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So much. Gloria and gloria, thats so interesting because i think lot of us have had to, still deal with, that still have t living in both worlds. But dina, you were forced to embrace one identity and hollywood, right i feel like i was living in three worlds there was my world that i grew up in, also Spanish Speaking home, human parents, and the you go out to the world and i speaking english, and im in the bronx, south bronx and then going into this industry as an actress, then nobody recognizes you as eithe one. There was no place for me as a latina, and then as a blac woman, i didnt identify as black woman because for me, it was cultural because of course, i present black, im a black women, i am also cuban when you are here in the unite states and they ask you, put you into a box, and you don fit into the box, culturally i was different. It was not one that identified with, but to work, to survive, it was something that i had to learn. To then learn to be whatever black was. And then feel like i was alienating that other part o myself, that latina self it just kind of became i jed mind trick to keep myself from just being sad all the tim about not being able to full experience and express the entirety of myself i think thats ou superpower though, ultimately. The fact that we had thi discomfort i tell my students, my own people now, that freak out tha you have, that, what did you call it . Jedi gays . My jedi mind trick. Jedi mind trick, okay, th fact that we can be in tha space where its just like, am i enough am i here . And this and by that . Its my spanish good enough . Is my english good enough . Whatever, that is ou superpower it is the fact that we can liv with that. But there is also word for it it was the power to recognize. It Code Switching i just learned that and i feel like i could switch all the time im from the inner city of chicago. I code switch so that intercit stuff to, like, okay, yes, the property, to the hollywood thing and the boxes that the love to put this and i hollywood. You are talking about, is i prevalent in the Latin Community to the fact that our latina dad i not, you know, accepted or it not talked about its interesting for me t hear that because when i loo to media outside of, like, m home for representation, it wa women like you, very few onscreen, which was an African American Television Market where i couldnt piece togethe like, Oh My Goodness Torres is her last game, wow growing up in the bronx, man of us are, you know, black and brown, but i just could not be that, you know i hoped that at some point, we can have, like, up and unpacking of, why is racism so embedded in letting that period, right . The legacy of the caste system if theres a whole history. You are talking about being th human condition, its the huma condition of colonization. Like, it is Colonization Tha still exists in our minds. Right, so the caste system i something that has bee outlawed for centuries now, Bu The Colonizers still listen in our mind and tell us, you have to be lighter skin to be mor beautiful. The thing is, i dont think we realize what we are actually seeing were still seeing that whit people are better than us an we are so inspiring to be white, and it is because of the caste system you are saying theres only one way to be latino, only one way to black, only one way, but, like, white people get to be all sorts of different things. Our identity is very competitive because i am a immigrant, but i have friend who whose families have been i texas since their first they never crossed the border. Im thinking, you know, im a real latina. Identify as a real latina, right . My family came to this country as farmworkers, never went bac to mexico. Did not go back to mexico an where im from in ohio, there no question i am mexican when people see me, i mexican. But when i went to chicago for college, thats actually when got more questions about whether i was mexican enough so, i feel like we have to confront ourselves on thes things as well yes, its very much lik that but then you are talking about the media and how we are in box, so whats changing with that, gloria because, you know, come on gloria this is my sister, this i my sister. I wont do anything without this woman i wont do anything without this woman a lot of people are changing, im blessed to be in a shining the spotlight on m change, but it is a lot of awesome young storytellers tha are out there that just need the opportunity. I mean, for this past year of latino shows is, like ive never seen because when we were startin one day at a time, i remembe going, my gosh, rita its coming and our future president is coming, it was, like, this is the moment weve been waiting for this moment the gloria started that, have to tell you every family was cuban on tv everybody was humid on tv. They wanted cubans afte that, it was great but i really feel like it was an exciting moment to then in promoting my new show wit love, all those shows were gone all the pendulum swung back. I feel like we really have t be so loud in this momen because i think that what is happening the thats beautiful is this cultural correction. People know that stuff has bee bad, now theyre understanding oh, i guess racism still exists i think we were in this, i really think we were like, oh, obamas president , everythin is okay now. Then we realized, no, they kin of got quiet for a second, the they got real loud so, we need to confront that like, this is a real thing lets talk about it, lets extend our arms to one another and say, we do have this thing in common, this thing that w cannot name. We do have it in common. How can we stand with each other and hold each other, uplift each other . Oh my gosh, we can have a exchange of ideas without goin to fisticuffs. I desperately wanted to be mother, but what did that look like for me . Did Somebody Say You need therapy or someone said no, Yo Need Therapy no someone definitely said need their view. 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You just stay away from him because its destroyed families we also need to respect eac others difference of opinion, which were having a bit of tough time doing how do you respect someone difference of opinion, this is a trick question, if sometimes its so really bad you know they are racist antichoice, how can he hav that conversation anymore . How do you think that tha happened i dont know how it happened it happened over this perio of time, where in fact latinos and latinos, we havent been placed attention on, actually. Weve been, from invisible basically, to become a hyper visible. I feel like we are so invisible. We are still invisible. In trump and his campaign, we became hyper visible, for something that was in truth, latinos and Latinas Are Th second largest voting bloc not a voting bloc, but a cohort if latinos and latinos, are no thinking about Democracy Breakfast Lunch and dinner, u. S. Democracy, then our democracy is in trouble. Its in trouble. So this thing of like, how d we understand everybody differences . Its like, weve got a hold on because this is what its gonn look like for the next several decades. All responsibility has to be too the instigating, trying to [speaking spanish] its gonna, get like of people think, well we kind of, we understand latinos, you have n idea if we were truly informs, w would not be voting the wa some of us are voting. Because we are voting agains our own interest and, to everything that mari said, you add this wave of disinformation, that i specifically targeting latinas people always want to blame us, because we dont vote. They yelled on vote. Yes, but lets talk abou gerrymandering lets talk about how those mor and more restrictions to us, t making it easier for us at the ballot box. Theyre like, you dont vote its like, youve never even tried. Theres a story people want to hear, and want to, believ about whether or not were showing up but we show up every day, we show up all the time i different ways the other thing is, we have to take it back, even before we had a conversation about thi information, when only 1 of all philanthropic dollars have been donated in our communities, which includes money in ou Civic Education work and during the pandemic, whe we were holding this nation up it gift to 0. 8 and then we talk about the disinformation, why people dont know, and what is narrative that people ar driving. I just feel like, theres so much gaslighting that happens. All the time and by the way, not jus filipinos. In general two americans i studied psychology an communications, its fascinating to me, social medi because this is a wonderfu thing, and one of the most Dangerous Things that is happening in the world because people do believe that they read, unfortunately thi is across all the communities. I remember being a kid and a cuban household, which you fondly said it is true you cant have a political conversation thats what would happen in mine to me, i do watch these debates on American Television and i was in awe and i would say, oh my gosh. We can have an exchange of ideas without going to fisticuffs and its like, that is gone. I cant have thos conversations, and it makes me sad that i cant have thos conversations, because they ge too heated you cant be a Person O Color in this world, and not b political. Your presence is political being a political im not a political im not saying you are, but to your point about, if your point person of color yo cannot be a political, because being a political is a political stance thats my immediate famil why door, but my mom and stepdad who are old school Puerto Ricans, is just kee your head down to just work. There is another generation though, who in the last severa years, has lived through the murder of george floyd, so tha black lives Matter Movement ha touched them as young people like, the way seeing marci Martin Luther king touch m when i was a little girl when i first came to live i the u. S. , my mom would tell me that the United States i [speaking spanish] , its somebody elses house if someone smells bad in a house, you dont go tell someone. There is a shift between the way my mom usually 90 states and the way i view it. To me, the United States as my house. It belongs to me, and therefor something stinks, i want to go find the source of that, i wan to go throw it out, i want t change it. The shift is, when we wer growing up, when i was growing up, we are taught to b grateful and quiet be grateful and quiet. We can still be grateful, w just dont have to be quiet. Right, and thats the difference were saying were grateful, but heres the story, and wer gonna write it and were gonna have our ow table. Thats right, were gonna roundtable i was gonna say to, we ar talking about how Harmfu Social Media can be. But truthfully, i love the fli of that how Empowering Socia Media has been particularly for millennials and gen z. So you are hopeful, when yo think of you know, i go between a lo sometimes. Im hopeful for the next generation i feel like i personally a jaded by a lot of things, yo know, in society i will say, in this moment, do cling to Hope Malachai can implantation, wanted to bring somethin thats beautiful and simple, and represents my culture of oaxaca people still cant believ that i never wanted to hav children my grandmother, every day, god rest her soul, because she raised me. I love my grandmother so much. Shed say [speaking spanish] every day she would say that t me every day she would say that t me, and i was like, okay and one day when i was 30 sh was like [speaking spanish and im like you are supposed to believe me i dont know, is this something that you felt like you had to have kids its a man wanted to do i think having a teenager has made me check my choices it will pass. It gets better. I was raised by a stay at home mother, who spent most of her life without children as a domestic, and then she came, she raised her children. That was my example. I knew i couldnt be that. That was not the mother i coul be, i wanted to be a mother, i desperately want to be a mother but, what did that look like for me i always knew i wanted to do it, my husband wanted to do it, an i thought i was going to wak up one day and it was gonna be like, im ready. Im ready to be a mother im ready to do it with that face. The day kind of wasn coming, and i got to the point where my husband i are looking at each other and were like are we gonna do this and my friend was super agains children, i think gloria you shouldnt, youre trying T Change The World with your work do you really want more of you in the world and i was like, yes. As like, i really do it pains me the most, i within the latina community, they were so beaten down b hollywood, they kept telling m to be a quiet. I had an accident in 1990 whereas pale relies. And i felt peoples prayers did you know some of your detergents fragrance disappears in the dryer . Downy inwash Scent Boosters survive the washer dryer for freshness that lasts 6 times longer than detergent alone. Release freshness with every touch. With downy inwash Scent Boosters. This Holiday Master your kitchen with wayfair. Release freshness with every touch. Keep it fresh with colorful cookware. Whip up holiday treats with ease. Slice and dice with the best of them. 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The right tool for long lasting flu symptom relief. Hot beats flu. Your weekend, a delicious blend of new york and puerto rico so rich that it makes even thi crowd a little envious look at the flag. I lived here for five lifechanging months it is so good to be back in th city with my favorite new role week happy to be here with you at the cafe this is a bigtime york cafe, all of the newyorican they all came together and built this place. Its just an amazing place for me, because it was one of th First Communities that wer political, but i felt that i belonged so happy to be here with yo today. Im so happy to be here wit you today. Do you remember the first time we met . No. I loved this. I remember i wasnt six feet under, and i was on a restaurant in l. A. Called spanish something spanish cafe they came over and they said this round of drinks has bee sent to you by rosie perez and i was like, what i felt like i had made it. I swear to god, i felt like had made it. Because i was so impresse by your work thank you i was you know that for years and years, it was all about lookin for a Rosie Perez Type The the rosie perez Attack Wa Based on one role i did, which was do the right thing, whic wasnt who i was it was a character i played, and it was a political satire. Other actresses who would b angry at me, never met the before, and i would later find out its like, wow, i went o the addition they want the rosie perez type and you are so different tha rosie perez. And i just fell out, and i said, i am who i am. Im not the characteristic i play and which you should have said was no, we are not a monolith, we are not one thing where does that come from that you just were not scare to say whatever hollywood, im not gonna fit into this box . I think i did not have an fear because i always knew well, i will go Back To School you know, im not gonna take this crap. With a minute, this isn right. And what paint me the most was within our own Community Within the Latino Community, there were so beaten down by hollywood, they kept telling m to be quiet. I think thats also because, you know, of my childhood. You know, coming from abject poverty, being a child, and th Child Welfare system, being in new york state, and all of that, people looked at m differently. And people treated m differently, even when i was a little girl, i would be, lik no, you cant do that. No, i am not like that and so, it just stuck with me. How were you able t overcome all that stuff . Therapy intense therapy. All right, by the, way it i looked on down a lot in ou culture. When did you start therapy oh my goodness. I started therapy, i believe it was 1999. You are ahead of your time, 1999 and did Somebody Say Yo need therapy or did you just say, i nee therapy . Someone definitely said, Yo Need Therapy [laughs] im always so amazed at you connection with puerto rico an puerto rican activism. How did that come about . That came about through m aunt and also my father it was difficult, though because my spanish was poor. And i was made fun of on the island when they used to call m yankee girl, i used to cry so then, i stopped speakin spanish. You know, all that said, the pride that was instilled in me by my family down there is still with me to discuss thi day. And my father was very, very proud. I also get embarrassed a lo about my spanish i cant speak in spanish, but dont feel as articulate and i feel like, sometimes spanish media makes me feel ba about it do you do interviews in spanish . No. Its basically for the sam reason its funny that you mentione that because my latest project now and then, its the first project where i had to speak spanish fluidly fluently all throughout it was that like . It was terrifying [speaking spanish i had my sister in goin with me, the whole way and she said to me, let discuss the elephant in th room when your a child, and you would come down to puerto rico to visit me and that, the rest of the family, and you are critical because of your fou spanish it zipped you up when you were in the catholi school, in the Catholic Church with the nuns, you are not allowed to speak spanish you were hit if you spok spanish. She goes, what are we going to do about the because if we dont deal wit it, youre not gonna do well i this project and i said, oh my gosh, i hate you so much, And I Love You so much you know, carmen is so smart, the. You know, theyre not gonna take my power. Im going to kill this role. Im going to speak spanish i am not going to area bout my dialect. I am a new york puerto rican and i am playing a new yor puerto rican so, lets go baby. I pulled it off. I still get nervous that the states peaking spanish you know, it is a fools powe that our own people use agains us yes and it is dividing. I am so proud to be puert rican. I dont want to be anythin else but when i go to puerto rico they tell me on the puerto rican because i wasnt bor there, and then, they sa things like, bad about m spanish. It is funny we are talkin about not feeling hole, no feeling, like, true Puerto Ricans and we are here, in this cafe this wonderful poet, mariposa, she had this loving poem, an one of the most prominent line from that poem was, i wasnt born in puerto rico, but puert rico was born in me. Yeah. And take that thank you for sitting down wit me, my friend. Dont get me cry. I know, by the way, both of us are looking at each other like this like, were gonna start crying with each of thank you, justina machado. I love you i love you too. [laughs] id be crying and thinking, she is a nine year old she doesnt realize. She doesnt know how gonna wal again, and all this, i would say to them, its gonna be okay damn. I used to think that i coul share my story, and i could ge white people to see me a human. And i realized, no we that was my Outside Check [laughs] i love all the things tha we do, the latinos are like, oh, the superstitious things it is like a deep thing i our tradition, and he has, i cuba and the caribbean it is a big time, i, mean thats where i go to when want to leave this place but she sent me all these dogs from jersey. We have an altar in our house. They like this all the time. Beautiful a little rum. I have a family alter. You have a family alter i do, absolutely. Just having the fact that the majority of the people i the stable have, they have a altar at home, again, when you are thinking about what make us who we are, as latinos an latinas, like the spirituality i grew up catholic. I went to an allgirl catholic high school. And we would pray. And i never really understoo the concept other than, you ar repeating, its like a mantra. But it wasnt until i had an accident in 1990, where i wa paralyzed. And i felt peoples prayers. There were millions of peopl praying for me worldwide and i could feel it as a energy i felt like i was living the role, and i would absorb tha and my body, and imagine if It Reconnecting nerves, doing all these things, because it was powerful and my family would walk int the rule room, theyd be crying, thinking oh, she is in denial, she doesnt realize. Shes not gonna walk again i would say to them, its gonn be okay. Damn. Im telling you, its gonna be okay. Just relax i am gonna do this and they couldnt believe, but i was plugged in thats when i first understood the power of friends we have somebody on the people who actually Felt Globa Prayer Yes [inaudible] you know, i wa undocumented for a long time and then, i worked on wall street, and i used fake papers because, thats the first book yall should read. Rate her book people would always ask me, how did that one im like, i dont know, youre gonna have to ask god. Because i activists and artist fabiana, who did a top that i went to and was talking about ho willing grace, and ellen comin out, directly impacted all o the good that we saw for the Latino Community that we love, right . And shes like, it ten years it has to resonate in po culture. It has to sit in their, an then, ten years. My parents came here in 1962 it was happening in america in 1952 the number one show in america i love to see. Human american, married to white women, everything is fine hes amazing everyone says he thinks hes fine he speaks spanish, but it mine my parents came, and als speaks to nobody knows in this country. We so difficult by the way, i didnt even know about him, so we did th show there was an exodus of 14 000, 14,000 plus Cuban Childre who came, while they were Gonn Cut Cast out of cuba they were unaccompanied they were instead, and, now the same children are put into cages. Yeah. The last ten years, the narrative on Television Ha been very different. Latinos and latinos are scary, the two are coming to take over theres so many misconceptions about immigration, and sometimes, it is ourselves like, it is us, it is our ow community that does it a lot of times, its us a cubans that are like, my parents came here legally. Im going to when cubans got here, the were given citizenship they were given access t welfare. I agree, thats right so, when the rules have changed, its like there is no right way for other immigrants i think a lot of that was the guilt of the america government, when they left the high and dry, and my dad was a bay of pigs, he was two years political prisoner we are seeing those difference that you are seeing now. There are ukrainian refugees who are able to come from th mexico, u. S. Border into the u. S. , and as they should however, we are not treating Central American immigrants, Haitian Immigrants haitian, yes. To come in and seek refug the same way typically, because there is a racial isolation there, right . Thats where i was goin with this. So is there a doubl standard definitely a Double Standard Look at the lottery system, th visa lottery system, and how those visas are allocated. That is totally racialized so its the group that ha been thrown under the bus by each political party, year after year, decade after decade . Immigrants and refugees. Yes, that is where i am wit you, lisa, which is, i wasn born in this country, but became a citizen so, im Gonna Make This Countr The Country that, its says it is but its not gonna happe unless we are doing it what do you think we should do ideas, how we can make thi better monica . Monica, you are, to me, a expert on this really, seriously. I am not an expert on this. To glorias point, like what do we do, its th narrative that has to come first, right the policy will follow the narrative shift. We gotta tell the stories. We gotta write the books no one here is waiting for permission we are all just doing it, right . What comes next is different political leaders, leaders who are actually leaders, right . Who are gonna be brave enoug to do whats required to chang the law, in order for us to ge there, its gonna require th public to apply the righ pressure and in order to have the right conditions to apply th pressure, i think you have t go back to the narrative i used to think that i coul share my story, and i could ge white people to see me a human. Then i realized, no, i mean was that my outset . Which i realized is that, when i was never Gonna Convinc someone to see me as human, an thats, its not my job to convince someone else of m humanity so, to me, the narrative chang has to be a narrative change o how we see ourselves yes how we see our place in thi country, and the narrative change has to be, to energiz the choir. There is something that has happened in the American Civil Rights movement, which is ther is a story that people want to tell about who are the goo migrants, who are the ba migrants, right . Because we are not challenging each other on that people are getting away with it they are here, and understand people are like trying to live their lives, bu i also feel like people flip their own narrative, as if, yo know, it wasnt a struggle, or maybe, it wasnt and then, now, its like, yo are on your own. Like, why do people do that . Thats the other lie, right that you are all the time. Nobody helped me, no one i know it is a lie weve all had fairy godmothers oh my god, i wouldnt b here if i didnt have very godmothers so, they decide event for themself, to make it okay, t turn back, or turn a blind eye because it is all fair its all fear based. You know, we just suffere this tragedy in eovaldi, texas right . Thank you for breaking up the 19 children and the teache whose lives were still toll in i mean, we could not forget we are doing this and celebrating, and saying to eac other, love and empowerment, and its also we are being attacked absolutely. Thats our communitie responsibility to keep the story alive. One year after el paso, on year after, on the anniversary of the shooting in el paso, no a single major u. S. Newspape ran a front page story commemorating, remembering whats happened. Jeez. We cannot let that happen i worry a lot about the Mental Health toll, overall, o being attacked every day im trying to figure out how t survive, figuring out wher kids are gonna come home, if youre gonna come home like, that is toxic stress the peopl are living with every day, tha they will pass on to their children and you know, some of us tha trump has been passed down t us too, when you talk abou therapies imported and good, and we should get it in ou gets needed. I dont know that you are ther yet. Historically, our Community Looks down upon being, havin to go to therapy, or whatever. Or medication, oh my god. They really feel that is weakness when it is not at all. 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And so much to be joyful about and so much to celebrate anything is possible, right even though doesnt seem tha way, sometimes it seems so dire, but if you look at this table, anything is possible looking gorgeous, looking you looking gorgeous i just came out the caption i just look at like that all the time cheers, cheers. You all dont look like thi when you go kicking . Im usually in a flanne robe i know the queen over her oh no girl. I hope yall enjoy dinner but we do, its wonderful i know you already ha desert, but i want to bring Little Pocket to, you this is mask, oh thanks so much fo hearing your conversation. I dont think my grandma wouldve believed me today that i would be sitting my mom believes that are gonna be feeling all of you, so than you guys oh, thats delicious. This is good. Im so grateful to all of you joining me at this table so articulate intelligen latino women so salute, and thank you s much thank you so much. I want to honor that we are on land today, and that those o the Indigenous People this land and how grateful i am that a this moment, we get all be i conversation because all of you make me better, so thanks for Lettin Me Share Space with you today. , and im going to say tha our grandmothers was a big theme today. So i want to celebrate m grandmother, who came to thi country at 57, and started over, was pulled out of school i cuba and nine years, old tal to go to work because of the depression, and wanted to be a lawyer been born in 1905. And she told me, you are going to have to sing, because tha is a gift . And if you dont share, yo wont be happy so to our grandmothers, but it kept that tradition alive. Im so grateful for being here in, im so grateful for being in your presence, than you, and thank you for doing all that youve done, although you continue to do, puttin your entire hearts into it you make me better, you give m places to look even places to grow. This is been my greatest honor gentle totally inspires me, because general coming from th people, of honduras. Indigenous black people, who have resisted under ever possible form, to have the presence here. In terms of survival, hec yes. So beautiful. Im very appreciative, an im so grateful. I feel like i was led to the space, to being conversation with you all what you are doing as inspired me, and im looking for to wal in this journey with you all i want to say that i love you all, and i truly believe i my heart, that we are building in the world of our dreams and its my honor to be able t build that world with you. And i believe that we are th answer, and i know that wer gonna win. Yes i just want to say, that in a world where its reall difficult to find mirrors, eac of you has been a mirror for me, and youve helped me to feel scene to feel loved, and i jus hope that we can all realize i the ways that i have realized, that all we ever needed wa each other so, to each of you yes [speaking nonenglish] we didnt get that right. No we didnt, actually. [speaking nonenglish] i went straight to [speaking nonenglish]

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