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Reminded me of a states i visited over the 100 countries i have gone to in third ten horn dictatorships. It just cannot be sustained. Has to be immediately, immediately investigated. In depth. People have to be held accountable. Do you think you need to change any of the planning for your inauguration as a result of this . Totally different entity is in charge of the inauguration than was in charge of protecting the capitol. The secret service. I have great confidence in the secret service. I have great confidence in their ability to make sure that the inauguration goes off, goes off safely and goes off without a hitch. So its a different so i have confidence in what is in the planning thats been under way before this and continues with the secret service as the main agency. Thank you. Thank you. President elect biden, Vice President elect harris, good to see you both. About President Trump actively encouraging the insurrection at the capitol. Given that, given the perceived threat he poses to, the question is not so much the role of congress in impeachment but rather should President Trump in your estimation remain in office . I didnt think look. Ive been saying for now well over a year, hes not fit to serve. Hes not fit to serve. Hes one of the most incompetent president s in the history of the United States of america. And so, the idea that i think he shouldnt be out of Office Yesterday is not the issue. The question is, what happens with 14 days left to go or 13 days left to go . And i think that what 81 Million People stood up and said, its time for him to go. And the United States senate voted 936 to confirm that we should be sworn in, we were duly elected so i think its important to get on with the business of getting him out of office. The quickest way that will happen is us being sworn in on the 20th. What action happens before or after that is a judgment for the congress to make but thats what i am looking forward to. Him leaving office. I was told that on the way up here, a way over here, that he indicated he wasnt going to show up at the inauguration. One of the few things he and i have ever agreed on. Its a good thing him not showing up. Earlier you said if you hoped that he would show up only in the sense that it was valuable to send a signal to the world about the transfer of power. You have clearly changed your perspective on that. Because he has clearly demonstrated exceeded my worst notions about him. Hes an embarrassment to the country, embarrassed us around the world, not worthy to hold that office. If we were six months out, we should be doing everything to get him out of office. Impeaching him again. Invoking the 25th amendment. Whatever it took to get him out of office. But i am focused now on us taking control as president and Vice President on the 20th and to get our agenda moving quickly as quickly as we can. Thank you. This is a headline and serious. Its about the more than 600 children orphaned under the Trump Administration under the policy along the border. You said that practice was criminal. Can you commit, will you commit to making sure that the Trump Administration officials responsible for that policy will be held to account . Ill commit that our Justice Department and our investigative arms will make judgments about who is responsible, how theyre responsible and whether or not the conduct is criminal across the board. But as i said yesterday, i am not going to tell the Justice Department who they should prosecute and who should they not. Thats a judgment to be made by the attorney general of the United States of america. Not influenced by me. But there will be a thorough, thorough investigation of whos responsible and whether or not the responsibility is criminal and if thats the concluded the attorney general will make that judgment. I will not intervene to tell him who he should or should not indict. Beyond the covid plan, what is the legislative priorities . You talked about infrastructure, introducing an immigration bill. After january 20th you democrats control the house and the senate. What do you do first . Two different three different issues there in that same question. One, the commitments i made that i would introduce, not necessarily we would move to but introduce in the United States Congress First i will do. I will introduce an immigration bill. Immediately. And have it sent to the appropriate committees to begin movement. I will, in fact, countermand executive orders that the president initiated that are contrary to what i think is either his authority and or even if its his authority contrary to the issues of the United States. Thirdly i will immediately move, though, to the most urgent need of asking the congress to give me the financial wherewithal to deal with the virus. To deal with the virus. To be able to move so that we have operation warp speed really working. Warp speed got the vaccine to places that were delivered but did not get them from those vials into peoples arms. And so, it is a gigantic logistical concern of how we do that. Im committed to get 100 million shots in peoples arms in the first 100 days. Im committed to insisting that on all federal jurisdictions anyplace i have control of president everyone is mandated to wear a mask, International Transportation and federal facilities. Thirdly, im committed to moving as rapidly as possible to get the vaccine to teachers and the material to children that can provide for the safe opening of our schools at the end of that beginning at the end of that 100 days. Theyre the most urgent things we have to do now. Now. Immediately upon getting in office. There are multiple things as you well know because youre a seasoned vet reran of how we wo and committees holding issues on my positions on infrastructure, what we should be doing to generate green economy, how and so on. In terms of the immediate need to get done, not just introduced but to get done, voted on and get the money and resources to do it it turns out that the most you a urgent need is dealing with the virus, number one, and Economic Relief to americans who through no fault of their own are really getting battered. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, mr. President elect and madame Vice President elect. I want to follow up with respect to what you just said about the inauguration and that its a good thing that the president is not coming but what about the Vice President mike pence . Hes welcome. I think its important that the as much as we can stick to what have been historical precedents of how which an administration changes should be maintained. So if mike if the Vice President is welcomed to come, be honored to have him there and to move forward in the transition. Have you spoken to him at alm . No, i havent. And you have called for unity and healing in this country but after the events of wednesday, does that make your job easier or harder . I think it makes my job easier, quite frankly. Ive had a number of my republican colleagues, former colleagues, i used to serve in the senate for a long time, call me. They are many of them are as outraged and disappointed and embarrassed and mote if ied by the president s conduct as i am and democrats are and i think i have said from the beginning and i have not changed my view. My overarching objective is to unify this country. We must unify the country. And i think that youve heard me say this before and i apologize for repeating myself but understandably the questions are repetitive and good. Im not being critical of the question. And that is that theres two way that is people are inspired. By inspirational leaders and terrible leaders. By terrible leaders. What this president has done is ripped the bandaid all the way off to let the country know who he is and what hes about. And how thoroughly unfit for office he is. And you see already a number of republicans, i was so proud, i know were on opposite sides. Ill be kricriticized for sayin this but ive worked with the former, soon to be former majority leader mitch mcconnell. I thought what he said on the floor of the United States senate was, in fact, the right thing to do. He stood up. Hes ashamed. I spoke with the guy i have enormous respect for, enormous respect for and i ran against him, mitt romney. I spoke to mitt this morning again. This is a man of enormous integrity. Enormous integrity who lives his faith. There are so many more but theres others who should be ashamed of themselves. But they make up a minority of the republican party. This isnt about money and democrat anymore. This is about people who understand what this countrys about and the things we have to agree on and move together on. I just think that if you look at it, speaking to some of my republican colleagues, i have spoken to a number of them over the last month since ive been since weve been elected, through recently as the day in which this god awful debacle was taking place up on the hill, and i think they understand that theyre going to have we need a republican party. We need an opposition thats principled and strong and i think you will see them going through the idea of what constitutes the republican party. And to hear some of my republican colleagues talk about how shameful it is of the way ted cruz and others are dealing with this, how theyre responsible, as well, for what happened. Do you think some of them resign . Should senator cruz or senator hawley resign . I think they should be flat beaten the next time they run. I think the American Public has a real good clear look at who they are. Theyre part of the big lie. The big lie. I was being reminded by a friend of mine, maybe you were with me, i cant recall. We were told that the great lie. You keep repeating the lie. Well, there was a print that when dredsen was fire bombed, 250 people that were killed, or 2,500 people were killed . And goble said, no, 25,000 250,000 were killed. And our papers printed that. Our papers printed it. Its the big lie. Its one thing for one man, one woman to repeat the lie over and over and over again. By the way, trump said that before he ran. If you say it enough, im going to convince you. Ill say it enough. The press is bad. The press is bad. The press is bad. The press is bad. If hes the only one saying it thats one thing but the accolades that follow him like cruz and others, they are as responsible as he is. And so, its not about whether or not they get impeached. Its about whether or not they continue to hold power because of the disgust the American People have for their actions. There are decent people out there who actually believe these lies. Because they have heard it again and again. I was with a friend of mine, a medical doctor. Telling me that his neighbor said to him, he lives in another state. His neighbor is a good person. But, you know, doc, theres a lot of a lot of shikaniray that went on. They it is. They say it is. They say it is. It is a human condition. You say it and say it and say it and say it. The degree to which it becomes coroesive is in direct proportion to the number of people who say it. And so, its interesting to me and i was pleased to hear some of the more prominent republicans say to me that the ted cruzs of the world are as responsible in terms of impeachment believing the lies as not as responsible but similarly responsible like trump. But they didnt say go to the capitol. Ill be with you. Follow. Thats a different story. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all very, very much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Good friday, afternoon, everyone. Thats president elect joe biden on a wide ranging interview there with reporters tacking questions. Answering questions as he unveiled members of his Economic Team, talking about everything from covid relief to new stimulus relief bill to get passed and addressing the crisis the country has seen in the last couple of days, talking about that insurrection that happened at the capitol on wednesday. Once again saying President Trump is not fit to serve and saying it is a good thing that President Trump will not be attending his inauguration come january 20th. He talked about some of the republican senators that have been as he said accolades to President Trump saying they deserve to be beaten and part of the big lie. That was a wide ranging interview and i should say News Conference and will get to a lot more out of it right now. Lets bring into the conversation ali vitali. On capitol hill Leeann Caldwell and cara lee near the white house. Ali, lets begin with you. As we mentioned it started often talking about the Economic Team he is announcing, covid relief, the vaccine distribution, but as we know the headlines in the country over the past couple of days still rocked by what happened wednesday and the attention shif attention shifting to that in the q a part of that announcement. Reporter its just a sense of the competing crises that have the attention of this Incoming Administration and this president elect whos waiting 12 days out from being inaugurated. We know the pandemic were issued that biden were keen to tackle and we have seen the insurrection on capitol hill, this is the first time that biden has taken questions since before christmas so certainly it makes sense that it was wide ranging, that he had a lot to offer. I was sitting here taking notes at the things that stood out at me. Among the way is dodged when asked if democrats should push forward with impeaching President Trump. He said thats something that Congress Needs to deal with and saying his focus was on covid, the recession, figuring out vaccine distribution. He also offered harsh words for the way that we have seen the vaccine be distributed thus far saying a travesty and his own administration is going to be taking a different tact. Theyre going to be releasing all the of the doses of the vaccine opposed to what the Current Administration is doing right now which is holding back half of the doses to make sure that all the people that got the first round to get the second round of doses but when Geoff Bennett there asked him about impeachment and if on a personal level, not just a political lev level, he thought that donald trump should hold the office he preferenced running for president and always said that trump was unfit to serve and saying that he wished he was out of Office Yesterday but instead doinging what this transition has done consistently, saying that theyre focused on whats ahead. I was struck when he said this is the first time agreeing with donald trump on anything. Yeah. Reporter when trump said he is not going to attend the inauguration. Mike pence, biden said he was welcomed, would be an honor to have him and thats a reversal because biden takes pride in and honors the institutions of american democracy and said it would be good to preserve that image of a peaceful transis of power. What we have seen this week all of that is out the window. Yeah. He also made an important point talking about the ins didnt on wednesday with that attack on the capitol to see an accountable and thorough investigation to find out what happened. Lets go to capitol hill and talk about both of these things out of the president elect. The effort now to the impeachment of the current president gaining momentum inside the house. Is it even possible to achieve this given that President Trump has 12 days left in office . Reporter so we have some news and that is that three members of congress are expected to introduce their articles of impeachment on monday. That is extremely quickly. They plan to do that but theyre doing it at a special time of a proforma session in the house and means that that will then be up to house leadership on when they decide to bring that up to a vote if at all. These articles of impeachment. We saw in a letter to her colleagues, Speaker Pelosi, saying if the president does not resign immediately, if he does not evacuate the office, then they will move forward so those are strong words from pelosi and not said what her next actions are yet. But president elect joe biden was just talking about all the things that are going to have a lot of impact on capitol hill and he has a lot of phone calls coming up, too. He is expected to speak with Speaker Pelosi this afternoon and House Republican leader Kevin Mccarthy putt out a Statement Today saying he is going to call president elect biden as well to talk about this issue of impeachment. His message to biden is lets not move forward on impeachment. His fear is that the country is too divisive right now, a powder keg and he thinks that it is just going to excite the tensions and hes worried about more violence so that is what mccarthy said his message is going to be to president elect biden. That seems to be according to my sources what a lot of republicans think, that not necessarily that the president should not be impeached but theyre worried of whats to come if he is. We move down to the white house where cara lee is. Mike pence mentioned there by the president elect saying he would be welcomed at the inauguration but before then he still has to deal with the current boss and there at the white house there. Mike pence meeting with trump. How is the white house viewing these efforts to impeach the president or to have pence use the 25th amendment . And to possibly even attending that inauguration of president elect joe biden . Reporter we have asked the white house for reaction to this news coming out of capitol hill that leeann outlined in terms of the potential of the president to once again be impeached by the house. They have not responded but theres also calls for the president to just take this on himself, to resign. You can imagine he doesnt look positively upon an effort to force him out of office. We saw pretty substantial pushback from the president the first time that happened but there are those calls for him to resign. Theres also this idea of the 25th amendment, that discussions within the administration about invoking the 25th amendment but those seem to have not gained a lot of momentum. Those conversations. To some of the momentum taken out when two cabinet secretaries who would need to sign on to an effort like that resigned in last 24 hours and told that Vice President mike pence is opposed to this and would need to sign on to that and a source said theres not a Critical Mass for Something Like that but still this is hanging over the president in the closing days of his administration, this question of whether or not he should indeed still sit in the oval office and whether there will be an effort to force him out or whether hell decide to resign. We have no signs that that is the case but these are the questions that are facing him and his presidency and the final days and he did say today he wont attend the inauguration as you noted but the Vice President , however, has left open that possibility with a spokesman saying he and the second lady havent made that decision yet. All right. All three, starting us on a busy friday. Joining me is democratic congressman reuben guillga and democratic congresswoman from california jackie spears a member of the intelligence and oversight and Armed Services committee. First of all, sir, your caucus on impeachment, where are you on that . What more can you tell us about todays calls and where it goes from here . I do believe we have to impeach this president. We dont know what he is going to be up to for a next couple of days now. He clearly was involved this insurrection. He lit the fire and then fanned the flames and sent it to capitol hill and we dont know what else was involved, whether he was involved in the denial of National Guard support so we have very few tools in our tool kitt to keep someone accountable as congress and impeachment is one we have to use. Therefore im supportive of it. Realistically, is it anything more than symbolic and the articles to be introduced on monday if they are in the proforma session ultimately allowed to go forward is it really, congressman, going to result in the eviction of the president from his office . I think the most important thing is does is keeps him constrained until he is out of office. If he had impeachment thats passed on the house side and still hanging in the senate should he act in any manner thats contrary to democracy or puts this country in danger it will be quicker for the senate at that point to finish the impeachment process. Again, this is one of the few tools that we have to keep this madman in line and we need to take it. Unfortunately i wish theres other things to do but theres very few things we have to do to keep him in check. Congresswoman, there are 12 days left in President Trumps term. He could certainly do a lot of damage but give us a sense of how would impeachment work with so little time and do you think that you could get republicans to support you in a meaningful way to convict the president . I feel very strongly that we must act. To somehow suggest theres only a few more days, this was an act of sedition. He incited people to come to the congress of the United States and to dismantle it so we dont have a luxury of saying to wait it out for 12 days. This is an act we must do as members of the house under the constitution of the United States so in terms of whether or not republicans join us in this, we already have i understand one republican whos sirened on to one of these resolutions. I think there will be many more. I dont think we can suggest that this is okay and by not taking action we are saying its okay. The congresswoman, the wall street Journal Editorial Board is calling on the president to resign and write impeaching would enrage supporters in a way that wont help mr. Biden govern much less heal divisions but pour political fuel on wednesdays dying embers. We heard that also in that press conference from Kevin Mccarthy who i believe spoke to president elect joe biden about that. Are you at all worried a second peemtd, even if warranted and legitimate, could hurt bidens chances to govern successfully and unifying the nation as he said he wants to do . This is hard for me to say but having listened to my republican colleagues willingly try to overturn the election, even after there had been the attack on the congress, two thirds, almost two thirds of the republicans in the house voted to turn over the Election Results in the state of pennsylvania. So i have no belief that there is a willingness to work with the democrats. I hate saying that. I think that donald trump has a control over them, not so much because they believe him but because they believe he has an impact on their ability to be reelected. Congressman, youre called on senators cruz and hawley to resign for supporting President Trumps incitement of the mob. Biden said they were part of the big lie. What about your cleergs in the house who voted in objection o. Electoral vote count . Do you want to see them resign, as well . I certainly do believe some should resign and some clearly taking advantage of some feebleminded people, feeding them some hope and pureout lies. Certainly someone like congressman brooks who not only lied but just brandishes pure racism on the house floor and then scare people into in the house. This is a problem. You had a question earlier like, you know, are we going to do how will we heal . I dont think we can really fully understand what happened. They attacked the capitol. They interruptded a democratic process. It was a fullon insurrection. They killed a Security Guard in the halls of the capitol. You know . This is not a time for us to unite yet. First we need to find everybody involved and throw them in jail and then figure out who helped in the planning of this and throw them in jail and keep on going until we find everybody that was involved in this attempted coup and then start to unite but this is not something that goes away all of a sudden. A final question based on bracking news in the last hour and according to Pete Williams from a department of justice official saying at this point there is no investigation or potentially any charges to those who spoke at that rally on wednesday including the president. Which implies that theres no investigation into incitement of that mob that ultimately led to the insurrection on the capitol. Congresswoman, your reaction to that news . I think that it would be a miscarriage of justice to not take action, certainly not they have a responsibility i think to investigate. I think our colleagues, mr. Brooks, shower censured. I think that you know, im seeing the other visuals that you are putting up right now. I was up on in the gallery when all of this was happening. I livered through that horrendous expirerience and had any of those individuals had guns i think a good number of members of congress would be dead today so i think there has to be action taken. The anarchists in this country, the racists in this country, the antisemitics in this country used donald trump and donald trump used them to move forward with their anarchists agenda. And its going to take our country down if we dont act. Congressman, final word from you that the doj is not investigating those that spoke at the rally. Sure. The doj under the Trump Administration is not investigating. This is why we have a change of administration happening. This is not something that will go away. Im pretty sure we remember who was involved and when. Rudy giuliani was calling up senators to obstruct more votes even after the insurrection failed. And i dont believe from i believe in this heart this is connected somehow. The truth will get out and once it does the people will have justice. Congressman and congresswoman, thank you both this afternoon. Still ahead, a lot more on that breaking news out of the Justice Department on whether speakers at that rally that proceeded wednesdays riots will face any charges. Youre watching msnbc. 1 for diabetic dry skin 1 for psoriasis symptom relief and 1 for eczema symptom relief gold bond champion your skin tonight, try pure zzzs all night. Unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. And longer. Zzzquil pure zzzs all night. Fall asleep. Stay asleep. Its time you make the rules. So join the 2 Million People who have switched to xfinity mobile. 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Pete, what more do we know from the doj at this hour . Sure. Id first of all say that the Justice Department doesnt describe the people arrested today as pro trump supporters. All the charges are based merely on the actions inside the capitol building. In terms of the folks who spoke at the rally on wednesday this is a bit of a shift i think. On thursday the Justice Department official that spoke to reporters on a call when asked if they would look at those speeches as responsible incitement simply said, well, you know, well look at everything. In other words, the Justice Department wasnt ruling it out. Today in another Conference Call a different official from the Justice Department, the u. S. Attorneys office here in washington, said we dont expect any charges of that nature. In other words, of incitement. A third official i talked to at the Justice Department said the whole point of the calls is to say that the focus of the investigation at this point is solely on what happened inside the capitol building. Once those people breached the windows and the doors and got inside and committed mayhem and damaged property and threaten people, thats the focus of the investigation so far. And its from the conduct in the building that the charges, that toms going to describe to you, all flow from that investigation. So speaking of those charges, tom, break down for us those charges. I understand you saw Court Documents. What can you tell us about it . Right. This Ongoing Investigation into what happened both inside the capitol and outside of it continues and so we get the Court Documents unsealed as the investigations progress and the arrests are made and a look at a Lonnie Coffman taken into custody trying to return to the vehicle. After the kind of the mayhem began to settle down on the capitol. What the agents say in their criminal complaint is that when they searched him they found that he had two loaded handguns on his person, searching the vehicle they had an m4 Assault Rifle. Thats a familiar to you because thats the exact same model that say the nypd carries around. Their heavy weapons teams carry around the city and they say inside the cab of his car and on top of that 11 molotov cocktails according to the charging documents and in it he discussed he felted down styrofoam within gasoline with the effect of c creating essentially homemade me palm. They say that at this time theyre not charging him with the other explosive devices that pete and others have been talking about for a couple of days found near the dnc and the rnc. So theyre not charging him with that but they came upon his vehicle as they were searching cars for potential explosives, for potential weapons following what happened at the capitol. Another thing they dont say is they dont say here in the charging documents at least that they think he was inside of the capitol so but this is somebody on Capitol Grounds or near Capitol Grounds with multiple guns on their person. They were not registered. Had an Assault Rifle in the car and 11 molotov cocktails constructed in a way to act as a homemade nepalm and concerning allegations. As we continue to go through the Court Filings as they become unsealed. Very scary describing the details. Thank you very much for that angle of the story for us. Well take a deep dive into the calls for impeaching the president. How realistic is it . Ing ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. 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Find out more, call aag for your free information kit im proud to be a part of aag. I trust em. I think you can too. Call now the list of lawmakers on capitol hill calling for the removal of President Trump from office through impeachment or by invoking the 25th amendment has grown to almost 250 members of the house and senate including at least 1 House Republican. This comes as senator graham warns that an Impeachment Vote would fail in the senate. Joining me is now former special assistant to president obama normizen, counsel for the democrats on the house judiciary in the President Trumps impeachment. Its great to have you with us, sir. Let me real your reaction how this would play out. Congresswoman clark said theyre looking to vote next week on impeachment and articles of impeachment could be presented as early as monday. Nancy pelosi told the caucus this afternoon shell speak to joe biden about impeachment today. Is there enough time to get it done . Thanks for having me back on the program. There is enough time to get the first part done. That is, the articles of impeachment. There are a variety of vehicles to do it. We are not in the situation as we were with the Mueller Report to have a long investigation to figure out what happened behind closed doors or even with the you y ukraine situation where the president had the withholding of the transcript of the call. We have the call to raffensperger. It is the most important evidence. That was likely a both an ordinary crime under georgia law and a high crime and we heard what President Trump said to those rioters before they attacked the capitol in that act of insurrection. Its on audio and video that they had to fight. So i think the evidence is there. Impeachment can move briskly. Thats only the first half. Then you have to have a trial in the senate. Let me separate the two points. The phone call with georgia and what happened there in front of the capitol on wednesday because our correspondent you probably just heard Pete Williams saying the department of justice not looking at any incitement charges for those speakers at that rally. Does that complicate that second part of what you were talking about . Not the georgia part but the second come pponent that happen on wednesday if the Justice Department is looking at that as a possible crime . A lot of strange things have happened over at the department of justice over the past four years, so i dont put too much credence in their legal decisions nowadays. I do believe that charges may be available either under federal law or under the law of the district of columbia where trump made that speech, of course, here in d. C. Against him but you dont need to have an ordinary crime or a statutory crime to have a high crime and misdemeanor. What the constitution means by that are offenses against our democracy. Donald trump has done nothing but commit crimes against democracy since it was clear that he lost the election. He refused to admit it. Hes lied about the outcome even when he lost the 60 cases. He worked the people into a frenzy. And then he capped it off with the criminal, possibly criminal call to raffensperger and the possibly criminal statements at that rally. So those are high crimes and misdemeanors and we have the predicate for an impeachment if it is the wise thing to do. Thats what congress is going to figure out now. Let me ask you about the 25th amendment. You have written extensively about it. The Vice President said he is not looking at invoking the 25th amendment. Is there a way to do it without the support of the Vice President . Could it be something imposed on the Vice President as a result of the overwhelming majority of the cabinet . We would need the Vice President. But theres the conversation about the 25th amendment points out an important activity like so many things in the era of trump that we have learned. The constitution allows a Constitutional Commission constituted by congress that can also invoke the 25th amendment. We need to move a commission of that kind, take advantage of this moment, and congressman raskin who spoke brilliantly in the midst of personal tragedy in the recognition of the electoral votes has a great bill. So that is Something Else for congress to consider. All right. Ambassador norm eisen, thank you for your time this afternoon. Thank you. Next the International Reaction to the riots on capitol hill and the challenges the attacks could pose for president elect biden and the incoming state department. Stay with us. Pass pass pass pas advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer can take away so much. But today theres a combination of two immunotherapies you can take first. One that could mean. A chance to live longer. 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Even our foes noticed. Iran said the world is mocking American Values and in russia, high ranking officials are criticizing americas electoral system and using the riot to sow doubt in democracies around the world. Richard, good to have you back with us. I dont know where to begin on this one. How bad, how bad does the u. S. Look on the world stage . We heard the president elect say this has damaged our reputation. Im old enough to remember when Ronald Reagan talked about us being a shining city on a hill. What happened on capitol hill today knocked us off that. Other things had before but this was the final straw. I think its going to be a long time before the United States can credibly advocate for the rule of law, for free and fair elections, for peaceful transfer of power, opposition to coups, you name it. This really removed or moral authority. In some ways worse its raised real questions about our political stability. You see this going on, its got to make you think twice about your dependence on this country. Even though mr. Trump will leave the office, trumpism is not. Over 70 Million People voted for him. It raises real questions about what is the United States now. Its no surprise that auth authoritarian countries are exploiting it. Trying to draw parallels between wednesdays violence and the prodemocracy protests in hong kong over the past two years that we have seen. How badly did the capital insurrection damage the movement around the world . Its terrible. Its been losing ground now for 15, 20 years. Theres been democratic backsliding. Our alleys have been saying about the lead herbshership vac. What happened today in washington, d. C. Is not america. Definitely. We believe in the strength of our democracies. The rampage of the capitol yesterday was a disgraceful act and it must be vigorously condemned. As far as the president consistently has cast doubt on the outcome of a free and fair election, i cant believe that was completely wrong. Richard we have about 40 seconds left. The significance of that. Our influence goes down. We create space for china and the other authoritarians to fill it. I think this accelerates the move away from a world in which american influence was paramount. Were accelerating the arrival of an era no longer dominated or even as influenced as it could be by the United States. Its not good for the world. Its not good for us. Its going to make the road much more difficult for the incoming biden administration. Richard, always a pleasure. Thank you so much. That wraps up this hour for me and the week. What a week. Ill see you right back here monday at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. Deadline white house starts right after this quick break. S right after this quick break for every trip youve been dreaming of, expedia has millions of flexible booking options. 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Shes making clear the urgency of immediate action to protect our country from donald trump writing this morning i spoke to the chair of the joint chiefs of staff to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president

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