Transcripts For KTVU Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 2017

Transcripts For KTVU Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 20170827

>> kim jong un, i respect the fact that i believe he is starting to respect us. >> chris: will break down how the administration plans to deal with north korea and afghanistan in an exclusive interview with secretary of state rex tillerson. plus, the president pardons former arizona sheriff joe arpaio drawn criticism from both parties. we will ask our sunday panel if the president is sending a message to being investigated by the special counsel. all right now on "fox news sunday" ." and hello again from fox news in washington. hurricane harvey now downgraded to a tropical storm continues to hammer texas causing flooding and leaving devastation in its way. at least two people are confirmed dead but officials expect that number to rise. the storm has left over 300,000 without power in 1500 taking refuge in shelters. and with the drenching storm expected to continue for more days, 10 million texans are now under a flash flood warning. in the moment we will discuss the damage and the response from authorities with texas governor greg abbott. but first we have hochstein coverage. meteorologist rick tells us where harvey is headed. just outside of rockford with how folks are coping there. but we begin with casey stegall in galveston with the latest on the storm. >> the conditions to continue deteriorating out here rather quickly. this is happening up and down much of the texas coast. i will hop out of the way and showing one look at what we are talking here in galveston. you see stuff like this all over the place. a roadway taking on water right up against neighborhoods. it's impassable the water levels are rising fast because these torrential rains simply will not let up. look at this video shot not long ago earlier this morning of an actual rescue happening in houston, a human chain being formed pulling someone to safety. galveston county and the city of houston have received highest rainfall totals so far. the national weather service says the rain has been coming down at a rate of five to 6 inches an hour in some places, in fact 24 inches falling in the houston metro, which is just to the north of us. local emergency management officials say area 911 call centers are swamped with people calling in for help either stranded in their homes out on the roadways, forecasters fear the worst may be you have to come in terms of flooding. president trump is monitoring this disaster very, very closely. in fact, he held a teleconference by video from camp david yesterday with key members of his cabinet. he was briefed on the situation on the ground here like people from the new fema administration, brock long. the federal emergency management agency says now is go time. >> this is where we figure out how much they need, how quickly we can get it to them and how to get it to them. >> president trump tweeted today "great coordination between agencies at all levels of government." continuing rains are being dealt with, thousands are being rescued. while those harvesters are carried out over the recent residents also under a different threat, tornadoes. amateur video capturing the spirit listen to people screaming. several twisters have touched on. multiple homes have been damaged and minor injuries reported. for context of the national weather service has just between friday and saturday 67 tornado warnings have been issued. 67, in fact we woke up to yet another one here in galveston today. it is starting to look like millions of texans have a very long road to recovery. >> chris: thank you for that report. now let's bring in steve harrigan, who is just outside of rockport, a town that may have been hit hardest by the storm. steve. >> in this part of the texas coast there's a lot of small towns sometimes with a population of just a few thousand. for them the storm came as a surprise because it went from almost nothing to a major powerful hurricane in less than 56 hours so people here really have a choice to make. to stay put in our homes or to leave. some made the wrong decision. >> i see the other family with four or five kids run back in the trailer and the tornado hit it and they were gone. like to quote more came across the other side coming on the way and they going this way and everybody in that area, there's no way they could have survived. >> officials here still don't know just how bad things are. there's no electric power, no cell phone service. we've seen some search and rescue operations but they are very basic. it is just firefighters on foot with axes, they knocked on doors, kick them in and say is anybody in here alive. people here walk around really in a stunned days, they've lost the houses, their businesses. some of the people we've spoken to say they don't know what they're going to do next. they have no insurance but after a moment of sadness many admit that they are better off than their neighbors. >> i've got friends out there, i don't even know if they are all right. >> many officials around her tell people don't come back, we don't have utilities, you would just be a burden. stay away for now. we are seeing people come back a little at a time in the rain to pick through the wreckage to try to find something that's left. chris, back to you. >> chris: steve, thank you. now with a look at where harvey is headed, rick is at the fox weather center in new york. >> we have a long ways to go from the storm unfortunately. resources statewide are certainly being taxed. this is an evolution of the last 48 hours of the storm. the problem is the storm has stalled just in short, just inland but all of this moisture of this very warm gulf, one of the warmest bodies of water anywhere in the world, that moisture continuing to pull up now crossing the eastern side of texas, targeting very directly the houston area and everywhere around it. already we've seen some spots over 2 feet of rain and we have another three days to go. if we knew there would probably be some spots around the 50-inch ring by the end of this. we didn't know exactly where that would line up. it looks like it's going a little bit farther east than we had anticipated so we have a very heavy rain in houston. we've already seen over 2 feet of rain in houston and we probably are going to be looking at about an additional 2 feet of rain by the time this is done. that means the flooding pictures that we've been seeing all day today is only going to get worse by the time we get to wednesday. the storm doesn't completely pull out of the region until thursday into friday. >> chris: thank you for that. joining me now with the latest on the storm and its impact as the governor of texas, greg abbott. governor, what is your latest damage assessment both to people into property? >> governor abbott: chris, it is bad and growing worse. obviously part of the damage assessment is because of where the hurricane hit in the entire surrounding area. now of course we are dealing with the damage around the houston area because of the flooding. it is large and growing larger, it will be in the billions of dollars but we really will not be able to tell for the next couple of days when better assessments can be made. >> chris: what is your biggest challenge right now for you and for authorities there? is at the flooding in the houston area? >> governor abbott: we have multiple challenges all at one time. as people can see the flooding in houston is dramatic. some people will recall tropical storm allison that devastated houston in 2001 and this looks like someone of a replication of that. we're working to save lives and to keep as many people safe as possible in the houston area, but at the very same time we are conducting search and rescue missions where the hurricane hit near the corpus christi and rockport areas. we are doing multiple duties in multiple parts of the state. >> chris: i want to ask about that because we just had a report about rockport, which may have been a community that hardest hit. i know the damage been so extensive that a lot of first responders haven't even been able to go in and see what has happened to people who sheltered in place. the casualty account at this point seems remarkably low, two debt, a dozen or so injured. i hate to ask this, but do you expect the casualty count to rise dramatically as first responders get into some of these more devastated areas? >> governor abbott: we will see. we have first responders there, we have what's called texas task force one, texas task force to cope doing sir search and rescue missions as well as texas national guard who were there. they are going door to door throughout neighborhoods and rockport and across the entire region and so we will have some more reports that will come out today but i will tell you in that particular region there were a lot of warnings to evacuate. there was a large number of evacuations from that area and those evacuations likely saved a whole lot of lives. >> chris: the gulf coast in addition to all these folks in their homes, the gulf coast also accounts for about a fifth of this nations crude oil production and almost half of our oil refinery facilities. what can you tell us i hit that your energy sector has taken and what impact will that have on supplies and prices? >> governor abbott: i've spoken with leaders of some of these companies. they are very experienced in dealing with challenges like this. there are hurricanes and tropical storms that pass through the gulf region all the time. they were very well prepared for, they hunkered down and were able to contain the facilities and they have the ability to ratchet up back up there quickly. if this will be probably a one or two week downturn. not but they will prepare for this and they will prepare to wrap up very quickly. >> chris: i know you are coordinating with federal, congress changed some of the rules for fema post-katrina and part of that is that they were much more able to deploy personnel and equipment in place, in san antonio in the texas region before the storm hit. it has that made a difference, sir? >> governor abbott: it has made a difference. i've got to tell you, i give fema a grade of a+ all the way from the president down. i've spoken to the president several times, to his cabinet members, secretary of homeland security such as the administrator of femur, such as tom price, the secretary of health and human services. all across the board from the white house to the federal administration to fema, they've been very helpful. we were able to see this storm coming a week or more in advance and get a lot of preposition and taking care of whether it be the federal assets with estate assets or the local assets. so when it comes to preparation with never been more prepared for a storm than we have been this time. >> chris: what can you tell us about president trump's personal engagement in this problem and managing the response to a? >> governor abbott: it's been extremely professional, very helpful. he called and said governor, whatever you need you've got. this is the quickest turnaround i've ever seen from the time that a governor made a disaster declaration to getting that granted. what that means for the layperson out there is because the president so swiftly granted my application for disaster declaration that means it triggered all the resources of fema to help texas and what you will see over the coming weeks and months is a tremendous rebuilding from all this damage and a large part of that will be because of fema helping out. we are very appreciative of the way the president and the white house has responded to this catastrophe. >> chris: from all the forecasts that you're getting, sir, how much longer is texas, the people, the millions of people there going to be under the gun from harvey, whether it's a hurricane or tropical storm? >> governor abbott: understand that what i'm about to tell you is not precise in perfection but for multiple reports i'm hearing that we can expect torrential rain and the greater houston and east texas area for days to come. remember this, the focus on tv right now is the houston area. there are miles upon miles outside of the houston area were a lot of people will face a lot of challenges because of rain, flooding and rice and water. we got a big task on our hands for at least several days if not a week. >> chris: when you say torrential rains are we talking 3 feet, 4 feet, and if so, what to do about that? how to try to help save those people? >> governor abbott: chris, measuring rain these days not an issue and tell and just putting feet. we are prepared to deal with that in multiple ways, for example overnight are national guard deployed to houston, texas, multiple high-level vehicles that are going to be manned by the national guard. we are deploying boats and helicopters to be involved in swift water rescues and that would be not just any houston or harris county area, but that would be all over east texas where you can see all the heavy flooding. all we can do is to provide as many resources as possible to achieve goal number one, that is to save as many lives as we can. >> chris: governor abbott, i want to thank you, especially for taking the time to talk to us in the midst of all this, sir, please know that the rest of the country has the people of texas and our thoughts and prayers. >> governor abbott: thank you so much. >> chris: up next, north korea launches more missiles. how will the u.s. respond? secretary of state rex tillerson joins a foreign exclusive interview. with full service brokerage firms... again. and online equity trades are only $4.95... i mean you can't have low cost and be full service. it's impossible. it's like having your cake and eating it too. ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs. how am i going to explain this? if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab. schwab, a modern approach to wealth 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especially the impact it's having on the oil and gas sector they are on gulf coast? >> secretary tillerson: my wife and i are both native texans, we still make our home in texas and our families are all in texas. we have many, many friends, family that are in the affected areas in both her in mind thoughts and prayers go out to those that are affected, 12 million is what i understand now in the state of texas are being impacted. i think with respect to the response of the state of texas, governor abbott doing a remarkable job dealing with the ongoing problem and i think it's important for people to understand and recognize, president trump has convened in all cabinets meeting yesterday. they were going to have another one later this morning to ensure that all agencies were doing everything they can to support the state of texas and its response. with respect to the gas industry, they have been through this many, many times, probably among the most repaired for these types of events so they do a lot of prestaging of capability but there will be challenges that are created by a storm of this magnitude and a storm that's going to last as long as this one is. i'm confident that they will respond capably and the government have facilitated that with early action as well. >> chris: let's turn to your day job. north korea fired three short-range missiles on friday. what message do you think the regime is sending? >> secretary tillerson: the firing of any ballistic missile is a violation of resolutions but we do view it as a provocative act, a provocative act against the united states and our allies. we continue to want the kim regime to understand is a different path that he can choose. the international community has been quite clear with the unanimous 15-0 approval of's account security council resolution imposing extreme sanctions on north korea. there's also a unified international echoing our messages that no one wants to see a nuclear korean peninsula. we are all unified in our mission to safety nuclear rise the korean peninsula. we look forward to an opportunity to how we might engage with them. >> chris: this week before the missile test both you and the president suggested that kim might be backing off of his missile program. here both of you are. >> kim jong un, i respect the fact that i believe he is starting to respect us. >> i am pleased to see that the regime in pyongyang has certainly demonstrated some level of restraint that we have not seen in the past. >> chris: or both of you wrong about kim? >> secretary tillerson: i don't know that we are wrong, chris. i think it's going to take some time to tell. this type of launch again, it is a violation of security council resolutions. clearly they are still messaging us as well that they are not prepared to completely back away from their position. having said that we are going to continue our peaceful pressure campaign as i have described that working with allies, working with china as well, to see if we can bring the regime in pyongyang to the negotiating table, begin a dialogue on the different feature for korean peninsula and for north korea. >> chris: president trump pledged this week to fight and win in afghanistan and i want to play a clip from his speech on monday. >> conditions on the ground, not arbitrary timetables, will guide our strategy from no one. >> chris: mr. secretary, how open-ended is that commitment? how many troops as the president prepared to send to afghanistan, how long as he prepared to keep them there? >> secretary tillerson: i think the president has been clear, chris, that this is a dramatic shift in terms of the military strategy. we are shifting from a time-based military strategy that had very clear troop ceiling levels as compared to now, he indicated a conditions-based strategy, dictated by conditions on the ground informed by battlefield commanders. he has also delegated significant authority to secretary mattis to set troop levels but has also been able to delegate for the military commanders in the field to begin to turn the tide against the taliban. i think we all recognize for the past couple of years that caliban has been advancing and afghan forces have been unable to push them back. there will be a definite change in military tactics on the ground. all of this is directed to the telegram that we are not going anywhere. we're going to be here, we will continue to fight for the afghan government, support the security forces and what needs to happen is the taliban need to engage with afghan government in a process of reconciliation and developing a way to govern the country in the future. >> chris: the point i guess i'm trying to get at is when you say that you were going to be there until they get that message, is that an open-ended commitment? are you saying whatever the president's view whatever it takes to make >> secretary tillerson: the president is clear that he is not setting any arbitrary timelines. he's not committing to any deadlines. in his speech, you will recall he did say that our patients is not unlimited. our time is not unlimited. what the president -- >> chris: was talking about in terms of the afghan government? >> secretary tillerson: correct. i think what the president has indicated as we are not going to set arbitrary deadlines. we are going to monitor the conditions on the ground and our decisions will be formed around the progress on the ground. >> chris: there's also the question of how this administration defines victory in afghanistan and you and the president talked about that in somewhat different terms, here you both are. >> attacking our enemies, obliterating isis, crushing al qaeda, preventing the taliban from taking over afghanistan, and stopping mass terror attacks against americans before they emerge. >> this entire effort is intended to put pressure on the taliban to have the taliban understand you will not win a battlefield victory. we may not win one but neither will you. >> chris: mr. secretary, is which is a it? >> secretary tillerson: the war against isis is quite clear, chris on the president has been clear that we will defeat isis. we will to eliminate their abiy to organize, raise financing, to recruit new recruits to their fight to carry out terrorism extra the world. that is progressing quite well. we are well on our way to defeating isis. we have now taken the caliphate from them in iraq, over 70% of the territory has been recovered, none of it has been lost back to those forces. almost 2 million displaced iraqi people have returned to their homes. in the fight in syria we are in the process of liberating the self designated capital. that liberation is going quite well. it's our expectation that we will defeat isis in syria and iraq and then our effort is global to ensure that isis does not reemerge elsewhere. all terrorist organizations have somewhat different objectives so whether it's isis, al qaeda, the taliban or others, our objective is to deny any terrorist organization any territory with which they can organize, raise financing, recruit new fighters, develop techniques for carrying out terrorist attacks and then deploying those. we know that if we deny them the space to do that we protect the homeland, we also protect americans and our allies as wel well. in the case of afghanistan, afghanistan has a history of being a refuge for some of the most devastating attacks carried out, as well know the attack of 9/11 was organized and carried out from afghanistan. in afghanistan we have to secure afghanistan in a way that that can never occur again because there's no territory available. >> chris: sebastian gorka, one of the president spokesman on foreign policy was fired on friday following firing of steve bannon and some folks are saying that this is a victory of the globalist and they include you in that group, over the so-called "america first." sebastian gorka in his resignation letter wrote this about the afghanistan speech. the fact that those who drafted and approved the speech remove any mention of radical islam or radical islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of the presidential campaign has been lost. is he right? >> secretary tillerson: i think is completely wrong. it shows a lack of understanding of the president's broader policy when it comes to protecting americans at home and abroad from all acts of terrorism. terrorism, as we've said, it manifests itself in many types of organization. the president has charged us to develop policies and tactics most diplomatically and militarily to attack terrorism in as many forms wherever it exists in the world and wherever it might present a threat to the homeland or to americans anywhere. this means that we have to develop techniques that are global in nature. all we want is to ensure that terrorists do not have the capability to organize and carry out attacks. >> chris: what you make of this division between america first and so-called "globalist"? >> secretary tillerson: i don't see any division. i think it's a question of tactics and how you achieve those objectives. i think the president has been clear in his speech in afghanistan that we are not undertaking nation-building. we will be shifting our diplomatic and aid in development as well to coincide with the present fear that the afghan government and that african people must own their form of government and they must come to reconciliation with all ethnic groups including the taliban. a peaceful country who does not support terrorism, does not provide safe havens are terrorist and does not align itself with any terrorist organizations or countries that do. that's what winning looks like. feeling a little over a minute left, the controversy over the racial protest in charlottesville in the president's response to it has become an international issue. a human you and committee has unequivocally rejected and condemned the recent violent demonstrations. she was the president talk more about the media than he was about the neo-nazis and the cla clan. >> the only people giving a platform to these hate groups is the media itself and the fake news. does that make it harder for you to push american values on the world when some foreign leaders question presidents values? >> secretary tillerson: we express american values from the state department. her commitment to freedom, equal treatment to people world over. >> chris: when the committee response to it does it seems to say they begin to doubt whether we are living those values. >> secretary tillerson: i don't believe anyone doubts the american people's values or the commitment of the american government or the government agencies to advancing those values and depending those values. >> chris: and the presidents values? >> secretary tillerson: the president speaks arms, chris. >> chris: have you separating us all from that, sir? >> secretary tillerson: i gave my own comments in the state department last week. >> chris: thank you, thanks for coming today, always a pleasure to talk with you, sir. >> secretary tillerson: my pleasure, sir. >> chris: stay safe. >> secretary tillerson: keep them in your prayers. >> chris: you back. up next we will bring in our sunday group to discuss president trump pardoning former arizona sheriff joe r powell. plus, what would you like to ask the panel about the party? go to facebook or twitter, @foxnewssunday, and we may use your question on the air. >> chris: coming up, the president parties former arizona sheriff joe arpaio. >> to the people in this room like sheriff joe. >> chris: we will ask our panel about the political and >> was sheriff joe convicted for doing his job? patient have had a jury, but you know what, i will make a prediction, i think is going to be just fine, okay? >> chris: president trump in phoenix clearly hinting he was going to pardon sheriff joe arpaio. in fact, a line from the godfather, today i settle all family business and while the country was watching hurricane harvey friday night the president set up guidelines for banning transgender's in the military and pardoning sheriff joe. time now for our sunday group. g.o.p. strategist karl rove. columnist for the hill juan williams. catherine lucey, who covers the white house for the associated press, and josh holmes, mitch mcconnell's former chief of staff and the g.o.p. strategist. sheriff arpaio was convicted last month of criminal contempt for defying a court order to stop detaining latinos on suspicions that they might be illegal. his opponents called it racial profiling. we asked if her questions about the parts of his parking and maria swanson tweeted this. if the law doesn't apply to arpaio, should it apply to anyone else? how do you answer maria, what do you think of the pardoning as a legal proposition and also if the politics of a? >> the president is entitled under the constitution to have an unlimited power of pardon. i think he exercised it in this instance. sheriff arpaio was found guilty of violating a federal order for over a year that's a to stop racially profiling people, but for driving with teen or walking with tina when he openly defied it. this did not go through the normal routine of pardon applications, because the department of justice, drafted into the white house, didn't go through the regular process, review by outside lawyers, i think the president is making a political statement, an ally of his was about ready to go to jail for six months or so and he stepped in. he had the right to do it, i think it was a bad mistake and a bad signal. >> chris: and there's also a report of "the washington post" today that the president has actually talks beforehand to the attorney general jeff sessions about not bringing the case in the first place. juan, some critics are suggesting, i will refer back to what carl wishes sin, no appeal, no expression of remorse, no review by the justice department, may in some sense send a signal that some of his aides that might be at an under investigation in the unrelated investigation by special counsel mueller to take care of them, too. >> this was not an act of mercy for someone who had been denied justice. sheriff arpaio had not been sentenced yet. he's been convicted but not sentenced. this was a preemptive act by president trump that i think then sets the precedent going in that he can act in terms of parties with little review from the justice department to help out someone who was a family member, someone who was a political ally. if you remember arpaio was not only an early supporter of donald trump, he was an early birther and he is the face of hostility towards eminence, particularly with mexicans and latinos in his country. a political act that he promised his base on tuesday night at that rally and he hasn't delivered on that promise in such a way that in the future such acts of pardon are now more normal. he can say this set a pattern and he can pardon family, friends and allies. >> chris: josh, are we overanalyzing this? >> i don't think there's any great threat to democracy here. he's not really broad authority to do just about anything he wants. an 85-year-old law enforcement officer who may or may not get six months in prison as a result of a guilty verdict. in comparison to some of the pardons and clemency that we've seen over the last decade or two decades. it sort of pales in comparison. my guess is that your reaction to this is probably direct attribution to how you feel about joe arpaio. not my cup of tea, but i speak for a lot of trump supporters, he's the face of law & order. >> i think very quickly, sorry for interrupting, the idea of you wonderment of federal court order and say that law enforcement is not subject to equal justice under the law, when nixon was pardoned by ford, huge pushback, even from the president of the united states along a double standard to be put in place for a former president. >> we now recognize that was a great act on behalf of our country. it united her country by putting that issue behind us. the suggestion that there is a grand strategy to pardon arpaio and signal to anybody who might be involved in the campaign, russian mentally, it just doesn't work. there's no strategy behind it. this was an act on impulse by the president. it has no relationship to the ongoing investigation of russia, there is no, in my opinion, belief that we are going to send a message. >> chris: i want to switch quickly to another subject, the president exploited his fight with the members of congress. it's become a pretty long roll call, let's put it up on the screen. mitch mcconnell, bob corker, john mccain, speaker ryan. you have a dog in this fight, josh, as a former chief of staff to mitch mcconnell. is that the president separating himself and picking fights with all these members, republican leaders, is that going to make it harder for him to pass and then to pass the agenda? >> no question. a great piece in "the washington post" this weekend that explores presidential triangulation and it can be a very effective strategy at times. one is not effective is when your party runs congress and were headed towards midterms. it has one practical effect attacking her own party, tribes, the overall, republicans versus democrats on generic ballot. played out to its logical extensive and is it means the democrats have a heck of a lot better shot in the midterms than it probably would ordinarily and otherwise. if democrats take over the house and at this president believes is democratic based it is not going to enforce impeachment proceedings he hasn't been paying attention to what's happening. >> chris: one other more immediate issue, one of the things washington must do in september is it's got to keep funding the government, which runs out of money on september september 30th. the president had something interesting to say about that this week. >> believe me, we have to close down our government, we are building a wall. >> chris: catherine, what are your sources in the white house telling? is this president really prepared to force a government shutdown in the thickets funding for the wall? >> i've been talking with a republican in outside of this white house there is a sense that we shouldn't be this as a completely empty threat. this president us frustrated. he hasn't moved his agenda more, his base cares deeply about immigration, his base cares about the wall. look at the rally in phoenix, people were chanting as they have been for over a year, "build the wall." >> chris: what leverage does he have? he's going to the democratic votes and democrats are going to say you want to shutdown the government over the wall, we're not going to give you the woman you are going to on the shutdow shutdown. >> he certainly doesn't have leverage over democrats on the long. he is going to continue to push on this, he wants to see something on the wall and he's not backing down from a fight, even if it's with his own party. >> chris: we need to take a breaker, panel. when we come back the president launches a new effort in afghanistan while north korea launches any provocation. we will get our panel's reaction when come right back. >> america's enemies must never know our plans believe they can wait us out. i will not say when we are going to attack, but attack we will. >> chris: president trump vowing to be unpredictable as he re-commits to fighting and winning the war in afghanistan. we are back now with the panel. karl, you were in the white house 16 years ago when president bush launched the war in afghanistan. did president trump make the right decision in recommitting, and what you think of the strategy that he laid out? >> i think he did. there's no good decision on this. he took the best of the available options, which is to sustain the afghan government and its military in this fight. and to make a commitment to add additional u.s. troops to allow them to do this. it's a big change from what president obama did. president obama was not conditions on the ground, it was an arbitrary deadline. we were thankfully safe from having these so-called zero option exercises in 2012 fire allies who convince president obama that simply because was up for election was not reason enough to withdraw the u.s. and nato troops. our only chance to keep afghanistan for becoming once again that payment for international terrorism is to win like this and trump to the right thing on monday night by recommitting america. >> chris: juan, there are real questions about whether sending more troops -- and this first appointment, although the president one announcer, is going to be 4,000 troops, is that going to make any real difference in ending, winning, ending america's america's longest war? >> you go back to '11, we had 100,000 troops on the ground so i don't think and 4,000 troops, the existing 8,000 or so on the ground is going to make any radical difference. the key here seems to me, with the president said, we have to have talks with the taliban. but we are from rex tillerson this morning in his interview with you, but also earlier is that the taliban will have victories on the battlefield, we need to talk. that's where the focus of this should be. at the moment with so many generals surrounding this president i think the general subset let's look for a military solution. and i think it plays into a lot of republican news about obama pulling out too quickly, we want to make sure that we are there, the search back in '061 president bush added forces into iraq, but that's really not what this is about. this should be about getting pakistan, afghanistan, the united states, our allies come to the table. >> chris: does more to talk about that, but i also want to talk about the other big news because there was this latest from north korea where, on friday night, they fired up three more missiles. here's what secretary of state tillerson set about the regime a few weeks ago. >> we do not seek a regime change, we do not seek the collapse of the regime. >> chris: does this president, doesn't this administration have a clear plan to how they will deal with the regime? >> so far the response has been pretty muted. you saw this this morning from the secretary, he noted the provocative acts and said they want to continue with this peaceful pressure. it seems like for now what i'm hearing is there is interest in seeing how the sanctions play out, the sanctions that came earlier this month. that seems to be for the moment with this latest at what they are looking at. >> chris: about fire and fury, locked and loaded a couple of weeks ago, that's been dialed back by the administration? >> you saw that earlier this week. the secretary praised him for restraint, the president. the way this most recent conflict played out they seemed pretty satisfied with how that went. for now this seems to be how they're looking at it. >> chris: josh, i gently pointed this out to the secretary of state, one in talking about restraint and he respects us and then he fires up three missiles, they look a little silly, don't they? >> they did. you get the impression by listening to the president and listen to the secretary of state over the last week that they were proceeding as if they are dealing with a rational actor here. i think anybody who has seen the way that u.s. foreign policy has proceeded with north korea over the last two decades, it's pretty clear that we are not dealing with a rational actor at all. the one thing they crave more than anything is the attention of the american people. i think to the extent that there has been a more muted response is probably a pretty good thing. every time the fire something off into the water next to the korean peninsula doesn't mean the american people need to rush out and noted. i can't fault them for their response to this. >> chris: karl, the president likes to say he inherited a message north korea and when he talks about inheriting a mess it's including from your bush 43 in addition to obama and clinton. from your days in the white house, what lesson did you learn about dealing with this problem and with this regime? >> they do crave attention so you don't want to give them attention and less necessary. i have to say i think president trump to the right thing when they were talking about launching missiles towards the u.s. territory of guam and that's when he made the fire and fury comment and that's mattis where said if you fire it's an act of war. they dropped the plan towards launching missiles towards guam and instead shot three intermediate range missiles and short-range missiles into the ocean. who cares? i think it was the right response when they were saying we are threatening u.s. territory, right response today to say we are not paying much attention to you shooting the short-range missiles, we knew you had the capacity to do that already. >> chris: on that hopeful note, we will see you next sunday. up next to our "power player of the week," a voice of her generation, better than mine, shows no indication of slowing shows no indication of slowing down . just because i configured this car online doesn't mean it really exists at a dealership, but with truecar, i get real pricing on actual cars in my area. i see what others paid for them, and they show me the ones that match the car i want, so i know i can go to a truecar-certified dealer and it'll be right there waiting for me... today, right now. this is truecar. >> chris: the music business is notoriously tough and fickle. singers have one big hit and are never heard from again. which is why as we told you and make it so remarkable for someone to keep turning out classics for more than 50 years. here's our power player of the week. >> i think a thing from childhood and last week, i think of things from tomorrow. ♪ >> chris: trudy collins is talking about what she thinks of when she sings a song, something she's done so memorably for more than half a century. ♪ >> all of a sudden you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. it was totally magical. >> chris: collins exploded on the music scene in new york's greenwich village in 1961. it was the world of pete seeger and woody guthrie and bob dylan. >> chris: know mike was at the music that attracted you are the message? >> it was creative, it was exciting, it was music, people were writing songs about every aspect of life. >> chris: it was a world where late one night joni mitchell sang her both sides now over the phone. what did you think? >> i said i will be right over! this is fantastic! >> chris: is there a phrase like? >> tears and fears, to say i love you write out loud. >> chris: how would you choose what works for you and what didn't? >> if it hits me here i sing it, if that doesn't happen i never want to hear it again. >> chris: in 1975: start another song by stephen sondhei sondheim. >> is integrate dominic how could you not want to sing that song? >> chris: it won the grammy for song of the year. collins made her mark in other ways, protesting for civil rights and against the war in vietnam. and in addition to sending her own songs and others are failing love affair with stephen stills inspired him to write the classic sweet judy blue eyes. ♪ >> chris: he was trying to win you back. >> he was. >> chris: didn't work? >> no. i said it's beautiful but it's not going to get me back. >> chris: before we knew it collins was giving us a private concert. at age 78 she still does more than 100 performances a year. ♪ >> i love to sing. the lights on and the music is on the sound is great and the band is great and i'm exactly where i should be doing what i should be doing. >> chris: no plans to retire? >> oh, my god, it's not in my repertoire! i think part of it is that i am an artist and artists don't retire. >> chris: this summer, judy collins is on tort with that old boyfriend stephen stills marking the first time they've shared the stage. now this program notes, stay tuned to the this station and fox news channel for the latest on hurricane harvey and the terrible aftermath and flood and we told about earlier. that's it for today, have a great week and we will see you next "fox news sunday" ." next "fox news sunday" ." ♪ food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. good morning. sunday, august 27th. i'm claudine wong. >> i'm frank mallicoat. we have the sunday forecast in a moment. first we have headlines. berkeley police are preparing for protests. a rally is planned for civic park has been canceled. the organizer urged people not to show up. >> as we saw yesterday, protestors are likely to show up any way. overnight patriot prayer confirmed it will be going to berkeley. more on that coming up. patriot prayer canceled the planned rally then after fences went up at alamo square it canceled a news conference. >> they ended up in pacifica. they announced they would head to berkeley later today.

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