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We begin with the first 100 days, day 58 to be exact. Another working weekend for President Trump at his florida home. He and the first lady will be celebrating their sons 11th birthday. This as the administration confronts over renewed claims that president Obama Wiretapped trump tower. A congressional source says that initial reading of documents shows nothingor substantiate the allegation meanwhile new details emerge about how long it took agents to confront an intruder last friday night. The secret service says the man was on the ground for nearly 20 minutes, even hiding behind a white house pillar before being stopped. Also new today, the just continues department filing a notice of appeal to challenge a maryland judges decision blocking President Trumps revised travel ban. And as the white house continues to sell the Health Care Bill, they will vote on thursday. And here is Peter Alexander with detail on the president s evolving wiretapping claim and his meeting with germanys Angela Merkel. Reporter confronted by a european reporter for his wiretap allegation against president obama, a defiant President Trump taking a new shot at his predecessor. As far as wiretapping, i guess by this past administration, at least we have something in common perhaps. Reporter a swipe at the National Security agency under mr. Obama that monitored german chancellors Angela Merkels cellphone. The look on merkels face speaking volumes. From the man behind the art of the deal, a strategic deflection, not backing down on his initial claim. But that didnt stop a spokesperson from this allegation thursday. There is no american fingerprints on this. Reporter reading from a fox news segment claiming British Intelligence helped mr. Obama. President unfazed. I didnt make an opinion on it. That was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on fox. And so you shouldnt be talking to me, you should bealking to fox. Reporter a fox newsnchor shooting down the defense. Fox news knows of no evidence of any kind that the now president of the United States was surveilled at anytime in any way, full stop. Reporter even British Intelligence issued a rare rebuke disanythinging the comment as ridiculous and the Prime Ministers Office says white house aides assured them the allegations would not be repeated. As a Real Estate Developer and president ial git, donald trump learned you can say controversial things and then move on. Hes learning now as president , its a love tougher to do. Reporter and no handshake in the oval office. That was Peter Alexander rorgt. Joining me now, Jonathan Allen and daniel lippman. Thanks for being here. Daniel, President Trump still seems defiant on the wiretap claims that his campaign was spied on. Can we gauge where it stands with respect to the investigation now . I think its been clearly shot down by republicans and even next monday you will see fbi director jim comey test h. Te testify in congress aenld be under pressure by republicans and democrats to further refute it in a public forum. And so there is no evidence behind this and its really embarrassing President Trump if he just keeps talking about something that is clearly not true. Jonathan, here is intel chair regarding the wiretap claims. We dont have any evidence that took place. I dont think there was an actual tap of trump tower. So jonathan, how can there be such different wire tan, those words were in quotes. Wiretapping is pretty Old Fashioned stuff. But that covers surveillance and many other things. I think that you will find very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks. Jonathan, how can there be such different takes . Whyont the president just let this go . Is there any angle that hes hanging on to he . Its possible that we were spying on other people who entered trump tower, met with Trump Officials and picked up some of those Trump Officials on bugs or other forms of surveillance that was targeted at others, perhaps russian nationals. And so there is some reconcile ability there. But the idea that president obama ordered the fbi to wiretap trump tower during the campaign has been thoroughly debunked by everyone who has access to intelligence not named President Trump. And daniel, you mentioned that on march 20th, james comey will testify before a House Committee among others. Is there any sense that these issues will actually be resolved on that day . I think President Trump will keep repeating this until he gets tired of it. What i think is going to be interesting next monday is democrats will be asking jim comey for his opinion on something that Reince Priebus did which is call up comey and other fbi officials to dispute the russian intelligence investigation story. And that goes against policies in the white house where you have to get a lawyers approval because you dont want the white house interfering with ongoing fbi investigations. That is something that my colleague wrote about yesterday which will be a hot topic monday, too. Jonathan, the awkward relationship between Angela Merkel and donald trump highlighted by that moment where it appeared he refused to shake hands. What is that about . About. I dont know. It looked like junior high school, you know, when you get paired with somebody else in the gym class to dance and you dont want anything to do with them. I thought it was undiplomatic of the president. He obviously is showing his disdain for chancellor merkel and i think the look on her face throughout that brief press conference and the double take she did when he made the joke about surveillance said it all. Its interesting that were at a point now where the german chancellor is more popular with a large segment of the American Public than the president is. A little awkward needless to say. Dan daniel, another big headline is the trump budget cuts. Here is Mick Mulvaney on some of the possible cuts. Take a listen. After School Programs generally. Supposed to be education al programs. Theyre supposed to help kids who dont get fed at home get fed so they do better this school. Guess what . There is no demonstrable evidence theyre actually doing that. From a pure political perspecti perspective, how does that play for republicans . Its very hard for republicans to run ads saying we cut the School Lunch Program and breakfast feeding of poor kids and democrats will be sure to use that in commercials next year when they say President Trump ran on making America Great again. Does that include cutting a minor part of the budget to pay for kids food who cant afford it. And so that is just not a Winning Strategy and its not going to play well on capitol hill where are these budget cuts will largely be shot down. And i want to continue about the budg cuts because jonathan, you said that this bill isot doa in your latest column and whether what has been proposed will make it to the finished product. Will meals on wheels and the after school meals go away in the end. What do you think . I think that meals on wheels has gotten a lot of attention and will probably survive and get some federal funding. But the point here is that there are budget caps and the Defense Department is getting a 54 billion increase. That has to come out of somewhere. Under the trump budget, it comes out of the state department, agriculture department, School Lunch Programs, it will come out of the epa. And there will be choices that congress has to make. But basically the president sets the tone and the direction with this budget and Everything Congress does will be matched up against it. And as a result, you will see these priority choices. As daniel was saying, there will be ads about taking lunch away from kids, you add in the Health Care Bill, stripping 880 billion in medicaid funding. Items basical its basically an assault on the poor and disabled and kids who need free food at school in favor of tax cut for the very wealthiest and those are very easy adds to cut. Jonathan, daniel, great to have you here this morning. Thanks so much. Well, new this morning, secretary of state Rex Tillerson in china with a new critical message about north korea. Tillerson met with top diplomats in china amid escalating essentials with north korea. Lets go now to janice in beijing. How is this visit going so far . Reporter the visit is cordial but prickly especially after the tweet last night by President Trump where he said that north korea had been behaving very badly, that they had been playing the United States for years and that china had done little to help. The secretary of state was asked about at tweet, asked whether he knew that it wasng to proceed his arrival. In the statement thats made after the meetings, he reiterated the position, avoided the question, and simply said that years of diplomacy have yielded little with north korea. Heres what he had to say. I think we share a common view and a sense that tensions on the peninsula are quite high right now. And that things have reached a rather dangerous level. Weve done everything we can to prevent any type of conflict from breaking out. Reporter chinas position is that it is doing what it can. It joined u. N. Sanctions and recently banned coal imports from north korea which are a key source of revenue for the regime. They say anything drastic would cause chaos at chinas borders and potentially lead to war in the region. So china continues to push diplomacy. But yesterday mr. Tillerson made the strongest indication yet that the u. S. May consider a preemptive strike against north korea. Now, the other issue in these talks is chinas opposition to the u. S. Missile Defense System that is being deployed in south korea and possibly expanded to japan. They see this as the creation of a Security Alliance in asia that is aligned against xhochina. So this is a major stumbling block at a time when kim jongun is threatening a missile capable of reaching the United States and there is also concern of another nuclear test in the works. So these are very crucial moves that are being made. Mr. Tillerson will meet tomorrow with chinas president xi jinping who is expected to meet President Trump next month. And if you would, how the the american journalist bob woodruff asked the question about trumps tweets. How did that play in the room . Reporter there was a degree of silence. Mr. Tillerson listened to the questions, ltened to the translation of the questions and simply avoided the part where he wa asked to address the tweet by mr. Trump. There were expected to be so many elephants in the room to begin with with the expectation that the u. S. Was going to tell china its not doing enough, that it needs to use its leverage with the north. Also this issue of Missile Defense as being a major hurdle to clear. So the fact that the tweet was raised was not something that mr. Tillerson was willing to bite on. Janice mackey frayer, thanks very much for that report live from beijing. Meals on wheels is just one of the programs facing cuts. What that really means for those in need. Just like the people who own them, every business is different. But every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. Whether it be help starting your business, vendor contracts or employment agreements. Legalzooms network of attorneys can help you every step of the way so you can focus on what you do. Well handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. President trump is spending another weekend at his 234flori home. Hes facing mounting scrutiny over his meeting with Angela Merkel. Kelly odonnell is in West Palm Beach not too far from maralago. Between the awkward body language and the comment about wiretapping, is there a sense for what all this means for the future of this relationship . Reporter well, its one of the most important relationships between the u. S. And europe because Angela Merkel has been the chancellor for so long and is seen by many as one of the strongest figures on the global stage. So this did not appear to be the easiest start, although there were a few lighter moments. It was notable how their interactions were nothing like what we saw when the president has met other world leaders. So there is work to be done there. We are in florida here today. The president is at his maralago home. The Vice President will spend part of the day in jacksonville. He will be talking to Business Leaders working on the obamacare overhaul. And when we saw the International Press conference, it shinled a light on this relationship. And its there that the president stuck with his surveillance claims. As you know, they were first made on twitter a couple weeks ago and the president was asked by a german reporter if he ever regrets his tweets. The president said very seldom. Air force one back at palm beach airport. The fifth weekend spent here since President Trump took office. Joined by first lady melania, her parents and baron truron 2r w trump who turns 11 monday. Icy body language was evident friday as the president met with Angela Merkel. Tension continued at a joint press conference where merkel delivered a subtle dig. There are in the period leading up to this, its much, much better to talk one another and not about one be another. Reporter questioned about the president s wiretapping allegations, his disputed claim that barack obama had surveillance on trump tower, and that British Intelligence helped. Mr. Trump deflected and blamed a media source. Hat was a statement made by very talented lawyer on fox. Anso you shouldnt be talking to me, you should be talking to fox. Reporter fox news then distanced itself. Fox news knows of no evidence of any kind that the now president of the United States was surveilled at anytime in any way, full stop. Reporter a rare public scolding from the British Intelligence service that called the allegations nonsense. White House Press Secretary sean spicer offering no apology telling reporters i dont think we regret anything. President trump dredged up awkward diplomatic history that the Obama Administration had listened in on merkels phone calls. The president tried humor. At least we have something in common perhaps. Reporter from foreign to domestic double takes, with the Gop Health Care bill in trouble, the president met with House Republicans and claimed the Obamacare Repeal is on track. Its all coming together. Reporter turning to the president s personal security, in this brooklyn neighborhood, a secret Service Agents encrypted laptop which included trump tower floor plans was stolen from a parked car. And at the white house, Law Enforcement now says last weeks fence jumping intruder spent nearly 20 minutes roaming the grounds before skreet secret se responded. The length of time that this intruder was able to be on the white house, hiding behind a pillar and going up to the door, that scares reporter and while the president s Top Republican allies and democrats on capitol hill say that they dont see any evidence that there was anything to back up the president s claim, they had requested information from the department of justice that has now been sent over and so far with that additional background information, government sources say there is still no proof, no evidence to back up the president s claims. Kelly, gralt to hkelly, grea here. In france, the airport remains evacuated after police shot the and killed a man who tried to grab a soldiers weapon. Kyrgios seir simmons joining me paris. What happened there today . Reporter dramatic day here. Again, two incidents being investigated, potentially terrorism related according to a french judicial source speaking to nbc news. One of them, i think you can see live pictures now of the airport still evacuated. Thousands of passengers removed from that terminal after a man grabbed a gun from a soldier. There were then unconfirmed reports of a hostage taking. Finally that man was shot dead. There are reports including from the Reuters News Agency that this man was on a terror watch list, that he was known to French Police and intelligence agencies. Another incident north of paris where a Police Officer was shot and injured while he was carrying out roadside checks. Nbc news told by a french judicial source that this is the same man in both sdifrnt incide they appear to be connected. We are here because the british royals william and kate are going to be are in paris. So for them, a somewhat frightening moment this morning, but were told by royal officials that their itinerary continues despite the shooting incidents. And are the officials characterizing this attack in any way yet . You said that theyre not sure if its terrorist related or not. Do you have anymore information on that . Reporter my understanding from a french judicial source is that this is being investigated in relation to terrorism and those reports that this man was on a watch list do suggest that there is some relationship. Of course with these kinds of incidents, you dont know whether its organized, whether its what they call a lone wolf, someone inspired. We dont know what kind of organization. There is an awful lot that we dont know because these are early hours. Effectively its just handleppe. Certainly causing panic there. Thank you, kyrgios assieir simm from paris. Coming up, well talk about whether the gop can recover from the way the repeal and replace has been rolled out. On on but they say. If you love something set it free. See you around, giulia and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. 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Turning now to jacksonville, florida, where Vice President pence is set to pitch the Gop Health Care plan. What do you expect to see today . Reporter soeems like were having audio reporter so dara, good morning. Vice president mike pence will be here in Jacksonville Florida at this paper supply company. He will be speaking to a small group of Business Leaders, job creators in this community. Can you hear me okay . It seems like were having an audio issue. I can hear you fine. But well come back and try to revisit it. Were having an audio problem here. Thank you. Meanwhile, on to capitol hill where lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are airing their concerns about President Trumps proposed budget which slashes fundinging for environmental and agricultural programs while upping defense spending. This budget is not a statement of values of anyone that President Trump has shown that he does not value the future of our children and working families. I cant see how this unlg about either can survive the light of day. Lets bring in jared bernstein. Great to to have you here this morning. So dyou agree with congresswoman pelosi, can this budget be implemented as is . I agree with her, i dont think it can be. Not just because of course its not going to get any democrat support. You can pass a budget on something called a budget resolution where you only need republicans in the senate. You can avoid the filibuster. But you have too many rps say g republicans saying that the budget cuts too deeply into key functions of the budget. Ive enheard military officials on the republican side, general mattis says something to the effect of if youre going to cut diplomacy this deeply, you need to buy more bullets. And that is not a smart way forward. And youre a numbers man. What were you surprised about most in this budget and which almosts could be t elements could have the most impact on peoples day for day lives . There are so many important numbers. One is the number 70 . That is the number that is the share of spending that is nowhere to be seen in this budget. This budget covers 30 of annual intendin in spending, onlgt budget that is appropriated every year. People call it a skinny budget. So we dont have the information we need to judge revenues, to judge deficits. So thats one. Another number is just the extent of cuts in the part of the budget that is discretionary, that means that they have to appropriate funds every year that is not defense. So all the stuff that weve been talking about, the Heating Program for elderly, the meals on wheels, the job training, the legal aid, the school assistance, the stuff that really means something to people on the ground. And now were starting to learn as newspapers go out and talk to those on the ground, they dont like what theyre hearing. The big winner in the trump budget is defense which gets a 10 budget bump. What would that money go to and does defense need it . About. You know, you used the word exactly. You wont get exactly out of this budget. Its just top linenumbers. The important question that even democrats are failing to ask enough is does defense really need a 54 billion plus up. Now, that takes our Defense Budget to over 600 billion a year. That is more defense spending than the next seven countries combined who spend as much as if you rank folks by their dwensd defense spending. And russia spends 50 billion a year on defense. So what russia spends a year is less than the requested plus up in this budget. Now, im not saying that the Defense Department doesnt need to be well funded. Of course it does. But we need much more scrutiny as to whether these numbers make sense in that regard. And those are big numbers. One aspect ever the bunof the b meals on wheels. Here what Mick Mulvaney said. We cant spend money on programs just because they sound good. Meals on wheels sounds great. Again, that is a state decision to fund that particular portion. So to take the federal money and give it to the states for programs that dont work, i cant defend that anymore. A number of republicans are suggesting that this cut is not going to happen. What do you think . I dont think its going to happen, but i really hope it doesnt happen because Mick Mulvaney i just got to say, he just does not know what hes talking about. There has been consider event Peer Reviewed research on this program meals on wheels. All of a sudden the Trump Administration is interested in evidence. That is kind ever a joke there in and of itself. But they are 23450e9 doing their home work. There is again study after study that shows that meals on wheels not only its a simple program. It provides meals to low income elder typically folks who are shut in, of course it provides them nutrition, it provides them some socialization and its been zone to help keep people out of a more expensive nursing home kind of situation. So its just alternative facts hooer are ki here are ruling the roost and thats not the way forward. And what about the argument that most of these programs that hes talking about arent funded by the federal budget . Well, in fact if theyre not funded by the federal budget, then what are they doing theyre set up for cuts in the federal budget . So that doesnt make sense. Anything that is not funded by the federal budget isnt a budget line therein, so it cant be cut, did cant be plussed up. So that sounds nonsensical. What they are saying is we want to take it out of the federal budget and hand it over to states. This is an old republican play and of course it doesnt really change the nations expenditu s expenditures, just says to the states you go ahead and do it and if the states want to keep the program going, they have to raise the revenues themselves. Otherwise they have to cut services. And putting a lot more pressure on governors. But the bottom line, could this budget actually reduce the National Debt which is another thing that the president has repeatedly vowed to do . The answer to that is a firm no even by their own numbers. What they have said is that budget is going to be revenue neutral which means it wont change the deficit or the debt. Jared bernstein, great to have you this morning. Thanks so much. Well, the two blows this week to the president s latest travel ban, what it means for the future of the executive order. Well check in with the a xrchlt lu in our next hour. But first, the tough sell for republicans at their town halls from health care to the new budget. 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Health care a big topic at town haums this week especially after the congress on al Budget Office released a report estimating 24 Million People would have fewer Health Insurance in about 2026. The sticking points about the bill remain, conservatives think it doesnt go far enough, moderates think it go too far andists say it wont pass. Joining me now, joe watkins, zerlena maxwell. Great to have you this morning. Joe, lets start with you. You just heard joni ernst getting shouted out and booed over this Health Care Reform plan and she told the crowd she cant support the new plan until she sees the final draft. Is this repeal and replace already a political liability for republicans . Well, i worked for a u. S. Senator once. I know how hard those town Hall Meetings can be. At the end of the day, all politics are local and people care about bills, may be republicans or democrats, but if a bill will hurt them, they will make a lot of noise about it. And so i wasnt surprised that that meeting was as nsy as it was. There is a lot of work that needs to be done on the Health Care Bill. You just cant talk in generalities about it when people know that they may potentially be out of health care over the next couple years. If youre going to cut 880 billion out of medicaid, that means working poor people and people who are drug addicted and other folks will be left out in the cold and they will have something to say about that. So i think at the end of the day there is a lot of work that needs to be done to make this Health Care Bill something that will work for a lot of americans. And republicans have to be concerned especially those up for reelection and for every member of congress in the midterms, fwher be concerned about what the bill looks like. And rick, can republicans recover from the way the repeal and replace bill has been rolled out . Is it a big political nightmare as it seems on the surface . It will be difficult. Look, when you have large scale Public Policy changes, you really have to get the country on board and the country was on board with repealing obamacare because they didnt like it. Not everybody. Look, a lot of people benefited from obamacare and the reason its so controversial is because half the country likes it and haft count half the country doesnt. I assume people paying more dont like it because they like the better coverage that the had. And of course the others like what is affordable and now the big fight is who will pay for. But republicans have not explained inny clear way what their new plan does and they havent provided assurances or at least many people dont believe that they will get better coverage. So they havent laid the communication strategy out to get a political win out of this. So it will clearly change, but it seems difficult to me that the bill that right now it will pass the senate much less the house. And zerlena, many House Republicans decided to say no to the bill after hearing the cbo score this week. What is worse for republicans, the bill comes to the floor and it dies or they have to yank it before it even gets to the floor and do a complete overhaul . I think both would be a disaster for republicans. And its interesting that after seven years of bashing obamacare this is the plan that they finally came up with. I think im skeptical when i hear President Trump, the man who told us trump university, where he was sued for fraud and had to pay 25 million, is saying youll love my plan. I think that when you look at the details of this plan, this hurts the very people that voted for President Trump. The people that are the most vulnerable. And i think that people are going to be very upset and weve already seen that in the town halls with republicans taking away something that they have been benefiting from even if theyre not fully understanding that it was obamacare. Because in many of the states, its call something else. Kentucky connect or some other name for the particular exchange. And so a lot of times people are going to the doctor and benefiting from Health Insurance they have never had before and theyre not even connecting that its obamacare. But they will know that republicans took that away from them. Rick, is it fair to say that it is helping the rich get richer again and hurting the seniors who may need health care the most . Is there any defense to that criticism . Well, i dont think saying that when you give someone a tax cut that somehow youre giving them money. Ite its their money to begin with. Again, its aboutho pays for it. Some people think the rich should pay and other people think the free market would work better. Ill one of thoof those. But i do think something once its been offered to pull it away and it does seem to affect people trump voters do seem to be the ones that would be most hurt. And in particular, if the republicans put a stop to Medicaid Expansion, which i could be for, but again, it hasnt been explained. People dont understand that this somehow is not going to be will evertheyre not as sured that some is going to be a better plan. And what youre hearing out of the cbo is that people will actually be paying more, not less. And that has been a big problem. And it seems to be the seniors, as well. So zerlena, some have suggested that the democrat shoes come up with a plan for political appearances. Do you think that is a good suggestion or best to just let the republicans wrangle amongst themselves . Thats a good question. Democrats already have proposed many fix to the current obamacare plan. It wasnt necessarily supposed to be the be all end all in the same way that medicare was improved upon and Social Security was improved upon after being initially implemented. And i think that its ironic now that were in this particular moment where republicans are scrambling because the Heritage Foundation plan is essentially the plan that weve enacted here which we call obamacare with the individual mandate included. And so the republicans now they are left with their hands empty and not much to offer people who really, really were struggling and need help. Health insurance is something that is a fundamental right i believe and something that is not a privilege. I think that if youre born poor, that doesnt mean you should not have access to health care that you can afford. And certainly we can come up with better ways to spread the cost of that among american citizens. I for one am perfectly okay with paying toake sure th costs are down and that other people are able to get health care. And joe, weigh in here. What are the chances that republicans can get this right in the end . Do you think the gop will regret its repeal and replace man from a mantra in the Midterm Election . It was certainly a great mantra to get the results that they got in 2the 2016 general election. But going forward, i think republicans are best served if they work with democrats to craft something that works for more people than currently. It would be great if people can have port ability, thats what we wanted last time before obamacare came in, if you could take the plan that you had and move it over, people like it when there is less regulation especially Small Business owners and they arent penalized. Personal owners of Health Care Like it when theyre not personalized if they dont want the insurance. And then youve got to make sure if youre going to be a great nation that you take care of people who cant take care of themselves and thats where having some kind of a replacement if you will slow down Medicaid Expansion or cut medicaid, you have to have some way to take care of people who are the working poor and who cant take care of themselves. So republicans should work with democrats. Talk to democrats forgto get it done. Hold on because there are a number of headlines that i want to ask you about and what they could mean for both republicans in 2018. Coming up next. Life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. Learn more about better breathing at mybreo. Com. [bullfighting music] [burke] billygoat ruffians. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum bounty is more absorbent,mom per roll so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty, the quicker picker upper more reaction to President Trumps white house budget. The big loser, labor, agriculture, state department, and Environmental Protection agency. Heres part of nbcs Peter Alexanders report from nbc nightly news. Reporter the National Institutes of Health Budget trimmed by nearly 6 million. Dr. Clark says that would devastate his Breast Cancer research. If you have 1 in 8 women getting Breast Cancer in their lifetime, you can imagine how many people are affected, families an communities. Reporter critics say lowincome americans would be the hard etc. Hit with sweeping cuts to Affordable Housing and job training programs. Eliminating federal aid to a grant that helps this texas meals on Wheels Program feed 3,000 seen kror niors every day. Back with me, joe, will this budget survive . It needs work, of course. There are things in the budget that contradict what some of his cabinet members have been pushing for. Its preliminary. I think you can have a strong nationalefense and feed kids. I think that its just going to need work and this is just the first draft. The first draft. Rick, weve seen a number of headlines this week. Voters wont ignore the cbo score. Trumps budget cripples the epas ability to keep Drinking Water safe. And chicagos Group Concern confused over meals on wheels budget cut talk. A lot of these are bad headlines for republicans. What are the repercussions for 2018 . Look, some of them are bad headlines but as i said, when you have largescale Public Policy changes, Margaret Thatcher would say you have to win the argument, then you win the vote. The country has to understand what is the vision of the president. He does have some capital to say that washington you know, he talked about draining the swamp, that these federal bureaucracies dont work. I dont think hes communicated that well enough to the country. The budge is dead on arrival. This budget has no chance of passing in its current form. Theyre not going to make huge cuts from epa or state Department Even though frankly i wish they would. What i wish they wouldnt cut is nih, which work on things like alzheimers, which is a multitrilliondollar program, and diabetes, which is a trilliondollar problem. If we can solve those kinds of problems, not only can we end human suffering, it has huge impacts on budget tss. These headlines come at a cost. Theyre taking a huge pr hit. The cost for republicans is that when you are facing headline where is its clear that your agenda is going to hurt the people who voted for you, thats a really tough moment for you as an elected official. Weve seen that in town halls. People are telling elected officials and republicans at town halls they are not supportive of this agenda. For democrats i think its an opportunity to draw a stark contrast between whats being offered by republicans and what democrats stand for. Democrats believe that more people should have access to Affordable Health care, more people should have access to programs that help lift us all up, including the most vulnerable, kids, the working poor, and the elderly. Those are the most Vulnerable People among us, and i think that searchly if were talking about republicans who always are saying theyre the party of family values and evangelical christians support republicans, certainly we can live by matthew 25 and support children who are hungry and need breakfast at school so that they can learn and elderly people need food so they can have social interaction and be fed and nourished. Those are fundamental values and i think that democrats can promulgate that message cheerily. A lot of things to work out. Great to have you. Thanks for joining me this morning. Thank you. Thatll do it for me. 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