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Good evening, im ari melber, continuing our special coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. Lets begin as we have been with the facts. There are now over 80,000 u. S. Cases here, more than 1,100 people have died. Hospitals in new york city, which is now the formal center of the pandemic in the United States facing a surge of new cases in reports of many dire circumstances. A doctor at emhurts hospital in queens saying the rush there is downright apocalyptic. 13 people dying in a single day there. A hospital in manhattan, mt. Sinai west, had medical workers resorting to using trash bags to protect themselves an serve all those people affect. Ed because of the lack of basic agreement. You see the photographs. Meanwhile, Governor Andrew Cuomo was asked about those reports. He says the supply of equipment may be enough for now. Weve called the individual hospitals. There is no doubt that in the past few days, you know, theres maybe the distribution is a little start and stop. But we have enough ppe and the new york city Officials Say they have enough ppe for the new york city hospitals. There are now over 37,000 cases there in new york state. 385 fatalities. The governor saying the number of people hospitalized jumped, get this from yesterday, jumped by 40 . Meanwhile, we just heard dr. Debra birx say there should be no concern still about hospital space or ventilators. This was at the white house briefing. There is no situation in the occupation right now that warrants that kind of discussion. You can be thinking about it in a hospital, certainly many hospitals talk about this on a daily basis. But to say that to the American People torque make the implication that when they need a hospital bed, its not going to be there or they need that ventilator, its not financial to be there. We dont have evidence of that right now. Meanwhile, today, we saw the first real measure of how devastating the virus is for the economy. We were just discussing this heading into tonights show. The Labor Department reporting 3. 3 million americans have now applied for unemployment benefits, last week alone for comparison the week before, it was just 282,000, today, president trump, meanwhile, warning all 50 governors, his administration will work on new guidelines for maintaining or relaxing social distancing in some places. Then there is dr. Fauci saying today he hopes to have a vaccine available at least in time for next theres a couple of handfuls of vaccines at different stages of development. We hope there arent a lot of people getting infected. But there is likely there is somewhere in the world whats going on. Its likely we will get what is called an efficacy signal. We will figure out whether or not it works. If, in fact, it does, we hope to rush it to have some impact on recycling in the next season. And like i said, that could be a year to a yearandahalf. The doctors speaking at the white house. For more reporting, we have a White House Reporter for the Associated Press and viralologist and ep domologist dr. Joseph fehr. Doctor, your explanation of dr. Fauchl explaining you have to be careful with any time line. Which doctor . You are our doctor in this segment. Just you. Vaccines are not simple to come up with. This is using absolutely state of the art technology. This is a rush for a vaccine. Vaccines by reference take anywhere from five to 20 years to put into place. Thats including safety trials. So this is using the latest in Molecular Technology and modern technologies, putting the vaccines together really quickly. They still have to go through human trials, because there could be adverse effects that could lead to negative outcomes, there are several candidates out there, one for sars, which is being reworked now for cars covid2, the virus responsible for covid19 so promising candidates there. On the convalesce ent serum, they recovered and developed antibody, they actually neutralize the virus. We can transfer those into patients, acutely ill. That has been fast tracked by the fda. So there is promising news on both fronts but we will be a while away from the vaccine. Doctor, listen to the president saying people could return to work in various ways, something many medical experts cautioned against. Take a listen. Our people want to work. They want to go back. They have to go back. We have to go back. This is the United States of america. They dont want to sit around and wait. Theyre going to be practicing as much as you can social distancing and washing your hands and not shaking hands and all of the things that we talked about so much. But they have to go back to work. Our country has to go back. Our country is based on that. And i think its going to happen pretty quickly. I think its going to happen pretty quickly. A lot of progress is made. But we got to go back to work. Doc, for the argument there seems to be apply these precautions while ignoring the main one, which is to stay home if you can. Your response. As a Public Health official and politics completely aside, i think that would be absolutely devastating and make this mob far more worse than it is right now. I completely get the need to go back to work. I worked as a waiter all through college, every night i needed those tips. Every night they made me count my rent or groceries. I get that need. If, say, this is purely a hypothetical, im making up states here, if new york shuts down two weeks and new jersey chooses a separate two weeks to shut down. Those cases from new jersey can come back or it all start over again. So until we do this nationally, then we will not be able to extinguish this. This is akin to another natural disaster, it would be a forest fire, you clear cut around the forest fire to contain it. So we have to do it because the worst fire spread throughout the nation. Its less in some parts. But we have it in all 50 states. I would also say this. Go ahead. No, you please. I would say its up to the individual governors of these states of when they lift their mandates. What we have from the federal government thus far are guidelines guidelines are not laws. Soliciting guidelines or leaveing in place guidelines means absolutely nothing to the governors of each state. I would urge the governors that have the state at home, shelter in place and staythat at home orders, shelter in place. I urge you to do it. Even if you are not seeing it bad now, you are going to see it get worse. Understood. Jill, what the doctor is saying here is basically the best thing medically is to try to ignore the president. That would help people stay focused. Thats not great news to the United States, whether you like the president or not. But day after day, hes going out saying these things. The point about these precautions not being laws is quite vital. Because, jill, and i look to your reporting of how the white house deals with this, but a lot of folks around the country are looking at the risk. Theyre looking at a death toll and they may soon need to choose between ignoring their president and doing what is, according to experts, the safest thing. Exactly. We will also see a situation where you have governors, mayors, who potentially then will have to conflict with the federal suggestions here in what they should be doing. The problem is, that this country just like the doctor was saying, there are no borders between states. People travel freely between states and i am told is that the White House Task force, the doctors will be delivering the president a series of options over the next weekend. We expect the president to make recommendations early next week ago to the country. Today the white house send p sent out letters saying they were considering this idea of classifying counties as either low risk, medium risk or high risk. I spoke to a high level official at the white house before coming on today. They said the plan is not expected to include telling high risk people that live in high risk states or counties, telling them not the leave. Theyre not expecting any suggested restrictions on low rent states saying you shouldnt expect people. How do you prevent those spreading across counties, states that dont have a lot of cases from becoming the next new york, especially when we are at a point in testing in this country. Exact especially. When people have symptoms. Even people that want to be tested have not been tested. We have no idea what the rates are in so many of these places, even though dr. Birx today talked about how they are working to gather information. As you said, other parts of the country doesnt want to become the next new york and the United States doesnt want to become china. We are second only to china. There are other countries that have been dealt tough hands but have used measures and their Healthcare Systems to try to combat this. Some doing better than the United States. I want to thank jill for the reporting and dr. Fair here for all of your analysis and expertise. I want to tell viewers Something Else. You know today Governor Cuomo was stressing the need for more ventilators to address there ongoing crisis. Were still shopping for ventilators all across the country. We need more. We have approved a technology that allows one vent lator to serve two patients, what they call splitting, which is where you add a second set of tubes to a vent laptor to do ventilator to do two patients. Its not ideal. But we believe its workable. We are joined by the director of Global Health at new york presbyterian at Colombia University medical center. Thank you for joining us. Your view of these ongoing shortages, both the facts, which we saw were disputed to some degree by the Coronavirus Task force today and what the United States should do about it. Yeah. Thanks for having me on. Look, im not a politician. Im a physician. What i am noticing is there a s a disconnect me and my colleagues are seeing in the emergency dents in new york city. The most Important Message is that the virus cannot infect you if you the virus does not find you. So this idea of us going back to normal life, filming churches, going back to work in a couple weeks, to me also would be a disaster given that everyone is talking about not wanting to be the next new york. In new york, were still seeing a huge upswing in the number of cases. We havent crested, we havent peaked. Were not on thedowndown swing, we need to listen to doctors and politicians we need to lead, give us the ventilators i need and because the harsh reality is that even if the streets look calm, the situation inside of our hospitals here in new york city is dire. Right. Doctor, since we came on the air tonight, we have now, United States surpassed china as the country with the highest number of virus cases world wide. How did that happen . The unfortunate reality is it happened because we reactively are responding to a crisis many of us knew was coming. Ive written articles before, a bunch of other Public Health Officials Saying a pandemic is coming. The United States has torn apart the pandemic architecture over the past couple years. We have drastically underfunded the cdc. We have underfunded our local health departments. We have cut funding to the world health organization, crippling its ability to respond around the world. Its important to remember we are so connected today, a virus in china that emerges in november and december can be here and sweep around the world within a couple weeks and months. Theyre not connected. We need to think how we responded globally. Does that mean, sir, that what you are saying, to put a fine point on it is, this was not inevitable, this is a consequence of both how its spread, which may be somewhat unpredictable but also a consequence of policy choices if they had been made better in the United States wouldnt have this sad distinction tonight for the first time of being the most viruses in the world . You point out two really important things. The first one this virus is for lack of a better word perfect. It spreads so well. It doesnt kill a relatively high number of people it infects. But it infects so many. It passes before people have a lot of symptoms. This is a virus that will cause a pandemic. The first part is this virus is perfect for what its going to do. The second is we werent prepared, we werent prepared, so we are reactively responded to a crisis we could have prepared for at a fraction of the cost that would have protected not just us here in the United States but every person on the face of this earth. Dr. Spencer, you get the last word at the top of the hour. I appreciate your exper fees and your service. After the break, we have new reporting the white house ignored the key pandemic blueprint that was prepared by its own National Security council, holding the white house accountable. Later, something we are excited about that involves Michelle Obama and this d. J at Club Quarantine is helping people get registered to vote during time of isolation. Well explain later this hour. Tv sports announcer five seconds left. Oh ho yeah, thats my man there. Tv sports announcer time out. Lets go to a commercial. Nooooooo not another commercial when you bundle your home, auto and Life Insurance with allstate you could save 25 . 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Get more flexible data, the most reliable network, and more savings. Plus, get 300 off when you buy a new Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra. Thats simple. Easy. Awesome. Call, click or visit a store today. We never had an economy like we had just a few weeks ago, then it got hit with something that nobody could have ever thought possible. This came out of nowhere. Nobody could imagine this even happened. Nobody could have ever seen Something Like this coming, but now we know. Nobody ever thought a thing like this could happen. We were talking about millions of masks and you are talking about all of the things you are talking about. President trump often claiming that nobody could have seen this outbreak coming. But thats not true. In fact, there is a wealth of both scientific and investigative documentation of how this was coming and how the white house has also ignored the warning signs. Politico warning the white house had a playbook how to handle the pandemic. Finished in 2016 provided a stepbystep list of priorities which were then quote ignored by the Trump Administration. The story notes trumps own staff lacked behind the time line laid out, for instance, the government could have pro cured personal protective equipment two months ago, ignoring warnings out of china, reporting u. S. Intelligence agencies issued ominous warnings as far back as january, trump pub rickly and privately played it down, according to health officials, the messaging minimized the disease, fueling a lackluster response the chances are too slow to spread. From the House Intelligence Committee a National Correspondent at split core betsy, given all the reporting, what you found and what you think the implications are. Reporter this is excellent reporting from my colleagues. And i think one of the most important highlights as you mentioned is what they found about this initial nsc plan regarding the fact that if a pandemic have you can, the need for that protective equipment. So were talking masks, gowns, gloves, not all of this is particularly technologically sophisticated. The need for that protective equipment would have the professional to skyrocket. On top of that, this is equipment thats needed not just in the healthcare sector but for any number of deposit employees who have to interact with the public to keep it safe. I chatted with a official who chatted with tsa officers. He says one of their concerns is because they go through protective equipment every day, including gloves, surgical facial masks, theyre worried down the road those officers could be facing shortages as well, the fact that nsc officials had predicted this problem would come but the white house wasnt ready to field it is something that historically will appear to be one of the dark, one of the many dark moments of this episode. Congressman, as i mentioned before the break, we come on the air tonight for the first time, reporting the u. S. Leads the world in these virus cases, yet, it had more of an advance warning than some countries, because we are by definition not the origin state. Do you view that as a statement about the spread of the virus or the Trump Administrations response . Look, i think you have done a great job on this network and its been documented extensively how ill prepared this administration was. Not just ill prepared, meaning they had to do things when the crisis broke. They were ill pre baird e paired because of ill prepared because of their own arrogance, think about the unsinkable titanic. Think about the arrogance that led people to ignore warnings and steam ahead blindly, despite the dangers. Thats what it means when you disband the Pandemic Response office, when you tear up a plan someone else carefully prepared. Its the arrogance that will cost us lives. What do you say to defenders of the president who argue that if the criticism is that this was not being taken seriously, the public was not being warned, the information was largely open source available. They say well, its not as if, you know, joe biden was out there warning everyone or banging the drum on this in january. Look. We went through this during the ebola crisis. No one is different. No one is blaming the administration for a pandemic. But as the fact had they taken the Early Warning seriously, had the president not happy talking it, had they been in action, we would not be in new york scrambling in a life and death situation to get ventilators to keep people alive. A further question, let me sharpen the question and let you respond, you are saying a true response how bad it is. But i want to give you the benefit of the opportunity to address a comparative question, which is the president s defenders argue not necessarily that its perfect, but that if you date back to january or february, the potential likely democratic nominee for example joe biden was not using his platform. He was not out there warning everyone about this virus very much. What do you say to that specific argument or defense . What i say i would say respectfully, i would not be using my air time to care about that right now. Because in new york, people will die if we dont get the right supplies. The right question is not someone not president was doing. Someone engaged in a primary campaign and not the president of the United States was doing. The right question is what did the president do that is still in the way or not do and is still preventing in new york, having enough ventilators, having enough hospital capacity. Thats the point. Right now is not the time to be engageing in this what about nonsense. Thats all due respect some republican talking point. The other people can kick that around. In my state, people are going to die if they dont get the right equipment. I put my focus there. Please. Betsy, i give you a chance to respond to what the congressman said and also reading some more from this reporting, Foreign Policy magazine, reporting the Trump Administrations catastrophe plagued strategic surprise, basically subjected this to quote the American People, unlike other strategic surprises, they name pearl harbor, 9 11, the currents one was brought about by unprecedented difference and even willful negligence, betsy. The issue of indifference is a really interesting and important one. The heb Grocery Store chain in texas saw this coming. Texas monthly i believe is the publication that has a big piece out about the fact that these Grocery Store managers realized they were going to get potentially hit by a pandemic in january. They worked with their colleagues and suppliers in china and italy to start gaming out what changes they would need in order to keep their stores shell everybo everybody. Shell eveshelved. You dont have to have super spook intelligence. You didnt have to have it in january to recognize and prepare for the possibility that we could face a really catastrophic moment. Another piece thats important when we talk about the white house response, which has been highlighted but i think sometimes people, it gets lost in the alphabet soup. Is the fact that the National Security council under the Trump Administration disbounded, disbanded its leg tore rat that handled pandemic preparedness, the reason thats important, the u. S. Government is big. Pick a topic you can find an expert in the u. S. Government. Unless you have a hub for all the spokes of that wheel, though, those experts are all going to be blinded a little bit and it will be harder for them to do the jobs they need to do. I appreciate you taking the questions and your vigorous response, as your Community Like so many is battling this. Thanks, to both of you. We will go to break and then i will do something different. I will be joined by dj d. Nice he is encouraging social zangs, then Michelle Obama got involved. Well explain when we return. Thats why lincoln offers complimentary pickup and delivery servicing. Well pick up your vehicle and leave you with a lincoln loaner and the peace of mind that helps you focus on what matters most. Thats the power of sanctuary. And for a little extra help, you can now purchase a new lincoln remotely, and defer payment for up to 120 days. Are your asthma treatments just not enough . Then see what could open up for you with fasenra. It is not a steroid or inhaler. It is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Its an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. Fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils, a key cause of asthma. It helps to prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and can reduce the need for oral steroids like prednisone. 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Which is why when it comes to his dentures only new poligrip cushion and comfort will do. The first and only formula with adaptagrip cushioning technology. Choose new poligrip cushion and comfort. Welcome back to our special coverage. Now we turn to something a little uplifting. Surely we can feel how this pandemic is shaping the way we live. Once packed destinations from times square to the french quart rer empty, bar ren, people who used to gather there sheltering at home. While medical experts note it is obviously stressful, in fact, they formally recommend we seek out fun and connection. Cdc suggests social distancing and you curb stress by doing things you enjoy. Which happens to bring us to this much nicer happy story alongside the pandemic we are living through. Its one you may have heard about. Its hugely popular, virtual parties hosted online by d nice. He has been Live Streaming his dj sets that you see right there from his kitchen. It took off. Bringing in hundreds of thousands of people together in one virtual room. Millions over several days, what started out organically ballooned and went viral. Fans call it Club Quarantine. It beat out a lot of bad news to trend one point number one across the United States on social media, including virtual visits from will smith to j. Lo to joe biden to oprah, calling out different people as they pop up within his virtual music room, including the rapper mc lite. We are performing together tonight notes notes notes the Biggest Party in the world. [ music playing ] the Biggest Party in the world whats up, everybody. The Biggest Party in the world, that Virtual Party has been fostering fun and connection for days now. Its helped a lot of people pass the time while they followed social distancing isolation at home. Thats not all. D. Nice performed at the inaugural ball back in the dade and teamed up with Michelle Obama last night for a Virtual Event teeing off all of this and promoting new voter registration. It all shows there aint no party like a Conscious Party because a Conscious Party makes his good people and good music and work towards social justice. So its my honor to be joined by the dj live from Club Quarantine, derek jones for his first cable news interview about the way he started st whats up, man . Im fantastic. How are you . Im great. I really appreciate you doing this. I go es the first question has to be, do you take requests . Never. I dont take requests. No real dj takes requests. But my first serious question, really, is this took off. How did it get started . It started here like literally in my quote living room kitchen on the island here and i was home alone and just decided. There are a lot of people that are home and wishing they could be out and i just decided a little party. Initially i thought it was going to be some of my friends that follow me. So it started out with 200, literally one week ago today. 200 people in my ig live chat to where saturday we had like 100,000 and then sunday we had 165,000 people listening to me, its amazing. Yeah, people were coming in, feeling this uplift. I mentioned some of the names. What did you think and feel when you saw everyone from diddy to joe biden to Kamela Harris in your party . So, with the feeling for me was, im used to djing events like this ive worked with diddy and kamela and obviously ive worked with joe biden. The feeling was great, because they were in their world, usually im in their world. Coming back to my world and having them in my space where i can play, whatever it was that i wanted to, it was a great feeling. It was a great feeling. Yeah. So some people may know swiss beats, he was married to alicia keys. He was shouting you out. Lets look at that. Today was crazy, man, looking at d. Nice with 100,000 people. He filled up a stadium. Today was very, very honorable and it made me feel good. I know its a hard time. We making real good times out of these hard times. Because thats what we do. What lessons do you draw from this . And the outpouring . Honestly one of the biggest lessons i have learned is that, i feel like we hit reset on life. You know, i know its a hard time you know but now we are starting to see whats really important to us. You know, like family, friends and community and that was a part of the experience that i had. It was all of these people that lifted me up. I mean, just imagine being in. I was feeling alone at home and i felt so connected to people through music, through playing music on the gear here in my living room. It was like this Virtual World i was into. And people came together and we were together screaming when we crossed like 100,000 people, everyone was screaming. You could see people posting drinks and toasting it up. It was just beautiful, man. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. Because when we talk about this, you nope, sometimes the world we live in, technology, we talk about how it separates us. Right now we have to be separated to be healthy and protect each other. So what you have there was this unity and people coming together. A lot of our audience, of course, knows, first lady Michelle Obama. Who is enormously popular, selling her book, ill show what it looked like when she popped up. This is up on our screen. Michelle dropping, ill read it off. The fire emoji and the dancing emoji. And then you guys last night teamed up to ride this wave for voter registration. Can you tell us what kind of response you got for that . Man, that was incredible. Like we started out, the goal was set for us to just register 50,000 enough voters. And by the end of the threehour set, we had registered 407,000 new voters. So it was just, i mean out of this bad time, we turn, we are making great progress and doing fantastic things. That happened to be one of them. So you had all those hundreds of thousands of people responding to get more active to get engaged to vote because they started out in the club, are you saying . Absolutely. Its a virtual club. It started out in a virtual club we called it a party with purpose. You know, it was, we called it a couch party. But my friends and the people in there, it felt good to party with a purpose. The purpose was to get out and get new, register new voters. We did very well. Party with a purpose is a perfect way to put it. I think a lot of people coming around inspired by what you are doing. As you said, it was so organic. It came from the heart. I think i helped, a lot of us can learn something from you as we go through potentially tough times for a while. Thank you for coming through. I appreciate you. You know were big fans, man, its good to see you, brother. Good to see you, thank you, sir. I will fit in a commercial break here. Ahead we have scientists who will break down the key medical answers to your questions when we come back. The first word to any adventure. But when allergies and congestion strike, take allegrad. A nondrowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. So you can always say yes to putting your true colors on display. Say yes to allegrad. But maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. To putting your true colors on display. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. As have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. Tell your doctor if youve been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if youve had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. Welcome back. It has been just over two month as the very first case the coronavirus hit home here in the United States. We have been learning a lot more since then. We want to get to specialists answering the questions developing. Dr. Joseph fair back with us and a director of the harvard Global Health institute. Lets get to it. Doctor, what are we learning about the fatality rate of the virus and who is most susceptible . Yes. We dont know the exact mortality rate. We dont know how many die. Our best guess is its about 1 , 1 out of 100 get infected. We have seen much higher numbers in italy. Our numbers are lower right now in the u. S. Were still early. We have a lot of sick people, worried a lot may end up dying. Im still going with 1, 1. 5 is probably our best guest. Could be lower, a little higher. Dr. Fair, how does the coronavirus differ from this comparison we often hear from the flu . The case mortality rates are taken by knowing how many people are positive and how many people die after their positive. Right now without the testing, we cant give an accurate face mortality rate. It compares with the flu, its much more deadly as the flu, its as contagious as the flu. We see a lot more flu cases, keep in mind, were three months into this, we may see flu numbers. We are likely going to see the seasonal dip in the summer. We will definitely see this coming back in the fall as dr. Fauci predicted. Let me turn back to dr. Jau. If people can spread this virus without knowing, right, without showing symptoms and knowing in their own mind even that they even are suspicious, they might have let alone obviously really feeling like you have it, does that mean there is no way to tell who is infected or who is not absent the tests, which remain rare for so many communities . No, this is why we have to do all this social distancing stuff. Right. Because there is no way to know. Unless you had a test, you cant tell that you are infected or not. What we know is that asymptomatic people, otherwise feel fine, going around, a lot are spreading the infection. They have it. They either may never develop symptoms or theyre presymptomatic. They will develop in a few days. Its tough to catch those people unless are you testing them. Dr. Fair, weve heard about a lot of different treatments as well as other research to try to get this under control. Without any sense of false hope or expedited time line, can you speak to all of that . Well, right now, there is a couple things or many things i should say ongoing so treatment wise, the most promising and oldest in tried and true method is the transfer of convalescence serum. Thats someone thats recovered from the illness and developed igm or antibodies. Igm means you were recently exposed eventually over time in fourtosix weeks, that transfers into igg antibodies. They neutralize your system. So we take the plasma or serum from that individual and we physically transfer it into an individual thats acutely ill. By doing so, you are giving them the tools they need to catch up. It neutralizes the virus. The fda fast tracked that as a treatment for this virus so thats one thing. Thats very promising. Like i said, its been around more than a century, longer that we have been doing that. Otherwise. Im sorry, go ahead. Before you go on, though, dr. Fair, lets dig into that reference. You talk about immubt. Help people understand then if you arent killed by it, we are tracking all these sad cases for those who die and those who arent killed and recover, what level of immunity would they then have . It will depend on how much dosage you have and how sick to determine how much immunity you have. Really, there is a couple studies out that have been performed, the monkey modem of what we do most animal model testing and have shown they cant be reinfected at least immediately. We heard cases, everyone knows about this people getting reinfected. What likely happened in those cases is they had false negative tests and they werent ever clear of the virus. They tested positive at a later date having not cleared it in the first place so there is typically with respiratory viruses, most viruses, in fact, will you develop some sort of immunity that will last anywhere from weeks to months to maybe even years. We have no idea what that is going to be. The only way theyre going to do that, know that, rather, if we study individuals that have survived both from china, italy, spain and the United States and the longer we go out will determine how long theyre Still Producing those neutralizing antibodies i was talking about earlier. Understood. Finally, folks watching this broadcast, at times we had a map on the korean. Obviously, you can see the global map behind you, the u. S. Map clearly has areas harder hit, you see it here, the yellow is better. The red is worse. New york, california, texas, obviously, places with high population density. So, doctor, when weer that white house is proposing a potential quote tiered reopening of society, does that in wane way match the map . Is that a possible idea or does that in your view add risk . So first of all, the idea of a tier opening is perfectly fine, there are parts of our country that will have more cases than others, higher risks for reopening versus others. Thats not a bad approach at all. The problem is that you only know who is high risk or low risk when you have extensive testing. What im worried about sa lot of places dont have a lot of cases. We havent been testing people. They may have a lot of disease. If you open up those places, you are going to get into a lot of trouble very, very quickly. So that strategy works if you can test people. Let me put a fine point on that we have been trying to cut through it and be everyday driven throughout. What you are saying i think very diplomatically, lets call it your excellent bedside manner if you will, what you are saying diplomatically is the what i the president is talking about a quote tiered approach reflects a misunderstanding of the Risk Assessment right now . Look, and i do want to make this point. Im not trying to be diplomatic. I think a tiered approach is probably right. I think the question is, what are you tiering it on and how confident are you that places you think are lower risk are actually lower risk . Im saying i dont think anyone knows what the low risk places are . Because were not doing enough testing. That is really important when you put it like that. So we will fit in a break. I want to thank both of our doctors. We have Something Else when we come back after this. Sure, principal is a financial company. But think of us as a protect your family as it grows company. A put enough away for college company. And a take care of your employees company. Were a help you ride the ups and downs of the market company. And when its time to retire, were a weve been guiding you toward this all along company. Think of us as all these companies, and more. Principal. Retirement. Investments. Insurance. Oh, oh, announcer ® onceweekly ozempic® is helping many people with type 2 diabetes like james lower their blood sugar. 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Jah and as i mentioned, there is a big, big question thats hung over everyone watching todays Coronavirus Briefing and thats millions and millions of americans and that is could this actually become aen seasonal disease . Dr. Fauci raised that. Start with dr. Fair. Absolutely. We fully expect that it will. As dr. Fauci mentioned and i mentioned, the Southern Hemisphere has cases and they are going into winter months. We do expect a seasonal dip in the summer months thats primary due to sunlight, nothing to do with temperature but sunlight and uv light inactivates the virus and leads to less transmission by physics, and so when that southern unless we cut the southern hem fear off all together, well have imported cases but we still do get colds and flus in the summer and we fully expect this will be back in the fall. Dr. Jha . If you go back to the last Global Pandemic from 100 years ago, the 1918 flu pandemic, millions died in the spring. Summer got mellow and people basically relaxed and the fall it came back with a vengeance and killed tens of millions of people. So we have to if the cases drop off in the suppemmer, we have t use that time to get ready for the fall because the fall will be much, much worse than now. I dont want to over simplify but dr. Jha, are you saying this is quote a new flu, a worse flu . Look, im not worried this will stay with us for many, many years. Flu is seasonal and each year the strain is a bit different. I think were in for a pretty bumpy ride over the next 12 to 18 months and what im worried about is if things get a bit more relaxed and less bad in the summer, well all think that its over and were done and that would be a mistake. So i just want to make sure we stay focused on what might end up being quite a bad fall and winter if we get through the individual into the summer. Dr. Fair, i have 40 seconds. Yeah, i completely agree with dr. Jhas statement. We fully expect this to come back in the fall. We have to use our summer months and presumably the dip in summer months to prepare. That should be focused on ventilators, personal protective equipment and diagnostics and getting everyone tested that can be tested to determine if they have anti bodies and they have had it or anyone that is akultly ill, if they have it then. Appreciate both of you, particularly this emphasis you both make on 12 to 18 months bumpy ride. The precautions we need to take. The only thing worse than bad news as ive reminded viewers is lies that pretend bad news is good news. So giving it to us straight is helpful as we around the country take these precautions. Dr. Fair, dr. Jha, thanks to both of you. We have to fit in a break and all in with chris hayes is next and well be right back. And streaming apps all in one place, xfinity has you covered. With simple Digital Tools you can get the help you need. 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Download the xfinity my account app or just say help into your xfinity voice remote. We are working to make things a little easier on everyone. Download the xfinity my account app today. Thanks for sticking with our special coverage throughout the air. Signing off, if you want to connect online, find me on facebook, twitter or instagram. By the way, if you have ideas or questions, you can get ahold of me the old fashion way ari ms nbc. Com and ill be back at 6 00 p. M. And guest hosting at 7 00 p. M. Dont go anywhere. All in with chris hayes is up next. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. Everyone has been asking the same question. I know i have. How bad is the pandemic going to be . And theres all this data flying at us from all over the place. There are a million different variables and just about the worst person possible is running the country. As i spend my day reading and texts and talking to experts and to sources about this crisis, i find myself mentally putting things into two buckets. The good news and the bad news. As a sort of frame work when thinking about this whole thing, so tonight, well start with the good news. We are actually ramping up Testing Capacity quite a bit, quite quickly in the u. S. We have a ways to go but were heading in the right direction. This graph shows our testing

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