Transcripts For MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart

MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart July 6, 2024

This christmas sunday, as we wrap up 2022, we cant ignor the fact that its been a toug year over the past 12 months, theres been a recurring theme and the stories weve covered. The fight for democracy here and abroad we have witnessed th resilience determination of th ukrainian people as they continue to resist russia invasion over in a wrong, the death o mahsa amini sparked mass protests and civil unres against the ruling regime. Here in the u. S. , voters pushe back pushed back at the ballot box. Overcoming ideological differences to reject election denialism. And as we head into the ne year a new poll by ipsos showe that 65 of adults worldwide say theyre optimistic tha 2023 will be a better year for them then 2022 earlier, i spoke with the most reverend Michael Curry and dr. Barry see black. Chaplain of the senate who reminded us that in a worl that can often seem dark, ther is always one thing that can provide light and guidance hope the most reverend Michael Curry presiding portion of the Episcopal Church and dr. Barry see black, 62n chaplain of the United State Senate welcome back to The Sunday Show thank you, its good to b back with you. Bishop curry weve had a challenging year from our fight to keep our democracy to International Conflicts like the war i ukraine to economic woes what are your thoughts on th past year and how should w used to his experiences as w approach the coming year it has been a tough year. And dickens was right. These are the best of times an these are the worst of times all mingled together and part of one of the things that we ca do is to look back as the Ol Gospel Song says how i got over asked the question how i got over what resources you mobiliz internally what spiritual resources what emotional resources because you did get over your so here what did we do what did i do . Didnt think about other folks who have gotten over and who have made it i am a proud of her grandmothe whose life was farther tha mind she got over and im her because of her when i have a tough year, a ba year, i asked myself how did grandma, how did nellys how did my grandparents, m ancestors, get over. Im here to tell you they go over because they had a god an they knew they had a god and they knew if youve got a god, that god can help you get over Amazing Grace how sweet th sound that saved a wretch like me thats how you make it through tough times. Dr. Black, what about you same question to you john, thomas paine said these are th times that tried men souls i have hope and hope is feeling of expectation about something you desire it was hope that was expressed by martin king when he said have a dream thats hope. My hope is very similar to martin stream. I have hope because the arc of the moral universe is long but beds fence towards justice. I have hope for this natio because carlisle was right no lie can live forever. I have hope James Russell labelles ray. Truth forever on the scaffold. Wrong forever on the throne. Yet behind the yet unknown stands god within the shadows. Keeping watch above his own. I have hope because the bibl says we reap what we so. And so i am encouraged by th Apostle Pauls declaration i elation 69 dont become weary in doin what is right for in due season, you will reap if you think not i believe america can stil reap a rich harvest. I have a dream dr. Black all stick with you because as mentioned before you are also the chaplain of the senate youve been in that position next to you for 20 years since 2003 youve been through youve been there during times of divided government. And were about to go throug divided government again nex year are our institutions is our society to broken, to divided for us to work towards unity. To keep of that hope that he were just talking about . I dont think were ever to divided to work towards unit because there are too many believers in our society and they tend to rally when things really seem horrific there is a Wonderful Bible For A Second Chronicle 7 14 that i directed to believers. Im talking about those from the Abrahamic Faith Traditions , islamophobia, some christianity it states if my people, just m phone, called by my name wil humble themselves and pray and s turn from evil sin is a National Security issue exults a nation but sun is they will turn from Thei Wickedness Din says th sovereign omnipotent 90 got o the universe, i will hear from heaven forgive their sins in here all their land every wednesday for nearly 2 years, i have been at a bibl study with senators on the senate is in session both sides of the aisl represented. You would be amazed at the unity that is there. Every thursday that the senate has convened for nearly 20 years i have taught a bibl study. I have one senator who his onl missed one bible study in 20 years. Both sides of the aisl represented. There are covert agents. Believers. There are saints in caesars household. I will always have hope fo this land we love. There is so many followu questions i have for you o that particularly about th senators bishop curry, im coming t you. Not everyone practices the sam religion or has the same beliefs or ideologies this year we were reminded that more wor must be done towards havin compassion and understanding o one another. Whats your advice on how to work towards a more inclusiv society. The truth is i am passionately convinced that th kind of love that weve seen Jesus Of Nazareth is the kin of love that can see u through. That kind of love him talkin about is unselfish, it i sacrificial, it is a love, doctor king says the redemptiv love it is love that actually see the good and the wellbeing of others as well as the self thats what well see us through. Jesus told the parable of th Good Samaritan somebody who helps somebod else from a different religion different races, different nationality. I would even suggest a different political party. A different way of being a different religion and it help that persons. The person needed help and tha person was a fellow child of god. If you look Chaplain Blackness is better than i if you look on the flags of ou government the president ial flag. The flags in congress for th leaders of the senate and th House Of Representatives if you look, you will see th great seal of the united state with the latin words e pluribu unum those words from many, one come from the writings o cicero check this out i did some research during the pandemic through Writing Cicero its thought that cicero borro that phrase e pluribus unu from virgil. And cicero first used to borrowing it from virgil t talk about pesto how you make pesto how you take from differen ingredients and you make one a whole. E pluribus unum, from anyone thats what actually came from cicero used it in his writings talking about how the roma household was constituted. Not simply by blood ties but i was by people being brough together and he wrote, and i quote. When one person loves anothe person as much as he loves himself than E Pluribus Unum becomes possible thats how the United States o america will be the United States of america when there i as the old slaves used to sa plenty good room when i go to room. Plan to get a room for all god children thats how we make it. I am passionately convince when were committed to that being who Let America Be america to me when america is truly america, then theres plenty good roo for all gods children than there is liberty and justice not just for some but for all. Then america is a shining city upon a hill. I was going to ask as you leave us with some words o inspiration going into 2023. I am very much looking forward to see what you come up with bishop curry, after dr. Blac answers that question. Leave us with some words O Encouragement or Inspiration A we close out 2022 on thi Christmas Day and head into brandnew year with th difficulties that we still hav to face. There is the the image of god and everything and the philosopher pascal and his book talked about the Fragility O Humidity and the transcendence of humidity said an Exhalation A Drop Of Water suffices t destroy us but we are more noble than the universe for even when we die, we kno that we die. And the universe even in no its not its own power. My wife and i visited a museum and saw an exhibition called bodies by the time we got through a the reproductive system. I fell on my knees im sorry, it was a cathedra for me i could not i saw enough just in the fac that we are fearful ia wonderfully made that i fell o my knees my wife, of course, made intervention and i got up. The reality is there is so muc of the transcendent and so william Complexion Cannot for fun skin may differ but Affectio Twelves In Black And White the same were i so tall as to reach the pole or to grasp the ocean at span, i must be measured by my soul thats the thats the image of god an humanity when we start seeing it in everyone, my god, you will sense what i felt when the bishop was giving for i was about to rejoin th church and the rebaptize you will see that because yo will feel the presence of th transcendent bishop curry, close us out. All i can do is say a man and a man in a word from Langston Hughes who said hol fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a bird with a broken wing. But hold fast to dreams. God has a dream for this world god has a dream for every on of us. And nothing as desmond tut said, nothing can stop god stream hallelujah. Bishop Michael Curry, docto barry see black. Our third christmas together thank you both very much as always for coming to th sunday show. Merry christmas, jonathan Merry Christmas and of next, the Eighth Chapte in turn a 45page january si final report is here and its a doozy after the break, well break down what the committee is recommending to the Justic Department and what it can mean for trumps 2024 president ial run. Much more sundayho sw to come. Dont go anywhere. Ible women savannah i wish they had those kinds of cool careers for women when we were growing up. Carson so in this flashback, were all the same age . Hoda yeah teacher what does everyone want to be when they grow up . Savannah if i say two jobs do i get extra credit . Teacher no. Girl 1 i want to make immersive video games. Girl 2 i want to revolutionize 3d printing. Girl 3 i want to analyze data from the cloud. Al i want to be a meteor girl 2 you mean meteorologist . Al no. Girl 2 thats great al. Follow your dreams. Carson for the record, i was a baby in the 70s. If you run a Small Business, you need the most from every investment. Thats why Comcast Business gives you more. More innovation. With our new gigspeed wifi, plus unlimited data. More speed. From the largest, fastest, reliable network. And more savings up to 60 a year on Comcast Business mobile. All from the company that powers more businesses than any other provider. Get started with fast speeds and advanced security for 69. 99 a month for 12 months. Plus ask how to get up to a 750 prepaid card nearly two years of the with qualifying internet. Deadly attack on the capitol the january 6th elec committees final report is no in the hands of the American People the 845 Page Document conclude that former President Donald Trump is largely responsible for the violence that day. The report also offers detaile evidence of the lengths to which trump and members of his inner circle went in an attemp to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The january six committe present nearly a dozen recommendations to ensur Something Like this doesn happen again including a proposal to borrow trump from running for offic again. Joining me now is congressma Elected Goldman of new york. Hes a former federa prosecutor who served as counsel for House Democrat during the first trump impeachment inquiry. This is my first time seeing you i think since you were elected congressmanelect. Welcome back to The Sunday Show great to see you, jonathan. Merry christmas to you thank you, whats you biggest take away from the january six report i think it is a incredibl eye, haitis indictment, but i really is an indictment of donald trump the january Six Committee from the outset determined that i was going to investigate muc more broadly than Th Insurrection itself on january 6th. What it found it put in painstaking detail was a series of multipronge attempt to overturn th election in 2020 that was led by donald trump and included many of his Close Associates and lawyers and others in broader scheme at first it was through Lega Recourse through the courts when that, failed it was tryin to Pressure State Legislatures when that, failed it was the fake electors scheme with that failed, it was tryin to coerce the Justic Department and ultimately, the end result was january 6th. And the violence that th Committee Makes no mistake i asserting donald trump kne about, in cited and caused it is a real focused Detaile Takedown of Donald Trumps efforts to overturn th election it also has som recommendations about what should happen. There is boring term fro office pull through congress to subpoena power increasing penalties for threats against election workers. My question to you is is tha enough to or should more remedies have been proposed by the committee . I think its important to consider these various remedies one has already been effectively implemented in the electoral count Reform Act T Prevent what transpired on january 6th in terms of making clear that the Vice Presiden does not have a role of an significance and that youre going to nee more than just one member of the house and the senate t object to the electors in particular state there are critical component of that that of the recommendations tha have also even in proposed i other legislation. I think that the critical thin for all of us to reckon with i how do we continue to maintain a robust democracy that is certainly somethin iran on. Which is to say that we are in unprecedented times where we have a routine regular and persistent onslaught on ou democratic institutions. On a democratic way of life. Its not something tha congress would have expected t have to deal with prior to 2016 it was taken for granted now that we are entering into new a new era where authoritaria forces have a group on the Republican Party we need to be thinking about ways that we can preserve an protect our democracy that lasts generations, not just on or two years the Committee Sources do that, i think its something we need to all be thinking about right, and i want to ta into that a little bit because youre a former federa prosecutor im wondering. Your thoughts and what impac this report could have on th Justice Departments own investigation. Will it have a Material Impact on what the doj is doing i think it really lays roadmap for doj to the exten that they have been determined that already theres no question when He Wa Out In Front of doj. The department of justice an Special Counsels Office Kno Undoubtedly will be readin very closely the report as wel as all the transcripts Fro Interviews that the committe has done it will require that departmen and the Special Counsel i thin to answer to congress if the do not charge donald trump in truth, there already is a investigation going on a robus of a stagnation into donal trump and his Close Associates for overturning the election i think it is helpful to the department but it will not probable probably not make a significan impact on their ultimate determination as to whether or not to charge him. What i do think that there are many things in there that need to be addressed. Separate and apart from whethe donald trump is charged or not we need to reckon with a violent domestic extremism there needs to be i think at additional criminal laws designed to root out Tha Extremism and to treat Tha Extremism as domesti terrorism. There is a fine line there but its something that we are going to need to address as we move forward real fast because weve got less than 22nd am i wrong in thinkin

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