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Good morning, its wednesday june 29th. With us on set, veteran columnist mike barnicle, john halman. Fellow at the council on Foreign Relations and contributing editor at the atlantic and aman. This morning Istanbul International airport has parlsy reopened following the suicide bombing that left at least 36 people dead, according to the countrys Prime Minister. Nearly 150 more are reported injured in what he is calling an attack by the Islamic State. Turkish Officials Say three attackers arrived at the airport in a cab last night. They then opened fire in and around the arrivals area using automatic weapons. Police exchanged gunfire with the attackers before the explosives were detonated sending people running in panic. One man caught up in boston described the chaos. I was in there and people were shooting on one side and we all ran the other way and then the bombs went off and people were running the other way and more shooting. We came out and after that, i think there was another bomb. But not really sure. Showing some of the attack and we warn you that the following videos are graphic. We have video captured on cctv footage on a compure that appears to show the moment of one of the explosions in what appears to be the lower level of the airport. Nbc news has not independently confirmed it is the blast. Another video appears to be a Police Officer shooting an attacker falling to the ground moments before detonating his explosives. The state Department Said it was determining if any victims were american. Yeah, the pace seems to be quickening from ororlando to istanbul and before that, brussels and paris. What is your take on the latest attack . The attacking turkey at a fairly low place. Probably could have pulled off more of this in the past. In the past, turkey has been in some ways kind of valuable. A pipeline for fighters. Obviously, a lot for people that havent really been following this for a while. A longrunning dispute between the United States, the west and turkey about that pipeline and insistence that they do more to stop the flow of isis fighters into syria. Thats right. Turkey has been a conduit for fighters that are fighting against assad. Did something happen that would have triggered this attack . A crackdown in turkey. That crackdown going on for roughly the last year and made the Islamic State mad and turkey less valuable for them. So, they really stepped up and said, yeah, were going to attack you and hit you hard in your most cause pallten center. Mike . Is it possible between turkey and israel may have played a part in this . That happened very recently. From what i can tell about this attack, three coordinated suicide bombers, not the kind of things you ramp up in a matter of a couple days. Obviously, turkey and israel getting back together is not something that the Islamic State likes or would support. But i dont think that they could ramp up an attack so fast that they would be the thing that made this one happen. You dont think . I dent think so, no. Some airports around the u. S. Are beefing up their security in the wake of the attack in iistanbiistanbul. Putti putting, high, visible patrols. The agency added it is collaborating with federal, state and local Law Enforcement officials on security. Meanwhile, passengers arriving at miami International Airport tell nbc there that they noticed tighter security, as well. The attack on istanbul comes three months after the subway and airport attacks in brussels that left 32 dead and 300 injur injured. Lets bring in retired executive assistant director of the fbi sean henry. Sean, first of all, what do umake of the timing of the attacks and where they were carried out . Anything stand out to you . No, i mean, clearly, this is an attack on a soft target. We know isis or other terrorist group what their intend is. Inflict as much fear, harm, confusion into the civilian population. When we think about the security and people talk about asoft targets, why dont we put security further out outside the airport or maybe in the parking lots but the reality is youre just moving the soft target farther and farther away. At some point youre going to have a group of civilians all congregating around in an area unpredicted prior to people coming through the security area. Thats where the vulnerability becomes. Lets talk about the timing of the attack. Two years of the date and also, obviously, attacks during ramadan have been suggested in the past. Are we looking at possibly this attack yesterday commemorating the twoyear anniversary . Its certainly possible. Im not necessarily sure that isi operates with this certain degree of symbolism when it comes to specific dates. We do mention the leadership of isis is calling for stepped up attacks around the world because of ramadan. Keep in mind more interesting, we are approaching the end of ramadan, which is one of the busiest travel seasons on the islamic calendar. So, the airports would have been extremely busy and security would have tight, and turkish officials tell me that they were actually anticipating something around this holiday season. This is similar to christmas and new years for us. Families are traveling and a lot of stepped up security. So what happens out here, many of us in the west, aman, would look at turkey as a state that has been moving more islamists over the past decade and moving away from the west. So, we would find turkey to be an interesting target. Isis really dont see the gradual move. By no means does isis consider turkey as a symbol or Islamic State it wants to represent. It does not believe in that version that the akp party are trying to implement their version of government. So, turkey has shifted away from what we traditionally thought of a western democracy and by no means is it going in the direction of countries, even saudi arabia or even countries that would make iran or in any way make isis feel or islamic law or any kind of islamic governance. Sean, you were talking earlier about extending the ring of security further and further out from airports. Istanbul a fairly large airport. Isnt that the third busiest in the world . It is the third busiest in europe. In europe. Third busiest in europe. At some point that becomes nearly impossible. At some point no place is truly secure against people, isis or whoever who want to do what happened yesterday. Mike, i think youre right. I think the best way to prevent these types of attacks is you have to eliminate the threat. That requires more aggressive policing and certainly military actions, internationally to disrupt these organizations. As it relates to the United States here domestically and airport security, officers, security teams, et cetera, being more proactive and more aggressive in their searching are the types of ways youll identify and disrupt some of these attacks but while this threat remains, we are going to be in sad shape here to ensure that were able to detect and disrupt all attacks. All right, joining us from istanbul, nbc news chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel with the latest from there. Rich snrd. Good morning. I must say that this country, this airport, this city are being incredibly rezil yrnt this morning. The airport is back up and running. There have been some lights that were canceled but repair work is already under way. A steady steam of traffic and travelers going and coming from here. I saw people sitting in the coffee shops having their breakfast before getting on their flights and planes have been taking off and a very different scene from the one that we saw after the brussels attack where that airport was shut down for days. The airport here at istanbul is so important to the region and the hub for the region and this country clearly wanted to get it back up and running quickly. A little bit more detail about the attack itself, the Prime Minister said that isis, as weve been talking about this morning is the likely suspect. He said that the attackers arrived in taxi cabs. Witnesses said they were dressed in black and they started opening firing and then detonating their suicide devices both at the curbside area around the arrival hall and then after those explosions. One of the attackers was able to get inside the arrival hall itself. The death toll still in the mid30s, although those numbers have been fluctuating. Richard, let me ask you. What is the reaction from the government and what was the reaction to papers what seems to be the reaction from the people . Is it defiance, anger, fear . What are you picking up . The reaction from the government is one of resolve that they will take reaction to fight this. This is a global scourge that they need to be united. In touch with the kremlin this morning. Turkey trying to bury the hatchet with russia. There have been very tense relations with russia over the last several months. Also israel and turkey trying to improve their relations. So, turkey at the moment is trying to come out of the cold. Turkeys relations with almost all of its neighbors and some of its Close Friends, including the United States have been very bad recently. And i think this attack could further prompt turkey tasay it cannot go it alone. It could not have adversaries inside the country and outside. But i must say people in this country have been bracing for this kind of attack. A specific intelligence warning that we reported on two weeks ago that isis had deployed more than 30 fighters from inside syria to specifically carry out attacks during the muslim holy month of ramadan. A senior official told us that this attack at the airport is very likely linked to that advance deployment of isis personnel that they were set here to stage attacks and the concern is ramadan is not over yet what we saw last night here may be the start of a wave of violence in the final days of this muslim holiday. Nbc Richard Engel, thank you very much, both presumptive president ial nominees released statements in response tathe terror attack. Hillary clinton said in part the attack in istanbul only strengthensors resolve to defeat the forces of terrorism and the United States cannot retreat. Part of Donald Trumps Statement Reads our enemies are brutal and ruthless and will do anything to murder those who do not bend to their. We must take steps now to protect america from terrorists. Here he is at a Campaign Rally last night. They said what do you think about waterboarding . I said, i like it a lot and i dont think it is tough enough. We have to be so strong. We have to fight so viciously and violently because were dealing with violent people. Vicious people. And, you know, they eat dinner like us. Can you imagine them sitting around the table or wherever theyre eating their dinner talking about the americans dont do waterboarding and yet, they probably think were weak, were stupid, we dont know what were doing. We have no leadership. You know, you have to fight fire with fire. We have loaws. And the laws say you cant do this, you cant do that. You cant do a lot. Their laws say you can do anything you want and the more vicious you are, the better. We cant do waterboarding, which it isnt the nicest thing but peanuts compared to other things. We cant do waterboarding. But they can do dropping off heads and they can do whatever they want to do. John, react to what you saw from Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Look, i think the first thing to say is that we thought for a long time now that this is going to be an election where security is the dominant theme and as these terror attacks ramped up im sure you saw that story in the l. A. Times which accounted all of april. 858 People Killed in the month of april around the world. This is going to be, the dream beat, i think, now all the way through to november. You have both Hillary Clinton and donald trump are confident that their approach, politically on this issue, benefits them. Trump, im the strong man. Clinton, im the confident woman. I think for people who think that trump is a danger as commander in chief, those kinds of words will fuel people to make the criticism that the idea we should fight fire with fire and sink to the terrorists levels and somehow the moral sup superiority should be compromised in order to fight this battle. That will just fuel their sense that hes not equipped and im sure youll hear secretary clinton make those arguments. For a lot of Trump Supporters, that posture, well do whatever it takes with no real considerations for International Law and no considerations and that will be appealing to much of his base. I think that will be appealing beyond the base of Many Americans who you think that look at the numbers and supported drone war fare. The increase of drone war fare despite the civilians that were killed. Its when the United States sees itself under attack, you can go all the way back to dresden. And world war ii. And see that nuance is not always United States play. I am curious, though, how Donald Trumps words and now Hillary Clintons words are read internationally and also by, lets say groups like isis. A group like isis is very happy to play the game. Its true they are laughing at us, but, of course, that doesnt mean we need to stoop to their level and if they want us to say that the United States do they see us as weak . They do. Do they see us as Osama Bin Laden saw us as a paper tiger to rough. A lot different from what bin laden saw. They see us us as simply, we dont have god on our side. If there is an allout war and a fight between the United States and the Islamic State, its going to look really good for the Islamic State. Bring it on is their any suggestion that these attacks are increasing in speed because theyre losing on the battleground . Yeah, i think that has something to do with it. As aman mengdzed, the holy month of ramadan. Isis thing physical you blow yourself up you get brownie points beyond what you get for the rest of the year. You should expect an uptick and thats exactly what weve seen. Well bring you back in later this morning. Still ahead on morning joe our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to mexico and overseas. Globalization is made the financial elite who donate to politicians very, very wealthy. I used to be one of them. Hate to say it, but i used to be one. President obama isnt buying it. He says trump is tapping into fear and not populism. Also ahead well talk to congressman mike mccall and former director michael lighter a and. Youre watching morning joe, well be right back. Share the joy of real cream. With reddip. Try duo fusion ing antacids . New, two in one heartburn relief. The antacid goes to work in seconds. And the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. Try new duo fusion. From the makers of zantac. What if 30,000 people download the new app . Were good. Okay. What if a miion peopledownload . Were good. Five million . Good. We scale on demand. Hybrid infrastructure, boom. Ok. What if 30 Million People download the app . Were not good. Were total heroes. Scale on demand with the Number One Company in cloud infrastructure. 21 past the hour. Joining us now, msnbc Political Correspondent casey hunt. In washington, senior Political Editor and White House Correspondent for the Huffington Post sam stein. What do you think about Donald Trumps trade speech yesterday . Sam found it funny. Let me no, no, no, that was just me clearing my throat. In a sort of mocking way. Well, lets take a look and then ill tell you. Donald trump returned to pennsylvania steel country to speak out against the globalism vowing economic independence with a plan that would withdraw the u. S. From the transpacific partnership and we withdraw from nafta and impose new tariffs and taxes to punish bad behavior. Trump took direct aim at the Global Financial elite claiming hillarylinton would protect the status quo and continue the total betrayal of American Workers. Hillary clinton and her campaign of fear will spread the lie that these actions will start a trade war. You already have a trade war and were losing badly. Badly. She has it completely backward. Hillary clinton unleashed a trade war against the American Worker when she supported one terrible deal after another from nafta to china to south korea. It doesnt matter. No matter where she went, the American Worker was hurt. So, john, what was your take on this speech . The trump speech . Its a fascinating thing. Not just the speech, but the clinton response to it that i found interesting. We can talk about the economics of this and talk about the politics of it. We now have a race unlike any president ial race in our lifetimes. Where you have one candidate in donald trump who is an out front protectionist and arguing for, i think you can say this without any shading. Hes basically saying i want to go back to a world before globalization. A set of policies that the United States have adopted, but also just a phenomenon in the world that cant be stopped. So, hes trying to roll back globalization and saying, i want to throw up a whole bunch of trade measures. Sounds just like the critics of brexit. It has taken an incredible amount of the rhetoric in that speech from the leave campaign. Its like its the same, hes really ripped a page. Thats all consistent with stuff he said before but echoing stuff that has the global residence. The fcinating thing to me the way the Clinton Campaign reacted to that beyond all her talk in denver yesterday and the press releases and the things she put out she said it first. Hes echoing her. She was pushed to the left on the trade issue by sanders. Hes way out on the protectionist limb and shes not making a defense of globalization, shes basically saying, im a kinder, gentler version of what trump wants to do in terms of the global economy. Which is horrible. You basically have two candidates lining up in various ways on the protectionist end of the scale. Got it. Other than what the clinton people used to say. Casey, lets look at the response. Just take it in there for a landing and stop. The Clinton Campaign also put forth u. S. Senator and possible Vice President ial candidate who ran through a list of trumps products sold in the United States but manufactured overseas. You ask why he makes his suits in china. Trump says he has no choice because they dont even make the stuff here. Not true. Im wearing a suit today made proudly by Union Workers in brooklyn, ohio. About seven miles from my house. We know just in my state alone where donald trump could have gone to make these things. Trumps speech also came under criticism from an unlikely pairing. Both the u. S. Chamber of commerce who treated under trumps plans we could see fewer jobs and a weaker economy. And the president of the aflcio. If donald trump policies look anything like his business policies, working people will be collecting pink slips instead of pay checks. Trump carried his tough message on trade into ohio last night. Going off teleprompter and hard to describe the pending deal in asia. The Transpacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country to continuing, thats what it is, too. It is a rape of our country. This is done by wealthy people that want to take advantage of us and that want to sign another partnership. Some extraordinarily harsh langua language. But he brings up ttp, something that Hillary Clinton once called the Gold Standard of trade deals. Something shes still coming under pressure from. Bernie sanders in a sign that i think some of the negotiations in those two camps are a little bit in a bad spot the Democratic Party in the platform should accuse ttp and that would put the party at odds with the president of the United States who is still the leader of the Democratic Party. Putting pressure on Hillary Clinton on trade. To your point earlier, yes, all their messaging and rhetoric, their press releases and everything said one thing. When you listen to her, she was on stage out in california with digital entrepreneurs and innovators and she essentially said to them, you know what, we cant go back. Youre essentially getting all these promises from people who cant actually take you back to the place where you maybe want to go. So, i think she still feels pretty strongly. Remember this was her husband who passed nafta and did all these things. Sam stein has been a free trader. Up until this president ial race. And how extraordinary that we have a republican who is blowing up the free trade, but its basically been the hallmark of both parties on trade policy for the past 30, 40 years. Youve got a democrat that is going to be the defender of the status quo. Yeah, i mean, usually in elections, democrats tend to be skeptical of free trade and then when the election is over, they sort of lose that skepticism and thats what happened essentially in 2008 with Hillary Clinton and barack obama. Now, were seeing with daonald trump being the most skeptical one of the bunch. Donald trump getting push back is really remarkable. Where does the chamber go for a candidate here . The other thing that we should be watching for, i think in the coming months is that is actually the answer. The chamber goes to hillary. I dont know ever publicly endorse him. There is no doubt on trade issues like this. Its a huge issue for the chamber. Maybe go to the senate candidates. Heres the thing, if youre rob portman on this week, you have been associated with free trade deals, much more than Hillary Clinton, for instance. You have your own president ial candidate echoing what is essentially the position of your primary opponent. It puts you in a bit of a bind, i think. John highland yesterday we had dave brad on, of course, who beat, who did he beat . Eric cantor. He came on yesterday. And basically said that paul ryan was out of touch. Im not sure if were talking about trade or what issues were talking about. But on this populous. On these populous issues. The republicans are really finding themselves torn apart by what trump says. The idea that paul ryan is, i mean, if you listened to what trump said. In favor of ra i use ryan as stand in. You know, for a decade and a half, though, politicians on both sides of the aisle. Democrats and republicans has completely dropped their duty when it comes to the American Worker. Globalization, globalization is something thats been out there for 10, 15, 20 years. Its coming. We cant stop it. You can make a strong argument, a strong argument that nafta, tpp, lost more jobs because of technology than because of trade deals. Right. We havent done anything for the American Worker in terms of retraining, really, practically. We just skipped over retraining them. We still make steel in this country. You can go out to the valley in pittsburgh. Now they employ maybe 150 or 200 because of technology. Thats what the politicians have missed. You look, wisconsin, michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, you talked about the rust belt before and maybe donald trump does not have to get 25 or 30 of the hispanic vote if some of these rust belts from the democrats. I know a lot of people mocked trump yesterday during that speech. But when i heard that speech i heard something that was going to shake up the board in a big way. Look, you look at a state like ohio, though. Its such an interesting thing. Again, as sam pointed out. You have ohio which is represented by sheriff brown and rob portman. The ultimate purple state. Its not clear. Sheriff brown, pretty much a protectionist and the state is represented by those two and its not clear that one of those is the right course. But absolutely the knife edge for this campaign. Casey alluded to it, but Hillary Clinton is trying to tap into understanding why trump has a draw. And putting shes trying to sort of kind of understand the people that are following trump so vehemently. If you think about for the clintons, right, they almost have to unlearn every lesson that they learned in the 90s when bill clinton was trying to take the Democratic Party to the right and put it into the center and make it more main stream and did that by appealing to business interests and making democrats more friendly to big business. One of my first jobs in journalism was covering labor and cover them tweet the same thing on the same day is a little bit head spinning to me. But thats kind of the adjustment that shes going to have to make here. I think youre right. Thats what i saw on the campaign trail every day with Bernie Sanders. You know, its not just Trump Supporters but independent voters. A lot of democrats and a lot of young people who dont see a future. What about bernie supporters . Trade has been the knifes edge for the primary. Yeah. Not just the primary, joe. An oped in New York Times where he basically echos to a lesser dramatic degree than trump. But he echoes basically the same thing about national multicorprations to be responsible for income inequality. He does not mention two words. Hillary or clinton. This is a problem for Hillary Clinton going forward. Still ahead, Bernie Sanders is still running for president as sam point outed and also moonlighting as the oped columnist. 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[ barking ] [ washing machine running ] partys on know what your pets are up to with xfinity home. Xfinity. The future of awesome. See the secret life of pets, in theaters july 8th. 37 past the hour. New poll for the race of the white house has the race tied. The quinnipiac has Hillary Clinton at 42 and donald trump and inside the margin of error. The race is still tie would Major Third Party candidates included. Trump at 37 with libertarian gary johnson at 8 and joe stein at 4 . When splitting the voters by race. While black voters choose clinton 911 as hispanic voters also choose clinton, 50 to 33 for trump. That 33 pretty interesting for hispanics. 1 , obviously, nu lly nothing t home about. 33 , though, a good bit higher than mitt romney. Amazing in the sense that it would be, if that held and she got all the rest of the hispanic vote. Mitt romney and john mccain. The q poll shows the gender gap is near equal with women 50 to 33 in favor of clinton while trump leads the male vote 47 to 34. Women vote more often than men. So, clearly. Well, yeah, responsible, we show up. Things like that. I think this poll probably is a little, shows things tighter than where they probably are. I think weve seen that as a trend in some of the q polls that come out. But that said, i do think theres been over the last couple of weeks this sense that there is an inevitable trajectory that clinton was pulling out ahead of donald trump and he had no way to catch up. I think even the Clinton Campaign will say, you know, hold the phone, this is going to be a close election no matter what. And i think youve seen just look at how donald trump responded in the wake in the terrible attacks of istanbul. So very different how he responded in the wake of what happened here in orlando. Very clear that they are moving in a different direction. To the point that im getting fundraising emails that say, oh, look, daonald trump is building a campaign. Sorry. Had clinton way ahead and nbc poll that had it much closer and people debating back and forth and sampling. Is it not a general feeling that trump has tightened things up a bit over the past week . I think, maybe. The big blessing is that we should not lose our collective minds over one single poll whether it shows clinton far, far ahead. The average distance behind these polls shows Something Like five to six percentage points. These things are just snapshots and we need to sit back and not go crazy. I would say, i would be very surprised if donald trump remained at 33 of the hispanic vote. Mitt romney at 27 and he did very little in the same behavior towards if he has 33 then this is, indeed, an election that can be won by donald trump. I dont think anyone is debating that. Theres a weird appeal that cant be explained, i think. That trump has and yesterday we talked about poll results about who told the truth more or who was and it was trump that won that poll and i think there is an acceptance that people have of him that they dont apply that. Sort of tell it like it is. You hear it in focus groups. He tells it like he is. I know hes lying and i dont care because hes kind of honest about it. That doesnt make any sense, but it does to me, knowing him. If you listen to him, even in the brief clips that we play. If you listen to him and more specifically if you listen to people who are inclined to donald trump, a lot of fear out there in the country. This fear of the other. This fear of the future. This fear of tomorrow. The headlines today. Right. And he addresses it, those nativests internal feelings much better than Hillary Clinton. Look over the last 24 hours. You had a trade speech where he blew up the existing economic order thats run this country for the past 25, 30 years with the trade speech that was protectionist, far more protectionist than any republican in washington would dare say and most democrats and then you look, you look at what he did regarding the terror attacks in istanbul. And, you know, we talked waterboarding three or four times. I dont think general hayden. I know general hayden is already say figure you want to waterboard somebody, a politician can do it themselves. Were done in that business. Its tough talk, tough talk. To have any impact or not is something that most, certainly most elites and most policy analysts would suggest not. Up next, first an economic shock wave in the uk and now a terror attack in turkey. President of breaks down the big challenges ahead for that part of the world and here at home. And two very interesting opeds this morning. One from Bernie Sanders. The other from henry kissinger. Morning joe will be right back. Good luck with the eting today. Thank you. As our business is growing, and youre on the road all day long, its hausting. Youre on the fourth floor. It makes life on the road much easier. Book your next journey at holidayinn. Com we had another suicide bombing istanbul, turkey. Many, many People Killed. Many, many people injured. Folks, theres something going on thats really, really bad. All right. Its bad. And we better get smart and we better get tough. Or were not going to have much of a country left. The Istanbul Governors Office just updated the death tol from the airport bombing attack. That number now stands at 41 with nearly 240 people hurt. 240. Turkeys Prime Minister is blaming isis for the attack, but that group has not taken responsibility for the violence. Joining us now, president and founder of the eur asia group. Ian, what should we be doing right now with turkey . You know, i was with the deputy Prime Minister yesterday, believe it or not. He was feeling pretty good. They finally had this willingness to apologize to the russians. They had this breakthrough and normalizations with the israelis and he feels like theyre going to get a peace deal in cypress and now, yet, another terrorist event. Theyre just not able to deal with this. 2. 5 million refugees on the ground with turkey. A budding civil war with the curds and isis. The geopolitics of turkey is probably the worst of any major economy in the world. And theyve actually gone out of their way to offend just about everybody, have they not . Turkey. You talk to any american official who is the closer ally of ours in fighting the war. Nato or turkey. They all say russia. And its because the turks at the end of the day have their own geopolitical interest and pretty brutal leader. Hes not willing to back down. Closer ally. At end the of the darx putin is a guy more willing to, lets say lets talk about brexit. Bernie sanders writes in New York Times a piece entitled democrats need to wake up. Surprise, surprise, workers in britain many who have seen a decline and very rich in their country become much richer have turned their backs on the European Union and the globalized economy that is fw failing them and their children. Not just the british who is suffering. The notion that donald trump could benefit from the same forces that gave the lead proponents and majority in britain should sound an alarm for the Democratic Party in the United States. Millions of American Voters like the supporters are understandably angry and frustrated by the economic forces that are destroying the middle class. In this pivotal moment, the Democratic Party and a new democratic president need to make clear that we understand what those who are struggling and who have been left behind. And then another one from henry kissinger. Its the point that youd expect bernie to make that is, hey, guys, see whats going on . Im relevant to you. Hillary, you make sure you do what i want. You need our supporters otherwise youre going to go the way that cameron and company just did. Look, europe has not been an attractive thing to be a part of. The reason you got this vote is not because people really thought they would be better off, because the social people with the people is fundamentally broken in the uk. You have palestinians throwing rocks and people voting for brexit. Those are the same thing at some level. Cameron yesterday in the heated meeting, heated discussions talked about how immigration, eus failure to tackle immigration was one of the great causes. Selfserving. Sure it is. At the same day, most people were voting to throw the bums out and cameron was seen as bum number one. They do not trust the leaders in that country. You dont think immigration was a key issue. Of course it was a key issue. And the economy was a key issue. Of course, its the hollowing out the fact that the average brit does not see any opportunity for them. No matter what i vote for, it cannot be worse than what i have right now. At least i could get rid of these guys. Cameron can blame immigration and immigration is fine. If he doesnt take personal responsibility for this, this doesnt get better. What i see across the board elites on the left and right saying these guys are stupid and theyre not saying that we allowed this to happen over decades. Theyre not taking responsibility. When the show started nine years ago, we had my dad on and he said these things that sounded so strange. But he said in this disparity and income inequality will create such anger that it will take over the future of the country, might even cause rioting and we were all like, what . What are you talking about . The worry that i really have here is both of the issues youre asking about, brexit and turkey, all the major stresses are hitting europe. The greek crisis is coming for europe. The rise of populism. Why does europe want to be part of that . Thats right. As i said, i quoted. Queen of england read i think in a tina brown story. Everybody who is talking how foolish isis is and asked her dinner guests, give me three good reasons why we should remain in europe. Youd say things like banks and jobs and stability. But in five or ten years time, five or ten years time, uks position in europe that they stayed in wasnt going to be better. Wasnt going to be better and they have a chance, im sorry y think they have a chance to find a better way forward. All these crises that are hitting europe at the same time. Im sympathetic to that. If you look at the way the europeans and negotiate a crisis, thats when they wanted to stay in. You think the europeans will do a better job negotiating what their relationship with britain is going to be like. Years before you have the possibility. Henry kissinger writes in wall street journal a disant grating europe shrivel the entire and the status that ranges with europe is an essential element in this design. Its history and emotion and current necessity requires, as well, a link to europe. The brexit vote has unleashed the anxieties of two continents and the needed restoration of faith will not come through recriminations to inspire the confidence of the world, europe and america must demonstrate confidence in themselves. The world was far different 68 years ago than it is today. One of the glaring discrepancies from 68 years ago, 20 years ago, you were just talking about it, you can look at the elites in this country. You can look at the elites in europe. They lead different lives. They go untouched by the political, cultural and economic forces that damage and disrupt ordinary peoples lives. Its just a fact of life. Thats why people are so angry. Thats why people vote for brexit. Some people are inclined to vote for trump. Without ever really thinking, what would be the reaction. The elites, the media, the ruling class. Caught flat footed with trump just like they got caught flat footed with brexit. After brexit passed, what do they do . Write articles attacking the fools that voted for trump and voted for brexit. Instead, as ian said, okay, what responsibility do we take in this over the last 30 to 40 years . The depth of feeling and across the pond of wanting to give a big middle finger to experts cant be overstated. Thank you very much for being on this morning. Good to be with you guys. Were following the latest out of turkey after yesterdays terror attack at one of the busiest airports in europe. Ahead, senator Elizabeth Warren explains how she can stand on the stage in support of Hillary Clinton when she was strongly criticizing her a few years ago. All that straight ahead on morning joe. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the Us Postal Service to get it there. Because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The Us Postal Service. Priority you you can use whipped topping made. But real joyful moments. Are shared over the real cream in reddiwip. Reddiwip. Share the joy. Coming up, were covering the breaking news out of turkey. Mike mccaul joins us and former director of the National Counterterrorism center Michael Leiter and David Ignatius. Well be right back with more morning joe. Getting faster. Huh . Detecting threats faster, responding faster, recovering faster. 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We also have msnbc correspondent aman and sam stein. Joining the conversation john meacham and columnist and associated editor for Washington Post David Ignatius. Lets get to the news. I wanted is to start really quickly with aman. I was struck by what ian brimmer said on set a few minutes ago and what weve been hearing around the table this morning. That turkey actually is less of an ally. Most people consider them to be a poorer ally to the united states in the fight against isis than even putin and russia. They are becoming increasingly isolated across the world. Yeah, i mean, theres definitely a difference when it comes to policies in the region between the United States and turkey. Perhaps the number one is that turkey has always seen the syria conflict through the desire to topple the assad regime. By extension, has allowed foreign fighters and allowed anyone who would go into syria to fight against the assad regime through its country, through its border. That is one of the main reasons because several years ago the u. S. And the west were ringing the alarm bells saying you have to put an end to the flow of people coming there and the turks simply said, no. At this stage it was in their interest to go into syria and fight the assad regime. What has happened is what we have seen with the rise of isis a lot turning their sights on turkey and going back and carrying out these attacks. Its important to emphasize in the last year and a half turkey has shifted its policy and allows u. S. Airplanes to bomb syria and bomb iraq. Its shifting their policy when they realize this is not the smartest approach. The very airport that was attacked yesterday, although isis hasnt taken credit for it. We expect that isis was the funnel for so many isis fighters from coming around the u. S. And around the world go to istanbul airport and then cross the border and go to war with isis. This morning that airport has partially reopened following the suicide bombings that left at least 41 people dead, according to istanbuls governors office. 239 more are reported and what the turkeys Prime Minister is calling an attack. Three attackers arrived at the airport in a cab last night and then opened fire in and around the arrivals area of the main terminal using automatic weapons. Police exchanged gunfire with the attackers before the explosives were detonated, sending people running in a panic. Footage has emerged showing some of the attack and we want to warn you that the following videos are graphic. We have video captured on cctv on a computer that appears to show the moment of one of the explosions. What appears to be the lower level of the airport. Nbc news has not independently confirmed it is the blast. Another video shows what appears to be a Police Officer shooting one of the attackers who then falls to the ground before detonating his explosives moments later. The white house condemned the blast as a heinous, terrorist attack. The state Department Said it was determining if any victims were american. David ignatius, you were reporting from turkey not so long ago. Tell us, tell us about the position that the turkish government finds itself in. Isolated it once, but now, obviously, more actively at war with isis. A group that had actually allowed to use its border for quite some time to have foreign fighters go over and join the battle. Joe, i saw two things on this trip that i think would be important for your viewers. The first is, i saw a squadron of attack planes based at a turkish air base in southeastern turkey taking off to attack the isis targets in their capital of rocca. In the areas they control in northern syria. So, everyday these planes have been operating in support of our war against isis. The second thing i saw was u. S. Commanders telling the turks, this border has got to be closed. And within a few days after we had left, u. S. Led forces launched an offensive just south of the Turkish Border closing that border, in effect. Attacking a town. Im told that president obama said to the turkish president , we have been asking you to do this for two years and you havent done it. Now were going to go ahead and dait ourselves. So, in that sense, isis has really take an blow in the last month from the u. S. Led forces with turkish ecweessence. They have been striking back at the country that has been their key conduit for bringing fighters and money and all sort of equipment. Into the battlefield of jihad. David, i was going to ask you exactly that. A plausible scenario over the next year, two years where these attacks become fewer and farther between . I think were in for a period when attacks actually become more regular and more dispersed. The one positive note i would take from whats happened over the last 24 hours, as grisly as it is, the statements have talked about solidarity. Were all in this fight against terrorism together and were counting on our western allies. He could have said, we blame you for this terrible thing that happened to turkey. We warned that fighting these islamists would bring unrule to our country. Instead, he seems to be reacting the opposite way and finding common cause. To be honest, to have the grieving people today after a terrible terrorist attack currently by isis the muslims in turkey says the basic point that so many people have been trying to make, which is that muslims are targets of this violence as much as they are perpetrators. That echoes here in our debate in the u. S. And the european political debate and, again, look at the statement and you see, i think, an effort to find solidarity, not an effort to isolate himself. Which, david, is quite a change, isnt it . Hasnt he over the past five years worked, overtime to offend, to isolate and set turkey on a separate course . Joe, he has been playing a super dangerous game leaving that border open so that tens of thousands of foreign fighters could cross through has been the riskiest game possible. As the bombs begin to go off in turkey, people warned them. Mr. President , this is dangerous for us. One thing it will do is empower the turkish military, which is a Strong Military trend with nato and Turkish Security forces to take a stronger line. Talking to the white house last night, they stress one thing that is important coming out of this is that as much intelligence information as the u. S. And its allies can get working with turkey to go after this threat that is crucial. Both presumptive president ial nominees released statements. Hillary clinton said in part, the attack in istanbul only strengthens our resolve to defeat the forces of terrorism and radical. Part of Donald Trumps Statement Reads part like this our enemies are brutal and ruthless and will do anything to murder those who do not bend to their will. We must do everything in our power to improve security to keep america safe. Here he is at a Campaign Rally last night. They said, what do you think about waterboarding . I said, i like it a lot and i dont think its tough enough. We have to be so strong. We have to fight so viciously and violently because were dealing with violent people. Vicious people. And, you know, they eat dinner like us. Can you imagine them sitting around the table or wherever theyre eating their dinner talking about the americans dont do waterboarding and yet, they probably think were weak, were stupid, we dont know what were doing. We have no leadership. You know, you have to fight fire with fire. We have loss. The laws say you cant do this, you cant do that. You cant do a lot. Their laws say you can do anything you want. And the more vicious you are, the better. We cant do waterboarding, which is not the nicest thing, but its peanuts compared to many alternatives, right . We cant do waterboarding, but they can do chopping off heads, drowning people in steel cages. They can do whatever they want to do. You know, mike, after paris, donald trump did get a big bump in the polls because people were contrasting his words to Barack Obamas. He is now running against Hillary Clinton who is putting out tough statements, as well, saying we have to defeat and destroy. I dont think she said this time islamic radicals. I think she said jihadist radicals. After orlando it did not pack the same punch. Not as much space between Hillary Clinton and donald trump as there was between donald trump and barack obama in the fall. A huge amount of space and donald trump was basically saying, we have to continue to do waterboarding. What im talking about the determination to defeat isis. Before he had, he was matching, you know, rhetorically with the president who seemed lost. Youre right. Hillary clinton does not seem lost. I mean, she was robert gates closest ally inside obama white house. I think one of the more interesting nuggets of this back and forth between Hillary Clinton and donald trump, whatever they say about terrorist attacks yesterday, whether its something that will occur in the future is what is going to happen to Donald Trumps rhetoric, his point of view, what he says publicly on political stages throughout the rest of the campaign. Once he begins getting the partial intelligence briefing. Will that change his language, his behavior, his thought process . Once he receives a partial intelligence briefing. Whoa. Were doing that. Could change in both directions. You never know with trump. Could moderate his rhetoric or inflame it. What was your take on trump yesterday . Its worked in the past for him before, politically. No doubt that Hillary Clinton is to Barack Obamas right on security matters. I think youre right on the sense that where trump is with the democrat hes contrasting with is smaller. I do think that she will, she will preach the gospel of engagement with the world and the importance of American Leadership and american moral superiority following the rule of law, et cetera. I think that will play to her, the argument that she wants to make that hes unfit to be commander in chief. For a lot of people in the country, weve seen this with trump over and over again. The strong man posture he has will be effective. Certainly with his base it will be. But his argument, basically, we have to get down in the mud with the terrorists. For some set of voters in the United States, probably very appealing. You see this both in the globalization, the trade debate, the terror debate where the democrats tend to seem to win the intellectual argument and trump walks away with the emotional argument. So, to some extent, the drama of the next four, five months. Is it the head or the gut. I think youre absolutely right. But with donald trump, the way he speaks and to his base, as you point out, he wants to jack it up. He wants to really go after the terrorists. Guess what, folks. Its going to be your kids who are going. Its not going to be the sons and daughters of the elites that are going. Its going to be your kids going from youngstown and parma and thats whats going to happen. We talked, mika, over the past several weeks about donald trump speaking to his Republican Base and not the rest of the country. What he said yesterday after the terror attack doesnt just speak to his Republican Base. No, i dont think it does. But looking forward, sometimes you have to look back and see what got us here. Lets bring us now from washington, Nbc News National Security analyst and former head of the National Counterterrorism center under president s bush and obama. Now with the national security company Michael Leiter. So, lets talk about that. We find ourselves now at a point where this is a Weekly International event. Mika, its become a huge challenge across western europe and into the United States. You know, i hate to try to connect things which seem unconnected, but, you know, you look back at the news of last week on brexit. All motivated in many ways or significant ways by the instability that has come out of iraq and syria. And the inability for our western europe and certainly the turks to provide Effective Security at this point is causing political. Trying to stop the war on defense is extremely problematic. Michael im sorry. I was just going to actually say. Enough people have not connected the dots of our failure to internationally resolve the crisis in syria several years ago continues to haunt us every day. In syria, in iraq, in jordan, across the middle east, in america. Now, of course, in europe. And turkey. Joe, i really agree. And its not that it was ever going to be easy. We were stuck with some very, very hard choices going back several years. And going back to the bush administration. This is a tough fight with a determined enemy. But, in my view, pulling back rather than deep engagement really was not going to be an effective counterterrorism tactic and, more broadly, it was not a good tactic for regional stability and that regional stability has bubbled up. Turkey has been a critical ally on many fronts. It is still a critical ally of nato and we had to work very hard with the turks over the past several years to get them more focused on isis to actually get them to stop the flow of fighters. But it was a little bit too little and it was too late and now, unfortunately, turkey, belgium, paris, we are reaping some of what we have sewn. Michael, what was it in terms of the pyramid of syria, turkey and iraq, what role did pulling back from crossing the red line two summers ago play in whats happening now . Well, you know, mike, it is hard to say that it had a direct link back to motivating isis. But i think it did two things. First of all, still a moment at the red line and really even before that where the french and the british wanted us, the United States, to get more involved in iraq and syria and we hesitated. I think that was problematic. That was a period where putrays a and Hillary Clinton and others were pushing to do more. The second thing is it did make the allies in our region question the commitment. That is very problematic. As everyone has said, this just cant be a u. S. Fight. This has to be a deep, deep fight with the turks. And when the u. S. Says its going to do something and then it hesitates, unfortunately, it reinforces a narrative which rings true in the ears of some of our allies. And aman, thats something that mika and i have heard from diplomats across the middle east and the gulf region and across europe. That they dont belie the United States is good on its word. So, why should they put skin in the game in the fight against isis if they think were not going to show up . Are we going to leave them left holding, you know, holding the bag . The u. S. Wanted arab countries to participate in this antiisis coalition and many arab countries i speak to say theyre not going to do it unless the u. S. Takes the lead and really drives this home. We talk about that red line debate that took place in the u. S. And United Kingdom two years ago. One thing that was a turning point right after that is that you saw a sudden spike in the presence of hezbollah. Iran saw at the same time this was its opportunity to put skin in the game and double down on the assad regime. So, what it did was by the u. S. And uk and others not going in after that red line, then we saw iran and the rise of hezbollah and that brought everybody in syria during the civil war and a lot of the gulf countries who wanted to see u. S. Involvement take a front row seat say theyre not going to go up against hezbollah and iran alone and not do it without more resources in the fight, so to speak. All right, aman, thank you very much. Michael leiter, thank you, as well. Still ahead, mike mccaul will be our guest. Plus, donald trump takes aim at Hillary Clinton during a speak about trade and uses some harsh language about the trade deal itself. More with David Ignatius on that ahead. Nated oil. But real joyful moments are shared over the real cream in reddiwip. Reddiwip. Share the joy. Americans are buying more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the Us Postal Service to get it there. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The Us Postal Service. Priority you what is absolutely true is that the ability to tap into a fear that people may have about losing control and to offer some sort of vague nostalgic feelings about how well make britain great again or make America Great again and the subtext for that somehow is that a bunch of foreigners and funnylooking people are coming in here and changing the basic character of the nation. I think that some of that is out there. President obama speaking with npr yesterday rejected any claim donald trump makes to representing the working class. Meanwhile, pennsylvania returned to Pennsylvania Steel Company yesterday to speak out against the globalism vowing economic independence with a plan that would withdraw the u. S. From the Transpacific Partnership, renegotiate or withdraw from nafta, label china a curancy manipulator and impose new tear rfs and taxes for bad behavior. Trump took direct aim claiming Hillary Clinton would protect the status quo and continue the total betrayal of American Workers. Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our welt and our factories to mexico and overseas. Globalization is made the financial elite who donate to politicians very, very wealthy. I used to be one of them. Hate to say it, but i used to be one. Hillary clinton and her campaign of fear will try to spread the lie that these actions will start a trade war. We already have a trade war and were losing badly, badly. She has it completely backwards. Hillary clinton unleashed a trade war against the American Worker when she supported one terrible deal after another. From nafta to china to south korea. It doesnt matter, no matter where she went, the American Worker was hurt. The Transpacific Partnership is another disaster. Done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country just to continuing rape of our country. Thats what it is, too. Its a harsh word. Its a rape of our country. This is done by wealthy people that want to take advantage of us and want to assign another partnership. David, not a coincidence that the speech last night was in ohio, a state where hes currently tied with Hillary Clinton, if you believe some of the latest polls. And the speech earlier in the afternoon in pennsylvania. Another state where hes outperforming how most republicans, even at this stage of the game. He was channeling, it sounded to me, like he was channeling a combination of Bernie Sanders and boris johnson. What was your read of trumps speech that not only would shake up this president ial race, but cause grave concerns for the party in washington . I think hes all in on the antifree trade line now. Its really important to remember that what he was attacking in those speeches yesterday is absolutely the center of what main stream republican ideology has been all about. That republicans have fought for free trade because they believe that over time it made america richer, not just the top 1 , but america as a whole. And trump has now essentially declared that a lost cause. It will be very interesting to see whether Hillary Clinton takes up the other side of that argument or agrees with him that trade deals are not in our interest. I heard john kerry yesterday here at the aspen ideas festival say that he because 95 of the customers to whom we have to sell our products live outside the United States. We want trade deals because we want to be able to reach our customers and have them reach us. So, i hope that in the future theres a more coherent, intellectually honest account of what is done. The idea that the trade has wrecked america just doesnt square with the numbers. A prepared speech that i was reading from prepared statements. A departure from last week. His language got tougher last night, but, john meacham, this is not new to the Republican Party. David ignatius is right. The republican establishment has long bowed unquestioning at the alter of unfettered free trade. But you go back to 92. Ross perot got a lot of support from a lot of populous republicans. Sure. At the beginning of his campaign. When i ran in 94, a lot of guys and women that i ran for, not only ran against hillarys health care plan, ran against nafta, the wto. 1996, pat buchanan made waves. Won New Hampshire with this same message. There has been a divide in the Republican Party for some time. Though, again, david is exactly right. The republican establishment has always come out on top and sided where people like Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan has sided. Donald trump is challenging that orthodox in a way that nobody has for generations. You know, its funny. You could almost trace the politics we have right now to one night and the next morning in 1993 when the new democrat has come to office. Bill clinton has become president and who does he enlist to bring to the white house to spend the night and then address the public to sell nafta . Gerald ford, jimmy carter and george h. W. Bush. And the president s come back. If you want a picture of the establishment, thats the image you want. And it was this moment where nafta became part of the new democrat gospel and, again, nobody was better at explaining this than bill clinton. And he did it in New Hampshire in 1992. He did it throughout the 1990s. But we do have this moment, again, where i think there is an intellectual argument being won. What david just said and senator kerry said in aspen. Absolutely. You know, 95 of the world is flat and technology is changing and all that is great, but youve got an american middle class thats a good 60,000 or 70,000 shy of Household Income every year to have a middle class life. I remember in 93 and 94 campaigning across my district the first time. Campaigning against the clinton tax increase, the Clinton Health care plan. But you would go to places like t places more rural in the district and they wanted to talk about nafta and they wanted to talk about wto. Something highly symbolic about american jobs being taken overseas or being shipped to mexico. I remember the first time coming across that and driving out going, why do they care about nafta . They do. They did. They still do. Sam stein. Yeah, i mean, i think trump is hitting on something here. But im curious to see if its a full sell that hes able to pull off. By that, i mean its one thing to rail against trade deals. Its another thing to say that you might do punitive tariffs and taxes that you believe are unfair in the trade deals. And another to fall through a set of policy proposals to appeal to the working class. In addition to rallying against nafta donald trump has a tax cut plan that would disproportionately help the wealthy and he publicly said he doesnt want to see the minimum wage go up and he wouldnt mind if it goes down. I dont know if those two policies get lost and overshadowed by this antitrade message, but you could see a case in which he softened those other two policies to supplement his appeal to a working glass, blue collar audience. Im not sure hell make that leap yet. Im curious, too, if Hillary Clintons team that trump, his Companies Make a lot of the things that they sell in other countries and donald trump when pressed on this point, well, this is how the system is built. I have to play along with this. I am just wondering if the prpr will escalate against him . David ignatius, thank you very much. Coming up, well talk to a security expert who says attacks like the one in istanbul inspired radicalized americans with no connection to terror groups to start planning the threat of homegrown terrorism, next. Ok team, what if 30,000 people download the new app . Were good. Okay. What if a Million People download the new app . Were good. Five million . Good. We scale on demand. Hybrid infrastructure, boom. Ok. What if 30 Million People download the app . Were not good. Were total heroes. Scale on demand with the Number One Company in clo infrastructure. 37 past the hour. Joining us now, former fbi counterterrorism agent and fellow with the Foreign Policy research institute, clint watts. Also testified about isis in front of the Senate Homeland Security Committee earlier this year. Mr. Watts, thank you for being with us. Thanks for having me. Seems to me like a lot of security precautions have taken place in this airport. That we would want any airport to take, including in the hall where the bombs were detonated. Thats exactly right. We have hardened every point of every transportation hub we can. What we do each day is create security checkpoints that just push the crowds further and further out. What you really see with this attack yesterday and what has increasingly become a concern, wherever the masses are at these transportation hubs. Thats where the targeting is. How do you protect that . You cant. You see some of the measures at the airport where they try to get you moving constantly or flowing from place to place in the airport screening lines, thats to keep you from having the mass of people. The further you push out, especially outside those car barriers, the more likely youll see an attack. Homegrown attacks and being inspired by events like this. Explain how that happens. Success breeds success for the Islamic State. If you see a paris attack, around the world in any given time, 10 or 20 people who are maybe thinking taking a success. It encourages them to push on. See, that success means online. Is that where the Tech Companies come in . The social media companies, in particular, really step it up. Theyre now screening videos automatically but too late in one is sentence that they already moved to more secure and encrypted platforms for communication. Im wondering one issue that pops up a lot here and then i think were seeing the discussion with profiling and other countries use it much more aggressively. Israel, for example, but something that raises a lot of Civil Liberties concerns here in the United States. How do we grapple with that . A big misconception in the states is there is no one profile. When you look at the Islamic State members that surface, they run the gamut of every race and ethnicity and they come from all over the country. Unlike some of these other countries like pairs and brussels, we dont have thick communities of disenfranchised individuals. Mostly ones and twos. Within the Law Enforcement and military communities, has the definition of a spectacular change at all . Absolutely. I think what orlando shows is that nothing had shown before. In the counterterrorism world that i come from, directed attack by al qaeda or the Islamic State was going to be the most damaging and dangerous. If you look at orlando. One shooter killed 50 and wounded 50 more. That is the equivalent of theued is suicide attacks weve seen. Terrorists learn from other terrorists. Al qaeda and Islamic State have put out the propaganda and al qaeda tried too hard ten years ago. The Islamic State has boiled it down to violence anywhere against a mass target. Clint watts, thank you very much for being on with us this morning. Still ahead, House Republicans release their final report on the 2012 benghazi attack and instead of pointing blame, it seemed to paint a picture of massive disorder. Chris jansing sat down with voters to get the publics opinion on the twoyear investigation into that attack. Stay with us. You totaled your brand new car. Nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive three quarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. After a twoyear investigation, the republicanled House Select Committee on benghazi released its final report on the 2012 terror attack. Ultimately, the 800pound report found no new evident by then secretary of state Hillary Clinton. The report did, however, find fault with the state department and the military. One commander testified that marines responding to the attack had to change in and out of uniforms four times. The state department responded to that claim. I can assure you that there was no back and forth over them changing their uniforms that caused a delay in these individuals being deployed to benghazi. You know, the thing is, though, they were sitting there ringing their hands inside the white house about instead of protecting americans, it seems from reading this report that they were ringing their hand over pr. And whether they would offend the libyans or not. And they were obsessed over a Youtube Video. Five of their ten action items in the white house meeting on the day that these americans were being killed in the u. S. Ambassador was being killed. They were obsessing over a Youtube Video that was irrelevant to the entire situation. It was, forget about Hillary Clinton, this is a condemination of the entire administration bungling this situation from the beginning. Both donald trump and Hillary Clinton responded to the report. Another Hillary Clinton failure. It just never seems to work the way it is supposed to with clinton. Heres how Hillary Clinton responded. After more than two years and 7 million spent by the Benghazi Committee out of taxpayer funds, it had to, today, report that it had nothing, nothing to contradict the conclusions of the independent accountability board. I will leave it to others to characterize this report, but i think its pretty clear, its time to move on. John meacham. This is the oldest trick in the book for the clintons. Oh, weve had this many investigations and this moneys been spent. Lets movine on. I think republicans who politicized this too much from the day of the attack and the day after the attack when mitt romney held a press conference before we knew anything that was going on. This is the first time ive seen anything that makes me think, wait a second. We actually need to talk about this more and have agencies and leaders talking to each other after we did after the desert debacle in 1980s. Thats exactly it. And figure out how we make sure this never happens again. I think shes got it completely wrong. This is the first time ive said, wait a second. What the hell was going on in the white house . What the hell was going on why were they sitting there talking about uniforms like why they we were they sitting there talking about Youtube Videos. This wasnt some conspiracy, bungling that killed four americans. Thats the key point. The idea that we should move on is actually wrong. Because if we dont study 9 11. If we dont study moments like benghazi, everything we have been talking about this morning suggests that we will have episode after episode after episode of crisis management. If you dont learn from past crises, then youre not going to get it better. Youre not going to get better at running them. I think youre right about the clinton, but it seems to me that the responsible thing to say is this is an important case study and well learn from it in order to keep people alive. Rapid response. We learn from the tragedy in the desert in 1980. That special forces was developed in a way to make sure that would never happen, again. Hey kevin. Hey, fancy seeing you here. Uh, i live right over there actually. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . Ll were always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a deloper. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. 51 past the hour. Joining us now Chris Jansing whos covering the president ial election. We talked about benghazi because the results of this investigation were just emerging. One trump supporter, two clinton supporters, three undecideds. Two of them said theyre not. Even going to vote. Benghazi was very much on their minds. When americans go overseas and theyre putting their lives on the line, they need to feel comfortable knowing that back in washington, d. C. That back at headquarters there are people looking out for their interests. People who were representing the United States interests under the command of our government were left to die. And you think hillarys culpable in some way for that . Some one needs to assume personal responsibility. Shes not this just, you know, heartless person. Thats not who she is. The why does it matter comment of course is being taken out of context repeatedly. Shes saying whats this minutia matter right now . This was a big confusing thing, it was handled as best we could. But it does matter. I do think for someone whos been a career politician you should know not to say certain things. When you have four people who died and the family is sitting right there, you dont say what difference does it make no matter what. Has Hillary Clinton sustained an unfair amount of partisan attacks . Somewhat unfair. You dont need two investigations. Accusing politicians of being political is like accusing tiger woods of golfing. However, if it was your Family Member that had been killed, what do you want . You want them to just not talk about it . I care whether our leader is willing to assume personal responsibility for his or her actions and is willing to demonstrate courage to admit when theyre wrong and courage to move forward when theyre right and they know they are whether people disagree with them or not. So chris, even looking at Hillary Clintons reaction yesterday, which was i believe the final part of what we showed was its time to move on . These folks are not ready to move on clearly. Her most ardent supporters, yes. But even they acknowledge that she was not maybe artful in the phrase that she used. And the reports this morning that the nras political arm is going to spend 6 million battleground states tell me this is still resonating. I feel like we lost an ambassador, we lost precious lives. Maybe that should have been the first thing that she said and that it will forever be something that she i think im sure she wishes she could take that back. I think the bigger problem is that for Hillary Clinton is that tr trey gowdy did what people said he would do. After fits and starts and stupid political over reaches from republicans, trey gowdy actually delivered a congressional report that has fairminded, independent americans stopping and going, wait a second, Hillary Clinton and barack obama and our Foreign Policy apparatus responded that way while americans lives were on the line, while a u. S. Ambassadors life was on the line . I actually think that its time to move on actually doesnt work now. If it had been another hatchet job, another witch hunt, then i would be the first to say, come on, enough is enough. Im tired of hearing about benghazi. But when i hear what i heard from this, a lot of us are going, wait, what happened . How did this happen . How do we stop this from ever happening again . Right. I think that secretary clintons genuine instincts would be toward learning from the past. Right. She ran the state department. But theres this tragic confluence of the clinton hatred, the clinton conspiracy theories that make it impossible for her to say the word benghazi. Thats a political tragedy and thats the wages on both sides of this quarter century war. This is the 25year clinton war and still going on. And benghazi got caught up in 2012 in the politics of 2012. Barack obama wanted to tell everybody we have defeated al qaeda. We are free from terrorism. Then benghazi comes along and they say wait a second, it was just a Youtube Video. Nobody believed it was a pre preacher out of orlando. It was a Youtube Video. They were spreading that lie while republicans were overreacting, shooting first and asking questions later. And its now been caught in two president ial campaigns. You mentioned the press conference that mitt romney held immediately. I was at that press conference. We all sort of felt as though the political reaction was so strong without taking a step back to consider and think through all of it. And that was probably true on both sides, republican and democrat. To your point about the clinton long time war, you saw Hillary Clinton the day before this report came out talk about the fact that people dont trust her and chalking it up to 25 years of republican attacks. Thank you very much. Well be right back. What are you doing . Getting faster. Huh . Detecting threats faster, respding faster, recovering faster. When your securitys built in, not just bolted on, and you protect the data and no, you get faster. Wow, speed kills. Systems open to all, but closed to intruders. Trusted by 8 of 10 of the Worlds Largest banks. My cousins wedding is c ming soon. I like the bride more than the groom. Turquoise dresses. So excited. Did all her exes get invited . No ones got moves like uncle joe. When its go book on choicehotels. Com for instant rewards like gift cards, plus savings of up to 20 . Book direct at choicehotels. Com good morning. Its wednesday june 29th. With us onset mike barnacle. John howman. Gram wood. Istanbuls airport has partially reopened more than 230 are reported injured in what the Prime Minister is calling an attack by the Islamic State. Turkish Officials Say three attackers arrived at the airport in a cab last night. They opened fire in and around the main terminal using automatic weapons. Police exchanged gunfire with the attackers. One man from boston who was caught up in the attacks described the chaos. People were shooting on one side and we all ran the other way. And then the bombs went off. And people were running the other way and there was more shooting. And we came out and after that i think there was another bomb, but not really sure. Footage has emerged showing some of the attack. We warn you that the following videos are graphic. We have video captured on cctv footage on a computer that appears to show the moment of one of the explosions. Nbc news has not independently confirmed it is the blast. Another video appears to show a Police Officer shooting one of the attackers who falls to the ground before detonating his explosives moments later. The state Department Said it was determining if any victims fwer american. Yeah. The pace seems to be quickening. From orlando to istanbul and brussels and paris. Whats your take on the latest attack . The Islamic States been attacking turkey at a fairly low pace. Its right next turkey so it probably could have pulled off more of this in the past. Theres obviously been a lot for people that havent really been following this for a while. Theres been a longrunning dispute between the United States and turkey about that pipeline and insistence that they do more to stop the flow of isis fighters into syria. Thats right. Turkey has been a conduit for fighters of all types that are fighting against bashar al assad. Has something happened that would be triggered this attack . A crackdown in turkey . Yeah. That crackdown has been going on for the last year and its made the Islamic State mad. Theyre stepped up and said were going to hit you hard in your most koz k from what i cn tell about this attack three coordinated suicide bombers, its not the kind of thing that you ramp up in a couple of days. Obviously turkey and israel getting back together is not something that the Islamic State supports but i dont think they could ramp up an attack so fast. Some airports around the u. S. Are briefing up their security in the wake of the attack. The Port Authority of new york and new jersey says its putting armed, high visibility patrols at its three main airports in the new york city area. Meanwhile, passengers arriving at miami International Airport tell nbc there that they noticed tighter security as well. The attack in istanbul comes just three months after the airport and subway station attacks in brussels that left 32 dead and 300 injured. Lets bring in retired director of the fbi shawn henry. What do you make of the timing of the attacks and the way they were carried out . Clearly this is an attack on a soft target. We know what their intent is. Their intent is to inflict as much harm, fear, frustration and confusion into the civilian population. When we speak about the security, why dont we put security further out, outside in the parking lots. In reality youre just moving the soft target farther and p t farther away. At some point youre going to have a group of civilians unprotected coming through the security area. Thats where the vulnerability now becomes. Two years to the dae y of th califate being declared, also obviously attacks during ramadan have been suggested in the past. Are we looking possibly at this attack commemorating the twoyear anniversary . Its possible. Im not sure isis operates with this degree of symbolism when it comes to specific dates. The lead ership of isis was calling for more attacks around the world. Were approaching the end of ramadan which is one of the busiest travel days of the islamic calendar. Turkish officials tell me they were anticipating something around this holiday season. This would be similar to christmas and new years for us in the west. Help us out here. Obviously many of us in the west would look at erdogan and look at turkey as a state that has been moving more islamists over the past decade and moving away from the west. Its a zero sum game for isis, right . They dont really see the gradual move. By no means does isis consider turkey as an Islamic State it wants to represent. It does not bloelieve in that version of islam. Turkey has shifted a little bit away from what weve traditionally thought of as a secular western democracy. But by no means is it going in the direction of saudi arabia or iran that would in any way make isis feel theyre implementing their version of slaw. You were talking earlier about extending the ring of security further and further out from airports. The istanbul airport is a fairly large airport. Isnt it the third busiest in europe . At some point that becomes nearly impossible. At some point the reality is that no place is truly secure against people, isis or whatever, who want to do what happened yesterday. Yeah. I think youre right. I think the best way to prevent these types of attacks is youve got to eliminate the threat. That requires more aggressive policing, certainly military actions internationally, to disrupt these organizations. As it relates to the United States here domestically and airport security, officers, security teams being more proactive, being a little more aggressive in their searching. The type of ways youre going identify and disrupt some of these attacks. While this threat remains, we are going to be in sad shape here to ensure that were able to detect and disrupt all attacks. Joining us from istanbul, Richard Engel with the latest from there. Reporter good morning. I must say that this country, this airport, this city are being incredibly resilient this morning. The airport is back up and running. There have been some flights cancelled. But repair work is already underway. There is a steady stream of traffic of travelers coming and going from here. I saw people sitting in the coffee shops having their breakfast before getting on their flights. A very different scene from the one we saw after the brussels attack where that airport was shut down for days. The airport here in istanbul is so important to this country and the region. It is the hub for the region. And this country clearly wanted to get it back up and running quickly. A little bit more detail about the attack itself, the Prime Minister said that isis is the likely suspect. He said that the attackers arrived in taxi cabs. Witnesses said they were dressed in black. They started open firing and detonating their suicide devices both at the curb side area around the arrival hall and then after those explosions. One of the attackers was able to get inside the arrival hall itself. Whats the reaction from the government . What was the reaction of the papers . What seems to be the reaction of the people . Is it defiance, anger, fear . Reporter the reaction from the government is one of resolve, that they will take action to fight this, that this is a global scourge, that the world needs to be united. Ered turkey trying to bury the hatchet with russia. Also israel and turkey trying to improve their relations. So turkey at the moment is trying to come out of the cold. Turkeys relations with almost all of its neighbors and some of its Close Friends including the United States have been very bad recently. And i think this attack could further prompt turkey to say it could not go it alone. I must say people in this country have been bracing for this kind of attack. There was a specific intelligence warning that we reported on two weeks ago, that isis had deployed more than 30 fighters from inside syria to specifically carry out attacks during the muslim holy month of ramadan. This attack at the airport is very likely linked to that advanced deployment of isis personnel. And the concern is ramadan is not over yet. What we saw last night here may just be the start of a wave of violence in the final days of this muslim holiday. Thank you very much. Both presumptive president ial nominees released statements in response to the istanbul terror attack. Hillary clinton said the attack in istanbul only strengthens our resolve. Part of Donald Trumps statement reed li reads like this, our enemies are brutal and ruthless. We must take steps now to protect america from terrorists and do everything in our power to improve our security to keep america safe. And here he is at the Campaign Rally last night. They said what do you think about water boarding . I said i like it a lot. I dont think its tough enough. We have to be so strong. We have to fight so viciously and violently because were dealing with violent people, vicious people. And you know they eat dinner like us. Can you imagine them sitting around the table or wherever theyre eating their dinner talking about the americans dont do water boarding and yet we chop off heads . They probably think were weak, were stupid, we dont know what were doing. We have no leadership. You know, you have to fight fire with fire. We have laws and the laws say you cant do this, you cant do that. Their laws say you can do anything you want and the more vicious you are, the better. So we cant do water boarding, which is its not the nicest thing but its peanuts compared to many alternatives. So we cant do water boarding but they can do chopping off heads, drowning people in steel cages. React what you saw from Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Look, i think the first thing to say is weve thought for a long time now this is going to be an election where security is the dominant theme. As these terror attacks ramped up, im sure you saw the story in the l. A. Times which recounted all of april, which had terrorism attacks in 27 countries. This is going to be the drum beat from now all the way to november. Both Hillary Clinton and donald trump are confident that their approach politically on this show benefits them. Trump, im the strong man. Clinton, im the competent woman. I think for people who think that trump is a danger as commander in chief, those kinds of words will fuel people to make the criticism that the idea that we should fight fire with fire, that we should sink to the terror levels. That will just fuel their sense that hes not equipped. Im sure youll hear secretary clinton make those arguments. For a lot of Trump Supporters that posture will do whatever it takes with no considerations for International Law or morality. I think that will be appealing beyond the base of Many Americans. You look at the numbers that supported drone warfare, the increase of drone warfare despite the civilians that were killed. When the United States sees itself under attack you can go all the way back to world war ii and see that nuance is not always United States play. I am curious, though, how Donald Trumps words, how Hillary Clintons words are read internationally. And also by groups like isis. A group like isis is very happy to play the savagery game. Thats where they excel. If they want to say that the United States do they see us as weak . They do. Do they see us like oh sambin saw us, as a paper tiger . They see us as simply we dont have god on our side. They do. So they think if theres an allout war, if theres a fight between the United States and the Islamic State, its going to look really food for the Islamic State. Any suggestion that these attacks are increasing in speed . Because theyre losing on the battleground. Yeah. I think that has something to do with it. The holy month of ramadan, isis thinks that if you blow yourself up during ramadan, you get a whole lot of brownie points. Still ahead, the chairman of the house Security Committee joins us. Plus, donald trump sharpens his tone against free trade, vowing to tear up existing deals and claiming globalism has wiped out the middle class. Was that the speech he should have given the morning after the brexit vote . Yesterday it was denvers turn to deal with the big storm. Winds were gusting to 4050 miles an hour in downtown denver. And enough heavy rain and small hail fell. The Colorado Rockies game was delayed for two to three hours. Lets get into the forecast. For today, the rains just about done in new england. We have a little shower left for boston in the next half hour. But 4 00 p. M. This afternoon, the cold front still lingers in areas of the northeast. There will be some dotted scattered showers but nothing too bad. Weve been tracking severe weather. Its now in northern portions of texas. Half Million People are at risk from rapid city just outside of denver. If youre in the deep south, bring the umbrella. Another hot, humid day for you. For the most part, the weather maps looking very summerlike across the country. New york city included. Youre done with your Stormy Weather and looking forward to a gorgeous holiday weekend. At Cancer Treatment centers of aca, every patient gets their own care manager. 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Joining us now casey hunt and senior Political Editor sam stein. What do you think about Donald Trumps trade speech yesterday . Well, sam found it funny. No, no, no, no. That was just me clearing my throat. Oh. In a sort of mocking way. Okay. Well, lets take a look. Donald trump returned to pennsylvania steel country yesterday to speak out against the globalism punishing the American Worker, vowing economic independence with a plan that would withdraw the u. S. From the Trans Pacific partnership, renegotiate or withdraw from nafta, label china a currency manipulator and impose new tariffs and taxes to punish bad behavior. Trump claimed Hillary Clinton would protect the status quo and continue the total betrayal of American Workers. Hillary clinton and her campaign of fear will try to spread the lie that these actions will start a trade war. We already have a trade war and were losing badly. She has it completely backwards. Hillary clinton unleashed a trade war against the American Worker when she supported one terrible deal after another from nafta to china to south korea. No matter where she went, the American Worker was hurt. What was your take on the speech . Well, i mean its a fascinating thing. Its not just speech but the clinton response to it which i found interesting. We can talk about the economics of this, the politics of it. We now have a race which is unlike any president ial race in our lifetimes where you have one candidate in donald trump who is an out front protectionist and is arguing i mean, i think you could say this without any shading. Hes basically saying i want to go back to a world before globalization. Globalization is a set of policies the United States have adopted. Its also just a phenomenon in the world that cant be stopped. Hes trying to roll back globalization and throwing up a bunch of trade barriers. That sounds like the critics of brexit. It has taken an incredible amount of the rhetoric in that speech was lifted directly from the leave campaign. Its like hes really ripped a page. Hes echoing a lot of stuff that has global resonance. The fascinating thing to me was the way the Clinton Campaign reacted to all of that, beyond her talk in denver yesterday. It was she said it first. Hes echoing her. So theyre both essentially running she was pushed pretty far to the left on the trade issue by sanders. Shes not making a defense of globalization. Shes basically saying im a kinder gentler version of what trump wants to do in terms of the global economy, which is fascinating. You basically have two candidates lining up in various ways on the protectionist end of the scale rather than anybody making what the clinton people used to say. Lets look at the response. Take it in there for landing and stop. The Clinton Campaign also put fourth u. S. Senator brown who ran through a list of trumps products sold in the United States but manufactured overseas. He was asked why he makes his suits in china, trump said he has no choice because they dont even make this stuff here. Well, not true. Im wearing a suit today made proudly by Union Workers in brooklyn, ohio, about seven miles from my house. We know just in my state alone where donald trump could have gone to make these things. Trumps speech also came under criticism from an unlikely pairing, both the u. S. Chamber of commerce who tweeted under trumps plans we would see higher jobs and a weaker economy. If trumps trade policies look anything like his business policies, working people will be collecting pink slips instead of paychecks. But trump carried his message on trade into ohio last night. Going off teleprompter and using harsh rhetoric. The Transpacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country, just a continuing rape of our country. Thats what it is too. Its a harsh word. Its a rape of our country. This is done by wealthy people that want to take advantage of us and that want to assign another partnership. Some extraordinarily harsh language. But its interesting he brings up tpp, something that Hillary Clinton once called the Gold Standard of trade deals. And something shes still coming under pressure from. Bernie sanders is out publicly this week saying that the Democratic Party in the platform should oppose tpp. Of course that would put the party at odds with the president of the United States whos still the leader of the democratic party. Hes still putting pressure on Hillary Clinton on trade. To your point earlier, yes, all of their messaging and rhetoric said one thing. But when you listen to her, she was on stage out in california and she essentially said to them, you know what, we cant go back. Youre essentially getting all of these promises from somebody who cant actually take you back to the place where you maybe want to go. I think she still feels pretty strongly. Remember, it was her husband who passed nafta. Shes been a free trader up until this president ial race. And how extraordinary that we have a republican who is blowing up free trade dogma thats basically been the hallmark of both parties on trade policy for the past 30, 40 years. And youve got a democrat who is going to be the defender of the status quo. Usually in elections democrats tend to be skeptical of free trade and when the election is over they sort of lose that skepticism. Now were seeing with trump being the one whos the more skeptical of the bunch and its creating all these different variables here. Donald trump getting push back from the chamber of commerce is remarkable. The other thing that we should be watching for thats actually the answer. The chamber goes to hillary. There is no doubt on trade issues like this. Thats a huge issue for the sha chamber. If youre rob portman this week, you have been associated with free trade deals much more than Hillary Clinton. And you have your own president ial candidate echoing what essentially the position of your primary opponent. It puts you in a bit of a bind. Coming up, nbcs Hallie Jackson joins us from the campaign trail with donald trump. Plus, talking points memo had one of the top apps from the 2012 and 2014 election seasons. This morning tpms here with a big announcement. And mike mcca real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over entyseven thousand of them. Theris only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing. 35 past the hour this morning. The death toll from the suicide bombing at istanbuls International Airport has climbed to at least 41 people. Another 239 have been injured in what turkeys Prime Minister is calling an attack by the Islamic State. Joining us now from austin, texas, chairman of the Homeland Security committee congressman mike mccaul. I guess, first of all, as chair of the Homeland Security committee, what are you looking at with this latest attack . Well, this was like a see que sequel to brussels but far more deadly attack. This pace of terrorists is just really unprecedented. And its all too often, too common that were seeing it happen all throughout europe as well and in the United States. I think we need to look at these last point of departure airports, like istanbul. Ive been there many times looking at their security in terms of these flights coming into the United States but also our airports here at home. Isis has now identified a soft target that they hit in brussels. I believe this is most likely an isis attack. Just yesterday in istanbul. And so its very difficult to harden that kind of soft target. If you look at what happened in brussels, if you look at what happened in istanbul, how do we toughen up our own security . Istanbul had pretty good security and actually pushed the ring of security out away from the airport. How far out do we push it . What do we do . Thats exactly right. Istanbul had two layers of checkpoints. The suicide bomber diverted the first one and they got into the second layer of security. We dont even have that in the United States. What were doing currently, youll see it particularly in new york right now is the nypd forces, tsa, these Law Enforcement teams ramping up a presence in the outer perimeter along with canine units. And the fact is intelligence is always key. If you know about these guys before they show up, thats the best way to stop these attacks rather than responding after the fact. Congressman, president erdogan issued a statement in the wake of the attacks. Part of the statement reeads, quote we urge the world to take a firm stand against terrorism. Of course western countries have taken a firm stand against terrorism. But with regards to turkey and president erdogan, do we or do we not have a rather reluctant ally in the past in terms of cooperating on intelligence gathering . I just met with the turkish ambassador last week. I know there have been questions raised about erdogan. I think for a while turkey was allowing the foreign fighters and this is the epicenter for the foreign fighter flow from syria and into europe. I think with isis attacking turkey now, youre seeing turkey take a different response to isis and become a part of that fight. I think thats also created put them in the bullseye and made them a target for isis as well, because they are hitting isis. A poll asked americans whether its government was doing enough to prevent terror attacks. 29 said yes, but a full 64 said no. What more does the government need to do to prevent domestic terror attacks . The question today is do you feel safer. And i think most americans dont feel safer. Because these attacks are. Happening all too often. We ne we need to defeat the enmy where it exists. I think we need to combat radicalization within the United States so we dont see these kind of attacks happening here and also harden our airport screening, foreign screening at airports. Many things we need to be doing. But the fact is this sort of rise of radical jihad is global and its not going away any time soon. All right. Thank you so much. Still ahead, maine hasnt gone red in a president ial election since george h. W. Bush in 1988 but thats not stopping donald trump from campaigning there today. Were good. Okay. What if a Million People download the new app . Were good. Five million . Good. We scale on demand. Hybrid infrastructure, boom. Ok. What if 30 Million People download the app . Were nogood. Were total heroes. Scale on demand with the Number One Company in cloud infrastructure. Bp drilling teams train in Virtual Reality simulators in here, so were better prepared for any situation out there. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Because safety is never being satisfied. Share the joy of real cream. With reddiwip. A day after appearing in ohio with Hillary Clinton, senator Elizabeth Warren went on the view and addressed her criticism of calling on clinton for changing her position on bankruptcy legislation to align with wall street while clinton was a senator. She has said now that she regrets that vote and i appreciate that. She has also said that she will put more restrictions on wall street and that she will veto any legislation to roll back any of the financial reforms we put in after the last crash. Donald trump has already offered his big wet kiss to wall street. He has said, hey guys, if i get in, im going to roll back all of those financial regulations because they make it too hard for the banks to cheat people. Tlnchts y i dont know if thats exactly what he said. Did he say that . Im not sure about that. But what i enjoy about that clip is the extent to which Elizabeth Warren in both parties theres no one more openly campaigning to get on that ticket with Hillary Clinton. I think they looked fantastic together. I think she would provide an incredible jolt of energy and help with the sanders voters. She wants that spot. If its not her, suddenly the people weve been naming before look very gray compared to her with that jolt of blue we saw the other day. How much does she need the Bernie Sanders supporters . Theres a bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters the party is come together. Up next, were going to check in with nbcs Hallie Jackson covering donald trump on the campaign trail in maine. Ges. Did you read eve word . No, only lawyers do that. So when you got rearended and needed a tow, your Insurance Company told you did it say great news. Youre covered on page five . Itaid, blah blah, blah blah blah bl blah. The Liberty Mutual app with coverage compass makes it easy to know what youre coved for and what youre not. See Car Insurance in a whole newight. Liberty mutual insurance joining us now from bangor maine Hallie Jackson. What can we expect from donald trump today . In maine of all places. Reporter in maine. Kind of a weird choice, right . I think you guys talked about how maine hasnt gone red in a couple decades. The Trump Campaign privately calls maine one of their few steal states. Maine along with colorado and nevada. Trump will be here for a rally in bangor. Trump on the campaign trail has very, very rarely been seen with governors of the states that hes visiting. He basically went 0 for 5 with governors who would appear with him publicly on stage at one of these rallies. Governor abbott of texas didnt show when trump visited there. A couple of other governors from arizona and georgia did fundraisers but didnt publicly support him. Hes also in boston for a fundraiser. We do expect there to be protests there. Hundreds of people expected in downtown boston. Theyre shuts down some streets right around post Office Square where that is happening. Trump sending out an email last night, his team, fundraising off of Hillary Clinton and her benghazi comments. You know, the question is listening to that report, how did lepage get reelected . I slept through that. Were there like 12 candidates . I dont remember. I think it was a split situation. It had to be. Okay. At least one independent on the ballot. Its crazy. Political junkies can get an instant fix from a mobile app that puts install polling at your fingertips. You could become obsessed with this. I was. Joining us now josh marshall. Good to have you back. Tpm, the website that i run, is one of the three big poll aggregates. We run poll trackers. Were the only one who has a mobile app that sends you live notifications when theres a new poll in the race that youre following. This is really unfortunate. If you have an addiction like you do, joe, to polling, if youre a polling junkie you need to have this. If youre really into politics its not enough to find out about the new poll at dinner. You need it to zap you on your mobile phone. The only app on your home screen. I loved it. What changes four years later are we going to see . Totally redesigned with new bells and whistles, better stuff. But the big thing is again notifications. Youve got to know. Its available on your iphone or your android device. Go to oveither of the app store and search for poll tracker. This is massive. Yeah. It will change the world. You need it when youre in the elevator. You need to find out when the new president ial poll is out. I really dont, but okay. I think firjosh, we were tal about Elizabeth Warren, what a jolt that shes added to Hillary Clintons campaign. Does she seem like the smart choice for the number two pick . She does to me. When they had that event, its not just that Everybody Knows that warren brings a lot of energy. But the thing that really clenched knclench ed it in my mind when you see them on stage together, Hillary Clinton has more energy. Thiss something that she brings out of clinton thats very electric. Clintons big advantage in this race is shes not trump. Shes not high fiving saying hes right after a terrorist attack. You know, its the polarization of parties in the country. When you see how many Something Like twothirds of the electorate think that donald trump is not qualified at all to be president and yet hes within five points in the horse race. The country is so polarized between democrats and republicans that a republican kind of cant get below the low 40s. It just cant happen. Trump is almost the ultimate proof of that since a clear majority thinks hes not even qualified and yet a lot of those people are supporting him. Seems to me like theres an almost idealogical dispute whether we should be paying attention to National Polls or state polls at this point. Others say the state by state polls lag the National Polls. If you see a trend in the National Polls, ultimately the state polls will catch up. What camp are you . Theres not as much density of polling in the states. In a state like pennsylvania theres like a handful over the last few months. If youre looking for trends, you see it more in the national pol polls. Obviously it really is won or lost in the states. I think at this point you need to watch both. But theres not enough polling yet in the states to see the trends if theyre popping up. Poll tracker, i just have to say this. It will change the way you live. No. It will. It will change the way you parent. It will help you sleep longer. Well be right back. Dont you dare follow your dreams. Think big. Or demand your own space. Dont you dare leave it all behind. Dont you dare ask whats next. Introducinthe firstever cadillac xt5. Whomeowners insurance Life Insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as Gunnery Sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and im a usaa member for life. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing people were shooting on one side and we all ran the other way. And then the bombs went off and people were running the other way and there was more shooting. And we came out. After that, i think there was another bomb, but im not really sure. Yet another morning following a terror attack. Isis again purported to be responsible for the attack at the airport in turkey. Time for final thoughts. Unfortunately i think we live in a world and a country specifically where fear is now a huge motivating factor in peoples lives. I think the next three months, four months are going to be about head versus gut. Democrats keep winning the intellectual argument. Trump keeps walking away with the emotional one. The turkish people have the airport reopened this morning. Talk about a picture of resilience. I tell you, on the domestic front more and more people are saying what you were talking about a year ago, Elizabeth Warren as Vice President ial candidate. She is seizing control of the narrative by just how effective she is out on the campaign trail with hillary. They were electrifying together on the trail. She fills in a few blanks for Hillary Clinton. But also something thats been a problem for a lot of really good candidates on the republican side. She can generate a crowd. She can generate a crowd and she knows how to go after donald trump. That does it for us. Stephanie rule picks up the coverage of yesterdays terror attack right now. Good morning. This morning breaking news, terror in istanbul. The official count, 41 people dead. More than 200 are injured. People were shooting on one side and we ail ran the othll r way. Graphic video app

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