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So i want to send a very clear message to people here. We are not going to play that game next year. In congress in any way suggests that they are going to tie negotiations to debt ceiling votes and take us to the brink of default once again as part of a budget negotiation which, by the way, we have never done it in our history until we did it last year, i will not play that game. Sorry Speaker Boehner. Find someone else to play economic game with. The president isnt interested. Hes done with their gimmicks. Hes done with their ploys. Hes done with the argument that they are the serious ones in this whole debate. So we ask the president , sit down with us, be serious about the specifics of spending. And ill be available at any moment to sit down with the president to get serious about solving this problem. Get serious . Nothing about the republican side is serious these days. Even one of the leading gop voices, former senator allen simpson, has released a video that has pretty much everyone scratching their heads. Stop instagraming your breakfast and tweeting your first World Problems and getting on youtube so you can see gangam style. And dont forget, take part or get taken apart. These old cook cans will try to get you out before you get there. Horse, horse. Get them ready. The cowboys ride. The cowboys ride. Im not quite sure what that has to do with the debt talks or the republican position on taxes. Maybe another prominent conservative can help me understand what the gop is thinking. Any word from karl rove . Hes been telling you its over. Romney lost. Dammit, i gets its time i explain to these good people about the fiscal cliff. Think of the economy as the car and the rich man as the driver. If you dont give the driver all the money, hell drive you over a cliff. Its just commonsense. Finally someone on the right willing to tell the truth. But heres the thing. This time it doesnt matter if mr. Burns, Speaker Boehner, or the tea party try to hold the American People hostage just to get what they want. The president isnt going to budge. So i want to send a very clear message to people here. We are not going to play that game next year. Up until now, the gop has ln playing with a load of debt but today president obama has the trump card. Joining me now is congresswoman janet can kakowski, member of the progressive caucus and mar sdwree omera, democratic strategist. Thank you both for coming on the show tonight. Congresswoman, let me start with you. Is the gop serious about holding the economy hostage again just to get what they want . Well, think about the cards that they are holding. They are in favor of tax cuts for the rich. They want to cut tax care programs and medicare and make seniors pay and threaten the economy of the United States of america by defaulting on payments or at least to threaten that. This is not a very popular position among the public. In fact, they will be i think its a Suicide Mission that they are on, that the American People will make them pay the price. I really dont understand their strategy. Margie, if you look at the fact that in the 2011 debt ceiling battle senator Mitch Mcconnell had this to say. He said, i think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage. You might take a chance at shooting. Most of us didnt think that. What we did learn is this. Its a hostage thats worth ransoming. And it focuses the congress on something that must be done. Now, if this was their thought and attitude in 2011, do you think thats what were dealing with, that kind of feeling, attitude of holding the hostage for ransom now . I hope not. Its bad for its certainly bad for the economy and its also been bad for the economy brand. Its the reason that they were unsuccessful in the polls and by two to one if we dont reach a deal for the fiscal cliff. And its also the reason why you see voters very clearly support having the wealthiest pay a little bit more. It the one proposal that is consistently it received strong support from a ma sdwrort majority of reporters and they dig their heels in and say we dont support this. They are on the wrong side of politics, wrong side of what history supports. Its just a bad strategy all the way around. Now, what happened last time we held the debt ceiling hostage, it led to the first credit down grade in u. S. History. The stock market dropped 1300 points in 2011 and the gop rating dropped 11 point, congresswoman. Do we need to play this game again . No. And thats why the president went to the business roundtable. This is a very unpopular and there are real kwens. The downgrading of our Credit Rating is consequential to say that hes not playing that game anymore in front of business leaders. Let me ask you this, margie. Nancy pelosi argued that the democrats must stand strong against raising the medicare eligibility age. Will democrats hold the line on this . I dont think theres any question. We cannot raise the age of medicare. This would be a marriage major cut in benefits. It would hurt people from 65 to 67 because the truth of the matter is, many people in the United States are not living longer. Those are people, poor women are actually living shorter. People who make less money are living i have not seen their longevity grow. We cannot do that. That is a cut in benefits that we dont want and the American People are adamantly against it, overwhelmingly against it. Is that a deal breaker, then, for democrats if the age eligibility is on the table . I think if the age of eligibility is on the table and i doubt very much that it will be. I believe that the president is not going to support that. And i believe that the democrats are not going to support changing the age of eligibility. It is nothing more than a dangerous cut in benefits and that is just not going to fly either with the American People and i dont believe that it will happen in the congress and certainly not in the white house. Marg, a leading conservative senator, tom coburn argued that it doesnt really matter with tax revenues come from. Take a listen. I know we have to raise revenue. I dont really care which way we do it. Actually, i would rather see the rates go up than do it the other way because it gives us a greater chance to broaden the base in the future. What do you get from that comment, marg . I do see that some republicans are trying to pavement way for there to be an agreement. I think it can be an encouraging sign. The trick is you have the Rush Limbaugh wing of the Republican Party that has really pulling john boehner and pulling republicans farther to the right and i hope that this is just posturing and that now that they have gotten their posturing out of the way, everybody can come to the table but certainly that wasnt what happened last year. So it just really remains to be seen. The president drove home the point today that tax rates need to go up. Theres no other solution. Take a listen. The holdup right now is that Speaker Boehner took a position i think the day after the campaign that said were willing to bring in revenue but were not willing to increase rates. And i just explained to you why we dont think that works. Were not insisting on rates just out of spite or out of any kind of partisan victory. But rather because we need to raise a certain amount of revenue. Congresswoman, do the republicans realize the president did win the election . Well, certainly some of the republicans have caught on and also realize they are just on the wrong side of the majority of americans by saying that they are going to go to the mat. They are going to fight to the finish. They are willing to bring the economy down to fight for the top 2 . Really . This is not going to help them. If they want to win in any future election, they are taking the wrong positions. Some republicans are definitely coming around to that conclusion. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and margie omero, thank you both for your time tonight. Senator tom hawken joins us next. Plus, the grand old party gets a grand old makeover. Wait until you hear what paul ryan is saying about the 47 . The one and only rosie perez is in the house and i just learned today we have something in common. Youre watching politicsnation on msnbc. Get this, earlier today mitt romney was spotted on a costco shopping spree. Thats right. He ended up buying 14 costcos. 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They will demand raising the medicare eligibility age to 67 and demand 600 billion in tax cuts for medicare and medicaid. And demand 200 billion be slashed from Social Security. Thats the game the gop is playing. So who will be there to fight . Our next guest. Thats who. Joining me now is senator tom harkin for iowa and champion for the middle class. Senator, its a pleasure to have you here tonight. Good to be back with you, al. This new plan is picking up steam. How can you and the democrats fight back if they give in on tacks . Well, ill tell you, al, what were seeing is number one, medicare shouldnt be a part of this whole debate at all and neither should Social Security. Lets take care of that later on. The most important thing we can do right now is to let people know, let the middle class know that we passed a bill last this last summer. Its 3412. S3412. If the house passes it, president obama said that he would sign it tomorrow. That would extend the tax cuts for the middle class. That means the middle class can go out and do Christmas Shopping and buy thing for their families because they would know that their tacks are not going up. Its being held hostage by the house of representatives. That would be the best thing that we can do right now. Now, if they, in fact, allow the tax cut across the board and then come back in, i understand that some are saying that its better to have no deal than to have a bad deal. Where do you stand on that, senator harkin. Better no deal than a bad deal. What do you mean by that . To make the elderly pay more on their deductibles or copays and to mess around with cost of living adjustment on Social Security, thats a bad deal. That shouldnt even be part of the discussion. If thats where they are headed, i say no deal. Well discuss that later on. The most important thing right now is just to have the house pass the tax cut for the middle class. That would be the best single thing that we can do right now. But ill tell you, im not going to fall into this trap of saying, well, we have to have some kind of a deal or well fall off this cliff. Im not worried about that. The cliff im worried about is what is going to happen to the elderly poor, people on medicaid right now, what happens when they fall off their cliff . People like us, you know, and the rich and the people in this country, you know, they can fall off a little curb a little bit. Doesnt bother them. But when youre attacking people on medicaid and on medicare and on Social Security, im telling you, thats when if they fall off they cant get back up. Now, it seems as though from all of the polling, the American People are with you senator, what makes the gop plan most striking to me is that the American People are just absolutely opposing it. 82 oppose reducing Social Security benefits. 67 oppose raising medicare eligibility age. Meanwhile, 60 support raising taxes on the wealthy. So this is just not partisan. This seems to be where the American People are at. Well, i think dont you think, al, the American People are on to what the republicans are up to . They want to balance the budget on the backs of low income, middle class, and the elderly. They are saying, weve got to cut all this spending, cut all this spending, but they dont want the wealthy to pay their fair share. The American People are on to us. Thats what this election is about. If there was one thing clear in this last election is that president obama said, if you reelect me, im going to be in favor of raising the rates and raising taxes on the super wealthy in our country. And guess what, al, he won. And he won big. Thats where the American People are. One of the things that is also a major issue is they are attacking a stimulus portion of the president s offer because for 95 a billion to extend payroll tax cut, 50 billion to Fund Infrastructure projects like roads and bridges. So they are not only playing games on how they are going to deal with the question of tax cuts across the board but they are really attacking the stimulus part of the president s offer. Well, you and i both know the best way to grow is from the middle out, not from the top down. The best way to get this economy going is to get some jobs out there for some people and thats in infrastructure, education, job restraining. Weve got to get people back to work. Then, when theyve got the money, they can go out and start buying things and the Business Community will respond by hiring more people. Thats the stimulus that we need. We know that the last Stimulus Program worked. I dont care what the republicans say. The facts are there. The last stimulus worked. What we need now is to boost that. We need more spending right now. We need more spending right now to put people to work in the short term. You do that and youll get the economy going again. When you look at where we have had like natural disasters, like Hurricane Sandy in the northeast and other things that have shown the need to rebuild the infrastructure i mean, when a hurricane can close down the biggest city in the country for a week and the new jersey coast, were not talking about handouts here. We need to rebuild tunnels and bridges and highways and roadways. You would think that would be above partisan bickering. Its been said before, al, were still driving on eisenhowers highways and going to roosevelts schools. You know, 60, 70yearold things, weve got to rebuild this infrastructure. It will put a lot of people back to work. Youre right on target on that. Hurricane sandy showed that more clearly than anything else. Senator tom harkin, thank you for your time tonight. Thank you, al. Thank you for your leadership. Up next, what does america look like . Heres hant. Its not the Republican Party. Youll want to hear what nancy pelosi had to say about this picture. Plus, the great rosie perez is here. Actress, director, activist. Shell talk about change and progress after the election. Stay with us. Welcome to chevys yearend event. So, the 5. 3liter v8 silverado can tow up to 9,600 pounds . 315 horsepower. Whats that in reindeer power . [ laughing ] [ stops laughing ] [ male announcer ] chevys giving more. This holiday season, trade up to get the 2012 Chevy Silverado allstar edition for 0 apr financing for 60 months plus 2,000 cash allowance or get a total value of 9,000. One of the gops many problems is they have become the party of old, white men and its made them a punch line on latenight tv. Ill have you know, theres a great deal of diversity and variety in that group. For instance, these three gentleman alone look like the kind of guys that would sell you three very different types of insurance. And that guy looks like your average news anchor but that guy look like your average sports announcer. This picture was a big problem for them. They tried to fix it by adding one woman. Thats it that was their big solution. Thats their deaf anything definition of diversity. Well, now its a new line of a democratic leadership by minority leader nancy pelosi. About half of our Committee Chairs are women and minorities and that diversity is a reflection of america. They will ensure that the voices of all americans have a seat at the table every american represented in the halls of government. Democrat look like america. Republicans look like a party in need of a makeover. Well talk about that next. Patients will try and deal with it by drinking water. Water will work for a few seconds but if youre not drinking it, its going to get dry again. 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Were back on politicsnation with extreme makeovers. Kill the music. You may have heard it on daytime talk show. Who knew it existed in the world of politics. Lets get right to it. Who is up first . Paul ryan. Last year he was mr. 30 . 30 didnt want the american dream. He was mr. Makers and takers. Everyone, get ready. Here comes paul ryan now. Oh, look at him. Hes vowing to help americans rise up from poverty and hes slamming his old pal mitts 47 comments. What a change. Okay, whos next . None other than senator marco rubio. A few weeks ago he was proudly standing with mitt romney and he and agreed on tax reform. Look at him today. Hes mr. Middle class. Middle class. Middle class. Middle class. And we have a very special guest makeover. Its rick santorum. Earlier in the year he ran for president on an antiimmigration platform. And look at this. Now hes saying immigration will bring Economic Growth to america. Incredible makeover. But stop the music. The entire party is trying to cover up who they really are inside. The policies havent changed is all rhetoric. Like most makeovers, the gop is only skin deep. Joining me now is abby huntsman, producer of huff post live and dr. James peterson at lihi university and contributor to the grio. Com. What do you make of these republican makeovers . Well, they are not makeovers. They are mass ska raiding as they pivot to where they need to in the future. As you listen closely to what they are saying, you can see the seeds of the sort of old new Republican Party. Mr. Rubio wants to talk about the middle class and mr. Ryan wants to talk about welfare reform but you cant do that without understanding the midst of poverty that we have right now is exacerbating by the welfare that we had no those days. If you look closely at their speeches you can see the inconsistencies but it seems more for show right now. Abby, in fairness, there are some who have wanted to have different policies and have been berated for it. How do we tell the difference between those who have been sincere in the party, in the Republican Party about moderate and inclusion, even if we disagree on other issues, and those that are just now doing makeovers because the other way didnt work for them . Thats the biggest challenge is finding that authenticity and we saw this last election cycle, these guys that were seeing right now were speaking this message at that time. So i ask continuously, where were they then . That being said not only didnt speak it, they were condemning people who spoke differently like your father. Right. That being said though thrk , t the Republican Party and its going to take a long time and theres a lack of leadership and e everyone is trying to garner that leadership. You see potential candidates wanting to be everything to all people. We saw that didnt work for mitt romney. They really have to find a way to be authentic. And at this point in the game, all voices need to be heard. All voices need to be on the table because thats part of finding their way. The democrats went back through this in 1984 after they lost a huge loss to ronald reagan. So this is very normal in politics. Its just going to take a lot longer than people think. Now, james, paul ryan took a not so subtle shot at his former running mate on his 47 comment. Look at this. Both parties tend to divide americans into our voters and their voters. Lets be really clear, republicans must steer far clear of that trap. We must speak to the aspirations and anxieties of every american. I mean, james listen, obviously this is so far away from where romney was, where sununu is today but heres what mr. Ryan does know and this is actually an Important Note to strike for the Republican Party. When you look at the american map of poverty and when you look at the american map of those states that require the most from the government in terms of Government Support intervention, youre looking at largely red states. And so i dont know why its taking them this long to come this conclusion but the Republican Party actually cannot exist with its sort of antipoverty, antimiddle class, antiworking middle class policies. So lets get some rhetoric to try to change things around. Lets hope that they put some po policies where the rhetoric cal mouths are. If you look at the plan that they are raising to the president , 2. 2 trillion in eligibility medicare age. The plan that ryan is a part of, the team pushing this plan doesnt speak to the rhetoric that he gave in that speech last night. Well, you know, you brought up sununu in your comment james and last time i was here i said romney and karl rove need to run off into the sunset together. They are yesterdays party and its scary to think that this guy was romneys top surrogate speaking all over the place for him. Thats probably why he failed. But its irrelevant to talk about these voices because thats not the future. You do have to give it some time. Of course they are going to put out exactly what they want. They know that they are not going to get everything that they are asking for but they are going to put out everything that they can. Obviously were going to come to some sort of deal and ill keep pointing to the fact that its going to take time and its going to take time for our leaders, or lack thereof to find the message. Im just telling you guys to be a little bit patient. But i think you would james laughing at me. I would agree with abby, that there may be a deal and that they are putting out things that they dont think they will get all of. But if you know you just lost an election and if you know you have a certain image in the minds of the public, wouldnt you not want to come out with such extreme proposals even if youre not all the way there at the end, james . Wouldnt you want to send a different signal to the public that you got the message they gave at the polls on election day . You absolutely will but my sense is that the more moderate republicans are being muffled and stifled. Until they do some House Cleaning in terms of those who spoke on the right and those who spoke with the tea party, its going to be difficult politically for the moderate folk in the Republican Party to make the case that they have to make and its not about the three of us or about pundits. I challenge any of your viewers, look at the map and see where there is the most red and those states are some of the most impoverished states in america. You know, abby, i must say this because i dont want to run out of time without bringing this up they are moving to try and change some things. They recruited none other than george bush to come out and speak about immigration today who has had some interesting things in the past. Listen to george bush on immigration today. Not only do immigrant help build our economy, they invigorate our soul. As our nation debates the proper course of action with regard to immigration, i hope we do so with a benevolent spirit and keep in mind the contribution of immigrants. And that speech was last night, not today. But a benevolent spirit. They seem to be trying to move and whether this image is for real. You have to give bush credit. He tried to pass immigration in 2004 and no one wanted to go near him this election cycle. It shows the fact that hes speaking out, the lack of leadership, reince priebus, i guarantee he did not pick up the phone and say, lets build on it, this makes us look bad. Thats the problem. There is a void of leadership altogether and its clear when you see bush as the ring leader. So you think he could have advised romney . Better than sununu. Much better than sununu. Absolutely. Abby huntsman and james peterson, thank you for your time tonight. Thanks, rev. Coming up, the bully man is back. Rate until you hear the latest theory about president obama winning the election. And shes here. Shes here. With me in the studio. She is the one and only rosie perez. Shes very passionate about our politics. Im so happy to see her. [ male announcer ] red lobsters hitting the streets to tell real people about our new 15 under 15 menu. Oh my goodness oh my gosh, this looks amazing [ male announcer ] our new maine stays 15 entrees under 15, seafood, chicken and more oo the tilapia with roasted vegetables im actually looking at the wood grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. That pork chop was great no more fast food fridays were going to go to red lobster. Yep. 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[ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story. Before you begin an aspirin regimen. If we want to improve our schools. What should we invest in . Maybe New Buildings . What about updated equipment . They can help, but recent research shows. Nothing transforms schools like investing in advanced teacher education. Lets build a strong foundation. Lets invest in our teachers so they can inspire our students. Lets solve this. Welcome back to politicsnation. From her breakout performance in do the right thing to her oscarnominated performance in fearless, rosie perez has been one of the most distinctive voices in american film. Shes also an activist. She fought furiously at justice in inequality and served on president obamas Advisory Board of hiv aids and made headlines this year with a video mocking mitt romneys claim that it would be easier for him to win if he were latino. The advantage is obvious. Think of all of our hispanic american president s, from jorge washington to jorge bush and who can forget jimmy smith . Welcome her to politicsnation, actress, director and kt activist, the one and only rosie perez. Rosie, thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. Ive been a fan of yours and respect you immensely. Well, the feeling is mutual. Both of us were arrested and jailed for protesting the navy bombing in puerto rico, causing environmental problems and you were arrested leading a demonstration here and i believe in the u. N. And i was in puerto rico. We have that in common but we also have in common looking at this last election and one of the things that you were very paying nate about is when mr. Mitt romney said that the president won because he gave gifts to latinos and africanamericans and seniors. Tell us why that upset you so. It upset me because its a prejudice statement, plain and simple. What is he implying . That every single africanamerican, latinoamerican is poor, is on Public Welfare . I dont think so. And to categorize us and to make generalized Statement Like that, it just needs to stop. And i guess he did not learn anything from his loss. We are growing in numbers. We are recognizing our power and we are utilizing our power and we will continue to do so. I dont you know, i just dont what is the problem with gifts . I was a person who received gifts. First of all, they didnt feel like gifts to me. Going to school on a lunch card was very hard. Standing in line to receive a block of cheese was very hard. Wearing handmedowns to school was very hard. Yes, my aunt was on welfare. But am i . No i benefited from the program when carter was president. Dont ask me how old i am. I remember the seater program. And i benefited from it and i worked hard for it and it was a program that offered employment for young people that were disadvantaged. And i bust my butt for that. And i started that at the age of 12 and i never stopped working. Just like Many Americans worked in public works programs with roosevelt. They were not getting gifts or handouts. Government has always helped americans and why are some called gifts . The immigration question, let me ask you about that. Youve been passionate. You fought for fair immigration. Now all of a sudden republicans i just showed a tape of president bush and others are talking more humane about immigration. But can you have it both ways . People say that they want gifts and are takers and all of a sudden you are going to flip is 180 degrees and say, after you talk about selfdeportation all year long . I just want to say this. Its kind of easy to kick them when they are down, the republicans. But i actually want to commend former president bush for coming out today and speaking on that. I think that he wanted well, we all know that he wanted Immigration Reform back in 2004. Am i correct . Yep. And then he kind of went back into the closet and a lot of republican went back into the closet in 2004 because they didnt get what they wanted. Its time to come out of the closet. Its time to say, you know what, i really do not believe in ignoring the 47 . I really do not believe in doing away with any type of Immigration Reform. Now is their chan. Now is their chance to say, you know what, guys, you were right. And we want to work together. So these shows are fantastic because it brings the issue to the forefront and what we have to do is be very, very careful at this time when they are kind of groveling. Oh, you want to go outside . Now you do . We need to put away with the attitude and stop playing game. We need to get back to working for the American People, plain and simple. Just stop. So are you optimistic, then, that we can get some real Immigration Reform in the next four years if some republicans do come over, for whatever reason, if they just come over for votes, if we can get it done, do you think theres a possibility . Are you optimistic about that in the next four years . Im very optimistic about it and i think it also goes back to latinos because we have spoken. 70 . We have spoken and our voices are being heard and i have to say this, im sorry, in regards to the immigration issue, its also insulting to latin people because we are not the only people coming into this country illegally. You know, you have europeans, middle easterns, canadians laughing their butts off at our own prejudice. They are only concentrating on spanish people. Lets all sneak in. Lets profile it. People ask me, why do i talk about immigration . Certainly latinos but what about people from trinidad and where i grew up in brooklyn, there are a lot of immigrant. How would you advise because you seem to be very inclusive in your activism, always have been. How would you say as its a growing community, as you say . Recognize us as americans and respect us as americans, plain and simple. For to you keep putting us in boxes and into categories, its the insult is going to get so big that we might just attack back and you do not want that. You do not want that just plain and simple. Give us the respect that we are a force in this country. Why did you play the video of you answering mitt romney if he had been latino, he would have done better or won . Because when i saw him on telemundo, he had a spray tan. I couldnt believe it. I was siting at home and saying, no, he did not. He didnt go for the spray tan. One of the greatest gifts that ive received in my life is is this. Is the opportunity to have a platform to speak up and do something and thats why i did it and i also did it for the 47 . You know . Because its like enoughs enough, man. For real. You use your platform real, both as an artist and an activist. Rosie perez, its been an absolute pleasure. Thank you for coming on tonight and being on the show. Well be right back. The weather outside is frightful but the fire is so delightful nothing melts away the cold like a hot, delicious bowl of chicken noodle soup from campbells. Let it snow, let it snow [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of all day pain relief. This season, discover aleve. All day pain relief with just two pills. But they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. Dentures are very different to real teeth. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident is designed to clean dentures daily. Its unique microclean formula kills 99. 9 of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. Thats why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident. Cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. Finally tonight, i want to let republicans in on something i learned as a kid. Come closer to the tv. Here it is. The boogie man isnt real. But almost half of the gop hasnt figured that out. A new poll shows that 49 of the americans think that the group a. C. O. R. N. Stole the ee lx for president obama of course theres no way president obama could have one the way he did without stealing it, of course thats true. So nearly half of the republicans say a. C. O. R. N. Is behind it. But theres a slight problem with this theory. A. C. O. R. N. Disbanded over two years ago. The organization doesnt exist. Its gone. Done. Doors shut. A little embarrassing, isnt it . But this is the classic republican boogieman theory. They want the president to look bad so they make things up, like when they thought president obama and eric holder were out to take your guns away. Like when they said the only way the unemployment numbers could be going down was if the Obama Administration cooked the books. Like when they accuse u. N. Ambassador susan rice and the president of covering up the libya tragedy. Even though the cia provided her talking points. So here we go

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