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Somebody disrespects our flag . To say, get that son of a off the field. I have a daughter. I do whatever i have to do to make sure she can look at her dad and be, like, hey, he tried to make a change. It was divisive. For him to use this platform to divide us more is not something i can stand for. If youre a multimillionaire who feels oppressed, you need a therapist, not a publicity stunt. They can do the free speech on their own time. He should apologize. Theyre not sobs. Theyre thoughtful, smart guys. The latest push to overhaul obamacare may be in Critical Condition again. Can only afford to lose two, and they already have. It is difficult for me to envision a scenario where i would end up voting for this bill. Republicans are attempting to sweeten the deal, offering a lastminute change to shift money in the bill to alaska and maine. Politico reported that kushner has been in the white house and used a personal email account. There were fewer than 100 emails sent to this personal account. His lawyer confirmed yesterday, dozens of times to correspondents, like steve bannon, Reince Priebus. President trump is doubling down, tripling down on his comments about nfl players not standing during the national anthem. Mentioning nothing about puerto rico and the 3 Million People suffering there. The president tweeting, many people booed the players who kneeled yesterday, which was a small percentage. In total, these are fans who demanded respect for our flag. Adding, the issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race. It is about respect for our country, flag and national anthem. Nfl must respect this. President trump, thats wrong. Also tweeting, proud of nascar in its supporters and fans. They wont put up with disrespecting our country or flag. From nfl Spokes Mman To Form Press Secretary for bill clinton, quote, yesterday was an important day in the nfl. This is what real Locker Room Talk is. Tom brady did not go to the white house when the patriots were invited after they won, yet the president made no comment. Over the weekend, he attacked steph curry of the golden state warriors, who decided back in june not to go to the Celebratory Party with his teammates. His teammates who now decided theyre not going to the white house either. It caused such a stir that fellow Basketball Superstar lebron james tweeted, calling the president a bum. All of this after a wave of protests across the nfl took place yesterday during the anthem. More than 100 players kneeling in defiance. Others joining in a massive show of solidarity. With coaches and owners, even some team owners, who doe nate donated heavily, im talking in the millions, including the president s friend, robert kraft, and the redskins owner, all following the fire storm the president set off on friday night. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, just say, get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Hes fired. Hes fired collectively, we felt like we had to, you know, do something. Only a few times in a mans life where you have a chance to stand up for something you believe in and make a statement. Today, i thought that was the chance, and i took it. There are no sobs in this league. I supported donald trump. I sat back, when he asked me to introduce him at a rally, you know, in buffalo, i did that, but im reading these comments, and its appalling to me. I dont agree with it at all. I think that President Trump was absolutely right when he said that the players should stand for the national anthem. I disagree. They should be able to protest how they feel is necessary. I want to point out, the president called the nfl players sons of bitches, yet when he referenced the protesters at the neonazi event back in charlottesville many, many fine people. Joining us now, live, former nfl Defensive End marvin washington, who played for the new york jets, 49ers and the Denver Broncos during his 11year career. Also, former Seattle Seahawks player and Army Green Beret nate boyer, who served multiple tours in iraq and afghanistan. Nate, marvin has the homecourt advantage so well start with you. You talked to colin kaepernick, into kneeling instead of sitting on the bench, as hes done for several weeks. Talk us through the argument that President Trump makes, that if you dont stand, youre standing against the United States of america. Yeah, first of all, i didnt talk him into it. That was a conversation that we make to the middle ground together. That was between him and me. We sat down for a couple hours, discussed our perspective and definitely our feelings toward the anthem, the flag and our background that led us to feel that way. Kind of came to that decision together. But, like i said before and ill say again, i will always stand because of what it means to me. The men and women who lay down their lives for what that piece of cloth represents. However, that piece of cloth also represents everyones right in this country and the freedoms to express yourself how you feel. When youre not pleased with something, in our country, you have the ability to speak out against it or to take a knee against it or do something in protest in some way, as long as it is peaceful. Ill always support that. So i support the rights 100 . Marvin, just for historical perspective, when you played, you didnt have to stand. That was not something that players necessarily did. They didnt always come out for the national anthem. Some cases, they were in. Some cases, they didnt stand. Of course. It depends how the game went. I dont remember being out there for the national anthem. This is something thats come on ae ce ece recently. I think 2009 when the nfl paid the Department Of Defense to promote the Department Of Defense paid the nfl. The Department Of Defense paid the nfl. This is not about disrespecting the soldiers and flag. Rosa parks didnt sit down because she didnt like the transportation system. This is about civil rights. My dad is buried in a veteran cemetery, and he joined the service when he was 17 years old during world war ii. He didnt have his full rights back here at home. So this is not about me disrespecting the flag or whatever. It is about these players expressing their First Amendment right to Freedom Of Speech and freedom of expression. My dad and the veterans like him will fight for him to either kneel or stand. Heres something that puzzles me. Newt gingrich earlier today said it is impossible for multimillionaires to be oppr s oppressed. If theyre feeling so oppressed, they need a shrink. Newt gingrich doesnt realize Abraham Lincoln didnt fight to free slaves because it was affecting him personally. Can you use your position to help those who dont have a voice . I think you should. Sports and politics have been around since the inception of time. Africanamerican players, since 1947, trying to integrate the game of basketbaeball. For him to say that, he acts like the owners own the players, when they own the team. I understand the players get paid a lot, but theyre making the owners a lot of money, also. So i dont believe that. For Newt Gingrich to say that, i think, is ridiculous. He needs to have empathy and sympathy for what people of color are going through in this country. Nate, i think Something Interesting that you said, that you have fought, youve been in afghanistan, a place where the taliban do not allow any variance from the official line in terms of selfexpression. There are millions of People Living under the rule of isis that american soldiers are fighting right now. They will not allow any freedoms of expression of any sort. Tell me about your sense of the importance of the freedoms we have to protest peacefully. Yeah, i mean, thats what makes our country truly great and very special, you know. The anthem and that flag does not represent a person. It represents the entire nation. You know, when i was overseas fighting, the fact that i had to we had to put aside some of our differences and cultures and understand that, look, i may not relate to this person that im working with and im fighting alongside against terrorism, against hatred, but i can sit down and listen to them and understand that at the end of the day, they probably want the same things i do, as far as for their family and everything like that. And you have to be able to work maybe steph curry could say, im not going to spend my time at a Celebratory Party for someone that doesnt clearly denounce racism. I agree with you. But i mean, if he comes at it with that attitude, like, look, ill come to the white house but i want to sit down and talk, i mean, thats an opportunity. If he gets told no, hes told no. At least its an attempt though. I dont know. I mean, im just im a huge fan of steph curry. Im a warriors fan, and he is an intelligent, young man. A lot of people follow him. I think that would be interesting to see what came of that. Thats all im saying. I totally understand where youre coming from. Im just saying steph curry is a leader, example of a father, husband, hard work pays off, is a tough guy to say, guess what, youre not invited anyway. Marvin, could you comment on this point that Steve Mnuchin made, that the players should, quote, do free speech on your own time . The last time i checked in the United States of america, whether youre at work you can do free speech wherever you are. Im unclear what doing free speech means. Ive never been in a scenario where if you speak respectful from a place of integrity, you cant speech your mind. Mnuchin is under investigation for mispolice station misplacement of federal funds. Its interesting coming from him. But people dont realize, the socially conscious athlete is what i grew up with. I grew up in the 60s and 70s. We had muhammad ali, jim brown, russell. I didnt look up to politicians. I looked up to sports stars. They can bring attention and focus to whatever issues are going on. Im glad were having this conversation right now. It needs to be had. Hopefully, it can lead to reform. Wh we put our hands up, its offensive. Kneel down, it is offensive. Ferguson has reform now in their come back from the break. Plus, well explain how Americas Nuclear codes work and exactly how long itd take for President Trump to pull the trigger. Hi, im the internet you know whats difficult . Foreign minister threatened the north would shoot down any u. S. Bombers if necessary. This is important. U. S. Bombers flew as far north and as close to north korea as theyve done in this century. This happened this weekend. Joining us is nbc News White House correspondent kristen welker. What do you know . Reporter ali and steph, this war of words escalates. As you point out, speaking in new york, the north Korean Foreign minister said President Trump declared war over the weekend. Let me read you a tweet over the weeke weekend. Just heard Foreign Minister of north korea speak at u. N. If he echoes thoughts of little rocket man, they wont be around much longer. North koreas leader saying that those comments, his other fiery comments, clearly a declaration of war. Warning the International Community should clearly remember it was the u. S. That declared war on north korea. Really extraordinary language that is coming out, not only of north korea, but from President Trump, as well. Of course, he gave that speech at the u. N. Last week and said that he was prepared to bring about north koreas total destruction if it didnt stop its nuclear provocations. Now, of course, those words were also met with tough actions. The ones that you talked about, that show of force, flying military bombers close to the north, but also, of course, the toughest round of sanctions that we have seen yet. North korea has threatened to test fire an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile into open air. If that happens, itll be the first time a country takes that type of step to test a Nuclear Weapon in open air since china did it back in 1980. So certainly an escalation here. The question is, how does this all end . President trump has an event here at the white house today, which will be focused on jobs. Undoubtedly, well get questions about this. Well be paying very close attention to that. Thank you. Theres a lot of news. The Trump Administration is grappling with Nuclear Issues on two fronts this morning. First, irans test launch of a new Ballistic Missile it says is capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Condemned by the united nations, the missile test comes less than a week after President Trump spoke before the General Assembly here in new york. Accusing iran of exporting violence, the white house faces an october 15th deadline to certify irans compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal to congress. The president has claimed iran is in violation of, quote, the spirit of the deal, but has issued the certification as required every three months. Meanwhile, the president S Newest Travel Ban includes north korea, part of a Ratcheting Up of tensions between kim jeong junes regime and the United States. The two leaders have hurt ehurl massive personal attacks at each other, including this, that took place on friday. Little rocket man. He may be smart, he may be is that strategic and totally crazy, but no matter what he is, were going to handle it, folks. Believe me. This is what is stunning to me. Members of the administration and Trump Supporters would say, follow what he does, not what he says. What about when he says things that causes erratic countries like north korea to say, youve declared war on us. It is impossible to separate the idea he tweets and wants his tweets to be taken seriously. Sean spicer said consider it an official statement. He is tweeting things that are separate and apart from american policy as it regards north korea. When youre dealing with things on the fringes, thats fine. But this is a country with Nuclear Weaponry. We cant really be having these mixed messages. We were discussing this on friday. We said, wed like to be discussing the other policy, but he threatens via tweet. It would be irresponsible of us to ignore the tweets. Because weve been told, thats policy. How do members of the military how would a mother, if she had a son or a daughter posted in south korea. Posted in japan. This is serious stuff. Coming up, were going to talk looks like someone else has been emailing on private emails. Were going to be talking about that when we come back. Amazing. Jared kushner, after all that happened, the criticism, Remember Lock her up . Now Jared Kushner seems to be using private emails, even though he is a member of the administration. And were watching markets this morning. Remember Angela Merkel secured her fourth term over the weekend. The markets have been on a run. Facebook and some other social Media Companies are getting a lot of criticism. Stand by. You are watching velshi ru e ruhle live on msnbc. How do you chase what you love with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis . Do what i did. Ask your doctor about humira. Its proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Lock her up lock her up lock her up you got to speak to Jeff Sessions about that. Politico is reporting trumps soninlaw and Senior Adviser Jared Kushner is using his private account to conduct white house business. Politico claims hes corresponde corresponded with other officials through a private email account set up during the transition. Quote, kushner and his wife set up the private donate before moving to washington. Fewer than 100 emails from january to august were sent to or returned by mr. Kushner to colleagues in the white house from his personal email account. These were usually forwarded News Articles or political commentary and most often occurred when someone initiated the exchange by sending an email to his personal rather than white house address. Joining us now is the politico reporter who problem the story, josh dawsey. A personal email address and a private email server, those are two different things. Correct. We do not know if it was a separate email server here. We do know that in december when they moved to washington, jared and ivanka created a personal family email account. Jared has used that intermittently throughout the last eight months to correspondent with white house officials, others close to the administration, about his fatherinlaw, while also sometimes using his white house official account. Hes used both at the same time. Do we have a sense of what sort of information was exchanged and whether any was classified . His lawyer said it was mostly articles, which are of little concern. What else do we know . I want to be fair. We do not know if there was classified or Sensitive Information shared on this private email account. Lawyers say no. It is were dicki iwere digo find out exactly what was in there. Its been difficult to figure out, obviously, because it is a private email account and it is not a government account, where you can get records or go through the president ial records act. Were trying to assess what is exactly in there. We know there are hundreds and hundreds of emails, corresponding with different issues. The hypocrisy is sticking out to a lot of people. Lock her up is based on her using the private email server. The argument could be made, these are people who jared knew personally and they only had this address, but it wasnt just friends and associates outside of the administration. There were emails with gary cohn, steve bannon, a number of people who are part of the administration. Isnt that the case . It was a sharp, potent attack. Hillary clinton email server, accusing her of having something to hide. Below the table behavior, an fbi investigation. It was one of the president s sharpest tri teak esest critique trail. To be fair, others have done this, as well. We reported today, Reince Priebus and steve bannon also used a private email account to correspondent to other white house officials. The use is pervasive in the white house, which is ironic after the theme of the campaign that dominated hillary clinton. Okay. We should point out then, in the spirit of to be fair, its to be fair, other people were also exhibiting hypocritical behavior. Not that if reince did it, it is okay. It is not okay across the board. Correct. Jared kushner was a top adviser to the president though. Hes probably the most wellknown official in the white house. His behavior kind of shows how close Something Like this could get to the president. Josh, good to talk to you. Thank you for your reporting. Josh dawsey. Thanks for having me. Or the complaints we hear, reporting of those who said jared and ivanka dont follow protocol, behave like theyre royals. Maybe it is things like this. You go. Go ahead. You. Stand by. Well go to capitol hill for an update on obamacare. Republicans revised the latest led legislation to get key votes. Does the Graham Cassidy bill have a chance of passing . 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Here are the top stories were watching right now after a weekend in bedminster, new jersey. The president is back at the white house this afternoon. He is going to make a job announcement. Jobs, not his job, before hosting a dinner and discussion on tax reform with grassroots leaders. A Gun Man Opened Fire at a Tennessee Church yesterday afternoon, killing one person and injuring six. The suspect, a 25yearold man, is in custody on a first degree murder charge. Theres no clear motive for the shooting. Former new York Congress man Anthony Weiner was sentenced to 21 months in prison for sectioning a 15yearold girl last year. The sentence was handed down this mornin gmorning. Hell have to register as a sex offender. My god. Look at the line outside of the hearing room this morning, where the single hearing on the Graham Cassidy bill will be held this afternoon. Over the weekend, ted cruz voiced his disapproval of the bill in austin. Right now, they dont have my ve voe vote and i dont think they have mike lees either. I want to get there. Obamacare is a disaster. There is work to be done. The price to getting there, i believe, is focusing on consumer freedom. Both cruz and lee are noes, thatd seal the bills fate, since republicans can only lose two members. Mccain and paul already said theyre voting no. If a bill is not signed by the end of the week, the bar goes back to 60 votes to pass a repeal. The Congressional Budget Office hopes to have limited analysis out by today. Joining us now, garrett hauck, li haake, live outside the hearing room. September 30th is coming on fast. Reporter they thought they had a plan. The idea here on this second draft was to sweeten the pot for alaska. Maybe get Lisa Murkowski back on board. And weaken some of the protections. Allow states to be a little more flexible in the plans, which would be something ted cruz, mike lee and some of the conservatives talked about for a long time. This is what theyre up against. I want to show you Whats Going On outside the hearing room. This line started very early this morning. It has built into the hundreds of people running through the whole Senate Office building. It is like the rally atmosphere. Weve had people chanting. People singing. Weve had people doing interviews. Every time a democratic senator comes by, the crowd goes nuts. Theyre pleading with these people to kill this bill. Thats what republican lawmakers are going to walk into today. Despite those technical changes to the bill, essentially, may be too late. Youve already mentioned the two hard no votes, rand paul and john mccain. Theres nothing in the changes of the bill over the weekend that will bring them back on board. A lot of these people out here are waiting for Susan Collins to make her lean no into a no no. Potentially at some point today when a cbo score comes out. That could turn this hallway into a party situation here, from a Rally Situation right now. There is a lot of pressure being placed on these Holdout Lawmakers in a lot of different ways out here today. Its going to be tough for republicans to put this thing over the finish line. Theyve got some sort of changes to the plan. Obviously the cbo wont have a chance to look at those, though the bottom line is, theyll be some initial cbo measure. That was a Sticking Point for Susan Collins in particular. She wanted to see a score before she would make a final decision. Reporter right. What youll end up with is a cbo report that is essentially the bottom line. Theyll say whether or not this complies with reconciliation rules. Some broad picture of how much it costs. All the finer Point Analysis that cbo typically does were getting moved by capitol police, trying to keep the hallway clear all the stuff that the cbo does isnt going to happen. Susan collins, Lisa Murkowski, some of the other senators have been going to anyone else that can provide them with data. The federal government, the cms, or groups like the kaiser foundation, to try and get those numbers. Again, to your point, ali, Susan Collins is not going to get what she wants from the cbo today. Shell get a couple of lines. Not a full report about how this affects her state or the rest of the country. She has been very clear all along that she wants that kind of information before she casts such a big vote. As does john mccain. Garrett, i make this point, if theres something one with learn from obamacare, dont jam it through. Why do we do this . Instead of saying push it through by september 30th, forget about getting 50. Go for 60 votes. Go for bipartisanship. Yup. Find a longterm solution. Theres nobody in the country who Doesnt Think Obamacare could use some repair. You can get 60 votes. You can get more if you really obama says it. Have hearings, listen to people and take input. This is not the way legislation should work. The Problem Solvers Caucus didnt start for giggles. They want to create bipartisan solutions. Maybe listen to them. Forget about september 30th. I think 60 could be easier than 50. Next, trumps cabinet is full of millionaires and billionaires. What happens when theyre big spenders with taxpayer money. A new report singles out secretary tom price. Weaver goi were going to break down the hundreds of thousands of dollars he spent on a private jet just since may. Were going to hear President Trumps response. Kevin, meet your father. Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin trusted advice for life. Kevin, hows your mom . Life well planned. See what a Raymond James Financial Advisor can do for you. 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Once in use, tresiba® lasts 8 weeks, with or without refrigeration, twice as long as the lantus® pen. announcer tresiba® is used to control High Blood Sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. Ask your Health Care Provider if youre tresiba® ready. Covered by most insurance and medicare plans. Tresiba® ready our plan, the House Republican budget, finally puts a stop to that. So washington uses hardearned tax dollars in an accountable and effective way. Now, we wonder, will the white house and Senate Democrats be able to say the same thing about their budgets, or will we see more Accounting Tricks and Budget Gimmicks and wasteful spending . Ouch. That didnt age well. That, of course, was health and Human Services secretary tom price, as a senator from georgia. But a new report found price himself took expensive, private jets more than 24 times since the month of may. Five of those trips took place over the span of just three days. He took more trips even after questions were raised, including to oklahoma just last week, which costs more than 50,000 according to politico. An Hofficial Spokesperson said the trip had been already booked. Charter aircraft can be used for official travel. Take a look at one of the trips. Washington, d. C. To philadelphia, pennsylvania. Hard to imagine you cannot reasonably get there commercially. In fact, politico notes a united flight took off from dulles for philadelphia five minutes before prices charter jet. United booking site shows the flight typically costs about 724 round trip. Thats just a little under the 8,000 for 11 people that reported the size of prices group. His private jet, that cost 25,000. That is more than the cost of three roundtrip flights for all 11 people. Train and car travel would be cheaper. The 25,000 is the cost of two out of the five trips tom price made that week. There are at least 20 more flights coming to light. This is all on the heels of the scrutiny over treasury secretary, the guy who runs the money, scrutiny over his travel. Allegedly requesting a Government Jet for his honeymoon and accused of scheduling government travel to coincide with last months solar eclipse. Even epa administrator scott pruitt is under fire for travel. 12,000 in taxpayer funded travel from d. C. To oklahoma. Spending 43 of his first 92 days in the post in his home state. The price tag so far on the hhs secretarys travel, ready, 400,000. His counterparts in the obama administration, they flew commercial, using private jets to access only remote parts of alaska. Secretary price addressed the controversy on fox this past weekend. Weve heard the criticism. Weve heard the concerns. We take that very seriously. The optics in some of this dont look good, and thats why we, again, have taken this criticism to heart. I dont think thered be any Charter Trips until this review is completcomplete. I think it is appropriate. And at the white house yesterday, President Trump was asked about the private travel. Using private Charter Flights as a Taxpayer Expense . Who did . Your secretary mnuchin, Secretary Price. Youll have to ask him about that. I dont know. Do you think it is appropriate . As far as Secretary Price is concerned, thats different. Were looking into it. Theyre looking into it. The party that calls for fiscal responsibility could take a page from a member of the former administration. You remember Vice President joe biden. His famous love of amtrak led to this scene on Inauguration Day earlier this year. One final boarding of a train on Union Station to take to bidens home state of del caaware. What else do you say but wow . Joe biden was known, people would see him on the amtrak, going back and forth. I dont understand why the president , a, hadnt heard about it because he follows the Think Mnuchin Stuff is different. There was the idea he went to fort knox and did schedule it around the solar eclipse. Then he tweeted about it. He tweeted sort of an insulting tweet about the whole idea. This has to be looked at. Its one thing if you dont brag about the fact youre not there to the cut costs, but if you are bragging about it, you have to cut costs. Manuchin said he needed it fr Security Reasons on his honeymoon but then was told no, you dont. Its just stunning to simply make the argument in tom prices case, hes taking flights so he can get to see the people. You can see the people in philly if you take the train. From new york, i go from d. C. I can tell you the best deals and when they happen. Hurricane maria as it weakens, still a category 1 hurricane. Its threatening portions of North Carolina with Tropical Storm weather its its out in the ocean. We cant lose focus on puerto rico and the larger caribbean riddled with massive, massive power loss, flooding, severe agricultural damage, severe infrastructure damage. And cell phones that still arent working. A dam in puerto rico weakened by marias punishing winds remains a danger if it fails, 70,000 more people could be at risk. The islands governor urged residents in the area of the dam to evacuate. Lets bring in nbcs Tammy Leitner live in san juan. Youve been there almost a week. Youre in san juan. Many people in puerto rico cant even communicate with their families especially people. Vieques. Is there any progress . Reporter you know, steph, a little bit of progress. Were seeing a little. I want to show you this debris that people are cleaning out of their businesses, out of their homes. People are just starting to do this. This is going to take days, weeks, months. Im actually here walking in the bus lane. Weve seen a Couple Buss Go by this morning, a little sign of progress. I can tell you limited Public Transportation started back up this morning at 7 00 a. M. Trash pickup started. But take a look at this. This far lane is the line for gas. Now, that line each day should be getting shorter. Not longer. But were seeing each day the line gets longer which shows there is very little gas right now for people to get. Ali . Talk to us about what people are going to do there when the airports open. Im spoken to some who have said. Theyre going to get on the first flight out. Theyre out of there. We could face a mass migration situation. Thats 3 Million People are uz citizens who could be making the continental United States their new home. Reporter absolutely. Absolutely. Weve spoken with a number of people that tell me they feel as though they will have no choice. They are willing to abandon their homes, whats left of their homes, their possessions, their family, friends, to leave puerto rico because they feel that the recovery is going to be too long. Months and months and months. They dont think they can hold out. A lot of people are head together states as soon as they can get a flight out. All right. Tami, what is the. Theyll be able to vote. Governor rick scott, they can vote. Lets talk about assistance from the federal government. Weve been talking to fema about the stuff going in there, bottled water, generators, fuel. How is that coming along . Reporter very slowly. Again did, the gas line, people dont have the basic necessities. They dont have gas. They dont have fuel. People need fuel for generators because they have no power still. Theres a complete blackout across the entire island. Basic necessities, food, water desperate cries for water. Weve traveled to a number of towns. The one plea we keep hearing over and over is we need water. So far the government has not managed to get a large water supply new as normally happens with a catastrophe. Were going on a week here. A lot of people are asking when is the water coming. This is more serious than florida and texas because you can drive it from alaska to texas. I told you last week, what breaks my heart, when i was going from st. John to puerto rico and i was at the port, there was cases and cases of water being sent from puerto rico to the virgin islands. Now they need it. Tammy leitner, thank you. Thank you for staying there and continuing to cover this very important story. In light of that ongoing fight about confederate monuments in this country, we want to introduce to you Monumental American whos may be deserving of a statue. Today its the author, poet and civil rights activist, maya angelou. She was born in st. Louis in 1928 as a civil rights activist, she worked alongside Martin Luther king and mam come junior. She also worked as a cook, nightclub dancer, actor and journalist covering the decolonization of africa. Her first memoir i know why the caged bird sings, talked about the abuses she suffered as a girl that launched a literary career that spanned more than 50 years. She was nominated for a pulitzer prize, tony award and three grammys for literary recordings. In 2011, she received the Medal Of Freedom from president obama. She died in 2014 at the age of 86. Full have a Monumental American in mind, tweet us at velshi rhule. Whats the secret to turning a no into a yes . When is a good time to have fun in the office . Im j. J. Ramberg with great answers to all of these questions which might help you run a better business. Check out the your Business Page for an exclusive video series to help you go further. Thank you so much. Thank you so were a go . Yes we got a yes what does that mean for purchasing . Purchase. Lets do this. Got it. Book the flights hai si si ya ya ya what does that mean for us . We can get stuff. Whats it mean for shipping . Ship the goods. 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