Not get worse, the president release as vis vicious tirade. Senator john mccain is dead. So why are you doing this . Three days ago it came out that his main person gave to the fbi a fake news dossier. It was a fake and a fraud. They gave it to john mccain who gave it to the fbi for very evil purposes. Im not a fan. He was horrible with what he did with repeal and replace and what he did to sick people who could have had Great Health Care and im not a fan of john mccain and thats fine. The spirit of john mccain is living so close that President Trump fears to roll over lest he run into the late senator. A live president cohabitating with the deceased robber. A mccabe nightmare with every breath of this disturbed nightmare. The president lumeanted that he was never thanked for giving him the kind of funeral he wanted. Bridget, who has remained a private figure called on this president to be decent and respectful. Tweeting, even if you were invited to my dads funeral, you would have only wanted to be there for the credit and not condolences. You are a child in the moesz Important Role the world knows. People close to the president tell the Washington Post that his attacks might be about the looming report on orussian election interference from the special councilss office. And others said he has fewer advisors to restrain him from air his grievances. Even aids who are used to his unc unconventional style have been left uncomfortable. It does not appear to be a great use of our time to talk about George Conway or dead john mccain. Why are we doing this . He called the president of Kellyanne Conway a total loser. George conway responded by posting a list of osymptoms of narcissistic disord oer. Need for admiration and lack of empathy. He ended with this tweet. You are nuts. Mark salter, a longtime aid to senator mccain picked up on the president s state of mind. I think you have to be genuinely bereft of a human being to talk ill of a dead man. The problem is trump. He has no oselfcontrol and hes the most powerful man on the planet. And thats what all republican said for the sab of the partys future, for the sake of the country ought to be addressing. Its glaringly obvious this mans unfit for the office. Former mayor of new orleans and author of in the shadows with statues. And what struck me as a very Strong Performance which i know you bested the president that night. You said i dont think my friends are the basis of politics. That is almost unimaginable. But usually they can walk past a guy they just debated and say hello to her. Have a nice weekend. Some civility amidst the fighting. This president makes it personal to the point he wont let a deceased rival go. Its still personal. Explain and criticize. I would observe that steve kilis is my congressman. He lives not too far from me. We serve in the legislature together. We hardly agree on the time of day and we actually go to mardi gras parades together. You can be hard on the problem and soft on the people. Theres a phrase in law, resipsresip res ipsa loqita. We cantermine what hes doing is wraun. If he was sit at the table with his daddy, you wouldnt let the guy be your coach. You would let the guy do anything. It seems so strange he wants to spend the nations important time doing something so awful. You dont have to agree with him to understand the commitment he made to the can country. By focusing so much atens on this and on George Conway, were not focussed on many things. Thats his problem. If you put that aside for a second, this is what were not talking about. How to rebuild the roads and brinls a bri bridges and fibs the harb system so that regular americans can have an opportunity thats your argument. But its not the problem of the president. I want you to tell me is he fit to be president . Hes obviously not acting in a way the president of the United States should act. People can question what in the world is he daes is he correctible . No. In other words hes going to stay this way for the rest of his presidency . Youve known a lot of president s over your time. The majesty of the office will curb even the most difficult personality into humility. We now have a lot of days of experience with him. Hes not going to change. He is authentically who he says he is and unfortunately thats not capable of running the office well and that just happens to be the case and i think if we wait for him to change and concentrate on his behavior, i thin were going to be waiting a long time. Dont hold your breath. Joni ernst, is the latest republican to criticize the president s attacks on john mccain. After being pressed at a town hall today, she said john mccain is a dear friend of a mine so, no, i dont agree with him and he needs to stop. Sources tell the Washington Post that the president takes particular pride in the fact that gop voters prefer him over mccain. Saying he has bragged that republicans might cringe but not punish him oever the attacks. Thank you so much for coming on tonight and im sorry youre not running in this race. Thank you very much. Thank you. I want to start with george on this. I think i dont think hes going to change. The aids are telling him say he shouldnt do this and hes obsessed almost like a edger allen poe figure. He thinks mccain is trying to get in. Srits like r and hes go to despair nl. Its a metabolic urge. I never see a story that says President Trumps strategy on x. Or y. He just doesnt do that. Hes furniture. It seems to me theres something of snowwhite in this guy. Mirror, mirror on the wall and he thinks hes hearing in the john mccain funeral and his moral superiority and the fact he went and just a week or two ago we got the word of how trump has a concierge doctor that got him out of the war. Lets set aside that this is not just President Trump wanting to talk about all sorts of things other than the mueller report. What the president is haunted by the john mccain funeral. I was on the phone the day with you john mccain was laid to rest. If youre a president sitting in the row, youre thinking this is what my funeral is going to look like. President trump had to be thinking thats not what my funeral is going to look like. The fact hes mentioning him is based on a lie. George papadopoulos was bragging to an australian diplomat. That person said hey, they have dirt on Hillary Clinton coming from russia and based on how hes attacking john mccain is based onb a lie. The National Cathedral telling nbc the washington National Cathedral was honored to host the Funeral Service for john mccain. No funeral at the cathedral requires the approval of the president or any other government oofficial. Two days after senator mccains death, family spokesman, rick davis, said this. The combined efforts of the trumped a m trump administration, secretary mattis and the military District Washington are rel and we thank them for coming together quickly and playing together all the federal resources. I guess this was only on television, which the president watches relentlessly. I know youre a a baseball guy and i was thinking of yogi bearaus line if you dont go to other peoples funerals, they wont go to yours. Hes angry about fill in the blank. What was the first controversy of this president . The size at the inauguration. Photographic evidence disproved his claims and it didnt matter. He stands in front of the wall of honor of people who have died in service of the cia and bragged. Lets take a look. Hes protective of me and thats what people should take from this is im not being asked to choose between my marriage and my job. The president has never made me feel that way. You have to do some soap opera explan ayes. Why is the president going after george . Why is george go after the president . Youre nuts. Thats very strong. I hear hes a very smart guy, by the way. George. He and other republicans thought of this administration and the campaign was a campaign. Hes going to govern like a regular president. We all remember those conversations, right . Hope springs eternal. He and so many others are tweeting and angry. Kellyanne conway is stuck in the middle in the way no one would want to be. She has a job to do while her husband is attacking her boss. There are people who criticize her about the way she defends the administration. But shes not been picking fights the way her husband has. So it leaves you to shake your head. Most of us grew up with the idea that once you become president the office does something to you and we never thought of harry truman as anything more than a kansas city paul. Roosevelt once said his idea of being president was to be franklin roosevelt. The horror is President Trumps idea of being president is being donald trump. Thats the horror story weve unleashed here. The alcumists used to say we can turn led into gold. I think 270 electoral votes turned loud into a president. Thats not how the chemistry works. Thank you. Come up, unraveling the mueller mysteries. The Unanswered Questions as washington waits for the report to drop any day. House democrats are demanding answers after Jared Kushner and ivanka trump used private emails as the white house continues to stone wall investigators. What should democrats be looking for in a president ial candidate . 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Attorney general william barr is not obligated to do so legally. Was the president , through his business dealings or otherwise compromised by russia . Anyone else, donald trump jr. , prince, whoever . Be charged. Why did manafort share polling data with a russian intelligence operative. And why has the president attacked the investigation . Lets take a look. Regardless of recommendation i was going to fire comey knowing there was no good time to do it. And in fact when i decided to just do it, i said to myself, you know this russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. I am disappointed in the attorney general. He should not have recused himself. I have president putin. He just said its not russia. I will say this. I dont see any reason why it would be. Look, comey is a leaker and a liar. So very simply Michael Cohen is liing. I never directed him to do anything wrong. Whatever he did, he did on his own. Hes a lawyer. The question was asked about pardons with respect to paul manafort. I think they asked would you . I said im not taking anything off the table. There should have never been a special counsel in my opinion. Its an illegal investigation. Chuck rosenberg, former u. S. Attorney and senior fbi official. And Washington Bureau chief. Im go doing flip these cards and go to the bottom line. Youre great at this. A motivational question. If hes innocent of the main charge of culose with the russians, advancing a russian conspiracy, also or possibly as well guilty of obstruction of justice for intimidating comey, the whole works, why did he do all that if hes innocent . Why are you acting like you did it . One of the things we struggle with is to get into someones mind. The more the president talks about all the things that he didnt do and others did to him and why this is a witch hunt and a hoax, the more it illuminates what we call consciousness of guilt. I know he talk as lot about how everything has turned on him and against him and its all unfair. And to mooe us thats consciousness of guilt. Is that what they meant by returning to the scene of the crime . You drive by the bank that you robbed over and over and over again to see if anyones investigating the bank robbery. So the president like the guy who starts the fire goes back and watches the fire . Right. His words, tweets, actions seems to be concerned about something. Did he commit a crime . I dont know. If hes opposing all these vezs on pure kaungs tuesdayal grounds, like its wrong to question a guy, theres so much prim primau facingy evidence that they were in regular dealing with russian figures close to the kremlin. Absolutely. Theres reams of evidence. The other psychological element here, whether or not trump actually conspired directly with the russians, he wants people to thin he won this election fair and square, just like he denied that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. He wants to deny that he wanted their help and they helped him. Theres also the sense of denial, extreme denial. That he might have only won the electoral vote because the russians put him over the edge. Hes still fighting with Hillary Clinton in the way hes fighting with john mccain. We have to remember in this scandal, which i thin you can argue is the most kaungs kwenco president ial scandal in history, he basically helped the russians get away with the atab. While they were attacking the election, he kept saying it wasnt happening. Evilen after he received briefings that it was. He wants to cover up the taint and this profound act of betrayal. He wants to us forget that he lied to the American Public about dealing withpute andn russia and putins own ooffice while campaigning in order to make hundreds of millions of dollars. Theres so much he did that is wrong and weve gotten focussed on the criminal side of this, which he wants, because if he cant be indicted and he can argue the collusion case, hes already done so much though that if we werent living in these tribalized time of politics, he would have been raked over the coals and the public would have rejected him for this. Jerry ford, he pardoned nixon. Everybody like me was saying ib want to know what happened. Will we, in this report when it comes out, next wednesday, who knows when, will we get a sense of what happened with russia and trump . As you know watergate came out 40 years later. Will heres the problem. You have stuff that will inevitably be in the report that you shouldnt see because its classified or grand jury information. Theres a way to handle classified information. Theres a way to handle grand jury information. But if you have ongoing investigations and i imagine we do in the Southern District of no new york and elsewhere, that should remain confidenseal. I was going to say the one thing that they did have is they didnt really have a report in watergate. They had a a road map to follow what the grand jury testimony and the evidence told them. And the same thing could happen here. You may not get a report from mueller but you may and we already do have from the litany, the variety of indictments and proscuss that have already taken place, theres a a pretty good road map already for congress to follow. The oped, james comey writes, even though i believe mr. Trump is morally unfit to be president of the United States, im not rooting for mr. Mueller to demonstrate that he is a criminal. Im also not rooting for him to clear the president. Im rooting for a can demonstration that world that the United States has a Justice System that works because there are people who believe in it and rise above tribalism. I dont think hes that pis that he doesnt cay what happens. It would be nice to know weir rar country of law. Theres the law and finding out what the heck happened. Theyre theyre not the same thing. Its not his job to tlel. His job is to prosecute cases. I think were hyping this. He only has to tell the attorney general what his prosecutorial decisions were. Comey went beyond that with Hillary Clinton he went out and said i dont like her. Im not indicting her. And he got reamed for that. The real issue is what you were talking about. Whatever mueller presents to the attorney general, theres still an obligation for the public to know. Muellers report could literally be a dozen pages that tell us nothing new. Its not the end of the game here. I think its important as a citizen and i think commentator, it would be nice to know whats going on in 2016. We know russia interfered in our election. We know the president and his campaign had interactions with the russians. We know the russians tried to directly help the campaign. The public needs know how far that went. How far up the chain so we can feel confident in our system of justice and our system of democracy. So we can put next to the 2016 ele