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Would you on a train, would you, could you in the rain. I would not could not in the rain. Cold you would you with a goat in i the not like them her or there do i not like them anywhere. I do not like green eggs and ham. Okay. Good morning. I did say, i dont understand because like sam stein, dr. Seuss went to a lesser ivy. Why would he read that . Exactly. That goes against everything he stands for. Good morning, everyone, its twens wednesday, september 25th. We are in washington, d. C. Watching this faux filibuster as it happens. Yesterday was a faux debate. Its ridiculous. You can have a faux filibuster. Why not read dr. Seuss . Oh, theres more. With us this morning, senior Political Editor and White House Correspondent sam stein, abc fuse political commentator and Senior Analyst Cokie Roberts. New york times reporter Jeremy Peters and columnist plume berg view al hunt. Good to have you all with us this morning. Why not . Nor ted cruz first took the floor at 2 41 yesterday afternoon declareing he will talk until he could not stand anymore. If i can just correct that, its actually because he did a deal with harry reid beforehand. He will dotcom until he couldnt talk anymore. Which is noon. This dramatic statement actually was sort of a faux line. Or phony. Call it a phony. I shall stand and talk until i can talk no more. He negotiated with harry reid. He also wore sneakers. Slack tennis shoes a. Filibuster in may. When i was 13 years old, i flew to england sw Strom Thurmond who had just made his record. Oh my. I know, its a terrifying thought. I upgraded my parents about this but now that was a filibuster. That was a real filibuster. Are you talking about on the floor or the plane . No the plane was also but 24 hours for a real filibuster. That was it this is just a kid trying to get publicly in texas. No filibuster. It has no chance to delay todays senate vote. Apparently, it didnt stop them from making serious allegations oancy obamacare. You go to the 1940s, nazi germany. We saw in britain, Neville Chamberlain who told the britains to accept the nazis, yes, theyll intrade continent of europe. But thats not our problem. Lets appease them. Why . Because it cant be done. I suspect those same pundits that say it cant be done, in the 1940s, we would have been listening to them. Then they would have made television. They would have gotten beyond Carrier Pigeons and been on tv and say you cannot defeat the germans. Wow. I didnt know what you could say when someone can air their phony filibuster to the slaughter of 6 million jews. It was oblg only 20 minutes in. He wasnt losing his mind. He started with the hitler style. Joe, this is a guy the other day that criticized by colleague, they can throw names. I dont engage in that kind of stuff. If you dont stand with himthon filibuster, which, be i the way, most republicans dont bus if they did, this wouldnt be a funny filibuster t. Wall street journal said this is a phony fight and syrians paul ryan says its a phony fight. The house of representative, the republicans over there. Theyre all chamberlains. Were all nuts. Suddenly, everybody says these are right wing nuts. Now theyre Neville Chamberlains according to cruz. So preposterous. We know perfectly what we are dealing with. We are dealing with outside conservative groups putting a lot of pressure on these republicans to vote on obamacare over and over again and say we will score you on these legislative score cards negatively if you dont do this. In the abc poll last week, even though 27 of the people overall said it was a bad idea to shut down the government in order to harm obamacare. Of the people who oppose obamacare 52 said it was a good idea to shut down the government. So these people are just responding to their constituents. To go back to that, its a political opportunity for him. He will die on this hill and turn around and tell all the conservatives he was alone. I think it benefits him politically. He will come out of this. All politicians are narcissistic. Sure. There is just phony. This isnt even inspiring narscism. Great. This is just pretend. He can do this in his closet it would have the same exact effect on americans. We can say million times over, for the people that follow him, he goats say and turn around i died on the hill for the purpose of deefth obamacare and i was alone. Then he went to a fundraiser. He didnt come off i think marco rubio who doesnt think its phony or the grass roots Tea Party Voters who he is aiming for. One of the things i think ted cruz and his allies has done a great job, shifting it around, making it seem like this is a fight between ted cruz, harry reid and bruk barak. They made us forget about the fact that theyre philly busting their own bill. Its actually quite a messaging feat. We did it for people that just woke up this morning, we have to let you know whats going on, ted cruz is filibustering. No, hes not. Not obamacare. Its a fake filibuster. Let me restate that. Ted cruz is fake filibustering the house of representatives bill that defunds obamacare. He is standing all alone in there. He is fake filibustering a bill that does exactly what he wants to do. Why would he do this, al hunt . He would do this because after the house of representatives call his bluff and passed a bill that defunded obamacare, he came over, held a press conference, then attackled him today. So its all up to you. And he is proving this morning he cant do anything in the senate because he has to plea negotiate with harry reid, but he is making a skeptical of it all. Basically, he is cornered. I agree with jeremy. I believe there is an inverse relationship between how much you are despised in washington and how much you are loved by the base. So im not sure, he comes off poorly in washington. He made a fool of himself. I dont know what it does. The danger here is, okay, we know all this is going to end and then its going to be a phony. They may have doug themselves a hole. Dont forget the debt ceiling is waiting there. I dont know they can being down again. He think he dug himself into a hole. Speaking of holes, these new polls out about barak barak, man, all their houses here. Yeah. He had bill clintons talking about obamacare, which well get to. First, this brandnew poll is out this morning. Hey, who did that . Who is ted cruz yammering away hurt . That hurts ted. Id hear about that. I wish you were a democrat kind of like bob filner. You got a president with so generous. With really low approval rates. So these polls show that his job performance, the economy, far from good news. According to bloomberg poll, just 47 have a favorable opinion of the president. 39 approval of the way the president is handling health care. And to 38 paris approve the handling of the economy. A majority of americans say that president obama has done a poor job at managing americas reputation around the world. 51 to 43 and 47 have a favorable opinion of the president right now. 49 have an unfavorable bill. That is the first time that more americans see president obama unfavorable. I tell you what, al hunt, six years in, i was a huge reagan fan. I remember watching tv after the six years, we were talking about deblasio, i remember reagan going on in 86 and me watching him and going, nobody is listening to him anymore. Of course, bush six years in, clinton six years in. Were not even six years there with barak barak, but you got Approval Ratings in the 30s for the health care, i aprofls in the 30s for the economy. More people disapprove of him for the first time open his likability. Everything is down. But you have said earlier, on all houses, in that same poll, the republicans had an Approval Rating of 34 . Thats the lowest we have seen in the bloomberg poll. Theyre down lower than milely cyrus. They are. Its possible in all houses. Its all about the economy. Its about the economy. Its also about you guys make fools of yourself. You dont work together. You are bickering about things. By the way, syria, everybody said he stumbled out of syria and it worked well. I think there is still scar tissue from syria. He looked them out and this morning we wake up and find out he makes this extraordinary gesture for a United States president to beat the leader of a terrorist country are for the First Time Since 1979, 79, yeah. 77. Whats that . Oh. 77 the shah. The hostage crisis was 79. The First Time Since 77 and thank you. They dont meet. They dont meet. They dont meet. The iranian president didnt go to the lunch. Now wine was being served. So that was apparently people give him. Like hes got his own tea party to worry about at home. Hes got hardliners in iran who consider the United States the great satan. But why does the president and his people, why do they set up a possibility of a meeting only to be snubbed . Thats just, city councilmen knows better than to do that. Its bad politics. Political malpractice. Theyre the ones who publicized he was snubbed. I thought it was interesting they were the one, they had offered this encounter and they were rebuffed. To the poll, though, i think whats apparent to seems to me that it took this long. D. C. Is so dysfunctional, if you were waiting for the government to do something, you were waiting too long. If you are a hispanic voter, you will be worried about the president specifically. The economy,fuls you are working on wall street. There is no reason to be optimism of what washington is doing. The economy is doing as well. So there is not much to be optimistic about with respect to the president or congress or government in general. So im surprised the bloomberg numbers took this long to get here. Apparently, its been worse the economy is getting modestly better. No matter what people say, its getting worse. If you look at wall street, its great. If you look at the local press, its terrible. So, jeremy, this is a problem for the president , obviously, he hasnt been able to pass legislation this year anyway. But going into next round of fights, where there is an Approval Rating dropping, senators thinking he doesnt know, at least off the record telling us, he doesnt seem to know what he is doing. He is going to have a hard time passing an agenda. Well, its in the just the president. I think what you are hearing more and more from the democrats and republicans on capitol hill. The place isnt nungs functioning. Its not doing what it is supposed to be doing. Right now, we are spending the morning talking about what some would argue is a publicity stunt from the lone senator in texas. Push bag the law. It not going to be rolled back. Think of all the ticket items on the agenda in congress this fall. Tax reform, imgrachlths it doesnt look like anything will come this soon. I was doing research for a book im writing about the civil war rea yesterday and came upon this article by noah brooks in the Sacramento Daily Union in january, 1863. Oh my god. This is the middle of the siv war. Right . Congress has fritted away its time in long speeches and the consideration of impractical themes, leaving the credit of the country to go steadily down to ruin and the financial world unable to predicate any action whoever on the action of congress in the treasury department. What year is that . 1863. Are you sure . Right in the middle of the civil war. Look at that. So it could be worse . We could be at war. Who was the ted cruz of 1863 . Its so interesting. I look forward the reading that. Is, yes, actually to the point we are all making in terms of whats getting done or not getting dodgers. President obama was bringing in a big gun to help sell his Signature Health care plan, former president bill clinton. Hillary clinton introduced the two former president s as number 42 and number 44 setting off speculation the moment may prove to be historic with number 45 there on stage as well. A q a about health care between the two commanders in chief quickly turned into a sales pitch for the Affordable Care act. What does this open enrollment mean . How are people going to get involved . Ill give the president a chance to talk about the god stuff thats happene i want you to know one thing, in the last three years, since we started doing this, inflation and Health Care Costs has dropped to 4 for three years in a row for the first time in 50 years. 50 years. What youve had is an unprecedented effort that you have seen ramp up over the last month or so in which those who have opposed the idea of universal health care in the first place and have not this thing tooth and nail through congress and through the courts and so forth have been trying to scare and discourage people from getting a good deal. What were saying to people is, look, just go to the website, yourself. What we are confident about is that when people look and see that they can get high quality, Affordable Health care for less than their cell phone bill, theyre going to sign up. You know, i fell asleep watching. They had such comfortable chairs. Bill clinton was about to fall asleep. So here you have like possibly 45, introducing 42. Right . Wife 45, husband 42, father 41, always talks about 43. We really. A monarchy . All we need to do is get jeb bush in there. We can have the full thing. 46. I think are we really going to do that . 41, 42, 43. 45. All in two families . That would be one of the biggest problems we should have if people really dont like the idea of american dynastys, even though weve done a few. Heres a question, i pose it admitting i have no idea. Admitting you were born in 39. We will tell you what it was really like in the late 80s. A lot of the energy you see behind this push for obamacare and the reason ted cruz made headlines and headway is there is a real dislike for the president out there in certain circles. So does that tea party energy carry over if Hillary Clinton is president. Is she the same type of villain that barak barak is saying . You mean the president or the candidate . Both. President , probably yes. As a candidate, dont forget, she is running against someone t. Whole dynamics changes then. I think the interesting story, there is trouble in clintonland. If there has been a whole series, there is bill, and chelsea. Clearly there is divisions going up there in the foundation and their political calculations. The president says he hasnt talked much to her about talk u running for president. Which means she doesnt want to talk about i. He wants to talk about it. Everybody said it was a slam dunk in 20062007. Then then the new York Magazine article that Shows Hillary with her head thrown being laughing and there is something that happens between that state where hillary complnt not running for president is very likable and the second she starts to take that step over, she looks calculated, looks stiff, looks mr. Ochiavillian. Im a big admirer of hillary. Its a light switch in the voters minds to not just the candidate. I think to jeremys point, yes, its that same kind of energy. Which is why the democrats might be better off with a whole new slate of candidates like the republicans will be. But i also think and you know just calling it that some of these peoples anger is racist and that haveing a nonblack person on the ticket will diffuse it to some degree. I disagree with that completely. I was there in 93. In 94 i was saying awful things about bill clinton and you had televangelists saying bill clinton murdered seven people. They passed around the clinton chronicles. There is nothing i have heard said about barak barak that we didnt take about 10 degrees for. For these kids that werent around back then, i understand. Well, it was a lot. It was a lot like tim rob bins film about roberts. I was bob roberts. You did say awful things about bill clinton. I did and we all did. Cokie is off the mark here. Joe mansion toll me a couple months ago, he thought Hillary Clinton could carry West Virginia. I dont think you can say it and be laughed out of the room is different than obama. Obama you wouldnt suggest. Have you seen obamas West Virginia . Awful. Thats what i mean, there is an element of padded rancor. Having grown up in the deep south, i am always aware of those words that are there that relationship just different when you are talking about someone. I grew up in mississippi, alabama, georgia and florida. I kept most of the details covered. Sure, there are racist elements there, be you the hatred for bill clinton was overwell because it was the 1960s fight between jane fonda and john wayne and that was the first time that battle was waged on the president. So maybe its a different type. A lot of patriots on the left from george bush. Thats right. And he stole the election from a lot of liberals. I understand that over not being very kind to our president s these days, but i just feel and as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, american women will get behind that in such a big way. We node to supersede those. We will see. Coming up on morning joe, the host of hardball Chris Matthews. Congressman elijah cumming, Claire Mccaskill. Up next. Mike allen drifrs his political playbook in the washington burrow. Oh my gosh what have we done to deserve this . The question is, what is have we done to deserve bill kierans. Should i do a filibuster . Keep going . It feels like that, bill. It does the longest one minute in tv. Lets give you forecast. Heavy rain, a repeat of yesterday morning, tampa, orlando, travel trouble spots. Picked up two inches of rain the last couple of days. I mentioned a big storm yesterday. Thankfully, our one computer model going towards jersey is further off storm. We will still watch the trends. Right now, we are looking better. Our american computer model has it off shore. It shouldnt cause too much damage or destruction. Montana has a snowstorm they will be dealing with. Interstate 90 picking up 6 to 10 inches of snow later tonight and tomorrow. How about the gorgeous weather out there for so many of you. From d. C. To new york, all the way back to chicago, kansas city, st. Louis. Even in texas, as far as people traveling. If you are headed to the airport today. These are the minor concerns. The only big concerns, tampa and orlando could affect delays when a heavier rain band moves through. Orlando and charlotte, hit and miss showers and storms. You are watching morning joe. What a beautiful sunrise in d. C. On this wednesday. Americans take care of business. They always have. They always will. Thats why you take charge of your future. Your retirement. Ameriprise advisors can help you like theyve helped millions of others. Listening, planning, working one on one. To help you retire your way. With confidence. Thats what Ameriprise Financial does. Thats what they can do with you. Ameriprise financial. More within reach. Okay time now to take a look at the morning paper. Well start with the telegraph, former Pope Benedict is speak ec out for the first time on sexual abuse. In a letter to an italian author and atheist the former pope denied he tried to cover up sexual abuse of children by catholic priests. Victims accuse benedict of not doing enough to stop the abuse. I mean, god, how would you like to be the guy over 2,000 years thats like smothered between john paul, ii, and this guy frances. Thats true. Seriously, you are not ringo between paul and george. Are you the backup singer and hermann her mites. Im sure thats how he thinks of himself. All right. The wall street journal. J. P. Morgan is offering to pay about 3 billion to end civil and criminal investigations into his mortgage lending practice. How long are these j. P. Morgan stories going to go . They had settlements that keep going on and on. Give them a number. Let them pay a check and be done with it. They were saying it was too low compared to the number of cases involved. J. P. Morgan is accuse, the quality of the gun. Dont you get like these breaking news alerts every day, j. P. Morgan agrees to settle . This j. P. Morgan story, i can start getting red sox the National Scores again, it just keeps coming. The washington post, home practice along the rise. Analysts fear it may be a sign the market reached its peak. New housing da to shows prices in july rose the fastest rate up 12. 6 from last year but at a slower rate than june. Analysts say cities are seeing slow gain from month to month. The result of more homes for sale and fewer investors. And the New York Times, center for science released a report card on eating healthy in the u. S. Experts say the Overall Results were disappointing. The data on keyes consumption. I got to tell you, i go there first, what does the da to look like . I tell you what, in this country, its startling. The study shows the average american eats about 23 pound of cheese a year. Im about to vomit. This number is up from 8 pounds in 1970. Thats not healthy. That just really makes me sick. What is this cheese, cheeseburgerers . Nachos . Cheese. The french dont eat 23 pounds of cheese. What do you mean, you think people get blocks of cheddar . My mom is from wisconsin, every christmas she sends us a box number of cheese, cheese spread. Cheese kurd . Cheese kurd. I like the cheese kurd. Thats a part of the 23 pounds, joe, thats a lot. Holy cow, with us now, chief White House Correspondent plit core a man who replaced jim vandehi. Who is eating cheese kurds mike allen, the morning are you going to read us a dr. Seuss book . Always bed time stories. Who knows wrote the mighty kc . I never heard i think thats a more appropriate thing. I think senator cruz, he needs to read it at the end of his fake filibuster when harry reid comes out and says, okay, thats enough. Come home. A senate race in kentucky. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell on both sides. Tell us about it. Well, this is another place we are seeing democrats early playing the outside money game, which republicans have in the past. They are reporting they are going after radio adds and their theme against senator mcconnell is 30 years is too long. It might be. This is fascinating in the context of the cruz filibuster. We have seen the mcconnell verizon cruz argument mcconnell says we want to defund the house bill. Why would you filibuster . Its not only a clever idea. Its the truth. I mean the house has got exactly what ted cruz asked for. He freaked out. All his 30 second commercials, the wall street journal says it increases mailing lists, which they have. But he never expected the house to do what the house has done. So now hes on the floor trying to kill the House Republican bill. Which is what . That defunds obamacare. You know, mcconnell has to be careful. He is being careful. He has to be careful, because kentucky does do this, i mean, they go against the establishment. They go against incumbents. You remember the ads against dee huddleston, theyre the blood hounds looking for him. Which some are directly saying, boy, Mitch Mcconnell has been a withdrawn figure lately because of the tea Party Primary has been unable take a lot of positions he otherwise would have been ablth take on leadership roles. And work with joe bodyen. His tea Party Opponent came out yesterday standing with cruz. Stand with ted, baby. Thats not Mitch Mcconnells greater danger, the greater danger is the fall does his primary pundit have a shot . Did you see does it or doesnt . He doesnt. I think republicans say theyre much more worried about the fall than the tea party opoint. The pea Party Opponent distracts mcconnell, makes it harder for him to say extremely well zblpd Freedom Works and a lot of other tea party patriots, are they coming out against mcconnell in the campaign . Are they trying to fund . They have. Thats critical. And the more that it looks, the less likely if you shoot mccain, for republican outside groups to go against the senate, theyre waiting to see if they have a shot. You are right. Let not forget at the same time, we really, Christine Odonnell in delaware . Give me a break, no way. Todd aiken in missouri. These things have a way of taking off. Rand paul in kentucky. Exactly. Especially when theyre well funded. And primary races always weaken you for the general election. And by the way, who expected mike lee to be rob bennett . To own the convention, though . That was a convention. Mike allen, thank you so much. Mitch mcconnell here. By the way, it was Ernest Thayer in 1888. Oh, it was. What was that year . 1863. Before the civil war. It could be today. Marianna rivera. Yank key stadium. Turn a major league headache for the yankees. We will tell you why the tribute turned into chaos. Dogs and cats living together straight ahead in sports. Its time for sports and the race for baseballs postseason. Start with the cardinals, Michael Walker looking to finish off the no hitter against the nationals. Two outs in the 9th. Brian zimmerman. This little chopper up the middle. You dont want to end a no hitter like that. It did. Lets go to cleveland, walks and indians tied the 9th. Blast the go ahead shot over the right field wall. But the indians get a chance in the bottom of the 9th. Put a man on. The 11 pitch. Deep right field. Are you kidding me . Oh my. The indians have won it. That is jason giambi. Yes, he still plays baseball. The oldest man to hit a walkoff home run. Tigers leading the twins in the 4th. Austin jackson with a tworun shot. Left center field. Tigers lock up a playoff spot one win away from the a. L. Central crown. All right. Lets go to new york. It was bobblehead night for the yankees. Well, it turned into a disaster for the yankees. They line up early. The truck broke down on the way there. Actually the train broke down from chicago t. Team gave out vouchers to the first 18,000 fans. That led to incredible lines. People waited hours for the bobblehead instead of watching the game and reportedly, people in the expensive seats had theres hand delivered to them. We dont want to get too classist at yankee stadium. The rays blanking them 7 to zip. Take a look at the wild card standings. I guess we are keeping the yankees on the board. Five back. Tampa and cleveland in the mix with texas one game back. It looks like those are the three teams in the mix. I tell you what, cleveland is amazing what tito has done. So we got three sox fans here. I want to part of the rays. The starting pitching and the postseason series is tops. I got word from larry will you canlucchino, he wants mika. That is the story of my life. If i go to fenway and mika is up there. I get to sit like in the owners box. If mika is not up there. This is a true story, i walk around fenway trying to get lucchino to pick up my phone calls. I ended up, i swear, because i actually wanted to see games when mika is not there. I have to buy season tickets last year so i can take my kids to a game. Wait a minute. I do like that box. Thats where i had the first baseball game. Mikas first baseball game. She probably jets from the south of france, but her first baseball game. She is sitting in the owners box. Larry is bringing over some steak. I like this game. My first payable game was at griffith park. Oh, nice. Right. A little different. With the old senators. Very cool. Im so old, i still call the nationals the senators. All right, coming up next, thank you, brian the smell heard around the world like lucchino snubs me. Stop. He does not. Maureen daoud notes in her column the men formerly hailed as a messiah was not having a bad day. Well read from her piece. Where were you led to stand on top of this dugout . All right. Hire with us now in our must read pages, a beautiful shot at washington, d. C. , White House Correspondent for the Associated Press justly pace joins us, she is covering the president. We will get to that in just a second. God to have you on board. Thanks for having me. The president kind of getting bashed from both sides here, Muir Ryan Daoud writes in the New York Times, no brief encounter. The man formerly hailed as the messiah was having a bad day. The brazilians upgraded him. Ted cruz filibustered him. You just know that behind the scenes, the russians were messing with him. At the end of a long hard day, he escaped into the sweaty and frayed embrace of the clintons. That is a bad day, who have to explain and defend the president s own Health Care Plan for him at their Global Initiative conference, hillary 2016 pep rally. The choreography of diplomacy danced around the tantalizeing possibility of an historic handshake that could end three decades of poison, even a brief encounter wasnt brief enough. Maureen, you have outdone yourself. That was a good one. The president having a tough day. One of many. We were in the press profile one of the networks had a split screen. You had obama with bill clinton. Rouhani on the floor of the u. N. And ted cruz. Who put this group together . Unbelievable. Who else is going to join that crowd . It was a tough day at the u. N. What i think is so fascinating about the missed opportunity with rouhani is all the speculation was the result of the white house really fanning it over and over again, even up until yesterday morning, they were leaving opened this poebltd. I hate to say it, but weve talked about amateur hour before with the stumbling in syria and so many areas, but this is just, again, this is politics 101. Sam was making that point earlier, it was also the white house who put out the rouhani. Im curious why they did that. It cant wrap my head around what the point was. The only thing i can think of is they were really hoping to have this opportunity to implement this policy that obama has had where hes willing to meet with antiamerican rogue leaders, if they look like theyre opened to diplomacy. That is proven a lot harder to do. Iran is not obviously this morning. I dont know. John kerry isnt going to meet with his counterpart. So there is a diplomatic opening. But thats, i mean, you start with low level people. Then you maybe get up to your secretary of state and you never offer your president unless the other side guarantees you to do is is l, that theyre going to cooperate and then its set up. It has to be a prearranged deal like ted cruz and harry reid. Exactly. You dont shoot from the hip like. Okay. Well, then, here we go to the wall street journal. Hes just not that into you. Ever heard that before . For days before the u. N. Conclave, white house aids had broadcast the president s desire to shake mr. Rouhanis hand. By monday the police was overflowing with leaked accounts. Having thus turned down the lights and turned up the mood music, it made the snub that followed especially potent. What the administration is trying to spend as iranian politics was in blunt fact an expression of contempt for what easternian leaders consider to be an overeager suitor from an unworthy nation. We allow the iranians to snub our president. We did. They took advantage of the opportunity. I think that there was a lot of expectation rouhani would come to the u. N. He had been making these moderate overtures for an iranian leader on the u. S. Networks. If you look at the sfwhub on the floor of the u. N. , there were some consimmiatociliatory state. Maybe it was a lot more bombbassic. We have to remember that ahmadinejads predecessor did it nor years. Go into 1979, bud more farland. We have been somehow seeing iranian moderates for almost, for longer than sam stein is put on this earth. Oh. Thats not necessary. Sam, when hes talking about iran and bud mcfarland, we actually had ronald reagan. Im sorry. Many states. He baked a cake in the shape of a key, a bible and a handwritten note from ronald reagan. How did that work out . It didnt work out well. Iranian moderates have always proved out to be not so moderate. I think one of the things, obviously, obama was snubbed. They didnt handle it very well. It shows about in journal iranian politics. This guy didnt want to meet with obum. As somebody put earlier, he has his own tea party. What did the white house say is next . You get a reflection of iranian politics. They wanted to do it. They thought about how they play at home. There is this meeting happening tomorrow at the u. N. , the Iranian Foreign minister will be there. Its a part of this p plus 5 dialogue. There is a chance will you have a one on one, which would be significant to have a direct die lock at that secretary of state Foreign Ministry level. This is still in the feeling it out period. I dont think you will see any break throughs on the Nuclear Issue over the next couple weeks. This is, can we work with this new government. The thing we found in 2009 during the iranian uprising and the revolt, there really is. There is a red state iran and a blue state iran. There is. There is a highly educated liberal iran, then the sort of rural iran who want the street power. It is a country that is really sort of idea logically split with itself. I maybe that split out yesterday. Justly pace thank you so much. Him co back. Thank you. Sure. Coming up, bill clinton was, of course, late. To one of his own pgi events. But ono stepped in. His cant miss impression of the former president next. Shes always had a playful side. And you love her for it. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. 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[ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. Because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaas commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. Begin your legacy, get an Auto Insurance quote. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. When i first met bono, he walked into the oval office. Actually i thought it was a member of his own road crew. It wasnt really dressed right. Actually, i felt like the rockstar on that occasion. I must be really easy to make fun of. A pretty good one, dont you think . I liked it. He was good, bono. Al. Ill pass. Cokie . I cant do clinton but i mean it was a very nice way for obama to fill the time. It was sort of filibustering. The president oh, bono over in the other filibuster any day. And that, too. Al hunt. Thank you so much for being on. David gregory join the table. Much more morning joe live from washington. The barcode scanner so weekend road trips dont mean losing your way. You can lose weight and still live big. Join Weight Watchers online for free and get the app today. Most americans could not give a flying flip about a bunch of politicians in washington. Who cares . You know, almost all of us are in cheap suits with bad haircuts. Who cares . Its a little bit like the world wrestleing fed reagan. Its wrestleing matches where its all rigged, the outcome is predetermined. They know in advance who is going to win or lose. Its all for the show. Im a good fan of eating white castle burgers. Obamacare is a far less intimidating foe than those i have discussed with a possible exception of the moon. Now, okay, a live look at the white house as the sun comes up over washington. A beautiful day. Top of the hour, welcome back to morning joe. Cokie roberts and Jeremy Peters are still with us. Joining us the host of msnbcs hardball and meet the press david gregory. A couple questions ted cruz was asking in the open. What cares . And its all for show. I dont know, what was he talking about, maybe himself . Oh, no. He was talking about nobody gives a flip about politicians in washington. Oh, i thought it was the faux filibuster. There he is, still talking. The wall street journal said it was a phony debate about getting exposure, which he is succeeding at and building his fundraising list. A phony filibuster. You can take his picture down now. He will speak until he can no longer speak. Thats just not true. You start your entire fake he started before noon. Yeah. You start your phony filibuster with an untrue statement t. Fact is that senator cruz got a deal with henry reed so he can sit there and talk and pretend that hes filibustering a bill that does exactly what he has claimed for months he wants the bill to do, which is the house bill which is to defund obamacare which the house cr bill does. A lot of republicans in washington are saying why would we filibuster, Chris Matthews, they are asking, why would we filibuster a bill that does exactly what you told us to do . I know, its a complicated situation. Its not that complicated. Its really. He wants to get the 60vote threshold for every single amendment. Thats what he is trying to get done here here. Hes going to get a 51 vote flesh hold and the senate vote will bass. So what is he doing right now . Well, everybody wants to be Jimmy Stewart. Thats Jimmy Stewart . Hitler loved that movie. But its just, everybody wants to be tony stewart the man against the millions the man against the establishment. But we all know this country is balkanized about political factions in the country. Hes voting against the 20 to 30 , harry reid doesnt have 30 of the country behind him. This guy might. Thats what hes planning to do. David gregory, those rooting for him that he cant get this . Yes, hes still leading a charge up the hill. Hes not making it far up the hill against obamacare which for a lot of people it may be a lot more than 20 who think this is a bad idea and something should be done before it becomes a part of the affirmament of the entitlement stage after which cruz and Everybody Knows you wont take it away. The problem is what he is doing now does absolutely nothing and people who oppose obamacare know he may be hurting the cause. And ive talked to his republican colleagues who say the problem that he and mike lee are creating is that they are overpromising the conservative base that they cannot deliver and that there is no real end game here. In the end, you will end up with obamacare. Youre not going down a road to try to amend it in some way. To try to tweak it is until way. You are only creating false hope. And the end game, of course, cokie is not for the Republican Party that will suffer for this. Not for the conservative movement. But for ted cruz to say i not him hard with a phony filibuster and my debate. And then run for president and have that group of people be supportive and so that speaks to him. My favorite book. We talked about it. I was thinking this morning. I got up. Its there. It explains why he is in a pretty good position, ted cruz. This is chapter 6 of the prints. We must keep in mind there is nothing more difficult or dangerous than an attempt to introduce a new order of things in any state. The innovator has for enemies, all those that derive the old order of things, those that expect to benefit will be but luke warm defenders. This indifference arises in part from fear of their adversaries favored in the existing laws and men who have no faith in anything new that is not the result of well established experience. So nobody really think i love this new health care bill. Oh my god, the health care bill. So this guy is brilliantly playing on this leverage from machiavelli. Maybe he didnt read it. Its implicit. Hold on one second. Of course, he read it. Because he went to harvard, princeton. Those are the only people hes studied with. He was in my daughters class at princeton. Did jim baker ever brag about going to princeton . No. One this inc. To keep in mind. Bill frisk, yes. Id say id brag about going to alabama every day. Like i said, ted cruz, he is not running for majority leader. He is running for president , probably. What matters is what the people in iowa think about this. I dont want to try to get inside their heads and pretend like i know what theyre thinking. They do see this, as you were pointing out earlier, as a battle between entrenched interest itself in washington and the grass roots. We can talk all we want about how this is, he is filibustering a bill that he actually supports. But i dont know that people realize it. People dont understand federal rules. But obamacare for a lot of people is just a substitute for obama and what they really oppose is the president , himself. What they oppose is big government. They oppose the government expanding, creating new entitlements and health care programs. By the way, its not just obamacare if he had a rollout on the bank bailout. If they said we were going to pass it and it will be happening in 14, theyd be fighting that tooth and nail. Notice when people didnt fit. Is government. Except within it came to covering prescriptions for old people. That seemed to be a nice government thing people like. We were in a 7 trillion dollar hole. You know what, you wouldnt have had ted cruz if not for the medicare prescription pard d, if not for the bailout. There is a reason why people who do take on the entrenched interests have a real constituency. This is not a small district congressmen here. This is the senator from texas. By the way, isnt it fascinating he is going after this instead of entitlement reform about the drug benefit plan. The 7 trillion the reason why is because one of my favorite polls from last year was in the middle of one of the big fights of obamacare. They asked Tea Party Members, selfdescribed Tea Party Members about the medicare reform. Nobody was. Sadly, 2 said dont touch my medicare. But im against the government being involved in health care. Dont let the government get its hands on my medicare. Thats my favorite. Down in the Social Security checks. This is ultimately about obamacare. I do think its interesting. Among conservatives, right, here have you the standard bearer of the party of somebody who introduced universal health care in massachusetts and as i listen to some of the policy debate over the past few days, one of the things massachusetts did not do. They focused on universal coverage. Obamacare claims to focus on both at the same time. It will have a real impact on costs, they arc you, i dont think there is a way to measure that. Certainly a patchwork going up and dow jones down. I this i the revolutionary aspect of cruz is Something Different than the policy wishes, its the sense that nothing has settled. Obama implicitly isnt legitimately president. Thats always in the background. This bill didnt actually pass. They keep everything up in the air. Everything is to be debated. Nothing is ever resolved. It keeps this sort of frenzy, which i think is a big part. We are talking about i. Its a frenzy that i think cruz is brilliant and disturbia settles the issues, nothing becomes settled, nothing becomes civilized. Nothing is behind us, its in front of us. We are always fighting about it. The wall street journal said its a phony debate, raising money, raising fundraising lists, getting on tv. Wempb even when he has a chance to follow louisianas own david bidder and matt salmon in the house. It actually passed a reform to obamacare that would actually make the Republican Party more popular, with i is, i know, bill bennett was quoting madison yesterday in the wall street journal saying congress should never except itself from the laws the rest of americans have to live be. Bidder went on the floor yesterday so say lets go ahead and make a part of the discussion the discussion about not giving congress an exemption. Taking it away from congress, taking it away from the staff. Its wrong for us to get an comb exemption that the American People find out. That wasnt good enough for ted cruz. He added a. Son pill and say we need to apply to the entire government. Which we know would kill the bill. It seems ted cruz wants to keep that exemption. Just keeping it all up the Supreme Court that cant settle it. Highs not happy with government. He certainly for some reason doesnt even support the basic concept of making congress after abide by the same rules of obamacare as the rest of america. Bidder was not incredulous, but a bit surprised he put in a poison pill to kill this idea. So my question then it would be put me inside the mind of not just council insider, from the tea party or the right who would give money to ted cruz what are they seeing here besides a guy who is delivering a fake filibuster thats not going to do anything, has a deal with harry reid, its going to wrap up. Its going to do nothing. It just doesnt matter. They know that. Its a fight the republicans arent willing to have. He is just fighting. They look at washington, you asked a question, let me answerer, they see a party that in 2001 took over. There is 155 billion surplus. By the time george bush was out of office, you know, there was 100 or 1. 5 trillion deficit. Republicans doubled the national dent you got Mitch Mcconnell leading the senate. You have john boehner leading the house. There arent conservative champions loading the party. And mitt romney is the nominee. Mitt romney is the nominee. A guy who was liberal before he was conservative, liberal before he was conservative. And then you get paul ryan, a guy who was supposed to be a conservative champion who voted for the bailout. Who voted for a lot of things that hard core conservatives are disappointed in. Theyre desperate for a conservative leader. Somebody that will stand up and rage against the machine. And, you know, we can talk about why ted cruz is gaining power. So much of it just has to do with the fact that conservatives have been betrayed be i the Republican Party over the past dozen years and theyre looking for a leader. Anybody, they have found a flawed vessel here, but and they found a guy who is, you know, hes a short timer. Just like hermann kain was a short timer. Same old, same old. This sort of play is a quick starter and its a poor finisher. Its a day trade. You look at how hes taken the Republican Party and turned it in on itself, on the one issue that has united them and is responsible for their gains in congress in 2010 for retaking the house, thats obamacare. That one issue. Now theyre fighting over it. The house passed. Who is wanted . They passed exactly what he wanted. The house representatives. He is using techniques to ultimately block, you know, a simple vote on stripping it of obamacare. Right . Hes using some of the tools of the senate. Hes not really opposed with the house. This isnt even a filibuster. By the way, he can raise the closure level, right, if he makes every amendment paps for 60 bucks. But he cant. You forget how the success, even when they didnt get it passed the clinton, they tried, mightily. Because of other people like that, monaghan didnt agree with things. Look at what they did. They carried both houses over 50 years with the issue of health care. Machiavelli is right. People are scared of things. Its compliblthd. Its big government, wokking for people who benefit from it. Why arent they demonstrating they have no prayer. How Many Democrats including the president voted against the debt limit in the senate. They knew it was going to pass, they called it a failure of leadership to raise the debt ceiling. They were in the minority. Your argument. I was studying this to get ready for the program. The argument the right has been screwed by the establishment goes way back to 40, wilkee came along after the french were invaded, and then by 48 tried again couldnt went then. He was still an isolationist. Knight came away blew him away four more terms. 52, going into the convention taft seemed to have the inside track. Took it away from taft. He led us done the road to defeat. He led us down the road to defeat. They found a cosmetic concern who could sell, reagan. The question is, the u. S. The guy look like reagan . Not in a million years. He doesnt look like reagan. Maybe rand paul can be a nominee. I think rand paul is the nominee. Wow. All right. Chris tthews. Thank you. So, chris, youve got a great book coming out. Im so excited. Im halfway through it. Obviously its about tip oneil and ronald reagan. The quote i love in there, you know, a lot of people try to make them out to be best buddies. You dont. No. I love the quote of tip oneils son who said, who you quoted in the book saying, the only thing they hated more than each others politics was inaction in washington. Not getting be i. He accepted a deal we all learned as kids, when you play tag, you are it. The basic rules, you dont let the government not make its debts, you dont miss budget deadlines, there was an assumption. They didnt agree on hardly anything. That is certainly at times. I think the best line was jack lew. He sat next to you working with the speaker. He said, i thought it was the most partisan time in history until i looked back, now i realize they did play by certain rules. They also could be civil to each other. They could actually enjoy each others companies. They did occur. I dont want to overschmaltz it. Reagan never drank on the job to drink occasionally. A tad bit. This is our, cokie and i are here. You know. But i do think that being able to have the same kind of state parties together every year. Proprietary. Having the birthday parties they celebrated and actually getting a kick out of each other. They open the door to each others company. It opened the door to conversation. Guess what, why dont we get the plan . Why dont we doing with greenspan in 83. And then the irish, they got together on. Most importantly, tip was a patriot when it came to super power relations. He did work his butt off to make it easy for reagan. In geneva, you get to that part. I cant wait for that part. I tell you what, my favorite stories is the start this morning is deblasio and the sandonistas. Deblasio, a big supporter of the sandonistas. Thats worse than dinkins by the way, there is such a great story richard reid writes about. I havent gotten to the Marine Barracks bombing yet, but richard reid tells a great story of tip oneil calling the democrats altogether after the bombing on that terrible sunday morning and saying, if any of you speak out against the commanderinchief, you will not have a problem with ronnie reagan, you will have a problem with me. He stuck with that for weeks. For weeks. Guess what, no democrat spoke out against ronald reagan. I know it was the most uncomfortable he was was fighting his own base. They wanted out of lebanon. We said, no, we got to stick with this. Reagan also made it easy because he invaded grenada the next day. And they suspected. Thank god he did. If they did not invade grenada, they would probably be to connecticut by now. We look forward. They asked us to come. They invited us in. Well see chris, of course, tonight on the hardball 7 00 p. M. Eastern times, Cokie Roberts that Government Shutdown. It will be fantastic. I cant wait. Thank you. We are kicking we are actually number one not all the day. Not all the day. Certainly not the morning. Coming up, the daily collar, ted cruz gets their own sixstep plan to defun obamacare t. First step involves a meteor having to hit the vice president. Thats terrible t. Daily caller is matt lewis next along with chuck taud senator Saxby Chambliss and elijah cummings. You are watching the morning joe. Well be right back. Zblrnlgs. How americans are with entitlements. Its like crack to us. Suddenly, were all sucking the glass of not having our old people freeze to death and live off cat food. Oh my gosh. 25 past the hour. Welcome back to morning joe. Joining us the democratic representative from maryland, elijah cummings. Senator Saxby Chambliss. Nbc news director and host of the daily run down, Chuck Todd Matt lewis. Cham liss saxby, will you stand with ted cruz in its efforts to wipe out the house bill that defunds obamacare . I kind of like the house bill. That defunds obamacare . You wont try to defund the house bill that defunds obamacare . You know, teds doing whatever ted needs to do. What is he reeling . I heard its a phony filibuster. I heard it called that. The fact we will vote at 1 00. He worked out an arrangement across the field then. Would you guys vote while you are talking . Im confused how does that work. The debate will enat noon. Were scheduled to vote at 1 00. Is it a filibuster. No, its not a filibuster. Look, he feels passioned about this. I understand that. He wants to get a message out there. A show of passion. Instead of focusing on what politically makes sense, which is these democrats who now are going to have to cast a vote again for the worst piece of legislation and that i have seen in my 20 years here, all the focus is on ted cruz. Going to speak. Again, the house passed defunding obamacare. I dont know much about politics, i went to alabama, why we cant add well . No, thats okay. The number one the low tide. I dont understand, saxby, if we have a bill in the senate that defunds obamacare. I thought thats what he wanted. Well. Thats what you want, right . Saxby. Thats what you want. Thats exactly what i want and i will vote for. You will vote. To defun obamacare. Good for you. Matt lewis, have you the sixstep process for how we can defund obamacare. Number one, i think this is interesting, it is a meteor landing on my dear friend joe bidens head, im afraid to ask what number 2 through 6 is. Look, i think the thing at the end of the day is, republicans are ignited at hitting obamacare. How about, we cant blow through these, number one, a meteor hits by ted. Number two is pretty god. After bodyen is gone, president , yeah, it didnt take to replace biden t. Daily caller has step number 3. They offer obama a contract, season step no. 4 to defund obamacare. He sworn his president of the United States. Lets stop there. I dont think we want to go there. So you guys, obviously, very tongue in cheek telling ted cruz to get a life. Yesterday my colleague Jimmy Weinstein had a really good piece demanding we defund barak baraks salary, if you vote to pay the president s salary, you support obum. So its time. We have certain people on twitter this is tongue in cheek. Go ahead. The late politicians. The interesting thing that happened here is we had a situation where if you go back a week or two ago, republicans are united over hatred of obamacare. The media is focused on bruk baraks failure as a leader with syria. The conversation is all about how obama looks weak, putin is making him look weak. Obamacare approval rath is dropping. Somehow we found a way, not we. Okay. Ted cruz. Somehow some people found a way to make the conversation divisive on the right where republicans and conservatives are fighting each other. Where if you disagree strategically. On strategy. You are tantamount to a nazi appeaser. Thats what he said. If you disagree surrender monkeys, i dont understand is this, you actually have ted cruz trying to kill a bill that ted cruz was fighting for, for months, which is a bill to defund obamacare. The house, i said this. The House Republicans, in my opinion, heros, stepping up, doing exactly what we want. Pass the cr that defunds obamacare. I dont understand, why doesnt, whats the daily callers take on why ted cruz is like that . Well, i cant speak for all of my colleagues, but what we have here is just a really weird situatio situation. Then he has to essentially filibuster it because they have to filibuster it. The people in the house of representatives who pass the cr, people like Saxby Chambliss who want to vote on the cr to defund obamacare. He is subtle about it. He compares them to nazis appeasers. Take a listen. You go to if 1940s, nazi germany. Look, we saw in britain Neville Chamberlain who told the british people, accept the nazis. Yes, theyll dominate the continent of europe. But thats not our problem. Lets appease them. Why . Because it cant be done. I suspect those same pundits who say it cant be done if it had been in the 1940s, we would have been listening to them. Then they would have made television. They would have gotten beyond Carrier Pigeons and beyond letters. They would have been on tv and they would have been saying, you cannot defeat the germans. I would like a blind bet on him being very tired in the middle of the night. Popping an ambien. So, chuck, this is a fascinating diamond. On the internet something where the left and the right do agree on one issue if you are using the reference, in that you fluff the debate. Whatever it is, the minute you go to a nazi reference, you might as well we were talking. We all like mike lee. Mike lee is a nice guy a. Good guy. He seems like a really good guy. Hes still the one. You like mike lee, right . Elove mike lee. Who does it . No, i love mike lee more than you do. I think i was on before with mike lee. We gather, we love him. This was his idea. Where is mike lee . It seems like. Hes been there. It is odd. He wrote this and its like ted cruz said, oh, great, ill take it as my own. Likely, im going to put ted cruz on the paper. Its sort of odd. Mike slee okay with it. Somehow ted cruz has made this all about ted cruz. I think so. Elijah, you are loving this, arent you . First of all, i think it is about cruz. I think cruz is trying to run for president. Hes got people who love what hes doing as hes doing it. The only problem with all of this is that he is, he should be expediting the inevitable. He should be, but hes not. Let chambliss vote on his bill. Everybody knows that i will send a clean bill to the zblous on americas bill. To defund dont try that. Anyway, when he gets to the house, it will have a clean bill. Then the question is, what is boehner going to do . I kind of think what boehner is probably going to do is come up with some other gimmick. It all depends on the tea party who want to basically shut down the government. Can i ask you guys a question . Yeah. What if boehner attaches a provision that actually makes Congress Live by the same rules on obamacare the rest of us have to live by . Would you guys support that and get rid of the exemption for capitol hill . It doesnt bother me so much for the members of congress. I do worry about the staff. I dont want the staff to have to. I want the staff to be okay. We will be but if third class americans have to live by this. Why should your staff be exempt . Staff doesnt get any real special treatment. These are federal employees and they should be treated like every other federal employee. If we want to take every federal employee off the fhbp in the current plan, put them on the exchange. Im okay with that. But our staff should be treated like everybody else. Its a much better argument. Right or wrong, good or bad. If republicans had said, this is the hill were going to die on. Its a populous position. Look. Why shouldnt the staff ever have to live on obamacare if, you know, my uncle has to . And thats exactly what i said. This is the battle they should be having. They can battle the nation around it. Congressman couplings said there was going to be a clean cr. I have actually heard there is some negotiation going on between the Senate Democratic leadership and some Senate Republicans about actually trying to negotiate something boehner might be able to pass through the house without munn one more round of pingpong s. That going to happen . Are you involved in some behind the scenes talks . No, im not involved in it. Leadership is. I heard schumer and bur din said, he didnt say he wanted to try to come up with a way to doing that maybe wasnt clean to boehner that they would maybe its the medical device pacts or Something Like that, to give boehner, so that you sped up the process. But at the rate were going, lets call a spade a spade. The way we are going, there is a good possibility the governor is going to shut down. It is going to be because quote basically disagree on obamacare. And while we are having this nice chat, we are not creating jobs. We are not, as a matter of fact, we are creating something that republicans have complained about over and over again. Thats uncertainty. The next thing you know, you will battle over to cr. So you got uncertainty not only with business but with the American People. So weve good, we got to get away from this. We cant keep going down this alley. Because i think its only going to do more harm. Saxby, you are the Ranking Member of the intellicommittee. Let me ask you a couple quick questions. Obviously, the embarrassment yesterday with the iranians, standing up our president. Terrible stage craft on our part. But what can you tell us, what can you reveal about thats not classified about the iranians pursuit of Nuclear Weapons right now . Well, theyre running down the path of getting a Nuclear Weapon. We know that. There is disagreement about the time that theyre, within which theyre going to be able to develop that weapon. There is additional time disagreement on time that theyll be able to deliver that weapon. We know short range, theyve already got the capability. They could deliver a Nuclear Weapon to israeli tomorrow. If theyre able to get it. But theyre headed in that direction t. President has said that its a, he has a philosophy of prevention and. Right. As opposed to managing iran with a Nuclear Weapon. If hes serious about that. If its another red line. Right. Then time is running out. You talked about the red line. Time is running out on iran. Syria, what can you tell us about syria from the intel committee. How bad is the situation there . Its ugly. Very ugly. You know, we lad the opportunity to show real leadership there. America has always acted when the National Security interest of the United States was in jeopardy and there is no question but what the use of chemical weapons is a National Security interest on the United States. We did act. I wish the president had, but so be it. So now, were in kind of a stalemate. Were in a situation where members of congress dont really know whats going on with respect to discussions within the United Nations. I dont have a lot of confidence that the United Nations will come up with a strong resolution that russia and china will agree with. Yeah. I dont trust the russians and, yet, here we are negotiating with the russians. Theyre not a good situations. Partners with russia and serious. Sax, thank you so much, elijah great to see you. Ending obamacare. Read on the daily collar. Chuck stay with us. We mr. Its something. It could happen. Carl rowe. Well, well have to hear that sometime. Ahead this morning. She tweeted. She could drink a diet coke and eating popcorn while watching is show. Senator Claire Mccaskill clears the table with that. I love it. Very interesting. Well be right back. Vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. 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[ man ] by exploring their options, they learned that instead of going to italy, they could use a Home Equity Loan to renovate their yard and have a beautiful wedding right here while possibly increasing the value of their home. You and roger could get married in our backyard. Its robert, dad. [ female announcer ] come in to find the right credit options for your needs. Because when people talk, great things happen. Take a look live at the white house. 7 42 a. M. Eastern time here on morning joe. Lets sort of stick to politics a little bit. During a dnc fundraiser, president obama introduced bill deblasio. It was the president s endorsement of his sons giant afro. He took a moment to single out his son dante saying he sported the same afro, vintage one 1988. He says i must confess myf fro was never that good, it was a little imbalanced. A Government Shutdown will not stop funding for the Controversial Health care law. Amy lowry of the New York Times joins us next to explain why. 46 past the hour. Joining us now, New York Times Economic Policy reporter annie lowry, chuck todd, sam stein, Jeremy Peters back at the table. God to have you all. Annie, so you take a look at the whole effort to defund obamacare. I mean, first of all, you cant really do it at this point. Yeah. So there is no amount to anything. You can do it legislatively. For whatever reason the Senate Passed the house bill as it is, it takes away all federal funding. It also rescinds the medicaid expansion. There is no way that will happen t. Way defunding will happen is when the government shuts down, all of the funding for the implementation of the law would hypothetically get taken away. Thats not really how it works. Its mostly mandatory spending. It would probably create some problems. There is a report prepared for tom coburn that made the point it doesnt stop it substantially. The funds have been no small part, already appropriatated or spent. The effort to defund obamacare would need to happen legislatively. Obviously, thats not going to happen. So its this frenzy Chris Matthews is talking about. Its a frenzy, its not well, right. What i have not understood, its sort of like, okay, what if you get what you want . The reason this felt simply just an attempt to build a fundraising list and build a friend and all that stuff is they dont have this, okay, they dont talk about the replaced portion of it. I have to say, when you actually look at this. I know, you talk to the republicans, they say they dont like this law, they dont like this law. Okay. Lets say you get your wish and repeal it. You are not going to see another attempt to work with in this system of the Insurance Companies and within the system of basically employerbased health care. The only other thing thats going to happen is medicare for all or medicare for most. You know, ultimately, which you sit here and you are like, okay, if you are not going to try to make this work, which is within the system, within a semi private semi public sort of partnership, if you dont believe Something Like this can work, but then you feel as if you have to do something about health care, then the alternative is going to end up being some sort of single medicare for all. You that you can to doctors, you talk to the business community. You caulk to corporate ceos. Ultimately, what do they want to get rid of . The costs of Health Insurance. You talk to doctors, they want to simplify the way they get reimbursements. How does that come together . I think republicans are playing with fire. They are. The only alternative that may make sense the universal health care, that is not on the table it seems like from the republicans perspective. Back to issue of replacing or defunding obamacare. There was one really good way to go about doing that, that was to win the presidency in 2012. That was literally the only way they can do it other than shutting everything down. They do shut it down. Exchanges will be october 1st. People will be able to in the they needed to win the presidency. They couldnt win the presidency and for a lot of people that was the end of the argument. It was done there. There was a point after the election that health care is the law of the land. I dont know how we went from that point in november 2012 that john mccain is championing a bill again. A perpetual cycle of nothing. The other option they are talking about which is delaying the individual mandate would not change the main functioning of the law. The exchanges would happen, but it messes with the premiums in the Health Insurance market and it would be bad for the Affordable Care act. It would make Health Coverage a lot more expensive for morest 55 people. It doesnt do anything other than mess with the law. The Lobby Campaign if thats on the table which it is, its going to be the debt limit increase. They are going to go for that not happening because they need to make sure they get the end revenu revenues. The Obama Administration said thats a starter as well and we find ourselves in the same debate in three weekss time. Part of the reasons republicans are furious is he is promising the base something that is not possible for republicans in congress to deliver. They are not going to repeal obama care. Even if they pass both houses, you are not going to override the president s veto. So far they havent had a democrat say i will override it. How to gut o ba obama care in the New York Times. Issen tor tom coburp and british deputy Prime Minister. Much more morning joe in a moment. Ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. Some are giant. Some not so giant. When managing your weight, bigger is always better. Ho ho ho green giant i got this. [thinking] is it that time . The son picks up the check . [thinking] im still working. Hes retired. I hope hes saving. I hope he saved enough. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Whether youre just starting your 401 k or you are ready for retirement, well help you get there. With an innovative showerhead plus wireless speaker, kohler is the proud sponsor of singing in the shower. Up next, ted cruz tries to find a reading of dr. Seuss and obama care next. Helping to sell obama care. 42 and 44 on stage with a potential 45. Well be right back. [ male announcer ] we all have something neatly tucked away in the back of our mind. A secret hope. That thing weve always wanted to do. Its not about having dreams, its about reaching them. An ally for real possibilities. Aarp. Find tools and direction at aarp. Org possibilities. You feel. Squeezed. Congested. Beat down. Crushed. As if the weight of the world is resting on your face. But sudafed gives you maximum strength sinus pressure and pain relief. So you feel free. Liberated. Released. Decongested. Open for business. [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] powerful sinus relief from the 1 pharmacist recommended brand. Sudafed. Open up. Your Financial Advisor should focus on your longterm goals, not their shortterm agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. If you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do face time and think time make a difference. Join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, its how we make sense of investing. I want to take the opportunity to read two bedtime stories to my girls. Do you like green eggs and. Would you could you in a car. Eat them, eat them, here they are. A train, a train, a train. Could you would you on a train. Would you could you in the rain. I would not, could not in the rain. Could you, would you with a goat . I do not like them here or there, i do not like them anywhere. I do not like green eggs and m ham. From washington, Cokie Roberts and bloomberg views al hunt and the Huffington Post sam stein and New York Times jeremy peevers. Senator ted cruz took to the floor yesterday afternoon declaring he will talk until he could not stand almost. Because hoo did a deal with harry reid before happened. He will talk until harry reid tells him he is not allowed to talk anymore. Which is noon. This was sort of a faux lying in the stand. Or phony. It was a phony land in the stand. I shall stand and talk until i can talk no more. He also wore sneakers. Come on. Black tennis chews. When i was 13 years old, i flew to england with Strom Thurman who just made his record filibuster. Terrifying thought. I upgraded may parents about this. But that was a filibuster. That was a real filibuster. On the floor or on the plane . No, no, but 24 hours for a real filibuster that was there. This is just a kid trying to get publicity in texas. Not a filibuster because it has no chance of delaying the vote. That didnt stop ted cruz from making serious allegations against obama care. You go to the 1940s, nazi germany. We saw in britain, Neville Chamberlain who said except the nazis, yes, they will dominate the continent of europe, but thats not our problem. I suspect the same pundit who is say it cant be done, it firefighters the 1940s, thi would have made television. They would have gotten beyond Carrier Pigeons and letters and would have been on tv saying you cannot defeat the germans. Wow. What do you say when someone compares their phony filibuster to the slaughter of six million jews . And that was only about 20 minutes in. He didnt even build up to it. This was the other day when he was criticized by colleagues saying i dont engage in that. If you dont stand with him on this filibuster that most republicans dont. If most republicans did, this wouldnt be a phony filibuster. Youre right. Since scott walker said this is a phony fight and since paul ryan said this is a phony fight and the house of representatives and republicans and everybody said and all the right wing nuts, certainly they are Neville Chamberlain. It is really just so preposterous. Insane. We are dealing with outside conservative groups putting pressure on the republicans to vote against obama care over and over again. To say we are going to score you on these legislative score cards negatively if you dont do this. Apc poll last week, even though 27 of the people overall thought it was a bad idea to shut down the government to try to harm obama care, of the people who oppose obama care, 52 said it was a good idea to shut down the government. They are responding to their constituents. To say there is a political opportunity here. He is going to die on the had il and he will say hes alone. That benefits him politically even though its narcissistic in some respects. All politicians are narcissistic, but this is not even inspeiering. This is just pretend. He can be doing this in his closet and it would have the same effect on america. We can say that a million times, but he gets to say i dieded on thdied on that hill for the purpose of defeating obama care and i was alone. Then i went to a fundraiser. I think marco rubio gets the better side. We can say its phony, but the grass roots tea partiers he is aiming for, one of the things ted cruz did was shifting the narrative and making it seem as if this is a fight between ted cruz and harry reid and barack obama. They made us forget about the fact that they are filibustering their own bill. Its actually quite a messaging feat. This was bizarre. People that just woke up this morning, we have to let you know whats going on. Ted cruz is filibustering not obama care, but a fake filibuster. Let me restate that. Ted cruz is fake filibustering the house of representative bill that defunds obama care. He is fake filibustering a bill that does exactly what he wants to do. Why would he do this . Because after the house of representatives called his cluf and passed a bill that defunded obama care, he came over on the press conference and attacked him because they wouldnt do anything in the senate and proving this morning he cant do anything because he has to negotiate with harry reid and he is making a spectacle because he got cornered. I agree with jeremy. There is an inverse relationship between how much you are despised in washington and how much you are loved by the base. Im not sure how he comes off and what it does in other places. The danger is we know this is going to end and it will be a phony. Dont forget the debt ceiling. I think he dug himself into a hole. We shall see. Speaking of holes, the new polls about barack obama, all their houses here. Wow. He had bill clinton talking about obama care which we will get to, but this hurts. Brandnew polls about lets define. Who does it hurt . Who does Ted Cruz Making fools of the Republican Party hurt . That hurts ted. I wish you were a democrat like bob filner. You have a president with really low Approval Ratings. All right. So. These polls show his job performance, the economy is far from good news. According to the poll, just 47 have a favorable opinion of the president. 39 approve of the way the president is handling health care. Just 38 approve of the handling of the economy. A majority of americans say president obama has done a poor job at managing americas reputation around the world. 47 have a favorable opinion of the president right now. 49 have an unfavorable view. That is the First Time Since he took office that more americans viewed president obama unfavorably. I tell you what. Al hunt, six years in, im a huge reagan fan, but i remember watching tv after six years and i remember reagan going on in 86 and nobody is listening to him anymore. Bush six years in. Clinton six years in. We are not even years in with barack obama, but you have Approval Ratings in the 30s for health care and approval in the 30s for the economy and more people disapprove than approve of him for the first time. Its across the board. Everything is down, but you said earlier on all houses in that came poll, the republican his an Approval Rating of 34 . The lowest we have seen for a party rating. Miley cyrus is down there. It is in both houses. Its all about the economy. To the poll, whats fascinating to me is that it took this long. D. C. Is so dysfunctional, if you have been waiting this long, you are going to be depressed about the president S Performance because you dont have immigration reform. Theres no reason to be optimistic about what washington is doing. Its not rebounding and not much to be optimistic about with respect to the president or congress or government in general. Im surprised that the numbers took this long to get there. The economy is getting modestly better. Most people say its getting worse. If you look on wall street, its best. If you look at press, its terrible. This is a big problem. He hasnt been able to pass legislation this year anyway. Going into next round of fights with his Approval Rating dropping ands en tons thinking he doesnt know and doesnt seem to know what hes doing, hes going to have a hard time passing an agenda. Its not just the president. What you are hearing more and more from democrats and republicans is that the place just is not functioning and not doing what it is supposed to be doing. We are spending the morning talking about what some would argue is a publicity stunt boy a senator. Its not going to be rolled back. Think about the big ticket items. Tax reform, immigration, it doesnt lock like any of these will be done soon. I was doing research for a book im writing yesterday and tame upon this article by noah brooks in the Sacramento Daily Union. In 1863, the middle of the civil war, congress fritteredway limited time and in the consideration of schemes, leaving the credit of the country to go steadily down to ruin and the financial world unable to predicate any action upon the action of congress and the treasury department. What year . 1862. You sure . In the middle of the civil war. It would be worse . We could be in civil war. This is so interesting. I look forward to reading that. To the point we are all making in terms of whats getting done or not, president obama was bringing in a big gun to help sell his Signature Health care plan. Bill clinton, Hillary Clinton introduced the two president s as number 42 and number 42. It might be historic with number 45 there as well. A q a about health care between the two commanders in chief turned into a sales pitch for the Affordable Care act. What does this open enrollment mean . How are people going to get involved . I will give the president a chance to talk about the good stuff that happened, but i want to let you know one thing. In the last three years since we started doing this, inflation dropped to 4 for the first time in 50 years. 50 years. What you had is an unprecedented effort that you have seen ramp up over the last month or so in which those who have opposed the idea of universal health care in the first place and fought this thing tooth and nail through congress and the courts and so forth have been trying to scare and discourage people from getting a good deal. What we are saying is is look, go to the website yourself. We are confident that when people look and see that they can get high quality Affordable Care for less than their cell phone bill, they are going to sign up. I think i just fell asleep watching that. It was so boring. Bill clinton was about to fall asleep. So here you have possibly 45, introducing 42. Wife 45, husband 42. Really . A monarchy . Are we going to do that . Get jeb bush in there and we have we really going to do that. 41, 42, 43, 45. All in two families . That would be one of the biggest problems is people dont like the idea of dynasties even though we have done a few. A favorite senator, senator Clair Mccaskill on the filibuster. I wonder what angle that will take. Whatever she says will be fabulous. Political reporter casey hunt joins us and why this ad for the 70s was so important for the womens movement. They call it charlie dont even ask. The president joins us to explain. I remember that. Its perfume called charlie. Bill . Its weird. I think he does. I think my 3yearold is better behaved than you guys. As far as the forecast, florida, once again if you took a vacation, you are explaining. They had rain four days in a row and look at this morning. This yellow with heavy rain from tampa through orlando. The good news the end of the week looks better. Yesterday i was saying they had the possibility of going up the east coast. A significant weather event and now it will be further offshore. Especially for areas around cape cod and nova scotia. Just offshore with the storm. We will have to watch it. As far as the forecast. Its looking good except in the northwest where its cool and rainy from seattle to portland. It looks like a splendid middle of the week. We will call it about 72 degrees and sunny in time square. Doesnt get much better for the end of september. I want peacocks. Peacocks . Walking the grounds. In tuscany. [ man ] her parents didnt expect her dreams to be so ambitious. Italy . Oh, thats not good. [ man ] by exploring their options, they learned that instead of going to italy, they could use a Home Equity Loan to renovate their yard and have a beautiful wedding right here while possibly increasing the value of their home. You and roger could get married in our backyard. Its robert, dad. [ female announcer ] come in to find the right credit options for your needs. Because when people talk, great things happen. Then youll love lactosefree lactaid® its 100 real milk thats easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. Lactaid®. For 25 years, easy to digest. Easy to love. Mr. President , on the morning news i hear there is a filibuster today. There will be no filibuster today. Filibusters stop people from voting and we are going to vote tomorrow. Under the rules, no one can stop that. Here with us now, democratic senator from missouri Clair Mccaskill. And it aint ted cruz. Also with us political reporter casey hunt. All right, clair. We did bring up the cardinals and heres what we dont understand. How do they always do it . They are always there. Absolutely and look. We have these rookie pitcher who is came within an inch of a no hitter. We have the best rookie pitchers in baseball. We are great at singles and we are not a good home run team. We are a manager and a fan base. This is the best in the world. It kicks the yankeess as. Not the red sox, but the yankees. Somebody call me now. They have been with me at fenway and alabama and say you know what, go to st. Louis and their home games are like alabama football games. Those are the greatest fans in the world. The cardinals always make it. They dont have the yankees payroll. We have 11 championships. If you see ken burn, i am irritated about the series on baseball. The gas house games are usual. This is an incredible baseball team. Can i just say, martha is coakley is not. Okay, casey . Okay. So clair, an awful lot to talk about. She cant wait. We can talk about political theater. Lets. I have decided whey think part of the problem is. I think he thinks hes starring in a movie. You know what i mean . Its all about him. Tell me the truth. Its not a real filibuster. He is staying on the front even though hes free to leave and free to go to the bathroom so long as somebody else is on the floor. He doesnt even need somebody else, but nobody else is interested. He is not grabbing the floor in an effort to prevent something. He is using it to promote himself. Where is he . It doesnt matter. Heres the thing. Its not a filibuster. As the wall street journal said, it was a fake debate intended to get him on cable news shows and help him raise money. Republicans are more upset about the democrats. There is a type of civil war between people who understand that we have to watch what happens in elections. We dont govern by polling or how many calls come into our offices. There was an election in november and there were two candidates. One said repeal obama care and didnt. By the way, every democratic senator who voted for obama care, red state, blue state, purple state, were reelected. Many by doubledigits. We added two senators in the senate. I asked him earlier whether those same senators should give their own Staff Members and give themselves an exemption to obama care. Should you all get rid of the capitol hill exemption . There is none. You are not. This is not true. Heres whats in the bill. Nancy pelosi specifically asked for an exemption. What are the only people in america who are required to Research Insurance on the exchange . Congress and staff. We are the only ones required to purchase our insurance on the exchange. Thats whats in the bill. What they are trying to do is turn that into a notion that all of us should not get employer contribution. I dont know where everybody decided that it was immoral to take an employer contribution. Heres what i say to my friends on the republican side. If they think its immoral to take a contribution for health care, they can stop today and every one of the guys can cut their salaries of staff and remit that money to the treasury. They dont need an amendment. A lot of people are saying that. David is trying to do this. Ted cruz is standing in his way saying no, no, woe dont want to do it for the hill and the staff, but all federal employees. This is whats frustrating. The only thing that is happening is the employer contribution instead of going on the federal plan, we are going to be required to go to the exchange and buy our insurance. Should there be an employer contribution for that . I guess. Im fine if we dont have it, but its not fair to my staff. I have a young lady working at the front desk in washington, d. C. Making 30,000 a year living like she is in college. Should we deny her the employer contribution that every federal employee gets even though she will have to take it and shop on the exchange. Nobody is required to shop on the exchange. Right . You are right first of all. This is an amendment offered as a way to get the democrats to trip up and do health care reform. When the senator constructed this, he wanted to maintain the contribution. What happened is they reflected the wills of the staff and its being used against democrats. Its a miraculous benefit. Its just a regular feature that has been transferred over to the exchanges. My question for you, republicans will come back after they fail on this ground and say okay, we didnt get that, but maybe we can do ayear delay. Maybe during the debt limit. Will some democrats go along with Something Like that in a reddish blue state . I dont think so because all of us that were reelected that have read the bill and understand that this is a benefit that is going to come to people. I have got 800,000 people in my state that need someplace to buy Health Insurance. Why would i say you have to wait another year . Most people want Health Insurance. They need it. A year delay for the individual mandate. First of all, i think everyone will be busy figuring out the exchange and buying insurance. It was interesting that ted cruz used green eggs and. I went to university of missouri and not harvard, but my daughter said he doesnt know the point of the story. You cant knock things will in you try it. You dont know how the exchange is going to work its all private Insurance Companies on these exchanges. Im trying to figure out why we should delay them going into effect when it is a free Market Solution to Accessible Health care. Clair is pointing out the ridiculousnessness of this process watching ted cruz, but we saw rand paul looking at the dynamic and Mitch Mcconnell. Absolutely. The on that point you were making, one point that democrats made politically is to say like every other program we have passed, there is fear mongering and they become very politically popular. With Mitch Mcconnell and ted cruz, this is a difficult position for the majority leader and part of why republicans were so angry with cruz. He is putting them in a very difficult position. Especially those who are facing primary challengers in the tea party. You are seeing people like senator tom coburn saying i rayed money for the people to scream at me for not opposing obama care when all i have done is go after exactly the goals that they want. In fact again the craziness of this is that ted cruz is fake filibustering a bill that does exactly what ted cruz has been asking the house to do all along. I dont think ted cruz cares. Does he . Part of what we are seeing here, this anger from the right. Senator, you are the last person in the world who nodes to be told the effect that this tea party angst can have. It worked out well in your favor and you won reelection, but i wonder if this feels familiar to you. If you think the tea party is becoming more and more resurgent over this fight on repealing obama care. There is no question there is a percentage of america and my state that doesnt like president obama, doesnt like what they believe obama care is going to be. I am astounded by the tweets i receive boy people who clearly dont get that these are all private insurance. We are trying to work in a Health Care Delivery system and maintain which is awkward because its not single payer and universal. It is all private Insurance Companies. I think they think its a government program. They think that they are going to somehow be arrested if they dont immediately run out and buy insurance someplace where they are not sure where. I think there is a lot of cynicism about washington right now. I get that. I will tell you that one of the things ted is missing is how many people want us to govern. They dont want us to scream at each other. They want us to compromise. Its where democracy has done its best work. We are not going to hold hands, but we can hammer out deals and negotiate on the budget. We have dropped the deficit, cut it in half this year. We need to continue to work on less spending. They wont even let us go to conference on the budget. We spent three years about doing a budget. Ted cruz wont let it go to conference. We talked about a small number of republicans and the problems they are causing for the conservative movement. We showed last block a new poll out that shows president obamas numbers are lower than ever. In the 30s when it am cans to health care and handling of the economy and poorly when it deals with foreign policy. He is upside down in favorability. Why are these president s numbers when you get into the 30s, you are approaching bush territory. Most people want to get back to doing our jobs instead of political posturing. You think the president is posturing politically . I think frankly most of the voters think we lost our minds and they are not fans of any of us. I always made the joke on the campaign trail that i have a chunk of my network and voters who always watch msnbc and think they are right and a chunk of voter who is watch fox and think they are right. The people who decide in washington, they watch dance dancing with the stars. We ha we they think we are all crazy. The president promised everybody would get along and get things done that that hasnt worked out. Thats a difficult thing for him had shoulder years into his presidency. Im not surprised his numbers are struggling, but the economy is better and spending is down and once the exchanges roll out and people realize its not big bad government coming to your front door and dprabing your health care by the throat, i think it will be better. Senator, as far as the debate we have going on, this is the first of two major deadlines and the first being more important. Where has the president been . The most we heard from him is that he called john baper and said he is not going to negotiate. He is working hard on everything. We shouldnt negotiate on paying our bills. We cant negotiate on paying our bills. Really . It sounds like fun. Casey hunt, thank you. Clair mccaskill, thank you very much. Stay with us. The next guest is the author of wonder woman and a look at whats driving the markets. Ok, whys that . Well uhhh. Hey daddy, whats your job . Daddys a uhh florist. Are you really a florist . Dad, why are there shovels in the trunk . Theres no shovels in my trunk. I see shovels. You dont see no shovels. Just am. Well, its true. At ally there are no hidden fees. Not one. Thats nice. No hidden fees, no worries. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. [ dings ] [ male announcer ] every thought. Every movement. Carefully planned, coordinated and synchronized. Performing together with a single, united purpose. Thats what makes the worlds leading airline. Flyer friendly. There is a fragrance thats here today and they call it charlie kind of free, kind of wow charlie now the world belongs to charlie. By revlon. That was a revlon ad from the 70s which our next guest said had a big view on women having it all. Debra spar is out with a new book, wonder women, sex, power, and the quest for perfection. I look forward to talking about the book. This is good. When i was in congress not that i know anything about politics. I keep trying to talk and then you see in. You cant say a word. You love it. We could do this. The book. Sex, power, the quest for perfection. We are always trying to be perfect. Absolutely. We need to get over that. Isnt that the bottom line some. Thats what im arguing. Many, many women are trying not only to have it all, but to be perfect and to do everything all at once. We are sort of driving ourselves crazy. It doesnt work. It doesnt work. No one in the world has it all and we rarely ask of men do you have it all. For women we fall into this trap that we have to be perfect career with em and wives and look like models all the time. So the commercial. I saw that commercial as a kid. So did i. One of the things i noticed is many women today who saw that commercial then still remember it. It embedded itself in the minds of women who thought when they grew up and became professionals, thats what life would be like. Senator, lets give casey advice. You cant be perfect. Dont try. Debt spending. Exactly. I think confidence is a big issue too. Men are a lot better at it. We should fix that. I think a lot of i overcompensated many times in my life trying to know a little more and work a little harder and make my cupcakes for the home room requirement a little nicer. It took a while as a single mom with three young kids, middle class income with three children to support, you just have to make choices. Its just about prioritizing and not trying to do all the stuff that make you the perfect woman or make you be able to say i have it all. I am glad you are saying out loud that no one has it all. Why women have been trying to say we have it all. Men dont. Men cant cook. Whoa whoa i cook. You know what i mean. You dont feel the need to overcompensate on that in that area like i think the women feel the need to overcompensate. You may not feel guilty if you dont cook the gourmet meal. Men do a better job of not feeling guilty when something falls through the cracks. How is it different for you in the senate when you think about how your male colleagues approach their job and you tend to socialize with your friends. How are the pressures different for you than male colleagues . The secret is realizing that they are the same. Its a little easy for me. My youngest kid say senior in college. I dont have the home guilt anymore. Am i there to be there all the time. That has lifted and that guilt is gone, but i will say this. Last night was the bipartisan dipper and we all sit around and we were there last night and all the republican women were there and most of the Democratic Women were there. Were you watching ted cruz . He was barely mentioned. We were focused on a lot of other things like how we can continue to get things done and our kids and i do think there is a sense of camaraderie that is strong on our side because many of us had to overcome the same burdens. The producers for some reason want me to reiterate that i can cook. We will have you cook. What is the take away with the book . It sounds like it will be a relief to read it. Thats what im hoping. They can say because im a senator, i may not be making home cooked meals every night and thats okay. I wonder if you looked at how the generals which are blurred in samesex relationships. I havent looked at it systematically but its a fascinating develop. I had women say im part of a lesbian partnership and as soon as we had kids, somebody had to be the wife. Somebody has to take care of the kids. Thank you. The book is wonder women. Sex, power, and the quest for perfection. Senator mccaskill, thank you as well. Thank you, thank you. Why not. Up next, aigs ceo in the hot seat on controversial comments. Business before the bell is next. Heres the plan. Were gonna stop beating ourselves up about our weight. Were not gonna give up what we love. Its not gonna happen. And when the pounds still come off. Well be like, whoa one night well even eat a cupcake like its our job. Just not the entire cake. Thats part of the Weight Watchers plan. Were gonna feel happy. Healthy. And good. Really good. Weight watchers. Because we understand. Because weve been there. Because it works. Join for free. Offer ends october 19th. Youre not linda. Im filling in for officer owens. She used double miles from her capital one venture card to take an early vacation. Buckle up. Lets go do cop stuff. [ siren chirps ] license and venture card, maam. Was i going too fast . Oh, youd be going twice as fast if you had double miles. [ male announcer ] get away fast with unlimited double miles from the capital one venture card. 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P why would say say that. We are back in a moment. Tomorrow on morning joe, republican senator tom coburn will be with us and deputy Prime Minister of the united kingdom. Up next, what if anything did we learn today . Is of a better fut, a confident retirement. Those dreams, theres just no way were going to let them die. Like they helped millions of others. By listening. Planning. Working one on one. Thats what Ameriprise Financial does. Thats what they can do with you. Thats how ameriprise puts more within reach. Picasso painted one of his master works at 56. Doris taerbaum finished her first marathon at 50. Not everyone peaks in their twenties. Throughout their lives. Passion keeps them realizing possibilities. An ally for real possibilities. Aarp. Find tools and support at aarp. Org possibilities. Then youll love lactosefree lactaid® its 100 real milk thats easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. Lactaid®. For 25 years, easy to digest. Easy to love. 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You gotta taste this soup. We first met bono and he walked into the oval office and i thought it was a member of his road crew. Actually i felt like the rock stoor that occasion. I must be really easy to make fun of. Time to talk about what we learned. I learned not only does clair mcclassic il doesnt think i can cook, but now i have to make dinner to prove my worth. I learned that the yankees suck. The cardinals that matter. I think she fills in if are you well. I think she does too. She should do it every morning starting at 4 00. In case anybody doubts the poll and allure of ted cruz on the right, how ted is barack obama to the Republican Party. Thats not really a compliment now, is it . Thats the last thing we need. Its way too early. It is morning joe. Coming up, im excited about this. Right here, right now. Heres in an undisclosed location. I look and hes right there working feverishly away. Getting ready to do the peoples business. Chuck

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