Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20151021 :

Transcripts For KTVU RightThisMinute 20151021

floorboard. ♪ we've seen a lot of spear fishing videos on the show recently. that's what these guys were doing. beautiful waters. visibility not all that great. time to look for fish. he got more than he was bargaining for. >> shark! >> that is a great white and his reaction was just like yours, oli. >> he's going to need a bigger spear. >> he's seen great whites in the water and knows often times they don't care that you're there. except this was an aggressive big little sucker. >> watch it. >> he does use his spear to numg the shark away. it does give the diver an opportunity to get back up to the surface. >> the boat is like 50 meters away. >> i know. >> i would be michael phelpsps at this point. >> as the diver looks back in the water you see the shark coming right at him again. >> what? >> the three divers can have it out -- >> that's not a boat. that's a dinghy. they're going to need a bigger boat. >> when he is on the surface they get there in time to get him out of the water but their friend is still in the water and that's when he says the panic really started kicking in. >> yes. >> yes. [ inaudible ]. >> a few seconds later you see the buddy's head pop up. >> mike, mike, mike. >> it's that moment three guys with spears feel like they're kings of the ocean and takes one second to remind them you're almost lunch. ♪ let's take a crash course in defensive driving 101. the first rule is always drive for the other guys especially in russia where we'll start. i want you to focus in on these two cars here. the smaller car sees that the suv in front of it isn't going to pick a lane so as they go through the intersection it moves over and the car straddles the line and well -- >> oh! >> the car hits the pole, topples and the suv just keeps going on about its merry way. >> from the way the suv was driving i don't think he noticed, you know. i don't know what you're talking about. in australia we will learn why dash cams are becoming ever so popular. so you'll hear these folks in their car talking. they're parked. when suddenly the car behind them -- >> oh, [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> you'll see the guy get out of the car, checks out his car, checking out the damage, look at the other people in the car and they get out and start to deny it. >> [ inaudible ]. >> nice driving. nice try. >> no, no, no. that guy must be a lawyer. >> as the guy in the wrong points the finger there's cameras all around. >> cameras everywhere. >> i know. >> a an argument he wants to make the camera will prove otherwise. >> the camera never lies. >> oh, [ bleep ]. you can [ bleep ]. ♪ this is perry and the image may be very difficult for some people to look at because perry was found starving, sick and too weak to hunt for food but he was found by animal aid unlimited in india and they took him in. as you can see here after a few days of iv fluids and love he already looks a lot better. >> that's unreal. >> oh, my gosh. looks like a completely different dog. the way he looked at first did not look like he could look like that. >> he looked honestly minutes away from death, you know. >> that dog think about it couldn't even hunt for food, a case of mange and the people took him in and he's like i wants kisses, i want kisses. >> amazing what a little tlc can do. >> tlc and medicine. look, the first images yes, he was close to death's door. couldn't eat for himself. look at the sores on his behind parts. >> looked like he had been through war. >> only had this mohawk streak down the back of his neck but it's wonderful that these people were able to find him and give him the help he needed. >> or that they did because there are so many people, especially in that situation, would be like i suppose we should put the dog down. no, they don't ever do that. incredible what they can do. >> almost like they were there to help him. >> they said he was so weak he probably didn't try to get away when they got him because he was just that sick. the guys at epic tv running a competition rise of the drones and sent us some of the best and why wouldn't you take part. best film would win 4,000 years, 4.5 million u.s. dollars. the best action. these guys have gone out to an old winter olympic run of some kind which has been pulled apart and they start pulling out the crazy snowboarding moves. >> did they give him a tenuous shot after the film. >> hopefully they did it before. >> right. >> this is the definition of epic. you know, this old repurposed snowboarding pipe and the ski jump and the graffiti and the rust, the debris, everything, it's -- >> awesome. >> awesome. >> awesome. >> epic. >> epic. it's epic. >> this one got an honorable mention for best cinematography and within a half millisecond you're figuring out as to why. >> it's making us jealous. >> looks like a postcard before you press play. >> looks like one of the -- >> i would not want to be one of the judges. >> no. >> can you imagine trying to decide which video is better than the next. >> the last one is also an honorable mention got the honorable mention for the most abstract video. you can see again instantly what's going on. they've mirrored the shot and got this guy doing the sort of tricks. once they bring it together kind of like half kaleidoscope they give you a really neat effect. >> they had to give them honorable mention for that because that is so unusual, so clever and so eye bending. >> yeah. >> two guys face off in the square. >> the cop has a stick but the guy tackles the officer. he's throwing punches. >> what led to the beat down that had bystanders stepping up "back to the future" was all about today so -- >> let's see how close we are to the future we expected. >> sneakers. >> see what the iconic movie got right and what they got way wrong. s out for a bike ride. i didn't think i'd have a heart attack. but i did. i'm mike, and i'm very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. closed captioning provided by -- perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. this was shown to authorities and the two videos from brazil will boggle your mind. you see a gang on a boat and they have a hostage. the man hold his arms up. he is one of a group of people who claim they were held up by this gang. they made their escape with the hostage in the boat. >> oh. >> one of the gang members fires at a police boat. as police boat is capturing these guys trying to make their escape on film and some of them do escape. they make it close to this wall and jump in the water and kind of scurry like rats in different directions. however, hours later, two of the men in this gang were caught and they say one guy was smiling when they hauled him into the police station. >> these videos are becoming so prevalent out of brazil and it can't be good for them in the run up to the summer olympics. this is a thing a lot of people are worrying about. people from all over the world are heading to this country and the level of violence is a bit scary. this next video comes from a public square where there was a fountain and some people say kids and teens were playing in the fountain and they said the police guard came up and yelled at the kids and said you can't play in there. this guy apparently didn't like how the officer was talking to the kids so he went after the cop. >> [ inaudible ]. >> the cop has a stick but the guy tackles the officer. he's throwing punches and then he pulls the club from the officer. now another man at this point tries to intervene but the club pulled from the officer, now somebody is trying to take it from the guy who got it. this police officer had to make a report to the civil police about what happened. civil police say there was no indication that the officer's behavior was inappropriate, but some people did speak to local media and they said they didn't like how the officer spoke to them and said he was, quote, disrespecting everybody. police say this man in this video who did this could face six years in jail for this incident. >> dude. ♪ today is officially the day. this is the day where marty mcfly traveled to the future and back to the future 2. i have been waiting for this day forever. it's here. let's see how close we are. couple things you might recognize. >> doc brown. >> and mcfly. >> time sneakers. >> he shouldn't have to wait too long. nike max in 2015, nike are going to be dropping those power laced shoes. but the one thing they realize they got wrong in "back to the future 2". >> can you believe fax machines will still be around. >> that's not a fax machine. >> what do you fax? >> i fax the people i fax. >> fax machines and the future not so much. but at the same time there are things out there. let's drop the hoverboard 2015. it happened. other people are getting in on it as well. this commercial from pepsi. ♪ ♪ new generation carrying on the tradition pepsi the future is now ♪ >> pepsi perfect. remember when he went to cafe and he got the pepsi in the cool little bottle. >> did you see the movie "jaws 19". >> a shame there's no trailer for "jaws 19." there is. >> "jaws 19" this time it's really, really personal. >> brought to us by universal. >> totally. it's october 21st. >> everybody is. this is a movie we all grew up with. >> will the cubs win. >> my head will explode. you have universal, ford, pepsi, everyone jumping on board. the clip i showed you they're dropping the full length video of that today. just so you can enjoy "back to the future" day with us we will stick the videos up on our website. head over to and click on tv show or use our very futuristic mobile app. if you ladies are looking for halloween ideas nikki tutor ral has the thing for you. a little creepy, little glam, she calls it queen of the dead. first start off with the palest foundation you can find. and blend it all up. next, we're going to contour and sculpt with a darker color. suck those cheeks in. >> this is called cherry cola. >> this is going inside your crease and focusing most of it on the inside portion here. >> she's showing us how to get those glamorous eyes and you're going to smoke outs the bottom part of your eye. >> basically she's like a human photo shop machine. >> going to bleach my brows using just a water activated aqua color. >> she wants to white out her entire face. and now for the teeth. >> first black to add definition. >> that's going to create the darkness within the teeth and do it around the top of her lips and in tthe creases and then dr the teeth on with white paint. grab contacts one is an all white and add on a wig for glam and a crown and there you have it, queen of the dead. ♪ . just in time for halloween, a favorite prankster is at it again. >> that's not cool. >> on the next "right this minute." >> and still to come -- this guy is ready to make the climb. >> going up this very rocky mountain here. >> and he's doing it in a slow but steady approach. >> see why slow and steady doesn't win him anything this time around. >> guys. >> oh! >> plus -- >> what is this. >> the wifey surprise has got this guy feeling wonderful. >> i would do the same thing. you totalled your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. new car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy. and for drivers with accident forgiveness,rates won't go up due to your first accident. learn more by calling switch to liberty mutual and you can save up to $509. for a free quote today,call liberty mutual insurance at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. now, let's talk about lancaster. classic caramel reimagined into buttery rich creams. so surprisingly soft, they melt in your mouth, while you sit back and say, "wow." lancaster,caramel reimagined. promotional considerations provided by -- fast. allegra® relieves your worst allergy symptoms two times faster than claritin®. allegra® gelcaps... not just fast. allegra® fast. abdominal pain? you may have ibs. ask your doctor if new, non-prescription ibgard is right for you. ibgard calms the angry gut. available at cvs and walgreens. how would you like to win an ipad mini. all you have to do is watch "right this minute" every day. look out for us to announce the buzzword during the show and you could win. it's easy. the only way to win is to watch "right this minute." it all starts monday. good luck, everybody. the motor raceway in australia for the 10-hour race and if you're going to be on a raceway for that long you foe that crashes are imminent. as they're going around the turns on the track something suddenly comes out of nowhere. >> a kangaroo. >> a dingo. >> wombat. >> the spider a size of a car. >> no. >> whoa. >> what was that? >> it's just -- looked like another car fully out of control off the track. >> yep. you see that as the vehicles are making that right-hand turn, another car appears to be completely out of control and just crashes into both of those cars that were right up front and there are actually some pictures that show exactly what the cars looked like after. >> oh. >> the car -- yeah. that's a huge crunch on the side, but very lucky because there were no major injuries. now this other video i have to say looks really, really fun because this guy is on this vehicle over here going up this very rocky mountain here and he's doing so great. up until he's not doing so great anymore. >> oh. >> he loses control. the vehicle starts backing up and then this. >> guys. >> oh! >> [ bleep ]. >> oh. that poor guy. has no door. you can see when the car examines back around that dude hit some dirt. >> he got there. >> so close. >> but it was much better on the way down, much quicker. >> more exciting. >> no word on the aftermath of this incident. >> [ bleep ]. ♪ this woman is sure to get wife of the year because she knocked her husband completely off his feet. >> oh. the united center. what is this? a game? >> no. somewhere. >> you're kidding me. >> what do you see? >> you're kidding me. >> you cut me off. >> you -- >> that reaction could only mean one thing. she got him tickets to the stevie wonder concert. his favorite. yes, gayle. see that. >> i would do the same thing. >> the cool thing he seems so surprised, didn't see it coming at all, assuming it will probably be a sports game or something as a guy, but no, she nailed it perfectly. >> she said that, of course, stevie wonder was phenomenal the only thing besides a beautiful woman that might make a woman scream like that he would. >> he looked like a kid that was going to disneyland. for a second. that was awesome. >> oh! a dude mixes up a ketchup concoction in the kitchen. >> see why this prank is about to get heated. >> [ inaudible ]. not any more. are you still waiting to change your bath tub? when i finally did it, it changed everything! only bath fitter can give you the new tub you've been waiting for, in as little as one day. with their unique tub over tub process. isn't that amazing! bath fitter will measure and make you a new custom bathtub that they install right over your existing one, without tearing out your old tub. what an innovative idea! and every bath fitter installation is backed by their lifetime warranty, plus, 30 years of experience. that's what got me. so i did it. i called the experts at bath fitter, and now i have a gorgeous new acrylic tub, with beautiful seamless walls that guarantee a water-tight fit! look at my before and after pics. the color, the pattern, and all the new accessories were selected by me. a new bath tub changes your life. and it's never been more affordable! measure. make. install. it's easy, with bath fitter. don't wait! call today, or learn more at nick calderon, something of a prankster. the other kay he covered my truck in a giant spider webb. i'm being stalked by a spider the size of a dough berman. i've been looking for a prank. >> i thought if i put baking sh soda in catch chep that would make a catketchup bomb. >> uputs the ketchup to the sid and waits. trouble getting the top off because of a little pressure or a lot of pressure. >> oh! >> that's on the ceiling. >> it's on the ceiling. hard core. actually. i didn't expect it to work that well. i guess because of the small opening at the top of the ketchup acts like a rocket. >> it's not funny. it's in my eyes. it's burning. >> it's burning. calm, calm, calm. >> how about now. >> that is disgusting. >> this stings. >> he explains why. >> a quick science lesson. bloody ketchup. >> oh, yeah. that's right. >> out of his nose on to his shoe as well. >> tries to explain. >> exploded right now. >> my guess, as long as you are willing to be part of the cleanup crew it's funny. >> no. >> i wouldn't wipe a single thing down. >> you like ketchup, gayle. >> yes, i do. >> cool. that's all for today. thanks for watching, everyone. see you next time on "right this minute." how are you doing? nice to see you. >> making small talk with the mountain lion who -- >> is getting closer and closer. >> see one scared guy try to scene calm with danger. >> right in front of me. when you realize what's on the suv you will wonder. >> have people completely lost their mind. >> the dangerous stunt that got dad arrested. a red bull athlete shows fencing skills in an urban environment because -- >> he's training. >> now miles walks and reveals the challenge of hailing a cab in fencing gear. >> the cab drove away because i had a giant sword. plus -- a

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Australia , India , Russia , Brazil , Mike , Nick Calderon ,

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