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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live 20161011 :
Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live 20161011 :
MSNBCW MSNBC Live October 11, 2016
Taking aim in all directions targeting the clintons as well as leading members of his own party in his own words this morning says it is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and i can now fight for america the way i want to. Lets focus on what the candidates are doing today with our team spread out now. Kelly odonnell checking out her digs on the pence campaign. Alley vitali outside trump tower and
Kristen Welker
covering the
Clinton Campaign
. We might hear from the flight attendants. I will get to you right away with the trumppence strategy keeping up the criticism of paul ryan in a new twitter tirade this morning. Exactly. Reporting to you from row 20, seat c, peter. I can tell you that the strategy is about donald trump trying to fire up the grassroots and the very active voters who have gotten him this far by being critical of the
Republican Leaders
hip. Thats not something donald trump has shyness about doing. One of the things he tweeted was disloyal republicans are more critical than crooked hillary. They dont know how to win. I will teach them. A message from donald trump about teaching his own party about winning. Very different kind of play where mike pence is fighting a battle with different language, a different tone. Still sharply going after
Hillary Clinton
for things shes done in public life and her truthfulness and trustworthiness. Those things we have been seeing on the trail with him calling her dishonest hillary. Thats a softened up version of crooked hillary which comes from donald trump. What we are seeing is mike pence having to sort of deal with the obvious fallout of the videotape with the audio reporting of trump really relying on a simple theme from mike pence. He believes trump has apologized. Hes satisfied with the apology to this point and believes in his faith forgiveness is part of what should be considered. Asking voters to do just that. So is there an open war on the
Republican Party
. Well, today donald trump is certainly stoking the embers, if not the fires. From talking to sources around paul ryan their view is parallel track. Work on behalf of republican candidates. Work to try to protect their majorities. Work to defeat democrats in races across the country. Paul ryans team saying hes not conceding that
Hillary Clinton
would win. Still believes trump can be victorious. Hes going to work on things over which he has control. The resources and team that paul ryan can muster. Just sort of stay out of
Donald Trumps
way. Peter . Kelly, thank you very much. I want to get to ali who is racking up as many miles as the former secretary of state traveling around the globe. Last night in pennsylvania with donald trump, we could see what was really the beginning of this unshackling as he describes it. Heres one moment last night that rallied the crowd. I want to get your sense of the room. Take a listen. Inappropriate words 12 years ago. Locker room talk. Whatever you want to call it. But i said to myself, wait a minute. I just saw very inappropriate words, but bill clinton sexually assaulted innocent women and
Hillary Clinton
attacked those women viciously. As you and i know being out there, this is a line that resonates with trumps supporters. This is something they will say to you. Hey, when he said it was just words what bill clinton did, that specifically was actions. What are you hearing from
Trump Supporters
on the ground right now around the country as you travel with them. Especially in a moment thats a new low point for the campaign. I think every time i go out on the trail we expect to hear
Trump Supporters
defend their nominee. I think back most recently to when the tax returns were leaked. I asked should he offer them up . They ended up picking up his attack and defense line before he had to lob it himself. They did the same thing when he lashed out against alicia machado, the former miss universe. We have seen them making a case for trump despite the fact that a lot of things hes saying are indefensible. I expect to see that on the trail tonight. A lot of supporters are really interested in what hes saying about the clintons. Hes stoking the embers like kelly said. I want a sense of the tone of the events and the idea that this is a rigged election. He hit on that point again strongly over the course of the last night. Is that something people in the crowd that really resonates with them that idea . Well, thats something we have heard specifically in pennsylvania. Every time we go back there hes always quick to bring up the fact dont let the election be stolen from us. He urges supporters to vote themselves and take friends and go to polling locations to make sure everything there is done the correct way and make sure no one is cheating him out of the election. Thats a pennsylvaniaspecific attack from donald trump. It does fit the larger narrative from him that the election itself is rigged. He brought it up during the primaries when he felt delegates were allocated in a way he felt wasnt fair. His team at that point didnt understand you had to have a delegate strategy during the primary. He was using it as a way to say this is an example of the system being rigged against the outsider. You see the party coming out against him. It is a way to say, look, i was right all along. People are saying they want to rig it against me. This is adding to the narrative that his supporters love and buy into. As striking as anything last night over the course of the past several months when folks in the room would yell things like lock her up he would listen, enjoy it and say, listen, make sure we vote november 8. Last night he said lock her up is right. His attacks are on bill clinton as well. Well hear from the former president speaking this hour. His first
Public Comments
since he sat basically opposite accusers in a stunning scene sunday night in st. Loui what doo we expect to hear and what does the
Campaign Hope
to do to help itself . I think you will hear president clinton try to rally the base, rally voters, making sure they are signed up to vote. The registration deadline was extended from today to tomorrow in florida. Thats the focus. You will hear him hit this point. The
Clinton Campaign
is making it all along. Donald trump is unfit to be president. I dont think you will hear him respond to the personal attacks you laid out. At the same time it is clear the campaign is trying to counter the optics of that and the focus on the clintons past and bill clintons fast inif i te ffidei. Bill clinton tweeting 41 years ago i married my best friend and the finest change maker i have ever known. I am still in awe of her. I have been asking whether bill clinton is an asset or a liability. They insist hes an asset. Hes uniquely suited to talk about what it takes to be president of the united states. He knows
Hillary Clinton
and her record better than anyone. It has to do with the polling. If you look at the polls hes wildly popular with democrats and voters overall. They think hes someone who will energize the
Democratic Base
in the key battleground state of florida. One more point going back to the headline in the
New York Times
magazine, secretary clinton saying, quote, i am the last thing standing between you and the apocalypse. So the
Clinton Campaign
feeling emboldened at the same time the article captures that secretary clinton, the
Clinton Campaign
pushing the narrative that donald trump would be a disaster and a leader. Shes the only thing standing in the way of that. She said shes not going to lose on november 8. Whats striking about the article is the campaign had a lot of potential targets on trump. They chose early on in their ey his lack of fitness to be president , his temperament would be the issue. Thats what shes punctuating in the final weeks. It is. They were trying to determine how to attack donald trump. The quandary was there are so many different ways in which they can attack him. The concern was it would get lost in a blur. They decided to focus on temperament. It allows them to fit controversial comments donald trump made about women, muslims, minorities. To fit it into the one key issue of temperament. So thats what she continues to hit on. Of course donald trump continues to help feed the narrative with his tweetstorms. We got another today. Donald trump lashing out at
Republican Leaders
hip. Again, that will help donald trump rally his base as
Kelly Odonnell
reported earlier today. The challenge for donald trump, how does he expand his base of voters . Thats something the
Clinton Campaign
will focus on in florida and secretary clinton will be in florida today as well as a number of surrogates in the key battleground state. They are likely telling you the life vest is under the seat. As the instructions continue i want to get your take on what you are hearing from lawmakers. Especially the republicans in the campaign about how low they think it can go and if they see an out, if they think there is an end point to distance themselves or couch their relationship to donald trump. We saw mccain run johnson, all of them talking a delicate dance. Reporter it is delicate. It comes down to circumstances by the moment. John mccains acknowledgment came in a debate against a female opponent, representative ann kirkpatrick, a member of the house representing arizona in the senate race. That was a do or die moment. Youve got to be on the record. Youve got to make a decision. Mccain reluctantly not supporting the nominee. Not because its donald trump but because of the process of wanting to support his partys nominee. For others he has been asked about it endlessly including from me. Hes always referred to i want to support the nominee of my
Party Without
talking about trump. Not wanting to get into trump. Others on the ballot face a similar dilemma based on what the voters are telling them, the dynamics of the party youre dealing with. They say you have to do what you need to do. You can separate from the nominee. Wildly unusual circumstances that no one likes but they have to decide. Other races, the moment of decision has not yet been put to a candidate. We have republican candidates who havent weighed in on whether they endorse or not. For others now that we have seen the audiotape and the debate performance where voters believe donald trump performed better than debate one. Now it is hold your breath, could anything else happen . There is a freeze of republicans not wanting to jump in and weigh in on trump or pull away because they dont know what else could be out there. If there are other harmful things that could change their decisions, gut reaction to it. It is a minute by minute news cycle by news cycle decision for some of them. Peter . Kelly odonnell. Kristen welker. Thanks. Even as we were speaking we are hearing from another republican senator marco rubio standing by donald trump. This just now from the
Tampa Bay Times
saying, quote, i dont want
Hillary Clinton
to be our next president. In effect saying that despite having reiterated, rejecting his offensive rhetoric and behavior. Speaking of florida this afternoon
Hillary Clinton
will join forces with a familiar face in a critical state for her campaign. We need your help. Florida is the key. If we win florida theres no way my opponent can win. Thats why hes going to be in florida today. He kno that. Despite all of the terrible things hes said and done he is still trying to win this election. Andrea mitchell, the proud host of this show traveling to florida now with the
Clinton Campaign
just filed this report. Reporter hi, peter. As you just heard
Hillary Clinton
saying today what people have been telling us behindthescenes in her campaign. It is all about florida. If she can stop donald trump from winning florida where he does have a ground game. Thats the one state where he has people on the ground and has a better organization. If he can be blocked there, the clinton team believe they can win the presidency. Thats the key. Thats why shes there on the day before registration closes on a campus trying to urge young people to register and vote. They believe they have the best example of the risks of not voting, of doing a protest vote. Voting for a
Third Party Candidate
with al gore who lost the presidency because of florida and because he believes in the
Third Party Candidacy
of ralph nader. Al gore finally campaigning today for the first time with
Hillary Clinton
. There is a back story here. Al gore and clinton were rivals in the white house over whose policies would rise to the top
Hillary Clinton
, clima it be health care, climate . Then he was running for the presidency, em bittered by the lewinsky scandal, impeachment and things he believed were dragging him on the ticket. At the same time shes running for the senate and all of the clinton machine is focused on her. Endorsed her the day before the philadelphia convention. At the same time as hes campaigning trying to talk about
Climate Change
in florida and the importance of her winning the wikileaks email dump from dawn pedesta revealing the inner workings of the
Clinton Campaign
in gross detail. How reluctant she was to change her position on
Climate Change
and only did so because of the
Bernie Sanders
challenge in new hampshire. A complicated day on the campaign trail. Thanks for sitting in the chair for me today, peter. Travel safely, andrea. Coming up here, a party divided. Donald trump renewing his feud with paul ryan as a core of republicans think down ballot candidates should dump the nominee. Then this from glenn beck. To vote for hillary has crossed my mind. I think donald trump is so unstable, so dangerous it has crossed my mind. D noise ] whoa. [ gears stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Try this. But ju one aleve has the strength to stop pain r 12ours. Tylenol and advil can quit after 6. So live your whole day, not part. With 12 hour aleve. Yore at the top of your game. At work or at play, ure unstoppable. Nothing can throw you f track. Oh hey, shes cute. Nice going man. Thgs are oh hey, going great foyou. Yove eard a night out. Thgs are good drinks, goiod friends. Ou. Yeahwe can go ahd ancall this a good night thgs are good drinks, wait, is that your car . Yeahwe can go ahd ancall thisuh oh. D night not smart. Yeah, i saw that coming. Say goodbye to her. Ouch that wl hu your bank account. Youre lking at around ten grand in fines, legal fees, and ineased insurance rates. I hope you like eatingzen dinners. Alone. Lets try this again. Smart move. Because buzzed dring is drunk driving. Its not pleasant for me to renounce the nominee of the party. He won the nomination fair and square. But i have daughters. I have friends. I have so many wonderful people on my staff. They cannot be degraded and demeaned in that fashion. Who are you going to vote for . I think i might write in lindsey graham. Hes a good friend of mine. The fact is seriously i cannot vote for either one. Republicans like senator john mccain you just heard there facing a tough reelection battle, forced to make this excruciating choice whether to continue to support trump and they are ultimately driving the party into what is an all out civil war. Joining me ben ginsburg,
General Council
for the
Republican National
committee and msnbc political analyst. The former chairman of the rnc michael steele. Thanks for joining us. Out of the gate i want to play a new ad from donald trump just released within the last 20 minutes. Here is the ad thats being called dangerous. Our next president faces daunting challenges in a dangerous world. Iran promoting terrorism. North korea threatening. Isis on the rise. Libya and north africa in chaos. Hillary clinton failed every single time as secretary of state. Now she wants to be president. Hillary clinton doesnt have to fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world. She failed as secretary of state. Dont let her fail us again. To be clear the ad is titled dangero dangerous effectively saying
Hillary Clinton
would be a dangerous president for the country. As you may have seen there are moments that highlight her coughing on the trail, stumbling at the 9 11 memorial. What do you make of the new effort by the
Trump Campaign
. It plays to some of the messaging thats come out about hillarys health for sure. It doesnt directly address that. It shows you those moments where she was having a problem with her heal. It says she lacks the fortitude, stamina or strength. Its not calling or sick. Its just connecting the imagery with the words. The effectiveness remains to be seen. There is so much more about the campaign that over shadows even an effort like this. It becomes a problem for the campaign because they were not talking about setting the stage for this kind of ad. Youve got to set things up. Youve got to set it up these ads have a bigger impact. People who dont like
Hillary Clinton
will love this ad. Does it resonate with the people you need to win . Ronald reagans morning in america its not. What the ad drives for is the high negatives that
Hillary Clinton
maintains in all the polls. If you read the polls that have been coming out shes still the second least popular president ial candidate in history. I think that the
Trump Campaign
has obviously decided they need to bore in on that. Let me ask you if i can about the civil war we have been talking about within the campaign. I was watching the debate and twitter. You tweeted a
Kristen Welker<\/a> covering the
Clinton Campaign<\/a>. We might hear from the flight attendants. I will get to you right away with the trumppence strategy keeping up the criticism of paul ryan in a new twitter tirade this morning. Exactly. Reporting to you from row 20, seat c, peter. I can tell you that the strategy is about donald trump trying to fire up the grassroots and the very active voters who have gotten him this far by being critical of the
Republican Leaders<\/a>hip. Thats not something donald trump has shyness about doing. One of the things he tweeted was disloyal republicans are more critical than crooked hillary. They dont know how to win. I will teach them. A message from donald trump about teaching his own party about winning. Very different kind of play where mike pence is fighting a battle with different language, a different tone. Still sharply going after
Hillary Clinton<\/a> for things shes done in public life and her truthfulness and trustworthiness. Those things we have been seeing on the trail with him calling her dishonest hillary. Thats a softened up version of crooked hillary which comes from donald trump. What we are seeing is mike pence having to sort of deal with the obvious fallout of the videotape with the audio reporting of trump really relying on a simple theme from mike pence. He believes trump has apologized. Hes satisfied with the apology to this point and believes in his faith forgiveness is part of what should be considered. Asking voters to do just that. So is there an open war on the
Republican Party<\/a> . Well, today donald trump is certainly stoking the embers, if not the fires. From talking to sources around paul ryan their view is parallel track. Work on behalf of republican candidates. Work to try to protect their majorities. Work to defeat democrats in races across the country. Paul ryans team saying hes not conceding that
Hillary Clinton<\/a> would win. Still believes trump can be victorious. Hes going to work on things over which he has control. The resources and team that paul ryan can muster. Just sort of stay out of
Donald Trumps<\/a> way. Peter . Kelly, thank you very much. I want to get to ali who is racking up as many miles as the former secretary of state traveling around the globe. Last night in pennsylvania with donald trump, we could see what was really the beginning of this unshackling as he describes it. Heres one moment last night that rallied the crowd. I want to get your sense of the room. Take a listen. Inappropriate words 12 years ago. Locker room talk. Whatever you want to call it. But i said to myself, wait a minute. I just saw very inappropriate words, but bill clinton sexually assaulted innocent women and
Hillary Clinton<\/a> attacked those women viciously. As you and i know being out there, this is a line that resonates with trumps supporters. This is something they will say to you. Hey, when he said it was just words what bill clinton did, that specifically was actions. What are you hearing from
Trump Supporters<\/a> on the ground right now around the country as you travel with them. Especially in a moment thats a new low point for the campaign. I think every time i go out on the trail we expect to hear
Trump Supporters<\/a> defend their nominee. I think back most recently to when the tax returns were leaked. I asked should he offer them up . They ended up picking up his attack and defense line before he had to lob it himself. They did the same thing when he lashed out against alicia machado, the former miss universe. We have seen them making a case for trump despite the fact that a lot of things hes saying are indefensible. I expect to see that on the trail tonight. A lot of supporters are really interested in what hes saying about the clintons. Hes stoking the embers like kelly said. I want a sense of the tone of the events and the idea that this is a rigged election. He hit on that point again strongly over the course of the last night. Is that something people in the crowd that really resonates with them that idea . Well, thats something we have heard specifically in pennsylvania. Every time we go back there hes always quick to bring up the fact dont let the election be stolen from us. He urges supporters to vote themselves and take friends and go to polling locations to make sure everything there is done the correct way and make sure no one is cheating him out of the election. Thats a pennsylvaniaspecific attack from donald trump. It does fit the larger narrative from him that the election itself is rigged. He brought it up during the primaries when he felt delegates were allocated in a way he felt wasnt fair. His team at that point didnt understand you had to have a delegate strategy during the primary. He was using it as a way to say this is an example of the system being rigged against the outsider. You see the party coming out against him. It is a way to say, look, i was right all along. People are saying they want to rig it against me. This is adding to the narrative that his supporters love and buy into. As striking as anything last night over the course of the past several months when folks in the room would yell things like lock her up he would listen, enjoy it and say, listen, make sure we vote november 8. Last night he said lock her up is right. His attacks are on bill clinton as well. Well hear from the former president speaking this hour. His first
Public Comments<\/a> since he sat basically opposite accusers in a stunning scene sunday night in st. Loui what doo we expect to hear and what does the
Campaign Hope<\/a> to do to help itself . I think you will hear president clinton try to rally the base, rally voters, making sure they are signed up to vote. The registration deadline was extended from today to tomorrow in florida. Thats the focus. You will hear him hit this point. The
Clinton Campaign<\/a> is making it all along. Donald trump is unfit to be president. I dont think you will hear him respond to the personal attacks you laid out. At the same time it is clear the campaign is trying to counter the optics of that and the focus on the clintons past and bill clintons fast inif i te ffidei. Bill clinton tweeting 41 years ago i married my best friend and the finest change maker i have ever known. I am still in awe of her. I have been asking whether bill clinton is an asset or a liability. They insist hes an asset. Hes uniquely suited to talk about what it takes to be president of the united states. He knows
Hillary Clinton<\/a> and her record better than anyone. It has to do with the polling. If you look at the polls hes wildly popular with democrats and voters overall. They think hes someone who will energize the
Democratic Base<\/a> in the key battleground state of florida. One more point going back to the headline in the
New York Times<\/a> magazine, secretary clinton saying, quote, i am the last thing standing between you and the apocalypse. So the
Clinton Campaign<\/a> feeling emboldened at the same time the article captures that secretary clinton, the
Clinton Campaign<\/a> pushing the narrative that donald trump would be a disaster and a leader. Shes the only thing standing in the way of that. She said shes not going to lose on november 8. Whats striking about the article is the campaign had a lot of potential targets on trump. They chose early on in their ey his lack of fitness to be president , his temperament would be the issue. Thats what shes punctuating in the final weeks. It is. They were trying to determine how to attack donald trump. The quandary was there are so many different ways in which they can attack him. The concern was it would get lost in a blur. They decided to focus on temperament. It allows them to fit controversial comments donald trump made about women, muslims, minorities. To fit it into the one key issue of temperament. So thats what she continues to hit on. Of course donald trump continues to help feed the narrative with his tweetstorms. We got another today. Donald trump lashing out at
Republican Leaders<\/a>hip. Again, that will help donald trump rally his base as
Kelly Odonnell<\/a> reported earlier today. The challenge for donald trump, how does he expand his base of voters . Thats something the
Clinton Campaign<\/a> will focus on in florida and secretary clinton will be in florida today as well as a number of surrogates in the key battleground state. They are likely telling you the life vest is under the seat. As the instructions continue i want to get your take on what you are hearing from lawmakers. Especially the republicans in the campaign about how low they think it can go and if they see an out, if they think there is an end point to distance themselves or couch their relationship to donald trump. We saw mccain run johnson, all of them talking a delicate dance. Reporter it is delicate. It comes down to circumstances by the moment. John mccains acknowledgment came in a debate against a female opponent, representative ann kirkpatrick, a member of the house representing arizona in the senate race. That was a do or die moment. Youve got to be on the record. Youve got to make a decision. Mccain reluctantly not supporting the nominee. Not because its donald trump but because of the process of wanting to support his partys nominee. For others he has been asked about it endlessly including from me. Hes always referred to i want to support the nominee of my
Party Without<\/a> talking about trump. Not wanting to get into trump. Others on the ballot face a similar dilemma based on what the voters are telling them, the dynamics of the party youre dealing with. They say you have to do what you need to do. You can separate from the nominee. Wildly unusual circumstances that no one likes but they have to decide. Other races, the moment of decision has not yet been put to a candidate. We have republican candidates who havent weighed in on whether they endorse or not. For others now that we have seen the audiotape and the debate performance where voters believe donald trump performed better than debate one. Now it is hold your breath, could anything else happen . There is a freeze of republicans not wanting to jump in and weigh in on trump or pull away because they dont know what else could be out there. If there are other harmful things that could change their decisions, gut reaction to it. It is a minute by minute news cycle by news cycle decision for some of them. Peter . Kelly odonnell. Kristen welker. Thanks. Even as we were speaking we are hearing from another republican senator marco rubio standing by donald trump. This just now from the
Tampa Bay Times<\/a> saying, quote, i dont want
Hillary Clinton<\/a> to be our next president. In effect saying that despite having reiterated, rejecting his offensive rhetoric and behavior. Speaking of florida this afternoon
Hillary Clinton<\/a> will join forces with a familiar face in a critical state for her campaign. We need your help. Florida is the key. If we win florida theres no way my opponent can win. Thats why hes going to be in florida today. He kno that. Despite all of the terrible things hes said and done he is still trying to win this election. Andrea mitchell, the proud host of this show traveling to florida now with the
Clinton Campaign<\/a> just filed this report. Reporter hi, peter. As you just heard
Hillary Clinton<\/a> saying today what people have been telling us behindthescenes in her campaign. It is all about florida. If she can stop donald trump from winning florida where he does have a ground game. Thats the one state where he has people on the ground and has a better organization. If he can be blocked there, the clinton team believe they can win the presidency. Thats the key. Thats why shes there on the day before registration closes on a campus trying to urge young people to register and vote. They believe they have the best example of the risks of not voting, of doing a protest vote. Voting for a
Third Party Candidate<\/a> with al gore who lost the presidency because of florida and because he believes in the
Third Party Candidacy<\/a> of ralph nader. Al gore finally campaigning today for the first time with
Hillary Clinton<\/a>. There is a back story here. Al gore and clinton were rivals in the white house over whose policies would rise to the top
Hillary Clinton<\/a>, clima it be health care, climate . Then he was running for the presidency, em bittered by the lewinsky scandal, impeachment and things he believed were dragging him on the ticket. At the same time shes running for the senate and all of the clinton machine is focused on her. Endorsed her the day before the philadelphia convention. At the same time as hes campaigning trying to talk about
Climate Change<\/a> in florida and the importance of her winning the wikileaks email dump from dawn pedesta revealing the inner workings of the
Clinton Campaign<\/a> in gross detail. How reluctant she was to change her position on
Climate Change<\/a> and only did so because of the
Bernie Sanders<\/a> challenge in new hampshire. A complicated day on the campaign trail. Thanks for sitting in the chair for me today, peter. Travel safely, andrea. Coming up here, a party divided. Donald trump renewing his feud with paul ryan as a core of republicans think down ballot candidates should dump the nominee. Then this from glenn beck. To vote for hillary has crossed my mind. I think donald trump is so unstable, so dangerous it has crossed my mind. D noise ] whoa. [ gears stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Try this. But ju one aleve has the strength to stop pain r 12ours. Tylenol and advil can quit after 6. So live your whole day, not part. With 12 hour aleve. Yore at the top of your game. At work or at play, ure unstoppable. Nothing can throw you f track. Oh hey, shes cute. Nice going man. Thgs are oh hey, going great foyou. Yove eard a night out. Thgs are good drinks, goiod friends. Ou. Yeahwe can go ahd ancall this a good night thgs are good drinks, wait, is that your car . Yeahwe can go ahd ancall thisuh oh. D night not smart. Yeah, i saw that coming. Say goodbye to her. Ouch that wl hu your bank account. Youre lking at around ten grand in fines, legal fees, and ineased insurance rates. I hope you like eatingzen dinners. Alone. Lets try this again. Smart move. Because buzzed dring is drunk driving. Its not pleasant for me to renounce the nominee of the party. He won the nomination fair and square. But i have daughters. I have friends. I have so many wonderful people on my staff. They cannot be degraded and demeaned in that fashion. Who are you going to vote for . I think i might write in lindsey graham. Hes a good friend of mine. The fact is seriously i cannot vote for either one. Republicans like senator john mccain you just heard there facing a tough reelection battle, forced to make this excruciating choice whether to continue to support trump and they are ultimately driving the party into what is an all out civil war. Joining me ben ginsburg,
General Council<\/a> for the
Republican National<\/a> committee and msnbc political analyst. The former chairman of the rnc michael steele. Thanks for joining us. Out of the gate i want to play a new ad from donald trump just released within the last 20 minutes. Here is the ad thats being called dangerous. Our next president faces daunting challenges in a dangerous world. Iran promoting terrorism. North korea threatening. Isis on the rise. Libya and north africa in chaos. Hillary clinton failed every single time as secretary of state. Now she wants to be president. Hillary clinton doesnt have to fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world. She failed as secretary of state. Dont let her fail us again. To be clear the ad is titled dangero dangerous effectively saying
Hillary Clinton<\/a> would be a dangerous president for the country. As you may have seen there are moments that highlight her coughing on the trail, stumbling at the 9 11 memorial. What do you make of the new effort by the
Trump Campaign<\/a> . It plays to some of the messaging thats come out about hillarys health for sure. It doesnt directly address that. It shows you those moments where she was having a problem with her heal. It says she lacks the fortitude, stamina or strength. Its not calling or sick. Its just connecting the imagery with the words. The effectiveness remains to be seen. There is so much more about the campaign that over shadows even an effort like this. It becomes a problem for the campaign because they were not talking about setting the stage for this kind of ad. Youve got to set things up. Youve got to set it up these ads have a bigger impact. People who dont like
Hillary Clinton<\/a> will love this ad. Does it resonate with the people you need to win . Ronald reagans morning in america its not. What the ad drives for is the high negatives that
Hillary Clinton<\/a> maintains in all the polls. If you read the polls that have been coming out shes still the second least popular president ial candidate in history. I think that the
Trump Campaign<\/a> has obviously decided they need to bore in on that. Let me ask you if i can about the civil war we have been talking about within the campaign. I was watching the debate and twitter. You tweeted a
Mushroom Cloud<\/a> and said the gop at this moment. A lot of them are facing undesirable. There is this excruciating dilemma. There could be career ending consequences no matter what they choose. If they stick with trump they may have to defend them. If they pull away from trump they may have to defend themselves against the base. Let me play the way senator johnson handled this in wisconsin a couple of days ago. Do you still fully support donald trump . What i have been saying is i obviously would not vote for
Hillary Clinton<\/a>. Nobody can tell how this pans out. A lot of people are asking me this question. People should be asking senator fine gold if he shorts
Hillary Clinton<\/a>. Listen, im not defending
Donald Trumps<\/a> despicable words. They are indefensible. I dont know how senator feingold can support
Hillary Clinton<\/a>s actions. How does this play out . How do you walk this tight rope . Is that an effective message . I think for a lot of folks at this point there is no tight rope to walk. You are either in or out. If youre a candidate like ron johnson in a tough reelect effort you have to make that hard decision. Part of that calculation is just how much of the trump base is there in your particular state or district thats going to have an impact. Youve got to go beyond that. The party right now is struggling with internal corrosion. It has to come to grips with that. Donald trump has pointed us more in that direction to see it for what it is. This is something that goes beyond donald trump which makes it harder for a lot of candidates to answer questions like that. You saw this renewed feud between the
House Speaker<\/a> paul ryan, effectively the most powerful elected republican in the country, and donald trump right now. As for paul ryans situation, not pulling off endorsement saying you do what you need to win. My top priority is preserving the majority in the house of representatives. Hes got a tough job because that comes down to very different congressional seats with very different types of candidates. At this point we all try to lump republican candidates together. Thats a little bit unfair. Different conditions in different people. I want to ask you about whats basically the primary main stream evangelical magazine called christianity today with a stunning editorial saying speak truth to trump. Evangelicals shouldnt be silent about trumps blatant im mortality it writes. One of the quotes, he wantonly celebrates strong men and takes every opportunity to humiliate and demean the vulnerable. He shows no curiosity or capacity to learn. He is in short the embodiment of what the bible calls a fool. This is what it is saying about the man who touts the love he feels from the evangelical community. Is that a dagger . Yes. It is a dagger. Absolutely. Heres the rub. Hes pulling a significant percentage of the evangelical vote behind him. They are supporting him. Could it change . I guess they dont have anywhere to go. Well see. You would think by now it would have. It hasnt. Maybe this is the straw that breaks the camels back for him. I dont know. It speaks to the underlying corrosion that exists within the party. The frustration and tug and pull from one side to the other. The group within the party hasnt come to reconcile their own view of donald trump. Here we are. The
National Campaign<\/a> in 2000. Al gore back on the trail in florida today. Having flashbacks . I am having flashbacks. The way this race is unfolding, what will be interesting to watch is this on the field. The rnc talked about the ground game. What happened is the ground game. They are tied to the top of the ticket to donald trump. What happens in that situation is going to play a key role in not only the president ialut also the down ballot races. Michael steel, ben ginsburg, thanks so much. Thanks. Coming up the battle of the tech giants. Sam sung versus apple at the
Supreme Court<\/a>. Pete williams at the court next. Youre watching
Andrea Mitchell<\/a> reports on msnbc, the place for politics. Ing so much about how youre a digal company, yet here you are building a jet engine. Well, ge is digital and industrial. Like
Peanut Butter<\/a> and jelly. Yeah. Ham and cheese. Cops and robbers. Yeah. Nachos and karate. Ahh. Not that one so much. The rest were really goo socks and shoes. Ok, ricky. But the best place to start is in the forest. Kubo i spy something beginning with. S beetle snow. Kubo no. Beetle snow covered trees. Monkey nothing to do with snow. Narrator head outside to discover iredible animals and beautiful plants that come together to creatan unforgettable adventure. Kubo wow narrator so grab your loved ones monkey dont even. Narrator and explore a world of possibilities. Kubo come on, this way. To find the closest forest opark to you. Glad forceflex. Extra strong to avoid rips and tears. Be happy, its gl. The
Supreme Court<\/a> hearing oral arguments in two significant cases today. One the patent showdown between apple and samsung. Pete williams is at the court for us now. The justices will decide how much sam sung will have to pay for design infringement. Part of a crummy week for sam sung. I think they will have a better day in the
Supreme Court<\/a>. Heres the claim. Am said when it brought out the iphone in 2007 sam sung ripped off the basic design of the phone. The black screen, rounded corners and the grid of icons you get when you turn on the phone. Apple said therefore sam sung should have to give up all the profits it ever made on any smart phone it sold after 2007 which comes to about 400 million. The justices didnt seem to buy it today. They seem receptive to the argument samsung made that people buy smartphones for the cameras, the way the phone connects to the internet. Those other functions. The
Supreme Court<\/a> has to decide what is this like . Like wallpaper where the design is the whole thing . Or a scarf . Or is it a cup holder in a car. Surely the justices seem to say and samsung argued if somebody rips off the cupholder design from a jeep you cant see gm owes the entire profits on the car for the stolen cupholder idea. What is the phone . Is the design the whole thing or is it part of that. They are going to send this back to the lower court to say the jury has to decide how much sam zung owes. It seems sam sung will prevail and wont have to pay all the money it ever made on smartphone profits. A little bit of good news now. The second case involves racial bias in the jury room and whether everything that happens stays there. Right . Thats the rule for centuries. What happens in the jury room stays there. After the verdict is announced you cant ask one juror to rat out another one. A man convicted of sexually assaulting two teenage girls. After the verdict was announced two of the jurors said one of the jurors said, quote, i think hes guilty because hes a mexican. In his experience it was mexican men get what they want. Also the juror said he didnt believe it because the person was an illegal alien though it was a lawful permanent resident. The
Supreme Court<\/a> was struggling saying if you allow exceptions when it comes to racial bias, what about religion . What about somebody saying shes guilty because shes a woman. Where do you draw the line . Didnt seem to be a clear answer here. Pete, thank you very much. Coming up next, rallying cry. With 28 days to go trump and clinton firing up supporters of all ages. This is
Andrea Mitchell<\/a> reports on msnbc the place for politics. Its looking up not down. Itthinki upg up living up. Its being in motion. In body in spirit in the now. Boost. Its not just nutrition, its intelligent nutrition. With 26 vitamins and minerals d 10 grams of protein. All in 3 delicious avor its choosinto go ne direction. Up. Boost. Be up for it. Ugh. Heartburn. Sorry maam. No burningere. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They dont taste chalky and work fast. Mmmm. Incredible. Can i try . She doesnt have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. [ clearing throat ]w turthe new golf alltrack. K. With 4tion allwheel drive. Soon to be. Evewhere. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling witn24. Lling 84484424. Or visit my24info. M. An update on the aftermath of hurricane matthew. In
North Carolina<\/a> what remains of the storm has brought widespread flooding to the state. More than a foot of rain fell in the area causing rivers to burst their banks. Look at the pictures. The town of lumberton still under water. Residents still without power. Even missing basic utilities that may not be restored, they are told, for days. Matthew is blamed for at least 33 deaths in the u. S. In the meantime in
South Carolina<\/a> governor nicky hailey announcing three people died as a result of the storm. Shes optimistic that the worst is finally over. More ahead on
Andrea Mitchell<\/a>. Well be right back. Will your business be ready when growth presents itself . American express open cards can help y take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how
American Express<\/a> cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. C. [music] find out how jess can hey look, its those guys. Shawn look at those pearly whites, man. [music] bud oa, cute shawn shutup. Je e you good to drive . Shawn im fine. [music] [police siren] jess how many did yohave . Shawn i should be fine. Jess you should be . Offir sir, go aheaanstep out of the vehicle for me. Shaw ye sir. Bud see ya, buddy. Today, shawns got a hearing, well see how it goes. Good luck so, it turns out buzzed driving and drunk driving, theyre thsame thing and it costs around 10,000. So not wortht. [ cheers and applause ] wheres your daddy . And your mommy . Right . Do you want to go back to them or stay with donald trump . Trump. [ cheers and applause ] that was definitely one of the better moments over the course of the campaign. The lighter side of donald trump. Something paul ryan and the clintons arent seeing a lot of now. Joining me now the daily fix. Chris cillizza, founder of the washington posts fix blog. Usa today,
Washington Bureau<\/a> chief susan page and the
New York Times<\/a> political reporter jeremy peters. That was one of the good moments and probably a
Popular Halloween<\/a> costume now. You see campaigns, candidates kissing babies. That kid delivered a good moment last night. The moment most people are talking about is
Donald Trumps<\/a> twitter tirade. He was all fired up. Today says, hey, im unshackled, free to say what i want. Restraint was always the issue. I was going to say, gosh, i dont know what unshackled donald trump means. If we have seen shackled donald trump thus far. Look, peter. The combination of the tweets calling out paul ryan, the i will teach
Republican Leaders<\/a> how to win campaigns. Obviously i have been free of my shackles comment. If youre a republican, elected official on the ballot in 28 days you have to be super nervous. This is donald trump at his unpredictable best worst. He seems content to turn the guns on his own team at this point. On the firing line. Its hugely dangerous for the party. It may be selfsatisfying for him to get some level of well, getting everyone back for the party. Its very dangerous. We want the audience to know if the bottom right corner of the screen thats bill clinton speaking in florida. Well play it for the audience as well. I want a sense of the down ballot impact. The generic poll yesterday said americans say 42 to 49 they would prefer a democratic controlled congress. Heres pat toome this morning. I remain unpersuaded by donald. I dont know how this is going to turn out. Hillary clinton is a hopelessly flawed candidate. I could never support her. I have made it clear. Paul ryan is in a different situation. He endorsed donald trump. I never did. He has a responsibility to colleagues. You see all the republicans against the walls trying to figure out how to answer the questions. Whats the impact . Pat toomey is an example of the worst case for republicans. He should be in an okay position. Not the strongest candidate
Katie Mcguinty<\/a> ti. There is only so much ground he can make up. It is hard to imagine how pat toomey makes up that ground. People look at the senate races. Just a couple of weeks ago they were getting more hopeful about key races. That hope is being washed away. Just to keep making this point, supporting
Hillary Clinton<\/a> is now advertising for
Democratic Candidates<\/a> in the
Critical Senate<\/a> races now. They feel increasingly strong about chances at the top of the ticket. I want your take. We have one more debate. At least we are supposed to. What do you think the likelihood is of a third president ial debate. If you watch what donald trump said during the debate when he attacked the moderators for not giving him time, interrupting him but not her then you see this press release today by a bumpbl of
Movement Conservatives<\/a> and frequent media critics the system is rigged. The moderators were disgraceful. My experience is these things dont usually happen in isolation. I think you also had backstage interruption between the
Trump Campaign<\/a> and frank fahrencof, the cochair. They would be opposite bill clinton, see if he would shake their hands. Pro versus con. Why not go i guess what are you hearing . What is the pro versus con of not going . No matter what your message is. At this point the trump
Campaign Just<\/a> wants to smash the system as much as possible on the way down. Basically by thumbing their nose at a third debate saying we are not participating in your corrupt, rigged system that doesnt win him votes. It probably loses him votes as it did in iowa when he quit the debate with meghan kelly. They see a system that needs to be broken. They are willing to break it. That doesnt do the third debate. I predict well see a person in a chicken costume. I just heard you. Im sorry to interrupt. I was going to say i will add one other thing. He doesnt want to do it. Right. It appears as though that what he wants is what the campaign is now doing. The ad about
Hillary Clinton<\/a>s health. It always was a donald trump production. Now its a donald trump production 100 . If he doesnt want to do it. He thinks they are biased, he wont do it. I never thought there would be a second debate to be honest. In 2017 if things continue at this course donald trump isnt your president whats
Donald Trumps<\/a> role in the political conversation . You know, hell have supporters, if 35 say he gets 35 of the vote which is about where he is now. 35 of the vote is not insignificant for a force outside the system. He would be able to have an influence on the debate. Start running trump candidates . Also not good for the
Republican Party<\/a>. We are thinking politically. He and his kids are thinking more from the business perspective, right . They have a brand they need to protect that will be tarnished after the election. They have to start thinking about that. Speaking of brands al gore has a brand associated with
Climate Change<\/a>. Hes also uniquely positioned to say the impact of voting for a
Third Party Candidate<\/a>. There are pictures of him. Hes supposed to secure the millennials. He was on the ticket last 16 years ago. Is this the guy that resonates . There are millennials in the third grade. You know, maybe the issue of
Climate Change<\/a>. Thats important to millennials. She has a problem not that they are going for trump but they are not excited. We asked millennial voters for a story that ran in the times. Who is ralph nader. Almost none of them knew. Or the effect he had on the 2000 election. Basically losing florida for al gore. Chris, last word. I think this is a classic trump example of how trump is his own worst enemy. You could be talking about al gore. There are ways in which this day could not be good for
Hillary Clinton<\/a>. We are talking about nothing other than donald trump. Why . Dont blame the media. We didnt make donald trump tweet. Right . This is yet another way of what could be a rallying point for republicans. He just gets in the way. Chris, to the team here, susan, jeremy. Thank you very much. Coming up, boneheads get ready. No bones about it. The break out star is ken bone. Live only on msnbc next. Across new york state, from rocheheer to frthe hudson valley,ffalo, from albany toti, eave busins incentives, infrastructurerenvestmen university partnerships, d e lowest infrastrtaxes in decesen are creating a nger econo and the right environmt in newework state for ness to thrive. Leus help grow you compat busess. Ny. Govy they said bote wajust a bottle. That no onwould ever notice me. But i knew i could be more. That one day, i would make people smi. [woman speaking indistinctly] when legalizing safe, responsible adult use of marijuana, the most important question is how . By voting yes on prop 64 adults 21 and over could only purchase marijuana at licensed marijuana businesses. And prop 64 bans advertising directed at kids. Requires strict product labeling. Childproof packaging. And bans edibles that appeal to children. Smart provisions to safeguard our families. Learn more about the safeguards at yeson64. Org. Do you have any idea how adorable you are . First, i want to say. Thats a definitive yes. Are you still undecided as a voter . Thats the reason you were there. Everybody doesnt like it much but i think im more undecided than before. I had to put my head down while mom and dad argued over thanksgiving last night. There he was, ken bone, the breakout star from monday nights primetime president ial debate. Bones unashuming charm, the cozy red sweater catapulted him to internet stardom after he raised an important question about
Energy Policy<\/a> and jobs. Ken bone is joining us now from st. Louis. Thanks for being with us. Peter, thank you very much for having me. Im glad to be here. You are now an internet sensation. The
New York Times<\/a> calls you americas sweetheart. How are you handling newfound fame . I feel bad for americas last sweetheart, whoever that may be. Thats a hard day when you are replaced by me. Walk me through it. Your official twitter handle is what . ken bone 18. There are other ones but they are not me. Whats striking is before the debate you had seven twitter followers. We checked in the last commercial break. You are now just shy of 100,000 twitter followers. Well, thats ridiculous. But thank you very much for checking. Im going to hang onto my twitter followers and try to encourage them to get out the vote up until november. After the election cycle it will be back to stupidness, he taking pictures of my kids and cats. If you want to unfollow me then thats what you have to do. I think people will stick with you for the long haul. I know you have had time to sleep on it. Are you still undecided in the election . More undecided than i was before, peter. The big issue is that donald trump represents my industry the coal industry probably in a more positive light than
Hillary Clinton<\/a>. I would have more
Career Opportunities<\/a> and would be better to take care of myself and my family under donald trump. But with a
Supreme Court<\/a> vacancy that donald trump could possibly fill there is a risk we could lose some rights we fought hard for marriage equality,
Voting Rights<\/a> and we are trying to extend real equality to all americans and to risk losing any of that really gives me pause. It is my selfinterest versus the community interest. A lot of americans are in that same place. Have you heard from either of the campaigns since the debate . Did either reach out . I have not heard from either campaign. At least i dont think i have. I have several hundred
Facebook Messages<\/a> i havent got to. You have to go through those. I wont do any press for either campaign. Im happy to do as much media as people need me to to talk about the process and getting people out to vote. Im willing to state that i will not endorse either candidate. You will not hear me saying who i will vote for before the election is over. If you hear it, its not me. One thing that was striking was you snapping photos with a disposable camera. Im not sure you can even develop the film in those anymore. Whats the back story . We werent allowed to have electronic devices. I had to leave my cell phone in my car. We were there from 8 00 a. M. Central time until it was over at 10 00 p. M. Central time. Not being able to take pictures for such an incredible experience is tough. The commission on president ial debates that ran the debate and takes care of it were kind enough to give us disposable cameras so we could have keepsake photos. What was striking is the memes out there about ken bone. There you are. Well show it to the audience. Crossing the delaware with george washington. There are more than you can imagine online now. Its the red sweater im sure will be a hot commodity this halloween. What was the back story . That wasnt your original goto. What happened . I think the sweater is more famous than i am. I have to carry it to the interviews. The back story was i had this nice suit i had picked out. My grandfather loved it before he passed away. He said it looked great on me. I thought, man, it would be nice to wear the suit grandpa liked so much since i will be on national tv with the candidates. Since grandpa passed away i have gained a pretty good amount of weight. I went to get in the car, tore the seat out of my pants so now i have a shredded pair of lovely suit pants. Americas got a beautiful red sweater. I guess everybody will be rushing to their local kohls to get their own. Congratulations on a well delivered question at the debate. Thank you very much. Everybody get out and vote. The registration deadlines are coming up. Lets get ken bone 18 up to 100,000 followers. Gic. Im beowulf bottnd im a broadway set designer. When i started digning a bronx tale the musical, i came e. With this ideof foutowers that were fire escapes. Essenally. Ill build a lite model in otoshop and d these. Essenally. Detls in with pen. I could never do that with a mac. I feel like my job is. To put out ere just enough deta to spur the audiences. Imagination to fill in all the blanks. This windows pc is amazing, having all of my tools. Right at my finger tips is incredible. No, im scheduling time to got. Oh, taking some time off. Ugh, youre using a vacation day to go to the bank . Just go to lendingtree. Com. I know, right . Get up to five loan offers to compare side by side for free. Wow, thats great. Wait. How d you get in my kitchen . Oh, i followed a raccoon in through your doggie door. [raccoon chattering] [gasps] get a
Better Mortgage<\/a> on your schedule. Not the banks. Leingtree. Er mortgage on your schedule. When banks competeyou win. Justhinkf hiasig cat [raccoon chatter with rabies. [baby talk] [cld giggling] child ook, ma. No hands. Children i, j, k. [bicycle bell rings] [indistinct chatter] [telephone ngs] man hello . [b] [laughter] ma you may kiss the bride. [applause] wom ahh. [iistinct conversation] announcer a full lif measured in seats starts th the right ones early on. Car crashes are a leading killer of children 1 to 13. Learn how to prevent deathss bysing theight c seat for your childs age and size. Yoyeah, i do. You guys are working on so pretty big stuff over there, right . Like a new language for crazybig, worldchanging machines. Wellnome specifilly. I the industrial se. So i build the worldchangi machines. I the ii get it. Se. You cant talk because its super highlevel. No, i actually do build the machines. Blink if what youre doing involves encrypted ta transfer. Wowwww. Hat . W . What wow . There is no wow. Another tweet moments ago from donald trump. This time the target is senator john mccain. He writes the very foul mouthed john mccain begged for my support during his primary. I gave, he won. Then dropped me over locker room remarks. More on his exploding feud with republicans right here on msnbc. Stay with us. That will do it for this edition of","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/12\/items\/MSNBCW_20161011_160000_MSNBC_Live\/MSNBCW_20161011_160000_MSNBC_Live.thumbs\/MSNBCW_20161011_160000_MSNBC_Live_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240617T12:35:10+00:00"}