Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430 20161011 : vimars

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430 20161011

now, hopefully stays that way. couple of accident out there, whole lot of construction to talk about. >> it does look like the wet letter stray that way, not just today but many days to come here. there is a cold front eventually comes through later in the week. even that looks like it eventually comes through. >> eventually even then it doesn't look like it comes through with any wet weather. >> it is chilly. come on, it is cold, wait until you see some of the temperatures, and there is a frost advisory to talk about, that's where we turn our folk us to start things off. i feel you on this one, brooke, seriously, but for now, storm scan, i'm telling you, jim, i think a lot of people are breaking out the winter coats this morning, just wait. storm scan for now quiet. it is empty. we have virtually no cloud cover. frost advisory is in effect right now. philadelphia county not included basically the i95 corridor and just the mode yacht vicinity where it is not quite as cold, but it is chilly start to the day. forty-seven in philadelphia, very likely to drop even more than that, as the morning progresses, and typical low is 50. so we're within reason right now. spoiled as of late with mild temperatures, in the three's already in a lot of the outlying suburbs, that said, nothing but sunshine, lot of sun across the board here in philly, down the shore, up the mountains, even in the poconos, you probably don't even crack the 60 degrees mark here today. so, watching for the frost to form this morning, very light wind, what you see is what you get on the thermometer, it is chilly start to the day, expected to stay little below average as well as the day progresses, meisha, over to you. >> pay off is worth it, katie, especially know we are climbing to the 60s, good news. all right, thank you so much. looking outside right now, you guys, good morning, looking good. vine is closed for the overnight construction between the schuylkill and broad, heads up on that, jump on to the schuylkill, looking good, nice and quiet as it should, new jersey our first look, 42 freeway northbound at creek road, what you will look at there as you approach 29a starting to heat up, maybe people that had the day off yesterday will jump the roadways today. probably little busier. accident here, overturned vehicle in cherry hill, 2995 south before route 70, two left lanes block there, not going to slow you down too much right there at 4:30 in the morning, but certainly can already start to give you maybe little bit of gaper delay also slow you down, doesn't get cleared by the 5:00 hour. construction 295 north ram top 168 closed until 5:00 a.m. a lot more construction to talk about coming up. brooke, jim, back to you. >> developing right now, police are investigating a triple shooting in the sit's mayfair section. >> one of the young victims managed to run to northeast detective for help. jan carabeo live there now with the latest on the investigation. >> good morning, jan. >> reporter: that's right, 21 year old man who was shot in the neck came here to northeast detective last night for help, he was taken to the hospital and is currently in critical condition this morning. a 16 year old who was shot is also in the hospital, in critical condition, a 17 year old is dead, after being shot. take a look at the video. this all happened right around 9:00 last night in the 3100 block of sterling street in mayfair. number of people called last night, to police when they heard the gunfire. when police arrived eyewitnesses told them the shooting victims had run from the scene. now, two of those shooting victim showed up at area frankford on their own. sixteen year old was shot at least once in the stomach, the 17 year old was shot in his chest. died short time later at the hospital. the 21 year old taken to the hospital again by police when he showed up wounded here at northeast detective, and now investigators are trying to sort out if the victims are possibly also the shooters. and police say there could have been more shot last night based on the location of the scene. >> where the shooting took place is just directly across the street from a playgrounds, and a recreation center. so we know that there is normally a lot of teenagers, young adults, some even tender age children, that are usually in the area at this time due to the fact we have a rec center right across the street from where this shooting took place. >> now, at the scene, investigators also found a couple of discarded bicycles, also found a revolver, now trying to figure out who that weapon belongs to, and in the meantime, police are also searching that area for surveillance cameras, and video, and of course they want to talk to those two injured people now in the hospital in critical condition. we're reporting live outside northeast detective, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", brooke, jim, back into you. >> thanks, jan. in other news someone tampered with police crews nerve ogontz, now philadelphia police are trying to figure out who that was, suv parked at the 35th district station at broad and champ plows, around 8:30 last night, someone noticed burned piece of paper sticking out of the open gas tank. the suv was not damaged. >> firefighters battling flames coming from an apartment building in the west oaklane section of philadelphia. the fire department was cause at the 1600 block of west chelten avenue around 5:45 last night. firefighters arrived to find flames coming from the top floor after four story apartment building. the american red cross is assisting eight people, no word yet on the injuries or what caused that fire. well, it is a crucial day for pennsylvania voters in campaign 2016. >> that's right, today is the deadline to register in next month's election in the keystone state. if you live in delaware, the deadline is this saturday, october 15th. in new jersey, you have until next week, october 18th. donald trump singled out philadelphia, as he warns sport tears keep close eye on the election process. the republican presidential nominee repeated his claim that the system is rigged, and he told a rally in wilkes-barre he is worried about possible voting irregularities in philadelphia. trump however offered no proof. >> i hear such reports about philadelphia, we have to make shear people are protected that the vote count are 100%, everybody wants that. >> pennsylvania is a prime battleground state, today trump heads to another crucial state, florida. >> hillary clinton is also focusing on florida today. she is holding a rally with former vice president al gore in miami. yesterday the democratic presidential nominee was at ohio state university, ahead of tuesday's, excuse me, ahead of today's voter registration deadline. polls in the buckeye state show tight race between the presidential candidates. our coverage of campaign 2016 continues. justin finch has more in our next hour, and you can always find our campaign 2016 coverage on and on the cbs local app. >> philadelphia school district wants to hear what people think about his plans to revamp some of its lower performing schools. the district has identified 11 schools that plans to fix next fall. starting next week, school officials will be holding community meetings and school quality reviews before deciding on strategy for each school. for more information we have a link at >> happening today, philadelphia controller allen buck very much will update the public on the city's mail center problem. last year ' investigation showed thousands of bills, court violations sent late to people who live in philadelphia. workers improperly sorted mail had little regard for security while raking up over time hours. the city controller will hold a press conference at 11:00 this morning to let everyone know if these issues have been fixed. >> in other news, plans in the works to lengthen the popular schuylkill river trail. pennsylvania governor tom wolf announced $3 million state grant to expand the trail by about 2 miles. now, it would ends in southwest philadelphia between bartrum and passyunk point, right now it end near south street. some people we spoke with welcome the plans while others say they would like to see the money spent elsewhere. >> i'm happen which it just going down south street. >> i'm happy, very happen. >> i why is that? >> because then there will be more space, me and my friends to play. >> now, the project will cost an estimated $13 million. the ground breaking should occur sometime in 2017, about 29,000 people who use the trail each week. >> well, coming up: chick i can students almost have the day off today. >> that's because a teacher strike was set to begin today. teachers and school officials, though, manage to find common ground overnight. we'll tell you just how close the district came to a shutdown. >> plus new evacuations in carolina this morning, the dangerous reason officials are ordering people away after hurricane matthew. stay with us. start the interview with a firm handshake. ay,no! don't do that! try head & shoulders instant relief. it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100% flake free. try head & shoulders instant relief. for cooling relief in a snap. ♪...nausea, heartburn,♪ indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ (minutes before midnight deadline, both sides came to tentative agreement just hours ago, union set to strike this morning now the decision avert second major strike for chicago teachers since 2012. this morning, nearly 400,000 student will head to class. brush fire in california's wine country forcing people from their homes and threatening wineries. this is happening in nap a county. the fire broke out around 4:00 yesterday afternoon and has burned at least 50 acres. some mandatory evacuations are underway right now, the fire was only about 20% contained as of last night. but crews say cooler temps and light winds are helping their effort. >> more evacuations are being ordered this time in north carolina. and that's after hurricane matthew passed. it is because dangerous flooding is expected along the news river, south of greenville. the river was 7 feet above flood stage yesterday afternoon, and we hear it may rise another 5 feet this week. meanwhile, president obama has declared a major disaster in north carolina and that of course makes federal relief money available to areas dealing with the damage. twenty-six people have died in the carolinas, georgia and florida because of hurricane matthew. >> well the time now is 4:43. >> as you wake up make sure to grab a jacket. we're off to chilly start. and katie is on my side on this. officially a chilly, can we call it? >> can we call justin drabick? he goes out in blizzards with no coat on. >> , no because his body temperature is not normal. >> he always talks about this before, guys and gals tends to approach the cooler air differently. >> specially in this building. >> brooke and i constantly freezing, jim is constantly toasty and sweating. there is something to be said for that. >> exactly. >> that's a thing for sure. but i would say that, you know, if you tend to be on that side of the fence, where you get a little chillier, little easier than other people, you will probably want some extra layers today. i actually grabbed a winter coat myself this morning. not the worse idea. temperatures already in the 30's through the far outlying suburbs. thankfully not too much wind. but it is chilly outside by comparison, even to the norm at this point. storm scan nice and quiet. up and down the eastern seaboard, certainly again, no additional rain, certainly for matthew or anything else at this point for the carolinas, but i do also want to turn our focus here what else is going on in the drop,, slow churning nicole, thankfully not affecting any land areas at this point. but this storm system still expected to possibly regain its strength and eventually ride north toward bermuda at least making a very close path as it moves by potentially as category one hurricane in the next couple of days. this is another one of those very slow moving systems. a lot of times tropical systems tends to be. that will this could be another week before we're completely out of the woods with that storm. no threat to the eastern seaboard of the united states thankfully. today, crisp, cool, daytime high hitting 66, jay shy of seasonable by few more degrees. tonight it is chilly again, drop down to 49 degrees under generally clear skies. it looks real quiet. we have the komen three day kicking off on friday. it looks like the weather will be phenominal. warmest days of the pack the next few days tomorrow, thursday, as we await the approach of not just warm but cold frontal passage both of which come through dry. good news, meisha, over to you. >> beautiful forecast. all right, katie, thank you so much. good morning, everybody, happy tuesday. looking outside the ben franklin bridge looking good, pushing jersey into center city, quiet as it should. approach 5:00 hour. we can expect all roads to basically look like this. that's what they look like, here is the vine, looks like, that was closed overnight for construction, looks like the westbound side now opening, jump out on the schuylkill, eastbound side, usually follows fairly quickly after the westbound side does open. accident in cherry hill, overturned vehicle, 295 southbound before route 70. that was blocking two left lanes, now moved over to the shoulder. and also, gas line repairs here, route 202 blocked between marshall street and elm street. you have to use alternate. also another more minor accident in glassboro, union street, just make note of that. we're showing all green on the censor street. construction pa turnpike eastbound between downingtown, valley forge, right lane block there. we have more construction to talk about coming up in a little bit. brooke, over to you. >> thank, looking for a job? head to king of prussia. where the coats to coats career fair. hang at the double tree philadelphia valley forge from 11:00 until 2:00 this afternoon. more than 20 of the areas employers will be there to close to 1,000 jobs available. job seek remembers encourage today come early and bring at least 40 copies of their resume. >> one sure sign of fall is pumpkins. >> this morning we're getting a look at champion pumpkin from washington state. this 1,910-pound pumpkin was grown near the capitol which is olympia by third grade teacher, cindy tullback said show planted her prize named orange crush in april. look at this thing. the seed came from last year's winner a 2200 pounder, tullbeck wins $6 a pound in prize money. so that's like? >> $12,000. >> just under 12,000. >> ya! >> one heck of a hall there. well, a good work out at the end after frustrating day may sound like a good way to calm down. >> but that may be bad for your health. we'll show you the dangerous medical emergency a new stud suggest you increase your risk for, when you pump iron while you're mad. >> 4:49, time for a check on business news. >> jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, good morning, jill. >> you may not have to hide your computer screen the next time you're checking facebook at work, right? >> that's right. facebook has launched newspaper service called workplace. and it is meant to be used at work to connect co-workers. companies actually pay for the service. it is in the connected to existing facebook accounts, so users won't get caught up in baby pictures, political videos. you know what i mean. brooke, jim? >> jill, something another and dear to our heart. we understand there is a new high tech way to get a quiet night of sleep? >> yes, there is a new noise cancelling bubble. it actually makes an even sounds to block out snoring, honking and other unwanted noise. it is two speakers, create kind of like this bubble or virtual blanket. and it is designed to work with the acoustics of you are room, nightingale, cost about 269 bucks, controlled from an app, but if it works, i guess, that's pretty valuable. >> i think i am one of the few people on this shift that doesn't have a problem. i mean, i can sleep. >> no, i think that's normal. what, when you wake up at 1:30, should be able to go to sleep. i can go now, right here. >> some people -- but you don't go to bed at 5:00. >> but i could. i could. >> okay. >> i just dent want to because it is weird. >> okay, just call me old, jill. >> thanks a lot,. >> we'll check in with you in a hour. >> well, in today's health watch, when you're angry or frustrated do you try to blow up by working snout. >> that may be risky for your health. according to new, researchers at mc master university in ontario says being angry or upset doubles heart attack symptoms in a hour. heavy exercise is the same. makes sense when both angry and working out your risk for heart attack triple. they studied about 12,000 people who have suffered a first heart attack. >> that's serious. in my casey just eat ben and jerry's. >> okay, when you're angry? >> better way. >> for sure, i was telling meisha going to the gym makes me angry, so? >> well, it is a little cool outside allegedly. >> it is cold outside, katie. some part every our became frosty cold last night. >> that continues to be a problem, in fact, with frost advise rogue lasting until 9:00 this morning, in some suburbs, so we'll walk through the advisory, and tell but a little warming trends you can look forward to, coming welcome back, our theme song here, here's to the sunrise, beautiful one today, how much, calm winds, chill in the air, and nice clear sky live look in bethlehem, pa, will allow some frost to form, and at this point, it is sometimes tough to tell on a camera, but like that, but at this point, we've got temperatures dropping into the 30's in a lot of spots, and as a result, with the calm wind again frost can form. so let me walk you through the bullet point here quickly of the frost advisory currently in effect, until 9:00 this morning, for all of the northwest suburbs, draw a line from western chester up to upper bucks and go far northwest of that, all every you include in the this frost advisory, then also gloucester, camden, point southeast, down toward the shore line. you're also in the frost advisory. mainly interior, new jersey, the temperatures again dropping to the mid 30's, with the calm winds, it is definately chill in the air. look at some of the area temperatures, hopefully you had the for thought if you're just waking to up maybe bring in the mums sitting on your front porch, also your pets need to be inside, little chilly for them, too, in this but we do warm things up with time. quiet, forecast overall, just few additional clouds the next few days, but also have a chance to rebound back to the low 70s for few days of the forecast, as well. looks like good weekends. >> i am loving this fall weather, katie. thank you so much. looking outside, guys, loving your drive so much too. it is early, yes, and it will get busier. specially because a lot of people off yesterday will be jumping on the roadways today. right now, enjoy it, schuylkill eastbound, near spring garden, looking pushing in the eastbound and westbound direction, starting to heat up, not starting to heat up, but certainly starting to get one or two more vehicles out there. ninety-five south of the betsy ross bridge, what you are looking at there. kind of similar story, basically, anywhere we look. but we have an accident here in glassboro, union street, the one in cherry hill has now cleared. that was the overturned vehicle on 295, cleared, and coming up in a little bit. back to you. >> thank you, in the next hour of "eyewitness news", liver with the latest on murder in mayfair. >> three people were shot. we'll tell you where they went for help. also, we will show you what forced the evacuation of a north jersey mall last night. >> and his sweater sold out on line. now people are trying to get ken bone to run for office. we'll hear from the starve sunday night ace debate when we come back. stay with us. live from the cbs brouse of broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. murdered in mayfair, three people are shot including two teenagers, one of them has died. we're live with more on the investigation plus we'll tell you where one of the victims ran for help. >> also, this morning, a busy north jersey mall was evacuated. we'll tell you what forced jog tears flea. >> pennsylvania takes center stage in campaign 2016. the important deadline for voters today. and the accusations donald trump is making about voting in philadelphia. today is tuesday, october 11, good morning everyone, i'm jim donovan. >> i'm brooke thomas. katie and meisha keeping an eye on things this morning. >> yes, good morning, roads are looking good, they are nice and dry. i would say that we do have couple every accidents out there, and a lot of construction, we'll get to that. katie i have to tell you loving the forecast. it is cold. it is cold in the morning, but the pay off is in the afternoon. >> i'm with you, yes. >> it is gorgeous. >> i feel like is our excuse to break out the fall boots, all of the fun accessories, right? >> yes. >> sandals. >> that was it, too. >> every season has its day, pretty much, yes. at this point now you have virtually no cloud cover. and the fact that we are seeing cooler air mass, this is actually the coolest air mass we had since mid may. so it has been a while. we may not have a chance to rebound through the overnight as easily as we have in recent nights. and the temperature also doesn't have a chance to do that in the afternoon either. but storm scan is quiet. it is looking nice, tranquil out there. we do however have frost advisory posted say for the i95 corridor, immediate vicinity, all of the northwest suburbs outside of philly from chester, western chester, upper bucks, all point northwest of that, and then including central, interior southern new jersey, good portion

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