all over america which is gentrification and low income families being moved further and further out often compounding racial segregation. so all these things we need to start putting more federal dollars in it. we use our tax code to move wealth up, the mortgage interest deduction. my plan is very simple. if you're a renter who pays more than a third of your income in rent, then you will get a refundable tax credit between the amount you're paying and the area in rent. that empowers people in the say way we empower home owners. and what that does is actually slashes poverty, 10 million people out. by the way, for those people facing eviction, it is about time that the only people when they show up in rentals court when they have a lawyer, it's not the landlord but also low income families to stay in their homes. >> we're going to take a quick break but we'll be back with these candidates. stay with us.