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Until tomorrow, were with you until right about now. Coming up, hardball with Chris Matthews. Donald trump presents. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. Thats the big story. Donald trump, the about to be republican nominee for president of the United States, is bringing his thrill show to the big tent stage of this summers fight for the white house. Youll see entertainment, live entertainme entertainment. Youll see suspense. He promises to pick his Vice President at the convention. Youll see reality tv bigger and scarier than survival. You heard it right here last night. This is the ultimate reality show. Its the presidency of the United States. The Presumptive Republican nominee makes clear he has no plans to change anything hes been doing. He told the new york times, i have a mandate from the payroll. For trump this is the theater of war. Youre going to change. People like the way im doing. He also made this comparison. In a broadway theater, the absolute best sale is called word of mouth. People love a broadway show. Its better than if you write a good review. Word of mouth is number up with thing. The word of mouth at my rallies is like youve got to go see it. One person goes and they talk about it to 20 people. What is the trump shows and what is he selling right now. In the past 24 hours hes reaffirmed his commitment to ban muslims. Hes boasted that after attacking john mccains war records, his poll numbers went up. Paul manafort says trump will continue to go after clinton over her husbands past bad behavior. Its almost like don king. Trump saying this will be the most exciting convention. Hes talking about having music. He will pick a vp running mate right there. Everything will be hype. Ill bet the broadcast networks will be giving this convention a lot more hours than they have done in recent years. Hes going to make this exciting. Can he do it and will it matter . Hes probably right. I thought the Cable Networks gave donald trump inordinate coverage. I think he got 20, 30 times the coverage than most his rivals got. I think that played into his sweet spot. I think theres something to what he says. When does he have to do that . When does he have to do that . Some time before the second tuesday in november. This is a guy who, on the day he was going to win the indiana primary by 15 points and knock out all his rivals unnecessarily ted cruz father and said hes part of a plot to assassinate jfk, thats erratic and bizarre. Im with you on that one. Your newspaper is built on the idea of the Television Set and the boxes where you buy usa today looks like a tv set. Whats happening right now . Can he create a week of fantastic excitement starting with the convention where that just boosts up all his numbers. Thats going to be part of it. Any journalist who is worth their salt will be covering the real story which is this real unity around Republican Donald Trump whos n trump. Whos not there . The businesses that will be pulling out. Any good journalist will be tracking down that story. There was this honky tonk. Everything was about big placards. Hes saying this is what im doing here. The most exciting point at the last convention is saying someone talk to a chair. I think were going to advance beyond that. That wasnt advanced very well. Nobody liked it. They said it was negative. Youre right. Youre going to have reporters digging behind the scenes. Theres going to be a lot more people there than not. Theres a lot more businesses involved in sponsoring than not. Theyll want to be part of what will ultimately be a historic event. Number one. Number two, an important political event because coming out of that convention, i think youre going to fiebds theres more of a runway for donald trump candidacy than anybody is giving him credit for now despite the noise. Lets talk about gamesmanship. I think theres always a game aspect in the serious business. Its going to put her into a position of holding off her announcement until philadelphia. It might. It absolutely might. Theres nothing wrong with that. Thats one of the few things that was drama at the conventions. You remember in is the 56 when it was thrown to the delegates, that was the exciting part of that convention. I wouldnt mind if hillary kept that under wraps until we get to philadelphia. Listen to the kennedy versus key. We had never heard a kennedy. That made him that. Some amazing people in that field. We know so much. Donald trump said he doesnt think he will release his tax returns. Here is manager we do want to get out of him. Wonder why hes holding them until after november. Theres nothing to learn from them, he says. Mitt romney was quick to criticize him. He wrote its disqualifying for a modern day president ial nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters. We can only assume its a bombshell but usual size. That doesnt sound like mitt romney talking. If the democrats are smart theyll say strategy. It could be something we already know of taking advantage of various tax breaks for people who are not rich. Can i ask a question . Whos going to care . Ill tell you how they care. I think youre wrong. How will the hillary people use this if he keeps the taxes a secret . I love michael, but youre dead wrong on that. My aunt was a rock rib republican. I remember coming home from college. She hated the governor of new york. I said to her, it was his reelection year. I said youre going to get your wish. Hes going down. She said im voting for him. The other guy wont release his taxes. I paid 1,162. 46 and im not paying for someone who wont tell me who they paid. I understand that then. Thats not this electorate now. Whats he hiding . Thats what democrats will ask. Hes probably hiding something. I dont know how far thats going to carry. Here is my rule of politics. Its a simple rule. If it looks better than it is, theyll tell you. If it looks better than it is, they wont tell you. He showed he paid a decent rate of taxes and made a reasonably defensible history of giving. Do you think his tax returns will trip up his campaign . He thinks so. Thats why hes not bringing them out. Im somebody who takes advantage of the tax code and the system as it is. Marco rubio said he will support trump. Lets watch what he said. This is funny. This is politics. My reservations about him have been stated and they remain unchanged. Everything i said, i still believe. You have to make a choice. You dont have a choice between 17 people or five. To put it bluntly, do you want donald trump to win . Do you hope in your heart of hearts that he wins and assumes the presidency . Look, again, all the policy differences i have with him remain. All the reservations about his campaign remain. I dont want Hillary Clinton to win. Donald trump is the only other choice on the ballot. I recognize that. I have a pledge to support the nominee on top of it. I intend to keep it. Well, as the old compared to her thing. Here is what he said during the campaign that he still believes. Lets watch. What were deal with her, my friends, is a con artist. Hes a con artist. This is a con job. We have a con artist as the frontrunner in the republican party. What do you think a trump government would look like, senator . It would be chaos. Know one knows. Hes wholly unprepared to be president of the United States. This is the most important government job on the planet. Were about to turn over the conservative movement to a person who has no ideas of any substance on the important issues. The Nuclear Codes of the United States to an erratic individual. What is there con artist thing . Isnt that what they were calling president obama. How does he come back from that . I support the grifter. Im with the grifter. If youre under the age of 60 you have to make your decision based on selfinterest. Thats why you see Lindsey Graham saying im not supporting him even though i signed the pledge. Hes going to be in an uncomfortable position. Those of us will ask him, so you agree there should be nukes in europe. Is he auditioning for v. P. . Is that what hes doing with this turn . I think hes hurting his long term political campaign. He said he would vote for somebody he described as too erratic to entrust the Nuclear Codes to. Thats insane. You have to stick by your guns. Bite your lip and say hes too erratic. I cant support him. Im not going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Youre being very sound. Rubio is not alone. Rick perry, bobby jindal and rand paul have expressed support for their former poeopponent. Lets watch this circus of changing of minds. Let no one be mistaken, Donald Trumps candidacy is cancer on conservativism and must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded. Donald trump is not a serious candidate. Hes a narcissist. Hes an egomaniac. The only thing he believes in is himself. Least a narcissist and an orange face wind bag. I believe he wants power and from my point of view that power corrupts. Theyre now supporting trump. Theyre all with him. Maybe this is why people have the attitude they have about politicians. There you go. Thank you. Coming up, donald trump is calming Hillary Clinton trigger happy. In a newly unearth interview trump said clinton deserved a pass from that because what she heard was based on lies. Here is another group excited about the possibility of a Hillary Clinton presidency. They think the truth about extra t terrestials are out there. We talked about Donald Trumps problem with women voters. Does Hillary Clinton have a problem with male voters . We have a focus group of North Carolina men and find out what they think about Hillary Clinton. Let me finish with that all American Pass time of razzledazzle. This is hardball, the place for politics. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing Customer Service d. Maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based Customer Service. Here to help, not to sell. Try cool mint zantac. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. Although not in government service, i was totally against the war in iraq. Very proudly. Saying for many years it would destabilize the middle east. Sadly, i was correct. Domnald trump has long claimd the opposition of the iraq war was his selling policy. Here is trump this saturday. On foreign policy, hillary is trigger happy. Shes got a bad temperament. Iraq, libya. She voted iraq. I voted against it except i was a civilian so nobody cared. Yesterday buzz feed unearthed a 2006 interview that trump said clip on the should get pass for her vote. He thinks hillary should be forgiven for her vote to authorize the war. It was based on lies given to her. Shes smart and has major chance to be our next president of the United States. Hell support trump as the nominee for the republican party. Theres no record of him opposing the war before it was launched. Here is what he told howard stern in september of 2002. Are you for invading iraq . I guess so. I wish the first time it was done correctly. Yeah, i guess so. Im joined by two msnbc political analysts. Thats what they are. The people i really hold against it for the iraq war are those casual country club people who say what the heck. Lets do it. Dont think. Dont discern. Just follow along into war. How about some discernment . Hes showing none. We call them the i guess so crowd. I think at this point and time we have to stop being surprised that anything that donald trump says at a moment might have been contradicted by anything he said before. I Pay Attention to people who made that big discernment. I think this war is being sold by ideologs. They want this war. Where is trump . Heres where trump is. Hes taking his weakness and trying to make it into a strength. This is what will cause him the election. This is Barry Goldwater revisited. He knows nothing about foreign policy. Hes making this stuff as it goes along. His core con stistituency is noe same as an american constituency. Most people vote on whether the candidate is erratic or not. Trump is going to get a lot of votes because hes against the establishment. He loses because hes too scary. The quote, looks like he goes along with the establishment. He doesnt know what hes talking about. He makes it as he goes along. Im the most militaristic person in this room. Im the most militaristic person. Militaristic than bush. A, i dont think he knows what the word really means. Hell say anything at any given point in time. Hes totally transactional. Hes totally situational. Is he an interventionist . He says hes not. He is. He doesnt know what an interventionist is and he doesnt care. He makes up his decisions at the moment. Tomorrow it could be a different situation. Economy can survive somebody like that. This country can not survive a president that believes you can make your decision today and make a different one tomorrow and a third one the next day. They got to make decisions on two or three issues. It may be civil rights, the economy. It may be can you trust this guy to keep us safe. How do you make a decision on trump. Is he a hawk or a dove . Hes both. What does that mean . He talks out of both sides of his neck. Is he likely to take us to war . I dont think we can predict anything with this guy. The voters hes attracting, i dont think they are making decisions policy wise. They are making it on the attitude they get from him. Whether hes hawkish or not interventionist, everybody else is wrong. Wars start by miscalculati s miscalculations. Wars start when you Say Something you dont mean. When youre too aggressive or not aggressive enough. He has no idea what hes doing. He has no idea what hes doing. He makes Barry Goldwater looks like a statesman. Barry goldwater had an ideology. He had positions. His positions were dangerous. They may have been dangerous, but he knew what they were. Trump said wall street would react positively. What do you make of how wall street has been reacting to what our military guys have been doing . I think wall street is waiting to see what happens. Before the fact they are taking it a little bit for granted. It looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint. I think this is really nothing compared to what youll see after the war is over. What do you mean . I think wall street will go up like a rocket. Thats not what happened but thats just predictions. What he says at one moment has nothing to do at the next. He called hillary wonderful at one point and now shes crooked. The people like his anger, popping people on the nose. They are not being driven be i is he an interventionist or is he more hawkish. Theres no details. Its an attitude toward the way things are. The trouble is the closer you get to the election, the more people will try to think about their own safety and own families. You can not be safe with donald trump. Hillary clinton gets elected, mistake. I think hes riskier. You want a safe president , hillary is probably your bet. I think shes more hawkish than i would but but then again im dovish. Thank you. Up next, we got a real balanced group here. E. T. Fans take note. If she becomes president , shell release details about the secretary area 51. Youll care about this know who you are. Machine plap gonna email it to y. Yeah thats probably safer. Ok, cool. They keep telling me drink more water. Exercise more. I know that. Try laxatives. I know. Believe me. Its like ive. Tried. Everything my chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know that. Tell me something i dont know. vo linzess works differently from laxatives. 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The man accused of carrying out a shooting rampage at a Colorado Planned Parenthood has been found incompetent to stand trial. Federal Officials Say the deadly 2013 fertilizer plant blast in west, texas was caused by a criminal act. No arrests have been made. 93 people were left dead and 165 wounds in baghdad. Brazilian researchers say they found evidence that the mosquito born zika virus is forming into a new one that can cause brain damage an birth defec defects. Back to hardball. Theres a new name. Its unexplained aerial phenomenon. I like ufo. I dont know why. I think we can use them interchangeably. I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If theres nothing there, lets tell people theres nothing there. What if there is something there . Unless its a threat to National Security, i think we ought to share it with the public. Thats Hillary Clinton saying if she were president , she would like to release information on area 51. Mrs. Clinton has vowed barring to any threats to National Security she would open up them. Her position as the latest ufo enthusist. I think its time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark. Question of government investigation and ufos. Its time to find out what the truth really is thats out there. We ought to do it because its right. We ought to do it because the American People can handle the truth. We ought to do it because its the law. Is there any physical evidence that anyone has found of ufos . Id be the first to admit it but theres no evidence. No spaceships or e. T. S of think kind . Its never been discovered . Absolutely not. Take area 51. We know thats where the government tests experimental aircraft. If people have seen weird looking aircraft flying around, it seems perfectly reasonably. All the evidence can be explained. Have we in our efforts to try to offer up the chance to have some foreign intelligence respond to us ever gotten a response to those transmissions . We have not gotten any response. We have seen a signal that got everybody excited. So far everything has a perfectly, logical explanation. It doesnt mean we have stopped searching. People are actively looking because pure statistics says, sure, maybe life is out there. It seems reasonable. We see planets everywhere we look in the universe. Theres not a shred of anything resembling Scientific Evidence that aliens exist anywhere. You can come across people with strong believes about conspiracies. I meet a lot of them. They come up and have a unitary theory. What would you say about people who believe theres a situation where the government of the United States knows about e. T. S and knows about space creatures coming here. Its for whatever reason, why do they think they have covered it up . They think we cant handle the truth. People love that stuff. It would be one of the most inspiring discoveries in the history of man kind. I think people would be eager to share that evidence. The whole government conspiracy doesnt fly. First of all, its not plausible that they could keep something a secret this well, for this long. Something that huge. The motivation is just not there at all. You would definitely have a whistle blower, right . Why do you think hillary clinton wants to open the files . I have to say, i dont know. It could be pandering. I know politics. I can tell you thats what politics is. If nobody is going for a group of a Million People yet, hillary would go for them like any other politician. Shes the first one to grab for them. There must be some people who want to hear this and hear the files will be opened. They will vote on that one issue. Im sure theres a couple hundred thousands people like that. Im all for releasing the records. I think, lets put this mystery to bed. Those few people who are Still Holding out because they think theres a conspiracy will see the records and realize there isnt. Im for releasing that data. I cant imagine theres going to be a huge political gain in that. Thank you. I love your Clear Thinking and logic and scientific, well, method. Up next, we heard a lot of talk about womens concerns with donald trump. What about men . What theyre saying about Hillary Clinton. This is the proman part of the show in terms of our analysis. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. You live life your way. We can help you retire your way, too. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. Muddling through your morning is nothing new. Your nose is the only thing on your mind. And to get relief, anything is fair game. Introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. 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Joining me right now is msnbc National Correspondent who interviewed those folks in raleigh, North Carolina. How did you get them to speak out in a way were not used to hearing them talk . Theyre in their hometown. They were completely comfortable. I went down there looking to get a reaction to Donald Trumps strategy to Hillary Clinton, bringing up the woman card, her 1990s. Her reaction to her husbands behavior back then. I found the man card. This idea theres a man card. Its fascinating and important for donald trump to Pay Attention to what came out of that meeting. If he wants to win North Carolina, hes got to take the independent voters, bernie voters and bring them to his camp. That conversation suggests he may not get those democratic voters because they dont like his style. They dont like the machoness. They dont like the low energy comments. Calling opponents little this or go home to mommy. Thats a man card, and they dont want to be dealt in. The guys you interviewed do . The trump guys do. Here is the bad news on the flip side for Hillary Clinton supporters. Hillary Clinton Super pacs are spending a lot of money trying to remind voters what donald trump said. Trump supporters said, we know that some of the things that come out of his mouth arent okay when talking about women, their bodies, personalities, however, its entertainment. Donald trump is able to connect with the voters on two levels. They give him pass and say deep down in his heart, we know he respects women. Everybody does. Of course you do. Thats bad news for Hillary Clinton. I think they were trying to be politically correct to you. I think when they talk to the media they always clean up their act. No way. I agree with you, i guess. Last night i pressed Trump Convention manager on his attack against hillary and bill. What is this thing about Hillary Clinton who is an abuser of women. How do you make that case . Stay tuned. You have a case . Stay tuned. Have you heard his case . We have things that well talk about in this campaign where we will not be letting her get away with playing female card. Well have things to talk about. Joining me is the hardball round table. What do you make of this in when i heard first guy talking, he doesnt like Hillary Clinton. Its not so much promale as he doesnt like the woman running for president. I think theres a lot more in this country than a lot of us thought or like to admit. Theres a lot more racial animosity than we thought existed. How does hillary get hit on the rational frocial front. Trump brought out a lot of latent racism. He can exploit the gender gap. What about this hidden antihillary hating. Im looking at the numbers for bernie sanders. Im skeptical about how well he does in the general elections match up. They dont know who bernie is. Hes not that well known. Hes well known by people watching these programs. I wonder if anybody can tell the story of bernie sanders. I dont think its so mump the woman card with bernie sanders. When i look at donald trump, if you think women have been given a boost up in life because theyre women or because theyre females, youre already voting for donald trump. If you look at hillary and say shes had a hard life as a woman. When i look at donald trump saying are you going for more White Working Class males that are voting for you or trying to target women. Hardly any woman will vote for anyone because they are being told the woman card has used the card to get ahead because theyre women. When i look at the woman card, i say why arent you say shes an out of touch woman or man. Shes richer than you. Shes tight with the bank. Shes an established politician. That card sales with the people he need to win over. Who are those people . Moderate higher, more affluent republicans. I think hes crazy like a fox. He has a male gender gap advantage. The advantage is not outside of what bush had. Youre the expert here. What is the reason . I dont think its just abortion rights. What is the essential reason why women tend to be democrats and men republican . I dont think its one variable. When you look at the issue, the Democratic Party does line up more where women are. You have to look at what donald trump did play the male card in the primaries. He beat his poeopponents. He was a big strong guy. He demaled most of his opponents. They can be demaled . Pretty much. You know what he means. Part of their brand is the strong man, strong leader brand. Hes encapsulates that. I love having you here. I can do an hour with you. Do men like, older than us, the leader comes into town, cleans up the town. Hes the boss. That was Ronald Reagan on the horse. How are women different than that . He can ride in on a horse and clean up the town. I agree. They dont like the macho boss kind of guy. Were still dealing with stereo types of what a womans role should be. Hillary clinton in 2008 was trying to overcompensate. Why are men out there . The negative view. Why do men who are antihillary accuse her of enabling . Why not say im a guy, hes a woman and shes been a victim of that. Why do they make her the cause of his bad behavior . Why do they do that . Theyre looking for whatever reason to oppose her. They will never be with her. Thats all hes saying, enabler, enabler. Thats better than saying i dont think a woman should be president. They know they cant say that. What is that about blaming her not him . What you said. I dont want a woman to be a president. Is she really an enabler. Its sexism. The roundtable is staying with us. Up next, these three will tell me something i dont know. I was traveling, i was enjoying life, i was working. It was too long since my last pap. When i was finally tested, we thought i might have cervical cancer. After worrying no cancer. I was lucky. Women. Please get a pap test to check for cervical cancer. 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Dana, tell me Something Big i dont know. Well, chris this could be the last time we meet because tomorrow im going to make good on my promise to eat an entire column i wrote saying trump could not win the nomination. Can you eat an online column. The chef has actually asked me to sign a waviver. He has prepared a taco bowl. Are you going to ingest these products. Its not digested by the body. I love a man thats honest to his word. See. Clearly. Hes playing the man card. No woman would eat newspaper. Theres talk about donald trump and whether hes going to be able to raise money in the silicon valley. Peter teal is a delegate for him in california, but hes not going to be part of the finance committee at this point in time. People think he could raise more money. An all time problem with the rocka fellers could never raise money because why should i give a buck to them. Is that trumps problem. Peter is worth about 3 billion so he might be able to gather his friends around. Theres a lot of democratic insiders who have held back the fire but theyre beginning to grumble about the tactics of sanders. Your the pollster, how is it hurting secretary clinton. She needs to be uniting the party and he needs to work to bring the people to her. I think theres going to be a challenge at that convention. Thank you. When we return let me finish with that all american past time of razle dazzle. Discover card. Customer service maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based Customer Service. Here to help, not to sell. Try cool mint zantac. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. Hey kevin. Hey, fancy seeing you here. Uh, i live right over there actually. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . Well were always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a develor. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. Man 1 i came as fast as i man 2 this isnt public yet. Man 1 what isnt . Man 2 weve been attacked. Man 1 the network . Man 2 shhhh. Man 1 when did this happen . Man 2 over the last six months. Man 1 how did we miss it . Man 2 we caught it, just not in time. Man 1 who . How . Man 2 not sure, probably offshore, foreign, pros. Man 1 what did they get . Man 2 what didnt they get. Man 1 i need to call mike. Man 2 dont use your phone. Its not just security, its defense. Bae systems. Let me finish tonight with that all american past time of razzle dazzle. All the political rallies youve ever been to and all the big Campaign Stops have included music, a warm up and an exciting walk on. The whole idea is to create the notion thats happening is worth your time, something important is happening here. So when donald trump and his new Convention Manager put out the word that this summer is going to be different, what theyre talking about is theyre going to hype this convention not to something different, but to a new level. Since the 19th century campaigning in this country has been about speeches and balloons. Why republicans are better about balloons is something i have never gotten my head around. The balloons come down when theyre supposed to and for whatever reason the democrats dont get the balloon drop. When the signal goes out its time for the drop the balloons get caught up in the rigging. This summer i place my bet on mr. Trump. I predict he will be out there

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