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This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course, not even close. I apologize if anybody was offended. In a tweet concerning the audio, Hillary Clinton said this is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president. Billy bush also released a statement, obviously im embarrassed and ashamed, thats no excuse. This happened 11 years ago, i was younger and less mature and acted foolishly in playing along. Im very sorry. Tomorrow is trumps meeting with paul ryan signing a bill to protect the rights of Sexual Assault survivors. The chair of the National Committee Reince Priebus said, no woman should ever be discussed about in these terms or talked about in this manner ever. Joining me Charlie Sykes, linda chavez, and ms. Chavez, i guess ill just begin with you in responding to this. Well, i have said from the moment he announced that this man can be described in one word, and that one word is vile. And frankly, if i were paul ryan, i would cancel the event. Part of the problem, the reason donald trump has been able to get away with what hes gotten away with is hes got the Reince Priebuses of the world, the paul ryans, the bill bennetts, the groups around him that support him and give him cover when hes just a disgusting man and if he had any kind of dignity, if he had any kind of courage, he would step aside and let Mike Pence Run for president because mike pence is at least qualified and donald trump is not. Charlie, what do you think about ryan has tried to play this kind of arms length game, paul ryan in wisconsin which is where you are. Hes tried to play this arms length game. He didnt endorse, but then did endorse but not in stirring terms. Hes campaigning with him and hes campaigning with him tomorrow. Yeah. The republicans of wisconsin right now are at def con 1. I heard from one who said im in tears the over this. At this point its hard for me to imagine that this would go ahead that youd have donald trump on the stage with paul ryan and scott walker and ron johnson and every other prominent republican. Is this going to be same old same old where nothing ever matters and it will blow over or is it possible that this is career ending, to stand next to a guy who is talking about Sexual Assault and find some way to do that. So im guessing that right now theres a tremendous amount of scrambling. Theyre not going to cancel this event. This is a major event for republicans in wisconsin, but i would not be surprised if donald trump suddenly realized that maybe he should spend some time doing some debate prep rather than coming to elkhorn, wisconsin tomorrow. This is a real test. If the cancellation happened, it would be trump not going as opposed to ryan pulling out . Right. Ryans not going to pull out. This is a major event in paul ryans own district. And the reality is this was something that was brokered by Reince Priebus, the chairman at the republican National Committee. Hes going to have to fix this because he got all of his loved ones together and here comes donald trump and hes got a suicide vest on, but it will take out everybody. The only way to solve this is for donald trump to figure out Something Else to do other than come to wisconsin tomorrow. People around here will be very surprised if this takes place tomorrow given that tape that you just played. Charlie just mentioned this idea, will this blow over like other things happen . Weve been through a variety of news cycles in terms the of things that donald trump has said or done or proposed that have been Head Snapping or have inspired a tremendous amount of offense or revulsion and hes still standing. I guess what i think is this idea that he can be felled by something i think has been proven not true. But at this point hes behind. And i dont think this news cycle could help. No. Chris, it really isnt about him stepping aside. And i think that youre right that this event should not go on. But its going to have to be the party that steps away from donald trump. Donald trump is never going to give up this quest. Hes not going to step aside as i think he should. But its been an amazing thing to watch. But if they want to save the Republican Party there are people like me who have been faithful republicans. I am a hardnosed conservative. Oh, i know. Across the board. And i cannot abide this man. And if this man is going to represent the Republican Party, then im not going to want to have anything to do with it. I can tell you that i have these conversations all the time with my fellow nevertrump tpers. We want no part of a Republican Party thats exemplified by donald trump. Thats why tomorrows breaking thats why watch what happens, because this will be a breaking point. This will be the distancing, the recognition that this is hurting among women, men who know women. Humans. Yes. Exactly. Yes. So heres the thing. Obviously theres been and i have to say my own personal sort of hierarchy of these things, theres probably 50 things worse he said or proposed than this, which i agree with this characterization of it is vile. Theres sort of conversations that happen i mean, i guess at one point what does panic do . The only way to transmute panic would be some sort of tactical shift at the top of the ticket away from the rnc, is that right, charlie . You might start seeing that soon. You do have these down ballot races. The conversation will switch very quickly to how do we save Everybody Else . How do we make sure that the stink gets washed off of the people who are closest to donald trump, but it doesnt cost the senate and the House Of Representatives . And you are going to see that in a very short period of time, i think. This is, again, will this be different . I dont know. But the reality is that all of the crudity, all of the misogyny, all the infantile nature of this guy is just out there for display. I dont know how any politician stands next to him and justifies in any way saying, okay, yes, the man is talking about sexually assaulting women, groping women, but we should still make him the president of the united states. Thanks for making some time today. Appreciate it. Thank you. Joining me now the columnist for slate our degrading election gets the catchphrase it deserves. What do you do with this . Okay, so im laughing. Were laughing because its sort of gallows humor. Im glad that charlie used the phrase Sexual Assault over and over again. The point is not that donald trump said something lewd or is misogynistic. Or tried to have sex with a married woman. I dont care about that, but if he wants to bring up infidelity at the debate which hes been threatening to do but we know that donald trump is no paragon of marital faithfulness. Hes talking here about Sexual Assault. Theres a lawsuit that charges him with Sexual Assault and the details sound a lot like what he is basically bragging about doing here. You know, both in terms of kind of grabbing somebody against her will and also this kind of very dogged pursuit of a married woman. Come on, cheat on your husband. If you read the details of this lawsuit, it sounds like his m. O. And at the time, ivanka trump not at the time but later on when this became public, ivanka trump dreefended her father by saying, i know my father and hes not a groper. Now he says that he is indeed a groper. A proud groper. And this becomes not just about donald trump says gross things on tape. I think this becomes an urgent question to ask at the debate on sunday. What did you mean when you said grab them by the im not allowed to say this on msnbc right. How many times have you done that . Theres a whole question its not just about sex anymore. Its about predation. Lets also remember that one of the men who is advising donald trump is roger ailes. Is roger ailes. Whose lawsuits in which he and his daughters have denied as alleged in Gretchen Carlsons lawsuit and others over a variety of decades was essentially using his position of power to do precisely what donald trump talks about doing. And donald trump is there bragging that this is kind of what hes able to use theyll let you do anything. His power to do. So i think that Doesnt Matter where maybe this is the election that nothing matters. But on the one you know, hes already losing. Just about the worst week of his campaign. And sort of like rats from a sinking ship element to this in that people who maybe would have been able to defend him if he was at 48 in the polls would be less likely to defend him hen he needs to be able to muster some degree of his very fragile selfcontrol for debates that are coming up on sunday. What do you think about this like bill clinton, its so clear that they somehow think that the invocation of bill clinton is just universally exculpating, that its like some magical forcefield in which as soon as you say bill clinton and women, you cant be touched by anything. Well, i think thats been kind of he sees that as the nuclear option. Every so often, i didnt go there. I could have said something, right. But both they think its this sort of alibi where they think it proves liberal hypocrisy, i also think that because donald trump is such a kind of such a bonedeep sexist, i think that he thinks that it discredits Hillary Clinton to be cheated on by bill clinton more than it discredits somebody to cheat, right . Because its all kind of about dominance and cuckolding. You need a primatologist to understand his displays of dominance. His attacks on women is less about eroticism and attraction and more about getting over on some other guy. Thanks for being with me. Appreciate it. Coming up, more on the bombshell donald trump tape out tonight. Well talk about trumps problem with female voters. And the other outrage of the day. More than a decade after they were exonerated, he Still Believes the Central Park Five were guilty. One of those men who wrongly served five years in prison joins me to respond, ahead. We Thought Fibers that help you stay regular caused unwanted gas. Not good. 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The story of his miss onogyny i sold that if it were a person, donald trump would probably not date it. One thing is this is not an isolated incident. No, not at all. Its not like i mean, there are people people can be caught on tape saying a thing that reflects poorly on them that is not necessarily a deep character trait, but its hard to make that argument here. Right. So donald trump has this decades long record on the record of women talking about what a creep he can be to them. And its like we just sort of glossed over it until now when hes admitting it. How many women have to say hes a creep before we believe them . We had to wait until donald trump actually admitted he is a creep before everyone was like, oh, hes a creep. This is popping into the timeline here, the New York Times was told by miss utah in 1997, he kissed me directly on the lips. I thought gross, he was married to marla maples. Mr. Trump disputed this saying hes reluctant to kiss women on the lips. Hes like a kissing magnet. Just cant stop himself from kissing. You had this whole piece, which is great, about sort of this idea that hes a pickup artist. Yeah. What was that . If you dont spend time in the garbage dumps of the internet like i do and its a philosophy that men kind of embody where if they bully women, push them around, if theyre rude to them, they Cannent Wally Kind of dominate and take from them what they want. This is not something that trump subscribes to, but he just kind of lives it. He talked about heidi klum not being a ten. That feels like a lifetime ago. A lifetime of donald trump misogyny ago. Thats where its putting someone down so they want to impress a person more. Theres this whole sort of in the garbage dumps of the internet, sort of bizarre very sad and pathetic sort of ideology of male domination called the pickup artistry. Yeah. I feel like theres also this crazy ideological substrate of this about what is okay and whats not okay. I find it gratifying to see these republicans saying, yeah, not cool. It is really interesting to see that. It was interesting to hear in first part of the show hearing Charlie Sykes use the word Sexual Assault many times which is what donald trump was talking about doing, which is Sexual Assault. If you grab someone in a sexual way that doesnt want to be grabbed, then youre sexually assaulting them. It goes beyond old school sexism, Like Old School cartoon bully sexism, beyond whats normal, beyond whatever should be acceptable. In terms of the drama of this election, of course, this is who Rebecca Tracer once wrote this great line, of course, of course, the first female. If a woman can be president , of course the person she will have to vanquish, the person shell have to get past is this person. Despite all this, despite the fact that this is like the most open secret in the history of open secrets. We know this is how he made his name in the hes still polling at 45 . Thats still not enough to disqualify him for 40plus percent of the population. Hes winning men by a healthy margin. Not so much College Educated men as the ones without College Degrees, but guys without College Degrees love him. I think its partly because hes an aspirational figure to them. He treats women the way they wish they could treat women and hes successful. He represents the way they wish they could act, the way they feel they deserve to be treated. A certain kind of person who thinks a certain kind of way about what it is to be a powerful, dominant man. Sure. He is aspirationally a jerk. And women voters are not buying it. No. Weirdly enough. No, its weird that women would not be into someone talking about grabbing their private parts because its fun. Cant wait till that comes up. Great to have you here. Thank you. Still ahead, battering florida, Hurricane Matthew takes aim at georgia. Weve got the latest forecast, next. Hotels. Coms rewards program is simple. For every 10 nights i stay, i geone free. Cell phone captain obvious. This on the other hand, will not be simple. You gonna have to ride the belt. Hotels. Com. So simple, its thebvious choice. I have liqds in by meteorologist bill karins. You and i spoke last night about how important those little wobbles in the trajectory were and how much damage and Human Tragedy was on the line, and it looks like we basically got lucky. For a lot of the east coast of florida, especially dout of Daytona Beach, they did. But north of Daytona Beach it is bad and still bad for those areas of Daytona Beach northward. Its moving north. It looks impressive on the satellite imagery. As of the georgia coastline, you are very fortunate that you are at low tide right now because the storm is as close as its going to get. The water is already running high. The fear is from savannah up to charleston, myrtle beach areas, well approach high tide at 1 00 a. M. In the morning when the storm is closest to you. Theyre now saying in the charleston area, this will likely be the second worst storm surge in your citys history after Hurricane Hugo in the mid80s. Thats a big powerful statement. Thats how nasty it can be in the middle of the night in the dark people dont have power and the water is going to be rising quickly. The people who didnt evacuate will go through that in the middle of the night tonight. Thats scary stuff. Heres the eye. Its still moving north. It will be a close call for our friends in the Savannah Area and charleston. Exactly how far we are from that northern eye wall. Thats about 80 to 75 miles away. You dont want to go through this. The winds in this are stronger than the winds we saw all day today in areas of florida. That will be close to charleston in the middle of the night. The storm surge, this five to seven feet easily in this area, some spots could get us up as nine feet and that would be histor historic. I would say maybe half the damage is done. Were only halfway through this storm. We still can get a landfall, as you mentioned, later on tonight. Bill karins, thank you very much for that. Despite the dna evidence exonerating them, donald trump still insists the Central Park Five are guilty. One will be here to respond, next. [click] [click] man youre beautiful im coming back [clicking] back to you notorious. A white woman who was jogging was found raped and beaten nearly to death in central park. Not long after the woman was discovered four black teenagers and one latino teenager were charged and jailed for the crime. The case whipped up an unbelievably hysteria. Wolfpacks, roving gangs and wilding. But the five boys had falsely confessed to the crime after hours of police interrogations. They were later tried, convicted an sentenced to prison, but vindication for the group known as the Central Park Five came in 2002 when a convicted murderer and rapist confessed to the crime and that confession was then corroborated by dna. The Prison Sentences of the Central Park Five were overturned but by that time they had already served between five and 13 years. In 2013, the men were awarded a settlement from new york city. The story that gripped the city for years came to a close, yet one manhattan residents obsession with the case continues to this day. Just weeks after the crime was committed in 1989, donald trump took out a full page ad in four new york newspapers advocating the return of the Death Penalty. When the city awarded the men a settlement in 2014, trump wrote a editorial in the daily news calling the settlement a disgrace. Now, even now, as the president ial nominee for the Republican Party, trump hasnt allowed science or evidence to change his initial reaction to the case. Just this week, trump said he still considers the men, again, exonerated by the criminal Justice System and by dna scientific evidence, guilty, issuing a statement saying, they admitted they were guilty. The police doing the original investigation say they were guilty. The fact that case was settled with so much evidence is outrageous. The woman, so badly injured, will never be the same. Joining me now yousef salam. Wrongly convicted. How old were you when you were arrested and how much time did you spend in prison . I was 15 years old when this happened. I spent about seven years in prison. Close to seven years. Before we get to donald trump, what was it like to go into the system at this age and spend your formative adolescent early adult years in prison for something you did not do . You know, to go to prison for a crime like that, thats the absolute worst crime that you can go to prison for. The only crime that trumps rape is child molestation. They had these polls, what are the inmates going to do when these guys get to prison . Untold horrors were mentioned, and we were scared to death. This was a situation where we had to grow up very, very quickly. We had to figure out how we were going to survive and fend for our lives. It was the most horrific event i could have ever imagined. And so what is your reaction to a man who is trying to be the most powerful person in the world, arguably, who is on the precipice of possibly being president saying now in the last days showing a statement that you, despite all evidence, that you were guilty . When i think about what he represents first of all, what he represents to me is very, very powerful and unfortunate. This blight, this thing that he did to us calling for the reinstatement of the Death Penalty, i always think had this been the 1950s, we would have become modernday emmett tills. They would have published our names and Phone Numbers in new york city newspapers. People would be calling us any time of the day or night, threaten us with hate mail. By donald trump taking out this ad, what i think is that he was really calling to see if there was somebody from the darker areas of society that would kick in our doors, drag us from our homes and hang us from trees in central park. Thats the kind of sick justice they were looking for. This ad which ran, which he paid for was calling for the Death Penalty who were identified as juveniles, you among them, basically saying we should kill these children. Right, right. You know, he wanted us dead. When you look at the videotapes that he made after the statements that he made after that, its very, very clear that he said that he wanted to hate us. He wanted us to be afraid. And by us, he was talking directly about the Central Park Five. But he was talking about also the black and brown people that we look at that are being shot down all around the country today. You know, if hes saying that he wants to be the Law And Order president , and hes talking about policies and practices that have been ruled unconstitutional and unjust, that being stop and frisk in new york city and hes thinking about he wants to bring this type of stuff back, im scared for my life. What happens if this person is actually becomes president , is he going to go gunning for the Central Park Five because he wanted to murder us back then and wants to do same thing today . When we won our lawsuit, he said this was one of the biggest heists in new york city history. He said that we were going to be rich rapists. And then all of a sudden now we have these Video Footage of him being produced of him doing all these you know, i just tweeted prior to getting on, this is a dirty old man. You know, definitely not somebody we want to be president of these united states. The type of issues that he presents overwhelmingly causes us, and we need to push far, far away from him. Mr. Salaam, do you feel he owes you an apology . I feel he owes us an apology. Do i feel well ever get it. I think if i held my breath and waited for him to give us an apology, i would probably pass out and turn blue in the face. I think youre right probably about that. Yusef salaam, thank you. The bombshell of trumps lewd comments. But first tonights thing 1, thing 2 coming up next. I have asthma. Ne of many pieces in my life. So when my Asthma Symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my Asthma Treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents Asthma Symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. 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It could be sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds. Okay . When we come back, well tell you why Donald Trumps theory that some guy weighing 400 pounds was responsible for hacking the dnc is looking a little thin. And me. Help you out . Youre gonna hear what i say. I love taking stuff apart and building new things out of it. Anne pals my most advanced annedroid. [gasps] this is awesome. Oh anne you havent seen anything yet. Announcer give your Cardboard Box another life. I dont think anybody knows it was russia that broke into the dnc. Shes saying russia, russia, russia. It could also be china. It could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, okay . You dont know who broke into dnc. Well, actually, at least the u. S. Government says it does know who broke into the dnc. Earlier today the Obama Administration and this is a big deal officially accused russia, the russian government of carrying out a wide ranging campaign to interfere with the 2016 elections including hacking the computers of the dnc and other political officials. The administration also blamed moscow for the hack of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the subsequent leak of private email addresses and cell Phone Numbers of democratic lawmakers. Intelligence officials are looking into whether one of Donald Trumps Foreign Policy advisers has opened up communication with one of the official. Well have to wait until sundays debate to see if trump has any 400pound theories about that. From food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens gummies. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. One a day vitacraves gummies. And that was before today. Hes now five points behind Hillary Clinton in a fourway race in a new poll of Nationalal Voters by quinnipiac. Given those stakes they cannot afford a repeat of the last debate when he faces clinton for round two on sunday night with questions about todays tape. His team has been insisting hell be prepared better this time around, but as the Washington Post reports, the candidate himself is still resisting their efforts. Reportedly trump flatout refused to participate in mock sessions saying such play acting was annoying. Instead, according to the post he held informal meetings about his top advisers at trump tower and his new Jersey Golf Club in which rnc chairman Prins Priebus would pepper him with rapid fire questions while Chris Christie played antagonist. With trump refusing to actually rehearse his campaign had to get creative about preparing him for sunday turning an event in New Hampshire last night into something of a dry run. Billed as a town hall just like the debate it featured trump away from the big stadium rallies that he so prefers, taking questions without the comfort of a podium. A big giveaway from the moderator Talk Radio Host howie carr. I have a clock down on the floor there that says two minutes. Okay. Do you want me to call you when it goes over two minutes . Ill make you a deal. If im doing well, dont call me. If im answering the question poorly, please call me immediately. Nevertheless, the trump insisted this was not debate prep. They were saying this is practice for sunday. This isnt practice. This has nothing to do with sunday. Were just here because we just wanted to be here. They said donald trump is going to New Hampshire to practice for sunday. This has nothing to do with sunday. Its like they make you into a child. I love the people of New Hampshire. Im here for one reason. I love the people of new hampshire. I said i was going to be here and im here. Thats patently false on the face of it. But in the end its not clear it did anything to prepare trump for sunday nights showdown. How his big public debate prep failed, next. Does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In f 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to z. Before starting you should be checked fotuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being tread for an infection or have symptoms. Orf you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. Nowwe Thought Fibers that ccaused unwanted gas. Gular not good. Then we switched to new mirafiber. Only mirafiber supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber and is less likely to cause. Unwanted gas. Finally. Try new mirafiber. From the makers of miralax. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one flonase changes everything. John harwood was the worst moderator out of all the debates we had. A lot of bad hombres, the leaders of isis. Nate silver has been he didnt predict us in the primary hnd he had never called a loser before. A lot of hispanics, latinos, they like to be called in that area. You know that, right . Hispanics and latinos. Thats why john king has stayeded in the same position how long has he been at cnn . I used to say he will some day be an anchor. Hes still doing the maps. Donald trump honing his message for sunday. Joan walsh, National Affairs correspondent for the nation. All right. Matt, let me start with you. I mean, obviously this is going to come up in the debate, todays tape. Im seeing i mean, mark kirk, senator from illinois wants to engage emergency rnc rules to find a replacement. Mitt romneys called on him, i think, to step down. Theres this sort of avalanche. The timing couldnt be worse. Whats he going to do at the debate when this is brought up . For a guy thats made himself to appear to be unwilling to ever apologize. Right. This is a moment that now forces him to make that choice. Reminds me of Richard Ben Cramers seminal work about the 1988 election what it takes which is one of the most fantastic books about politics. It shows that all candidates end up having to do the one thing they refuse to do in order to win. I dont think trump could win now. I thought he had a 10 or 15 chance a few days ago, i now think thats zero. He has to show contrition, sincerity, that this is not who he is and that tape is really damning. They need the be prepared for this question, they need to be prepared for several question. They cant get defensive about this. He has to find a way to move past this before the debate because tomorrows going to be worse than today. Particularly because theres going to be a swirl of press on the ryan event and if it goes forward. You even see sitting senators who we should be clear he has always said running in illinois. But to matts point. The one thing, if there was a plot twist in the second debate, the one thing that would be genuinely shocking would be for him to come out and be totally contrite. Look, ive said a lot of things that were bad. To be selfaware and contrite, wait a second. We didnt know he had it in him. The guy is insisting the Central Park Five are guilty because otherwise he would have to apologize. Right. Hes unable to apologize. Hes also unable to prepare. I just saw that Washington Post story along with the whole town hall prep last night. The man cannot admit he doesnt know things or that hes not good at things. Preparing or doing mock debates would be an admission that he has something to learn. The other thing that mattered there was him to try to convince he was doing bad but him touting the fan click polls. I just thought to myself, theres a bazillion Different Reasons that people dont think donald trump should be president , but he should understand statistical sampling. Thats actually a pretty important basic ning to get. Right. Its the reason why every spoonful of soup tastes the same because polling works. Right. Okay. Can we understand that concept . Its pretty basic. You got to get it to him. Got to get it to him. I will say this, i know people who know donald trump who have been with him privately who have worked with him in the last 20 years, the one thing i continue to hear is hes different in private than he is in public. We all hear that. I wonder if a Town Hall Type Setting allows him to be more of a private donald trump than a public donald trump. The town hall will favor her, but i think it will favor him for this season. It diffuses his attention. The last attention the last debate she was saying things, he was getting so rhode island up rhode island up riled up by her. Shes faced some tough questions. Shes good at town halls, but i remember somethings in the primary where the young man who said my jenngeneration doesnt t you she can get defensive, too. She can get defensive. And shes going to face buzzfeed posts today an internal staff memo from the transcripts of the speeches that she gave at banks that could be used against them. The Clinton Campaign is saying we will not confirm stolen documents. So the authenticity is yet to be. You need a private and Public Policy to work. You need to resist protectionism. We cannot vouch independently for the legitimacy of these, although they dont seem implausible, trump is going to go crazy on that. The open borders thing. Yes. For the left, except for the word markets, i suppose, it does sound like this one world vision. Yes, but in some ways its the thing that the caricature donald trump has been making of us. Shes this fuzzy headed liberal. Globalist. We would have no country. This could be tough for her. I think the rest of it, though, she comes off praising single payer. Thats right, she does. For the left. Thats an interesting revelation, too, although i suppose donald trump could use that to paint her as a socialist. I dont think theyre going to gather that and the u. S. Government to say that russia is hacking us, thats it. Im not sure that saying youre not going to engage is going to work. Some of these comments are not going to be well received by feel the bern voters. But it will be interesting a lot more at the primaries than it does now. No question

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