now some young people, while they are going on to study at the college, once their parents or their tutors know that they become a christian, they may stop the support. But thats a test of faith. George how can we pray for cambodia, the Cambodian Church . Pray that the men and the women that god called to serve as leaders may continue to grow as the leaders will grow. You know, the flock will also grow alongside. And also pray that the one day they may come and grasp the heart of the people in cambodia. Pray that the leaders over there, and the christians over there may not be polluted by materiallism, and they will strengthen their faith in christ. George fantastic. Standing firm in their faith in christ. The book is called church behind the wire, a mustread. Thank you so much for all you do for the gospel of jesus christ in cambodia. Thank you again for joining us on the broadcast. Wendy coming up, a celebration in the highlands of guatemala. Well tell you about the great gift that brought joy to so many people. George welcome back back to the show, christian humanitarian relief efforts in eastern congo moving forward, despite military gains by armed rebels. M23 recently seized territory in goma. John castle is cbns director for frenchspeaking africa, and he says the ministry is partnering with hospitals and churches to give congolese Urgent Medical care. The congolese pastors are locating those in the areas most distressed, and seeing that theyre informed of what cbn is doing, and they can bring them into the clinic and be served. George to hear more of john castles comments, log on to the global lane cbnnews. Com. Wendy the Indigenous People in guatemala are caught in the middle of fighting between drug gangs and militant groups. George recently, though, they had reason to put aside their troubles and celebrate. Reporter drummers, children, and trumpet players led the persession down the narrow streets of san cristobal. Marching with them, visitors from the United States, germany, and china. Some of them grew up in that culture. We were walking in the parade this morning, and there was a sea of bocamchi faces, young and old. All of a sudden i felt tears coming out of my eyes. It was amazing. Reporter linguists borris and beth are a big reason for this celebration. Were linguists, but were wordless at this point. Reporter it is gods word that is the cause of the celebration. The new testament is now available in their language. And it is the linguists that finish the translations. This family moved to northern guatemala, to pick up the project started by german translator, ted and gloria, in 1969. 43 years later, they finally have a new testament they can read for themselves. Very joyful. Very happy to have in our hands the new testament in bokonchi. Reporter the modern Bible Translation movement actually began here in guatemala. This is where an indian famously challenged a missionary who was selling spanish bibles. If youre god is so smart, he said, why cant he speak kachican. They speak 21 different languages. Today townsends vision of providing gods word in every language has literally circled the globe. They are leading a final push to begin translations in the 2100 languages still without a bible. Translators have a slow and tedious calling. Ramida spent years studying the bokamchi language, and hired a native speaker to help, but almost fired him for his lack of computer skills. I bless. Lord for having preventing me from making that big mistake. Because this is the man who truly finished the new testament. Reporter he, himself, is grateful his people will now understand gods word more clearly. Using the word of god and seeing the church grow through the word of god, when there is better understanding. Reporter the translators worked with partner ministries to produce a bokachi version of the jesus film. Sponsored by the faith comes by hearing mission. But the work of translation comes at a price. And according to bob gunn, the challenges multiply as the project nears completion. Over and over we have deaths, critical illness, financial reversals, all kinds of things happen. Reporter but though hardships are forgotten on a day like this. With the translated new testament safely delivered, ramidas believes a new world of opportunity will open up for the bokachi believers. I believe god has called his own church with the missionaries. Reporter stan jeter, cbn news. Wendy you can see more Great Stories about the work of the church around the globe at our christian world news website. Find it at cbnnews. Com. Well be right back. George and finally on our broadcast this welcome, an iranian christian threatened with compulsion is expressing his great tu gratitude to cbn and its viewers. Wendy swedish officials originally rejected his quest request, but our coverage and your response put pressures on the officials. They granted jibari a new hearing. And now he and his pastor ask that we share this video with you. I want to say a special thanks for the cbn channel, especially the American People by the cbn channel and the internet. We dont think it could have been done without your help. Wendy jabaris lawyer is hopeful he will soon be granted permanent residency in sweden. The power of television. George and the power of prayer. We hope you enjoyed the show. Wendy until next week, from all of us here, goodbye and god bless you. Rved meritoriously in iraq, d has the medals to prove it. Rpsman Richard Stokely took e skills he learned in vietnam

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