Transcripts For MSNBCW Andrea Mitchell Reports 20180810 16:0

Transcripts For MSNBCW Andrea Mitchell Reports 20180810 16:00:00

Interviews with political figures and news updates.
public. and i think with giuliani and sekulow now, what they're trying to do is trying to put pressure on mueller to wrap it up. they're putting this false deadline out there that he has to finish by september 1st because, you know, that's department of justice policy, to not come close to an election. that's a great ov oversimplification of what the department of justice policy is. there is no absolute september 1st deadline, particularly when you're talking about the president, who is not even on the ballot in november. so it's not even a clear-cut connection to the elections. and even if it were, mueller does not have to stop investigating september 1st. he just might need to stay away from charging certain people or doing overt acts that might impact an election. so giuliani once again is just making stuff up and trying to put this false deadline and pressure on mueller. and you're right, it has an impact on the public. but i don't think at the end of the day it will or should have an impact on how mueller is doing his investigation.
looking at is mariia butina, a russian national, betsy, someone who infiltrated the nra. we know she got cozy with a number of top republicans including some within the trump campaign. and you have new information in regards to that. what are you learning? >> that's right. mariia butina is facing allegations, shareholdwhich of e disputes, that she was working as an unregistered agent for the kremlin, trying to influence american politics. the new information i can share with you today is that she had someone who was acting as a go-between, between her and a russian oligarch who funded her operation in the united states at the time. he's one of the most powerful people in putin's orbit. butina was not going directly to him to get funding for the work she was doing. rather, the person who is the face of that funding, who
essentially acted like a grant administrator, is a gentleman who is a really interesting character. he's not part of the russian government that we know of. rather, he's considered one of the founding fathers of russian public relations. his firm has represented a host of kremlin clients. it's also represented vladimir putin's own political party, united russia. the fact that butina had this person with such an extensive pr record who was helping her, according to my sources, with the work that she was doing in the united states, shows that the nature of her project was perhaps more complex, more involved, than we initially understood. >> great reporting on that angle, betsy. as we set the table here in the broader russian investigation, there does seem to be a lot going on in the manafort courtroom today. and so with that i want to bring in barbara mcquade, former u.s. attorney in michigan and a msnbc contributor. i know you've been tracking this. what's the latest, what's
happening there, barbara? >> kind of an unusual day today. ordinarily the judge keeps a tight ship and starts promptly at 9:30. today when court began at 9:30, the judge came out, asked for a sidebar with the lawyers, that is a private conversation that the rest of us couldn't hear. they talked for a while. he took a recess. he came back and talked further. finally he dismissed the jury until 1:45. it has left the group speculating, everyone here, what is going on. one thing that he did that might provide some clue is he really went out of his way to admonish the jury, as he does a little bit every day, but today it seemed very pointed, where he told the jury that they are not to discuss the case, they are to presume the defendant innocent, that they should keep open minds about the evidence until they've heard the whole case. and so there's some speculation that perhaps there is some jury issue that's going on. but we don't know. we'll go back at 1:45 p.m. to find out what's happening. >> barbara, let's do big picture
on this, since we don't know specifically what the judge has in mind here. if there hypothetically were to be some issue with a juror, what could the broader implications be there? >> there could be a range of remedies. the jury is really allowed to roll around the courthouse here in a way i haven't seen in other courthouses. they're a very tight ship in some ways. on the floor where there's a snack bar, for example, members of the press can interact with jurors. a juror may have overheard something, or even jury tampering. the range of options would be instructions to disregard what you hear outside the courtroom, or the opposite end of the spectrum would be to declare a mistrial and try the case over again. after all the work that's been done here, that would probably frustrate the government, but in this trial it's a victory for the defense because they live to fight another day. >> mimi, if i could get you to weigh in on these breaking news
developments. and they're just coming in, we're not exactly sure what is happening, but we do know as barbara just reported, that the judge to some extent admonished the jury, reminded them not to discuss the details of the case. what do you make of what we just heard from barbara? >> i think barbara laid out really well in the sense that it could be a range of things, from something small to something very big. another option, you know, that the judge has, and may be happening right now, is sometimes if there's -- if one side raises an issue that maybe a juror overheard something or someone approached them, they will do what's called voir dire the jury in private. barbara may have more insight on whether the jurors have been released or not during this break, but that's something i've seen happen quite often. sometimes these things really do get resolved. it is good to not like overreact to it, because jurors hear things, things happen in public courthouses, and a lot of times what the judge will do with the
parties is bring jurors in and make sure that they're really still able to be there and impartial. >> carol -- sure, go ahead, barbara. >> i just want to say, one other option here, there are four alternates on this juror. as mimi said, if they find out there is a problem and it's related to only one or two of the jurors, they do have four alternates that can take their seats and keep on going. >> important point. and carol, we know the white house is watching this very closely. president trump has said, look, paul manafort didn't really serve on my campaign, he was there at a critical time, he was the campaign chair at a critical time. this is just one of the factors that has increasingly gotten under the president's skin. we've seen him get increasingly aggressive, frankly, towards this entire investigation. >> you know this better than anyone, that is what the white house does whatever they have somebody who has been close to the president who then is
suddenly finding themselves in trouble or somehow, you know, contradicting him or undermining him, they'll say, oh, you know, he wasn't really close to him. >> revisionism. >> yes, that's the playbook. you have the manafort trial, you have what's happening with michael cohen, you have the president's son don junior in the news again. and all of that has really, you can see just based on the president's twitter feed, u unnerved him. he's said paul manafort didn't work for him but then tweeted in defense of him. you have the interview issue coming to a head. all of that is only going to intensify in the coming weeks. >> great conversation. we'll watch the president's twitter feed today. carol lee, barbara mcquade, thank you for that breaking news. mimi rocah, and betsy woodruff, great conversation, thanks all around. dana scheckter as well for the reporting at the top.
coming up, a year after the violence in charlottesville, the city braces for another weekend of protest as the president takes to twitter. is he actually stoking more division? this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. we're live from somerville today. stay with us. i don't keep track of regrets. i never count the wrinkles. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on... is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. new boost® high protein nutritional drink now has 33% more high-quality protein, along with 26 essential and minerals your body needs. all with guaranteed great taste. the upside- i'm just getting started. boost® high protein be up for life
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violence in charlottesville, virginia, the historic town is still marked by the stain of racial hatred. now the city is again bracing for what could be a hostile environmental as the right wing organizers of last year's rally are planning to hold another rally in washington, d.c. this weekend. hundreds of counterprotesters say they will be onsite to face off against them and officials have already declared states of emergency for the city of charlottesville and state of virginia. amid all of this, president trump is reigniting a bitter culture war against the nfl, again slamming prayers who protested during the national anthem at last night's preseason games, tweeting, numerous players want to show their quote outrage as something that most of them are unable to define and that players should, quote, be happy, be cool, while suggesting they should be suspended without pay at the same time. joining me is rouge eveugene ro "washington post" columnist, a correspondent from vice news, and arianna, a student at the
university of virginia who would like us not to reveal her last name. she plans to demonstrate against white supremacists this weekend. thanks to all of you for being here for a critical conversation. eugene, i want to start with what the aclu is tweeting in response to the president's tweets. let me read it to you, they say, nfl players have continuously defined what they're protesting, white supremacy, police brutality and racial injustice. you're not listening. what do you make of the president's tweets? is the aclu right? >> i do believe the aclu is right. look, keep in mind that president trump created this, quote, issue. and i call it a "quote issue" over the nfl protests because they were noticed before he started tweeting and talking about them in the way that he did, but they were not some huge national issue.
he uses the protests by african-american athletes, african-american men, as a wedge issue. and he drives a wedge. to switch to another metaphor, we're way past the dog whistle things and we're into, you know, train horns and blazing signs at this point. >> evan, pick up there, because you've been tracking really the rise in hate groups all across the country. some said, look, we do feel emboldened after president trump was elected. have you seen that increase, or have they backtracked at all, given that there has been a backlash to them? >> well, you have to separate out sort of the idea of the groups themselves and the red rick and the ideology that goes along with it. we did a piece on my show last night, "vice news tonight," that talked about how the actual movement sparked by charlottesville has kind of face planted in the year since that
charlottesville rally. they were hoping to bring actual white supremacy to the fore in politics. that didn't really happen. a lot of people in that movement got fired from their jobs and punished. but obviously the kind of ideology that goes behind that is all over the place. i just spent a lot of time at a bunch of trump rallies in the last couple of weeks. it's not hard to find people who are not even in support of the president's hard line immigration policies, they at least want to make you understand they like what is going on or the idea behind it, that really what's happened is that this idea of discussing -- the idea of white culture as being under attack is a far more mainstream conversation than we had a year ago or two years ago. and that's i think what had a lot to do with where we are as a country and who the president is. >> it's a really important point. arianna, i want to bring you in. you're so brave for speaking out today, thank you, we really
appreciate your voice in this conversation. tell me what you're going to be protesting tomorrow. >> yeah, so tomorrow, saturday, august 11th, marks the one-year anniversary of when the 300 torch-lit nazis came to the university of virginia and attacked students who were around that statue and community members. what we are protesting tomorrow is really just what we want to do is reclaim the space. we want to reclaim the university and we want to demand justice from the university. so we want the image to no longer be this image of 300 nazis with torches surrounding our university. we want it to be an image of students, student activists who have mobilized together to combat this issue. and again, we have demands for the university that we're really hoping that they meet. one of our first demands is that we really hope the university issues no trespassing orders against all the white supremacists who are identified on that august 11th last year.
additionally, one no trespassing order has been issued against jason kessler, the organizer of unite the right last year. that no trespassing order is only for four years. we're demanding the university make that a lifetime ban to protect the students at the university. another demand we're making of the university is that they pay and waive the fees of the medical bills of the students who were attacked both on august 11th and right here where i'm standing, where the car attack was on august 12th. and additionally, with that, the last thing we're demanding is that the university be more transparent with us and acknowledge the role that it has played in aiding white supremacy at our university in aiding the attack that happened on august 1 11th and 12th. we hope students come out and stand with us. >> in the spirit of transparency and remembering how to some extent we got here, i want to
replay for folks what we heard from the president in the days after the charlottesville rallies. then i want to get everybody's reaction on the other side about where we are today. take a listen to what president trump had to say. >> reporter: are you blaming what you call the alt left and white supremacists on the same moral plane? >> i'm not putting anybody on a moral plane. you had a group on one side and a group on the sorry aother and came at each other with clubs and it was horrible to watch. there was a group on this side. you can call them the left. you just called them the left, that came violently attacking the other group. so you can say what you want, but that's the way it is. >> reporter: you said there was hatred and violence. >> yes, i think there's blame on both sides. you look at both sides, i think there's blame on both sides. and i have no doubt about it. >> eugene, are we in a place where we are having a more
constructive conversation at this point, and if not, how do we get there? >> maybe you can argue it's a more honest conversation. though i'm not even sure about that. what i am sure of is that even more than the white supremacists have done, president trump has brought the politics of white racial grievance into the mainstream debate. i think it was kind of always there, but listen to what laura ingraham was saying on fox news the other night, about how essentially immigrants are changing things, changing demographics that nobody likes. it's just extraordinary to hear that on a highly rated network program. it's just -- you know, it's out there now. and we really have donald trump to thank for that. he identified the issue, he made
as much political advantage of this issue as he possibly could. and he continues to do so. >> all right. we appreciate the conversation. and we could continue talking about this, unfortunately we are out of time, though, so eugene, evan, and arianna, we really appreciate this fantastic conversation. this sunday as the nation marks one year since the deadly clashes in charlottesville, msnbc shares the story of one former white supremacist who has dedicated his life to reforming others. watching "breaking hate," this sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern only right here on msnbc. coming up, strife of the party. are republicans starting to panic about keeping control of the house? i'll ask new york congressman peter king, that's next. and it's only on "andrea mitchell reports." stay with us. your mornings were made for
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congressman peter king, a member of the homeland security and intelligence committees. congressman, thanks for being here, great to see you on a busy friday. >> thank you, kristen, thank you very much. >> i want to play for you a little bit of fresh sound that we just got from the former house speaker who talked to my colleague vaughn hillyard about the midterms and the state of play. take a listen to what he had to say. this was at the iowa state fair. >> reporter: what do you think about the current state of the republican party here as they're heading three months now from the midterm elections, the potential that the democrats will take over? >> they've got their hands full. >> they've got their hands full. do you agree with him, congressman? >> any time you're the majority party and the president is of your own party and that first election, there's always trouble. certainly it happened to bill clinton, it happened with president obama. so again, i think we have to assume, as republicans, that we have tough fights ahead of us. in my case, i'm proud of my
record. if we run on the record and don't get scared, we can hold the house and maybe even pick up a seat or two. i think, again, the democrats right now are not offering anything and it's up to us to run on the record. certainly i'm running on my record. i feel that we should, again, just keep going. it's 95 days between now and election, just go all out. >> congressman, while you talk about potentially picked up a seat or two, the cook political report has a very different view. in addition to what we saw in ohio this past week, that special election where republicans barely held on to a ruby red seat, cook political report says 62 seats are toss-up races or up for grabs. by the way, democrats just need 23 seats to take the house. is it time for republicans to start panicking? >> no. first of all, if you panic, you shouldn't be in politics. secondly, i remember going back to october of 2016, november,
publications like "the new york times" were saying this could be a disastrous defeat for the entire republican party. in the end president trump was elected and republicans took the senate. i'm not kidding myself here, these are going to be tough races. we have to fight hard. if we fight hard and don't panic, there's no reason why we can't keep the house. we'll run as hard as we can, run on the record, and get the message out there. i think maybe the problem is some people haven't been tested in a while or they've been just sending out press releases. the idea is you have to get out and make it clear you have to go to the media, you have to challenge the opposition, and you have to, again, run on the record. if the record is good, there's no reason why you shouldn't be reelected. >> congressman, let me get your reaction also to the breaking news from earlier this week, the fact that new york congressman chris collins was indicted for insider trading charges this week. he was allegedly engaging in some of that activity during a white house picnic. you were actually at that picnic when he was at his cellphone,
allegedly engaging in some of this activity. the president vowed to drain the swamp. a lot of people say this is the opposite of that. do you agree with that assessment and could this have some implications for republicans? >> well, obviously the charges against congressman collins are serious. he has to have the opportunity to defend himself. everyone is presumed innocent. and again, i don't want to prejudge this case. but obviously the charges are serious. chris collins -- >> do you think he's going to lose, congressman, given that you acknowledge these are serious allegations? >> no. from just reading media accounts, even a number of democrats are saying that that district is so republican that chris collins can still win. it's a strong republican district. if they're otherwise satisfied with chris collins, they may give him the benefit of the doubt. that's what he needs to count on. he especially has to campaign hard. >> let me get your reaction to the latest in the russia
investigation. we woke up today to an aggressive new tweet by the president's attorney, someone you know very well, rudy giuliani. let me read you his tweet. he says, it's time for attorney general jeff sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate the conspiracy to defeat donald trump by buying and disseminating false dossiers, obtaining illegal wireless and commencing baseless fbi investigations. it comes, congressman, on a week that the president's legal team submitted a counteroffer for a potential interview with the president and mueller. are they negotiating in good faith here or are they just wasting time, what do you think? >> i think there's a lot of public jousting going on here. i believe this investigation has been ill-advised from the start. i don't believe there's a real basis for it. the fact is, though, the investigation is going ahead and it's important that it be wrapped up. i'm on the intelligence committee. i sat through i don't know how many, tens and tens of witnesses, all key witnesses. i haven't seen any evidence yet of collusion. and i think it's really bob
mueller's obligation to either close it out, issue a report, or do what he has to do. but to keep going on endlessly and to be starting from really allegations of collusion to michael cohen's taxi medallions, it's gone far afield. >> congressman, let me just pin you down, though. the president has referred to it as a witch hunt. would you call it a witch hunt? >> i would say the investigation is without foundation. and i think it's gone too far ahead. i also have a certain respect for bob mueller. >> does using terms like "witch hunt" undercut the rule of law? >> no. listen, if anything undercuts the removal law it's the conduct of james comey and andrew mccabe and a number of people in the fbi. the whole use of the steele dossier if anything takes away the respect for law. that was the basis, one of the main bases for this investigation. >> and just finally, congressman, should the president sit for an interview with the special counsel?
>> that's strictly a legal issue between him, his lawyers, and bob mueller. i don't know what the purpose of it would be. if there are questions that only the president could answer, and they involve alleged collusion, then yes. but other than that, just to have a discussion where you can leave yourself open for a perjury trap even when you're telling the truth, again, if i were his lawyer i would say no. but that's up to giuliani and sekulow, the president, and i guess in the final analysis, bob mueller as to what he will accept. >> congressman peter king, always fantastic to talk to you, have a fantastic weekend. >> you too, kristen, thank you. coming up, diverted. a federal judge orders a plane carrying a deported mother and daughter to he wiel salvador tu around and threatens to hold attorney general jeff sessions under contempt. this is kristen will kerr on "andrea mitchell reports," only
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plaintiffs back to central america and bring them right back to the u.s., even threatening to hold attorney general jeff sessions in contempt of court if they weren't returned. the judge also ordered the government to stop removing people from the country who are seeking protection from gangs and domestic violence. joining me is the deputy director of the aclu immigrants rights project. lee, thank you so much for joining me, i really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> let's talk about what specifically happened this in this case and where it goes from here. where are the mother and daughter right now? >> right, so the mother and daughter are back in the u.s., fortunately. this was a horrible situation. i can't imagine the fear they were feeling when they were put on that plane. you know, they're relieved, obviously, to be back. but that's a serious amount of trauma to suffer. right now, there's a stay in place and the case will go forward. and we hope the court will overturn these new policies which are i think a transparent attempt to stop migration of
asylum seekers from central america. it's part of a sort of whole package from the trump administration. at first they were separating parents and children in the hope that the word would get out around the world, don't come here, we're going to take your children. when a federal court stopped that in san diego, now they've turned to this and said, look, we're just going to change the asylum laws and say people who are fleeing gangs or domestic violence essentially can't get asylum anymore. >> i do want to talk about that big picture, because i think it's an important piece of this. the trump administration today filed a plan saying, look, we do know how we're going to reunite parents and kids who have been deported and who have been separated. let me just read you, 2,000 migrant kids, of the 2,500 migrant kids, 559 are still separated from their parents. 386 have parents who have already been deported. the administration saying, look, they have plans to reunite
deported parents. they've heard from the parents of nearly 300 kids last week. and they don't have info at all for the parents of about 26 children. so how optimistic and confident are you that these families are going to be reunited, and what is the aclu doing to make sure that that in fact happens? >> yeah, you know, i have no choice, i think and our team has no choice but to remain hopeful. i think it's taken far too long. these children have been traumatized for months and months. but at this point, we're going to do everything we can. what we are going to do is follow up on all the calls the government had, to make sure parents understand their rights. we'll try to reach the parents the government has been reached. we're hopeful we'll find all the parents, we'll advise them of all their rights and see what their preferences are. some may have a right to come back here with their child and
seek acsyluasylum. some may want to just go home with their child at this point. the horrible thing is how long it's taken, how long these little children have been sitting there by themselves. >> and some of the horror stories that have emerged as a result of that. lee gelernt, thank you so much for your expeperspective today, appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. as we continue here live in somerville, who could challenge donald trump in the next election? right here next on "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. when my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable.
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nbc's white house kelly o'donell and my other pal, carrie. >> thank you for joining me this busy friday. michael bloomberg and michael avenatti, we know that he was at the iowa state fair. how seriously should we take these two potential candidates? >> i think we should take them seriously as any other potential democrats and sort of the outer rank. the names that are most mentioned are listed of six negotiators plus andrew cuomo, the governor of new york and elected officials and you have this other group of really rich guys who have not run for office before or in the case of bloomberg have. and then you have some pop up outsiders of which avenatti is clearly the most prominent and in case of bloomberg, this is the third time that he flirted
with the presidential run. he decided in both of the previous cases to bow out before that really got going, one sign that's different for him this year is the amount of money he's spending in the midterms. he's going to spend about $80 million trying to take the house away from republicans. he's worth about $51 billion. that's new. that's a sign that he may be more serious this time. >> significant point, we'll follow the money trail when it comes to bloomberg. kelly, you have the president's former top adviser, omarosa. she says there are tapes of president trump using racial slurs and during "the apprentice" and she heard him made racial slurs, the white house fired back. what are they saying? >> the new development is
bringing sarah sanders out to condemn omarosa's book and the action. the white house today says instead of telling the truth of all good of president trump and his administration is doing to make america safe and prosperous, this book is riddled with lies says sarah sanders. it is trying to profit off of these false ak occasions and reference to her book. after not taking her seriously when she worked at the white house and had positive things to say. this is an aggressive move from the white house. at first it was telling us we would not have any comment and hoping it would go away. this is a volatile issue especially on the eve of the charlottesville anniversary and when the president has been accused of being racially insensitive or out racist to have someone for so long a
trusted friend to the president and omarosa and now clearly an adversary playing the villain on reality tv and in real life now that she's going after donald trump. >> the fact that omarosa going back to the early days of donald trump on reality tv. he's often supported of her publicly and quiet now. on that point, omarosa says that donald trump makes disparaging comments of the husband of kellyanne conway. he's firing back today. george conway says it is ridiculous. the allegation is not credible and ridiculous in the timing of her departure from the white house. it is absurd all around. what do you make of that aspect of this? >> the fact that the george conway who have been interestingly quite critical of the president on twitter dieespe his wife's job is taking this opportunity to say in this case,
he's actually on, backing trump's version. >> anne and kelly, great conversation on this friday. great to see both of you. we'll have much more ahead on this sunday on "meet the press" when chuck todd will have an interview with omarosa, must see tv. you don't want to miss that. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc, stay with us, we got a crowd here at somerville. each week we'll focus on ideas for growing your business, bringing all the moving parts together. join me weekend mornings at 7:30 on msnbc or connect with us any time on all your devices. sponsored by the powerful backing of american express, don't do business without it.
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