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Azar says he is hopeful they can distribute the vaccine next week. And while they decided not to prejudge the decision he staid is the agencys intention to get a safe vaccine approved as quickly as possible. Well have to see what the scientific and medical suggestion is today, but our plan is to take their recommendations into account and make a decision shortly there after. It depends on the complexity of the issue but we intend to act quickly. Even rapid action from the fda is simply not fast enough. Over 3,000 americans died from covid19 yesterday. That is the highest oneday death toll yet. It is more lives lost than 9 11 in a single day. What is worse we could reach a total death toll of 300,000 in just a matter of days. Former cdc director put that into perspective. That is sobering. Joining me now is morgan radford. Codirector of the center for vaccine development. The National School of troll kal medicine dr. Peter hotez, and peter baker, so dr. Peter hotez, let us start with you and this fda meeting. What exactly is going on right now, if any, they say this vaccine is okay how quickly will the fda move . Thanks, katy. Its not like a binary up and down. There are special populations, pregnant, compromising, kids, what about the future Clinical Trials, do we vaccination the placebos . What do we do about future trials. We heard about the allergies yesterday in the two allergies. Unless were moving forward with the emergency use authorization. Im pretty confident about that. There could be a delay if they want to see more information. Its more going to be about all of the other pieces that we have to look for in the coming weeks and months. Doctor, youre talking about pregnant women and other groups that have not been tested with this vaccine. Is there any reason to believe that the academy would say yes, they should get this vaccine even if children or pregnant women were not involved in those Clinical Trials . I think theyre going to certainly say that well have to do further clinical studies. The pregnant woman issue is tougher. We have seen high morbidity among pregnant women this year. Every time we delay were placing them at risk and their families. That may be a more complicated decision about how theyre coming down. That seems like a tough one, convincing a pregnant woman to get a vaccine when she already in a precarious state, or mentally in a precarious state, growing a fetus and trying to convince her that it is safe. Exactly, i think the kwle be how will we move forward in terms of Clinical Trials, going to that next step, there may already be information in the 44,000 person study. It is hikely that the participants were pregnant or got pregnant in the study. So there is a lot of information to pour through. Thats why it took the fda a couple weeks to go through all of the primary data to pick up on that nuance. It is about warnings and contraindicatio contraindications. The uk gave a severe response to the two Health Service providers with a reaction. I dont think we can do that in the u. S. We have 50 million americans with a earn gis and 3. 67 million carry an epi pen. I think that could be a show stopper for a number of reasons. Hopefully well get more information by the end of the day. It is a very intensive discussion. I was talking to the doctor earlier today and he said usually they would truck in two semis full of documentation, but now it is a hard drive, but that is what you have to go through to approve a vaccine. What are you hearing, morgan. Were in front of the fda and as you said sorry, excuse me. This is all about transparency. That is what you can see. Theyre trying to build trust in the vaccine. Those making up that panel are getting into the knitty fritgri talking about the trial. Only 61 said they would be willing to get this vaccine, but you really need 75 or 85 to get the vaccine. The big question is when will i, you, and the viewers be able to get hands on their vaccine. As soon as the fda authorizations it, millions of doses, 2. 9 million will be sent to all corners of the country. Priority given to the elderly and to those Front Line Health Care workers. But remember this is also a question of the pfizer vaccine, but there are others that are already in line, katy. We could hear about moderna in a week. Answering those questions and getting this vaccine out to the public is their First Priority today, katy. That is so interesting, a good reminder of others out there. As morgan just said were going to have to build trust for everybody to get this vaccine. At the very least enough people to create herd immunity. In the meantime, peter baker, there is a surge in cases, a crisis across the country, people are dieing because people are not taking the recommendations by Health Officials seriously. Theyre not Wearing Masks enough, not social distancing enough, and theyre not getting that message from the very top. Millions who only trust donald trump are not getting the message that this virus is very serious, very contagious, and very deadly. Talk to me about the mess ages between what donald trump is doing and what president elect donald trump is going to do. President trump and president elect biden seem to be on the same page when it comes to the vaccine in the sense of what youre talking about. So much of this virus has been politicized and made into a test of u. S. Versus then. If we have president elect biden and President Trump saying this vaccine is something you can trust, if you have president bush, clinton, obama, all taking it on camera like they said, that gives the potential of at least mitigating some of the Political Division that has infected this country along with the virus. As you say it is still a long way off. A lot of people will get sick between now and then. We have seen about 350,000 people die since election day. They are likely to die before inauguration day. That is like albany, new york. Were hearing this message. You have a president that is hosting Christmas Parties with hundreds of people, scores and scores of people together in a room where theyre unlike against the Public Health guidelines, and the president elect is saying keep your mask, stay socially distance. Well get to the vaccine. In the meantime you have to take precautions to keep the virus from spreading. One of the biggest Public Health hurdles is getting on the same page. And not having leadership on the same page when it comes to Something Like this is very dangerous. Were reaping the consequences of that right now getting close to 300 million lives lost. They say in congress they could not get on the same page when it came to lielt for companies, or not being liable, and also state and local funding. These are, of course, the two big issues for the two big parties, right . They made the liability shield. They made funding for states that are strapped. One of their number one priorities that they dont like. And they allowed this difference to hold up this relief package. That is eight months. It is remarkable that were in the middle of a crisis. A lot of people are out of work. A lot of people are hungry and hurting. And the congress and the United States, the president and of the United States has nots been able to get together on something which is usually the easiest, giving away money. They are small important points. Many people may face a harder christmas than they were already going to face. Significantly harder. There was a number of provisions and things that were helping people that will be axed. Rent relief, none visions, there was a number of things. We have a graphic with all of them, were working on getting it up. Just everything that is about to exexpire, it is disappointing and shame all in theyre leaving millions of americans in the lurch as go into the new year. We always appreciate your expertise. President elect joe biden continues to staff up his incoming administrations. Ohio congresswoman marsha fudge to run hud, and a long time domestic policy council. Joining me now is mike memoli. If you look at the balancing act as they weigh these nominations it seems like the x factor when there is a tough call or a position to be filled. It is the relationship that biden has with a number of officials. You see this in susan right. We talked about her as a potential Vice President ial nominee. She worked very closely in the white house. You see dennis mcdonough. He is asked to take on a very difficult task ahead of the Veterans Affairs administration. A very difficult job, and tom vilsack. To return to the position as agriculture secretary. Vilsack was one of his biggest supporters in the campaign. He is the former governor there. The two new names that i want to highlight is marsha fudge. This is the voices in the populous wing. They recommended this choice to the pooiden team. So theyre happy to see that pick. We saw that from leann kaldwel. Certainly the relationships mean so much to biden and that is what were seeing again and again through these fixes. There is also a very real concern that the majority for democrats in the house are shrinking. There is also this, the run off in georgia, the democrats need to win that to retake the senate. I wonder what youre hearing from them when it comes to Something Like a covid relief bill especially after what we just heard from Mitch Mcconnells staff. I have that graphic. With all of the things expiring in the coming days b i want to put it on the screen. Unemployment companiation. Unemployment assistance, paid leave protection, renter eviction moratorium. Student loan determent. Unspent covid relief funds, use of ppe funds, suspended and sequester cuts. Ars and National Security loans. Something in there will touch a load of americans out there that are struggling right now. Does biden look at what is going on with congress and think they can do any better . I will say there is very real concern on the pieden team. From other economists they are saying the risks of not doing enough now outweighs the cost of doing too much. Theyre concerned that the situation that will inherit, the nick hole may be that much depositioner and harder to climb out of. It makes, certainly the stimlouse that a Biden White House might push next year bigger. They would rather tee some of that bitten off now not just as a political matter but a real economic impact. Were six weeks away, but it could be everything. One thing they have been consistently hammering is the need to get states funding. So the opposition there to what he called a through state bailout is particularly troubling. Mike, thank you so much. Still ahead, unemployment, unemployed, single, a mom, and trying to survive in a pandemic. We put a face on the need for Economic Relief that doesnt seem to be coming. And then a fire Data Scientist says it was part of a campaign to silence her. That scientist joins us. First is it the pbig one . Or another groundless attempt to steal the election. Groundless o steal the election but we didnt stop there. We made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. No matter what it does, or how it changes. And we kept going. So you only pay for what you use. Because at dell technologies, we stop. At nothing. Of the financial system. Le have been shut out [music playing throughout] because at dell technologies, we stop. At nothing. My grandfather founded Industrial Bank in 1934 so black people would have a bank that would work with them. Because our doors are open, other doors are opening to more opportunities for our community. Were excited to work with citi, so we can realize our dreams of expanding our reach and impact. Citi is committed to working with blackowned banks like industrial, so they can continue to support their clients and communities. We have to find somethingust else. Good luck ut it. What does that mean . We are doomed. [ laughter ] thats it. I figured it out were going to give togetherness. That sounds dumb. Were going to take all those Family Moments and package them. Hmm. [ laughing ] that works. That was President Trump last night at the white house talking about how he could still overturn the election results. Today he brought a dozen state attorney generals. After the Atlanta Journal constitution reported, he asked them not to rally support against said lawsuit. For those details and more, lets bring in Kelly Odonnell and Washington Post political informations reporter tom ham bham burger. A lot of pressure being put on officials by the president to basically steal the election. The president said at his georgia appearance that in the weeks since the election is about the busiest that he has been. He has been working the phones which we dont have general access to to know who he is talking to and what he is pressuring them about or trying to convince or persuade them about but he has been contacting different state Legislature Members and Party Officials around the country and so forth. This luncheon from the attorneys general from 17 dozen states was already on the schedule according to aides here. You can imagine that the most likely topic. They are talking about trying to keep trump in office. The election has done to joe biden based on that Electoral College vote, and monday they will be actually meeting. The president has been putting pressure on and calling for courage and wisdom as he put it. He also used the phrase that you cant turn the white house over to a illegitimate president. They are saying it without supporting evidence and without case law that he was wronged in the election beyond simply just losing to joe biden. Katy . There is no one wiser than our own pete williams. Here is how he describes the likelihood of him winning in the supreme court. One it would be unconstitutional to delay electoral votes in four states, two texas has no legal right to challenge how they conduct their elections. Three legal claims have been chewed over. It seeks to invalidate about 20 million votes. And it is prepared in haste. Pete williams does not think this will be successful. Tom other than the lawsuits which trump has not won so far, he is now looking to pressure republican lawmakers. You have reporting about calls he is making to congress. What can you tell us . Katy, the president is turning to legislatures. Theyre looking ahead to jan 6th. That is day they meet top count electoral votes and to certify the election. The white house has been communicating closely with a number of supporters in the white house. They reached out to some of their senate colleagues. So far there is no commitment to join in an effort to overturn the results however there is a discussion continuing between Republican House members that have been in close touch with the white house, the lael team, and they are reaching out to republican members of the senate. So far they have not committed to this. The Washington Post, only a couple dozen said that he lfsing to say joe biden was the winner. On and capitol hill looking forward to jan 6th. Still a question about how far theyre willing to take it this in the name of politicals. Thank you guys very much for being here. And realistically they only have a day for the bill. Agents with guns drawn raided the home of a florida Data Scientist that helped track covid cases. Now a gop attorney has resigned in protest saying it was meant to intemperature date the scientist targeted. E scientist targeted this week on the upper hands. Special guest flo challenges the hand models to show off the ease of comparing rates with progressives home quote explorer. International hand model jonjon gets personal. Your wayward pinky is grotesque. Then a high stakes pattycake Battle Royale ends in triumph. You have the upper hands its a race to the lowest rate, and so much more. Only on the upper hands. Tremfya® can help adults with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis uncover clearer skin that can last. Most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. In another study, the majority of tremfya® patients saw 90 clearer skin at 3 years. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. 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She sent an unauthorized message from a shared Emergency Management account asking employees to speak out about the response. Now a lawyer has resigned in protest in a letter to the governor they called it unconscionable. She is the cofounded ore the covid monitor which tracks cases in cools across the country. You work for the government, you say you were fired because they wanted you to manipulate the statistics about covid and the number of cases coming up positive . Am i correct in that . Yes, thats correct. They wanted you to deflate the number. Talk to me about what has happened since. You were monitoring the covid Positivity Rate by yourself, why do you believe the raid was tied with that . I have been doing more than just watching and reporting what the state has going on. I also cofounded the covid monitor which tracks k through 12 school cases across the United States where we confirmed more than 300,000 cases in schools across the country just this fall. I have been publishing research. I had an article that came out that was a case study using florida and seeing what kind of trends we were seeing between teachers, students, grade levels, how Mask Policies impact those case rates welcome influencing school case rates and vice versa. So i have been really busy just trying to work on the data and the science for the last six months. While filing my whistleblower complaint i knew there was a chance they would come after me. That is what i fully expected to happen that morning. I was expected to be arrested. I didnt know what for but i went down and i was ready to go and when i was told i needed to get my children down i was confused and shocked that officers drew guns after i told them that my two children were upstairs. Why do you think you were a target for tracking the information on your own and posting it publicly . I dont think i was so much the target as the people who i have been communicating with over the last six months. People in multiple administrations, agencies across the state, who have come to me in confidence knowing what happened to me and wanting to get was out, wanting to tell me what was going on within the State Government now that i was no longer there. There are a couple of officials very high up in their respective agencies that i have been communicating with for months and those communications are on my phone which the Police Seized and took with them. I think that taking my computer, hardware, all of it, my external drives for a text message supposedly sent was two birds and one stone. Shut me down and find out who i have been talking to. Here is what state is alleging, they sayen unauthorized message was sent to 1750 through an Emergency Alert system. It read its time to speak up before another 17,000 people are dead. You know this is wrong. You dont have to be part of this. Be a hero and speak out before its too late. You said that you did not send that text message . That should be easily proven. Sorry, go ahead. No, i was saying if you did send it they should be able to pretty easily approve that if you have all of your devices. You would think so, there is no evidence on my devices of any message sent like that. Tom cofind out yesterday that the email account theyre saying sent it out is apparently online. In pub welcome reports and pdf was with the user night. So between that and the firings that were going on around that time, tb is literally possible that anyone sent this message. I dont see myself as a hero for speaking out. I think i did what had to be done, and i dont like to use the word heroic for people doing what i see is as the bare minimum which is just being honest. For example right now more people are hospitalized because of covid than we have at any point yet in this state. And this is a really scary fact and it is something that is downplayed by the governor. I think they need to appreciate whatever the reality of the situation is so they can make the most informed decisions ever. And im going to get back to work doing that, trying to minimize the disruption from this, and keep doing good work, good science, and get it out to the people. Rebecca jones, thank you for being here with us. We do appreciate your time. Thank you. Hospitals are running out of room. Arizona is rehabbing out of commission medical facilities to try to make room. Also to path to a compromise. Mitch mcconnell closing the door on a covid19 relief bill. The breaking news, next. 9 relie. The breaking news, next. How Liberty Mutual customizes Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Isnt that what you just did . Service stand back, im gonna show ya how doug and limu roll, ya you know you got to live it if you wanna wi. [ music stops ] time out only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Katy, i can tell you in the last few minutes our two source thats have been working on that bipartisan framework. This is all leaving outstanding the Liability Protection piece. Can this group, or anyone else who is interested in trying, fashion a liability shield for a piece of legislation that is sweet enough to convince the republican thats do not like the state and local aide provisions. It is essentially what we have come down to right now. Is this going to happen . Is this a negotiating ploy to send out the mess age that this is all but dead . They want a deal in this lame duck session. They are coming back in another format. Is there enough time nar fort to happen. They have to agree on a bill, draft, and vote. Is there enough time before they go on resnecessrecess . In termly. They could extend the timeline. Also a lot of these, in is part of mcconnells point a lot of provisions here are not controversial here. It is really the last two provisio provisions. They have to get an agreement and theyre not there they talked about it when they came back in june. April is when the house passed their version of this bill. Garrett haake. For Many Americans the housing crisis is already here. The night before thanksgiving california Highway Patrol officers went door to door to e vekt more than a dozen families that moved into vacant stateowned homes. They clashed with activists who are failing to provide shelter for people during a pandemic. Thank you for joining me. I have two questions for you. Right now youre unemployed, how hard is it to find a job in california before the pandemic and how hard is it now . It has been extremely hard. I have worked at the same place for the past 12 years. I have not had to look for a job in awhile, but right now im at home, homeschooling my daughter, and you know i would have to take a remote position on top of that, you know my daughter needs a lot of oneonone instruction, so either way it is just tough. How hard it was to find housing in california . Oh, housing in california is it is a joke. The rents are crazy. There is a million luxury developments going up constantly and, you know, just a myriad of people being displaced and a growing number of unhoused people on our streets. Where are you right now . Right now im at my apartment. So my situation is that about three years ago my apartment was purchased by a Investment Firm from silicon valley. Im in los angeles in a highly generali gentrified neighborhood. They have tried numerous times to evict me at no fault of my own. At this point not having a job i owe a ton of back rent and our current tenant protections are expiring at the end of january. So february i will be expected to pay my full rent plus start making mamts plus the back rent to stay here which is just not feasible right now. I know you could hear the last segment that i was doing with Garrett Haake talking about the negotiations in congress, whats your message to congress . Were not going to wait around any more, they have been dragging their feet more months. Housing, shelters, were not going to wait anywhere. Myself and other families took that bold action to occupy these vacant state owned homes. You know these homes were taken from the community and we believe, you know, it is such a misuse of resources. To let these homes sit vacant, rot, and use statement chp to guard and take people out of vacant homes. It makes no sense. How is your daughter . My daughter is okay. I think, you know, it has been tough for a lot of kids not having that social interaction. She is, you know, we have been through a lot, and she has a lot of anxiety. And she is getting, you know, support for that. But it has been tough. It is really hard to see kids having a hard time. Thank you so much for joining us. Good luck to you. Thank you. Coming up next, u. S. Hospitals are being overwhelmed by covid19 patients and it is impacting other critical care. S impacting other critical care. You being on the ground and you experiencing the area, how bad is it . It is bad. It is probably as bad as it was this summer if not worse. It wa this summer if not worse oducing fidelity income planning. We look at how much youve saved, how much youll need, and build a straightforward plan to generate income, even when youre not working. A plan that gives you the chance to grow your savings and create cash flow that lasts. Along the way, well give you ways to be tax efficient. And you can start, stop or adjust your plan at any time without the unnecessary fees. Talk to us today, so we can help you go from saving. To living. Talk to us today, finding the right words can be tough. N it comes to autism, finding understanding doesnt have to be. 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Lukes hospital, it shut down in 2019. Get this. It couldnt draw enough patients. Now the state of arizona is bursting at the seams. Make no mistake, this would be a last resort. Thing to ununlicensed hospital for the retrofit but it is an option. Health officials have designated it as a site that they could spool up rather quickly. Seven to 14 days. And then you would have an additional 235 beds at your disposal. However, again, it does not account for the staffing crisis in that state which comes i know what the capacity crisis. One thing to have enough beds in the state, which they dont. But another thing to have enough treatment. Enough specialized nurses and doctors who need to work these icus and intubators. They have a real shortage in that. I spoke to a physician about what this coming tide has been like, with this surge that theyre in has been like. He gave me an anecdote that puts in it stark relief. I had a colleague in the urgent care the other day in her shift. She saw 36 patients. Which is not unusual for a nursing care shift but all of them tested positive for covid19. And of those 36, four were sent directly to the ic you were. I cant really shruggar coat it. It is a terrible situation. What im hearing when i say what is it we can do to help, stop the faucet. Stop them from pouring in. Stop the stories where people talk about how they were with 20 and 30 people for thanksgiving and then one or two people tested positive and now everybody is sick. Reporter and this were to open, this would be for post acute care. Youre too sick to not be in a hospital with some sort of specialized care situation but youre not sick enough to have the highest level of care. There are a lot of Covid Patients in that boat as we speak. Steve patterson. Thanks so much. And that is going to do it for me today. Remember, do your part. Slow the spread. If youre going out, wear a mask. If youre staying in, coverage after a quick break. Verage after a quick break. 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Do the aerotrainer super crunch. The prestretch works your abs even harder, engaging the entire core. Then its the back extension, super rock, and lower back traction stretch to take the pressure off your spine and stretch muscles. Planks are the ultimate total body exercise. Build your upper body with pushups. Work your lower body with the aerosquat. The aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. It inflates and deflates in less than 30 seconds using the electric pump. Head to aerotrainer. Com now. Now its your turn to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. Get off the floor and get on the aerotrainer. Go to aerotrainer. Com, thats aerotrainer. Com. Good afternoon, everyone. As we come on the air this hour were following breaking news. There could be an approved Coronavirus Vaccine in the United States by the end of today. Right now, a panel of advisers to the food and Drug Administration is meeting about whether to recommend the agency authorized the pfizer vaccine. Theyre expected to vote soon. Well bring that to you once we learn about it. This as were beginning on see the full effects of thanksgiving travel and gatherings on this country. Yesterday the United States reported a daily record of almost 223,000 cases and more than 3,100 deaths, surpassing the 9 11 attacks as the deadliest single day for americans this century. And that could be a low estimate. A New York Times Analysis Finds deaths nationwide were 19 higher than

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