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Realized. The committee devoted to investigating that day had revealed truths about that day. And yet, the house probe is also underscoring something new to many, trumps plot to overthrow the election was far broader than one day, or prepping a oneday crime spree. It wasnt a legal Coup Conspiracy starting before the election, and lasting months. With criminal plots that had nothing to do with even january 6th and the legal orders by trump that were resisted. So were going to show this to you tonight, how it began with things that are perfectly legal, like Filing Lawsuits to challenge the results, but quickly morphed into something much broader, a conspiracy that involves crimes, the January 6th Insurrection that we know about, but a whole set of other criminal plots. This is vital to any potential set of indictments, and were going to to get to all of that tonight, through the evidence, to show you exactly what is new and what matters. Now, if any of that sounds familiar, remember, thats not the theory the Justice Department used when it first opened its probe. It was not the original view of congress, hence the name january 6th committee. Was this a riot that got Out Of Control . Ultimately a trump ploy that mike pence heroically stopped . Those are common explanations we have heard over time. They are wrong. The evidence available now enables us to report tonight something we could not go to air with say in january, 2021. This was a full Coup Conspiracy. American democracy may turn on whether enough people know that fact. And this evidence that were going to go through tonight, it cuts to the heart of accountability for that Coup Conspiracy, for its leader, and its premeditated plotters and enablers, most of whom never did take a physical step into storming the capitol that day. Which brings us back to the difference between an attack on one day, january 6th and a wider coup attack. More than 850 people have been indicted for the Capitol Vools with more than 320 convictions and counting. Those people at the capitol, the criminal muscle pursuing just one of these plots were going to go through tonight, lets be clear, trump treated them like pawns. The rest of the players on the board, Donald Trumps Coup Plotters and operatives and lawyers, none of them have been indicted for the evidence of a more intricate secret high level set of plots to illegally overthrow then president elect biden. Now, if it was a oneday riot, then that might be the proper legal outcome. But if it was a Coup Conspiracy, and the most powerful people, the ones in white house meetings, garlanded by federal agents with guns, paid for by your tax dollars, wielding the power of prosecution force, even the military, if they ultimately get away with theyre tempted coup, what does that do . The writer doug porter put it simply. If trumps coup attempt goes unpunished, it will become a Training Exercise. Thats where we are right now. The understanding of what happened and what we do about it determines whether this becomes an aberration or a Training Exercise. Those are some of the stakes and the evidence that were going to show you tonight. So we begin, where this began, before election day. Most candidates throw everything at women, trump had a different plan to either win or steal the race as soon as he looked like losing which he telegraphed in september, while his 2016 Campaign Chair steve bannon previewed a very similar declare victory plan. Will you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful transfer of power after the election. We will see what happens. What trumps gonna do is just declare victory. Right . Hes gonna declare victory. Will you pledge tonight that you will not declare victory until the election has been independently certified . President trump . Im urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully. There it was. That was the plan. That is evidence of illicit intent. And trump lied and purported to declare victory late on election night. That in itself is unprecedented in american history. It was way late into the night, or the early morning, and we were Fact Checking his claims that he would be the one to decide the results of the election he was running in. Trump is losing right now, in both the popular vote and the electoral vote. Frankly, we did win this election. This is a major fraud in our nation. So well be going to the u. S. Supreme court. We want all voting to stop. The election and the counting and the processing of ballots is not controlled legally by the president. The president would not have to do that if he thought he was going to win the election. And everyone saw that in realtime. And then the House Committee probe showed heres what trumps aides were urging them behind the scenes. My recommendation was to say that the votes are still being counted. I said we should not declare victory. The results were still being counted. One internal debate over messaging does not make for a crime. Candidates can legally lie. Or refuse to ever concede. But heres whats different. Donald trump jr. Was secretly telling trumps top aides, Chief Of Staff meadows, quote, we have multiple paths. We control them all. Was that bluster . Or an admission . Well, our reporter is going to track exactly how that was the plot, several paths, to overturn the result, or steal the race. We counted at least eight distinct plans. Some were legal. We marked them in green. Some are legally debatable marked in yellow but most of them you will see tonight turned either unconstitutional or criminally illegal. These are the big bad red plots to steal the race, to stage an illegal coup and we will show you they spanned weeks and sometimes months. After all of the documents and testimony, it can be hard to see the entire alleged Criminal Conspiracy without seeing these plots on this actual time line. Lets focus right now on those first two. Lawsuits and installing Trump Electors in biden states. Installing is illegal and and trump began with the legal long shots but quickly failed. Over 50 of the campaigns 57 lawsuits ending within a month. None ever made it to the Supreme Court for a hearing. Let alone for a victory. Now, with biden declared the winner, the case seemed kind of like a Side Show Platform for Rudy Giulianis press conferences. At the time few saw them as a real path to holding power. An absolutely fraud. I mean you cant just submit these ballots and not have them checked. Theyre highly suspect ballots. That could have been mickey mouse. That could have been a dead person. Id fire everybody who was involved in this election. But the voters fired trump. And the judges rejected those cases. Thats a reality that matters because if that door closed, trumps staff increasingly turned more focus on installing Trump Electors in states that biden had won. This was a kind of hail mary alternative to court where they are were losing. As early as november, around the election date, rick perfectly secretly lobbied the white house on what he called an aggressive strategy to have republican officials just send their own electors in for trump. And that fraud would somehow in their view override what the actual voters did in those states which biden won. That started early. And Trump Lawyers wrote it up into a formal plan within 11 days of bidens win. A goal to get electors pledged to trump to meet on September 14th And Lie and claim they represented voters in states that went for biden, not trump. But the Electoral College formalized biddens win on that day December 14th as headlines show. That is why some of the people lying for trump pretending they were electors, in states that trump lost, thats why they may end up indicted. Or in prison. They continued on with that electors fraud after that date. But they cant claim they were just alternate electors, you know, just in case a court ruled to change the result in their state or something. No. They kept on with their fraud. To overturn what was the completed and final Electoral College vote. Thats a key point. Now, those are individual random people who are kind of just pretending to be electors. You can think of them, albeit with their fraud as random. But another overlapping thought was pushed by trump lawyer john eastman, the former Clarence Thomas clerk, who republican senators touted for his really interesting research, where he pushed behind those random, and he was pitching entire State Legislators toss the Voting Results for biden and just steal their entire state for trump. One memo pitching this as a state getting to quote choose who won, and saying that trump would win, and they would name the electors. They also sometimes called it a quote legislative override of the whole election. And we now know another republican was texting trumps aide also in november, encouraging the State Legislatures to do that plot. And then mark meadows, that top Chief Of Staff to trump at the time said quote, i love it. Now, at the time, giulianis long line of briefings to State Legislators did seem to many like another desperate direction and reduced to pr. The memos werent public then. Now it looks different. Now it is clearly a part of an organized written Coup Conspiracy getting local republicans to go toss the votes. And if the other paths narrowed by december 7th the white house itself was working on a coup with electors fraud with emails about a quote path to steal the election through these legislatures, and meadows not only saying he liked it or loved it, now he says, quote, he was working on that as of yesterday. Now, mr. Meadows thought that would stay secret. But he ends up marking this plots birth date, if crimes have birth dates. A judge later finding that illicit goal of that plot was quote fully formed by december 7th, which is the date that the coup lawyer i mentioned eastman was also circulating. This is the working of this Coup Conspiracy. That would be wrong, and according to many experts completely illegal, even if there never was an insurrection on the 6th. Now, we checked the records, and some of the unlawful details that had leaked out at the time, but again, this is what is so important tonight. They may have seemed a bit more like delusion and pr at the time than what they look like now which is an indictable Criminal Conspiracy. Tonight, we can report this was a very real attempt to launder and normalize in public what im about to show you, in public at the time, what they, what we now know they were con spearing about in private. Elector fraud and states just stealing the vote. Today, an ultimate state of electors in the contested states is going to vote and were going to send those results up to congress. Something that rudy and the team have worked on, the trump slate of electors are showing up today in the state capitols. We fought to seat the electors. There is an alternate slate of electors voted upon that congress will decide in january. Yes i was part of the process to make thur shure there were alternate electors. Both mr. Eastmans proposals would violate several provisions of the electoral counteract. Mr. Eastman acknowledged that that was the case. We being the duly elected and qualified electors hereby certify for President Trump of the state of florida, number of votes 11. Those last two pieces of evidence that you can hear and see, theyre about the trump lawyer eastman knowing the plots were illegal, admitting that to others in private and the Trump Officials committing what looks like elector fraud. And that brings us to the smoking gun, showing how many of these people knew they were breaking the law in this Coup Conspiracy, when our report continues in just 60 seconds. Ds in the next second, fourteen families will decide. Thats it. Were getting a bigger house finally. But we got to sell this place. Before we buy the next place. And then, in the meantime. So, how long are you staying . Emily no ooh a little cramped. I am cpap man. That is not a toy or skip the inlaws. Sell and buy your house with confidence with opendoor. Move when youre ready. Thats it. Indeed. When lifes doors open, well handle the house. This is a Special Report on trumps coup plot and how it looks worse when you view all of the evidence together with the plotters aware their plan was illegal. And by the time this all ended, they were seeking pardons, which are for criminals, and pleading the fifth. Dr. Eastman emailed Rudy Giuliani and requested that he be included on a list of potential recipients of the president ial pardon. A witness against myself. Did Rudy Giuliani ever suggest that he was interested in receiving a president ial pardon related to january 6th . He did. Key point. Many of those people wanted pardons, totally separate from the january 6th violence. And that is important as we look at a different plot. Trumps effort to get a coup planner who would go farther than giuliani, his lawyer, sidney powell. She would go even farther. So the plan was to take her off the Campaign Team and try to install her inside the government to get the military to seize Voting Machines. An illegal order that several lawyers warned could land them and even trump in prison. So here, trump turned to the more Standard Approach to a coup that we see in so many parts of world history. Try to abuse the military. Now, military leaders have said, and veterans have said, that generals who refuse this kind of order to get soldiers to seize Voting Machines just like they refuse an order to say bomb the opposing partys headquarters, a point made in a white house meeting as a nutty screaming mess. What they were proposing i thought was nuts. Sidney powell was fighting. Trump did back down on that very bad rad illegal plan. And by the way quitting an illegal coup would be a good thing but this was a military plot. Another Conspiracy Prong that hits a dead end. And this is keechlt because facing that dead end, late that same night of december 18th, trump turned to the other plot pushed by eastman and navarro. Posting what is now an infamous tweet that announces the january 6th rally, beginning, quote, Peter Navarro releases 36page report alleging elect fraud, more than sufficient to swing victory to trump. That was the lie trump needed to build on, and then he summoned the people to dc for the first time. Quote, big protest in dc on january 6th. Be there, will be wild. Thats the first time trump ever told supporters there was a place to come join this fight. And none of this happened in isolation. The evidence of trumps Criminal Intent is worse when all the facts are shown about the plot. So lets take a look. Trump began the public operation to Sabotage January 6th as a certified vote, which was criminal, only after hitting this dead end in the failed plot to have the military help a coup. His lawyers warned him of the criminal issues here. The Criminal Intent and actions of that military plot. And he still moved, continuously, from that conspiracy, to this one. Thats damning evidence if prosecutors are indicting a broader conspiracy. And the white house aide connecting those plots is navarro, to help seek in the military plotters there, and part of january 6th trumps announcement and begins with the navarro plan, and it is notable navarro has fought so hard to hide his own evidence and testimony while trying to spin his own role. Even he began denying any involvement in the plot about the military seizing Voting Machines, which he actually used to push in public. It was a bad idea or wrong to pursue the military to seize american Voting Machines . That, i would like to get more to the bottom of. Thats not something that i would have put forward by any stretch of the imagination. I think we need a Special Counsel to be put in place before Inauguration Day to get to the bottom of this. I think we need to see a lot of those Voting Machines. Special counsel powell, seize votes machines to the military, he was pushing that in public. Now, as trump moved from that Voting Machines idea, which did hit another brick wall, to this emphasis on january 6th, you get to that other plot to get the pence plan going. And this intensified. Lawyers arguing that mike pence could have used his ceremonial role not just to open the votes on the 6th but quote to count them. They argued pence would be the ultimate arbiter. A point that trump advocated in public and that the evidence suggests would be discussed when he then held a meeting with republican lawmakers on december 21st, for hours, about what they would do. Those plots are the context for trump seeking d. O. J. Interference with what i will say was an absurd kind of last ditch conspiracy, where a more junior d. O. J. Official, mr. Clark, who has had his home searched was then demanding that why dont they get the whole d. O. J. To Tell Georgia Legislate Torious come back into session and toss their own voters decision backing biden. Now, very few people think that would have worked. But the reason it failed was because the d. O. J. Resisted. Pat cipollone said, this is a murder suicide pact. Resign immediately. The president immediately turned to mr. And he said steve, you wouldnt resign would you, and he said absolutely i would, mr. President. You have hundreds and hundreds of resignations in the leadership of your entire Justice Department if clark is left, leading a grave yard. So d. O. J. Interference a bust. Another plot running out of steam, which matters for how you approach the whole conspiracy. Trump thought d. O. J. Would somehow help strong arm the states. But even without them, he pressed on with this brazen authoritarian plan where he actually talked to hundreds of State Legislatures on january 2nd. Desperately proclaiming they would be the real power, and they could cancel their own citizens votes. If thats familiar, it relates to Something Else under investigation, but that might make more sense together than separate. Because he demanded georgias top Elections Official join him in a kind of voter fraud. This, remember, all of the arrows, this is on the same day as the call to the State Legislators. I just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have. That was trying to get states to overturn. These seven plots, we mentioned the report, and then you have the u. S. Congress. States rejected trumps demands. We do know that. Even very red states. Trump was then left pushing what was operationally an incomplete conspiracy, but a conspiracy nonetheless. Because as the states found, the congress would be faced with the same sort of menu that wasnt really public evidence or even a decent political pretext for just rejecting their own citizens votes. But the plan here, was hoping that congress or pence would do what others wouldnt. Where other plots failed. And they would just come in and falsely lie on a claim that biden loss, and a coup or a sweep that some plotters assert was completely separate from any violence on january 6th. The plan was simply this. We had over 100 congressmen and senators on capitol hill ready to implement the sweep. Jim jordan and matt gaetz. Hawley stepping forward. Youve got ted cruz. Youve got lindsey graham. You got tom cotton from harvard law school. Youve got some heavies in the senate. Im sorry were missing mark meadows. I told him, can you go back and count the remedy was for Vice President pences, the quarterback of the green bay sweep, to remand those votes back to the states. The Vice President s got a lost power and that is very important to recognize. Are we to assume that this is a Cli Matt Mack tick battle that will take place this week about the very question of the constitutionality of the electoral count of 1877. I think a lot of that depends on the courage and the spine of the individuals involved. Vice president mike pence . Yes. Do you realize you are describing a coup . No. And thats where these three plots actually go hand in hand. Trump attempted any of them to hopefully work in his mind, but ideally they would work together. If the states or congress or pence, to lie and declare they are overthrowing the vote. Under the rules, there actually is a way this could have gone much farther or even to a standoff with two duelling president elects. This is not a movie. This is not fan fiction. It is vital to understand for preventing it from happening in the future. Ill explain how and why after this break. This is xfinity rewards. Our way of showing our appreciation. With rewards of all shapes and sizes. [ cheers ] are we actually going . Yes and once in a lifetime moments. Two tickets to nascar yes find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. Welcome back to our Special Report, inside trumps election plot. Now we turn to something absolutely harrowing that is actually discussed less. For all of the information about january 6th, it is rare to hear what the actual ending was supposed to look like according to the people trying to steal the election. Coup plotters like navarro and eastman planned more than chaos. We have the evidence on that. The goal was to claim to prevent a standard certification. And then get to a rare but actually possible measure where a contested president ial race would be resolved by congressional vote. Now, if youre thinking, well, democrats won the house, so why would they want that, they actually plotted this out. And they knew something that is very relevant to the future of american democracy. When you get this very unlikely, but possible measure to resolve a contested election, that congressional vote can be measured by state, the republicans actually have the edge. Had they succeeded, republicans would then have had a chance to claim, at least make the argument, that trump had won by a house vote, because even in a democratically controlled house, they would, as of january 21, have the advantage when you count by state. Political scientists wrote about this in the washington post, republicans have more votes because the vote is done with one vote per state, not districts. Now, whether all of that is immediately digestible on first constitutional explanation or not is i think an open question. But my point to you is this, and this sometimes is obscured, if you look at all of the plots together, there was a mechanism where they would potentially win, potentially if the Supreme Court allowed. They never got to that point. Which goes to what did go down on january 6th. All those failed plots, all that desperation, leading to Donald Trumps fixation on one of last red arrows. Getting mike pence to attempt a coup. If mike pence does the right thing, we win the election. I hope mike has the courage to do what he has to do. And trump kept pushing pence on this, as late as january 4th, and those other unlawful plots were reemerging as a kind of pretext, even though as youve seen, they didnt all work. Indeed, Senate Republicans were trying to get that fraudulent elector material to pence on that very day, with pences aide pushing back, dont give him that, thats the elector fraud stuff. This was, as you see on the screen, roughly 20 minutes of mike pence arrive can, and over 130 republicans did vote to object to the certification, including eight republican senators. So these different disparate plats are not dispar rat. They all congeal. And then you have trump, with what he knew, sending what he knew were armed people at the capitol, at a point he knew he needed something more than all of those other seven forwarded plots he tried. I heard the president Say Something to the effect of, you know, i dont care that they have weapons, theyre not here to hurt me, take the fing mags away, let my people in. Were going to walk down and i will be there with you, we will walk down to the capitol, because youll never take back our country with weakness. The capitol was breached at 2 00 p. M. The Committee Probe has shown this last plot was working. I repeat. It was literally working. The plot was to sabotage the certification by prevention or delay. It was delayed. In fact, Law Enforcement predicted it would take days more delay before congress could even certify the vote. So many people here in the capitol believe it will take several days to secure the building. Do you agree with that analysis . I agree with that analysis. Days. Thats how close it came. Congress did not certify, this current president , biden, on january 6th, as provided in the constitution, it was 3 40 a. M. The next day. But people didnt wake up with that finale. What if it took longer . What if the nation woke up on january 7th with no certified winner . What if an operational attack did achieve the goal that trump apparently had to make that last days . And then President Trump at the time would be able to say there really was an open question, even according to constitutional process, about who won, because it hadnt been certified. And what if the Supreme Court then did take one of the trump cases that it had previously rejected . These are real questions. Our reports conclusion is next. At xfinity, were constantly innovating. And were working 24 7 to connect you to more of what you love. Were bringing you the nations largest gig speed network. Available to more homes than anyone else. And with xfi complete, get 10x faster upload speeds. Tech upgrades for your changing wifi needs. And advanced security at home and on the go to block millions of threats. Only from us. Xfinity. Welcome back to the conclusion of our report on the trump Coup Conspiracy. Weve gone through a lot of evidence in our special for you and i just want to make sure were clear on what weve learned, what weve found, because all of this starts here, with lawsuits, thats the right of any candidate to file, even if they are frivolous. And the electors plot starts in green, because ultimately, people do have the ability to set up these electors, right . It became criminal later, and well get into, that but as you watch this go over time, what you see here is everything that was brain stormed as possibly, maybe, somehow legal, gives way to the illicit intent. Congress overturning votes. States overturning votes. Pence overturning votes. Any one of those things has the making of a coup if it cancels an election. Almost sounds obvious. But they are worse taken together. The military seizing Voting Machines. This key point. This is something that Rudy Giuliani said would land them all in prison. Rudy giuliani. Hes already lost his law license. We will see what happens happens to him. But that is the context that we showed tonight, that when that fails, it is the first time, the same night, that donald trump comes in and says, all right, i cant abuse military power, im even being told by my most aggressive lawless lawyers, the kind that he apparently prefers, that thats not going to work. So thats when i bring muscle to january 6th. But we have had in this country, in our minds and apparently at the Justice Department, as we reported tonight, a fixation on only looking here. On basically the 6th, or the leadup to the 6th or a few days out. Thats understandable, given what we lived through, were human beings and the 6th was one of the worst attacks and the worst National Security crisis that meric has faced from a domestic threat let alone an outgoing president. And what we focus on tonight, when you go all the way back, when you understand how this started, and how many different plots were pursued, thwarted, warned about, and then desperately doubled down upon, that goes to the Criminal Intent. Let me put it simply. Taken separately, some of these plots can be viewed like a gray area. Plans that didnt occur. Or the insurrection that exploded but also ended within one day. Ill tell you something. The law makes it hard to pin an insurrection on one speech. As it should. But taken together, you have the evidence of this wider Criminal Conspiracy, with Criminal Intent running across weeks if not more. Remember, in Court Prosecutors have to prove Criminal Intent in a moment. Just that you meant to do it. This is weeks of that. With lawyers warning these were crimes. Especially after the legal doors closed. In mid december when the Electoral College voted. Everything after that, when it comes to overturning votes and installing fraudulent electors, thats that illegal red zone. Thats where you see the evidence of several crimes. Taken together, well, this evidence suggests the question is no longer whether there are any indictable election offenses here, but how prosecutors will explain a failure to indict and enforce the law. And how that does risk letting the close call of this documented and attempted multipronged Coup Conspiracy turn into a Training Exercise that american democracy may not survive. We have some expert legal analysis to get into what the Justice Department and prosecutors are doing, when our special concludes after this short break. Ecial concludes afts short break. Im Jonathan Lawson here to tell you about Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. 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In two seconds, a vacationer will say. Yeah, im going to live here. Only to realize. What if i cant sell my place . Dont worry. Sell it directly to opendoor and well help you buy your next one. Aah. When lifes doors open, well handle the house. We will have at least one of Public Hearing in september. My guess is, this is a formal announcement, it will be very tough to get the entire report done by the end of october but well have some key findings. The committee there, gearing up, that was new statements there, and were joined by john flannery. Happy labor day. Good to see you, sir. Good to be here. As i mentioned to viewers, we have been in live coverage today, with a lot of new information, and weve drawn on some of the past reporting weve done and were here with you live on labor day, having gone through what weve learned about what led up to that day, from this evidence. Your thoughts about some of what we just took in . Well, i think its a devastating indictment in an informal sense of what went wrong, and how the desire to win when one lost overcame all lawful constitutional, legal, and other normal barriers, so that they could replace themselves in an election that they lost. And i think that what you showed with that original intent, as theyre moving forward, even through the legal cases, theres a pattern of conduct there that tells us from the very beginning, we just say we won, even though we didnt, so you go into court and claim there is misconduct and theres not, claim theres fraud and theres not, and you accumulate 50 cases, and then you use the fact that you lost to try to get electors. And then when you move into your zone, where it becomes, without question, a crime, and you walk it up the ladder from that, so could you take it and turn into an indictment . It. Could that could be a single conspiracy. That is to say that all of these people were connected and all knew what was going to happened and all planned what was going to happen and had various means to do it and the objective was to overturn the election. So john, we have it up on the screen for your analysis, we endeavor to accurately show this over time, this is our original reporting, as you see. Right. Youre saying, as an additional thought, that some of that factual evidence on the screen could be a conspiracy indictment. Explain, as we look at the arrows. Sure, ill be glad to do that. I enjoy doing this with you. First of all, the lawsuits you have is green because people can bring lawsuits. However you cant bring a lawsuit based on false fact or a frivolous cause of action. If you did it in one case, that would be one thing. But if you have so many cases, you have a pattern of conduct that reflects an intent. Now what happens next, the electors are persuaded by the lawsuits that are fraud, that we need alternative electors, so that we can overturn the election, as if the lawsuits were real and genuine and they were not. And we do know that the Justice Department is investigating the electors. And so i dont have the screen in front of me, but going on from that well put it back up for you, john, and im only assisting you as we go through it. Then you go to states, congress and Pence Overturning the votes. Go ahead. With the states and congress and pence, that is the mother load. Because to take the theory because they can vote on what the electors did and didnt do, first of all, one, that wasnt the law, and second of all, the facts that theyre relying on are also themselves also fraudulent so they made the same pitch to the states, see giuliani and company doing, that he they made the same pitch to congress and we have meadows and navarro and others dealing with. That we have pence. We have trump himself trying to persuade pence to do the dirty deed. And then just before the final chapter, you have d. O. J. Coming in, to give an extra push in georgia and elsewhere, to prosecute this crazy theory of the law to overturn an election illegally. It is a cukkoo coup, i suppose. I think it all holding up and i think we have enough public evidence to flow. It and these people do it with several people present so it is not hard to charge. And it is a shame that they have not been to the grand jury. But others have recently. And you get to the end of the time line, Vut Information that is hit the hardest, and it is what played out in public. The lower red arrows, people are looking at, from our reporting is the military plot, which failed, he tried to get them, as we showed, involved, he did back off, and i want you to speak to this order, john, so when the military plot ends, that arrow goes right into Sabotage January 6th. Which is one way to do it, a violent way, and people going to jail about it. And final question to you as we take this in, is it better or worse for the people involved in that attempt to sabotage, that it grew out of the very same night that a separate unconstitutional probably criminal plot was severely pushed and explored but ultimately abandoned . Well, i hear you, but i dont know that you can isolate it. Conspiracies are innovative, and things that happen, that people did not foresee, because they participated in the agreement, and never withdrew, are responsible even as these things have been audible on the ground and change how they approach it. I think the opportunities for anybody to say, i didnt do these 20 things, and then this last thing happened, because of those 20 things. Could you, now ive got a minute, i always like to give you the heads up, could you like continue to someone who says hey, they asked me to help rob the bank, and i said no, i wouldnt go in there and shoot anyone, okay, but i waited outside in the getaway car, while other armed people robbed the bank. Right. Simple question. But i ask simple questions, john. Is that person in the clear . Or are they involved in a conspiracy. No theyre in conspiracy, too. And here is the other problem, theyre in a conspiracy that is checking outside, not doing anything to stop it and then if somebody was in fact murdered inside, Felony Murder Rule will apply and they would be exposed to the crime that they sought to avoid by not going in the bank because he didnt want to kill anybody. This is worse though. Because these guys are so arrogant, they never retreat from the bad act. Theres no evidence that any time, they said oh, my god, im not going to do that. They do that. And thats why, a fitting point to end on, the damning evidence is they did not retreat. They reassembled. They reorganized. But the criminal mindset and intent did not abate. I mean thats what the evidence shows. Were just reporting on it. People will deal with the facts in this country, we have an obligation to share them, to help understand them, which is why after looking at the evidence we turn to you live on labor day. Good to see you, sir, john flannery. Good to see you. Thanks for having me. Thank you. We covered more than one topic tonight. Ill be back live in the chair on the beat tomorrow, 6 00 p. M. Eastern. And as for right now, happy labor day. Ight now, happy labor day. Your projects done right. With angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. And when you book and pay throug youre covered by our happiness check out angi. Com today. Angi. And done. Every search you make, every click you take, every move you make, every step you take, ill be watching you. 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