Transcripts For LINKTV France 24 20150928 :

Transcripts For LINKTV France 24 20150928

catalonia when regional -- win regional elections there. they plan to declare independence by 2017. sky gazers around the world are wowed with a double celestial tree with a stash a double celestial treat as a super moon and eclipse pair up for the first time. how many likes is india's to getting in silicon valley? and how tech companies are scrambling to do deals in india. paris goes pedestrian, at least a bit of it does. yesterday traffic was completely forget and in parts of the capital for the first ever day without cars. that and more along the way. first, top stories. we had straight to new york, where the u.n. general assembly is getting underway. the big issue will be how to deal with syria with russia trying to organize its own coalition to fight the islamic state group there, all the while keeping controversial supportive syrian president bashar al-assad. jessica limit syria is in new york now and joins us from the u.n. walk us through what vladimir putin is hoping to achieve. jessica: we may well be seeing vladimir putin trying to position himself as peacemaker in syria. he will be addressing the u.n. general assembly today. we can expect him to suggest that bashar al-assad remain in power temporarily during a while somel period solution to this conflict is found. this has been mentioned already to me by western diplomats over the past week. the west is now considering this as a possibility. we do not have any idea of a timeline. this is very closely to what world leaders say today. what we do know is that syria is the biggest issue at this u.n. general assembly, the 70th session. the general debate kickoff today. we will listen closely to what world leaders say. there are some big meetings going on this week as well, and on terrorism.two one of them will be headed up by the united states, president obama, on tuesday. on wednesday, the russians will have another anti-terror arisen meeting with the security council. that will be hosted by sergei lavrov, the russian foreign minister. we will have to look closely at how they present the situation in syria. genie: come back to today. it will be described as an exceptional opening day. a lot of things are happening at the unit -- at the u.n. general assembly. the big ones, so to speak, addressing the general assembly today. brazil gets the first address. then u.s. president barack obama will come directly after. vladimir putin is speaking today as well. the first time he has been at the u.n. general assembly in 10 years, so that is something everyone will have their eyes on. the chinese president, xi jinping, will also be speaking today. a big peacekeeping summit this afternoon. peacekeeping is a crisis. we will be expecting some pledges. we will be expecting some other announcements regarding that. other issues, such as the sex abuse scandal in central africa republic, and other peacekeeping missions in africa. genie: thanks for that, jessica. leaders were already in new york on sunday to try and come up with some sort of the deal ahead of the major international climate change conference in paris later this year. our correspondent reports. >> an agreement on global warming -- is it finally within reach? speaking at the u.n. summit on sunday, world leaders urged countries to step up efforts against climate change. many hope for a global deal to be signed in paris in december. president obama: he just two months, the world has an opportunity to unite around a strong global agreement. >> leaders of developing countries have committed to transition targets. the move may help to secure an agreement. for years, countries such as china have opposed measures to reduce carbon gas omissions. countries hope there will be a global deal on binding targets. is one of the few developing countries to commit to an absolute emissions reduction target. our targets are as ambitious or more ambitious than those of developed countries. >> as the main host of the conference, francois hollande says he is confident a deal would be reached, but he warned against empty promises. me whether i am optimistic, and i asked the same question myself. i look at the intentions and statements. there are many that have been made. the presidents of the most encouraging -- of the most heavily polluting countries have made encouraging statements, yet a lot of work remains to be done. >> there will be opportunities to work out a deal in meetings in peru next month. that is due to start november 30. genie: next, to the shakeup in spain. the wealthiest region of caledonia -- of catalonia. separate parties there won a clear majority in sunday's regional vote. they're hoping to declare independence in the next 18 months. the spanish government called the secessionist movement nonsense, but it is still a major blow all the same. here is the acting regional government head. the yes camp has won and democracy has won. this is very important. two victories in one. ds vote and for democracy -- the yes vote and for democracy. to all those who told us they did not feel like holding a voting catalonia, they should take note here it -- they should take note. with that strong turnout in sunday's parliamentary election in barcelona, add a big win for the separatists. there was much to cheer about in catalonia, but the idea of having the northwest region break away from spain is not good news for everyone. our correspondent explains. streets of in the barcelona. the pro-independence movement wins in the parliamentary election, clearing for them a few hurdles -- a huge hurdle in the path to secession from spain. >> i am thrilled because we have one bank, because democracy has won. ofnow there will be a lot fear in madrid and a lot of courage and catalonia. nothing can stop it from going forward. >> young caledonian's -- young catalonian's were out in the streets. >> i cannot describe it. i have been waiting for this for many years and it is a dream come true. >> i am very happy. just cannot explain it. after all the tricks the government of madrid has played, this is one of the happiest days of my life. >> not everyone's ecstatic about the separatists win. some spaniards were wary. dr. personally, i believe einstein said it was the measles of mankind. it is miserable and atrocious. >> people in the streets, important politicians, even the european union will abandon catalonia, and they will be left alone. with catalonian's' resounding yes for independence and a nationwide general election in december, the rest of spain will have to wrap their heads around what to do. with catalonia. israeli riot police have clashed again with palestinian protesters in jerusalem. the fighting broke out at the hilltop compound in the old city . there have been several rounds of clashes in weeks. young protesters barricaded themselves inside a mosque despite an order letting only men over the age of 50 and to the compound for prayers. and looting broke out in the capital of the central african republic, despite a curfew being put in place. that latest unrest comes after violence over the weekend left at least 20 dead. that was sparked by the murder of a motorcycle taxi driver in muslim -- in the majority pk five neighborhood. there was an attack overnight on the main police station near the defense ministry. certain ngo's, including the way across -- including the red cross, were attacked as well. now, if you were here in paris yesterday, you might have had that once-in-a-lifetime experience of cycling or walking or rollerblading right down the middle of the usually car-filled elysees.sees -- champs france held his first every day without cars. it was lots of fun for some but for others, pure frustration. our correspondent has more. >> 11:00 on sunday morning and the barest -- the barriers went up across the champs elysees. it was parts of getting vehicles off the city streets for a single day. >> i think it is great. we took a bike tour. it is specifically the day without cars. >> it is a reason for us to come here because it is a chance to he.oy paris and breat >> that will be music to the mayor, while buses and taxis were allowed. she wanted the scheme to be citywide. they shut down a quarter of the city center and cut speed limits to 20 kilometers per hour everywhere else. >> we need to switch to less stressful transport to make it a common environment because otherwise it becomes unbearable and i do not want paris to be unbearable. i want us to be on the cutting edge of everything our city is doing about pollution. >> it comes in the run-up to paris' hosting a united nations climate conference later this year. however, not everyone has been a fan. >> for tourists, it is a mess. >> i think it needs to be better explained. >> we don't know really where we are. it is a mess. >> next year perhaps, city authorities intend to repeat the event. genie: sky gazers overnight were treated to a double celestial moon and a super lunar eclipse appeared simultaneously for the first time in decades. >> a rare celestial event across the world. stargazers gathered for the total lunar eclipse combined with a super moon that turns the brilliant white glow of the moon red. in bolivia they headed to a nearby planetarium. in argentina and colombia, people brought out their telescopes and hunkered down for the night. small, but it makes me feel tiny to see how big the universe is. we have been watching through a telescope to see the moon directly through your own eyes. it is spectacular." the phenomenon occurs when the moon is closest to earth and appears bigger in the sky. this is coupled with a total lunar eclipse, where the sun, moon, and earth are aligned. the british glow is caused by the sun's earth refracting through the atmosphere. in europe, the moon hovered over the acropolis in athens while people gathered in paris' highest spot to catch a glimpse of the eclipse. it is really impressive and beautiful seeing the moon through our telescopes in such detail with all of those craters. it is truly unreal. >> for those who missed the event, they will have to wait quite a few years for the next super blood moon, which is expected in 2033. genie: you might remember us talking about dismaland, the dark parody of a theme park that was made by street artist banksy. it brought some 150,000 tourists and an economic boon to a faded town in southwestern england. next, dismaland is moving to france to the port town of calais, but not in its current form. all the timber and fixtures from dismaland are being sent to the jungle refugee camp near calais for thebring shelters many refugees stuck there, in hopes of crossing into the u.k. ."u are watching "france 24 let's take a look at our headlines. vladimir putin is heading into a showdown at the u.n., pushing for a new russian led coalition against the islamic state in syria. his stops will include an intense face-to-face with barack obama, their first in two years. in pro-independence movement rich -- in spain's richest region of catalonia. they plan to declare independence by 2017. sky gazers around the world are wowed with the double celestial moon and asuper lunar eclipse pair up for the first time in decades. business news now with our very own stephen carroll. you are starting with the latest on the emissions scandal with volkswagen. stephen: prosecutors have opened an investigation into the former chief executive, martin winterkorn. it will focus on allegations of manipulated emissions data. warned aboutdia the cheating software and the company cars as long ago as 2011. supervisory board was given -- the matter was never addressed. a little more detail on the breakdown of those 11 million cars fitted with software designed to chain -- to cheat in missions tests. let's go to the united states, where the indian prime minister has been making some big friends in silicon valley. that's right. prime minister modi was visiting some of the biggest names. access to the internet is still an issue there rate during his itmicrosoft pledged to bring to indian villages. first visit to the u.s. west coast by the indian prime minister in over 30 years. given a warm welcome to silicon valley to spain to tech companies as well as a significant indian diaspora. the indian prime minister is e indians get mor online. >> it is a vast cyber world of opportunity for you. the challenges of many, but we also know that we will not reach new destinations without taking new roads. >>'s silicon valley visit is visit. a five-day google has already agreed with india to install wi-fi interim train stations across the subcontinent next year. on sunday it was given an enthusiastic greeting at facebook headquarters with over 30 million followers on the social network. he is the second most followed world leader after u.s. president barack obama. >> official media can make governments aware of and going in the wrong direction. that gives them the opportunity to correct their course. we used to have elections every five years but now we have them every five minutes. >> modi's visit to the u.s. comes a week after xi jinping met with tech leaders in seattle. many services like google and china -- google and facebook are banned in china. stephen: shares of line score are down 20% this lunchtime. that is over fears of how the company is dealing with the low commodity prices. you can see the london ftse 100 down by 4.1% there. in the food industry, burger king is in talks to take over the french chain quick. burger king only took over the market after -- there are 324 restaurants in france, compared to burger king, at only 21. a collapse in oil prices -- shell has abandoned the search for oil in alaska. the company says it has failed to find sufficient quantities to merit further cost of exploration. announced --of the will be announced. details were declined to be given, but shares are down almost 4%. just to wrap up, it is still a month until halloween comes. everyone is already thinking about the costumes, at least in my family. but it seems one custom everyone wants. must-have in the united states is a donald trump wig. many have sold out with a month ago. demand peaked much earlier this year. apparently the color is marmalade blonde. that is what it is described as. increase 30 times by may of this year. it is the number one search on google, a donald trump way. my breakfast will never be the same. thank you so much for that. time now for the press review. cap oliver farry with us to take a look at today's french international -- french and international papers. a big story in the paper, and assembly dominated by syria. oliver: it is the 70th session of the u.n. general assembly. as a left-wing paper reminds us, in u.n. ga finds themselves search of a political solution to the syrian conflict. severe appraisal of the institution, 70 years after its creation. the current chaos in syria perfectly illustrates the primacy of geopolitical interests, or the raison d'etre, economic to stay with and social progress of all people. ae business daily strikes similar tone, saying terrorism, refugees, the u.n. has a record. the u.n. is far from having universal peace at -- as it originally hoped. that is where friends's role in the institution -- that is where france's role is in the institution. that it may have lost its own influence, the reason france has been calling for a reform of you and institutions to give greater prominence to emerging nations, particularly by raising the number of the current members of the security council. something was to happen sooner rather than later. it might actually lose spots on the security council as your might be left with only one representative. genie: france has been opting for military intervention in syria, compared to everyone else in new york, trying to find a diplomatic solution. >> that is right. france carried out its first airstrikes is like -- in the islamic state. figgaro saysning the france government wants to reinforce damascus and supports the formation of a coalition involving regime figures but -- sing -- excluding the france find itself very much alone because the united kingdom and international states are no longer making changes. russia is deploying its forces to his system alongside iran. genie: let's move onto to the international papers with the big story out of spain. there is a vote in catalonia's regional elections, which saw pro-independence parties getting a strong majority. >> the pro-independence palition and the left-wing cu gives them an aperture majority. the published parallel editions in both spanish and catalan, carries on its front page in both languages. n residence can be seen celebrating the party victory. ,hrown into anti-independence there was a high turnout. 7.75%, a record for a catalan regional election. luis garcia says the election was turned into a pseudo-referendum by many involved, while the pro-independence fashions -- they only got 48% of the vote. but the real loser is mariano -- shebecause people says that could practically disappear from the sentence if he decides to trash the opposition, claiming that they will -- that spain will fall apart should they get into power. genie: interestingly, we are describing this as a victory for the pro-independence parties, that there is a bit of a nuance here. >> that is right. another paper punishes both in spent -- another paper publishes -- it alsonish and hiss that if he gets independence referendum in 18 months time, which he will not -- madrid really does not want to give him that. he will face quite a battle to convince even one -- even 51% of the popular to go with this. and the periodical also pointed out thatñññaw=>>>>>>>7 >> hello, i'm john cleese. do you realize that native peoples are largely responsible for the survival of the planet? yes, because it's their forests that are still managing to offset some of the greenhouse gases from the major polluters like us. but although native peoples have the smallest ecological footprints, they unfortunately manage to suffer the worst impacts of climate change. it is their islands that are sinking, and their glaciers that are melting, and they are not happy about it. soon, we will be hearing directly from some of them, as almost 3,000 indigenous delegates from around the world struggle to have their voices heard at the united nations permanent forum on indigenous issues. so, settle back

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