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Reporter new nbc wall street journal poll shows clinton leading trump by double digits among likely voters. In columbus Jennifer Griffin foxnews. The number of people watching sundays debate last nights debate on television was significantly lower than the first debate. Preliminary rate ratings show 66 Million People watched compared to 84 million for the first debate. However, last nights debate set records on social media. San francisco based twitter reported it was the host tweeted president ial debate ever with more than 17 million tweets. Twitter says the question of republican nominee Donald Trumps treatments of women, coming natureed the conversation and mike pence over strategy in syria was the top tweet moment. Facebook set a record it was the most talked about debate oven facebook ever. Nearly 20 million users generated over 92 million likes, posts comments and shares. And 76 of those mentions were about donald trump. The top social moments on that platform trump disagreeing with his running mate mike pence on syria. Trump also responding to clinton at one point saying because youd be in jail. And when trump said no im a gentleman hillary go ahead. Joining us is brian social. Brian what do you make of the paul ryan announcement that he says hell no longer defend donald trump and disarray in the Republican Party . ese made his case to the American People himself hes done with donald trump. Hes now not going do go help elect people to the house of representatives primarily and do other things for republicans and set the Trump Campaign aside. Its huge decision really. How do you think that affects the Trump Campaign . Do you think it hurts it . To the extent that republicans look to the leadership of the Republican Party as the stamp that they need to vote for somebody it hurts. But this is a weird Election Year and. To say the least. These things dont seem to affect trump supporters. I dont think ive ever seen anything like this brian but given the debate last night and the fact that trump did better than he did in the first debate, did he stop the bleeding if you will from that videotape . Yes, he did. Clearly among his supporters. I think those people who were leaning trump but you know didnt know really which way they were going to go i think he may have held them in a little bit. The classic undecideds probably or breaking now for clinton. But those people who had you know an inkling they wanted to vote for trump that secured that vote probably. Were just 28 days away now from the election. So is the race in your opinion basically impossible now for donald trump to catch up . The odds are very. Poll out showing shes 10, 11 points ahead. The odds are very long. There would have to be kind of a perfect storm for donald trump to emerge in my view. That would include maybe more things coming out about Hillary Clinton that really speak to her lack of trust worriness and then nothing else coming out on trump. Theres a whole lot of things that would have to line up for him to do well. It was interesting that wixey leaks did release some new documents about Hillary Clinton. There wasnt really any big smoking gun but it did raise some questions about her yet it didnt seem to catch on at all barely mentioned last night. And there could be more, according to julian assange. Do you think that oil have much of an impact now . The avalanche that occurred after the videotape around donald trump billy bush really cliped anything that came out of wixey leaks. I think had those things come out before the trump tape it would have made a little bit a difference because there is some information in there that i think the American People would want to know about. What was that information . Well, i think just in general that Hillary Clinton says one thing publicly and oftentimes says another thing privately. She says some things as an Example International bankers that she isnt saying here. And its what people kinds of glean from her persona that she keeps a lot of things very private and is willing to tell people what they want to hear. We heard that during the exchange, she talked about abraham lincoln. Brian just last question here. Talking about the third debate here. Donald trump really has to hit a grand slam. Yeah. What do you tell him if you were advising him . Can you hit a grand slam and score five runs . Its almost greater than the classic grand salami has to come out be very president ial perform at a hundred percent. She has to come out well under perform. All these other things have to again it has to be the perfect scenario. A perfect storm for her. Four current weather conditions from tomorrow. Right around the county attorney. Brian thank you. Well now back to those giants. The cubs in game 3 of the nlds. Talking to fans arriving for the big game game 3 of the best of five series. They are pretty fired up out there. Reporter where did that cubs come from . Watching the giants fans streaming in. Everybody is arriving and yes they are very excited. Although i dont know this crowd isnt chanting a lot. Its definitely a different mood when youre two down instead of two up. Theres a lot of nerves. No one wants to see the season end tonight. But it will take 3 in a row starting here, starting now to put the cubs away. And heres what fans had to say about avoiding elimination. We think they can come back they have done it before. You know they can come back. You know they can come back. Madson is pitching were pretty optimistic. Were going to win. Were going to win and for sure. Weve been in the same situation we made it so it will be a win. Weve got baumgarner on the mound. We they have their best. Our bats got to come alive tonight. Thats what were all about. Were going to beat the odds. Weve done it before. We can do it again. Whats the mood as you read it right now . The mood is calm. I had a player tell me coming up from the game Wrigley Field elevator at the hotel after the game. Ill guilty the clubhouse attendant his tip when were back here thursday in chicago. Reporter but will they get back to chicago . It will take wins tonight and tomorrow. So the rally towels they will be waving tonight first pitch less than a half hour away. Everyone hopes that the giants bats wake up and mad ball does what he does so well under pressure and shut the cubbies down ill be back at 10 00 with an update tonight its definitely the best story in town. It is a good one. And we are excited to see how it all finishes up later on tonight. Well see you at 10 00. Deborah thank you. Now to new information on a story we first brought you last week involving an attack on a plan in richmond. The push to have it investigated as a hate crime. The victim is a member of the sikh religion he and his supporters say the attack was motivated by hatred for his religion. Henry lee shows us the injuries to the man and how he may ends up losing his finger as a result of the attack. Reporter you police say these two men chase little and Dustin Albarado opportune punched and caught khalsas hair with a knife. Its not only an attack on him its also an attack on his religion. The Contra Costa County da will decide whether the two former contract workers at the chevron refinery will face hate crime chess. Simon oconnell told me the case is absolutely being examined as a hate crime. I hope they will get swift justice. Were hoping the District Attorney will look at this as a hate crime and prosecute it as one. Reporter it all started the night of september 25th. Khalsa was stopped at a traffic light a ford pickup truck pulled alongside and someone threw a beer can at his car. The two cars pulled up to another red light 3 men got out of the truck and grabbed khalsa through his window. They started beating him in the face they took a knife his turban got knocked off. Reporter the Sikh Coalition says khalsa suffered a black eye cuts an bruises and may need to have several root canal also while trying to defer himself from the neigh attack his finger was cut and may have to be amputated. Police arrested chase little from texas and Dustin Albarado from louisiana on suspicion of felony assault. They have since been fired from their jobs with a contractor for the sheriff ron refinery in richmond. In a statement the Contract Company said it does not tolerate this type of behavior and appalled by reported actions although this incident took place outside of the workplace the employees involved have been terminated were cooperating with the investigation of this matter. The bottom line is this is absolutely unacceptable. Its unacceptable anywhere. But its particularly unacceptable in the bay area. Reporter in Richmond Henry lee ktvu fox 2 news. Coming up it is a big day in nevadas efforts to move the raiders to las vegas. The special legislative session underway and why some lawmakers are against the move. They eat pretty much all their meals at school. A story of students helping other students. They dont even flow. How one East Bay High School is helping teenagers they have never met fight hunger and poverty. Working our way into the bay area tuesday. Temperatures on the mild side. Going to be pretty nice there are big changes coming as real rain headed our way see you here after the break. Youre going to have a deportation force. Were rounding em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. Were going to build a wall. Thats not america. Were all californians. Im tom steyer. Its time to speak out. Please, register. And vote. Vote. Nextgen California Action Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. New at 6 00 a tortoise stopped traffic in morgan hill this afternoon. Someone driving near the intersection of east Central Avenue and lansing driver saw the slow moving tortoise crossing the road just before 1 00. No one was around so the driver called Morgan Hill Police in turn Police Contacted an Animal Rescue group called creepy critters that deals primarily with reptiles. Experts say the tortoise is an african say car take which some people like to keep as pets. This size here is only 6 years old they can live 150 years gets up to 200 pounds push up to 3 times their weight. So, they are not a good pet for just any home. Not clear if the tortoise escaped or was abandoned by its owner. In the meantime creepy critters is taking care of the tortoise at its facility. Two developments in a bothing accident in San Francisco that sent 30 people into the bay. A fouryearold boy who wasnt breathe when he was pulled out of the chilly water is now home from the hospital. It was among or he rather was a among a group tossed into the chilly water saturday afternoon when the boat suddenly flipped over. Late today San Francisco police said their marine unit had located the sunken sailboat. A Salvage Company will develop a plan to raise that vessel from the bottom of the bay. The man accused of shooting and killing two Police Officers in palm springs and injuring a third is heading to court tomorrow. This, as Family Friends members of the communities are all mourning their loss. A vigil was held outside the Palm Springs Police Department Yesterday afternoon. The officers who died are 63 yearold Jose Gilbert Vega and 27yearold leslie sir ebony. She had just had a baby and returned early from ma territory leave. Vega was the farther of 8 and planned to retire in december after 35 years on the force. He wasnt even supposed to be working on saturday but he volunteered to work overtime. He was a very good man. We were very sad when our father passed way. He held me become the person i am today and i thank him for that. He was really dedicated police officer. He loved his job. The officers were shot right through the front door of a home while respond to go a domestic dispute last saturday. Accused gunman and admitted gang member john felix was arrested after a lengthy stand off. Charges will include first degree murder. He could get the Death Penalty if convicted. A third officer who survived the shooting has been released from the hospital. Help is on the way tonight for some Football Players at castle month high school in oakland. Half the students on the team are dealing with financial problems and are struggling at home. Some are even facing hunger problems. A group of students in san leandro heard about what were happening and they decided to raise money to help out. Ktvu Christina Rendon is live at castle months with a story of teens helping other teens. Christina. Reporter well julie San Leandro High School is beyond the oakland city limits four miles away when students there heard about the Football Team hair at castle months they knew they wanted to help. Running through the Oakland Hills is no easy task these san leandro students know a thing or two about support. Combining their passion for charity and Cross Country into this 8mile run raidsing money for students they have never met. Its an eye opener of how they are so close to us and this is happening right in our community. Reporter what started with 7 students grew to about 100. Each donating cash to help the Football Team at castle month high. The head coach says more than half of the castle months team is dealing with Financial Issues or hunger at one point a few are homeless. They eat pretty much all their meals at school. That shouldnt be happening and the coaches are paying for it out of their pockets. Were fundraising money to help them pay for food and shoes if they need it. Were so used to eating every day going home getting showers. Reporter at the finish line castle month james sparks says his family has struggled. I am blessed with magnificent mother who goes above and beyond to just s starve our self to feed us. If we had people like this that just work off of love operate with love it would be a different paradigm in our community. Reporter San Diego High School students presenting an envelope of money. Were giving you a total of 4,000. Reporter saying the fundraising run is rewarding. It was difficult but compared to what they have to go through its nothing. For somebody to show me that much love they dont even flow me that says a lot about their character and i really do appreciate it. Reporter students say they are going to keep donating money to the team in increments. The head coach says they are also getting help privately from 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick. Such a great story Christina Rendon in oakland tonight. Thanks christina. Track in the weather this week the it starts off night like it is outside now weve got fog over on the hill. San francisco out in the avenues. By the end of the week by friday weve got rain back here. Weather systems are dropping down. They are pretty far south for this time of year. Thats where well allow that opportunity for some showers on free to happen. But in the meantime High Pressure is still kind of here and the fog is here big time weve got a lot of fog right off the coast. Tomorrow morning its going to fill in. Theres going to be a lot of fog almost in every bay area neighborhood tomorrow morning in the slow burn off temperatures really cooled off from yesterday. Todays temperatures are 5 and 10 degrees cooler than yesterdays. On saturday too we had those warm days. 50 in fairfield tonight 54 antioch. The overnight lows under cloudy skies upper 40s coolest spots. Its not real chilly night like wife been seeing but there is the story is that big push of fog tomorrow morning all the way up into the delta basically there you wake up burns off slowly. But then yellow. Forget the oranges in the reds the 90s, 80s were talking 70s in yell o. Green 60. Theres the temperature profile which is a milder one thats your bay area tuesday. Weld is going to be pretty similar. As we get down the road were going to highlight those weather systems they are going to bring significant rain especially north of San Francisco. Ill see you back here. Now to some developing news out of napa county where a wildfire is burning west of yachtville. Cal fire says so far 30 acres have burned. That fire is burning in area of dry creek road mount voter road large vineyard estates. There is an Evacuation Center available at crosswalk Communities Church on first street in the city of napa. So far were told no damage to any structures but our crews are on the way. Still come teslas big plans. What the luxury electric carmaker wants to do and how it could drivebys for the city of fremont. Later in sports. Late word on the 49ers plan to restructure Colin Kaepernicks contract. Mark will explain how that could allow the team to make a key change. Key change. Up next the special session of the Nevada Legislature that began today what they are discussing is building a new stadium in las vegas for the Oakland Raiders. And they lied about it thatfor decades. Ls. Now theyre lying about prop 56. If you dont use tobacco, you dont pay. Smokers pay their fair share of the 3 billion in Health Care Costs all taxpayers are paying now. And theres one more thing our kids. Every state thats significantly raised tobacco taxes has reduced youth smoking. Please. Vote yes on 56. If we can save even a few lives, its worth it. They prey on our children, spending billions. Addicting 17,000 California Kids each year. Eventually killing onethird of them. Now Tobacco Companies are spending millions to. Defeat prop 56. Because in every state thats raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. So who are you going to trust . Pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all. Support prop 56. Or the Tobacco Companies trying to kill it. Vote yes on 56. Section. Lawmakers are in special session to consider a hotel tax to help pay for a new stadium for the team. But as ktvu tom vacar tells us its far from a done deal. Reporter Nevada Senate and a assembly sat in a joint meeting to hear from advocates for 1. 9 billion sports stadium complex to be used by the Oakland Raiders and university of nevada las vegas football. Bring in the nfl to las vegas is a significant events moving las vegas forward. If we get the stadium and we get the raiders well be on par with chicago, philadelphia. The other big cities. If we dont take that opportunity now if we lose it will never come by again. Reporter the 1. 9 billion would come from three sources the state would up hotel tax in clark county to raise 750 million. The socalled partisan billionaire in Las Vegas Sands chairman sheldon idle son would invest 650 million. The raiders would pay half a billion. Most of it coming from an nfl loan and pricey personal seat licenses. Lynch pin is getting an nfl team that can reliably fill the 65,000 seat stadium. A feat that will again on lots of folks thousands driving or flying to las vegas for the pricey games. The legislatures differented many saying the legislature needs to concentrate on the states real needs. Better schools, safer streets and improving infrastructure needed to serve las vegas 2 million residents plus 350,000 daily visitors. S im very concerned about thinking that theres 10 to 22,000 people in the nation going to fly here to see raiders game. If you look at most they dont want a stadium. Reporter no votes expected today but one could come this week. Tom vacar ktvu fox 2 news. Coming up tesla is gearing up for a major change. The companys plan to produce even more cars and what it could mean for the bay area economy. Taking matters into their own hands. How one group is protecting a bike lane from cars after they claim the city wasnt moving fast enough to keep bike riders safe. Now to our top story an attack on a sikh man in richmond is being vest gayed ace possible hate crime and two out of state contract workers accused in the attack have been fired from their just at chef ron. Police say the suspects attacked 41yearold khalsa at a stop light. He play lose one of his fingers cut during the attack. A decision on hate crime charges is expected later this week. Today House Speaker paul ryan told his fellow republicans that he will not campaign for donald trump after the release of that tape in which trump bragged about being able to grab and kiss women against their will. Hillary clinton said her opponent is doubling down on his excuse that it was quote locker room banter. Trump meanwhile continued to repeat claims that Hillary Clinton helped enable her husbands alleged sexual misconduct. Some Cross Country runners from San Leandro High School took part in a fundraising 8 mile run to help fellow athletes at a neighboring school. The running runners were motivated to help Football Players at castle month high in oakland when the head coach there revealed that more than half of his team was struggling with Financial Issues and that some players were even homeless. Youre watching ktvu fox 2 news as 6 30. Big news out of Fremont Tesla motors has announced plans to double their production facility. The plan still needs approval but as ann ruben explains more space means more cars being produced and more jobs for the bay area. Reporter tesla is gearing up next year the Company Plans to produce more electric cars than ever and expanded production requires an expanded facility. The proposal adding 4. 6 million square feet on to their fremont plant essentially dunk in size. Adding as many as 3100 jobs. Fremonts mayor is ecstatic. We shows not teslas commitment to fremont

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