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A report he is worried about son don jr. And that Infamous Trump tower meeting. Backlash continuing over the president s targeting of lebron james. The latest example of what appears to be trumps war against black athletes. Plus, im going to talk to a potentially Ground Breaking congressional candidate in michigan hoping to be the latest democrat to show that going left is the key to victory for democrats in 2018. All of that straight ahead. We begin with the russia investigation. A tale of father and son. Its been more than two years since the Trump Tower Meeting and it still a major source of concern on the part of the president and his legal team. To date president admitting any tweet that the meeting was in fact about getting dirt on hillary clinton. Thats a correct contradiction to the statement we now know was dictated by trump himself when the meeting first game public claiming if you may recall that was actually about adoption. But its not the first time that president has tried to down play the importance of that meeting. Take a listen. I do think this. I think from a practical stand point, most people would have taken that meeting. Its called Opposition Research. Its very standard. They have information and you take the information. All right. So we want to break down several important parts of this story today. The president s tweet comes after a report that hes becoming increasingly concerned about his sons legal jeopardy. So how much potential trouble could don jr. Be in . The president continues to claim he did not know about the meeting while arguing the meeting itself is no big deal. So why the need to distance himself from it . How does all this play into a potential trump interview with bob mueller . For all of that, im joined by former u. S. Attorney and msnbc contributor barbara mcquaid, former cia officer david price and Msnbc National Security and justice reporter julia ainsley. Great to have you with us. Lets start with the Trump Tower Meeting. The president s lawyers had this to say. You have to look at the totality. When you look at a meeting, george, that took place in a year before the now two years ago, the question is what law statute or rule or regulation has been violated . Nobody pointed to one. Robert, help us answer jays question there. What law was potentially violated by this meeting which the president now admits was in fact to get dirt on his opponent . I can point to one. There is a Campaign Finance law that says can you not accept or solicit thang solicit a thing of value from a Foreign National with relation to an election. We want americans to decide who becomes Office Holders in america and not foreigners who can have foreign influence. So that is one very easy crime that could be violated as a result of that. I also think that this tweet suggests an Obstruction Of Justice. With he have people trying to tell one thing happened when in fact another did. Standing in isolation, the false statements about this may not be a crime. I think they tend to show the corrupt insent that could be important in an Obstruction Of Justice case. Substantive Campaign Violation and maybe larger conspiracy. So let me pick up on a point about this tweet as well, barbara. The president s tweet makes it clear that the Trump Tower Meeting is and certainly has been on his mind. It concerns him. How do you think that it impacts any decision that he may want to make about sitting down with Robert Mueller when he tweets out what he has tweeted out earlier today . Yeah, its interesting. In light of the negotiations that are going on there, when you tweet, youre clearly talking to the masses. Owe can certainly have conversations with his lawyers and Robert Mueller. He is trying to down play it. I think two things about that. One is shifting stories is something that prosecutors are always very keenly interested in. Because it suggests a consciousness of guilt you want to get to the bottom of. It makes Robert Mueller eager to talk to him. It suggests he has no intention of talking to Robert Mueller. This is for the masses. This is for political purposes. I think hell slow walk the negotiations until he gets a point thats so close to the mid terms that he feels like Robert Mueller is not going to push him with a subpoena or some sort of litigation to get him to sit down. Theres been interesting speculation this week that the president has been trying to shift a little bit of his strategy when it comes to saying things that, like, oh, you know, collusion is not a crime. Yeah, we were getting help from a lot of people. We didnt break any laws. Here is Kellyanne Conway this morning. When you talk about the hoax, he is talking about this fantasy, this unproven fantasy is there a way or how do we know whether thats actually true . Is there any way for us to verify that that meeting was of no substance since its only the word of donald trump jr. Who is down played it . I mean from our perspective here, its very hard to verify that. But he can be sure that is something that Robert Mueller is still looking into. And even if he is found that nothing of substance came out of it, that isnt really a whole hearted defense. A, there is always the Obstruction Probe. The very statement that was made on Air Force One last year when this story came out could be used in an Obstruction Probe about the president for lying about that. Obviously its a lie as we see today where he is talking about there was dirt they were trying to offer and that is the reason why they met with them in the first place. Also just wanted to go back to a point that barbara made. It is the attempt to accept or solicit this. Just the very emails exchanged with donald trump jr. In setting this up. He said, gosh, if it is dirt on hillary clinton, i would love to hear it. Ayman Mohyeldin hosts coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Guys, thank you so much for all your insights. Thank you. Up next, trump versus lebron. A twitter attack on the nba superstar sparks a Quick Reaction from the president. Plus, a global showdown. Irans president preparing to address his nation on the eve of u. S. Sanctions being imposed in the wake of trumps tearing up of the iran nuclear deal. Stay with us. Ive been Making Blades here at gillette for 20 years. Theres a lot of innovation that goes into making americas 1 shave. Rodney mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. The list goes on. How about a discount for long lists . Gold. Mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. Its a gift. And jamie. Present. Together we are unstoppable. So, what are we gonna do . Insurance. Thats kind of what we do here. All right. So President Trump may be on vacation this week. He got no shortage of International Hot spots to deal with. Theyre blaming u. S. Residents among others for a suspected assassination attempt. Incredible footage coming out of that country during that parade there in north korea. More signs of strain. The countrys Foreign Minister publicly admonishing the u. S. For insisting sanctions stay in place against the country. In The Middle East, rhinian protesters taking to the streets to rally against the collapse of irans currency as president prepares to address the nation. All of this as the white house reportedly staffed up to unveil the long promised and long awaited middle east peace plan. Joining me now ambassador Wendy Sherman for the Obama Administration and david kirk pack tri kirkpatrick. Great to have both of you with us. Ambassador sherman, let me begin with you. The Associated Press is reporting that Trump Administration is asking for volunteers from other agencies to help work on the socalled middle east peace plan. Why is this plan so missteerous as to the contents an why so many delays two years into it . Those are excellent questions that i dont know the answers to. I think what the Trump Administration has found out is that this is a lot more difficult, that they thought coming in. You may recall President Trump said during the campaign this is the easiest deal to do. The right person is not able to do it. I think when Jared Kushner and mr. Greenblatt got involved in this, they had a lot of conversations. But the plan isnt so easy. If its done right, it brings costs for all sides in this particular situation. So i think they have a timing issue. No time will be good. Perhaps they give democrats an advantage. The Prime Minister of israel is facing some contentious tensions within his own country. So should they wait for any electoral possibilities in israel . So what i think theyre trying to do is get ready which is a good idea. Because theres a lot of implementation that will have to go forward and a lot of diplomacy if there is real substance here and none of us know the answer to that either. David, it seems that president has had some mixed messages about iran to say at least he certainly had twitter war of sorts with the iranian government after threatening them. He came out and said he is willing to talk with them. On saturday he tweeted thut irans economy is struggling as protesters are lining the streets across iran and said its up to iran to agree to meet with him. I know you spent a lot of time in The Middle East. Is it likely you see a scenario that he meets President Trump given the propensity with countries like saudi arabia and egypt . I think that is high unlikely in part because the reimpositions of sanctions from the u. S. Alone has nowhere near the bite that the multilateral sanctions, the Obama Administration have put in place previously. I mean you have to remember, iran got its own problems. It has a Banking Industry problem, economic problems abscent the sanctions. And so in some ways its probably a little bit of a relief for the Iranian Regime to be able to blame trump and his sanctions for the economic problems of their own people. To that point that david brought up, when you take a step back and look at the tension that weve had with our european allies on issues of trade, on nato, on broader big picture Foreign Policy stuff, there is no insentive for european allies to go along with this administrations desire to snap back sanctions against the iranian government. Is it likely theyll have impact . The sanctions imposed tomorrow are fairly small in the scheme of things. The big ones, yeah, are yet to come in november. Those are the Oil Sanctions and financial transaction sanctions. The sanctions imposed tomorrow does send a signal that the president is serious about reimposing the sanctions. That anybody looking for waivers or changes arent likely to get them. And quite frankly, most of the large companies, whether thats Alliance Or Total or siemens, bog airbus that had possibilities of creating planes for iran, all of them have already pulled out of iran. What europe is trying to do is hold on to small and medium companies. What jeff said is correct. There say lot going on here. There is a lot of holes in the Sanctions Enforcement around the world but it will be very hard to keep the joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action in place and i agree there are internal problems in iran. Zwroust day they released rules on currency exchanges, trying to stop the fall of the real iranian currency. I think the Speech Tonight Calls for resistance. And really pretty nationalistic speech as was just suggested mr. Mr. Kirkpatrick. Really rallying the country together against the United States. So not good. Put this in context. The big picture of the region. Do you see a strategy on the part of the Trump Administration visavis The Middle East . We talked about The Middle East peace plan. You have the iran piece of the puzzle. But then you also have the gulf, the Persian Arab Gulf Countries as well. Put that in context for what is actually happening now on the ground in the region there . I dont know if you call it a strategy. But what we see clearly in all the cases is the Trump Administration is betting on the gulf. Theyre putting all their eggs in with the saudis and that means turning against iran full force. And it also means that betting on them to pull through this Peace Process. I mean as you are probably aware, the funny thing about this Peace Process is theyre talking to everybody but the palestinians. They seem to think that they have the gulf onboard and gulf money onboard, they can somehow pressure the palestinians or bribe the palestinians to come in to the table. There is a lot skepticism about what that looks like. It is a highly controversial decision. Great to have you both with us this sunday afternoon. Thank you guys. Thank you. All right. So one more note on iran. You may appreciate this if youre on twitter. Former iranian president trolling President Trump with this tweet. Writing in english and making it clear that hes actually on team lebron in the battle between the president and the nba star. Still ahead, why President Trump seems to be especially quick to single out black athletes for criticism. Fact is, every Insurance Company hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. 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Use caution when driving or operating machinery. The most common side effect is nausea. I cant tell you how good it feels to have smoking behind me. Talk to your doctor about chantix. To have smoking behind me. We really pride ourselves on temaking it easy for youass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace them. And two months before that trump lashed out at steph curry by withdrawing his white house invitation to celebrate the Golden State Warriors and their nba title. But the first black athlete to be attacked by trump, of course, you may recall is colin kaepernick. Not only has he repeatedly criticized him for kick starting the protest. But when he was not picked up by any nfl team, trump taunted him saying the quarterback was fired and advised him to find Something Else to do. Joining me now to discuss this, dylan scott. We have two contributors from the hill, republican consultant sir Michael Singleton and Johns Hopkins professor wendy asofo. Wendy, let me begin with you. Trump was reacting to this lebron james interview. Take a listen. What i notice over the last few months that hes kind of using sport to kind of divide us and thats something that i cant relate to. I know sport is the first time i was around someone white. I got an opportunity to see them and learn about them and they got an opportunity to learn about me and we became very good friends. So is it safe to say that lebron should have expected a trump reaction given the president s history and especially the tone of the point that lebron was neighboringing there . Yeah. Given the president s history, i would say so. Again, as American Citizens and as part of any democracy, the linchpin of our ability to critique any of our elected officials is why we consider ourselves one of the greatest nations in the country, in the world. But at the end of the day, what i think is really important to look and see here is that on and off the court lebron james has been a stellar athlete, a stellar role model. Outside of the 8 million that he has done for this public school, he has also contributed millions of dollars to his own high school. However, for the president of the free world to sit here and criticize him and call him out by name is beyond the pale. We talked about, you know, lebron james. We talked about colin kaepernick. We talked about stefan curry being called out by the president. But let us also taukt about the fact that agreeing popovich, steve kerr, eminem have spoke been the president but he hasnt said anything to him. Some say its more than an undertone, that its flat out racism and not just simply an undertone. I know you wrote an interesting piece about lebron. Increasingly wading into political waters. It certainly seems something that many athletes do as they grow in stature and confidence and position in their respective leagues. You call him the most important athlete in america. Explain why he has become that. Zblfr i think its a coupgood question much hes the greatest Basketball Player of all time. Its a two person Conversation About him and Michael Jordan. The other thing is he hasnt been afraid to talk about politics. With just with him and trump, it goes back as far as the 2016 election. Lebron stumped for hillary clinton. He appeared on stage with her. Lebron started criticizing the president more directly during the charlottesville situation. He talked about Lebrons Lival Steph Curry and the visit to the white house. So he has maybe the biggest platform in the world. He has used it to talk about issues like Racial Justice and address politics head on. There is an interesting theme about the way the president tweets about black athletes or black people in general that hes trying to criticize. Hes always questioning their intelligence, their smarts. I think people who look into the Historical Context of that, theyll say that is very racist. There is a lot of racist theres a Ratist Undertone and that terminology to criticize black athletes. He needs a distraction from all the political mess he minfinds himself in. Does that work for his base . I think it does. Since hes been president , every single time there has been a Ground Breaking revelation that is extremely damaging to him and his administration, he always goes to these cultural wedged issues from kaepernick to Maxine Waters to others to Basketball Players, et cetera. Because this is like red meat to his base. You know what is interesting to me about this is the president is constantly attacking the media. Saying the media is dividing the people. Honestly, if you look at the division, its coming directly from the white house. I find it to be a bit ludicrous for the president to be attacking lebron james and don lemons intellect. The president has a very difficult time putting together complicated statements. That seems to be a bit of a critique. When you look on what is going on from Michael Cohen to the Mueller Investigation and the 12 Congressional Districts in ohio where the president was just speaking yesterday, i think things around donald trump are beginning to cave and were seeing a president right now who is afraid and is not sure what direction to go. I think that is very dangerous. He isnt someone that very disciplined. We mentioned, we couldnt find any record of the president criticizing any white athletes as we heard from wendy talking about that. All he has is love and praise for people like tom brady and what you have, even Sports Owners in the nfl like jerry jones who did criticize him or criticize that position and his involvement in the decisions. He didnt get criticized. Only got praise. Let me ask you, wendy, about an interesting, you know, auns oun support. Milana trump, obviously, she had kind words about the work that lebron has been doing with this new school. Were you at all surprised that milana who remains relatively quiet on a lot of issues weighed in on this particular one . It seems like there continues tore division at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue whether it was earlier this week when we heard his daughter saying the media is not the enemy. Now milana is giving praise to lebron james. Before we give milana any brownie points, lets understand she is also one of the people who championed the whole birtherism conversation when it came to obama. I think she needs to move the Conversation A little further with her own husband. You know, its okay that your putting out a statement here. But your husband continues to be a bully time and time again. But you have this platform called the best. To be best, we need the leader of the world not to bully people. Lets not give her a pat on the back that anybody should be doing. Let me ask you quickly though. You brought up Michael Jordan. He tweet the his support for lebron james. Has the president and his tone in this criticism and the attacks against black athletes made imimpossible for people like Michael Jordan who remained quiet on issues of politics to not simply just stand by on the sidelines and weigh into that . I think too, severing about politics now. And the president is certainly responsible for making it that way. He has seized on especially the protests in the nfl. But all kinds of issues that are political issues raised by athletes. He seized that as an opportunity. So i think he absolutely sees a value in politicizing the sort of cultural things like professional sports. Randy moss induction into the Pro Football Hall Of Fame drew quite a bit of attention for a statement he made. He was supporting a tie with the names of black and brown victims of police violence. In fact, heres what he told their families. Listen to this. So, you know, what i want to be able to express with my tie is to let the families know that theyre not alone. You know, im not here, you know, voicing by these names on my tie at a big platform as the Pro Football Hall Of Fame. Theres a lot of stuff going on in our country. I just want to let these Family Members know that theyre not alone. Police conduct onest reasons that people are neiling. Trump made this about patriotism. Is there any way to get people to let people know why theyre kneeling . Its interesting. The president was just meeting with pastors at the white house about Criminal Justice reform, for example. And yet, it would appear he still doesnt understand the significance of why so many of these players are utilizing the plat formdz th platforms that athletes have gone back to ali and the olympics, et cetera. They saw the issues that impacted our society and bring attention to it. I think they should continue to do so. It is on donald trump who is the president not just for the people that voted for him, but for the entire country to recognize that. Dylan scott, thank you very much. Wendy and shermichael, stick around. The Trump Tower Meeting seems to put all the burden for it on his own son, believe it or not. Could donald trump jr. Now need Legal Protection from his own father . Im a fighter. Always have been. When i found out i had agerelated macular degeneration, amd, i wanted to fight back. My doctor and i came up with a plan. It includes preservision. Only Preservision Areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the National Eye Institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. Thats why i fight. Because its my vision. Preservision. Also, in a greattasting chewable. Something important. Its not going to be easy. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Actually, thats super easy. My bad. Tired of constantly battling lingering smells in your home, thats super easy. Like pet, shoe, and body odors . 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The hoax is the idea that the Trump Campaign was the beneficiary of a concerted effort together with the russians to affect the 2017 election. As to that, i dont think there is any evidence publicly. All right. So this as the president once again focused attention on the Trump Tower Meeting with a Tweet Characterizing it as perfectly acceptable while making it clear it was his sons meeting and that he had nothing to do with it. To talk more about this, im joined by caroline policy, a criminal defense attorney. SheMichael Singleton and wendy is with us. Caroline, let me begin with you. I want to focus on trumps legal issues. This is how the washington posts Elizabeth Holtzman described this. Take a listen. This is the noose tightening very, very, very much around Donald Trumps neck and the neck of his son. Okay. I confused that. That is a former congresswoman saying. That the noose was tightening very much on Donald Trumps neck and that of his son. So donald trump jr. Has not been called in yet for an interview by Robert Mueller. In terms of the defense strategy, are you at all worried about that . Would you at all be concerned if you were trumps defense team that don jr. Has not been called in yet . Would that make him a target of the investigation this late into the game . Yes. There is an old saying in my line of business if youre not at the table, youre on the menu. The implication, of course, being that Robert Mueller is circling and honing in on a smaller target and obviously don jr. And president are those tarts. I think its pretty clear. Is it safe to say with that tweet we saw today that president somewhat threw his son under the bus saying its donald trump jr. Who put this meeting into place . What is so interesting, you see the dad taking the fall for the son in these types of, you know, familiar escapades. Yes. Because obviously you cant overstate the importance of this admission. Thats what it is. Its an admission that everything that they have been saying previously about this meeting that i was about russian adoptions, which by the way just code language for, you know, russian sanctions to begin with. It is a toning down of everything about the issue. No, it definitely goes to a Campaign Finance violation. There is a specific section in the United States Criminal Code which says it is illegal to accept or solicit. Solicit is really the key word here. Even if nothing came of this meeting, we have that email exchange with don jr. Saying i love it. If its what youre saying, i love it. Thats soliciting something of value from a Foreign National. This is not research when it is from foreign entities. Let me play you guys the sound bite. The noted journalist who broke the watergate story. What we are watching in the Trump Presidency is worse than watergate. Its worse than watergate as i say because the system worked in watergate. The heroes of watergate were republicans who demanded that the president be held accountable. If there is a report from Bob Mule Eastern the team before the mid terms and if it is damning, are there any republicans you see who have skin in the game, im not talking about the bob corkers and jeff lakes who would stand up to the president . No. Unless you begin to see a significant decrease in the number of registered republicans who support donald trump which i believe currently is around 80, 85 , i think a majority of members are going to remain quiet, particularly those who are up for reelection. I do think this could potentially benefit democrats because it could increase enthusiasm on their side which could give them Han Advantaan a the house and give them an advantage in the senate. I think when you think about this time line and the totality, we know the president dictated this statement. Jay came out and said the president did not. We found out that is a lie. We found out the president admitteded it is about Opposition Research. They maintained it is merely about adoptions. So what i wonder now, when did the president find out this meeting was about Opposition Research . Did he know before or after the fashgt . How long did he know if it was after the fact . I think this is not good for the president and is not going for republicans going into midterms. Yewendy, let me get your reaction in terms of those willing to stand up to the president if the Mueller Report drops before the midterm . Republicans show they care more about having the president s backing than actually sticking up and speaking out for the american people. What were seeing here is another tile in the string that is trump trying to obstruct the american people. And right now what we need to focus on is whether there was corrupt intent. Because thats where we start to build that obstruction case. From every tweet he gets up in the morning and starts going off on his phone, were seeing that there could be that corrupted ted. So we need to keep an eye on that and hopefully the democrats take back the house and do what needs to be done here. Wendy, shermichael and caroline, great to have you with us this afternoon. Up next, im going to talk to a canned dalt tryiindicate c make her mark on the mid terms. Ugh were gonna be late, were gonna be late hold on, dont worry, theres another way [siri beep beepa] directions to the greek theater. Can i get a connection . Can i get can i get a connection . I can see it in my, see it in my reflection. Ohhh can i get a connection . Tryna find the old me no matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy . Thats because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. So, try febreze fabric refresher. Febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. 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Voter turnout is up this year especially through democrats. 13. 6 Million People had voted in the democratic primaries. 84 increase over the 2014 midterms. Compare that to just over 10 Million People that have voted in republican primaries and an increase of about 24 . My next guest Rashida Tlaib is hoping that democratic enthusiasm will be on her side in tuesdays primary for michigans 13th Congressional District. If elected, she would be the first female muslim in congress, but first, tlaib has to beat five other democrats vying to beat coniers who stepped down following allegations of sexual misconduct, which he denies. Let me begin first with the local polling in your area that shows that you are in a dead heat with the other top two candidates. Tell us what separates you apart from brenda jones and mayor bill wild. I think its the approach to Public Office. I think when people think, yes, i stand for progressive issues, similar issues as they obviously campaigned on, but i think my approach to Public Office has always been uniquely different. As a Michigan State representative, i created a Neighborhood Service center, were getting people through everyday issues that was critical to changing peoples lives. Also i dont vote the right way, but i come home and fight side by side with my residents. Even if its a city issue, a local or a state issue. I will try to elevate their voices in a very powerful way throughout activism. And through a number of various campaigns like we have a right to brief campaign, to let folks know at all Different Levels of government that we have high rates of asthma. Those are the kinds of unique approaches that i take to Public Office. Theyll never have to check me on my vote. But on top of that, theyll have me right here at home fighting for them. So let me play you this sound bite from Ohio Governor john kasich. Take a listen to this. The problem the democrats have is i dont know what their message is, george. You tell me, its sort of like antitrump but no message. You cant win elections if you dont have a message. You know that, you have been involved in politics. I know it. If you cant have a positive inspiring message, you dont very well. Is it to say that let me ask you this. What do you see as the democrats message, how is is your message different from the larger parties if it at all different . Look, i think for me i want every Single Family child in my district to live in a just, fair society. You know, all of them have been chosen kind of at the second second class. So they focus primarily on corporations and tax breaks for corporations. And you see that shift. I mean, my district is very, very much challenged with poverty. Closing of schools. Some of my District Areas dont even have a school district. So seeing that shift of our public dollars towards for profit development here in the 13th Congressional District has been tragic for so many of us. So for me, its about a just and fair society. You have republicans saying about the resistance and all this. To me, exercising your right to vote if thats resistance then bring it. Because i want people to come out and vote. When they come out and vote, people like that person and President Trump do not win because they dont represent the majority of americans across this country. All right. So speaking of president s, obama said hes endorsing 81 candidates in 18 states but none from michigan made the list. How much of an impact do you think president obama and an endorsement from him would have on the midterms and two, is the Democratic Party split between the more traditional establishments and the more Progressive Left leaning sometimes selfdescribed socialists . Yes. In many ways. Look, i think that for an endorsement is great. But endorsements dont really win elections. We saw that in a number of elections including, you know, Hillary Versus donald trump. And i can tell you here at home thats the same thing. Endorsements dont really have this heavyweight that many people think it did in the past. Also, whats really critically important here is when i talk to families going door to door and talking to them, it is really, really important that the issues that they have going on in their homes are not really reflective of all the democrats. So im not a corporate democrat, thats what sets me apart from a lot of my colleagues. All right, Rashida Tlaib, we wish you and others luck on tuesday. I hope youll come back and join us them. Thank you. Thatll do it for me this week. Join me at 5 00 p. M. To break down the major stories of the week. Reach out to me on social media. Be sure to join kasie hunt at 7 00 p. M. But first up, its meet the press. Just listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. 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