Would you on a train, would you, could you in the rain. I would not could not in the rain. Cold you would you with a goat in i the not like them her or there do i not like them anywhere. I do not like green eggs and ham. Okay. Good morning. I did say, i dont understand because like sam stein, dr. Seuss went to a lesser ivy. Why would he read that . Exactly. That goes against everything he stands for. Good morning, everyone, its twens wednesday, september 25th. We are in washington, d. C. Watching this faux filibuster as it happens. Yesterday was a faux debate. Its ridiculous. You can have a faux filibuster. Why not read dr. Seuss . Oh, theres more. With us this morning, senior Political Editor and White House Correspondent sam stein, abc fuse political commentator and Senior AnalystCokie Roberts. New york times reporter Jeremy Peters and columnist plume berg view al hunt. Good to have you all with us this morning. Why not . Nor ted cruz first took the floor at 2 41 yesterday afternoon declareing he will talk until he could not stand anymore. If i can just correct that, its actually because he did a deal with harry reid beforehand. He will dotcom until he couldnt talk anymore. Which is noon. This dramatic statement actually was sort of a faux line. Or phony. Call it a phony. I shall stand and talk until i can talk no more. He negotiated with harry reid. He also wore sneakers. Slack tennis shoes a. Filibuster in may. When i was 13 years old, i flew to england sw Strom Thurmond who had just made his record. Oh my. I know, its a terrifying thought. I upgraded my parents about this but now that was a filibuster. That was a real filibuster. Are you talking about on the floor or the plane . No the plane was also but 24 hours for a real filibuster. That was it this is just a kid trying to get publicly in texas. No filibuster. It has no chance to delay todays senate vote. Apparently, it didnt stop them from making serious allegations oancy obamacare. You go to the 1940s, nazi germany. We saw in britain, Neville Chamberlain who told the britains to accept the nazis, yes, theyll intrade continent of europe. But thats not our problem. Lets appease them. Why . Because it cant be done. I suspect those same pundits that say it cant be done, in the 1940s, we would have been listening to them. Then they would have made television. They would have gotten beyond Carrier Pigeons and been on tv and say you cannot defeat the germans. Wow. I didnt know what you could say when someone can air their phony filibuster to the slaughter of 6 million jews. It was oblg only 20 minutes in. He wasnt losing his mind. He started with the hitler style. Joe, this is a guy the other day that criticized by colleague, they can throw names. I dont engage in that kind of stuff. If you dont stand with himthon filibuster, which, be i the way, most republicans dont bus if they did, this wouldnt be a funny filibuster t. Wall street journal said this is a phony fight and syrians paul ryan says its a phony fight. The house of representative, the republicans over there. Theyre all chamberlains. Were all nuts. Suddenly, everybody says these are right wing nuts. Now theyre Neville Chamberlains according to cruz. So preposterous. We know perfectly what we are dealing with. We are dealing with outside conservative groups putting a lot of pressure on these republicans to vote on obamacare over and over again and say we will score you on these legislative score cards negatively if you dont do this. In the abc poll last week, even though 27 of the people overall said it was a bad idea to shut down the government in order to harm obamacare. Of the people who oppose obamacare 52 said it was a good idea to shut down the government. So these people are just responding to their constituents. To go back to that, its a political opportunity for him. He will die on this hill and turn around and tell all the conservatives he was alone. I think it benefits him politically. He will come out of this. All politicians are narcissistic. Sure. There is just phony. This isnt even inspiring narscism. Great. This is just pretend. He can do this in his closet it would have the same exact effect on americans. We can say million times over, for the people that follow him, he goats say and turn around i died on the hill for the purpose of deefth obamacare and i was alone. Then he went to a fundraiser. He didnt come off i think marco rubio who doesnt think its phony or the grass roots Tea Party Voters who he is aiming for. One of the things i think ted cruz and his allies has done a great job, shifting it around, making it seem like this is a fight between ted cruz, harry reid and bruk barak. They made us forget about the fact that theyre philly busting their own bill. Its actually quite a messaging feat. We did it for people that just woke up this morning, we have to let you know whats going on, ted cruz is filibustering. No, hes not. Not obamacare. Its a fake filibuster. Let me restate that. Ted cruz is fake filibustering the house of representatives bill that defunds obamacare. He is standing all alone in there. He is fake filibustering a bill that does exactly what he wants to do. Why would he do this, al hunt . He would do this because after the house of representatives call his bluff and passed a bill that defunded obamacare, he came over, held a press conference, then attackled him today. So its all up to you. And he is proving this morning he cant do anything in the senate because he has to plea negotiate with harry reid, but he is making a skeptical of it all. Basically, he is cornered. I agree with jeremy. I believe there is an inverse relationship between how much you are despised in washington and how much you are loved by the base. So im not sure, he comes off poorly in washington. He made a fool of himself. I dont know what it does. The danger here is, okay, we know all this is going to end and then its going to be a phony. They may have doug themselves a hole. Dont forget the debt ceiling is waiting there. I dont know they can being down again. He think he dug himself into a hole. Speaking of holes, these new polls out about barak barak, man, all their houses here. Yeah. He had bill clintons talking about obamacare, which well get to. First, this brandnew poll is out this morning. Hey, who did that . Who is ted cruz yammering away hurt . That hurts ted. Id hear about that. I wish you were a democrat kind of like bob filner. You got a president with so generous. With really low approval rates. So these polls show that his job performance, the economy, far from good news. According to bloomberg poll, just 47 have a favorable opinion of the president. 39 approval of the way the president is handling health care. And to 38 paris approve the handling of the economy. A majority of americans say that president obama has done a poor job at managing americas reputation around the world. 51 to 43 and 47 have a favorable opinion of the president right now. 49 have an unfavorable bill. That is the first time that more americans see president obama unfavorable. I tell you what, al hunt, six years in, i was a huge reagan fan. I remember watching tv after the six years, we were talking about deblasio, i remember reagan going on in 86 and me watching him and going, nobody is listening to him anymore. Of course, bush six years in, clinton six years in. Were not even six years there with barak barak, but you got Approval Ratings in the 30s for the health care, i aprofls in the 30s for the economy. More people disapprove of him for the first time open his likability. Everything is down. But you have said earlier, on all houses, in that same poll, the republicans had an Approval Rating of 34 . Thats the lowest we have seen in the bloomberg poll. Theyre down lower than milely cyrus. They are. Its possible in all houses. Its all about the economy. Its about the economy. Its also about you guys make fools of yourself. You dont work together. You are bickering about things. By the way, syria, everybody said he stumbled out of syria and it worked well. I think there is still scar tissue from syria. He looked them out and this morning we wake up and find out he makes this extraordinary gesture for a United States president to beat the leader of a terrorist country are for the First Time Since 1979, 79, yeah. 77. Whats that . Oh. 77 the shah. The hostage crisis was 79. The First Time Since 77 and thank you. They dont meet. They dont meet. They dont meet. The iranian president didnt go to the lunch. Now wine was being served. So that was apparently people give him. Like hes got his own tea party to worry about at home. Hes got hardliners in iran who consider the United States the great satan. But why does the president and his people, why do they set up a possibility of a meeting only to be snubbed . Thats just, city councilmen knows better than to do that. Its bad politics. Political malpractice. Theyre the ones who publicized he was snubbed. I thought it was interesting they were the one, they had offered this encounter and they were rebuffed. To the poll, though, i think whats apparent to seems to me that it took this long. D. C. Is so dysfunctional, if you were waiting for the government to do something, you were waiting too long. If you are a hispanic voter, you will be worried about the president specifically. The economy,fuls you are working on wall street. There is no reason to be optimism of what washington is doing. The economy is doing as well. So there is not much to be optimistic about with respect to the president or congress or government in general. So im surprised the bloomberg numbers took this long to get here. Apparently, its been worse the economy is getting modestly better. No matter what people say, its getting worse. If you look at wall street, its great. If you look at the local press, its terrible. So, jeremy, this is a problem for the president , obviously, he hasnt been able to pass legislation this year anyway. But going into next round of fights, where there is an Approval Rating dropping, senators thinking he doesnt know, at least off the record telling us, he doesnt seem to know what he is doing. He is going to have a hard time passing an agenda. Well, its in the just the president. I think what you are hearing more and more from the democrats and republicans on capitol hill. The place isnt nungs functioning. Its not doing what it is supposed to be doing. Right now, we are spending the morning talking about what some would argue is a publicity stunt from the lone senator in texas. Push bag the law. It not going to be rolled back. Think of all the ticket items on the agenda in congress this fall. Tax reform, imgrachlths it doesnt look like anything will come this soon. I was doing research for a book im writing about the civil war rea yesterday and came upon this article by noah brooks in the Sacramento Daily Union in january, 1863. Oh my god. This is the middle of the siv war. Right . Congress has fritted away its time in long speeches and the consideration of impractical themes, leaving the credit of the country to go steadily down to ruin and the financial world unable to predicate any action whoever on the action of congress in the treasury department. What year is that . 1863. Are you sure . Right in the middle of the civil war. Look at that. So it could be worse . We could be at war. Who was the ted cruz of 1863 . Its so interesting. I look forward the reading that. Is, yes, actually to the point we are all making in terms of whats getting done or not getting dodgers. President obama was bringing in a big gun to help sell his Signature Health care plan, former president bill clinton. Hillary clinton introduced the two former president s as number 42 and number 44 setting off speculation the moment may prove to be historic with number 45 there on stage as well. A q a about health care between the two commanders in chief quickly turned into a sales pitch for the Affordable Care act. What does this open enrollment mean . How are people going to get involved . Ill give the president a chance to talk about the god stuff thats happene i want you to know one thing, in the last three years, since we started doing this, inflation and Health Care Costs has dropped to 4 for three years in a row for the first time in 50 years. 50 years. What youve had is an unprecedented effort that you have seen ramp up over the last month or so in which those who have opposed the idea of universal health care in the first place and have not this thing tooth and nail through congress and through the courts and so forth have been trying to scare and discourage people from getting a good deal. What were saying to people is, look, just go to the website, yourself. What we are confident about is that when people look and see that they can get high quality, Affordable Health care for less than their cell phone bill, theyre going to sign up. You know, i fell asleep watching. They had such comfortable chairs. Bill clinton was about to fall asleep. So here you have like possibly 45, introducing 42. Right . Wife 45, husband 42, father 41, always talks about 43. We really. A monarchy . All we need to do is get jeb bush in there. We can have the full thing. 46. I think are we really going to do that . 41, 42, 43. 45. All in two families . That would be one of the biggest problems we should have if people really dont like the idea of american dynastys, even though weve done a few. Heres a question, i pose it admitting i have no idea. Admitting you were born in 39. We will tell you what it was really like in the late 80s. A lot of the energy you see behind this push for obamacare and the reason ted cruz made headlines and headway is there is a real dislike for the president out there in certain circles. So does that tea party energy carry over if Hillary Clinton is president. Is she the same type of villain that barak barak is saying . You mean the president or the candidate . Both. President , probably yes. As a candidate, dont forget, she is running against someone t. Whole dynamics changes then. I think the interesting story, there is trouble in clintonland. If there has been a whole series, there is bill, and chelsea. Clearly there is divisions going up there in the foundation and their political calculations. The president says he hasnt talked much to her about talk u running for president. Which means she doesnt want to talk about i. He wants to talk about it. Everybody said it was a slam dunk in 20062007. Then then the new York Magazine article that Shows Hillary with her head thrown being laughing and there is something that happens between that state where hillary complnt not running for president is very likable and the second she starts to take that step over, she looks calculated, looks stiff, looks mr. Ochiavillian. Im a big admirer of hillary. Its a light switch in the voters minds to not just the candidate. I think to jeremys point, yes, its that same kind of energy. Which is why the democrats might be better off with a whole new slate of candidates like the republicans will be. But i also think and you know just calling it that some of these peoples anger is racist and that haveing a nonblack person on the ticket will diffuse it to some degree. I disagree with that completely. I was there in 93. In 94 i was saying awful things about bill clinton and you had televangelists saying bill clinton murdered seven people. They passed around the clinton chronicles. There is nothing i have heard said about barak barak that we didnt take about 10 degrees for. For these kids that werent around back then, i understand. Well, it was a lot. It was a lot like tim rob bins film about roberts. I was bob roberts. You did say awful things about bill clinton. I did and we all did. Cokie is off the mark here. Joe mansion toll me a couple months ago, he thought Hillary Clinton could carry West Virginia. I dont think you can say it and be laughed out of the room is different than obama. Obama you wouldnt suggest. Have you seen obamas West Virginia . Awful. Thats what i mean, there is an element of padded rancor. Having grown up in the deep south, i am always aware of those words that are there that relationship just different when you are talking about someone. I grew up in mississippi, alabama, georgia and florida. I kept most of the details covered. Sure, there are racist elements there, be you the hatred for bill clinton was overwell because it was the 1960s fight between jane fonda and john wayne and that was the first time that battle was waged on the president. So maybe its a different type. A lot of patriots on the left from george bush. Thats right. And he stole the election from a lot of liberals. I understand that over not being very kind to our president s these days, but i just feel and as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, american women will get behind that in such a big way. We node to supersede those. We will see. Coming up on morning joe, the host of hardball Chris Matthews. Congressman elijah cumming, Claire Mccaskill. Up next. Mike allen drifrs his political playbook in the washington burrow. Oh my gosh what have we done to deserve this . The question is, what is have we done to deserve bill kierans. Should i do a filibuster . Keep going . It feels like that, bill. It does the longest one minute in tv. Lets give you forecast. Heavy rain, a repeat of yesterday morning, tampa, orlando, travel trouble spots. Picked up two inches of rain the last couple of days. I mentioned a big storm yesterday. Thankfully, our one computer model going towards jersey is further off storm. We will still watch the trends. Right now, we are looking better. Our american computer model has it off shore. It shouldnt cause too much damage or destruction. Montana has a snowstorm they will be dealing with. Interstate 90 picking up 6 to 10 inches of snow later tonight and tomorrow. How about the gorgeous weather out there for so many of you. From d. C. To new york, all the way back to chicago, kansas city, st. Louis. Even in texas, as far as people traveling. If you are head